The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 21, 1888, Image 3

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hTURD.VY7rZT..T. APRIL 21, 188S.
(Monday excepted.)
rnblisliers and-rropnetors,
sToanv UuiMJixn, - - i'assStkfrt.
Terms orgabserlpUoii.
Served by Carrier, per week..
Sent by Mail, per raontli...
13 m
Tree of postage to subscribers. '
out year...
Thk Astoeiax guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any nenpn.
per published en the Columbia river.
County court meets to-day.
Co. "H.,'; 0. N. G., will give a grand
bill at armory on Tuesday
Mav 1st. "
The Wm.F. Witzemann got off all
ngnt at nign water ana went to
yesterday morning.
The 11. 11. Thompson made a spe
cial trip to Portland laat night to
come in on her regular route.
A little girl stranger arrived at Jas.
Scott's house last Thursday night and
was induced to remain in the family
as a permanent boarder.
Capitals of Salem say they'll have
to hive a team of horses to pull their
engine as the boys are tired of pull
ing a heavy engine to the Are.
The steamer Montesano will return
as far as Knappa at two o'clock-this
afternoon, and will leave Astoria at
3 r. m. to-morrow for Westport and
way landings.
Hilda C. Anderson, the three year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. An
derson, died at her parents' residence
yesterday. The funeral will tako
place this afternoon.
The Western Amateur band is in
receipt of a patent duplex drum that
cost them S35, and a B flat cornet
costing S75, whioh constitute a hand
some addition to the band.
Usual morning services nt the Con
gregational church. Evening theme
"Reasons foran Unseen Universe,"
to be followed in one week by an ad
dress on "The Intelligence ot the Un
seen Universe."
At ten o'clock this morning, there
will be a guardian's sale ot real es
tate comprising lots 9 and 10, block
12 Shively's Astoria, being the prop
erty of Miss N. J. Wilson. The pro
perty will be sold atpublio auction to
the highest bidder.
The Smithsonian Institute at Wash
ington," D. C, desires to get a family
of wolverines for stuffing and exhibi
tion. They are supposed to live in
this section of the universe. The
wolverine is sometimes called the
"glutton" nnd also the "fox-tailed
Yesterday afternoon a veil of mist
spread over the river, the bright sun
light gave place to clouds, the air
grew cooler and came in puffs from
the west, at sunset n heavy mass of
dark clouds rolled in from the ocean
and the rain fell gently, the first for a
long time.
Two state swamp land agents will
shortly bo put in the field; one to ex
amine in the Lake view district, the
other west of the Coast range. It is
the intention to try and have this
swampland mix settled so that the
difference between the state and the
general government may be adjusted
this year.
The Clatsop ferry company have
brought the ferry boat around to the
landing at the south end of Main
street where A. E. Withers will repair
it throughout, putting in new floor
timbers, knees, and bottom. It is ex
pected to have the boat ready to re
sume business about the 15th of
next month. .
There will be a Republican rally at
the old armory, which has been en
gaged as Republican headquarters, at
8 o'clock this evening. Everyone de
sirous of voting with the Republican
party at the coming election is in
vited to come and help organize the
Union Republican club. By order
Three counties have made no pay
ments of state taxes for 1887. Mult
nomah county owes the state S104.000,
and the sheriff has collected nearly
S300,000. Wallowa county has some
sort ot an excuse, as its sheriff died a
month or so since. Umatilla county
has made no move, nor does any one
know what is the reason of tho do
lay. A Portland insurance man em
ployed a servant girl who succeeded
for a week in doing her work to the
perfect satisfaction ot all concerned,
and when the new girl aBked her mis
tress at breakfast where she kept the
sugar, the man of tho house was so
delighted with the lack of iuquisitive
ness in the new girl that he immedi
ately raised her wages.
The Walla Walla Union of the 4th
. inst., was received yesterday morning.
Strong hopes are entertained that the
Taeoma papers of the Eth, or, possi
ble the Gth may reach here by to
night's or to-morrow morning's mail.
Sat the postmaster general says
.there is no cause for complaint. in
western mail service, and he certain
ly wouldn't be mistaken abont a little
thing like that.
Philip Condit, the mail carrier lost
a valuable mare last Tuesday, while
coming up with the mail from Tilla
mook. The mare was used as a pack
animal; she had three fishermen's
bundles j-and somewhere on the sum
mit between the Nehalem and the
Seaside lost the trail, and has not
since been found. It was her first
tnp and being an hour or so ahead of
her owner who was following with
the mail, was not missed until it was
too late.
The following acconnt of the times
at San Diego is taken from an ex
change: "Eight restaurants closed in
one day. Sixteen clerks discharged
from one dry-goods house on the
same day. Sixteen hundred empty
rooms in the lodging-houses. Rates
at Coronado Beach Hotel reduced
to S2 per day, and scarce at that.
Price of shaving 25 cents to 10 cents:
coffe from 10 cents to 5 cents. Real
estate agents leaving by the score
At n meeting last Thursday even
ing of the Portland volunteer fire
men's association, the chair was in
structed to appoint a finance commit
tee of three to act in conjunction with
alike committee from the exempt
firemen's association and secure funds
to be nsed in the tournament. The
secretary was instructed to corre
spond with the secretary of exompt
firemen in order that hearty co-operation
may be secured. A communi
cation from Thomas Hart, secretary
of Our Boys' Engine company, No. 3,
of Wnlla Walla, asking permission to
use the association's racing cart at
the tournament, wasgranted.
Mrs. W. G. Ross, of this city, has a
most interesting and valuable relic of
colonial times in the shape of a copy
of the Boston Gazette and Countru
Journal, of date Monday, March
12th, 1770. Though the fragilo sheet
of paper is 118 years old it is in a good
state ot preservation. Singular that
a leaf of paper should survive all the
vicissitudes of over a oentury; it is n.
sort of satire on human life that this
light paper leaf, the sport of every
passing breeze, should bo in exist
ence, when human life of that period
and all that surrounded aud supplied
it have crumbled into indistinguish
able dust
Though published more than six
years previous to the Declaration of
Independence, every line of this dim
old paper breathes the spirit of Amer
ican liberty. It denounces English
imposition and tyranm, publishes
strong resolutions regarding the re
fusal of the inhabitants of Boston to
consume goods of English importa
tion, and quaintly calls in question
the English governmental policy of
that day. It publishes a graphic; de
scription of the Boston massacre of
March 5th, 1770, one week boforo the
issue ot the paper, and gives a rude
wood cut of four coffins, with the vic
tims ot the British soldiery's murder
ous guns lying therein.
There are some funny advertise
ments in this old paper that are in
strango contrast with the earnest se
riousness of its reading articles and
For fifty years this time-stained pa
per was preserved in Bosten: then
was taken as a valuable memento to
Kentucky, and from there has. in the
vicissitudes of life, strayed out to this
far-off northwestern outpost of the
nation a part of a wide-extending
American Union that transcends in
grandeur the wildest dreams of the
men who walked the earth and lived
their little hour and published the
paper that comes fluttering into this
office four generations after its ap
pearance in the dim and shadowy
I. O. O. F. ftotice.
Members of Beaver Lodge So. 3j, are
requested to get their tickets for the an
niversary ball in time." Tickets can be
had at J. W. Conn's Drug Store, John
Halm's Shoe Store or at C. A. May's.
The proceeds will be donated to the
Odd Fellows Orphan home. All are re
quested to come.
By order of
Attnii cr.snrj- Exercises and Ball
The sixty-ninth anniversary of the cs
tabli-.hmeiit of f. O. O. F.. in this couii'
try, will be celebrated by Heaver Lodge
o. 35, on tup titn inst.
iiie anniversary exercises win com
mence promptly at eight o'clock and
will be open to all members of the or
der and their friends.
After the close of the anniversary ex
ercises there will be a hall, admission
to which will be one dollar, tickets ad
mitting gentleman and ladies.
Meals Cooked to (lrder.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Ilo Yon Eat or liny C'nndy T
Pure Candy manufactured and for
sale at lowest prices at the Oregon Ha
kery. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone
Fine Dwelling House to Rent.
Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire
ai mis omce.
When Von Go to Portland
Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau
rant, will be glad to see his Astoila
friends, A Reed dinner at a moderate
price and everythinR in season.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Kcstaurant.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
To Rent.
A good house; 5 rooms; fine locality.
Inquire of 1. W. Case.
Tho Steamer Montesano.
Will make regular round trips between
Westport and Astoria every day (Sun
day excepted,) leaving Westport at G a.
m; returning leave Wilson & Fisher's
wharf at 2 r. si touching at all wav
landlnns. (Svensen's Wednesdays and
Saturdays.) D. n.
Gambrlnus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, o cents.
The finest and juiciest steak at tho
Telephone Restaurant.
Telephone liodgias Honse.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
60 and 25 cts, per week S1JS0. Hew and
clean. Private entrance.
Latest Dispatches Prom Both Hemi
spheres. New York, April 20. Funeral serv
ices were held this morning in Trini
ty chapel, over the remains of Boscoe
Conkling. The hour fixed for the fu
neral service was ten o'clock. Long
before that hour people began to
gather in Twenty-fourth street
Shortly after nine o'clock a plain
hearse and eleven carriages drove up
to the door. From the carriages de
scended the pall bearers and friends,
and Conkling's family, who entered
the hou80 and proceeded to the room
in which the body lay. On the coffin
rested a large bunch of white roses,
lilies and immortelles. Below them
there was a large green wreath knot
ted with purple ribbons. At 0:53
o'clock the coffin was lifted from the
stands and borne from the room to
the waiting hearse by the undertak
er's assistants. Waiting on the other
side were the pall bearers. They
were judge Shipman, Mayor Abram
S. Hewitt, S. L. M. Barlow, Clarence
A. Seward, Manton Marble, Senator
John P. Jones, Senator Don Cameron,
Judge Wm. A. Wallace, Walker
Church, and Isaac H. Bailey. They
entered three carriages preceding the
hearse, and the carriages and hearse
slowly moved down the street, while
the other carriages slowly drew up,
one by one, in front of the house. In
them entered Mrs. Conkling, sup
ported by the arm ot Col. Fred A.
Conkling, his daughter, Mrs. Oak
man, and her husband, Walter G.
Oakman, Col. Fred D. Grant, and his
mother, Mrs. U. S. Grant, Mrs. Jesse
Grant and Mrs. U. S. Grant, Jr., and
their husbands and a few other inti
mate friends.
In the church, which was crowded,
the coffin with its simple black cover
ing was placed on a bier in front of
the altar. Upon it were placed
wreaths of immortelles and lilies to
gether with bunches of white and
purple lilies.
No sermon was preached. The en
tire assemblage arose after prayer and
joined in singing "Rock of Ages."
This being finished, tho choir boj-3
walked slowly down the aisle to tho
muBic of Felton's chant, followed by
the pall bearers and mourners. The
hearse was followed by carriages
bearing the relatives, and driven di
rectly to the grand central depot
whero a special train was taken for
Utica, at which place the final sep
ulture will take place to-morrow.
London, April 20. Duke Dino,
who married Miss Curtis, ot New
York, who at the time of the cere
mony was the divorced wife of Fred
erick Stephens, of New York, has fur
nished money to enable geueral Bon
Iangor to contest the election in thp
department of the Nord. The duke
has control of tho interest of his wife
in tho fortune ot her former husband.
He is a friend of Henri Rochefort.
Berlin, April 20. Geo. H. Pendle
ton, the American minister, while
traveling to Frankfort, was stiicken
with apoplexy. He was carried to
the hospital at Wiesbaden, whero he
now lies.
New Yobk, April 20. - Minister
Pendleton's son, of this city, has re
ceived a cable dispatch from Wies
baden informing him that while his
father sustained a slight apoplectic
stroke, his condition was not nt any
time considered dangerous, nor is
danger feared now.
Lebanon, Tenn., April 20. N. B.
Lester was hanged at noon to-day for
killing Lieut. Lane, who was lawyer
for Lester's wife in her divorce pro
ceedings. The crime occurred Jnlv
26, 1887.
Washington, April 20. Minister
Phelps had a short interview with tho
president this morning. He was ac
companied by secretary Bayard.
London, April 20. Five persons
were injured in an explosion in St.
Helena colliery at Workington last
evening. They have since died.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that more persons die from dis
eases of tho Throat and Lungs than
any other. It is probable that every
one. without exception, receives vast
numbers of Tubercle Germs into the
system and where these germs fall
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, at first slowly and is
shown by a slight tickling sensation
in the throat and if allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to the
lungs producing Consumption and to
tho head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous and if allowed to
proceed will in time causo death. At
the onset you must aot with prompt
ness; allowing a cold to go without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you your life. As soon as you
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob
tain n bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. It will giveyou immediate-
Kal Estate Transfer.
W. E. Dement and wife to J. W.
Beitb. and wife SE SE NE Jf
SE M Sec. 36, T. 8 N., R 10 W; Sl
762. L. Dilman to Sisters ot Charity of
Providence lot 1 blk 57, Shively's As
toria; 8800.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
nprfumerv. and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at tho lowest prices, at..!. W.
Uonns oruK store, uyitoiiu uc-mem
hotel, Astoria.
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodmax's.
Umbrellas Repaired
At my old stand. J.Joplis.
Every Night I Scratched
Until tlie Skin -was Haw. Body
Covered Tvltli Scales like Spots
of Mortar. Cured by the Cnticnra
I am going to tell you of the extraordinary
change 3 our Conceal Kkuedirs performed
on me. Abont the 1st of April last I noticed
some red pimples like coming oct all over my
body, bat thought nothing of it until some
time later on, when it becan to look liko spots
of mortar spotted on, and which came off in
layers, accompanied with itching. I would
scratch every night until I was raw, then the
next night the scales, being formed mean
while, woro scratched off again. In Tain did
I consult all the doctors in the country, but
without aid. After giving up all hopes of re
covery, I happened to see an advertisement
in the newspaper about your Cuticuba Kkh
EWis, and purchased them from my druggist,
and obtained almost immediato relict 1 be
gan to notice that the scaly eruptions gradu
ally dropped off and disappeared one by one.
and have been fully caret). I had the disease
thirteen months before I began taking the
Cuticura Keuediks, and in four or five weeks
was entirely cured. My disease was eczema
and psoriasis. I recommended the Ccticuba
Kemedies to all in my vicinity, and I know of
a great many who have taken them, and
thank me for the knowledseof thnm Agniwiai.
ly mothers who have babes with scaly erup
tions on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex
press in words the thanks to you for what the
Cuticuba Remedies have been to me. My
body was covorod with scales, and I was an
awful spectacle- to behold. Now my skin is
as nico and clear as a baby's.
c . o, ,." UWAJs. Merrill. Wis.
Fob. 7. 1SSS. Xot a Iracn nhnttnarar nt .
disease from which I suffered has shown itself
since my cure, GEO. COTET.
We cannot do justice to the cstepm in wfciMi
Ccticuba. tho great skin cure, and fhrrirrmj
SoAr, an exquisite Skin Beautifier, prepared
iruia ii, anu cuticuba hksolvkxt, tno new
Blood Purifier, are held by the thousands
upon thousands whose lives have been made
ppybytho euro of agonizing, humiliating,
hintr. scaly and mmnlv diseases nrtha skin.
tcalp and blood, with loss of hair.
Sold everywhere, rrice: Cutiiutha. so
cents ; Soap. 25 cents ; Resolvent. 81.00.
rrepared by the Potteu Drug and Chem
ical CO,, Boston, Mass.
Send for "iiow to Cure Skin Diseases." 64
pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
PLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped
nuu uiiy s&in pruvouieu uy vuticura
Catarrhal Dangers.
To bo freed from tho dangers of suffocation
while lying down : to breathe freely, slenn
soundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed.
neau clear, Drain active and free from pain
or ache : to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter defiles tho breath nnd rots away the
delicate machinery of smell, taste and hear
ing ; to teel that tno systom does not, through
its veins and arteries, suck un the noitnn that
is sure to undeimino and dostroy, is indeed a
messing Deyonu all otner Human enjoyments.
To mirchaso immunity from surh n. fata
should bo the object of all afflicted. But thoao
who have tried many remedies and physi
cians despair of relief or cure.
MANFOBD'a itAniCAL uuitK meets even
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
tbo most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional, instant in re
lieving, permanent in curinc. safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
SAsfFORD's Radical Cuke consists of one
bottle of the Radical Cure, one box of Ca
tarrhal Solvent, and one Improved
imialku, all wrapped in one package, with
treatise nnd directions, and sold bv all drug
gists for $1.00. 1'OTTKK DnUU&CnEMIOAL
Co.. Boston.
No Rheumatiz About Me.
The Cutirnro Aziti-l'nin
MiiMter rolieves Rheumatic,
Sciatic, Sudden. Sharp and Ner-
, strains nnu weak
e first and only pain-
nlaster. rew. original.
instantaneous, infallible, safe. A marvellous
Antidote to Pain, inflammation and Weak
ness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druggists. to cents ;
five for S1.00; or. lwstage froe, of Potter
Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass.
Kev. G. C. Hall returned home yes
terday morning.
Col. L. F. Copoland, will shortly
lecture in this city.
Wm. Graham, ot Ilwnco, is going to
Fort Wrangle, Alaska.
A. V. R. Snyder is visiting his fam
ily in Dallas, Folk Co.
Fred'k Warde, tho tragedian, will
play in Portland next week.
Capt. Chas. Lntgens has got his
schooner Kate and Anna and his
sealskins from the authorities at Sit
ka and is now believed to be on his
way down from Alaska.
Dr. J. A. Fulton has resigned his
position as member of the state cen
tral Republican committee. The
name of Sam'I Elmore has been sug
nested to fill the vacancy in the com
mittee representation in this county.
Wm. M. Bell, of Stark's Point, was
in the city yesterday. He says a road
from Crooked creek to Brookheld is
next in order, and since the Stark's
Point post office is discontinued, the
mail will for the present come to As
toria to be called for.
L.K .Abercrombio has started a log
ging camp on Col. Jno. Adair's place
on Lewis and Clarke, where he will get
out spruce and hemlock timber. He
has supplied Mr. Leinenweber's tan
nery with hemlock bark lor sometime
and has a contract to furnish Walla
Walla parties with S2.50Q worth.
A Valuable and Useful Work.
This office is in receipt of R. L.
Polk & Co.'s Oregon, Washington and
Idaho Gazetteer, a business directory
of 1888, at tho hands of 0. E. Meeoh,
tho wide-awake manager of the work.
It is a large and complete volume,
handsomely printed on good paper,
well bound and admirably arranged.
It is a complete directory of this
northwest coast, is fnll of fresh and
reliable statistics and detailed infor
mation, gives corrected lists of names
of residents, occupation, etc.. to date.
and is a necessity on a business desk.
Accompanying it is a fine map ot Or
egon, printed in colors and drawn in
accordance with the latest surveys
and draughts nnder the supervision
of Mr. Meech, who will take pleasuro
in supplying any of our citizens who
desire u copy of this valuable book ot
business reference and information.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no ono thing has caused
such a general revival of trade at John
Dement's Drug Store as his giv
ing away to his customers of so many
free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption. Their trade
is simply enormous in this very valu
able article from the fact that It alwavs
cures and never disappoints. Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and
all throat and lung diseases quickly
cured. You can test it before buying
by getting atrial bottle free, large
I ms ivousraino,
iTAnesses. Th
I r killing
sue 91. .every come warrantea.
Dress Goods
Parasols an
Hosiery, Sieves, Ribbons,
Muslin, Underw
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
A Large anil Well Selected Stock of Fine
At Extremely Low Prices.
AH Goods Uonght at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
IVntcli and Clock Repairing
Corner Cim and 'Squemoqua Streets.
Carnahan & Co.
I. "W. CASE,
Comer Chenamus and Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of orders.
And Supplies tarnished at Satis-
iacioiy .terms.
Purchases delivered in any part of the dty.
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST.
x Capt. flogers old stand, corner of Oasa
and Court Streets.
Ship and Oanntey v Horswhoeln
Cannery Snplies !
hrery Department.
m e
un Umbrellas
oods$ Embroidery.
SJl Ullifeil
But You will Save Coin by Buy
ing Them of
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
Bui, Clu,
of Astoria, Oregon.
' T f
Me, Ain't It?
ej m& im 3 1 b g