The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 14, 1888, Image 3

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-ArKJL 14. 1888
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Cass Sti: bet.
Termt ofSabscrlptlon.
Served hy Carrier, per week.,
fient hv Mail, per month...
15 cts
Free of postase to subscribers.'
one year..
The Abiohiax guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia.rlrer.
At Ross' opera house, Child of the
Reserved seata at
eltv Store.
New York Nov-
Republican club meeting at the old
Armory hall nt 730 this evening.
The magnificent weather still con
tinues, and would be hard to beat in
any country.
The Astoria Building and Loan As
sociation will hold its annual meeting
on the 8th prox.
The Dolphin is being painted nnd
overhauled generally from the gar
board strake to the sky scraper.
Congregational church to-morrow:
morning theme "Profit and Loss of
Meditation;" evening theme "Moral
Tho Gen. Miles or Gen. Canby will
make a round trip to tho forts to
morrow, leaving Gray's wharf at 8
A. M.
In the Presbyterian church to-morrow:
morning Bervice in commemora
tion of tho lato Mi Ruth Condit;
evening servioe especially for young
The five-year-old son of Miko Mat
lin, of Uniontown, fell out of a wagon
last evening, sustaining serious in
jury in tho breaking of his right
The Republicans of upper Astoria
have secured the White Star mess
house building, as a club room nnd
will hold a meeting there at 730 this
Nest Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, B. S Worsley will sell nt pub
lio auction on the premises the house
hold furniture nt Mr. J. F. McGov
ern's residence."
The Ilwaco nnd Oysterville Rail
road company, having opened the bids
for construction and considered them,
have rejected all bids and will do the
work themselves.
Ulcerative pharyngitis, ulcerated
sore throat, is epidemicin Astoria
and surrounding country.' Tho dis
ease effects both old and young, is
slightly contagions and is not devoid
of danger.
Authentic information girc3 rise to
the belief that sufficient of the New
York directors of the O. R. & N. Co.
will unite with the Oregon resident
directors in refusing to sign the joint
lease, thus preventing its connrma
In tho jnstico court yesterday
morning John Erickson gave bonds
in the sum of $500 to appear at the
next term of circuit court Tholman,
the chief witness for the prosecution,
gave bonds in the sum of $200 to ap
pear at that time and testify.
The county court meets next Mon
day, on which date tho clerk and
treasurer will make reports and tho
sheriff will turn over his delinquent
tax list Of a total of 845,644.20 there
has been paid about 837,000, a show
ing that compares favorably with for
mer years.
There were about a dozen newspa
per men in tho Republican state con
ventien: some of them helped formu
late the party platform. Prominent
among the latter was J. B. Eddy, of
the Pendleton Tribune, who holds
Wager, of the East Oregonian, level
in his section, and is of deservedly
good repute in eastern Oregon.
Amannamed Trumbull, from West
port was brought to the hospital last
Monday, suffering from typhoid fever.
As subsequently developed he was
almoBt iu the last stages of dissolu
tion, dying the following day. He
was buried at Clatsop yesterday. His
brother, Edward Trumbull, vill be
down from Westport this morning.
Deceased was a single man, aged 24
Several residents of Gray's river
and elsewhere in Wahkiakum county
are naturally anxious to have passed
the bill introduced by congressman
Hermann, restoring in some cases to
settlers their homestead rights.
Should it pass it will be the means of
Baring $200 to many a man in this
northwest country, and in many cases
that is considerable of an object.
Being interviewed in Portland C. P.
Huntington, Chas. Crocker and A. N.
Towne said that they were merely
looking at the country, andwere non
committal and uncommunicative on
the subject of railroads. They thought
Oregon's climate magnificent, and
that Oregonians had as good reason
to advertise it among our attractions
as Californians had to advertise theirs.
It is only in a party convention or
similar gathering composed of men
from every part of the commonwealth
that one can realize what a grand
commonwealth we have, what solid
foundation for magnificent empire,
what boundless resources, wherein
each county possessing its own in
herent means of wealth is bound in
community tie3 of common prosper-
its sister counties on every
In his article on "Where to Spend
the Summer," in Scribner's for April,
Gen. Greely, chief signal officer,
makes a prophesy as to tho hottest
days in the year 1833. The Detroit
Journal, taking the matter up, has
ollered a prize of S500 to the person
guessing correctly, before June 1st,
what tho 3 days will be. Gen. Gree
ly immediately telegraphed his guess
to the paper, in accord with his reasons
in Scribner's for April.
The view from Portland's city park
is a grand one, comprising all tho
requisite elements of natural beauty,
and forming a scene that, so far as
the writer knows, cannot bo dupli
cated in the United States. At one's
feet lies the city, with its snires and
lofty buildings: farther on, the river
glistens: then there is a broad ex
panse of emerald forest, then n hazy
blue of foothills, and beyond loom up
three grand mountains. St Helens.
Jefferson and Hood, with their snowy
mamiea in very presence oi me regal
sun that gilds the scene with glory.
The "Mikado." as eiven by tho Ju
venile Opera company nt Ross' opera
house last evening, was thoroughly
enjoyed by n large audience. The
performers without exception deserve
praise; they each and nil agreeably
performed their respective parts; the
encores were numerous and hearty.
and the sprightly scenes were well
enacted. The music, so far as it
went, was goed: an orcli03tra is needed
to present the music as it should be
presented, and in that regard the out
fit was deficient To-night the fnvor
ite "Child of the Regiment" will be
presented with many attractive spe
cialties. Those who have not yot
seen those clevor young peoplo should
not miss tho opportunity. Reserved
seats at the New York Novelty store.
A talk with a good many b.wness
men and representative men i i Port
land impresses the writer with the
belief that Portland realizes th nood
of bettor commercial facilities in
tho way of water communication
than those now enjoyed, nnd that
Portland people also realize that thoir
interests are identical with tho inter
ests of Astoria, nnd that antagonism
is folly. So far as pbserved, tho gen
eral sentiment there, is: "Astoria
should do tho shipping bnsiness for
tho uoinmbia basin ana Wiluamette
valley; Portland cannot retnin it and
hope to compete with the Sound, and
the O. R. & N. Co.. should put on
such servioe a? would insure no great
er charge in and out from sea to As
toria, than similar charges to and and
from Tacoma."
All published accounts so far of the
telection of candidates for presiden
tial electors iu tho Republican state
convention last Wednesday night in
Portland, have been necessarily in
complete, and, by reason of haste, not
wholly correct A number of gentle
men bad been placed in nomination
by their friends in different parts of
the state, accompanied by very com
plimentary speeches, and seconded in
remarks equally complimentary. It
was not expected that the first ballot
would bo more than a trial of strength,
as tno several candidates came before
tho convention with good backing.
But when tho result of the first ballot
was announced, it was found that of
the 203 votes cast, Hon. C. W. Fulton,
of this city, had received 1G6. So
large a vote and so handsomo an en
dorsement deserves more than pass
ing notice. It was a substantial and
complimentary recocmition bv tho
convention of Mr. Fulton's fitness for
that place.
This taking play will be given at
Ross opera house by the Juvenile
Opera Co., to-night.
Tho following is the pregramme:
Sergeant Scallade John Lowell
Pnmpernicklo Teddy Gamble
(Juiliot May Drummond
Duke Evan Gamble
Notary Frank Sharp
Stephen George Beban
Bernard.. )q.,.(FiImore Pyke
Pierre. ... SIaiers Bertram Wells
Duchess Julia Martin
Marchioness Camille Cleveland
Josephine, Child of the Regiment
Stella Mav
Maid Beckie Martin
Countess verna Emma Berg
Count Hortensins Fannv Vircil
The following musical specialties
will be intreduced:
Hungry Man Teddy Gamble
You'll Never Miss Your Mother. .
Camillo Cleveland
Morning Glory Josio Duffy
Duett Evan and Teddy Gamble
Dance John Lowell
Remember Boy Your Irish
George Beban
Pretty Quakers. .Misses Cleveland
and Mar fin
My Love, My Love, I am Waiting.
(from Opera of "She'")
Emma Berg
Grotesque Danoe Stella May
"Moriarity" Teddy Gamble
Duett. "Alice" Misses Berg and. . .
Dads Song Evan Gamblo
ACT in.
Grand Medley.
"Sweet Alpine Roses," "Knock at the
Window," "Gospel Jug," "Billy
Shatters," "Telephone in the Air,"
Strolling on tho Sands."
-Prof. Seymour, of N. Y.,
The lightning phrenologist and mind
reader, will give a free lecture in
O'Brien's ball, upper Astoria, thiB
evening, April 14th. Storms of fun,
fact, truth and reason, illustrated
finely with an immense gallery of oil
paintings, anatomical plates, skulls,
plaster busts, etc. Admission free.
Also again Sunday evening, 15th.
Heals CooBed to Order.
Private rooms for ladles and families:
at Central iseitauraut, sexi to r earn a
ify to
Capt U. B. Scott was found hard
at work last Thursday, finishing up
and superintending the operations on
his new boat, Telephone No. 2, now
building near Smith's sawmill, Port
land, and which ho expects to launch
about the let of tho month.
Carrying in memory the dimensions
of the old boat that went up in flame
last November, the first thought on
stepping aboard is: "this is a good
deal larger boat." And it is. The
Telephone was 170 feet long. The
Telephone No. 2 will be 200 feet long.
She is 3 feet wider than the old boat,
at the guards, and from the guards
up, 4 feet wider. Her lines are about
the same; there is an improvement in
the wheel and the arrangement of the
rudder; the hull is built with a Howe
truss all along under the lower deck,
her entire length, with solid bulk
heads, and a separate truss forward
of the boiler, and firmly fastened.
The freight capacity will be 300 tons.
On the upper deck the fittings, dec
orations, cabin and staterooms, (of
which there are 25) are different from
the former arrangement, upon which
they appear to be an improvement.
Every precaution is taken against
fire. In addition to government re
quirements, hose has been laid all
over the boat, with valves handy in a
dozen different plaoes, and the whole
boat can, if necessary, be almost in
stantly flooded with water.
Forward, the most noticeablo fea
ture is the widening of the deck, and
the substitution of two pairs of side
stairs to the upper deck, instead of
a center stairs as before.
"What will her speed be, captain?'
was asked.
"She'll go twenty miles an hour, I
"Now, oaptain," was the next ques
tion, "Astorians ask very often, 'what
will be Capt. Scott's timo schedulo?'
and no httlo interest is felt in tho
matter. How is that, anyhow?"
"Well," said he, laughing, "you
may bo sure that as soon as I get run
ning on tho routo again I'll fix mat
ters as well as I can to accommodate
the Astoria people."
Messrs. Barnard, Seeley and Mc
Gillas wero also aboard, discussing
the furnishing and appointments of
the craft, and a small army of carpen
ters, machinists, painters and up
holsterers were busy getting hor
ready. She will probably mako her
first "trip about the 10th of next month.
To lie Taken To Alaska.
The tug Quickstep, formerly of As
toria, is being repainted and over
hauled on the beach in tho First
ward. It will leave in a few days for
Alaska, to engago in carrying supplies
to the cannery which will be removed
from the First ward soon. The ma
chinery is now being taken from the
cannery and will bo shipped north on
the next trip of tho Anco7i. Tacoma
News, 10.
J. P. Austin, of Seaside, has been
reappointed notary public.
Republican Club Meeting.
All Republicans of Clatsop county
and all voters who favor the protec
tion of American products and Amer
ican labor, are earnestly invited to as.
semble at tho old Armory hall in As
toria, Oregon, Saturday April 11,
1888, at 730 P. M., to assist in forming
a Republican club for the campaign
of 1888.
W. L. Bonn.
Chairman County Com.
A Warning.
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that more persons die from dis
eases of the Throat and Lungs than
any other. It is probable that every
one, without exception, receives vast
numbers of Tubercle Germs into the
system nnd where these germs fall
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, nt first slowly and is
shown by a slight tickling sensntion
in tho throat and if allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to tho
lungs producing Consumption nnd to
the head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous nnd if allowed to
proceed will in time cause death. At
the onset you must act with prompt
ness; allowing a cold to go without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you your life. As soon as yon
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob
tain a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. It will give yon immedinlo
Ladles' Kalr.
There will bo n fair and bazar at
Liberty Hall next Tuesday evoning,
the 17th inst, under tho nuspices of
the Presbyterian church. There will
be a handsome collection of fancy ar
ticles, and refreshments will bo served
during the evening from 5 p. si., to
the clese: oysters, coffee, ice-cream,
cafce, etc. A general invitation is ex
tended. A Woman's Discovery.
"Another wonderful discovery lias
been made and that too by a lady in
this county. Disease fastened its clutch
es upon her nnd for seven years she
withstood its severest tests, but her vi
tal organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three mouths
she couched incessantly and could not
sieep. one douche ot us a Dome ot ur.
Kings Jew Discovery for Consump
tion aud was so much relieved on tak
ing first dose that she slept all night
and with ono bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her namn is Sirs. I.uther
Lutz." Thus write W. C. Herrick & Co.,
ofShelbyville. N. C., Get a free trial
bottle at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug
Field Glasses Found.
A pair of field glasses, were found nt
Uniontown last fall. The owner can
recover his property by calling on John
Iiumerrl at Uniontown, paying chargei
and proring property.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Situation Wanted
By a girl to do general housework. Ap
ply af A.Ida's, (Mrs. Welch's old house).
Every Night I Scratched!
Until tlio Skin -was Haw. Body
Covered with Scales liko Spott
of Mortar. Cared by tho Cntlcnra
I am going to toll you of the extraordinary
chango your Cuticcra Remedies performed
on mo. About tho 1st of April last I noticed
porno rod pimples like coming out ail over my
body, but thought nothing of it until some
time later on, when it began to look like toots
of mortar spotted on. and which came off in
layers, accompanied with itching,. I would
scratch every night until I was raw, then the
next night the scales, being formed mean
while, were scratched off again. In vain did
I consult all tho doctors in the country, but
without aid. After giving up all hopes of re
covery, I happened to coo an advertisement
in tho newspaper about your Ccticuba Rra
edies. and purchased them from my druggist,
and obtained almost immediato relief. I be
gan to notice that the scaly eruptions gradu
ally dropped off and disappeared one by one.
and naro been lolly cured. I had the disease
thirtoen months before I began taking the
Ccticuiu Kemedii-S, and in four or fire weeks
was entirely cured. My disease was eciema
nnd psoriasis. I recommended the Cuticcea
Keueoies to all in my vieinity, and I know of
a groat many who haro taken them, and
thank me for the knowledge of them, especial
ly mothers who hare babes with scaly erup
tions on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex
press in words the thanks to you for what the
CimcVRA Kemedies have been to me. My
body was corored with scales, and I was an
awful spectacle to behold. Now my tkls Is
as nice and clear as a baby's.
GEO. COTBY, Merrill, Wis.
Sept. 21, 1887.
Teb. 7. 1B88. Xot a trace whatsoever of the
disease, from which I suffered has shown itself
sinco my cure, QKO. COTEY.
Wo cannot do justice to tho esteem in which
Cuticcea, the great skin cure, and Cuticcba
Soat, an exquisite Skin BeautiSer, prepared
from it. and Coiicuea Rrsolyfht, the now
Blood Purifier, are held by the thousands
upon thousands whose lives have been made
happy by tho oureof agonizing, humiliating,
itching, scaly and pimply diseases or the skin,
scalp and blood, with loss of hair.
Sold everywhere. Price :"Cuticura. CO
cents ; Soap. 25 cents ; Uesolvent, Sl.oo.
Prepared by the Potter Dbco ahd Chem
ical Co., Boston, Mass.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 31
pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
RLES. black-heads, red, rough, chapped
aim uuy b&iu proTeuieu uy uoTiruRA.
Catarrhal Dangers.
To bo freed from tho dangers of suffocation
while lying down ; to breathe freely, sleep
soundly and undisturbed; to rise refreshed,
head clear, brain artivo and free from pain
or ache : to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter dofilos tho breath and rots away the
delicato machinory of smell, tasto and hear
ing ; to feel that the system does not, through
its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that
is suro to undeimino and destroy, is indeed a
lilossing beyond all other human enjoyments.
To puicha'o immunity from such a fato
should bo the object of all afflicted. But those
who havo tried many remedies and physi
cians despair of relief or cure.
Sasford'-i JtAniCAi. CuiiH meets erory
phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
the most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economi
cal and never-failing.
Sanford's Radical Cure consists of one
bottle of tho Radical Cure, ono box of Ca
tarrhal .solvent, and ono Improved
Inhaler, all wrapped in one package, with
treatiso and directions, and sold by all drug
gists for Sl.oo. Potter Druo & Chemical
Co.. rSOSTOSf.
No Rheumatiz About Me.
The Cutlrurn Auti-r afu
la-ter roliores Rhouiiatic,
Sciatic, Sudden. Sharp and Ner
vous Pains, strains and Weak
nesses. The first and only pain
killing rdaster. Saxr. original.
instantaneous, infallible, safe. A marvellous
AntidototoPain, Inflammation and Weak
ness. Utterly unlike and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druggists. 2o cents ;
five for S1.00; or. postage free, of Porrnu
Unua and Ciivmical Co.. Boston, Mass,
Refitted, Ready For Business For
The Season of 1888.
Everything in Season and Nicely Served
Experienced Cooks,
Obliging Walters.
Tho host placed before our patrons.
For a Good Meal, fro to
At (hi: Old Stand, on Main Street.
Spring Millinery,
Mrs. W. J. BARRY'S,
Neit to Odd Fellows Building.
StUMi. Freoli. Reasonable In Piico. Humes,
H.iti. liluuons. a rine mock non
Open for Inspection.
MK. W. J. BAJtltY
For Fashionable Millinery,
Aud Satisfactory Prices. Spe
Mrs. Derby and Miss Heilborn,
At Mrs, Derby's OM Stautl.
Xeiv (JoodM Constantly Itecclved
nnd llio Tastes or CostomerH
Ladies aro invited to call and see Hie IM
est Stjles.
Frnser &. Welton. Propr'B.
Xo.c7WaterStreet, - Astoria. Oregon.
Oyators in Any Stylo,
Regular Jleals 25 cents. Beds, 23 and Eoc.
Best 'Wines, Liquors and Cigars at tho Bar.
When Yon Go to Portland
Pmnir Wnhre. Occidental hotel restau
rant, will bo glad to see his Astotla
friends, A good dinner at a moderate
price and everything in sason.v
THe Unitefl States
Dress Good
Parasols and
Hosier, Sio
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon.
A Large and Wen Selected Stock ot Fin
Diamoafls i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
All doedi Boight at This EitaklMiKiMt
Warranted Genuine.
Wutcli mid Clock Bepatriug
Corner Ca&i und Squemoqna Streets.
Carnahan & Co.
I. "W. CASE,
Comer Ghenamns and Cass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part ot the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In name's New Building on Water 8treet.
P. O. Box 133. Telephons No. 87.
it Capt. Besets old stand, corner ot da
ana uoun cirema.
Cannery Ms!
Ship ud Cia&a waS.Hffl?aS;
Every Oepariment,
4P s
S UUUUtlfi 1
Muslin, Underwear, Etc. Eto
But You will Save Coin by Buy
ing Them of Me, Ain't It?
The Reliable Giofhier and Halter.
and Plushes,
4 mitam