The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 12, 1888, Image 3

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?hr Jailjj grtoviitu.
TIU'KaDAY - Al'KIL U, 18S3
(Hunday excepted.)
Publishers and IVopnetors,
x-ixibian BUILDIXfl, - - Caw Stisf.kt.
Termi ofHuWrlptlou.
$ened b Carrier, per week-
. I... Xlifl iiap innnMi
13 CH
60 ew
' one ycar...
Free of postage to subscriber."
Tiif Asiokiax guarantees to Its aher-u-erstbe
largest circulation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The crossing of Genevieve and
Sqnemoqua streets is in a very unsafe
The Juvenile Opera company will
arrive by the steamer P.. Ii, Thomp
von tbi3 morning.
Town property at Aberdeen is ex
periencing a lively sale; in fact, the
town ha3 got a boom.
'Olivette' at the .opera house this
evening. Don't fail to attend; for to
be sorry is not pleasant.
McFarland Bros., of Westport, have
just completed the purchase of a valu
able tract of timber land.
Those who have opportunities to
know, say that beef cattle are poorer,
and steak tougher this "spring than
A meeting of the Select Knights
A. 0. U. W., will be hrld at their hall
to-night. All members are requested
to attend.
It is reported that Weatherwar, a
lumber man at Aberdeen, has orders
ahead for the material for thirteen
buildings at Aberdeen alone.
There is promise of an abundance
of nearly all kinds of country pro
duce, this season, from our own Holds
and gardens. There should be.
At the police court this afternoon
Emma Courtney, and a Miss Hoffner
forfeited S10 each, bail given for ap
pearance on charge of fighting.
William IL Everson, a Washington
county pioneer, died suddenly in his
field Tuesday morning, of heart dis
ease. Mr. Everson came to Oregon
The ship Julia Ford, will sail to
day for Alaska with tho parapher
nalia and force necessary to the es
tablishment of an elaborate Balmnn
Encouraging reports come from the
orchards and vineyards of southern
Oregon concerning tho prospect for
an abundant yield of fruits, the com
ing Reason.
John Errickson was yesterday held
to answer by justice Cleveland upon
a charge of arson. His bail has been
fixed at $500 which it is understood
will be given to-dav.
The gay throng of promeuadcrs up
on our streets these days of genial
warmth and sunny splendor display
in charming variety the prominent
features of the new spring fashions.
The presbytery of Oregon met in
Albany Wednesday evening. Tho O.
& C. railroad and the O. P. railroad
each grant a reduction on return fares
to all delegates who pay full fare in
The magnificent weather now pre
vailing makes ye logger jubilant.
Operations in that line are becoming
lively, and tho prospects for a profit
able season in the woods were never
In a spirited pedestrian contest in
this city yesterday between J.' Boss
and Ed. Wright, one of our prominent
citizens won a dollar on the winner,
but requested that we should say
nothing about it.
The wife of G. W. Logie died re
cently at Empire city. Mr.' Logie is
the superintendent of the Oregon
Southern Improvement company, one
of the largest enterprises on the coast
engaged in lumbering.
A Philadelphia judge has sentenced
a man to three months' imprisonment
for pointing a pistol at another.
What makes the judge's action eb
pecially gratifying to the public is
the fact that the prisoner "didn't
know it was loaded."
At Oskaloosa, Kansas, a city ticket
composed of women for the council
and a woman for mayor was elected
by sixty-six majority. If our city
council don't quit quarreling nnd get
Tlown to business, it would be well
to dispose of them and get one of the
Oskaloosa kind.
The Gen. Zliles arrived at 7 r. it.
yesterday, being seven hours from
Hoqniam, with fnll cargo of general
merchandise. Seven vessols which
had been bar bound at Gray's harbor,
went to sea to-day. Times aro ex
tremely lively on Gray's harbor, and
a very prosperous season is apparent,
I.- - . i ... h
There are moro men now seeking
employment in Clatsop county than
ever before at this season of the year,
outside of the fishing industry. The
very large immigration from Michi
gan tends largely to supply the many
logging oamps and saw mills. Many
of these people are going to Gray's
A Connecticut charcoal burner
thought hi3 dog was foolish to bo
barking all night at a June-bug or a
orioket that was humming under the
bed. To atop the dog's noise he got
up-at last to drive out the June-bug
or the cricket, and found a rattle-
snake instead. The moral of this is
that one 13 not necessarily a fool be
cause another miafnlrpa n rnttWnnl-o
for a June-bug.
ThlH IB fflA tinat7 oaoaAr. nf nli.tu nn.l
shoppers. In connection with the en-
ro3ing employments of tins particu
lar season SODlBamilRincr inwlpnan.
cur. For instance, the other morning
at. breakfast the wife of abus resi-
ueni 01 txjncomiy street remarked to
her hllghftTIll "T iron) t ,1. inn.
shopping today, dear, it the weather
remains favorable. What are the
probabilities?'' Hnali-iiirl rrlnnninir
quickly at the lonely storm-signal
Staff: "Raiu. bail. HfrlitnitiT thunder.
A hnrmcr Tnflrl frr rtnal in PrucaJa
has reaphoii th dontli of j Knn foof
and is said to be the deepest in the
world. That "3 almost a mile into the
earth's crust, which persons who pre
tend to know say is not more than
fifty miles thick. So that now in
quisitive man ba3 only to bore forty
nine miles further in" order to reach
thfl molten inlprinr nr fn'flnrl tliof tin
such interior exists. It will seem to
people who are sufficiently hopeful
that we are on the verge of a great
Mr. A. .T- rinfTpA oTonfTMPluri nf tUa
Portland fire department is in the
Citv. Mr. HnfiVm ia the nntonfoa nt
the 'Coffee tinhitcher," which has
been placed in the engine honse of
Rescue engine Co. No. 2 of Astoria,
and adds much to the justifiable boast
of that company. There have been a
number of patents designed for the
same purpose but none of them have
Droved a finenpaafnl riunl tn Air
Bragg's. until Mr! Coffee's came into
me nem.
The captain of a schooner recently
down the coast with a load of lumber
is the author of a whale story as bold
ly conceived and fearlessly executed
as any iceberg story that ever a Butch
master of a merchantman ever
brought into port. His vessel sailed
among whales for many hours, and
the leviathans obligingly stood on
end so he could guess their ltugth3
moro accurately. They rolled over
and were generally sized up by t ho sea
faring man. When hit on "the nose
with logs hurled from the srhoouer.
they didn t mind it much.
The metamorphosis undergone by
eastern newspaper reports traveling
west is again illustrated. An Ohio
journal having aunounoed that the
city in which it U published was soon
to nave a new town clock, the munic
ipality .timepiece grew bigger and
bigger 03 tho report journeyed toward
the Ilockies, until now it is learned
from an Idaho paper that Mareville
is to have n town clock seventy-five
feotia'diameter and elevated sit" hun
dred and three feet above the street,
with figures eight feet in length, and
a steam engiuo to wind it up, and that
it ia believed that people in Chicago
will be able to tell the time by it with
the aid of telescopes.
Served Him IHclit.
Yesterday one Jos. Carrol laid in
formation before Justice Cleveland,
charging one Penille with the crime
of larceny from the person. The de
fendant was arrested and the time
for examination fixed at 2 p. si., yes
terday. When the time arrived "the
defendant was on hand but the prose
cuting witness came .not, and the de
fendant was discharged for want of
prosecution. An officer of the court
was then dispatched in search or the
said prosecuting witness, and no sat
isfactory reason being given for his
failure to prosecute after having set
the machinery of the court in motion,
the costs were assessed against him
and he was fined S23 for contempt of
court and in default of payment was
committed to the county jail. It is
high time that men should learn that
they can not invoke the majesty of
the law, then settle their case outside
of court and leave the comity to pay
the expense, while they laugh in their
.sleeves at their extreme cuteucs.
Funeral of the Late Gen. Adair.
The last sad rite's over the temains
of the late Gen. Adair were performed
at the family cemetery in upper As
toria yesterday at 11 a. m., under the
auspices of the Masonic Lodge of
this city. The attendance was very
large, and many a sorrowing friend,
with bowed head, followed the re
mains to their last resting place; and
many were the pleasant reminiscences
spoken on the streets yesterday of
mm wno now sleeps ins last long
sleep. General Adair's memory is re
vered by all who knew him, and his
many friends failed not on this last
sorrowful occasion to attest their ap
preciation 01 nis many nign qualities.
Tho whole community is in deep sym
pathy with his family, and deplore a
loss not to be filled.
Avre-tta for Illegal Fishing at Three Tree
Two arresls for illegal fishing at
tho weekly close time, were made bv
Sheriff Albert and his deputy, James
Vinson, Saturday, April 8th, "at about
10 oclock in the evening at Three Tree
The parties wero Thomas Thomp
son and his boat puller from Astoria,
tistiing for the Uutting Co.
They were brought before judge
Graham, and Thompson held on 500
bonds to appear before the grand
jury. Bail has notyet been received;
ho is in jail. His boat puller was
Field Glasses Fouuil.
A pair of field glasses, wero found at
uniontowu last iaii. nie owner can
recover his property by calling on John
Lumervl at Uniontown, paying cliargps
and proving property.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Regular meals, 23 cents at Hie New
Idea restaurant.
Coffee and cake,-ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant.
An Enthusiastic Gathering Pull of Con
fidence and Patriotism.
(Special to Tirr. Astokiax.
Tho Republican state convention
was called to order at 11 a.m. to-day,
in Masonic hall, by Joseph Simon,
chairman of the Republican central
committee. Tho Hon. Geo. H. Wil
liams was chosen temporary chair
man of the convention by acclama
tion. Thanking tho convention for
the honor conferred upon him. judgo
Williams outlined the political situa
tion, showing that tho times were
propitious of success, enlarging upon
the reasons why, and concluding his
remarks with:" "Cleveland has been
enthusiastically endorsed by the
Democratic state convention. A
strong effort will be made to make
this endorsement good and we have
been forewarned that emissaries will
be Bent here. Some will come openly,
some in disguise, to instruct the peo
ple of Oregon in Democratic doctrines
and to obtain votes of those, if there
are any such who can be influenced
by money. Oregon is a Republican
state. I'feel at liberty to notify those
foreign emissaries that the Republi
cans of Oregon cannot be coaxed or
induced to support the doctrines of
the administration Vhioh are opposed
to their every interest. We know
also that the prohibition party is
making a strong effort to draw votes
to its standard this year. I have no
fault to find with reasonable temper
ance principles, but the promoters of
the present'third party movement nre
trying, like Sampson with the pillars
of the temple of old, to pull down
and involve with themselves tho Re
publican party in one grand ruin.
Every effort being made by the pres
ent administration to transfer tho
control of both houses of congress,
together with all the executive de
partments, to the Democratic party.
Is there a Republican who would
throw away his vote upon the prohi
bition party movement, knowing that
any snecess of the latttcr is an abso
Into impossibility? (Shouts of 'No!
NoTj Is there any reason why the
Republican party should be absorbed ?
There are often personal grievances
of disappointed party mon, but this
is a time when patriotism calls upon
everyone to sacrifice personal inter
est, follow the flag at the head of our
columns, and. keeping step with tho
music of the Union, march on to vic
tory." (Loud and long-continued
cheers. )
John II. Sharp, of Douglas county,
was next chosen secretary, and O. P.
Miller, of Clackamas comity, assistant
On motion a committee of five were
appointed on credentials, consisting
of C. E. Moore, of l'.pnlon countv,
Geo. II. Burnett, of Marion. 8. W.
Blasdell, of Baker, Spencer, of Yam
hill, and L. N. Rooney, of Lane.
A committee of five, consisting ol
of A. II. Tannor, of Multnomah, J. C.
Fullerton, of Douglas, G. S. Wash
burue, of Lane, J. E. Bean, of Uma
tilla, and R. R. Hayes, of . Tillamook,
was then appointed on order of busi
ness and permanent organization, and
on motion the convention adjourned
until 1:30 r. m., in order that the com
mittee might have time to report.
At 1:30 p. m. the convention con
vened pursuant to adjournment and
the reports of the committee ou cre
dentials and of the committee on or
der of business were received. The
chair then announced the following
committee on platform, to-wit:
liaker I . J. to
Benton , . Coll. Van Clo e
Clackamas K. L. Eastliam
Clatsop J. F. Hnllormi
Columbia A. H. Blakesly
Gilliam L. J. Goodrich
Grant H. C. Bessford
Jackson W. II. Leach
Coos J. AV. Roberts
Crook C. Cartwright
Curry W. P. Keady
Douglas 1). S. K. Buick
Josephine I. V. Morrison
Klamath C. Hale
Lake L. F. Conn
Lane A. O. Jenning
Linu N. B. UmpUroy
Malheur W. L. Geaiy
Marion M. G. Lane
Morrow D.C.Ely
Multnomah Unfiu Mallory
Tillrmook R. R.Hayes
Polk Warren Truitt
Umatilla J. B. Eddy
Union L.N. Sanders
"Wallowa F. D. McCuly
Wasco e. F. Smith
Washington Thos. H. Tongue
Yamhill A.B. Barbank
After the announcement of which
committee the convention adjourned
until i p. k.
The fourth judicial district nomin
ated Henry E. McGinn dist. attv. The
fifth district for dist. atty T. A. Mc-
Bride. At fonr o'clock the committee
ou platform sent iu a message that
thoy would not be prepared to report
before 730 r. m. where upon the con
vention adjourned to meet at 7:30
Portland. Or. April 11. Tho com
mittee on resolutions spent from 1:45
to 7rfu p. m. making up platrorm. As
finally completed, it points with pride
to tho record of the Republican party
and arraigns the Democratic party
for departure from promised action.
It declares for ajustandequitabln tar
iff upon foreign manufacturers
brought into competition will with
domestic manufacturers, advocates
free admission of articles not rainu
taotnred here, but which do not come
into direct competition with articles
of domestic manufacture. Assails
fraudulent food adulterations. It
declares the right of tho citizen to
vote as he wishes, approves the efforts
of English and Irish statesman to se
cure home rule for Ireland. It de
clares against interference with the
homestead and preemption rights of
settlers. That railroads should be
held strictly responsible under the
law; denounces further Chinese im
migration; favors a liberal provision
for the pension rolls, denonnoea
action of special agents and tho efforts
of the adminstration regarding spy-
iug uuu luiurmiug upou seiners ijpon
the public lands. In tho resolution
on the river improvements etc, the
platform says, "We denounce and de
plore tho refusal of president Clere
land to a approve the last river and har
bor bill, and wedenounoethe action
of the secretary'of war in what seems
to be a studied attempt to delay the
improvement of the Columbia river,
and fully recognizing the paramount
importance of our great waterways as
to the regulation of freight charges not
only on the waterways themselves,
but on the railways a3 well. We in
sist that our rivers should be free and
open to the sea, and demand of the
general government liberal appropri
ations therefor, and recommend to
the next legislature that proper steps
be taken to secure state aid therefor."
The chairman, upon presenting the
platform, apologized for the delay,
stating that, unlike the Democratio
platform, tho Republican convention
had not been formed by the visit and
instruction of a distinguished visitor
from a sister state with a prepared
platform in his pocket.
The following constitute the new
Republican state central cemmittee:
James P. Fall of Baker oounty. L.
T. Barin of Clackamas, J. A. Fulton
of Clatsop, E.Moore of Columbia,
J. P. Lucas of Gilliam, Phil. Met
schtr of Grant, A. H. Megler of Jack
son, A. Nasberg of Coos, A. R. Lyle
of Crook, A. H. Crook of Curry, J. O.
Fullerton of Douglas, H. B. Miller of
Josephine, C. P. Moore of Klamath,
W. D. Boyd of Lake, H. C. Humphrey
of Lane, C. E. Wolverton of Linn, O.
Litty of Malheur, A. N. Gilbert of
iUanon, w. xi. JSIlis ot Morrow, M. U.
George of Multnomah, W. Truitt of
Polk, RR. Hayes of Tillamook, L.
Morehouse of Umatilla, C. Good-
nougii ot Union, jr. V. MoUully of
Wallowa. M. A. Moody of Wasco. T.
A. Tongue of Washington, J. J. Spen
cer, inmniu.
Portland, April 11. The Clatsop
county delegation to the Republican
state convention, and sundry other
passengers, wore delayed on tho
Thompson this morning. The For
farshire stuck direotly in the chan
nel below tho flouring mills, and on
the arrival of the Thompson at the
dock she was immediately detailod to
go to hor help. The Oklahoma
pulled her out of tho way of tho Or
egon, which wanted to got down and
could not by reason of the narrowness
of tho channel, till finally, by tugging
and backing shortly after, seven
steamers got the vessel off and backed
down with her nearly six miles; then
the Thompson let go and brought the
passengers to Portland, hungry and
ready for breakfast
There was considerable good-natured
jeering on the part of the Asto
rians at the attempt to get essels up
through n channel- so narrow and
shallow, which emphasizes the neces
sity of a railroad between Portland
aud Astoria.
A Warnins.
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclu
sively that more persons die from dis
easo3 of the Throat and Lungs than
any other. It is probable that ever
one, without exception receives vast
numbers of Tubercle Germs into the
system and where these germs fall
upon suitable soil they start into life
and develop, Bt first slowly and is
shown by a slight tickling sensation
in the throat and it allowed to con
tinue their ravages they extend to the
lungs producing Consumption nnd to
the head, causing Catarrh. Now all
this is dangerous and if allowed to
proceed will iu time cause death. At
tho onset you must act with prompt
irsa; allowing a cold to go without
your attention is dangerous and may
lose you yonr life. As soon as you
feel that something is wrong with
your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, ob
tain a bottln of Boschees German
Syrup. It will give you immediate
Fred. Oburg. wife and Ihreo chil
dren are down with the measles.
Miss Page, sister of Dr. J. F. Page,
is here on a visit to her brother. She
comes from Iowa.
Hon. T. A. McBride has r.gain been
made the candidate of the Republican
party for prosecuting attorney of the
Fifth judicial district. Harry Mc
Ginn of Portland has re ceived a
similar compliment from the conven
tion. X Woniiia's IHscovory.
'Another wonderful discovery has
heen made and that too bv a lailv in
this' county. Disease fastened its clutch
es upon her ami for seven years she
withstood its .severed tests, but her vi
tal organs were undermined and death
ieomed imminent. For three months
she coiisheu incessantly and could not
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr,
Kings -Now Discovery lor L'onsnnip
tion ami va- so much relieved on tak
ing fin-t dose that she slept all night
ami with om lxittle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lut.'" Thus write V. C. Herrick & Co..
ofSliolbyville.N. C., Get a freo trial
hiiltle at W. K. Dement- Sc Co.'s Drug
Cdarrh cured, health ami sweet
hu-:itli -securi'dbv fehiloh'd Catarrh Rem
eilv. IVirP 50 cents. Nasal Injector free
fur .sale ny .1. v. uemcui.
Kor lame Back, Side or Chest use
Sluloh's Porous Plaster, l'riee 2S cents.
For sale- by .1. C. Dement.
All the narentriiedicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
ItertilUtCry, aiiainuei arucies, eiccan
lv-bought at the lowest prices, at.l.W.
Conn's ilru store, opposite Occident
betel. Astoria
Gambrliius Uecr
And Free Lunch -at the Telephone Sa
loon, Scents.
Do Von Bat or Ituy Candy
Faro Candy manufactured anil for
sale at lowest prices at imp uregon ua
kery. Umbrella Repaired
At my old stand. J. .Iopun.
Oysters in every style, at Hie Xew
Idea icstaurant.
2Ieals CooKcd to Order.
Private rooms for ladle3 and families:
at Central Bestaurant, next to Foard &
Dress Goods, Silks and Plushes,
Buiions, i rimmini
Parasols and Sun Umbrella!
Hosiery, !o
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
Dioioifls Jewelry!
At Extremely Low Prices.
Ul C00O1 Bought at Thli EitabUfehmtnt
Warranted Genuine.
V:t-h aud Clock Repairing
Comer Cass anil Squemoqua Streets.
Garnahan & Co.
I. "W. CASE,
iMroirnuis and wholesale and
Corner Gtienunitu and C.lss street).
Of Best Quality, and at
Anil Dealers In
Special Attention CI von to Filling
Of Orders.
Ami .Supplies turnlshed at Satts
lactory Terms.
l'nrcliaies delivered la any paitol the elty.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box IM. Telephone No. 3T.
G. A. STINS0N & CO.,
it rapt. Rogers old stand, corner ot Cass
and Court Streets.
aMp and.pasnery work, HorMihoelDg.
fuiw &uu reptireu. uuuu. tr.iut
Cannery Sillies!
Every Department.
wniie noons
But You will Save Coin by Buy
ing Them of Me, Ain't It?
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter.
1 888