C'J ASTORIA. OREGON: TIIUCSDAY AIT.1L 12. l-58 Tnn Kepublican state convention speaks in unequivocal terms favoring the opening and free nw of the Co lumbia river. Tnn Philadelphia Natural Gas company, of Pittsburg, Pcnn.. con trols 75,000 acres of territory on which 125 wells arc in use and have a pro duction of -100.000,033 feet per day. The number of hogs packed in the west during the late winter season is estimated at 5,900,000, a decrease from last year of about 530,000 head. The prospective hog supply poinls to a de crease of 13 per cent Four, more volumes of the census of 1880 will be required to complete it, and $70,000 will be appropriated for the purpose. The last census will bo finished jtwt in time to prevent it telescoping the next census The output of the tomato canneries of the United State3 and Canada dur insr 16S7. was C7.C51.162 cans. New Jersey took the lead. The industry is conducted in twenty states. The 1SSS outlook indicates as good a ear as 1S87. A MrnnEEEB who had been roleaseil on tickel-of-lcave, near Tempcsar, Hungary, went to ihc house of the judge who condemned him and killed the judge's wife. He then went to the house of the notary and killed tho latter's deputy. From there he weut hoine and split the skulls of his wife and children, after which he fled and ha not been raptured. Wno will h? the Kepublican presi dential candidate is a question with out an answer. Now, even guessing is dono in the d uk. It is now thought that the effort to tevive the Blaineboom will be sucee'sful- in the convention. Failing thai, nil is uncertainty, though it is not improbable that tho conven tion, when the time arrives, will, owing to the undoubted strength of Air. Cleveland, carefully select for their candidate a leader who, by his high character and general popular ity, will unite tho party, and who, by his assured protective record, will at tract from the Democratic ranks all protectionists When the- time for selection comes it will not likely be asked who is williug, but rather who, if nominated, can bo elected, and that one will becomo the candidate. At least such appears to bo the hopo of the intelligence and patriotism of the parly who want no worn-out practical politician to fight a losing battlo for, but a man to fit in all things, and hav ing tho universal regard, to fight a winning battle for. Among the mill ion of Republicans certainly, it is con tended, such a candidate can be fonnil TItc Verdict I'mmitiious. D. Suit, Drugcist. I5imu. In. I . testifies: ''1 can recommend Electi! Hitters as the very best remedy. K ei y liottle sold has jjiven relief in every eae. One man look six bottles, and was cured of Itlicinnatism of 10 jear.-' standing."' Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellnlle, Ohio, affirms: "The best belling medi cine I have ever handled in mv HO wars' experience, is Electric Bitters"." Thou sands of others liavc added their testi mony, so that the erdirt is unanimous I hat Electric Bitters do one diseases of the Liver. Kidnevs or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Y. K. Dement & Co.s Drug Store. When Voafio to l'ort!ait.l Frank Falirc, Occidental lintel restau rant, will be glad to eee his Astoiia friends, A good dinner at a moderate pnee and everything in season. A fine cup of coffee, at tl'P Telephone JiCManram. Fine Itwclliiis IIouw to Ileut. flood terms to suitable tenant. Inquire ::i tins office. Twines, Twines. Twine. .I.O. Ilanthorn is agent for Dunbar, MacMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to atiify tho trade in priees and quality equal lo any on tiie market I'rlvati Hot ins. At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The best cooked to order. ToIenIioiiel.odsciiis House. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and t!5 ets., per w cek fl .50. New and clean. IVivate entrance. Tlie Steamer Mnutcsano. Will make regular round trip3 between Weatport and Astoria every day (Sun day excepted,) leaving Westnort at 0 a. .:; returning leave Vllon"& Fisher's wharf at 2 i ji., touching at all wav landings. (Svensen's Wednesdays nnd Saturdays.) D. II. Wr.ixir. Anj ease of Croup can be easily treat ed and cured by using "Tho Child's Conch Svnip.' Full directions with each package, which can only bo pur chased at Demenfs drug store. The best Oysters in any style, at the Telephone Restaurant. Lndlow's Ladies1 -S3.00 Fine Shoes; !so Flexible Hand turned French Kids, t P.J. Goodman's. The latest st le nf Gents' Boots and Mines at P. J. Goodman's. Situation Wanted By a girl to do general housework. Ap ply at A . Ida's. ( Mrs. Welch's old house). To Kent. A good house ; C rooms ; fine locality. Inquire of 1. TV. Case. EOSOOE COCKLING KEOOVEEING. The Deadlock in the House of Eepre sentatives Unbroken. Washington D. C. April 11. The deadlock in the house is still un broken, and the house ia construct ively in session for Wednesday of last week. A motion to adjourn was declared out of order becauso no business had intervened since,a sirahr motion was lost. A TATAL DOSE. PoirriiAND. Or. April 11. Mis. Fred Caiiiu of Freeport AV. T. A sister 5d1hw of judge Catlin of thia city, who come here for inedicul treatment acciilcntly took on overdose of Mor phine this morning which resulted fatally Mrr.DEB. Sax Francisco, April 1L John Mefstull a ponltry dealer was found murdered in his room on Clay street this morning. There are n number ofknife wounds on his head and body, from four of which a great quantity of blood had flown. Tho room was in a very dirty and disorderly condition ami pic-ented a horrible appearanco when the body was found. Suspicion pointed to his partner. Julian Portelli, R3 perpe trator of the crima and ho was im mediately arrested. abduction and scvxinn. Pittsburg, Pa., April 11. Kasigu Evan, of tho U. S. N., detailed here to inspect tho armor plate of tho Car negie works for the government, and J. W. Meed, president of the Arctic Ice company, were arrested on a charge of abducling the seventeen year-old daughter of V. J. Parsons, a prominent citizen of Alleghany. The daughter, Itosa Parsons, is a leading soprano of North avenue. M. E. church choir, ono of the most fashionable churches here. The charge is made by Mrs. Parsons, who claims to have discovered through detectives that her daughter wra in duced to go to New York on promise that sno would bo secured a position in an operatic troupo and supplied with costumes. Showent to Trenton. IS. J., stopped there several davs at me Windsor note, under the name of Mrs. Marshall, and was joined byltynnand taken to New York, where she is now secreted in a Iht on Broadway. The arrest? havo created u great social stir and scandaln. Tho daugh ter has been missing ten weeks, and tho mother lias been searching for her everywhere and tho most promi nent citizens here, as well as pastors of churches, have been interested in tho hunt. Tho parties have been committed for hearing. Licnt. Eaton, who is in command and is hero, ha3 been notified to sus pend Kyan, pending investigation. Lieut. Eaton says that if the charge is sustained Kyan will bo dismissed from tho service. Tho prisoners are held in the sum of 310,000 bail. CONKIiINO. RECOVERING. New York, April 11. What was thought to bo the turning point in cx senatorConkling.s condition came this morning at 0:20 o'clook, while suffer ing from one of his periodical attacks of delirium. Mrs. Conkling paced up and down in tho sick chamber. After ten minutes he once more sank back on the bed and it was not long boforo ho was fast asleep. His physi cians said that much depended upon the condition of their patient when he awakened and were on tip too of espectancy. Dr. Baker called at his patient's residence at ten minutes' past 9 o'clock and found his patient yet resting peacefully. Tho Dr. felt his patients pnlso and said it was more regular than it had beon for several days. Just then Conkling awoke and cordially shook hands with his physicians, who at once asked him if he would not take some soothing medicine. The sufferer promptly replied in tho affirmative and as promptly took the medicine offered him. Subsequently Dr. Baker in tho form of an official bulletin nnnonuced to themembers of the press that Mr. Conkling was beginning to recover. Marked chango for the better he add ed, has taken place during the night. A good cup of coffee, ten cent-., at the New Idea restaurant. Tlie United Stains RESTAURANT E. L. JEFFRIES, PROPRIETOR. Refitted. Ready For Business For The Season of 1888. Ever thing in Season and Nirelj boned 10 Experienced Cooks, Obliging Walters. mi The best placed before our palrons. For a Good Heal, go to JEFF'S At the Old .Stand, on Main Mieet. To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES W. P. WniTCOJin. Master. Wilt leave lor Gray's Harbor on or about Evory Tuesday Morning. CommencinK April nili. IY.r Freight or Passage apply to J. II. I. fiKAY, AxeutI.S.N.Co. For Sate. mWO LARGE FISHING BOATS. VERT -n. suuaoieiorirapcrssincientiprs. Apply to -VV4I. D. SMITH, Cpper Astoria Ross' Opera House. Thursday and Friday, April 12, 13 nngaRMiiciit Extraordinary of Eckeit & l'atlerou's Celebrated JUVENILE OPERA COMPANY, Composed of the following Child Arllt . Camilla Cleveland Evan Gambia Emma Berg George 15obnn Julia Martin Teddy Gamble ronnie lrgil John Lowell Mav Drummond Frank Sharp Beckio Martin Eddie Nannary Emma Younker "Willie Patterson Daisy MoMannus Josie Daffy Genevieve Nannary May Duffy Thursday Evenlne : "OLIVETTE." Friday Evening: "MIKADO." ('rami Thorns Orchestra, Elewiit Cu-miiim prices or admission i:si-ned Seats, $1. Tainlly ri.cle.r.cis. Caller, "acts. Hot sheet for sale of Seats open 'Lie-Jay inf.rnini. April 10th, at lOo'cloek. ul the N-w York Novelty Store. Spring Millinery, NOVELTIES AND FANCY GOODS. AT Mrs. W. Ji BARRY'S, Next to Odd Tellows Building. Stvli-li, Fresh. Iteasonabie In Price. I-Iuine. " Hats, Klbbons. A Fine Stock now Open for Inspection. MltS. W, J. BARKY For Fashionable Millinery, Anil Satisfactory Prices, See Mrs. Derby and Miss Heilbarn, At Mis, Derlij , OM Stan.l. 3ew (iood- 'oimtnntly ItrreUi'it and tho Tastes of Customer-. i'ou.sultctl I.nfn-saio mvite.l to call an. I n' lln lat est stlc. Notice of Final Account. XTOTICi: ISHF.UEDY GIVEN THAT THE -1"' umlersiEiieil administrator of the es tate of U.K. Brulin deceased, liaa tiled In tlie Comity eomt of Clatsoi county, OrepoD. 111? flnnl accoir.it. anil Mocilav, JnlvAul 1SS5. at 10 o'clock, A. jr., has liee'n tled ly tlie Jndso of said court as the time for hearing .no 'iijt-i.-utm iii ni;iv ui-iiiiiue iiit-rt'io, Al'C. PAMnLbOX. AdinluKtratnr. Tax Payers ct Astoria Ml'ST HAND IN' THHIR ASSESSMENT lit nt once, as I am maklns; up tlie roll. .). 1'. DICKINSON. Cltv A-,es?nr. At Countj Court house, LEADING LINES. J7i:iIC JtANUI.A. AT THE OlVlDKNT -i rkp Co., Is now prepared to le.irt line-i with his I rail lug macluue. Pi lee in lead id iced on lines, eight cents ppr round. Notice. iKlTlSII ltAUK "r.VKINV CA1T. ) l)jni) an. from Liverpool. N'diherthe nosier nor tlie uuilersmneil eonslKiiect of llifa&nwiiaiapil vcssi'twlll lie ii";tf,iiiti! f r :ui i1crts that may he contracted t- the ISAMMl'i:. (ii 1 llllli: A C. roiwsiuv. r. r.uriiKRUY. AUCTIOlff AND COrVlMiSSIQN H0USF. MARTIN OLSEN, Succes'sor to E. O. llolden. The oldest established Commission House tn Oregon. (tood of all kinds sold on pim 111U1U111. Auction Sales Kery Satmday. Ceneral Repairing, .Tolibiug ai.d I'pimt teiingdone. Tine stock of Furniture on hand. When you w.int Bargains 111 Itmisrliolil fiimdi Roto 3IAHTJ.V OI.MK X f. . 1 i:nri:. THE w.j. melton. I'lllST CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON Frascr & 'WoltoD, Propr's. No,i WaterStreet, - Atoria, Oregon. Oysters in Any Style, Regular Jleals 25 cents. Reds, 23 and Me Kc-t Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Rar. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO,, SUCCESSORS TO T. C. ROSS County Coroner. F5tSrr3sr&TT fjvfj-.y iitz Pirot Class Undertaking ESTADLISIIJIENT New Stjles, Caskets and funeral material. Net to ASTOlil s ofilre. MONTANA ARMORY, Ro2emaa, Montana. Dealers in and Exporters nf I . "s, I - Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TnAT there are funds in the city treasury to par nil warrants Indorsed prior to Oct. 1, 16ST. . Interest thereupon ceases after this date. J, G. HOSTLER, . , City Treasurer. Astoria, Or., Slfircli 14, 1SS5. Astoria Iron Ms. Concomly St., FootoC Jackson, Astoria. Or General t MacMBists ni Boiler Mm. ; j Land and Marine Engines BOILEBWORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A Sr-KCIAWY. j &S5&,M,i J. . lirviLKH. I. ff.Cw, .Ions- KOX, zrS . Tl'P JL9 n TO T '.suSerintendent; I. XWatchmaker V5$ SS "L . v 'yr X f 1 - Jeweler. X 7X I - ! CANDi Manufactured and lor Sale at I iiumraiiciiiip,, .u i The Oregon Bakery A. A.CLEVELAM), Prop'r. Goou Bread, Cake aui Pastry N'ono hut the Host Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers ------ -HHARDfARE, IRON, STEEL. beaSiae JsaKery. i Urst Milk Bronrt ntul CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Cniidles. JOIIKSO.V. HKOM. Mnn a Depends a Good Deal on His Clothes. And, ow He Is Dressed Depends a Good Deal on His Work. 1 IIII0 To P& Next ihor to I'oaril A Stokes. 1 Good Substantial Clothing at Very Low Prices. Rubber Boots. Overalls. Shirts. Blouses. Oiled Clothing, Ami warranted as represented. P. A. STOKES & Co. Patrons Throughout the Continent can Have Made to Order any kind of Nets. Netting. Lines and Twines, their'wants Require. Size nienlKs made from ,'MG to 8 inches Square; or. :-S to 1G inches dincioual or itietelied. Fishermen can procure samples nnd price? of their home merchant 1. Gloucester Net and Twine Go. No. 96 Commercial St., Boston. Factory at iloueeter, 3Ians.. with all Xew ami Improved Itlncliinci'.y. SL.M-sS.Mtril iriciiiSjlianus Smiths. Co.. (Uoucester). .loiixti. I)exmi iKnm Dennis .V Ajer, (Sloueestcr). doiis Iv. Dusti.v. dr.. (tirm .lolin lev. f. Son. Oloucestcr). ,!?S.UrSS5StPrtinrin Uer6e VeMM Loimno AfilASKS (rirni R. lLi.Uell 4 Wit. 1:. Stowe iririn Whltnev, Ronslaud i Cn..Rotnn). Wii. Siowr.llnstou. HAMiS 01' LOSC EXI'EniESCE AUE ENGAGED .I'l .1,1' FlrfE BRICK. dealkr i.v FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, aui Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand ani Plaster Wood Dtlli errJ to Order. llrajlng, Tmloi? and Kiprtt Hoslnf . SCffgliJSfeS njfi apply to the Captain, or to The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Ageut, Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. It. Hawes Ls also Agent fur the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carrie-, Complete Stovk of ds nnd gSistS' sundries. I'rcicrlplloa Carrfnlly ompuuudrd. ARCnt f,r Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cuic. Van Busen & Co, fiardara and Shio Cfnn'hfv. Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton sf:Yas. Hemp Sail Twine, ! Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, i Asricnllnrnl Implement', Sen inn i JIncliines, faints, (Jib, G-rooeries , 33to. C. E. BAINV ' Wliolruile m.J lUtall Uealtrls All Kinds of I Seasoned Lumber. MOri.m.NOS. WIN WAS AN" I) DOORS, OAK. ASH AND llICKOTtY. Black Walnut, Aider and .Maple, port nptrnpn rpnAB And All Ki-nUof Ileal MttciUt a Si'cei.dty am. hixiwor- - .lob WiirK n:l In nil us Ttnue at -SllOltT XiTlfr' Miiuuf.ietunni; Meaui MHI-. Corner tJcneiee i A-torS'.s. Magnus G. Crosby IhMler in Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE Al HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD" STRIP LEAD SHEET .RON. SFjLxx and Copper. r okes & Go's. You are invited to ci-ll. WM. iTO E. I'resident i Late 1'iesident mericaii Net S. Twine Ci., Iloiton). , ' JOHN tt. DENNIS. Vice-President (Pe:i- dent Cape Ann Nat'l Rank, (Uouccstei). r - I'ROCTER. Treaiurer. tl'rc-.ident riist National Rank. Gloucester.. I JIAUS1IALLN. RICE, Superiutendent (for iSyearsSupt.ofthefactorj-oItheAnier- Iron et and Twine Co., Boston). FOB EVCII UErARTME.M IS TUE FACTOItT STI1A.1IF.H ; i:i,.llll PARKER Eben P. Parher,Master, s3i I'or K1WINO, KRKK1I1T orCHAH- M. I. I'ABKICR. ASTORIA, ONLY OF gj "WHOLESALE AND ItKTAIIi DEALElt IX Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresk Fruits and "STegotables. Received fresh every Steamer. THE LEADING ITATION GHZFFZ2T J. G. CLINTON DEALEK IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc New Goods Kecelvcd Dally. Opposite City Hook Store. . ERS ANO BOOK SELLERS Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Children's Muslin Goods. Ladies' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Rubber Goods, Oil Clothing. Hats. Trunks, Valises. Satchels. flF.LOF. PARK PR. l:Ht. A. lHJOV Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO c u parker, DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer ; THIS -wrxK. STRAW HATS. Tlie Old Stand - Astoria, Oregon. ESTAMjISHF.I) 184l L. J LINEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NISTTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Son Parse Seines. SaliMjoii Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. SSTFish Nettings of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and.at the lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Cold Medal Twines. Qnnranteed to be the strongest and most desirable twine now made especially for the PACIFIC COAST FIS1TERIES. This TWIXE i3 manufactured oulv bv ourselves, directly from the raw material, and costs no raoro in NET'riXtiS than the cheaper grades, Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards nt Boston, Philadelphia and London. American 27et and Train Company, BOSTON' MASSACHUSETTS. The New York Have a Finely Jewelry, Watches, Clocks,Optical Goods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of All Descriptions. Bousht in the Best Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco. '- ' Opposite Parker House, Main St., 'Astoria. & REEL. r nre-.ww, -cr rm AJ I VirpiaCipeeuToteco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water rtieet, Two Doors Eat of Olney Fine Clears, To!acto and Smolrr Artlcln bold at lowest Market Rates. FRUITS, CANDIES NOTIONS.&c It Rich! Bl'Y YOUK 'Groceries! Provisions OK I T--. J 0 Oil, Strike mojruaru diuwjs llu-lr larsel lncrtaNiu!j trade enable-) Itipui to sell at tlie very lowest margin I profit while giving you good that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. ihe Highest Price I'a'ul for Junk." CAPITAIi, 5n.-fl.000 ?,wregk : Novelty Store Assorted Stock of