V) - . !1L"J . J "J . .. i. ,-, . . , . ' '""' ' - ' ' . .--,-.' .-' " - ,.,,, , VOL. XXX, NO. 83. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL (i, J 888. PRICE LIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CABDS. rOHX B. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. onice. Room 4 and S, over City Book Store. pw. OLAS, ATTOJISEY AT LAW. . .? iu Kinney's Block, opposite Glty iijU Atorla, Oregon. j- FCLTOV. G. C. PULTON ro.Tors liuoTHF.ns. l-TOUXEYS AT LAW. twins 5 and c'Odd Fellows Building a B. THOUSOS . Attorney at Law and Rotary Public. .,h.-ci&1 attention given to practice in tlie U. .1 Uuid Office, and the examination of unil title. A full set of Abstract Books lor t'latiop County In office. kfick-Up stairs, opposite Telegraph umre. i o.. a. owi.nx. utornej ami Counsellor at Law iiiire on Chenamus Street. Astoria, Oregon L ,1 I. VTIXTOS ATTOKN'EY AT LAW. Konms No. 11 and 12, Fythlan Castle Build- IK. 1 IJ. WATMOX, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All bulnes before the U. S. Land Office a peclaity. ASTORIA, - - .OEEQOK. rR. J. K. LA KOHCh, DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, A3TOEIA, -.-. OREGON, r)K8. A. 1 ASDJ. AjrUIiTOS. Physician'; and Surgeon. Office on Cats street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. I"AT TCTTLK, 31. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON O trie Rooms u PythlanBulldlng. Hkudkxce : SB corner 'Wall and We-t 9th streets, opposite I, W. Case's. A. K. HHAW. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up at airs, coi ner Cass and Sqnemoqna street. Astoria Oregon. M KS. IK. OVFJ?X8-AAlK. Office and residence, D. K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and cf the Eye and Vjt, specialties. l")R.O.B. F.STKM. I'll YMC1AX AND SUKGEOX. Omen : tiem Building, up stairs, Astoria,' negon. DR . ALFRED KIXXF.Y. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. TAS. W. WELCH. AGENT FOR Hamburg-Bremen Fire. Insurance Co. Supt. Columbia Wattr Co. OFHCR-On Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. jQK. FKAXK PAE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Oltlce, Astor. Oregon, IJ.EI.O F. PAKKF.K SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY City Surveyor of Astoria. Residence. : Near Clatsop Mill. N. D. Haymond. Deputy. Office at CUV Hall. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 rytblan Building over (', H., Cooper's Btore. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or san Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. TJetter Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Tall and See Bin and Satisfy Yourself. P. J Mearty. Merchant Tailor. The Akron Lacquers. THE UNDERSIGNED REsPECTFULtA' calls the attention of Cannerymen and others to the fact that he is the Pacific coast agent for the Celebrated Akron Lacquers, And is prepared to quote low prices on these goods. Samples furnished on arlCTtton. rr a. mm. Its peculiar efficacy Is due as much to the process and skill in compounding as to the Ingredients themselves. Take It In time. It checks NOTHING LIKE IT diseases in the outset, or II they be advanced will prove a potent care. No lie stall lie Without It It takes the place of n doctor and costly pre scriptions. All who lead sedentary live will find It the best nreventivo of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT and cure for Indigestion. Constipation, lieailaclie, Biliousness, riles and Mental Depression. No 1033 of time, no interference with business while taking. For children it Is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after takinff. Ctiros Colic, Di arrhoea. Howel Complaints, Feverlsu nes and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find it the mildest Aperient and Tonic thoy can use. A little taken at nlfflit Insures refreshing sleep and a natural evneuation of tho lowels." A little taken in the morning sharpens tho appottte, cleanses the stomach nnfl twectens tho brcntli. A FHTSICIAN'S OPINION. "I hare been practicing medicine for twenty years and hare never been able ta put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Lirer Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of m ealc ening) the digcstiie and assimilative powers of the system. J., i M. Hirrpv, m.d., Washington, Atk. Marks of Genuineness: Look forthe'red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the 9eal and Signature of J. Il.Zellln & Co., la red, on the side. Take no other. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelpha. Pa. Trice $1.00. WilsonJ&Jisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS , AND MILL FEED AOEXTS-FOK SALEM PATENT ROLLER HILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOKIA. OREGON. A Noted Divine Says : "I have been nslng Tutt's Liver rills for Dyspepsia, WcakStomach and Cos tiveness, with Trhleli I have lonjr br-ii afflicted... Ms ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. I never had an thing to lo me so miirU good. Ireccommend them to all as the best medicine In existence." Itov.F. K. OSGOOD, New Tort. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., N. Y. J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT Genoral Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. FISHERIES 'EGiAL NOTICE. Under the rules of honorable dealings, audagoo'J understanding with the Ftehcr- 1 man's wants, and wares, faithfully made, the undersigned purpose a permanent busi ness with the Northern Pacific Fisheries, The best e fdeuee they offer, of the woi th of fltclr Nettings, will be their use, and not in anything we may write with our pen. All orders ofanv magnitude, will be promptly filled. We fully believe we make as good a3 the best. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. Gloucester. Boston office 91 Commercial St. Fire! Fire! J.s one of the greatest blessings when yon have it under control, it you uunu your lire in one of those Mageo Ranges or one of those Acorns or Arganasai jonn a. -Montgomery's, yon will find it a pleasure to pre pare a meal, or if yon get one of those lit at ers vou will find them to be clean and eco nomical and an ornament to your parlor. If you Intend getting a range or a heater dont fall to look at his xtock. You should call In see his beantlfnl Ornamental Coal Vases Ls on file In Philadelphia at the Newspaper Auver tlslnff Acemrr of Hems. N, our authorized sgenti. Democratic Party Platform. The Democracy of the state of Oregon, in convention assembled, declares its fealty to the national organization of which it is a part, and asks the respectful attention of the people of the state to this, its statement of national and local pelicies: Resolved, That we heartily en dorse president Cleveland, who, by his capability and fearless honesty and fidelity to the trust reposed in him, has illustrated the principle that this is a frovernment of, by and for the people, and pledged to guarantee equal rights to all and give special privileges to none. liesolved, That we approve the present faithful and efficient Dem ocratic state administration. Resolved, That we most earn estly and unqualifiedly indorse tho policy of tariff revision, aud a re duction of tho surplus revenue to the needs of the government, eco nomically administered, as set forth in the president's last annual mes sage to congress, u o uoiiove that such a revision is dictated In- sound polioy, and that unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation ana op pression, and that the public reve nuo should, as far as possible, be derived from taxes levied on the luxuries rather than upon the nec essaries of life. Resolved, That we demand the forfeiture of unearned land grants, and that tho public domain bo held as a sacred trust for homes for our rapidly-increasing population; and we commend and approve the president's message in regard to Oregon wagon-road grants latoly sent to congress. Resolved, That "proper public policy looking to the future secur ity of the country requires that the government keep all its pledges to the soldiers of tho Union in its various wars, and that the pension roll of the republic bo jealously guarded as a roll of honor, with outlmposing upon the people bur dens equal to the maintenance of a standing army, and exhausting tho resources of the taxpayers, which may be needed for future defense. Resolved, That as a free people, enjoying the blessings of liberty in a government oFtho people, we denounce the policy of the Knglisli government in its adtninKtran hi of Irish affairs, and that we exit-.. 1 on behalf of the Democracy ul Oregon, our earnest sympathy Willi Gladstone and Parnell in their elforts to secure home rule and land reforms for the people of Ire land. Rtsolced, That we endorse the salutary policy of the national ad ministration in restricting corpora tions to the privileges and profits to which they are strictly entitled under the law. Resolved, That we an; in hearty accord and sympathy with the ef forts of the laboring masses and wace earners to ameliorate their condition and establish their rights, and are in favor of the enactment of such laws as will best protect their interest, and of legislation which will totally exclude all Mon golian immigration. Resolved, That we favor an amendment to the constitution of the United States, providing for the election of the United States sen ators by direct vote of the people Resolved, That we favor an amendment to the present rail road commission law of Oregon, conferring upon the board of rail road commissioners power to fix andjnegotiatc the rates for trans portation of freights on railroads within the state of Oregon. Resolved, That we are in favor of tho opening and improvement of the Columbia river at various ports of entry on tho Feaboard, so that the commerce of tho country may be carried without interruption to the markets of tho world; and tor that purpose wo demand of the general government liberal appro priations for that purpose, and ask a speedy enactment of the pending river and harbor bill now pending before congress Delicate persons, and all whose sys tems have become debilitated, should bear in mintl that Simmon's laver Kea ulatoris not a drastic, purcinj? medi cine, does not weaken or deplete the system as other purgatives do, hut acts gently. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but Is no intoxicating tfeverage to lead to intemperance; will promote atgestion, dissipate ncaaacne. ana gen erally tone up tne system- Hon. Alex. H Stephens, of Gasavs "Simmons Liver Regulator Is mild suits me better than more active remedies." Prohibition Party Platform. Whereas, The three great ob jects of government are the secur ing to the citizens the rights of life, liberty and property; and, Wheeeas, .through the crimi nal neglect and pernicious legisla tion of the dominant political par ties, great evils have been fostered which impair all these rights, most prominent among whioh evils is the legalized liquor tramc. With a firm reliance upon an overruling if rovidence in favor of the right and upon the moral sense of our best citizenship, the prohibition party of Oregon submit the follow ing platform of principles: tho government . r irst bhould prohibit tho man ufacture, sale, supply, exportation aud importation of, and mterstato commerce in, all intoxicating liquors as a boverago. toocond Should submit to tho leq-islaturos of tno several states a measure soparate from every other question, providing by an amend ment to tho constitution tho dis franchisement of paupers, illiter ates and convicted criminals, and abolishing tho sex basis in tho elective franchise. Third Should enforce the res toration of all unearned land grants, and prevent corporations and aliens from obtaining control of great areas of country. bourth bhoulu maintain tho principles of the interstate com merce law and make such changes as will pi event ottortion or dis crimination against persons, placeB or products. iifth Should issue all money direct, aud make all money so is sued a full legal tender for all pur poses. Sixth Should provide for elect ing United States senators by a direct vote of the people. Seventh Should declare the modern "trust" anil other combina tions for maintaining artificial prices to bf a conspiracy against the eommon welfare,' and that it bo punished accordingly. Eighth Shonld abolish the in ternal revenue ami coircct tlit in equalities and eliminate the unjust disprimin-ition of the present tariff schedule. Ninth Should vigorously en f ir.-e the piohibitioifof the impor tation i! contract labor, and pre vent the landing, Ko far as potsible, t.f all socialists, anarchists, critni nsN and patipeis. Tho prohibition party plode- itself to do these things whenever it gains control of the government. What Constitutes a Family Medicine? A preparation which is adapted to the re lief and cure of ailments to which members of a houochoM are most subjeet, and which is not onlv alleged to do this, but lias long and unfailingly proied its ability to do It, assuredly deserves the title of a reliable Family Medicine. Among time honored nren.iratlous. which exnerience and the .sanction of the medical profession indicate as aeson ms ot popular regara ana conuuence, is Hostetter'd Stomach Bitters. amediJre adapted to the eradication of dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness, the three most frequently occiirringallinents that vex man kind. Derived from a botanic parentage.it Is efficient as well as pure and wholesome. It relieves nervous disquietude and Inactivity of thekidnejs, and counteracts a tendency to rheumatism. For renewing flagging strength aud Imparting appetite It can be lDiplicitlv re'led upon. Fever and ague, rl!eumatim and debility are remedied by it Congressman William L. Scott told a friend somo time ago that the only use he had for eating was to give him a chance to smoko a cigar afterward. This is striking ly like an expression attributed to the late president Buchanan, who said lie liked a glass of whisky because it made tho ice-water taste so rood. Do not lie awako nights and cough! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve the cough and induce a srood night's rest. The assertion is made that thore are at least 100 successful women "drummers" on the road, mainly representing firms of Chicago, Cincinnati, St. l.ouis and Louis ville. In placo of that constantly tired out feeling, Ayer s aarsapanlla will give you strength. SniLon's Cure will immediately relievo Croup, Whooping Cough, and Dronchitls. Sold by J.C.Deincnt. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, lnd., says: "Both myBelf and wife owe our lives toSnu-on's Consumption Cdbk." Sold by J. C Dement. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation. Dialncss, Loss- of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? tSatoh's Vital Izer is a positive cure. .Pp'saley J. C Dement. &AKIH POWDER Absolutely Pure, This powder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alnm or phos ghato powders. Sold only in can. Koyai, akixo Powder Co. 10S Wall-st., N. Y. s HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS cnnr. uvrofsON. F.COOK THE EVENSON & COOK. On tho European Plan. LA.FME CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Famine-, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. IV ITKtt St., Opp. Fonnt & Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON t'uti In connection with tho Fretniie. 'lhe Best of . IYINF3, LIQUORS AND. CfSARS. Ooo,i It&liird Tnb'es and Private 6nrd !h0lH. THE Casino Eestaurant One blocK from the (). I!. & X. Doclv. Wl. frl.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Cents. 05-teis la any Style, 25 cents. In connection with this Popular Restau rant is run a n st-clasa Saloon, w-il stocked with choicest Wines, Uonors and Cigars. New York Restaurant. CEO. BAKER, Prop'r. Ofpoiite liatray & Co.'.s Water streot. A Good. Clean Meal Furnished At Reasonable Hates, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ovstersln Every Style, Game, etc. You ure invited to call. ' - -AGENCY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Astoria. Oregon. Gannery SoppliesatLowest Prices Fire and Marine insurance at Current tales. Hume's Building, Water Street. E. B. CUSHMAN, : AgCBtS. B. H- COLEMAN BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. & and Europe, and on lions Kong, China Office ITovbs : 10 a. ji. to 3 r. m. Odd Fkixows Botlding, Astoria, Oregon. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX riRIST CLASS COIIPASIE8 presenting 813,000,000 PHOENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York. AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO O. P. UPSHUR, Main Sheet "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon, bonirsi n o!6 i WET ConCo CASH. 1888. Sprmg Styles STR&W, li i gp , My completement of STRAY', FUIt and "WOOL HATS direct from EiSTEBN MaNDFAOTOREIIS aro now in stock, and which spaak for themssWea ai to STYBB, QAT,TTY and PRICE. Spring and Summer 3.3SS. -FULL Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clotyiflt, fine Shirts, Unlerwear, Etc., IK FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks, Valisos, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, Oil Clothing, Etc., Etc. op A'WSw Street Railroad iSKiifea infiss GRAND PRIX PARIS, 18N, ASD GRAND GROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEPR. Thoy recoiveS the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the Ziondon Fisheries Sshibition 1383. Ana have been awardod HIGHER PRIZES at tho various !NTERNATOiML. EXPOSITIONS Than tho goods of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can iLlisrays "be Em lencea maa HEHHY DOYLE & Co,, 517 and 519 Market Street, - SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS FOR PAOIPIC COAST. Seine Twine, Eope and Netting Constantly on Hand, SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. eonslstins of 4 CAR JLOABS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Oarpsis, Oil G!oth9 Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from EasUrn Manufacturers and shipped before the reeent advance In freight, the bonsfits thsraaf ws propoja to share with our customers. Gall and See Us CHAS. HEILBORN. ONE PRICE. ! SOFT, STIFF, FOCKST LINE IX- Astoria, Oregon. running by th door. Depended on. 10 r. use 01 j-X- fc3& -., ..m -t ..vf-jHai... -Xt .-" "srftje .