flj ? VOL. XXX, NO. 70. ASTORIA, ORKGON,.SUNDAY, APRIL 1, J 888. PRICE MVE CENTS. BUSINESS GAUDS. roixnr a. BK1TH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe, Boom 4 and 5, over City Book Store. G KO. .VOIiAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nce lu Kinney's Block, opposite City IUU, Astoria, Oregon. o. w. rDLTOx. o. a rrjtTOK 1'tTI.TOX BUOTIIEKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooirts 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. c. K. THOttSON . Attorney at Law and Notary Public. ripecUl attention given to practice In the U. a Land Offlce. and the examination of laud titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop county In omce. 'kfick Up stairs, opposite Telegraph U1UCO. I q. A. BOWLBY, Attorney nod Counsellor at Law Dfflce on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. I. WIXTOX ATTORNEY AT LAW. - &e w Kooms No. 11 and II, Pythian Castle Build- . . . "I B. WATSON, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dlst. Atty. AU bnslneif before the U. S. Land Office a pecialty. ASTQBUC, - OBSOOK. rn. j. k. iiA ponct,, -DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ( ASTORIA, - OREGON, rjKS. A. Ik AND J. A..FTJI.TOX. Physicians and Surgeons. Office on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's bunding. Telephone No. 41. jTAY TCTTLK, M. D. I'KVSICIAN AND SURGEON OrriCB Kooms 6 Pythian Building. Eesidbnce : SE corner Wall and West 9th streets, opposite I. W. Case's, A. R. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squcmoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. M US. UK. OWJSKS.AOAlIt, Office and residence, D. K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and. Children, and of ine aye ana ir, specialties. rvn.o.n.E8TK8. PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofkiok : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, uregon. D O. AlifBED KI9INEX, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and iua j do iouna mere ai any uour. TA8..W. WELCH. ABESTi'Ott Hamburg-Bremen' Flre' Insurance Co. Sapt Columbia Water Co. Orrice-On Water Street, Astoria, Oregon, TR. FirAXKT.a'AUE, PHTSioliAND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office, Astoria. Oregon. Q.ELO PARKER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY ASP" City Surveyor of Astoria Residence.; Jfear Clatsop"MlIL N-U Raymorid.'Deputy. Office at ciiv Hall- H. A. SMITH, DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian C. Hj Cooper's rOre. Building over PATRONIZE HOME JNDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or Ban Francisco for. CustorrYWade Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call tad See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Thn Alfrnn I nrnnprs. mHE TrNDEBSiaNED' BEsPEOTFDLLy wmui ine auennon oi vnnerj wcu uu others to the fact that he Is the Pacific coast agent tor the Celebrated Akrnn Lacnuers. And is prepared to quote low prices onthese bwvu, OAUJUlca 1UIU13UCU OB S1U1IUiu" J.O.BOXOBTH. Sl &2& jJjfcSlSS fifkiwL Its peculiar efficacy Is das ..,. as much to the process and NOTHlria itin in compounding as to like it the ingredients themselves. kmt" Take It In time. It checks diseases lathe outset, or IT they be advanced will prove a potent cure. Ho Hie doi lie Without It It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre- --,.. reripuons. A.11 vriio icaa '" nw& sedentary tires will Qnd rcmcfit It the bet preventive of " and cure lor Indigestion, (jonsupauon, lleadacne, lUllonsness, Piles and Mental Depression. No loss of -time, no Interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Feverlsh ness and Feverish Cold,. Invalid!) and delicate persons will find It the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. Allttle taken at night Insures refreshing sleep and a natural eacuat!on of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and sweetens the breath. A FH.YSICIANS OPINION. "I lure been practicing medicine for twenty yean and nave never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would. Lice Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Iier to action, and at the same tune aid (initead of weak ening) the dlgestie And assimilative powers of the system." L. M. HtfTOK, m d., Washington, Ark. Marks of Genuineness! Lookforthered Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Signature of J. Il.Zeilln & Co., la red, on the side. Take no other. J. H. ZEIUN d Da., Philadelpha. Pa Frlee Sl.OO. WiIson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ' FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROYISIONS AXD MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. A SToted Bivm&Bky s : ! liaobecn using-Tutt'sIJvor I'ills fur Dt spepsla, Weak Stomach and I'oi tivoucM, vritli which I ltavo long bocn afflicted. ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. 1 never had anything to do me so much good. iTeccommentl them to all as tho best medicine In distance." Eov. r. K. OSGOOD, New York. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St N. Y. j. h. d: gray Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storace and Wharface on reason. able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. FISHERIES SPECIAL NOTICE. Under' the rules of honorable' dealings, and a good understanding Villi the Fisher man's wants, and wares, faithfully madet the undersigned purpose a permanent busi ness with the Northern Pacific Fisheries, The best evidence they offer, of the worth of their Settings, will be their use. and not In anything we may write with our pen. AU orders of any magnitude, will be promptly mica, no iuuy oeusTC we maxeasgooa as the best. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINS CO. Gloucester. Boston omce 91 Commercial St. Fire! Eire! Is one of the greatest blessings when yon hare It under control. If you build youi fire In one of thpse llagee Ranges or one of ihnu Anorns or-Anrands at rJohn A. Monb. gomery's. you will find It a pleasure to pre pare a meai, r 11 juu kcl uucui iuwo urai ers you will find them to be clean and eco nomical and an ornament to your parlor. II you Intend getting a tange or a heater dnnt fall to look at his stock. You should call In see his beautifnl Ornamental Coal Vases JtsosfllelnPhlladelshla at the Newipaper Adrer . tldcirAcencr of Husra. r IR SON oar aurtzd agents. ALEXAITDEB THE GREAT. Oonqneror of the Earth, Oonquered by Ifeink. CoKSTASTEfOPLE, Feb. 29. Tho sar cophagus containing the body of Alex ander the Great has been discoTered at, Saida. "Imperial Cesar, dead and turn ed to clay," was supposed to have left, in Shakspeare's time, enough of his poor mortal tenement to "stop a hole, to keep the wind if this has indeed been discov ered, the explorers will probably find, after a lapse of over 2200 years, as little of the ashes of poor mortality as they would discover in the unknown grave of Moses, could that also be found. It is said of Alexander that his body was deposited in a golden coffin at Alexandria by Ptolemaeus, and over it was raised a splendid mau soleum, and divine honors were paid to him, not only in bgypt, but in other countries. If the sarcophagus which the above quot ed dispatch says has been found at Saida contain tho gold coffin, that circumstance will tend to confirm the reality of the supposed discovery. If the stone sepulchre that has now been found should be really proved to have contained the " body of the old world con queror it would only be anew and eloquent sermon to the -people of to day on tho ephemeral and un real character of any phase or story of earthly "greatness" that rests upon military conquests and mili tary glory.y Alexander conquered all the countries then known even to India; he was the. world con qnercr who "sighed for more worlds to conquor." He establish ed Greek kingdoms throughout Asia, some of which in India out lasted him for centuries; he taught Europe the road to India; he se lected the site and. founded the cityol Alexandria, the Egyptian aietropolis which was to be made the great depot of ,the exchange of t)ie ancient cast and west, a selection which time" and tho r?.J fortunes of the c'.ty have shown to have been sagacious. He had plans, perhaps not wholly imprac ticable, for the union of .Europe and Asia; and encouraged art, sci enco and the literature of thut time. His seems to have been an impulsive and not unkind or un generous nature; but ho showed himself capable of atrocious acts, like theburning-of Persopolis, tho cruelties to conquered Tyre; and he was a vain, belf-Eeeking and self-indulgent 'man. That he should have changed tho current of human history in his brief ca reer of twelve years and have con quered the world before he was thirty, and died at thirty-two, 'would be enough to stamp him as an extraordinary man. As a mili tary leader he possessed, undoubt edly, a marvellous power of com bination, of shaping means to circumstances, of dealing with the necessities of the moment, in which bis only peers in any age of the world, were Hannibal or iNa poleon. That he was unable to bear his great success, and sunk into debauchery and drunken ca rousals, like the prolonged "drunk" that finally carried mm off atiiab- ylon, was in a sense due to the age in which he lived. 1 hat bis coffin should be discovered now, at the close of the nineteenth cen tury of an era, the dawn of which he never lived to aee, or to imag ine, is one of the strange occur rences which seem to connect the present times directly with antiqui ty while tne dusty emptiness of the coffin will tell its own story of the vanity of human greatness which all ends in dust Heaped over with a mound of grass, Two handfuls of white dust, shut in an urn of .brass! The time was when the man whose earthly body is now repre sented by some specks of dust was deemed so great that even his de baucheries were heralded as the occurrence of .something godlike. An army of half a million men was apprised by blare of trumpets that Alexander was drinking. Do not lie" awake nights and Cough! AyerY Cherry Pectoral will relieve the cough and induce a good night's rest. Are you made miserable by Indices- tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss 6f Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital- lierisa positive euro, rorsaio Dy j, C. Dement PA0IFI0 00UBTY ITEMS. The Aberdeen Packing Com pany's steamer Eureka has been taken around to Ilwaco from Bay Center. P. J. McGowan is bavin? con siderable dykinrr done on his North River ranch. He will dyke in about 40 acres. Work upon the Half Moon bridge on the upper Willapa will commence about the 10th of April by J as. oi. mown tho contractor. Now that the railroad is assured it would be an excellent idea for those living at the head of the bay to stir in tho matter of organizing a creamery. The Sunshine mill company have purchased this week a mill site belonging to Wm. Holland. It is known as the iidward s place and is about three miles up the Nasel above the mill. John H. Drissler was married to Miss Ida Kling at East Portland last Sunday March 25tb, the Rev. Mr. Sellwood officiating. Mr. Drissler arrived hero Tuesday evening with his fair bride on their way to Willapa city, his home. Tho enterprising people of North Cove are moving on the matter of building a wharf. So far without special effort they have secured $500 of the 81,200 neces sary to build the structure. S. P. Greeman is shipping 53 sacks of oysters a week. Ho says oysters are in fine condition with price steady at $2.25 and $2.50. Tho Covell brothers, late of the Willapa, think of locating at As toria, and purchase a mill of -the Lewis and Clarke lumber compa ny. The company has bargained for 190 tons of stepl rails of tho O. R. & N. Co.."and thoy will be deliv ered at Ilwaco by tho first of May and the balance can be procured m time to lay the tiack through to the bay by fall. It is learned that them is a few er number of logging camp on the "Willapa than at first contem plated, owing in :i measure to a falling off demand for lumber. Tho consumption of lumber is as irreat s-s heretofore, but buyers arp holilinjr back to sec the result of tlt'j luriff bill now in congress, as with lumber on the free list, it is anticipated that it can bo had for a lower figure. Journal. Deiicato persons, ami all whose sys tems have oecomo debilitated, bhould hear In mind that Simmon's Liver Keg ula'or is not a drasiic, purpinj; medi cine, does not weaken or deplete thr system a other purgatives do, but acts ijeiiily. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no inroxicatinc beverage to lead to intemperance; will promote digestion, dissipate headache, and gen erally tone up the system. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, of Ga. bajs; "Simmons Liver Regulator is mild suds me better than.more active remedies." Professor Proctor asserts that 100,000,000 people lived and died in America before Columbus dis covery. No wonder old bones are dug up once in a while. What Constitutes a Family Medlclnef A preparation which is adapted to the re lief and cure of aliments to which members of a household are most suhtect. and which linot onlyalleRpd to do this, but has lone and unfailingly proved its ability to do it. assuredly deserves the title of a reliable Family Medicine. Among time honored preparations, which experience and the sanction oflhe medical profession lndl"ate as desen Ins of popular regard and confidence. Is IIostetter' Stomach Bitters, amedl-lue adapted to the eradication of dyspepsia, co:istipitlon and biliousness, the three most frequently occiirrlngallments that vex man kind. Derived from abotanic parentage. I Is efficient as well as pure and wholesome. It rMlevM nervous dlsauletude and Inactivity of the kldnevf. ami counteracts atendencr to rheumatism. For renein; flagging strength and imparting appetite It can be lmpuciuy re len upon, rever ana ague, rheumatism and debility are remedied by it A Philadelphia paper announces that "Tho saloon is going out of politics." The Alia would prefer seeing politics fro out of the saloon. In place of that constantly tired out feeling, Ayer's Sarsaparilla will give you strength. Whr will you coujrn when Shlloh's Cure will Rive immediate relief. Price 10 cts B0 cts and Si. Sold by J. C. De ment. , - "The Rev.Geb.il. Thayer, oi Bbur- bonflnd saysfiiotnmy&eii anawue oweour lives toSnii.on'3 Consumption CifftjK" Sold by J. C. Dement, "?-A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shilon's Catarrh Kemedy rice 50 cents. Sold by J. C.Dement. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fra- crant perfume, trice as ana oo cents. Sold Dy J.u. uemenu Shiloh's Cure will immediately rplieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by J. U. Dement. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cons. Koyal Baking Powder Co. 106 WaU-sL.1T, Y. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS CHBM. BV23S02T. r. COOK THE EVENSON & COOK On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families, Etc, Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc.. Cooked to Order. WATKII Ht., Opp. Foard & Stoke A FIRST CLASS SALOON ilitn In connection with the Premises. Tht Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Reed BUiiird Tables and Private Cutf Kooms. THE Casino Restaurant One block from the 0. U. & N. Dock, M.M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good' Meal For 25 Gents. Oysters in any Style. 25 cents. In ennnecllon with this Popular Bestiu rantlsrunafi st-clas Saloon, Will stocked with choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Tew York Restaurant. QEO. BAKER, Prop'r. Opposite Murray & Co., "Water street. A Good, Clean Meal Furnished At Reasonable Rates, and Satisfaction Cuarantood. Oysters In Every Style, Game, etc. You are invited to call. -AGENCY M.ColuM&Co. OF SAN FRANCISCO. Astoria Oregon. Ganoery SDppliesatLowestPrices Fire and Marine Insurance at Current rates. Hume's Building, . Water Street. E. B. CUSHMAN, :r Agents. B. H. COLEMAN I. W Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the C. s. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office nouns : is a. m. to 3 r. u. Odd Fellows Buildixo, Astoria, Oregon. O. P. Upshur. Ship and Commission Agent. FIRE INSURANCE IS FIRST CbA.88 COMPAJilEM Phoenix. Hartford. Cenn.. Home. New York, Qepresentlnfr 813,000,000 Aaency Pacific Kxpres Co, Main St;et Tftwf - Astoria, Oregon. Centra Hotel CASH. IS88. Spring Styles! BOMDnMiBiMaHanaMraaBamsiw STR&W, m sap m WOOXi. i i il 1 0 My complotement of STRAW, FUK and YOOIl HATS direct from EiSTBBN HANOFAOTORERS are now in stock, and which speak for themselves as to STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. Spring and Summer 3.888. -FOLL Men's, Youths' ani Boys' (MlIdil Hue Shirts, Underwear, Etc., IN rURNISHING GOODS. Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, Oil Clothing, Etc., Etc. Opposite lfescue'W'ine House. Street Railroad ijuuu 1 1 i ' 'ft j " l ia ,j.f GRAND PRIX PARIS, 1875, AJJD QRAND CROS3 OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUK. They received tho ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLaX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And havo been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at tho various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can iilreays be Depended on, ExBeriencefl Fisiraei Use no Ote. HENRY BOYLE & Co,, 517 and 519 Market Street, - - AN FRANCISCO AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twine. Roue and Nettine: Constantly on Hand, SEINES. POUNDS and TRAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. ImSIIPP'P llPU! viwlr HP m iiiiiiiuuauiiuii y&yuiM Consisting of 4 CAR I.OAD8 6f fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods vrere purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before the recent adranea in freight, tho benefits thereof we propose to sharo wlft our customers. Call and See Us CHAS. HEILBORN. ONE PRICE. SOFT, STIFF, POCKET LINE IK- cSLStOEl&i OrSgOJi. runnins by the door. JSBURN.IREUftQTljs enma7j