w Wt gnitjj Sstoriaw. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY. MARCH 20.1SS3 AH THERE! Talking about C. W.Fnlton's letter in the Oregonian, last Saturday's Fortland Journal of Com merce makes a statement that if true is a surprise as regards tlic statement and the be lief that prompted the remarks. The Journal publishes the names of five prominent Astorian3 including one specially deputized official, and says that each one of those five prominent Astorians '"have expressed to us their firm opinion that it would not be pos sible to Ret a jury of any kind together in Asfrfria that would convict a man for a breach of the salmon fifhinglaws. In other words it would not be possi ble to secure an honest jury in As torix" Slurs on Astoria arc common in Portland papers but this is the first time that in a respectable Port land paper appears a direct statement that the slurs on Astoria arc uttered and sustained by Astorians themsel ves. If leading cinnerymen, an ex mayor, and a btate official tell the ed itor of a newspaper that twelve men in the city of their residence cannot be found to honestly and faithfully administer their duties as possible jurymen, it may be time to inquire of these gentlemen upon what condition or circumstance they base their belief. With no more than passing allusion to the proverb regarding the bird that dirties its own nest, it is in order to say that these Astorians in their al leged statements of the outcome of imaginary circumstances are mis taken. No case of the kind referred to lm been brought before a circuit court jury in this city but has been tried on its merits, and decided in a way that left no room for carpiu g except with those who used the privilege ac corded all unsuccessful litigants, viz: that pf "cussing" the judge, the jury, and the counsel of the opposing side. In the mean time the slur imputed to this city by the residents mention ed, if true, is on them and not on the city of their residence. KaxsisLos more newspapers with odd names than any other State. Ilere are a few of them: The Wano Rust lei; Chcslertille Paralyzer, Chero kee Cyclone, Cinnamon Sod House, Like City Praii i Bog, South Center Bazoo, Valley Falls lAicifer, Gar den City Irrigator, Fargo Springs Prarie Owl, Garden City Bundle of Sticks, Dodge City Cow Boy, Green field Cap Sheaf, Thomas Cat. In Iowa is a town called "Woodbine, and when a paper was started the editor naturally called it the Woodbine Tirincth. At Oakland in the same state, the only journal in the place is called the A corn. One in Spearville is called the Spearville Blade. A j.mong the papers with alliterative names in Kansas are: T.tba Light, Lenora Leader, Letado Ledger, Klnkaid Knuckle and Simpson Sifting. A girl in Pittsburg went to work in a knitting factory, and was aston ished by the constant change of faces round her. Becoming suspicious she asked the foreman for her time at the close of the second day. Ho gave her a card, shoeing that she had made two jackets and one dozen bustles. When she presented the card at the office she was told that she owed the firm 20 ccnte balance for the use of the machine and steam power. She was credited with 20 cents apiece for the jackets, 40 cents, and with 30 cents for a dozen of bustles, making a total of 70 cents.. She was charged 45 cents a day for the use of machine and steam power, 90 cents, leaving a balanca due the big firm of 20 cents. Now the real terra incognita is the under world. Daring navigation and restless enterprise have ransacked the odd corners of this great globe's sur face. The track of discovery is now downward. As yet the deepest bor ings cannot be compared to the sting of a gnat on the body of an elephant It has been near four hundred years since Colnmbus. What will one cen tury do for discovery in the tinder world? In view of the surprises of the last half-century and their in fluences upon modem life, who is bold enough to predict the results of min ing surprises in the next? It is stated that a Kansas City .syn dicate proposes to clean out the bar at the mouth of the Brazos river, fifty miles below Galveston, and make a channel for the largest ocean vessels. Jay Gould is said to be interested in the scheme, intending to make the mouth of the Brazos the terminal point for his Southwestern system. m TnE sugar trust was ''arranged'' November 1, 18S7, and went into practical effect December 1st In less than three months, according to Mr. Havemeyer'8 testimony, it has "closed" six refineries beside those it has driv en out of business, and has reduced the production in others about one-quarter. ABOUT PEOPLE. Wood, the English jockey, is worth 33,500,000. Guzman Blanco, president of Ven ezuela, is a fighter. He is said to have killed twenty men in duels. In the new directory of Baltimore, Md., appear the names of 1,090 John sons, 921 Joneses and 1,773 Smiths. Francis Murphy, the great temper ance advocate, wants a law passed making it a crime for a man to treat or be treated. The king of Holland is gradually surrendering to a wasting disease, and the days of the dissipated old monarch are numbered. 0. II. Andrews, who retires from the head of the Boston Herald, is said not to have had a vacation of more than two weeks for thirty-five years. liobert Black, brother of the nov elist, is black only in name, but he has married n girl in Port Au Prince, Hayti, who is black in qui'e another way. Mrs. C. H. Moore, of Philadelphia, wears tho most costly diamonds of all the society women of the Quaker city. Her jewels aro said to be worth about 860,000. Senator Palmer, of Michigan, has tho reputation of being the finest linguist in the upper house of con gress. He can make a speech in En glish, French or Spanish. Mr. Randall seems to be taking the center of the congressional stage again at Washington with a protec tion revision of the tariff. No other has a chance of a majority. Commodore Charles W. Pickering, United States navy, who has been in active service forty-six years, died at St. Augustine, FJa., February 29th, aged eighty-two. He was a native of New Hampshire, and wa3 appointed to the navy from that stato in 1822. As Heard on the Souiul. A gentleman who keep3 himself thoroughly posted on steamboat mat ters on Pngot sound tells a Post In telligencer reperter: "I have it from the best authority that U. B. Scott, John Gales and Z. J. Hatch, have or nanized themselves into a transporta tion company, and have already com menced making arrangements lor tne construction of a propellor to run on the louto between Tacoma and Port Townsend, making the round trip each day. Tho new boat i3 guaran teed to be tho fastest steamer on the Pacific coast, and must bs able to outrun either the Olympian or Alas kan. She i3 to be large and elegant ly fitted up, and will cost considara- ble money. You see this man U. B. Scott has'made a fortune fighting the Oregon Bailway & Navigation compa ny on the Columbia and he thinks the possibilities on tho Sound are much greater than on the river. John Gates is a steamboat man from the ground up, and has had charge of tho Oregon Railway & Navigation company's boats on the Columbia river for years. Mr. Hatch is well known on the Sound, having brought the Fleetwood around here last year. If these men carry out their inten tion, they will cut into the earnings, of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company at a great rate. If the fast boat comes ovor I shall apply for the position of running her. The men engaged in tho enterprise would nev er think of bringing an inferior boat to the Soud. They will have the fastest or none at all." NEW TO-DAY. Bids Asked For. mUE ASTORIA STREET RAILWAY CO., X unites bids to drive 130 piles, more or loss. Bids will be received till noon. Tues day. March 27th. 1SS3. The company will furnish all material, and reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifl cations may be seen at the orace of the Pres ident, J. Y CONX. Democratic Primary for Precinct. Astoria DEMOCRATS OF ASTORIA PRECINCT. Clatsop countv. Oregon, are requested to meet at Liberty JIall ai7 o'clock In the evening, Thursday, March 22nd, ISSMor the purpose of electing 37 delegates to the coun ty conenlion. C.H PAOR. Chairman Precinct Com Notice. On account of departure, I offer for one week, 2 Houses and 2 Corner Lots, both oc cupied, cheap for cash, and at a price that will net 15 per cent, to the buyer. Both lo cations liaie splendid view of the rjver, aud must ultimately become very aluahie as residence sites. J. II. MANSELL. Notice. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT there are funds In the city treasury to pavall warrants Indorsed prior to Oct. I, 16S7. Interest thereupon coases after this date. J, O. HITSTLEK. City Treasurer. Astoria, Or., March u. 18S8. To Close All Consignments. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE. Tuesday, March 20, at 2 P. M I 1VILL SELL, Positively without reserve, the following Lot of Sundries : One brass Student Lamp, I Hanging Lamp, l Office Desk, l large Cup board. 2 Sewing Machines, 1 Piano Stool, t Curtain Pole and Cornices, c Nickel Watch es and 2 Clocks, as Is; 2 Cooking Stove-, 3 Heating Stoves, 200 Carriage Bolts, l lot (Jato Hinges, l AVashstand Bureau, 1 lot Books, Including a Webster's Unabridged Dictionary and Blaine's Twenty years in Congress, ip 2 vols.; 1 Remington Type Writer, 1 lot Sandpaper, 2 Fishing Rods, etc. Also, on own acceunt: 1 pair large and handsome Marble Vases; 4 pair fine Ala baster Vases. 3 elegant Grecian Pitchers, and 3 Card Receivers, 1 10-foot Lambrpquln, heavy damask ; 3 large Oil Paintings, l doz. JapaneseTrays, 15 bottlesWriting Ink, Copy ing luk and Mucilage, 4 Thermometers, l large Easel Mirror, cost S20 : 2 Rotary Office Chairs, 1 Office Stool, 2 large and G small Black Walnut and Ash Cases ; l Glass-door Cabinet, and 1 large Map of Astoria, 84x40 Inches, executed by J. II. Hansen. Also 1 Carpenter's Chest and Tools and l Anvil. 1 Platform Buffalo Scales, weighs coo lbs., in good order. B. C. HOXDES, Auctioneer, MR. JOHN W. FURBUSH, An Army Veteran, OF WAKEFIELD, who has probably suffered more than Any man or woman In America to-day. Taken Bick while, in tho Army, ha has endured untold agonies Blnce. Describing his flrt symptoms ho Bald: "My head ached and my appetite was poor. I felt a faintne&s at the pit of the stomach, and bad taste in my mouth, whllo ay skin was sometimes hot nnd sometimes cold. I next felt pains in my back and around tho lower portion of my body, and noticed a peculiar odor and color la tho water I passed, which was scanty at one tlmo andf rco at others. Some times it pained mo to -void It, and again It was almost impossible to do so at alL Fi ually I began to pass clear blood nccoru paniedwiththegreatest strain and agony.' Kb less than SO eminent physicians at tended Mr. Furbush at various times, but not ono of them could help him. He was near death's door. Andyctnesays: "lam alive and well to-day, wholly through the wonderful power of Hunt's Remedy which took me from the verge of the grave." This Great Remedy abnolalely cures all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. For Salo by all Dealers. C. . CEITTENTON, General Agent, 115 Fulton St., X. V. SetLi f9r panWrf to t Uttrart Remedy Co-. Prnrt- . J. a. tr.ASEK. THE .JAMES COL', NEW -DE A. FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON Frascr A. Cole. I'ropr's . No. C7 Water Street, - AstorU. Oregon. Oysters In Any Style. Regular Meals 23 ceuts. Beds, 2 and We Best Wines, Liquors ami Cigars at the Bar. Van Dusen & Co, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, G-rooerios, 32to. STEAJI lAirNCH TOR SALE. Headquar ters Department of tho Columbia, onice of Chief Quartermaster. Vaucomer llarraeks. W. T., March 13. 18S. There will he offered forsa'.eat Fort Sherman, I. T.. on May 19, l?sS. at public auction, the V. H. team launch "Amelia Wheaton," (and property peitaliilug thereto.) stern wheel, light draught ; length TC feet ; beam IT feet . depth of hold 4 feet; lower cabin, 8U1X57 : upper cabin, 7Kxl4S0; engines about 40-horse power. Sale to take place at II o'clock, A. AT. Terms of sale: Cadi in V. S. eurrencj All Inquiries addressed to this1 onice or to the Post Quartermaster, Fort Sherman, I . T., will be promptly answered. J o. (M.KE. Major and Clutf Quartermaster. The best Skilled Skippers of (Uoueester Isit our Mill daily, and we aail ourselves of all the Tested Improienients thev sug gest, in Purse Seines. Our Foreman In the Hanging Department is regarded as author ity in hanging Seines to fish well, and we beg to sav that our Mr. Stow e was the first one to introduce Purse Semes for Mackerel in this country was founder and connected with the American Net & Twine Co.. forty one years. With Mr. Rice, who was mill manager with this Co., and with as good tw ines as they know how to make, thev feel warranted in inviting the attention of Fish e men in want of Purse or other Seines. GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE CO. (Uoueester. P.oston Office, 91 Commercial St. For Sale. MV FLOATING HOUSE. BUILT ON good logs. House 2030 ft., well finished Inside. Foundation extends to include net or seme rack. Just the house for seining party. Terms reasonable. Call and e- amins GEO. SANDERSON, at T. K. Johnson's seining ground. March loth lfcKS. iTew York Restaurant. CEO. BAKER, Prop'r. Opposite Murray Co.'s, Water street. A Good, Clean Meal Furnished At Reasonable Rates, and Satisfaction Cuarantood. Ojstersln Every Style, Game. etc. You are invited to call. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. shop, comer Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. On Lease. FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A BUSINESS lot in the center of the city, ready for buildin;. For terms apply, to B.O.HOLDE-T. Republican Convention. A REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN tlou for Clatsop county, state of Ore gon, Is called to meet at Astoria, Oregon, on Saturday, the seventh (7th) clay of April, 1E83. to select seven (7) delegates to the Re publican State Convention and to transact such other business as may properly rome before the meeting. The convention will consist of sevciity-si f7G delegates apportioned among the se er- ai precincts as ioiiows. ueing large, and one delegate additional for c ery fifteen votes and fraction thereof cast for Blnger Hermann for congressman at the general election In 1SRC : Astoria.... . 33 Knappa 3 Upper Astoria 7 Low baud Clarke 3 Bear Creek 2 Mishaw aka 2 Clatsop 4 Sea Side s Clifton 4 Vesper.- . .3 Fislihank 2 Walhiski 3 John Dav 2 Westport . .. ' Young's River... 3 Your committee recommend that lite pie oinct primaries be held at tho usual toting places on 'Mauhsist.JWf!, unless otherwise orderi'd by the local committees. J. A. FULTON, Chaumau County Committee. Concomly St., Knot i t.fachiiti, Astoria. 'onoraI Machinists and Boiler Maters. I Land and Marine Engines nour.r.u work. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work r,: . T:. .. . uuauiiijS) ui mi uesenpuons maae In flrrlnr nl CI,.. ,.: touraer at bnort Notice, President J. (J. HUSTLFH 1. XT. Cask JOHN Fox .Sccretarv , -TreasuiiT. .Superintendent. CANDY Slanufactured and I'or b.ile at I Wholesale Prices at The Oregon Bakery A. A . l'l.E LliA.MJ, I'rop'r. Goou Bread, Cate and. Pastry None but the Best Materials I'sed. cl'rl' n I-.. oausiauuuii uuarameea busiomers Bread delivered In any part of the eit . Seaside Bakery.j Best Mills Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candies. and Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. JOIINSO, UUOM. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO,, Sl'l.'tJKS-iUlCS TO J. O. "EX. O S S County Coroner. ' , A rt & 3332k :EsS3 First Class Undertaking ESTAIILISIIMKNT. New . St j Ies, Caskets and funeral uaterlAl I Net to ASTOiiiAN- onice. , The Akron Lacquers. milE UNDERSIGNUD Rr.bPECTFUI.I.Y J. calls the attention of Canuerj men and others to the fact that he is the Panne roasi aseni ior ine Celebrated Akron Lacquers,. And is prepared to quote low prices on these J kihius. nainpies inriusneii on application. J. O. UOZORTH C. E. BAIM, Vrholefiale anil Retail Dealer In All Kinds or Seasonod Lumhpr. 3IOUI.DIXCS. WINDOWS AND DOORS. OAK. ASH AND HICKORY, Ulnck Walnut, Alder and Maple, PORT ORFORD CEDAR, And All Kiuds of Roat Material a Specialty. ALL KINDS OP Jolt Work nml Turning Dour at SHORT NOTICE. Manufacturing Steam JIills. Corner Genev levo & Astor Bts. FIRE BRICK Astoria Iran w oris Kre,JV?M vW6.-Jaijtigwv lKDfuE,s9StlSfir r - - ' . $ Watchmaker VcfSv Jeweler. DKALKR, IN Hay, Oats, ail Straw, Lime, Wood Delivered to Order. TER apply to the Captain, or to r?skzitjiv&i'ii!isis"iMiiy The New Model Eange CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF 13. R. HAWES, Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be rieased. E. R. Uawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER-FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Call For Democratic Couuty Convention. ATAMEEITNC. OFTHE DEMOCRATIC Countv Central committee, held Febru ary 2ith, It was decided to call a Democrat ic Com eation for Clatsop County to- be held in Astoria March Soth, lSSS, at 1 o'clock. P. M.,forlhe purpose of selecting live dele gates to the Democratic State Convention, to be held at Pendleton April 3d. 1SS8, and to transact such other busiuefs as may prop erly come before Mich convention. The several precincts will be entitled to onedelegatceacli.andonedeIeg.ite addition al for every fifteen votes andf met ion there of cist for X. L. r.uller for Congrc.'.in.in at thegener.il election in lsjc, viz: Attoii.1 37 MMiawnka... . . .! Bear Creek :! Seaside 2 Clatsop . 3 I'ppi-r Astoria 7 Cliftnu 1 Vesper 2 FMiiiawk 2 Ytalhi.ki 3 .I'llni IMo a UVspoit 2 ivnanpa :; tours nivi.. j l.-".visand Ciatk...... J Total immcf r of delegate. . SO Cominiitee recommend thit the Precinct Primary meetings for tne selection ot dele gates to the Count v Convention be held at tho usual places of voting on Nitur.iay. March 2lth, at 2:00 1 m.. rxc-cpt in Astoria and Cnior Astoria. !A1I Democrats ati-l all cmi-ervatlvntltl zens who lavur the ferpeti-ntlnu of Demo cratic principles, are .onlii.lv invited to l participate in' lie pri varies ai i r.Ki) kini:y, I Chairman. I.V.SrUANCK. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA II INSURANCE CO frank dekoi ...President W. II. SMITH Vice-President '.ioiixa.cuilu secretary n. lWbecoad St., l'orll.unl.ur. I. W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. Elmore, Sanfoorn & Co. COMMISSinN MERCHANTS. pire insurance AGENTS. l.Vpri-seniliu the Largest and Must Relia ble hire Insurance Companies. AURuiue4 promptly anil RCi-ur.ilelj tr.m acted. I1 ,aw i ' ' ,r . 1-1 , .1,M . Astoria Oirgon. CAPITAL STOCK - - S500.000 THE NORTHWEST aEPii-o cfe Marine INSURANCE CO. F. E. Reach .... -President J. McCrafcen . Vice President J. I.oewenberg Treasurer R. P. Karhart ..Sec"i aud Manager DIKECTOTiS, .l.Loewenberg J. K. Gill. II. L Pittock, F K.Arnold, F.M.Warren, J.McCraken, F. E. Reach, D.D.O!ipliant, F. Fggert No. 33 Washington street, Portland, Or. R. L. BOYLE, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. Onice at I. X. L. Packing Co, Depositea in Orepn, $300,000 ASSETS, sos. sox. a s g. Koval, Norwich-Union and LaucashlreCom- blnation Joint l'olicj Union of San Francisco. Germaiila of New York. State Investment of California. Ani;ln-Nevada Assurance Corpoialiou. IWilNK IWRIMtThTtKREII 111 Ol'U oris POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. $67,000,000 Capital JierpnnlS Ixmdotisfllobe. North Ilntish aim .mercantile 01 iinaon and lullnuuruli Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Waterlown, New Yoik, l.ondun & Lancashire of Mterpool, r.iis..i in- insurance companies, j.cprcsent in a capital or S(,7.0O0,00O. It. VAX 1HSF.X ARCl.t. J. 0. B0Z0RTH. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Insurance written in first class English and American companies at lowest soin rales. MagnilS C. CrOSby Dealer in HARDWABE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, I S T O V E S, TINWARE ND I AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tlaa. and Copper. FIRE CLAY Brict, Cement, Sand mi Plaster FIRE A AM DrarlnE, Teaming and Kxpreis Itnalnex, STEAMER ssfEHUM PARKER Cben P, Parker, Master. ForTOWIXU, FREUIOT orOIIAR II. B. 1'AKKF.H. WHOLESALE AND HETAITi DEALElt IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest anil finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and UTegetaTales. Keceiveil fresh every Steamer. JH mimmiiI liw .1 i.nriirii..m n i. .i. m ..in n.,-- , -THE LEADING neb: GHIFFI2ST J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. HUTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City nook Htoiv. Children's Shoes Ladies' Men's a a Boots Boys' W. T. F&SISSH, Manager. r.FLor. KniKi:, OAltr.A. HINIOX, Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C, La. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. 1 The Old Stand - Astoria, OreKon. F.STA HUSHED 18. I US M eittLNCT MtaB eta.. LINEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Purse Seines. StaJoM Nets. Salmon Gill Nets, J3J"Fi9li XettiiiRs of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, nnd al the lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Cold Medal Twines. Guaranteed to be tho strongest and most desirable twine now made especially for the PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE is manufactured onlv by ourselves, directly from the raw materia), and costs no more in "SETTINGS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston, Philadelphia and London. American ITot and Train Company, BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS. The NewYorkNovelty Store Have a Finely Assorted Stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks,Qptical Goods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of AHDescriptions,Bout!htin the Best Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco. Opposite Parker House, Main Si., Astoria.. ' -, ' I km BOOK SELLERS. & REED. VirginiaCiaar and Tobacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Tun Doom East of Olney. Hue Cl;xra, Tobaccos and SmoVrr Article", bold at ton est Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES NOTIONS.&c .50c 1.35 1.25 2.25 1.25 to a a a a 3.50 8.00 7.00 7.00 4.00 rikeltRich! Bl'YYOL'K Groceries! Provisions OF t- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to sell at the verylowest margin "bf prollt while glvlns you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. Tne Highest Prico Paid for Junk. CAPITAL, sr.-o.ooa i Jpt - )