03 jju VOL. XXX, 6t ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, J 888. PRICE LIVE CENTS. NO. BUSINESS GAUDS. jroux a. smith. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJlce. Room 1 and 3. over City Book Store. -1KO. .VOLAXD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ce m Kinney's Block, opposite Cttj lljll, Astoria, Oregon. O vr. FCt.TOV. O. C. FOt.TOS FI7E.TUS BKOTOEBS. vrTORNEYS AT I.AW. u ooms S and 6. Odd Fellows Building. p B.THOMSOS, Attorney at Law and Hotary Publio. cpeclnl attention glren to practice In the U. a. Land Office, and the examination of laud titles. A full set of Abstract Iloo&s for Clatsop County In offlce. iirriOK-Up stairs, opposito Telegraph Office. f Q. A. COWIiBY. I vttoruey and Counsellor at Law oace on Chen&raus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. I. WIXTOX ATTORNEY AT LAW. Koomt No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build- rt B. WATSOK, Atty.at Law and Deputy Disi. Atty. All buslnew before the U. a. land Office a peclalty, A8T0EIA. - - OnEOOX. rvK. j. k. la Koncb, DENTIST. IlodtDi 11 and IS Cdd Fellows Building. ASTOBIA, .... OREGON, rB8. A. U AND J. A. FCLTOX. Physicians and Surgeons. Offlce on Cass street, three doors south of odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. . "inSiCIAN AND 8UKQEON OfMCK Kooms 6 Pythian Building. Resioexce : SB corner Wall and West 9th streets, opposite I. W. Case'. A E. HUAW. DENTIST. Konois in Allen's Building, up stairs, ror er Cass and Bquemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. YfJIM. IK. OUHS-.DAIlt, Offlce and lesldence, O.K. Wnnen'-. for mer residence. Astoria, ureson. Diseases of Women and Children, and of llie hie and Ear. specialties. jH.,0, II. KSTES. I'll YMCI AN AND SURUEON. Ofkick : em Building, up stain, Astoria, i treon. jTR. AI.FKRD KI.WKV, Office at Kinney's Cannery. . Will only attend patients at his offlce, and may he found there at any hour. TAB. FIIANK PAUE, I'll YS101 AN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Offlce, Astoria. Oregon. TAB. W. WKL.Cn. AGENT rOK Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Sept. Columbia Water Co. Office-Ou Wa'er Street, Astoria, Orecon. Q.ELO F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AXI) City Sarveyor of Astoria Kesldence : A'ear Clatsop Mill. N. D. Raymond, Deputy, office at Cliv Hall. E. C. HOLDEV Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For Washington Territory. ACCTIONEEE, HEAL ESTATE AND XN8URAXCF. AfiUNT. Offlce at Holdens Auction Kooms.Chena- inus street, Astoria; Oregon. A. HMITn. DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over P. II. Cooper's Store. Fashionable Dressmaking. A First-class Dressmaker, latelv from the East, Is associated with Miss M. L. Richardson, On Cass Street. 3 Uoors south of TueAbto iuan offlce, vthere they are pre pared to do Dressmaking in All Its Branches. Ladles, give them a call and be con Inced. A perfect Fit Guaranteed. House To Let. K ROOMS. HARD FINISHED, LOW O rent. Apply, B.C. HOLDEN. EL JifjyawJLji jLxtp w y j i w " FAULTLESS FAMILY MEDICINE "Thavo used Simmons Idver literal a tor for many years, hav ing made It my only Family Medicine. My mother before mo was very partial to it. It la a safe, good and rellablo medi cine for any disorder of the eystom, and if used in time is a great preventive of tlehness. I often recommond it to my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Rev. James M. Eolllns, "Pastor M. KChurch, So. Fairfield, Va." TIKE AND DOCTORS' BILLS SAVED by alicav8 keeping Simmons Liver Regulator in the house, "I nave found Simmons Liver Regulator the best family med lclno I over used for anything that may happen, have used it In Indlgrior, Colic, IHarrhaa, BUlousnm, and found it to re lieve immediately. After oat lng a hearty supper, if, on going to bed, I take about a teaspoon ful, I never feel the effects of tho supper eaten. "OVXD G. SPARKS, "Ex-Mayor Macon, Qa." 3-ONLY GENUINE-Ea Das our Z Stamp on front of Wrapper J. H. Zelin & Co., Soa Proprietors, ?rlco, 81.00. PHIL ADELPH IA. PA Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEBWAEE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AOEXTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Mill mivo tho dyspeptic from ijjit tlayiof mUorj, and enable liha to ot whatever ho wUhes. Tht intent Sick Headache, c&ui o the food to assimilate mitl sinur iili the body, giro keen appetite, nnd Develop FlesL. and solid muscle. Elegantl Mi,ar coated. Price, 23 cents perbo. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., X. Y. J. H. D. GKAY Wholesale unci retail tleater :;i GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT Oeueral Btoracc and Wluirfase on re.-isnn. able terras. Foot ol Denton -street, Astoria, Oregon. E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER SS COMMISSION ACENT.- ESTABLISHED 1874. Dealer In New anil Secoml-liaiul Furniture and lidding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Ijuid, Stocic or Household Unod in the country. Will appraise and pitrch-ue Second-hand Furniture. Consignment? solicited. Quick Sale and Prompt Cash Keturn fluaranteod. Astoria Agent for Pally and Weekly Orc gontan. ire! Fi Is one of Uie greatest blessings wliou jou havo It under coutrol. If jou build joui lire in one of those Masee Ranges or oiionf those Acorns or ArcaniUat .Totin A. Mont jtomery s, ou will find It a pleasure to pre pare a meal, or If you get one of those neut ers ou will find them to be clean and eco nomical and an ornament to 3 our parlor. Jf vou Intend gettlug a range or a heater dont fall to loot at his stock. You should call In see hH beautiful Ornamental Conl Vnes Mffil on&loInPbilaJelDliU ;ths NewiDawr Aiver. tudsgAgencr of uessrs. oar suicoruca csesu. j LIVING ON NOTHING A TEAE. How a Weil-Known Washington Man Manages to Exist. I know of a "man about town" hero, writes a Washington corre spondent, who takes great interest in public affairs, visits the capitol regularly every day, is a charming talker, a welcome guest at the homes of many senators and mem bers of the house in short, "a jol ly, good fellow," but one whose means of support have been some-thinp- of a mystery to his most in timate companions. Tho other day he applied to a senator whose wealth is counted by tho millions, for the loan of $'500. 'I don't know that I shall ever be able to pay you," said Jones, frankly I call him Jones because that is not his name "but if I am over able I promise to do so." The sonator was a good deal surprised at this unusual exhibi tion of candor, and replied in the same manner. 'As you are so frank,', said he, "You cannot object to my imitat ing 30a. I would like to know how you live. It has long been a mystery to me, and if I give you the money I want you to gratify my curiosity. Now don't be of fended." "Not in the least," replied Jones. 'On the contrary you have a right to know. I have no income, as manv people suppose, but simply live on ni- friends. I entertain them, do little services for them, and then draw upon thoni, as I ha e on you for my pay. I have never struck you before, and 1 hope 1 shall not be compelled to do so again; but just at present I am flat broke, and you happened 10 be the first man I met after re ceiving my board bill, which, of course lias to be paid, for I don't want to move." The senator's astonishment may better be imagined than described. Recovering his breath he ex claimed: 'Look here, June, if jou he on your fiiends, as jou siy, why in thunder do jou nlwny hoard at a first elnss hotel?" "That's easy enough to answer,"' replied Jones, without :i minute's hesitation; "if I didn't board at a fust class hotel, I unuldn't ln anv friend'!." Gospel Truth. The lultou-intrfrnm an eti hane has the kind ol .1 ring to it tli.it suits all newspapers regardless of pievious condition of servitude: "Push jour business; adtertNe it. Call your neighbors, acquaintances and fiiends to look in upon vour stock by inviting attention in well worded advertisements to what you have for sale. Don't think the world keeps you in remem brance; it is too busy for that. Ro member, if you were dead, they would cease to talk about you in a week, because jou would not be on hand to invite their attention and remarks. So, if you shut your selves in your store and don't speak out reminding them tlut you are still in tho land of the living, they will imagine you have gone to the other shore, and will visit those stores which keep themselves and their business well represented and repeated in the newspapers. Indeed, this is true as can poss't bly be. Those who advertise free ly arc the meu who sell freely; this is true the whole civilized world o er.' Iliuint; in our official capacity as memDcrs 01 me fivinouin ucpnai Committee been asked to ttot and prove the effectiveness of many different ar ticles to be used as disinfectants in sickrooms and as preventives of. infec tions fevers, report that Iarbjs Pro phylactic Fluid has been thoroughly tested during the recent Typhoid epi demic in this place. -It proea most efficatious in staying the the .spread of the fever. F. II. AnMSTHO.N'fl, S. JL DAVrNTOUT, T. A. Orr, O. M. Lance, Tnos. Keep., James Iec, Jit. A Knight of Labor paper says: "Jay Gould deserves the peniten tiary." Yes, and he would get it, loo, if it wero left where he could put his hand on it. Thin hair may bo thickened, weak hair strengthened, and tho color restored to gray hiir, bv using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Are ou made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Tital lzerisa positive cure. For sale by J. C. Dement. The Bun Wo Longer Hecessary. Sunlight is no longer necessary to photograph-matting. Strauss, the Franklin-avenue photographer, last evening "demonstrated that first-class pictures can be made the darkest night that ever falls upon tho earth. The sun may now hide its luminous head forever, but the photographer can go on and make his pictuics, and there need be no complaint on the score of darkness. Tho new element that is about to cause a revolution in photogra phy is magnesium. Taking a quantity of powdered magnesium and holding it on a shovel just back of the camera lens and on a line with the subject, a match is touched to it; there is a flash of in tense blue light, 'lasting for the fraction of a second, and by this swift but brilliant lrgbt the image is fixed on tho sensitive plate with a result that is surprising. Strauss took a half dozen pictures by the magnesium flash last nighl. He focused and posed the subjects first by tho ordinary gas-light, and then, turning off the gas, fixed tho camera for an exposure. Out of the darkness came the brilliant flash, and tho picture was fixed as firmly on the negative as if the strongest sunlight had flood ed the gallery. Tho plates devel oped splendidly. Anybody call ing nt Strauss' gallery can see the result. The pictures will bo print ed and exhibited. Strauss is the first photographer in the west, if not in the new world, to utilize the magnesium flash, which is aEyrop ean discovery. StfflMf'9?b)tJ,c first photogrnpherj57?jj53ivot to make a picture liy the electric ligh'- fit. Louis Post-Dispatch. Love's Yonnjr Dream. 'It is a beautiful song," ho said, as tho flute like jones of her voice and the turn, turn of the piano died away in the frescoes of the ceiling, "but I am not partial t. secular music. I love the sjrand old lumns best." '"Indeed,'" bhe said, as she rnn her fairy lingers lightly up and doun tl-e s-wu octaves. "Vi"-," he fxchutned ('lithiums tuifK, '"t'-e urtind old hvmns for u." ''Weil," she. nun mured, ai 11 iii I lu'i .sole 01 er hpr damask lift ks 1111,1 th lung -ilken lashe sh.idfil tin- beautiful vyi's bright as the bt.us th.it gleam in the kit in .1 winter nisrht, and a ih us soft as the perfumed zephyr that nestles the leaves nt oo when the diamond dew-drop trembles on the petals of tho sun-reddened rose, slightly stirred her bosom. "'Well. 1 do not know as I can blame you, for I am desperately fond of a certain him myself. Then a season of osculation en sued, over which wo regretfully drop Jthe curtain. "I've a fellow feeling in my bosom," said the tramp as he awoke and found his partner fum bliiic in his vest. Ayci'rt Sarsaparilla is just what you want for a spring medicine superior to all. Oregon has forty-two posts G. A. R , wiih a membership of 1300. For Uj spepsia andLiver Complaint, von have a printed Guarantee on eery bottle nf bhiioh's Vitalizer. It never fails to eur". Xld bv J. C. Dement. J lie Itov. Geo. II. Tbaj ei. ot Uour bwi. lr.il., sajs: "Both msel and wife one our li0 toSiur.on's Co.vsumptiov Cnurj." bold by J. C. Dement. Notice. miiE jiraiBEits or the c. it. r. r. i;n- JL Ion, ami otliers intending to go to Alas ka, are hereby notified that the Alaska Flsu ernirii's Association of ban Francisco, liae set the following wages, and prices for Salmon : Fifty dollars per month to Alaska aud re turn. 10 cents apiece for KlngSalmou. V, cent apiece for hmnll balinon. By order C. it. F, P. Union. ALEX SUTTON. Secretary. Tlio best Skilled Skippers of Gloucester visit ourSUU dally, and we avail ourseltes ol all the Tested Improvements they sug nest, in l'urse Seines. Our torcman In the Hanging Department is regarded as author ity In hanging bellies to Ush well, and wo beg to say that our ilr. Stowe was tho first one to Introdnco lnrso fccincs for Mackerel In this country was founder and connected with the American Nets Twine Co.. forty one years. With Mr. Klce, who was mill manager with this Co., and viltli as good twines as they know how to make, they feel warranted in inviting tho attention of Flih-e-inen in want of Purse or other Seines, GLOtrCESTEll NET&TWTN'E CO. Oloueestsr Boston Office, 91 Commercial St. Ukin POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ponder never vanes, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with tho multi tude ot low test, short weight, alum or phos 8 hate powders. SdUonlifncaiw. ItoYAL akino PowdkrCo. IOC Wall-st.N, Y. i g HOTELS AND KESTAURANTS C1IM9. KVKKSOX. F. COOK THE EVENS0N & COOK. On the European Plan. LulHOE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS F.ESTAURAXT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Famine.", Kte. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters. Fish. Heats, Eto Cooked to Order. IVVTIlltSt.. Opp. l-'or.rd A Hlokeff A FIRST CLASS SALOON l!ua t u i-ojiuflctlon ft lth the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CU3ARS. (hoi Ul! Unl THlileH and l"ilrte Ciin! Itoom THE Casino Restaurant Olio b!iK-L from the (I. R. &. K. Doc!., M. M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good IVisal For 25 Cents. OWers In any Style, 'i couw In emuicctlnii n I'll tlil IMnular Keitau r.mt It rim II st-cl w-t baloun, wrll stocked with rlion ts Wines, LlquorH and Cl-ir. AGENCY Ol' SAN FBAXCISCO. Astoria. Oregon. Cattuery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage nnd Insurance at Current It.pn. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. It. II. Coleman, Accountant, mm H FAi2 BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn a allable In any psitofthe U. S. and Europe, and on Ilonj; Kong, China Office Hours :-io a. jr. to 3 p. u. Onn Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is at the old stand prepared to build all kluds of boats used on the Tactile Coast. Builder of steamers Elctlric, Favorite, TonTutn, anil others. Model Making a specialty. Stock and Workmanship flrst.class. John C. Dement. DRUCCIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Canics Corapleto Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. rretcrlpllnni Carrftilly Conipoumled. Agent for Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure, Central Hole M ConCo A. B. & L. Association. TIU THIRD SERIES OF 8TOCEOF THE Astoria Building and Loan Association will be Issued April 1st, 1883. Subscriptions are now open aud will be received at the Merttary's offlc, until that date. tv.LVbobb. Secretary. CASH. 1888. Sps?mg Styles! STRAW, F'CTR., H 11 1 WOOL. llfTl I W My completement of STRAW, FUR and "WOOL HATS direct from EASTERN MANUFACTURERS are now in stock, nnd which speak for themselves a3 to STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE; Spring &nd Summer 1888. -FULL Men's, Youth' anil Boys' Clothing, Eine Shirts, Underwear, Etc., IN FURNISHING GOODS. Trunks. Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, Oil Clothing, Etc., Etc. nu aaa OpposUe tleicuenElne House. Stroct Railroad GRAND PREC PARIS, 1878, AND GRAND CROaS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. Thoy recoived the ONLY GOLD MEDAL Tor FLAX THREADS at tho London . Fisheries Exhibition 1SS3. And hftTe boon awarded HIGHER PRIZES nt the Tarious Than the goods of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can Always bs Seconded on. Experiencea Fi snnn . HEHRY BOYLE & Co., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - SAN FRANCISCO AQENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twine, Ropo and Netting Constantly on Hand, SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. "TT' V ' TWr. 'inrT'B, r Consisting of 4 CAB T.OAIS of Gno Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, 01! Cloth, Madres-Siik LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers aud shipped before the recent advance in freialit, tha benefits thereof wo propose to abare wit li our customers. Call and See Us 6HAS. HEILQORN. ONE PRICE. SOFT, STIFF, FOOSET LINE IN- 1 .GLsi03?i&, 03?g033t. running by tho door. i uiiier. in I hup9