w Trim 111 iMinrtii Sfic gmty IMotfntt. ASTOEIA. OKEGON: SATURDAY FEBRUAKY 11. 1888 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE I'ORT OP ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Dora Ann. Br bk 563 Queenstoirn Fob 10 vessels ox mK trAr. io forotrii l'urtx, for tliei Columbia JMver Algburta Ersp 1713 Panama Asarnta. Br tp 1110 Liverpool Benares. Br bit 1 FjC S R Braemir, Br bk 1035 Maryport Winder. Br bk 1117 Newoastlo Oountr of Carnarvon. Br bk 1267 Marjzort Oo. of Merioneth, Ur bk IOCS llamrart Cumberland. Br p 1793 S D Derby Park. Br ep 1300 Marxport Oot 1 Onnloo. Ur bk 674 Greenock Evelyn, Br bk 119 Liverpool Nor 1C Karisoanrt. Br bk 1113 Glasgow Sept 12 Forfais'urc. Br ip 1233 Newcastle Jan 14 Gartmore. Br bk 1035 Marjport Not 12 Helena. Br ap 1C55 Antwerp LadyC&ircs, Brspl2C3 London Oct Jl Licdcres Abbey. Br bfcfif3 Talcahuaco Leicaiia. Br bk E!j$ Am Larnaca.Hr up 14M 3 F Martha 1 isher. Br bk SH Maryport Oct 17 Mobile Bar. Br bk 1117 Antwerp Oct 16 Marj tow. Br bk St Manport Not 7 Jdaidea Ciiv. Br bk MeO Maryport Miraporo SrcvlWiSD Moet-j-doii. Ur r.k 10S9 S D Miltiades. Br lu.SU Dee 21 Ophelia, Br bk 1"4 Liverpool Sept 6 Rosecrana, Br k 1195 Liverpool Shandoe. Br at 1397 Sydney bamarkaud, Br bk 1104 San Dieso Saraca. Br bk 86 Liverpool Selnol Wyn. Brbk IOC b P Tbci!r.d Castle. Ur bk 1214 Liverpool Not SO From American i'urts. iici tticr. Am :p 14S6 Sew i'oik Not SS Jas Drummotd, Am sp 1179 N Y Columbia River Exports. sinriiEXTS roiir.iGN. i nnnuAKV. 2- J ticaiftoirn per Thornlicbank. Wheat. b2.0C7 bus. lrom Portland S39.000 2 To Quecns'oirn per City of Glasgow. Whe.it, C 1,055 1ms, from Portland S1T.717 2-jV Wcxtptrt per King Alfred. Flour, 22C3 bills, from Portland $77,810 i To Quecnslomi per Hornby Castle. Wheat. 81,001 bus. from Portland SJ0.711 4 To Slfoo per rccblcshlre. Plour, 10.210 bbls. frcin Portland $37,000 0 To Qucenstnum per Birmah. Y heat, 43337 bus. from Portland 531,370 10 To QueensUiwn per Dora Ann. Wheat, 33,011 bus. from Portland S25.5S5 HOLT & CO. Pronrlotors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS. SASH BOORS. BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades Boat Material, etc. Orders solicited and Promptly attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Style, Quali ty and Prices. Mill and Office or. Pelt and Concomly streets. Astoria. Oregon. Columbia Market. Northeast corner Water and West 9th Sts. C. H- Powell, Prop'r. I give my patrons Good Meat. In Good St lo and at Reasonable Price. Glvo me a call and I will try and make it suit you to call again. Family trade solicited. "ROSCOE CONKLINC," 50.354. P. C.J.C.C. n.B.. WmERofthe Trro-jear-old SrreepstaLe at State Fair, 1887 I offer to public patronage, the serving of this magnificent reentered Jersey Bull : Dam, Annie Looney 3rd. No. (Hi, same reg ister ; butter record. 17 lbs. 12 oz. of unsalted butter In 7 days. Those v. ho wish Silk Rich In Cream, wl'l find It profiuble to mate their cows to this butier-bred bull. Service fee reasonable. J. A. ROWAN, one block west of Main street, (on the county road) near Young's river. For Sale. UOME FINS nODND PUPs Oc' "TCEL- lent breed. For terms, anp't JAa .1 UK. Notice. mHE REG OLAR ANNUAL M CE 1 1 NG OF JL the Progressive Land and liuilliug As sociation will be held in Liberty Hall on the econd Saturday- ct cuing (tltli) i'i February, loSs. at" -JX) o'clock. D. R. BLOUNT, l'rci. W. B. ROSS, Fceretary. Picked Up. A SHIP'S BOAT. CLINKER BUILT, painted v.lute. about sixteen feet long, off we.st hhore Mill. Onner can Lave her by applying to Hamburg House and pa) ing caarges. Str. Gov. Jewell, P. A. TRULLINCER, Master. Will do towing and freighting at reason able rates. For terrasapply to Captain on board, cr at WEST SHORE MILLS Office. A. B. & L. Association. THE THIRD SERIES OF STOCK OF THE Astoria Building and Loan Association will be issued April 1st, 1583. Subcnptions are now open and will be received at the secretary's office until that date. W.L ROBB. Secretary. J. 0. BOZORTH. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Insurance written In first class English and American companies at lowest going rates. The Akron Lacquers. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY calls the attention of Canneryme n and others to the fact that he Is the Pacific coast agent for the Celebrated Akron Lacquers, And Is prepared to quote low prices on these goods. Samples furnished on application. J. O. BOZORTH. ASTORIA TIDE TABLE FOB ASTORIA. FEBRUARY1. 1I1QH WATER. LOW WATBIt. First. Secood. I First. SecnndT Sg'eoH ex E ex S M aniaHH P 5h 5 ; j n. m. S A. m. ,S A. m. JS A. tn, .S ,&,. 5 626 79 7 51 57 0W 24 1 Jl 13 672S789 18 59117 3124c;08 7 833 791029 63 2 23 35 3 54 03 ! 0 39 81113 68 3 49 S0 45O-01 B10 37 84 - - -- 453 34 543 -0! 10 0 11 7 3 II 28a 8 C 5 40 31 6 23 -11 11 0 52 7 7 12 15 8 7 6 36 27 7 01 -11 12 1 29 8 1 12 57 8 5 7 21 24 7 38 -07 "he Lours between mldingnt and noon .ire ! -nsitd by o (a.m.), those between noon jti.' .mdnlght by p (p. si.). 0A. 00m a denotes aiM'jjiit, oA. 00m. p denotes noon. Ti'. height Is reckoned from the level ul ut tra' Ion er low waters to v. hlch the suuail Insu r- rfven od the Coast Survey charts 2IKTX 3IET.TIN-. Templa LiOdfre, No. 7A.P.A.M KEGULAK COMMDNIOATIONS Jl first and third Tuesdays In eacu x V month, at 7)4 o'clock, r. h., at llie'V Hall In Astoria. Members of the ordt-r hi good standing are Invited to attend . By order of the f.ii. Bearer Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F. KEGULAR MEETING UV- ,. ery Thursday evening nt Zj&2Xi;'' 7 JO o'clock, at the Lodge 5sH'' room lu Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- ""ws' ria. Sojourning members of the order In good standing, cordially Invited lu attend. By order . N. . Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN JLfci campment No. IS. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, la the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p m., on the secend: and fourlli Mondays of each month. Sojourning bretu ren cordially Invited. uy oruer u. i Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. TJ. W KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will bo held In their Hall In Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each w eek, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers arc Invited to attend. . Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. Bj order M. W. w. is. Juneau a . iiw. dishing Relief Corps No. 3, O. A. B. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESIX'OND and fourth luesdays of each month, at 2 P.M. By order MRS. CLEMMIE ROSS. Secrttar) . Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED nesdav evening at 7 :30 p. m. at rnlnan Castle. Sojourning lCnlghts In good land ing coraiany tnviiea to aueua. uj oraer o. o. IL E. NELSON, K. of R. and H. Select Knights of A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETING OF NOK11I westem Legion No. 2, will be held at their headquarters In Pjthlau Castle on Thursday ev ening of each eek at 8 o'clock. Members of the Legion In good standing and visiting comrades are Invited to at' end. Lirui every nrst ana tnira luursaay even ings of each month. iy oruer oi commanaer. It. L, BOYLE, Rec Scandinavian Benevolent Society. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE ty at their rooms In Pythian building at eight o'clock p. M.. on the second nud fourth Tuesdays of each month, Auu.DAiNib.Lsoj, secretary. Company H.O.N. O. REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WEDNES day evening. Regular meetings first Wednesday of each'month at 8 p. m A. E. SHAW. Commander. Clatsop Lodge No. 113, TJ. O of H. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In lodce-room over Camaban & Co 'a store. So journing brothers invited to attend. Common Councu. REGULAR MEETINGS, SECOND ANT) fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7K o'clock. s-Fersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the-Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening Eriortome xuesaay on wnicn me council olds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. ASTOKXAN BJLRECTOJKY. STATE OPPICERS. United States Senators g- Representative In Congressjlinger Hermann Got ernor.... . Sylvest er Pennoyer Governor's secretary...... W. A. Munley Secretary of hute ....G. W. McBride Assistant Secretary . B. F. Gtltner State Treasurer. G. W. Webb bup't l"ubllc Instructlon..E. n. McElroy riaie i nnier .......... Clerk School Land Board Sup't Insane Asylum. Sup't Penitentiary ...... F. C. Baker Napoleon Davis ..Dr. Harry Lane .... Jtobt. Clow 1 W. P. Lord .A W.W.Thayer Judges Supreme Court . . , iiks, atranan Judges Circuit Court First District L. B. Webster, second R. S. Bean. Third R. P. Boise. Fourth Department 1 , K. D. shat- tuck ; department 2, L. B. Steams. Fifth F. J.Taylor. Sixth L.Isom and G. W.Walker. Seventh-J. H. Bird. Railroad Commissioners J. H. Slater, of LaGrande: Geo. Waggoner, of Corvallls; and J. R. N. Bell, of Roseburg, chief clerk. Health Offlcer.. Dr. O. B. Estcs couirrr officers. County Judge ......... County Commissioners . Clerk Sheriff .., Treasurer .......... C. H. rare j J.G. Nurnburg 'IE. C. Crow C. J.Trenchard W. G. Ross L Bergman Assessor- ....... C. R. Sorensen School Superintendent J. F. Page PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has lust receiv ed a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call and See mm aad Satisfy Tonrseir. P.J Meany. Merchant Tailor. C. E. BAIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in All Kinds of Seasoned Lumber. MOULDINGS. WINDOWS AND DOORS. OAK. ASH AND HICKORY, Blncfc Walnut, Alder and Maple, PORT ORFORD CEDAR, And All Kinds of Boat Material a Specialty. ALL XLTfDS OF Job Work and. Turning Hone at SHORT NOTICE. Manufacturing Steam Mills. Comer Genevieve Astor Sts. Wanted. A: T THE ASTORTAN OFFICE. THE AD- dress et Wm. urenrae. fjju wewhY JUK&-r? S5?T PERFECT Its superior excellence proven In n.tillo n of homes for more than a iiuartcr o; .t cent nrv. It lsiiseil hvltiB United M.itis dov- erument. Endorsed bv the li- ds ot the iire.it Universities as the Strongest Purest, -mil most Healthful. Dr. Price's. Cieani Baking Powder does not co.itain Am i.ionla. Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDKlt CO.. F.WYORK. CHICAGO. bT IOUIS. orth Faciic BREWERY. JOHNKOPP, - - - Propiiotor. Patronize Home Industry! Wosupplj as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any lu the Market. T AS KEAWOXAIU.I'. A PRH 1 The Ifortl Pacific Brewery Beer Is Fnre and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next io uergmau s uo.'s, or x reu cookc, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Tart of the City. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Vat Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All ord -rs from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. -THE- Utzinger and Grosbauer, Props. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A rirst Class Place of Social Resort, Run In a First Class Manner. A.TJG. DANIELBON, SAMPLE ROOMS, Corner ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors and Ciprs! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for tho Thingvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR Old Corner Saloon, FIill. I Boirer, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors gCigars, 401 Chcnamas Street, Astoria, Ogn. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHAR0 LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Fivo Conts a Class. Will. BOCK. Proprietor. LOBB & GO. fines, Liprs and. Ci A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA. - - - . OREGON. The Astor Hoiise Saloon. uCEO. M. ROWE, Everything Everybody Else Says, . and More Too. The best Is none too good for friends and patrons. Will Try to Please. " Tha Astor nonse Saloon. 2-- run -rsfl THE SURVIVORS' STORY. A Fnll LLst of the Officers and Crew of the Ijoat "Abercorn." AnrTlS TTr-T.or en-t-o. "TiT-r. Antra after taking pilot aboard held down to the south and west, trying to keep tO WirillwnTlT rt tKn Tnrf. lontl m,a hove nrst Friday, January 27th be- jwecu i ana e i M.; louna thirty fathom; took soundings nest raorn- inil830: nn hnltnm nt fiflv fntlinma- at 4 A. M. January GOth Vessel was ucjuk stterea oy tne wmu, mr,ciDj a course of southeast half east; Kankin left the wheel, beinc relieved by James JJllrst? cIta firaf isrtnfci tront nlrtff nn - -J " a-auv U1IIIV KVUU IIH v mo inizzon mast thinkiui; wj -.vere oH LllO TOnnlll ri7 Ihn 1 'rtlniislsin ni'op Mnri looking for the lighthouse light; this n.is iume seconu mates watcu. Rob't Bankin sajs he first saw Pilot Johnson on deck at five that morn ing; tin vcbsel'.-, sail was then re- dned tr tun lfw. .sr-.rnilvi ,itk! fnro- sail and foretopraast staysail and she was going through the water at about Tour knots an hour; tuo wind was S. a. y.; nearu order to get lead ready to sound and went into mizzon rig ging; just then the vessel struck; men an nanus were ordered on deck. The sea began breaking over the stern; the port bo.it was got ready but the seas brosc all four boats; the ship struck at nearly low water; at eiuveu, neany uigu. water tno fore and main masts went by the board, fall ing seaward and breaking the deck; tuen a Dig sea carried oil the pilot, tnfl RPffinrl IhqIm ttwi man n,.1 Itpn bojs. The rest of the crew took to it... :. -.-,- . t mo luiizou rigging, iinnicin ana iuc Lfcod and the boy Aitkin getting higher up than the rest; the men all thought the mizzen mast would fall to starboard but it fell to port and took all the men with it. tangling them in the running rigging and shrouds, holding them down and drowning them. The three saved made out by the help of the two In dians Tony and Sam to get to shore. Both tho men consider their escape wou.leital, which it was. They say that nt no time did they see the slightest sign of intoxication on the Dait of anvone on hnnnl fkp tsko! Their belief is that the vessel was lost because soundings wcro not taken at the time the watches were changed at four o'clock in the morn ing, when the second mate's watch came on deck. THE OFFIOBRS AND CREW. Following is a complete list of the names and residence of the officers and crew, all of whom with pilot Johnson of this city, were drowned, except three Eankm, McLeod, and the cabin boy, Aitkin: Capt. "Win. Irvine, of Glasgow; mate Chas. Eberg, of Norway; second mate Dunn, Kingstown, Ireland; car penter, Jas. Cann, Gowan, Glasgow; sailmaster, Archie MoKellar, Glas gow; cook, Adam Wilson, Dundee. A. B's:Wm. Duff, Nairn; Jno. Pat terson, Inverness; Jas. Durst, St. An drews; Richard Foster, Kingstown; Peter Tallant, Kingstown; Jas. Case, Newfoundland; John Baxter, Ferry den, Scotland; Joshua Leeds, Mary port; Wm. Tingle, O. S. Maryport; Hans Anderson, Norway; Jas. AVood, Jas. Robertson, Jas. Pearson, Glas Glas eow: twenty-four altogether. Can't Make Anythlns Like It. I havo been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put tin a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and euectiveiy move the liver to action and at the same time aid (in stead of weakening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. jno otner remedy witnin my Knowl edge can fill its place. L.M. HixroN.M.D,. Wtliinirtftn t rl- i, 'iiiwii, .....n. Some j'ears ago it was "bleed ing Kansas;" now it is freezing. ST. TITUS'S DANCE CURED. FARlIINaDALE, L. I., N. Y., ) Sept. v., isso. ) I have been troubled for several years with an affection of tho nerves which no doctor or no medicine could cure until I tried Brandretii's Pills. I would be taken with a vio lent pain in the middle of my spine, and my arms and legs would witch violently. It acted something like St. Vitus Dance, for I couldn't control my limbs. It would como and go once or twice a month, lasting two or three days at a time. Finally, at the beginning of one of my attacks, I took five BRANnRETn's Pills. As soon as they acted freely I found my self almost well. So I continued tak ing them for a month one or two a night. It is now a year since I have had an attack, and I attribute my cure to Eraxdeetii's Pills. Frances "Wood. Dressed beef is none too warm at this season of the year. Mothers should remember, when a physician cannot bo procured, that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral promptly relieves the croup. Great English Remedy. TralttMarb. Murray's Specific. A guaranteed cure for all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory. Ixws of Brain Foner. Hysteria, Headache, n.tn in th Rnpfc. Nprvnn Usforo lawng. rrostrationWakefulnesi,Leu corrhoea. Universal Lassitude, Seminal Weakness, Imnotency and General loss of rtowpr nt rh( llpnpmllvo Or- TrmdoMarK. pans, in either sex. causeu uy indescretlon or over exertion, and which ultimatelv lead to Premature Old Age, Insanity and Consumption. Si 00 ner box or six boxes for S0.00. Sent by mall on receipt of price. Full particulars In pamphlet, sent free to every applicant AfterTaklng, TVo Gnarantee Six Bottles To cure any case. For every 3.00 order re ceived, we send six boxes with written guar antee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the Sole Manufacturers. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO. Kansas City, Mo. Sold In Astoria by J. W. Conn, sole agent. isSFTrBjBps, Sore Eyes Tho eyes are always in sympathy with tho body, and afford an excellent index of its condition. "When tho eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, it is an evidenco that the system has becomo disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. . Scroful3, which produced a painful in flammation in my eyes, caused me much suffering for a number of years. By the advice ot a physician I commenced taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this medicine a short time I was completely Cured Jly eyes are now in a splendid condi tion, and I am as well and strong as ever. Mrs. "William Gage, Concord, N. H. For a number of years I was troubled with a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain any relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medi cine has effected a complete cure, and I believe it to bo tho best of blood puri fiers. C. E. TJpton, Nashua, N. H. From childhood, and until with a few months, I have been afflicted with Weak and Sore Eyes. I have used for theso complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's Sarsaparill. and consider it a great blood purifier. Mrs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left eye. Threo ulcers formed on tho ball, depriving me of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to no purpose,! was final ly induced to uso Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By Taking three bottles of this medicine I havo been entirely cured. My sight has been re stored, and there is no sign of inflamma tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye. Kendal T. Bowon, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflict ed with Scrofulous Soro Eyes. During tho last two years she never saw light of any kind. Physicians cf tho highest standing exerted their skill, but with no Sermanent success. On tho recommen .:. f!.nr1 T rniTAniprl rtTinttlaflf UUUUU Ul U Alii." . . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which my daughter commenceii uisiug. jjciua u ouw . tho tniru douio ner ainm- """"T"' Her cure is complete. W. E. Suther land, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SoldbyallDrusgUta. Price?!;. iIxbottle3,$5. MARKETS. Washington Market. Main Mrcct, - AsCurl.i, rrgon. lillROIAlS O. CCl'ItOrKIETOKh 9 RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN x b tion ot the public Jo the fut tliat the .ibovo Market will alwj. s bo supplied with a HILL VARlBrV AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale ai.d retail. SSSpecial attention given to supplhv ships. STAR MARKET. VHERRY & COKPAEnr, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vogo 5,"Sb3.r3, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXAJITJS Street. Astoria, Og. Wholly unlike artificial (.ysteini. Any book learned lu one rcnilins 1 Recommended by MakkTwaik, Rich Aim 1'noiTon. the "-cientist. lions. W.W. Asron. .lui'AH P. Benjamin. Dit, Minor, &.C Class of I0O Columbia Law students ; tvto classes of 200 each at Yale : 400 at Unlversit j of Pcmi Ihil.v.SuOnt Oberlln College, and three larse classes at Chatauqua Unlv ersity S.c. Prosiiectus tost fkfk from PROF. LO IShTTi:, 237 Filth Ave.. N. Y. -THE- STEAMER WiLLIJSKI, JOHN G. BLAKE. Master, Is ready for business, and will do Toning or BUSINESS OF ANY KIND On tho River, at reasonable rate;. Head quarters at Gmj 's Wharf. J. II. I. GRAY, Agent. Fashionable Dressmaking. MRS. JOHNSON. A First-class Dressmaker, lately from the East, Is associated with Miss M. L. Richardson, On Cass Street. 3 doors south of TheAsto uian ofllce, where they are pre pared to do Dressmaking In All Its Branches. Ladies, give them a call and bo convinced. A perfeet Fit Guaranteed. Wnlto Oak Liniment. Cures Rheumatism, Lame Back, Head ache, Toothache, and all Aches and Pains. Price, 00 cents. WILSON'S ILUR TONIC. Wilson's Hair Tonic will slrengthcn the roots of the hair, remove all dandruff and tenderness from scalp, and by making the hair healthy, promotes new growth. Con tains no sugar of lead. In addition to its power of sav ing the hair It is au elegant hair dressing. Price. 50 cents. HALL'S JUNIPER KIDNEY CURE. For diseases of the urinary and genital organs. Hall's JuniperKIdneyCure is prepared ac cording to a receipt written by l)r. Hall and Is purely cgetable compounded in concen trated form. Price, 75 cents. NORWEGIAN PILE CURE. Norwegian Pile Cure is a liquid prepara tion for botli external and internal piles. For external piles to be applied with a sponge ; for Internal piles to be injected with a small syringe. This preparation Is far su perior to ointment. Stops pain instantly. Price, 5o cents. MEXICAN SALVE Is the best ointment In the world for cuis. sores, ulcers, bruises, swelling and all skin diseases. Price, 23 cents. nALL'a FAMILY PILLS. For billlousness. costlveness, torpid liver and djspepsia are not excelled. They are purely vegetable, and active In effect with out griping. Price. 25 cents. FOR SALE BY W. E. DEMENT & CO. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. E, & N. GO. to ss&x&sa:, And Way Landings. The Steamer of theO. R. & N. Co., cir rjing the U.S. null-, leave iUi CbuipanVs Dock livery tiny, rtuiuiaja tceptea, at c A.M. Tins 1st lie only Oilly !!., and the oi.lj line running all the 1 .ir ruund. TO SAN FRAHG.SC0. The only line of Ste.imships to San Fran cisco. Steamers lerive Company's liock Pitry fied.ivs Regular 1 Jne ot Tow Boats and Sarges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF Ail", H1M1S. Inquire at CompanVs Dock or at City OI- uce. )ecial Sight !t ::l ti Pafllun!, Comicct.lv ivlth All 1hpTrr.Ii s. ihe I.vt and el(ri t sieam.-r (. I! rhliilPSvX leave IMiti.iiid evu. Vt 1 :: . ei'.' 'M..11 .uid lurilav ..t tl ,v v. -.. ,ufiiig.il sinrla t 7 a.m. next nuroiii itit n .iif., wi'I luiu Miru. cvt'ij ! il, lueii . ..ml lluio at 8r. v.. arriui .it j o ii ii'it a 6 v ret! nfrnni.r .i Ii.l Jllllc Utra .1 U'lll..i oiiswil be fuiuioh 1 11 1 c 1'oic .it 111" r- ivui.ili niii1. ! A cenl fur sii til" It'riT.'. and SI for si. t lum F. E. SHUTE. E. A. NO YES. Ticket Agent. Agent. TO m F8A1KC0,' CAL., UV W V OF TIIK orecoh & California b. r. AND CONNECTIONS. The Mt. Shasta Eoute. Quicker in Timethan any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LI.AVE POSTLA.ND4 P. M. Daily THROUGH TIME 30 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ZZtXimalUSt rsIiKr.I'KIINf r tscc- und Class rnrceissei w 011 all llironsli trimiH l'lll'.i: of CM AIMS. l''AItl' from Portland to Sacramento and ban Francisco, Unlimited - S23 OO l'lrat Class lamUed - - S20 OO Second Class " - - S15 Ot Ticket Office: Corner F and Front St3. Portland, Or R. KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, G. F. &Pass.Agt To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES W. P. Wiiitcome, Master, Will leave for Gray's Harbor on or about The 5th, 15th and 25th of each mouth For Trclght or Passage apply to J. II. 1. GHAT, Agent I. S. N. Co. llvaco Steam navigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and ilwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats lor Oystcrville, Montesano and Olympic STEAMER tMk "GEIT. CANBY," Tiios. Parkkk. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stovena. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 9 A. M., except as below. Witu Oysterville Malls and Express datly, and Through Malls to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the aen. Canby will mike two round trip3, leaving Astoria first time at 7 a. 31. and on second trip (about 2 p. si.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - 1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 -For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at tho office of the company, Gra 's v.harf, foot ot Benton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE HortliuTii Pacific Eailroaa! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Ohicago&AllPointsEast VIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific E. R. Is the ONLY Line Running Psenrer Trains, Pullman Palace bleeping Cars, Palace Dlnln; Cars (meals 75c), Luxuriant Day Coaches, tmlsrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that your tickets read via the Northern Pacific It. R. aad avoid change of cars. , Leave Portland at 7 A.M. and 3:15 P.M. daily; arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul at noon fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION-Traln leaves Front and O street dally at 7 A.M. and 11 A.M.; arrive at New Tacoma 1 :15 and 6 :15 P. M. connecting with Company's for all points on Puget Sound. CHAS.S.FEE, Gen'l Western Pass . Agent. St. Paul. A.D.CHARLTON, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 2. Washington St.. Portland. Depot, corner First and G streets. Delinquent School Taxes Dis trict No. 9. TCTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the xi taxes for tho above district are now de linquent. In order to save costs payment must be made immediately to the under signed, wm. B. ADAIR. Clerk, District No. 9. At store of M.C.Crosby. Dec. 19, 1887, owaDyingCuilu Wis Saved ! Ciceco, nvjn.TO Co., Ixr, Sept, 19. 1S37. Tho following is a truo account ot what your S. S.S.hasdonoforoMlitUedaushter,Ha39l. now four years old. When 12 months old a lurnpappcarcd on her hecLwhlch slowly gtevr larger. Tho family physician thought It was caused by a piece of broker" glass or needle, but failed to bring anythlns to light. Tha child became feebler all the time, seeming to lose tho U30 ot her les, and finally quit walk Inj entirely. Tho mlddlo finger and thumb of elthcrhaad becamo enlarged, tho flesh bo coming hard. The hip Joints becamo Involv ed, so that when seventeen mouths old she could not stand, having lost the us&oi leg tiadarm. Partial curvature of tha spina also followed. The nervous system was wrecked, muscles contracted, and thero was general wasting of flesh and muscle. At eighteen months of ago she was placed under the treatment of a prominent physician of Bos ton, Mass., bat at tho end of ten months she had declined to such a degree that sho was in a dying condition. This was la April. 1SSS Wo took tha child away not knowing what to do. In this dreadful dilemma we ware over persuaded by friends to try "one bot tle" of Swift's SnxiFic. which we did, and before It had all been taken we saw a chango for the better In her symptoms. We kept It cp, and havo dona so to this day. and will keep It up. If tha Lord wills, for many days to come, for It has brought oar dying Haul to life, toTlgor, to strength and health again. Tho ashen huo of her cheeks has changed to a rosy tint. Sho Is able to walk any whore, her languor and melancholy hare passed away, and she Is now a blithe, cheerful, hap py romping child, should you wish to In crease your testimonials of proof of tha virtue of S.S.S., our names and what wa have said Is but a portion of what wo owe to you, should you wish to use thero. KlnBly yours. Bra. F. Swnrr. Gestbtoe E. Swrrr. P.O. Box C6. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The SwirrSracmc Co., Drawer aA.tlanta.Oa BE. SPINNEY & GO'S NORTHWESTERN. D1SPE?SARY, 1S3 TirstSt., corner Yamhill, Portland. All Chronic, Nervous aud Private-Diseases of 3Icn and Women SucreHsfulIy Treated. Such as Lot Manhood, Nervous nndPhysicai Debility, Exhautcd itality.Seminal Weak ness, Spermatorrhea, Prostatorrhcca. Impo tency. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilid, Diseases f the Kidneys. Liver, Lungs Heart, and lomach . l'rematura Decline. WEAKNESS IN WOMEN, and all Functional Derange ments that reult from youthful follies or ex cess in later years. Who miy ho suffering from the effects of youthful fjllies or indi-cretion will do well to avail themselves of this, tho greatest boon over laid at tho altar of suffering humanity. OR. hl'IN.NKY At ill Uuurnntee to Forfeit 8500 for every case of Seminal Wealnes or private disease of any kind or character which he undertakes and falls to cure. MIDDLE-AGED MEN There aro many at tho age of CO to CO who are troublod with too frequent avacuations of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weaken ing of tho sytcu in a manner the patient can not account for. On examining the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment will often bo found, and somotimcs small particles of albumen will appear, or tho color will bo of a thin, nhi.i-h huo, a en in changing to a dark, torpid appearance. 'Ihero are many men whodie of this diOiculty, ignorant of tho cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. DR. bPLN'NEY will Gnaruutee a l'erlect Cure in such cases, and a healthy restora tion of tho genito-urinary organs. Hours, io to o and 7 to 9 : Sunday, 8 to 11 A. Monly. Consultation free : Examination, $2X0. O has talcen the kad 13 the sales of tliat cUit ct Temedies. and has cr1 almost universal satiu- tU.o. MUKPHY BROS . Pari-, l-r O baiwon the ... f the public aad now r.al araonjr the leading Men- Caret la ' 1 TO 5 DATS. Qaarioteed not i iCmfA caua stricture. lirdenlrbTfliA jgaswacisstticx Qncmnati.R k i nir. o. Lie ouaora. Ohio. A. J-. SMITH. Bradford, n. SoldbyDniTOisu. rmegl vv. Sold by J W. Conn Astoria. Oregon, JVLERDESKCfl nrnu-c BANK COUNTERS, -B.rm.IS, CODKX HOUSS G0VEKNKENT WORK and OFFICII FITTTNOS. EestWoTb feLoVtltPrlriu Guaranteed. 100p.lllntM Catafarng.TItcst ever printed, sent free. Postage 7i 500 IXttWiSiHri. ,n is a i v - -. I i& JUAS& HEALTH. TJ Im Itlchrm'a Golden Balsam Xo. 1 Cures Chancres, first and second stages Sores en tho Legs and Body; Sore Ears' Eyes, Nose, etc , Copper-colored Blotches. Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms ot the disease known aa Syphilis. Price, 85 OO per Bottle. Lo Itichau'B Golden Balsam No. a Cures Tertiary, Mercurial Syphilitic Rheu matism, Fains in tho Bones, Pains In tha Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sora Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness ot the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from tha system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abnso cf Mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy..' Prlco SS OO par Bottle, lid lllchau'g Golden. Npanlsh Anti dote tor tho euro of Gonorrhea, Oleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Oen. tal disarrangements. Price 8 CO per Bottle. ., Jjo nl chart's Golden Spanish. In jection, for severe cases of Gonorrhea, Inflammatory Gleet. Stnctures,&c. Prlco 91 SO per Bottle. Z.e Illchan's Golden 01ntxn,ent for the effectuo healing of Syphilitic Sons, and eruptions. Prlco 81 OO per Box. Lo Rlchau's Golden Pills Nerve and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow er, excess or over-work. Prostration, etc. Prlco S3 OO per Bor. Tonic nntl Nervine, Sent cvcryv-hcrc, C. 0. 1., Eecurely packed rcrcxprcs3. C. r. KICIIAntlS & CO. , Agents, 1-11.13 fratianne street. Corner Clay, riKCfl.VR MAILED FREE. LIFERENEWER with Iectrlo Burses. orv. Moat cowafnl. ' durable and perfect rfsv vuiuu awterr in the ptrS" world. Cures Nertom De- rill It Uafn f. k. T m Tsnuasnof tr m K iT ivStv - i staSpfo? """ PamphlSSo:2 TAddrasV " MACNETIC ElASTICTBUSCO.. 704 SMBAHEKTOST. Han Francico. Cal or 304 N. tth at.. HtxSgtf !. W m-&m 3S7JVTf r X. 1 V'oVJrS lrsr kYS? ISEA3E gfy'HK.nycai'.ffr iimMCStrSr- $&$