The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 11, 1888, Image 3

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    --KT',, w""VrftL'm'
?k gniUj Stfomn.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Astoriax Building, - - CassStbeet.
Terms of Subscription.
Served b v Carrier, ier eek 15 cts
Sent by Mall, per month ... w cts
" ' one ear sjotj
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Asiobiax guarantees to its adt er
tisersthe largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The county court meets this morn
ing. The Dolphin 13 off for Gray's har
bor. The Columbia is due from San
Francisco this morning.
Chinook salmon retails for twenty
cents a pound in Portland.
Tho3. Nast to-night: reserved seats
at the New YorkNoTelty store.
Tho Madrono, and Manzanita ar
rived in San Francisco last Thursday.
The Prohibition party convention
meets at Rescue hall at two this af
ternoon. The Idaho came in yesterday and
went to the buoy depot. Tho RoVt.
Sudden sailed. .
In the police conrt yesterday Ah
Ling forfeited S25 bail on a charge of
selling gin without a license.
Without a particle of envy tho Se
attle Press says that there are five
cases of small pox in Tacoma.
Prof. Miller lectures at the M. E.
church to-morrow evening and goes
to Portland on the night boat.
Wm. White, of Scappoose, killed
a cougar and three wildcats one day
last week, just for amusement.
The British bark Bora Ann cleared
for the cove of Cork yesterday, carry
ing 33,014 bus. wheat, worth S25.585.
The annual meeting of the Pro
gressive L. & B. association will be
held at Liberty hall at 7:30 this even
ing. Congregational church, Sunday
morning, theme, "Seeking the Lost."
Evening theme. "All Is Not Gold
That Glitters."
Chinese new years began last night
with the usual racket. The Mongo
lians will make their end of tho town
lively for tho next few days.
, Published reports in New York pa
pers in regard to opposition to the
lease of the O. R. & N. lines are offi
cially stated to bo incorrect.
Capt U. B. Scott has ordered anew
pair of cylinders for the Telephone.
They are to be twenty-five inches in
diameter, and eight feet in length.
No. 2's S420 team of greys is at
Rob't Carruthers' stable, and will be
brought around to the engine house
to-day, and introduced to the engine
and the steam whistle, etc.
Models of the new street cars have
arrived. The cars will have all the
modern improvements on them and
will be here by the time the track is
ready for the rolling stock.
Thos. Nast, the greatest living car
icaturist, and a man with a national
reputation, appears at Ross's Opera
house to-night It is an event, and
he will have a large audience.
Sometime ago it was rumored that
Capt. H. M. Gregory formerly of the
Shubrick and Manzanita was dead.
The captain writes that he isn't dead,
and has away the best of the argu
ment The south channel of the Nehalem
is filling up, and the north channel is
shifting south, so that the probability
is in a few weeks there will be but
one channel, about where the south
channel formerly was.
Joggles was listening to a man yes
terday saying that he could never go
to sea; bo many people died at sea.
"Well," says Joggles, says he, "lots of
people die in bed. Ain't you afraid to
go to bed?" and the crowd all said
The steamer Lone Fisherman has
been sold by H, E. Levy to the Cut
ting Packing company, of Seattle for
S2.500 dollars, for Alaska where she
will hereafter be used as a tender for
the canneries owned by that company
m that territory.
If you want to talk to the people of
Astoria, why not talk to all of them ?
An advertisement in The Astokian
will do it for you. Everybody reads
it There's no boast nor brag about
this. It's the simple statement of a
fact Meral: Advertise in Tiie Astor
UH. Settlers are going into tho lower
Nehalem; two men, named Lewis and
Johnson, each with a large family,
went into God's valley last week, and
took up claims. God's valley 13
above the Foley river and will be all
that its name implies after it gets
Philip Condit reports that tho Tilla
mook trail ia now open for travel. It
isn't exactly the route one would
take if ho had a carriage and four
liorees with outriders, but as it runs
or creeps up the Nekanikum, it beats
no trail all to pieces. This is what is
known as the Buchanan trail. The
coast route is not navigable by land
at present
Tllft ronl PsfntA holrmmnrr tn the oc.
sate of James Carrico, deceased, at
wesiport, was sola at public auction
bv I T). Winfrm nttnrnov fnr tlio nrl-
. - 'M MfebVI.MWJ' .W 4Vrf -
ministrator, at tho court house door
111 ou xieiens, on Aionaay last, it
was purchased by Marshall Morgan
and George Shirley for 8750. It is
valuable chiefly as a logging outlet.
Secretary of the interior Vilas rec
ommends to the senato that all tim
ber lands in the vicinity of tho
sources of principal streams bo with
drawn for sale or occupancy, and kept
as wood and land reserves. Also that
tlTTlllPr rn fnrnaf Imwl faoarntinna
shall not be disturbed, except in such
a way as provide against destruction
of forests.
Take a piece of paper, and on it put
in figures your age in years, dropping
months, weeks and days. Multiply it
by two; then add to the result ob
tained the figures 3763; add eight and
then divide by two. Subtract from
the result obtained the number of
your years on earth, and see if you do
not obtain figures that yon will not
be likely to forget soon.
Congressman Hermann has secured
the insertion into the new land bill
being proposed by the house commit
tee on public lands of the main fea
ture of his land bill, which allows a
second homestead entry to those who
fail to consummate their original en
try through any cause except aban
donment of their entry or through
sale to others. Tho provisions of the
bill appeared in yesterday's Astoiuan.
Colonel T, E. Hogg, president of
the Oregon Pacific Railroad company,
has commenced an ejectment suit
against Thomas Monteith, of Albany.
About a year ago the former claims
to have bought through tho assignee
of the Monteith estate, flouring mills
and real estate in that citv valued at
30,000, Monteith claims that the
sale was illegal, and refuses to give
possession, for which reason suit is
Sheriff Albert, of Wahkiakum coun
ty, was in St. Helens on Tuesday last.
Ho believes ho has a cue to the per
petrators of tho robbery of the Cow
lits county county treasurer, and
Mnnts the county commissioners or
Mr. Martin's bondsmen to offer a suit
able reward for their apprehension.
Even sheriffs cannot afford to work
for nothing. It is only newspaper
men, says the MM, who can indulge
in that luxury.
John Miller Murphy, who has been
running a Democratic newspaper at
Olympia for twenty-four years and
has done good faithful work for his
party, has at last after considerable
effort in that direction got an office.
It is a glittering prize and is worth,
some say, S900 a year. God moves in
a mysterious way, His wonders to
perform. If John has a $900 note to
pay he can hypothecate a year's sal
ary and pay it.
Mrs. Andrew Wirt, an old and re
spected resident of Pacific county,
die3 yesterday morning at Capt.
Whitcomb's residence. She had
been ailing for a considerable
time, and hopes were enter
tained for her recovery, but she sank
gradually and passed away. The
body will be taken to Oysterville this
morning for interment. The deceased
lady was the sister of Mrs. W. P.
Whitcomb, Mrs. Archie Pease and
Mrs. Peter Jordan, of thi3 city.
It is calculated that the total ship
ments of salmon to Great Britain in
1887 aggregated 352.4G6 cases: to tho
eastern states and Canada 510,217
cases; to Australia nnd New Zealand,
58,162 cases; to China, Japan and the
South Sea Islands, 13,540 cases; local
consumption, 38,400 cases; stocks now
on the Pacific coast, 67,064 cases; the
total product and carry over for 1837,
being, according to this. 1,039,879
cases, an outside figure. More than
nan tue entire coast pact of ' was
shipped east.
A member of tho house committee
on rivers and harbors writes that he
thinks that the appropriation bill will
amount to about 815,000,000 or S16,
000,000. This will give considerably
more than one-third more than the
appropriation recommended by tho
secretary of war to the various rivers
and harbors in the country. If the
bill passes tue no use and senate, and
is signed by the president, the money
for the prosecution of work on the
Columbia river bar may be available
about next July or August.
And now comes a dispatch about a
man in Ohio who got rich so fast that
he went crazy, so he did. There's
where a newspaper man has the bulge
on his confreres. He gets rich so
slow that there's no danger he'll over
go crazy over the sudden accumula
tion. At the rate of a dollar a week
it don't pile up fast. This item would
have gone into the editorial column
along with tho other paragraphs, but
the grammar is a little shaky, and
we're short of leads this morning, so
it will have to take its chances among
tho locals.
From Colby, Kansas, comes a pa
per with a funny name, the Thomas
Cat. That lays over anything in the
way of a name ever seen on a paper
in this office. We have had a Yell
and a Bazoo nnd a Snorter and o
Rustler and a Key and a Bell and a
Boomerang but never before did this
chaste family journal seo a newspa
per with such a name as the Thomas
Cat. It is owned and edited by Jos.
A. Gill, who practiced law in this city
for some timo and afterward owned
and edited tho Pacific Journal. In
the number to hand the Thomas Cat
erects its spine and everlastingly
claws the loathsome contemporary
published in tho same town.
A short time ago Capt. Chas. Wil
loughby of tho Quinault Indian reser
vation, captured on tho Quinault
river a strange and unknown fish of
large size, which ho at once sent to
the Smithsonian institute at Wash
ington, for tho big men who under
stand fish to examine. They sent
word to Capt. Willoughby that it was
not only a fish of a "new species," but
also a "new genus;" and that it was
christened "Acrotus Willoughby."
They (the scientists) intended to give
an account of this new fish to the
world. Capt. W. thinks it is an odd
fish, and that they have given it an
odd name, and it does appear that
even a fish doth sometimes immortal
ize the name of men.
The Astobian has been asked for
the proper spelling of the name of tho
place where J. B. Montgomery has
his sawmill, aud tho name of the
street that runs or swims past The
Astobian office, east by east, nor
nor'east, and the name of the hiyu
chier that escorted Lewis and Clarke's
party when they came out here and
invented this country. The afore
said name has been spelled Skamok
wa, and Skamokawa, and Squemoqu
he, and Squemoqua, and Skomokwa,
and Sqnomokwa, and a dozen other
ways. The best authority we can find
and to whom we pin our faith in mat
ters of aboriginal philology, says that
the correct etymology of that name
is Skemookweup, with the accent on
the "mock."
In yesterday's'0re7OJt"a7i '"s a state
men t'from Capt. Lower, of the British
ship Duleep Singh, which would im
ply to anyone not conversant with
the facts that that vessel was charged
one thousand dollars towage in on
the 3rd inst The captain is repre
sented as saying: "I refused to pay
such an exorbitant sum, but after
staying out another night, concluded
I could not help myself, so took tug
nest day." As a matter of fact Capt
Lower paid 8500 to have his ship
towed in. That is a pretty steep fig
ure, but there is no use in exaggera
ting these things and making them
out worse than they really are. The
truth is bad enongh without making
the charge out twice as much as the
bill that the captain signed shows it
The endorsement of German
Syrup is unparalelled. We will pub
lish 1U00 testimonials received during
tho last sis months. Read them.
May savo yonr life.
BuiiUNGHAM, N, Y., May 31,'SG.
G. G. GnEEN, Dear sir: I am fre
quently troubled with severe colds,
and the only remedy that will relieve
me of them is your Boschee's German
Syrup. I have used it for more than
12 years. It is a constant household
companion with me. Our merchant
here procured it first at my solicita
tion, nnd says he has sold a great
many bottles. It is a very popular
remedy in this section. Every per
son who has used it speaks in the
highest terms of its merits. I do not
know of a single case it has not
cured. I first used it in Vermont,
where I lived before coming here. I
advise everyone to use it, as it is cer
tainly the best cough medicine I have
ever known. I have tried nearly all
of them at different times.
Yours respectfully,
Proprietor Grist Mill.
Card of Thanks.
I take this method of expressing
my sincere thanks to tho ladies of
Astoria and the many kind friends
who ministered to my dear wife dur
ing the long illness which terminated
fatally to-day. -Asdbew iVibt.
Renew ! ZIcrToutli.
Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson, Cla
i;o., iova, tens tne ronowiue story, the
truth of which is vouched for l ilic
residents of the town : "I am 73 vrnrs
old, have been troubled with kfdiioy
complaint and lameness for many
years: could not dress myself without
help. Now 1 am free from all pain and
soreness, and am able to do all my own
housework. 1 owe my thanks to
Electric Hitters for having renewed my
youth, and removed completely all dis
ease aud pain."
Try a bottle, only 50c. at W. E. De
ment &Co.'s Drug Store.
Spring, Spring.
Beautiful Spring Neckwear, just re
ceived at Herman Wise's.
Any case of Croup can be oa-il v treat
ed and cured by using "The "Child's
Cough Syrup." Full directions with'
each package, which can only be pur
chased at Dement's drug store.
3Jcrs lu Every Stj Ic
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
For lame Back, Side or (Jnesi use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pric 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
The finest and juciest steak at Whit
comb & McGillas's.
What's the matter with sending your
best girl a token of St. Valentine, a full
assortment at Griffi.v & Kki:ds.
Valentines, all kinds and prices,
from the cheapest to tho finest at
Griffin & Keeds.
Twines, TwiiicH. Twin.
.f. O. Hanthorn is agent for Dunbar,
JIacMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on
the Columbia river, and guarantees to
satisfy the trade in prices and nualitv
equal to any on the market.
Best Butter, 40 cts. per Pound
From Iowa Creamery, at F. L. Parker's.
loTra Creamery Butter
At F. L. Parker's, for 40 cts. per pound.
Butter at F. t. ParKcr's
From Iowa Creamery, 40 cts. per pound.
Every mother is interested in know.
ing that a special preparation for chil-
tircu, caueu -ine unim's cougn Syrup"
is now for sale only at Dement's drug
Shiloh's Couch ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment A fine cup of coffee, at Whitcomb &
Costume and Mnshs.
The New Yoik Novelty Store is now
prepared to fill all orders for Masks
and Masquerade Costumes for the St.
Valentine's Ball. Come early and avoid
the rush.
Skin scalp
Having been a sufferer for two years and a
half from a disease caused by a bruise on tho
leg, and having been cured by the Cuticura
ItEsiF.niES when all other methods and reme
dies failed. I deem it my duty to recommend
them. I visited Hot Springs to no avail, and
tried soveral doctors without success, and at
last our principal druggist. Air, John P. 1'in
Iay (to whom 1 shall tver feel grateful), spoko
to mo about Cuticura, and I consented to
give them a trial with the result that I am
perfectly cured. Thero is now no soro about
me. I think I can show tho largest surface
whore my sufferings sprang from of any one
in tho Stato. Tho Cuticuka Kemkdies are
tho best blood and skin cures manufactured.
I refer to druggist 'John P. Finlay and Dr. D.
C. Montgomery, both of this place, and to Dr.
Smith, of Lake Leo. Miss.
.. t , .1. r, Greenville. Miss.
ilr. Beach used tho Cuticuha Remedies,
at our request, with results as above stated.
A, B. FINLAY & CO., Druggists.
EVer since I can remember, my mother
has suffered from a milk leg. Nothing would
do her any good. She had tho best mediwl
talent, but they all did her no good. She suf
fered with her leg for thirty years and never
knew a well day. fehe would have to sit up
half tho night, holding up her leg and moan
ing. She had no peaco. She used all the
best-known remedies in the country without
effect, I asked her to try your UUTICURA
Remedies. Got her a bottle of Cuticura
Kesolvkst. and she took it, and has taken
in all about six or seven bottles, and now
she is a well woman to-day. Her leg is en
tirely healed, and her health was never bet
ter. She can go out every day, something she
has not done in ten years, so you see I cannot
holp stating to you about your wonderful Cu
ticuka Remedies. You have saved my
mother's life. I cannot find vcrds to express
my gratitude. I have advertised your Cuti
cuba Remedies far and near.
1505 Broadway, N. x
Cuticuka, the great skin cure, and Cuti
cura Soap, prepared from It. externally,
and Cuticuka Kesolvit, tho now blood
purifier, internally, aro a positive euro for
every form of skin and blood diseases from
pimples to scrofula.
Sold ovcrywhero. Price, CuTicuEt, Cue. ;
SoAr, 23c.: Rksolvgit. 81. Prepared by the
Ponm Dkuo and Chemical Co., Boston.Mass
ewSend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
04 paces. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial!.
niMl'LLd, black-heads, chapped and -oily
r Mil skin prevented by Cuticuka Medi
i'atkdSoif. Sneezing Catarrh.
Thodistrosssngsneezo, snoozo, bneeze. tho
acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and
nose the painful inflammation extending to
tho throat, tho swelling of the mucous lining,
c.iuing choking sensations, cough, ringing
noiso in tho head and splitting headaches,
how familar theso symptoms aro to thousands
who suffer periodically from head colds or in
fluenza, and who live in ignoiance of tho fact
that asinglo application of Sanford's Rad
ical Cuke Fei: catarrh will afford in
stantancmix relit.
But this treatment incases ofsimplo Catarrh
gives but faint idoa of what this remedy will
do in the chronic forms, wbero the breathing
is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous ac
cumulations, tho hearing affected, smell and
taste gone, throat ulcerated and hacking
cojgh gradually fastening itself upon the de
bilitated system. Then it is that tho marvel
ous curative power of Sanford's Radical
Cuke manifests itself in instantaneous nnd
grateful relief. Cure begins from tho first
application. It is rapid, radical, permanent,
economical, safe.
Sanford's radical Cure consists of one
bcttlooftho Radical Curk, one box ca
tarrhal solvent and an Iiivrovjcu In
haler ; price, SI.
Potter DKua.t Chemical Co., Boston.
Pains and Weaknesses
Instantly relieved by the Cntl
rura Antl-1'nin Planter, a
new, most agreoablo.instantaneous
and infallible pain-killing plaster,
especially adapted to relieve Fe
male 1'ainf and Woaknesso. War
ranted vastly superior to all other plasters,
and tho mostperfoct Antidototol'ain.Inflam
nation and Weakness yet compounded. At
all druggists, 25 cents: five for SI 00; or post
age free, of Potter Drug and Chemical
Co.. Reston. -Mass.
Didn't Seem Se Wonderful to Him.
Chicago Sunday school teacher:
Yes; God is an all-powerful being. It
is really wonderful to think there is a
being who is everywhere present at
tho same time a being who knows
everything that's going on, isn't it?
Schelar: Ob, I don't knew: it
doesn't seem so very wonderful to me.
Who are you, young man?
Reporter on a morning newspaper.
St. Paul Globe.
Portland, Nov. 26, 1887.
Mr Dear Mr. Wisdem:
You have reason to feel proud of
the success of Eobertino. I have used
it constantly for a whole year and
find it beautiful and beneficial for the
complexion. It possesses all the qual
ities you claim for it, and I have
much pleasuro in recommending it.
The "Kobertine Powder," your latest
addition to the Artistic toilet, makes
a charming finish and is worthy of its
companion, Eobertine,
Yours truly,
Jeannie Winston.
Refers to Messrs. W. E. Dement &
Co., Astoria, Or.
Gaiiiliriiius Beer
Aud Fiec Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, .1 cents.
11 ' irunt Ailinmp: Mil vnrtipd
:.. H.T.. ..,.,. .-ij.nlifii tvitli Inn Mmlnoct
111 llinirtHl,l"nrn nii,ijUl,Hu.vw,
verluiiiery, itiiuioiiei animus, riccau
'...l !.. ... l. lr...,.nf ,vi,ta nt I W
Omn's'rtruE store, opposite Ocident
X.oil:rins: House to Rent,
And furniture for sale. For particulars
Sn-.?.n aI- 4li,n AlVl44
IVautlcnl Almanacs,
And Pacific Coast Tide Tables, for sale
at the New York Novelty Store.
Telephone JLo'leing House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Simon's uatarrn item
edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free
For sale by W. E. Dement.
So More Kubber Ovcrslioos
By using Sulphocloroleura Dressing.
The besticomponnd ever discoveied for
Preserving and Waterproofing all kinds
of Leather, rendering it soft and pliable,
and keeping the feet perfectly dry.
P. J. Goodman,
Sole agent for Astoria.
All odd
placed on
And marked
make a coi
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
Diamonfts i Jewelry
At Extremely Low Frices.
All Goods nought at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Wntcli and Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets.
Carnahan & Co.
Comer Clieuamus aniTJCass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers in
Special Attention Glvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part ol the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. S7.
it Capt. Rogers old stand, comer ot Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horsesboelmr.
Wagons made ana repaired. Good wnrk
Cannery Snipes !
lengths- of goods will be
our counters
away down?
1 1 Secure Immense Bargains.
Promptly Delivered
Fruits and Vegetables
In Season. Everything Warranted as Represented. Corner Chenaraus and
Benton Streets.
IIToi ptISo BBWdlUUil
Flourishing Growing Business!
business has grown to proportions necessitating an
enlargement of my premises, and as soon as arrange
ments can be perfected, I will proceed to entirely re
model and enlarge my place of business.
I am anxious to reduce my large stock so as to give the
workmen as much space as possible to work in.
For the Next 30 Days
I will sell all goods in my store now at Cost for
Cash, and I Moan What X Say.
Don't Wait ! Gome at Once !
You can plead no excuse if you find to" your sorrow,
when too late, that you 've missed an OPPORTUNITY
by not taking advantage of this offer.
Occident Hotel Building.
m House
in order to