The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 20, 1888, Image 2

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U ty gtot'hiu.
Tan organization of the Packers
Trust company is an important and
significant step, and a move in the
matter that, though tardy, is com
mendable. It is not yet too late to
preserve niu'ch that is worth preserv
ing, and the effort is a commendable
Among the most urgent needs is
the lessening of the gear, the number
of boats. Thi3 is for the interests of
the cannera who aro paralyzed by the
tremendous amount of gear in the
water, and for tho interests of the fish
ermen who, by reason of competition
of numbers, find it difficult to make a
profitable season's work. It is also
for the interests of the river, that
there be less gear. Such a maze of
nets as has been in tho river from the
cape to Snag Island for the past four
yeara drains tho source of future sup
Another move among many tnat
The Astoria has long advocated, is
not only tho cutting down of tho gear
and reduction of boats, but an effort
in another and even more important
direction the establishment of a
salmon exchange. The oil men, the
whisky men, tho nail men, the barrel
men, the glass men, tho iron men, the
keg men, all make water run on their
wheel; the Columbia canners can do
the same by tho exercise of three ad
junctsunity, confidence, discretion..
All three are needed.
In 1633 The Astobiax took the
ground that it was necessary for the
canners to combine if they wanted to
do business and make anything at it
Since then wo have steadily advocated
the necessity for combinatien: call it
'trust company," or anything else.
A salmon exchange is what tho can
ners of the Columbia river need. A
salmon eshango is an existing neces
sity and has been for tho last sis or
seven years. As it has been run for
the List few years there is no money
in salmon for the canners or anyone
else on the river.
exchange here in Astoria, to consti
tute that salmon exchange the means
where by nil that pertains to the
business shall be regulated and con
trolled may seem to some chimerical
and visienary: to others impractica
ble or impelitic: to more, useless and
cumbersome. Yet it is the only way
left for the profitable perpetuation
of a great industry: it is tho only
means untried to insure pecuniary
success in the future operations of
canning salmon on tho Columbia.
Of the Packers' Trust Company
They Meet ana Pass a Beaolution.
"What is yonr idea of a salmon ex
change? Define yonr terms,"' may be
It is easily done,
Tho history of tho profits of last sea
son and the season before and where
they went is enough to cite cause for
the establishment of a salmon ex
change, in addition to the general
manner of doing business.
The following appeared in The
Daily Astorian of October30tb,1885.
It was true then. It is true now.
(Daily Astobiax, October 30th, 1SS3.)
Reports from foreign and domestic
salmon markets are all of the same
tenor "values going up: little availa
ble 6tock." Last spring TnE Asto
rian prophesied the present situation.
Then the trade journals in San Fran
cisco and elsewhere pooh-poohed the
assertion. Even up to September 1st
there was a determined effort to bear
tho market. By that time tho pack
had passed from tho packers' hands,
and at once began the general state
ment all along the lino regarding the
advisability of buying at present fig
ures lest they go higher, and the
probability of considerable advance.
Two years ago The Astobian took
tho ground that it was necessary for
the canuers to combine if they want
to do anything worthy the name of
business. Additional experience
adds additional impress to that be
lief. The time has gone by when
salmon canners on the Columbia river
can carry on a profitable business,
unless they adopt tho same system
that is so uniformly successful in the
history of similar enterprises of like
magnitude. Combine and win. It
is not enough to pack a superior ar-
Where institutions similar in mak
up and intent to the proposed asocia.
tion have been organized elsewhere,
it has been found practicable and
profitable to first have a conference
among all those wno wouia De Dene
fited by the proposed organization, at
which meeting the purposes of the
cooperative movement could be
plainly set forth.
The purpose of the association is
to make salmon packing on the
Columbia assume tho aspect of a 1 e
gitimate manufacturing business sub
ject to the same laws of supply and
demand that govern similar enter
prises. There is no charity or phi
lanthropy about this thing. It is a
precautionary measure and a safe
guard against ruinous loss, and on
that basis of common interest it rests.
Mutual confidence and implicit com
pliance with the rules of the organi
zation could but result to tno en
hancement of the general welfare.
In brief the association might be
composed of a joint corporate body,
composed of Columbia salmon pack
ers; with a president, secretary ana
board of directors, a code of rules,
drawn with care and strictly enferced:
this association to have complete
control and absolute say regarding
the pack, its amouut, price and de
scription. All supplies, tin, twine,
etc.. to be bought in cargo lots at the
most advantageous prices, the price
of salmon to be set ana ngiaiy aa
hered to, tho discounts, interests,
reclamations, expense, accounts, etc.,
etc.. to be saved: the exact co3t of
the manufactured article to be ascer
tained, a price set on the manufac
tured article and the pack sold here
in Astoria. Say it was found that
the salmon packed in casc3 and ready
for shipment from the canneries cost
$1.70 a case; the association resolved
that the price for the season should
be 35.25 a case. That 85.25 a cae
would represent a snro profit of 55
cents a case to every canner on the
river. There would be no trouble
in getting that or figures proportion
ate to the cost of production; a profit
insured on the season of 83,000 or
310,000 to each canner, would be bet
ter than the present lottery game
where a packer stands to win 820,000,
but may lose an equal amount. If
the commission men, the San Fran
cisco brokers, the Portland backers
of present canneries, the Liverpool a word the men who now skim
off the cream of profit and leave tho
canners the thin, blue, sour residue;
if they wanted to buy the whole or
any portion of the pack let them have
the whole of it in God's name, and
make or break as best they might.
Tho canner would havo a dead sure
thing; the speculators could do the
putting up and putting down and
handle their purchase as it suited
them; the canner wonld have a dead
sure, thing and could look on with
equanimity at the game, wheth
er the others lost or won. In
stead of eaoh canner, as at pres
ent, buying little jags of tin, twine,
solder, lead, lacquer, etc., all
supplies could be bought in large
quantities: instead of each canner, as
at present, paying brokerage, the ex
change could transact its business
for him; in this and in other ways
hundreds of thousands of dollars
annually wasted or lo3t to the trade
could be saved, retained or used to
It is this or nothing, for men will
get tired of losing money after awhile.
Similar schemes have worked well
elsewhere and made money for those
who joined forces and combined.
Why not on the Columbia?
Of course there can bo objections
raised, and very crave objections.
There can be nreuments against the
successful working of the plan that
would take more than the limits of a
newspager article to answer. But
there is no possible objection or ar
gument against the idea, that cannot
be gotten over. "Columbia salmon
packers won't hold together." "What
are yon going to do with tho co-oper
ative canneries?" "Capital is needed
The following articles of incorpora
tion were filed in the county clerk's
office yesterday:
Know all men by these presents
that we, John A. Devlin, J. G. Meg
ler, Alfred Kinney, D. Morgan, S. El
more, J. . Mcliovern, Wm. Barker,
C. Leinenweber, W. T. Chutter, P. J.
McGowan, E. W. Tallant, C. W. Stone
and B. A. beaborg, for the purpose of
forming a private incorporation un
der the general laws of the state of
Oregon, do hereby make and sub
scribe the following articles, namely:
The name assumed by this corpor
ation and by which it shall be known
is The Packeb3' Tbtct Compaxz; its
duration is unlimited.
The principal office and place of
business of this corporation shall be
at the city of Astoria, in Clatsop
county, state of Oregon.
The enterprise, business and occu
pation in which this corporation pro
poses to engage is that of purchasing,
owning and holding, hiring, letting,
leasing, selling, mortgaging for loans,
disposing ot real and personal prop
erty in the state of Oregon and terri
tory ot Washingten: also purchasing,
holding, selling and hypothecating
shares of stock in other corporations
and companies in said state and ter ter
rieory: also to promote and protect
the salmon industry of the Columbia
The amount of the capital stock of
this corporation is and shall be UN'E
The capital stock ot the corpora
tion is divided into fifteen hundred
shares of one hundred dollars each.
Poetland, Jan. 19. Editor Asto
ktajj: The hotels are full of visitors
from all parte of the country, being
detained by the cold weather. Among
those from Astoria are F. D. Winton,
Thos. Linnville, Ed. Thompson, F.
L. Parker. O. A TIppA. TV f! Tvinnnv.
Wm. Winters, F. A. Davidson and
Geo.Benn, all enjoying good health
apparently except Mr. Benn, who has
been sick at the Quimby house.
The police station has its comple
ment ot boarders and lodgers, but
those from Astoria who call there are
somewhat better treated than others.
as they have beeD here .longer and
become better aeanainted.
-me uregon lies at ner aocK, neia
steady by nine inches of ice, but is
expected to try the trip down to-morrow,
and will probably take all those
waiting for passage down the river.
Last night a meeting of Astorians
was held in the parlors ot the St.
Charles, and the following resolution
was unanimously passed:
Resolved, That should any of our
members become financially embaar
rassed, an assessment of two dollars
shall be immediately levied and col
lected. After the resolution was passed
there were three assessments collect
ed and thankfully received by those
in need.
Pit ASK DKKUM I'resi.lent
W.H. SMITH .Vice-President
JOHN A. CHILD Secretary
No. ISO Second St, TortUnd. Or.
l.W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or.
A Transfer by Col. J. H. Woodard.
Tho recent announcement of the
changing of hands ot the well kuown
Laundry Farm and Fruitvale rail
road, even without official confirma
tion, is well worthy of note. Many
investors on the other side ot the bay
have been waiting patiently to see
the accomplishment ot the enterprise
so confidently promised a few months
since, and in consequence of which
they then used their money in the ac
quisition of neighboring lots.
The tract to be covered is only a
short one, being limited to four and
a half miles, but upon these compar
atively short limits capitalists have
concentrated a largo amount of inter
est lately.
Yesterday a Call reporter was in
formed, upon what must be consid
ered uudeniable authority, that Col.
Woodard, of the Wabash line, had
transferred his interest in the project
to a Dr. JJrew, wno is said to be an
eastern capitalist. The terms of the
transfer are not, at present writing,
known, but it is said that it is the in
tention ot the new holder to carry
out the original design of the pro
jector and complete the road. Wheth
er this will be carried out or not re
mains to be seen, but it is said that
there can exist no doubt as to the
fact of a virtual transfer. S. F. Call,
In Quitman, Ga.. a drunken negro
resisted arrest. The policeman hit
him on the head with his club and in
an instant the negro's wool was all
ablaze. Thepolicemanwasfrightened
and took to his heels. After ho had
recovered from his fright sufficiently
to stop running he resigned. The ex
planation of the blaze was found in
the negro's practice of using his hair
as a match safe.
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
Fire Insurance
KeDresentlri'' the Lanrest a::il II cm IteJla-
ble Hre Insurance Companies.
All Business prompt rimd accurately trctn-acted.
Fine Groceries, Provisions and M Feed.
Crockery, Glass Plated Ware.
The Largest nnd Sne-rt assortment of
2Presh. Fz-uits and ITsgetables.
Received fresh every Steamer. V
FlavelsWhirf. -
Astoria Oregon.
CAPITAL STOCK. - - S300.000
3F"2o eft; ZkffQ?lTt.o
F. E. Beach . rreMent
J. McCi-akeu Vice President
J. I-oewenberg... Treasurer
It. P. Earhart Sec'y ami Manager
JXoewenberg J. K. Gill, IT. I- Pittoek,
F. K. Arnold. F.M.Warren. .1.1.1. Crakem
F. E. Beach, D.D.OUphant, V Kgseit
No. 33 ATashlngton street. Portland, Clr.
R. L. BOYLE, Acent. Astoria. Oregon.
Ouice at I. X. U Packing Co,
Wonderful Cures,
W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of Home. Ga., sav:
vrc have been idling Dr. King's New
Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck
len's Arnica Halve for four years. Have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always.
Sold by V. E. Dement & Co.
DeposM in Orepn, 300,000
& 5 5. 8Q1. 3 3 3.
Koyal, Norwich-Union and Lnncashl re Com -blnation
Joint Policy.
Union ot San Francisco.
Germanla of New York.
State Investment of California.
Anglo-Nevada Assurance Co:pi.ra;ieti.
Elmore, Sanborn & Co.
ticlo of salmon, to put it up in good to handle these things, and that in
shape and offer it on its merits: to
make and keep a high standard of ex
cellence, to introduce and maintain
an improved method of mauufacturo.
All this has been done in our Colum
bia river canneries, and yet where is
tho canneryrnan to day that has made
any money in tho business since
1881? They can be connted on tho
fingeis of one hand. For this un
toward result tho canuers have no
one but themselves to blame; the
game is in their own hands and if
they choose to let others take all the
tricks and score the result, they sim
ply fail to display tho customary
trade shrewdness.
There is no existing reason why tho
manufacture of canned salmon on
the Columbia river should not be as
certainly profitable as the manufac
ture of any other article of value in
tha United States. To make it so re
quires on tho Columbia river, just
the same as on the Ohio,orWilliman
tic, or anywhere else mutual confi
dence and cooperation. As it is, if a
Columbia river canner makes 56,000
or 88.C0D on the season, it worries
him tohear that his neighbor has
made 810,000 or 812,000: if he comes
out loser, the knowlege that his
next neighbor has lost too goes far
to reconcile him to thestateof affairs:
thare is such a diversity of interests
and a clashing of claims, such a wide
distrust and a disinclination to look
upon each other as in one senso co
adjutors that the business basis on
which other mutual protection socie
ties of like character are founded is
wholly wanting.
Personal profit and opportunity
to realize financial investment nro
among the most powerful of motives
to action. To organize a salmon
large quantities." These aud a dozen
more objections will occur to the
reader, but there is no adverse argu
ment that is half so strong as that
for its adoption. With such an as
sociation there is success to all its
participants: without it there is noth
ing but vexation, worry and possible
The Bolivian government has given
to an American the exclusive right to
navigate the river Desaguadero by
steam. Lake Titicaca, is the highest
lake in tho world, being 12,900 feet
above the level of the sea, and the river
Desaguadero is it3 only outlet. It
appears that the business of working
tho ancient mine3 in that country has
been developed, and it is to bring to
market ores from such mines farther
in tho Andes that the right to use
steam on the Desaguadero is desired.
John Good, the American rope
maker, has been honored with the
title of count, by the pope.
Senator Hale and congressman
Fbelps are the only men in congress
who wear bangs.
ThoEmpressEugenie has recovered
her health and now talks about a tour
in the Holy Land.
The Prince ot Wales is said to be
furious over the publicity ot his re
ception to John L. Sullivan.
Senator Stanford gives his private
secretary his entire salary and mile
age, amounting to about 87,000.
The London Court Journal saya
that Kaiser William wants to abdi
cate in favor ot his son, the corona
tion to take place in May.
Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Blaine and
Lord Harrington are all expected in
tho same Italian town at the same
time in February or Maroh.
Count Yon Moltke is reported to
have said recently: "In my youth it
was predicted that I should take part
in three great wars. I have taken part
in two.
Queen Victoria and the Prince of
Wales are reported at outs, tho result
of the latter s fondness for pugilists
aud such, of which her majesty is not
an admirer.
The Marquis do Morse, who was
going to revolutionize the cattlo and
ranch business of the northwest, but
aian c, nas oecome disgusted and is
about to leave for India to hunt ti
Klotlng In Pern. .
The coming session of the New York
legislature will witness an attempt on
the part of New York state canned
goods packers to pass a bill making it
compulsory for packers to label their
goods with their own brands. Tho
packers held a meeting last week at
Syracuso and after considerable dis
cussion this course was decided upon.
There are eighteen national banks
in Washington territory, with a total
capital of 1,430,000; and five territo
rial banks with a total capital of
8355,000, making the total capacity of
incorporated banks 81,785,000.
We also have a fine variety of evappr
ated and dried fruits, such as Bleached
Apples, Polished Prunes. Evaporated
Apricots and Kgg Plums, Dried Black
berries, etc. Thompson & Ross.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup"
h now for sale only at Dement's drug
Any case of Uroun can be easily treat
ed and cured by using "The Child's
Couch SvruD." Full directions with
each package, which can only be pur
chased at Dement's drug store.
The best Oysters in
Whitcomb & McGillas's.
any style, at
Private Slooms.
At Whitcomb & McGillas's restaurant,
for suppers, parties, etc. The best
cooked to order.
Tennant's Nautical Almanac, Pacific
Coast Diaries, and Tide Tables for 188S,
at Gp.iffix & ItCKD'S.
Fine Dwelling EJouse to Rent.
Good terms tosuitable tenant. Inquire
at this office.
Oysters In Every Stylo
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Are yon made raiseraole by Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shioh's Vital
izer Is a positive cure. For salo by V.
E. Dement & Co.
Remember the celebrated Dew Drop
brand of Corn, Pineapple Pumpkin, etc.
sold only by Thojipson & Ross.
Hoots ncsd MincN.
lnKJnnev's Bleck: sign of the Big
Boot. 1 have received another invoice
from the east of the famous Seamless
Cap Toe Gents Shoes. Also the re
nouned Waufeenphasts, and a large lot
of other Fine Shoes too numerous to
mention, at $2 and $2J0 and upward.
P. J. Goodman.
For tho very best pictures go to II. S.
Liverpool & London Globe. North British
and Mercantile ot London and Edinburgh.
Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of
California Acricultnral. of Watertonn. r-ew
York, London & Lancashire or Liverpool,
Eng., t ire insurance companies, liepreseni
In :t capital of S67.O0O.00O.
r 7
. . Watchmaker
Jeweler. X
r s
ti QU Vl
Is one of the greatest blessings when you
havB It under control. If you build yom
Ore la one of those JIagee Ranges or one of
those Acorns or Argands at .lohn A. Mont
gomery's, vou will And It a pleasure to pre
pare a meal, or If you get one of those Heat
ers you will And them to be clean and eco
nomical and an ornament to your parlor. II
yon Intend getting a rango or a heater don't
fail to look at his -tock. You should call in
sco hi3 beautiful Ornamental Coal Vase3
r$mix I
Cut Faster
Than any o'h
er axe made.
Hundreds ol
woodmen tes
tify to Its supe
riority. It pots
Deep and Serei
& CO.,
Agonts Aatoriju
Trice. 81.50.
Costa Rica, Jan. 15. A Lima let
ter says: The market places aud pro
vision shops are scenes ot most
painful events. We have seen women
trying to buy food with ten and
tweDty solo notes, and no one wonld
receive them in payment. The streets
had to be patrolled in Lima, and
strong squads of soldiers stationed in
the markets to prevent the people
doing acts of violence against those
who refused to sell for paper money.
Among the various incidents of tho
trouble was the appearance of a
number of people in front of the house
of Sigismnnd Jacoby, an extensive
money dealer. Stones were thrown
at the windows of his residence, bnt
tho patrol soon appeared and drove
the rioters off. On Dec. 10th there
was not a sinele money-changer or
bnsiness bouse in Lima selling silver.
1UL fj(lJGl uiuuc;.
She Feared the Wont.
Neat, Quick And Cheap at The
Old Man (looking out of the win
dow) What is that Nero is shaking
with his teeth?
Daughter Heavens, papa, it looks
like a piece of young Mr. Sampson's
SniLon's Cure will immediately
itaIIpva flmnn. Whnnnlni flnnffh. find
I Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co
Quested to give or sond them to the secre
tary, A Kuttou.athls office, before Satur
day, tne asm in.
The Astor House Saloon.
Everything Everybody Else Says,
and More Too.
The best Is rone too good for friends and
patrons. Will Try to Please.
Tho lutor House Saloon.
Partnership Notice.
undersigned have this day formed a
partnership under tho firm title of "The Co
lumbia Boiler Works" with place of business
near the foot of Washington street, In the
city of Astoria . Oregon.
Witness our hands this, the 27th day of
December.!. WM.N0RT0N
Fiavel's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Storage and Insurance at Current Rates.
Banking Department
Drafts on the leading Cities of the World
B. II. Coleman, Accountant.
chooi and fvlisoellaneous Books,
And Fine Stationery in Astoria.
Artists Katexftal,
frumeols and Notions.
cieol York, Enzlud, xihm tbt Em O. Lodt vt
'Muom wss held A D. 9?6. Aim Urj iUrutratal
C&lalogne of Muonls bx It Aid good with bot
tom pricca. AgtaUwnat!. Pay rtrr !mL
gMcalcPaSlilhen and iUna&ctoreri,T3I Eroadv7,Nw Yor.
The relontesano
JOnNW. WELCH. - - - Master.
"Will make weekly trips between
Astoria and Westport,
Touching at Svcnsen's Landing.
Leaving Westport at 6 a. m ., Saturdays.
Returnlng.leave Wilson & Eisner's wharf at
2 p. M. same day.
WlU also leave Wilson & Fisher's wharf at
12:30 p.m., Fridays, for Westport and all
wjiv landings
For Freight or Passage apply on Doard or
2T Agents Xor the celebrated
Pacific Coast Charts and Tide Tables,
wvj jj 1 1 wii j u r pi j.ip i 'jump r uwi j Tfwywj ljtm nvr ixiMim-jfy tvmtctit -i i wjjfuxna tL'aimM tmu
Just Received a Ltirse Lot ot
, Agent,
Gray Blankets from S1.75, up.
White " " 3.25
Comforters " l.(
Also a Full Line of the Celebrated Brownsville, Oregon,
Flannels, Cassimeres, Yarns, Clothing and
All at the Lowest Prices.
W. T. PARKER, Manager.
,.9it hmms eta.
The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of
Salmon Parse Seines. SalmorTPonna Nets. Salmon Gill Nets.
JSTislt Nettings of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and at
tho lowest rates. All mado from our
Shephard Gold SVeda8 Twines.
Guaranteed to be the strongest and most desirable twine now made especially for the
This TWINE is manufactured onlv bv ourselves, directly from the raw material,
and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cheaper grades.
Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston,
Philadelphia ana i-onuon.
American STet and Twine
The New York Novelty Store
Have n Finely Assorted Stocl;
Jewelry, Watches, Clocks,Optical Goods
Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods.
Of All Descriptions, Bought in the Best Markets and CANNOT BE UNDER
SOLD by any one this side of San Francisco.
Opposite Parker HouSe, Main St., Astoria.