CHJ $fo S gfotfim ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY.. JANUARY 13. 1883 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA, resii:iix ran ri ran. o Peeblesshire, Fr bfc 8' 6 Win. II. Starhnck. sp Terd Fischer, Ger tiL Calcutta, Hr bk 954 llirmah, lr bk HU i'ltTof renares. nrsp Hornby Castle. Hr spl43S City of Glaieow. Br fp Thorn lebank. r sp 1403 Mcholas Thajer Archer. Urfck"f5 Kins Alfred. UrbklSW Dora Ann. I!r bit 'S9 H ranci.1 horre.Hrsn lT Thoso htowe, Br bk e?6 City of Cvliale.Br IAS.S VtiSSKLS OA TDK WAf. -rc?n '"orels'ii "i1s, for tlic 'oi:iiiItn lllvrr Aoerccra. Dr hi V9 Maryrort Sept 21 Aijbnrth. Br ap 1713 Panama Amoy. Br sp WISP Benares, lirbk IF JSSR Ben Douran. Br tp 1371 Y Olynder. Br bill 17 Ken-castle County of Carnarvon, Br bk 1237 M&ryrort City of Merioneth. Br bk IOCS ilaryport Cumberland. Br p 1759 i D Cairnmocey. Br bk 1253 h D Deanfield. Br bk i072 Swansea July SI Derby Park. Br sp 1500 Man Port ' tut, 1 Dulr-ep bin&h, Br sp 1193 Neocastle A Jfor II Dinapore. UrbklOll lan Dieso , Danloe, Hr bk C74 Greenock Danscore. Br sp 1000 Iieircast'e A fccpt7 Krelyn, Br bk H79 Liverpool Sov 15 Earlscnnrt. Rr bklMS Glasgow Sej.t 12 Glcnbenrie UrbkSOO London -eptIS Gartmore. Br bk 1035 Maryrort Xor 12 Helena Ursp 3-3 Antwerp Kinfannts Br bk ICi ban Dieso Nov 2G Keir. lr bk a! Vewc .stls V beat JO Lady Cairns, Br sp 1-H Lonloa Oct 21 Lncipara, Kr sp 1SI3 S V Lindore Abbey. Br bk Fi 3 Talcahnaro Martha Fisher, tlr bk S'l Maryport Oct 17 Mobile Bay. KrttllV" Ant.rp Ott IS Medea Hr bk 10 Newcastle Sept 9 Mary Low. Br bk SSI Maip rt Nov 7 Maide Cut. Br bk 12 0 Maryport Miraapore BrsplltBsD Ophelia, Br bk 1 "t h'Terpool Sept C Oiraara. Br ap 1331 Maryport J nno 9 Koiecrana. Iir bk !1!5 L. vcr.oal fcbandon, Iirapi3i7ty ir-ey Samcxacnd. Br bc 1 C4 ban Diego Snenir.Brbk ll"3 D baraca. Br bk fG Liverpool Seiriol Wyn T-r Ui 11 A S F Thariand Cif tie, lir bk i2H Livfrpojl Nov 20 Friiru Arurrii-an ("r'-. Sea King, Am sp liZb Sew York Nov 5 TIk: TABIib fitli .lfrlHA. JAnAP.T. moil : ATl'.lU LuK WATKK. Hivt -t-i'u 'd. Unu Seeimil. I T3 2 k 2 5 H ; s la a f if HlSSH h. m. X h. m. . h. in. . '. in. .' fc, . 5. 1 2 29a 7 1 lS'ipSO K 07a 8 8 3lji 0 7 2 3 Ol 7-4 2 23 8 1 b 5t 27 0(0 -03 3 3 37 7 5 3 U 7 5 D 42 2 0 U 47 li 1 4 i 19 7 0 4 OS C 9 10 9 2 5 10 41 0 IS 6 5 03 7 7 5 1") C 3 11 23 2 3 113". 13 0 5 5. 78hS5U-- -12S8 20 7 655 79 802 59 039 19 1 51 IC 8 800 81 923 Gil 4i 25 3 02 11 9 9 01 B 3 10 32 G9 2 53 29 4 Oi 0 2 10 9 57 S C 11 30 (i ."i 3 59 3 1 fi 01 -0 5 II 10 51 8 9 - - - 5 00 31 550 -10 12 0 2.1 7 2 11 39 9 1 5 51 3 1 19 14 13 1 07 7 5 12 2 9 0 6 4G 3 0 7 22 -1 a 14 151 7 7 110 88 734 27 8 01 -13 15 2 33 7 9 1 53 8 5 8 21 2 G 8 3D -0 7 10 3 10 7 9 225 79 908 25 9 10 -03 I n nonrs between nuduunt and noon are rfesi-niAtrd bv a (a. m.i. those between noon and midnight by p (P. M.). Oh. aim a denotes itii.IniRlit, oA. Oilwi. i denote-, noon. Tne height is reckoned from the level of a erase lower low waters to which uiesounu nigs are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. sniniENTs roKEiQN. JAN U AST. 3 To ifrcrpool per Ilahntman. Wheat. 86,251 bus. from Portland S30.371 24,433 " " AitoriJ 17,33-S Totalsl 10,734 S77.713 ASTOItlAA miCECTUttY. state orriCEits. United States Senator3 -j f j Mltcilell Itepresentatlvein CougressBliiger Herinann Governor. Sylvesierl'ennojer iioremnr s secretary W. A. Mtiniey Secretary of Slate Assistant Secretary State Treasurer.............. Sup't Public . W.MclSrde II. F. Giltner G W. Webb E. 11. McElroy niaie rrmier. h U. naKer Clerk School Land ltcaid Sup't Insane Asjlum Sup't Penitentiary Judges Supreme Court Nap Icon Davis .ur jiarryj-ano ........nuui. t l W. P. Um -W.W.T1.: lt.S.Stral l.our. i.iow Iord aver Strahan Judges Circuit Court First DUtnci L. li. Webster, .-second It. S. Ilean Third II. T. Boise. Four! h Dep-irtment 1 . E. 1 ). -hat-tuek; department2, L.B. Stearns. Fifth F. .I.Taylor. Sslxth UlsomandU. W. Walker, bevent h-sT. H.Biid. Itailro id Cmuilssloners-.J. II. Slater. .f tjUiranile : Geo. Waggoner, of Oirv.nlis . and J. IC NT. Bell, of ltosebuig, chief tk-ik. COUNTT OFDCEKS. County Judge C. n. Page County Commissioners j a'aCrow"'" Clerk .... . 0. .1.1 rencliard Sheriff W. G. lioss Treasurer I. Bergman Assessor C K Surensen School Superintendent .1. F. Page Cadar Street Improvement Notice. XOTICE ii hereby Riven that the Common Council of tne City of A-tnna propoie to oi'iUt the impnivcment of that port'on of Cedar street, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, a laid out and recunlc 1 by .). M. biiively, from tiie east bide of West Sixth street to the east side of baltnon street, by re placinfr all missing piles with new unrs, and replacing; all defective, stringers witii new and sound ones, and n-plank-ing; the .same wi'li new and sound lir planks four inches in thickness, to a width of thir'y feet through the center thereof, said improvera.nt to be made to the etao.Uhetl crhtle of said street, and unless a remousti.mce signed by the owners of two-thirds of the uronert v fronting on .said poitinnof said treet li filed with the Auditor and 7'olice Judge within ten d .ys of the final pub lication of this notice, to wit: on or be fore Tuesday, February 7th, 1888, the Common Council will order said im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, January 12th, 1883. Columbia Wl&rket. Northeast comer Water and West 9th SU. C. H. Powell, Prop'r I Sire my patrons Good Meat. In Good Style and at Reaionxble Price. Give me ft call and I will try and make it unit yea to eall again. Pimlly trade solicited. SOCIETY aiKETISTCS. Tenipla litxlae, Ko. 7 A. F. A. ai. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS 2 first and third Tuesdays in each VV month, at 7J4 o'clock, r. m., at tlieV Hall in Astona. Members ot the order in good standlns are invited to attend.. uy order ol tha W.3L Beaver Lodge No. C5, L O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING EV- .tfwv. ery Thursday evenlne; at-fip'SffSC 7:33 o'clock, at the IxjdseaSjST room iu Odd Fellows Hall, Aslo- ria. Sojourning members ot the order ic good standing, cordially invited to attend. x uruer xv. if. Ocean Sncamprnent, Ko. 13, 1. 0.O.F. UE,UI,AItMKE TINGS OF OCEAN EN caniiinient No. 19. I. (). O. I'., at the Lodjje, in the Odd Fellow liulinlnp, at seven r jt., on the second; and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojoi.rmn;: breth ren cordially invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. TJ. W KF.GULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Iidfie No. 12, A. O. V. W. will be ln-id in tlieir Hail In Pythian Ca-tln. on Saturday eventrij; of each week, at 7 ii'i luck. Members of the order in good stand ins. and visltins llrothers are invited to attend. Li brary will bo open fifteen mlnutf t e'ore and after ecli meetln-r. ltv ordi r M. V. V.E.J01!NttN,!r. Cushinfj Relief Corps Ko. 3, U. A E. REGULAR ,MKETiXGSOXTH!'.M:eOM and luurth Tuesdays of eacli nionili, a: 'by order Mns.Jis. A. DAVIlsSON. Secrttarj. Astor Lodge No. O, K. of P. REGULAR MEEtlNGS KVEKY WF.0 nesdaj cveni sat" Ji)p. M...t i'jihmn Caotie. sojii:riiibB Kivuhis in j,.o.l t-.U'l-in,; cordially invited to attend, lij order C. C. II. K. NI'.l-SON. K. of 11. and S. Select Knights ol A." O, IT. W. lEGlLi: MEETING OF KOKin l western Irfgi ill No. 2. will be held at their hcidiiuuieis in l'jthuu Citle on lhursdaj cienuv of each we k .it 8 iiVlmk. Member, of the i io:i in god stauiling ai il visitn: i omri.dcs aro itaittd to afenu, l)riilever fi'st third lhur-d,iy even ings of e.'.cli mui'lli. 1!. order of loium.mder. l: U BOYLf. Keo. Esnevolent Societv. KhwULAK .MEETINGS lr- rillhMiCIE t .it their louius m r-ytiiiau liuh.ling at tight o'clock r m.. on the second an.! lourlhTuesd.iv-oIeacl: moll li, AUG. LiaNIEL-miN, Secretary. Company H, O. N. G. REGULAIt .iKILLS EVhKY V.TDXrS ljy evening KeguLir meetings first SVednesday o each lr.ontli at 8 r. it A. il SHAW, Coiiimauder. Clatsop Lodge Wo. 113, TJ. O of H. KE!lJLAIl MEETINGS EVEKY Wednesday evening at So'cock in loiige-room o er C u n.ilian & Co.' store. So journing brollier-. Invited o attend. Comzno'j Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND luurth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7Ji o'clock. tt-l'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to tiie Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening jirii.rto the Tuesday on which the Council holds its tegular meeting. TIIOS. S..TEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. SCOTCH Salmon Twines During the month of December wo will be in receiptor a full stock of S-ilmon Tnine of tiie above reliable brand, o the following sizes ; No. 40,10, 12. 13. and 14 ply. Mo. 30, 5. 7. 9, and 10 ply. And prepared to fill all orders. ALLEN & LEWIS, AjenU. l'oriland, Nov. 2i, '87. ASTORIA HOLT & CO. Prooristors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS. SASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS. BALUSTERS, NEWEL P05TS. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades Boat Material, etc. Orders solicited and Promptly attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed as to StjIe.Quali ty and Prices. Mill and (Mice 'or. Pelk and Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon. VirgiRiaCigar ani Maoco Store J. W. B0TT0H, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. FIbo Cleans, Tobaccoi acd Smcicr article, Sold at Lowest Market Hates. PRUFTS. CANDIES KOTIONS.&c "ROSCOE COMKLiMC," 50.334. P T.J.C C. II. It., WINAKR or (ho Tuo-icr.r-oId .SiTeepsUke at Mate Fair, 1SS7 1 oflerto public patronage, the senint: of this lmpiiiflcent r Ristered Jersey Hull: "Jam, Annie Looney3rd. No Oii, same reg ister ; butter record. 17 1 1)5. 12 z. of misalted butter in 7 days T ho.e uhn wish 3111k Itlcli in Cream, wi i flud it pi ofltabie to mate their roi.sto this liutier-bred bu'l. Service fee reasonable. J. A. HO WAN, oils blo.-k west of street, (oa Ihe county road) near Young's river. Partnership Notice. NOTICE IS IIEP.M5Y GIVEXTH TTHE undersigned have this dav formed a partnership uu 'er the firm itle of "The Co lumbia Boiler W tk.s"wtb place of busings nKir the foot of Washii.t; on street, in the c'.tvof storii. Oregon. ritii' s- our hands this, the 27th day of December, 1SS7. WM. AUK1U.V, PETEKGO.tMAN. Van Ousen k Co. DEALERS IN Hardvysre and Ship Chsndlcry, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Implements, Sewing Machines, i'nints, Oils, Grooorios, 3SXto. p1 TROYAUPSSVTJ Jk NM $ MM mh 1 rim l 8m raf 3B a v Absolutely P u re- This ponder never vanes iiiarvrl of purity, strength and wholesonie'iess. More eeon than the oriMnaiYklud-.. and can nut be Mild in competition with the multi tude of low test, sh rt weight, alum or pnos P'late pnwlers. Sld only in cans. IIoval I'.akim: I'owiikkCo. IOC Wall-sc. N. V BREWERY, 3QHN KOPP. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, IT AS ItlUMIXAULI'. A PJtUK. Tie North Pacific Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Fum shed iu Quantities to .Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmgcr next to llergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Tart of the City. TIIE COSMOPOLITAN. Utzinger and Grosbauer, Props. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Itesort, Itun in a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSOM. SAMPLE ROOMS, Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets. (Me Liprs ai dps! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for the Thingvalla Stcainihip Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TIIE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPUELL. - - PROPK1ET0P Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars. 40! Chcnamus Street. Astoria, Ogn. GERRM1A BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. Public Notice. THANKING THIS COMMUNITY AND the puhl c cenerallv for t he Ions; contin ued and generous patronajje extended to me, I now Rive notice that I have sold my entire stock of general merchandise at mv store on Chenamus street, toC. A, Hanscm and Gelo !'. Parker, and hope they mav merit and receive n like liberal share of consideration and patronage. All persons having unsettled accounts with me will plcae call and have the same adjusted at the offlce of W. W, r.irkcr. on Chenamus street, three doors east of the Postofflce block. C.L.PAHKEB. Astoria, January i, 1S3S. Keferringtothe above notice, we wish to "date that we shall endeavor to merit the sa e confidence and reputation lor fair dealing gained by our predecessor, hoping the same liberal patronage may be extend ed to us. Kcsppctfullr, PAKKEll & HANSON. Successors to C. L. Parker. Proposals for Boarding City Prisoners. NOTICE is hereby civen that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge until January 18th, 1888. at 4 o'clock r. m., for the hoarding of the City Prisoners. Each bid must be accompanied with a guarantee signed by two responsible tax-payers, to the effect that if the con tract be awardeil to such bidder, that lie will witnhi forty-eight hours after re ceiving notice of such award, enter in to contract therefor, with good and suf ficient surety for the faithful perform ance of the contract. The Common Council hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Attest : T. S. J ewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, January 8tb, 1888. . A Tha Large or the Bmall Oow. Whether the large or small cow is the most profitable on small farms is a disputed question. For our part we like a good cow, whe ther she is large or small, and are better suited by quality than size. The large animal consumes more and should yield an increase of milk and butter to compensate for the extra feed. We saw, not long since, a statement in which the extra cost and possible profit and loss were nicely calcinated, and the balance seemed to be in favor of the smaller cow. We do not believe there is much differ ence in profit, yielded by an indi vidual cow ot either class, if they are. srood snceimens ol their kind. " e believe g-ood keep makes the pront in alt cases, be the bred what it may. It requires a certatn iiinount of feed to s-ustuin life and keepup animal waste; whatever additional proper nutritious food is supplied well, in i ijood cow, goes into profit in milk and butler. The advocites of the lanje cow urge that there is an increased value in sneli stock when it comes to the butcher; but this is not of much consequence, for such beef does not have a high market value. Select whatever kind we may for the dairy, if we cons,uhour profit we must look for the one that makes the best returns for her keep. All other considerations of size and weight are only of miner importance. The best cow at the milk pail will be the best breed for the owner. Farm and Gar den. Boh Burdette says that God wasted mud when he made the man who after taking the paper for six months, ordered it stopped without paying up arrears. Ayer's Cathartic Pills stimulate the appetite and regulate the bow els. Try them. Have you seen Aver's Almanac? Twenty years ago the length of submarine cabie in existence was about '2,000 miles, but now there are 170,000 miles under the sea, If faithfully used, Ayer's Sarsa parilla will remove scrofula in whatever form it exists. This conundrum came to the St. Albans Advertiser by privato convey ance from a itutland county town " What two rivers in New England ask and answer a question? Hoosic and Fassumsic. Buclclen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Druises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ali 'Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Jt is guaranteed to gie perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. .' iiement. That Hacking Coiign can be so quickly cured by .Siiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold !v "V. K. Dement. For lame Back, Side or cnet use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnc 'i cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catairh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector tree For sale by V. E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms m uyhpensia. Price 10 and 7"i cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you Dement & Co. Sold by W. E White Oak Liniment. Cures Rheumatism, Lame Sack, Read ache, 'toothache, and all Aches and Pains. rnce, &o cents. WILSON'S IIAIK TONIC. Wilson's Hair Tonic will strengthen the roots of tho hair, remove all dandruff and tenderness from scalp, and by making tho hair healthy, promotes new growth. Con t.ili t nn srrar of lead. In addition to its power of saving the hair it Is an elegant hair itres'dng. Price, ou coins. HALL'S JUNIPER KIDNEY CURE. For diseases of tlio urinary and genital orpins. Kali's JunlperKidneyCure is prepared ac cording to a receipt written bv Dr. Hall and is purely vegetable compounded In concen- iraieu lonn rnce, ocein.t. NORWEGIAN TILE CUKE. Norwegian Pile Cure is a liquid prepara tion fnr linib external and Internal piles. For external piles to bo applied with a sponge ; for internal piles to be injected with :i unmii Hnw. This nrcD3ratIon is far su perior to ointment. Stops pain instantly. Price, 50 cents. MEXICAN SALVE Is the best ointment in the world for cu's, sores, ulcers, bruises, swelling and all skin diseases. Priie, 25 cents. IIALL'.S FAMILY PILLS. For bllliousnrss. costlvencss. torpid liver and dyspepsia are not excelled. I hey are purely vegetable, and active in effect with out griping.-Frice, 25 cents. FOK SALE BY AY. E. DEMENT & CO. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Proposals for City Printing. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the. Auditor and Police Judge until Monday, January 23d, 18S3, for all City Printing. Bids must state the price per square for each insertion, and size of type pro posed to be used. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Common Council. Attest : T. S. Jewktt. Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, January 12th, 1883. Is often tbo beginning of serious affec tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tabes, and Lungs. Therefore, the importance of early and effective, treatment cannot be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral may always be relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a severo Cold, which, by neglect and fre quent exposures, becamo worse, finally settling on my lungs. A terrible cough soon followed, accompanied by pains in ti. flipt. fmmirhich I suffered intense ly. After trying various remedies, with out obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and wa3 Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that thl3 remedy saved my life. Jno. 'Webster, Pawtucket, R. I. I contracted a severo cold, which suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presenting dangerous and obstinate symptoms. Mv physician ordered the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. His in structions wero followed, and the result was a rapid and permanent cure. H. E. Stlmpson, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two vears ago I suffered from a severo Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con sulted various physicians, and took the medicines they prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After tnfcinT tivn hottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given the Pec toral to my children, ana consider is The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever useu in my lamuy. Robert Vanderpcol, Meadville, Pa. Some timo ago I took a slight Cold, which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my Lungs. I had a hacking cough, and was very weak. Thoso who knew me best considered my lifo to bo in great danger. I continued to suffer until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Les3 than one bottlo of this valuable medicine cured me, and I feel that I owe the preservation of my lifo to its curative powers. Sirs. Aim Lockwood, Akron, New York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, tho one great remedy for all diseases of tho throat and lungs, and is more in demand than any other medicino of its class. J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J.CAyerfc Co.,LowelIFlfa3S. Cold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; eix bottles, $5, MARKUTS. Washington Market. Jlaln street, - Astorln, Orcson. nKt:.iiAi' &. t:o,iMioi":"KTOi:fi OEKFECTFULLY CALL THE ATTK RESPECTFULLY EX tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market will aln ays be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITV OK FRESH AND CURED Ml" ATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest rates, w hole sale and retail. "Special attention given to supplying ohtps. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0JHPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vogotablos, FBtilTS. BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. UIIKKASIUM Klrcet. Awtorln. Off. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO 5". O. EL 0 S 23 County Coroner, Pirst Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Neit to Astouian ollice. S. ARNDT is, JTKRCHE& AS'I!)P.L. - OKEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP' fe'i-JM fjeSf, (tA'S i-.vo -w:r v In'lni. Clinn uuiikl JIIU(J -iaii-. i. 4,-ssirja All kinds ol EXTGUrE, CANKBY, AMD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeol repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STP.EET. -THE- STEAMER TALLBSII, JonN G. BLAKE, Ma,ter, Is ready for business, and will do Tow Inn or BUSINESS OF ANY KIND On Ihe 1th cr, at reasonable rates. Head quarters at Gray's Wh Tf. JT. II. I. Gil AT, Agent. LOEB & 00. fines, Liprs anil A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Acents for First Class Foreign and Domesti c Brands. Main street Opposite rarlter nouse, ASTORIA, .... OREGON. V.-nWM CN. v.v'.j.. THIS PAPERS H,.W.AYEft&SON, onfUolnPhlladelphla ; ths NewsnaDer Adver tising Agency of Hessm ar Buwuniou cseau. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. E. & N. And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. K. & N. Co., car rying tne u.s. mans, leave me company's Dock Jlvery "y, Mmdays excepted, at C A. :. This is the only daily line, and the only line running all the year round. TO mi FRATOCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Dock every five days Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AtS. IUtlS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Ot flce. ipeelal NlzHt limit tu I'Artlaml, Connecting with All The Trains. I lie favt and elega-it steamer l. I: 71I01IPSUX leave Portland every Mon day. ed!u-dav and Saturday at 11 u;o P. ji. .uriUrs .it Astoria at 7 a. m. next niurnlng. Pi'luriunc, whl lea, e Asion.i. everj Mind.u, 1ue-sda.' Thursla airiUiig ai ron l-niit !'. 5 A. :! . next nvirninv Uiiod drei Iiia .irrtiiMim la ions will be furnished i'i) tin- boat :,t ihe riMsniiab' ra,,t t So ct in fur Mnnle berths aud 51 for s'atrrooins r I1S1IUTE. E.A.NOYES. Ticket Aeut. Agent. TO M FBAHCISCO, CAL, UV WAY OF TIIK OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. AND CONNECTIONS. The Mt. Shasta Eouto. Quicker in Time than any Other Routo Between Portland snd San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. Kl. Caily THROUCH TIME 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, EXCURSION SLKi:rEKS Tor ec- un Class 1'nssciiRerH on all tlirousU traiua FUDi; of ClIAItGE. X'AKIlfrom Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco, Unlimited - - - 32" OO First Class Limited. - - S20 00 Second Class " - - S13 CO Ticlict Office: Corner F and Front Sts. Portland, Or Pw KOEHLER E. P. ROGERS. U. F. & Pass. Agt ilanager. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN. MILES W. P. WniTCOMB, JIaster, Will lcavo for Cray's Harbor on or about The 5th, loth and 25th of cichmoiiili Tor Freight or rassapie apply to J. II. it. G1SAY, Anent I. S. N. Co. Ilwaco SteafflJaviatiOD Co KROJI ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, Connecting by stages andsteamboats lor Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER sdSk "GEN. CANBY," Tn03. Paukec. JIaster. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundai s excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 9 A. M., except as belovr. With Ojsterville Malls and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the Gen. Canby will make twn rnrmr-1 1-rinH. iRAvmi? Astoria first time at 7 A. ai. and on second trip (about 2 r. m.) a nonrs alter arrival iroin lirst trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - S1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 t2?For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at tho oftlce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE! Bortta Pacific Railroad! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Ohicago&All PoiatsEast VIA ST, PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific K. IL Is the OXLY Line Running Passenger Trains. Pullm&n Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Dining Cars (meals 7Jc). Luxuriant Hay Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that yonr tickets read Tia the Xorthern Pacific It. R. and avoid change of cars. Leave Portland at 7 A. M. and 3:1S P. M. daily; arrivo at Minneapolis or fat. Paul at noon fourth dav. PACIFIC UIVISION-Traln leaves Front and G street daily at 7 A.M. and 11 A.M.; arrive at New Tacoraa 1 :13 and 6 -.13 P. M. connecting with Company's for all points on Puget Sound. CIIAS. S. FEE, Genl Western Pas. Agent. St. Paul. A.D.CIIARLTON, Gcn'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 2. Washington St.. Portland. Depot, corner First and G streets. Delinquent School Taxes Dis trict No. 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT the taxes for tho above district are now de linquent. In order to save costs payment must be made Immediately to the under signed. Wm. B. ADAIR. Clerk, District o. 9. At store of M. C. Crosby. Dec.19.lS87, HowaDyingChild Was Saved ! Ciceeo, ILunLTOx Co., Lm, Sept, 19. 1337. Tho following Is a true account of what your S. S. S. has done for our little daughter. Hazel, now four years old. Wliea 12 mouths old a lump appeared on her hoe!,whlch slowly grow larger. Tho family physician thought It was caused by apteco ot broken glass or needle, but failed to bring anything to light. Tho child became feebler all the time, seeming to lose the uso ot her leg, and Anally quit wait ing entirely. The middle finger and thumb ot either hand became enlarged, tha flesh be coming hard. The hip Joints became Involv ed, so that when seventeen months old sh? could not stand, having lost tho usa of leff and arm. rartlal curvature of the spine also followed. The nervous system was wrecked, muscles contracted, and there was general wasting ot flesh and muscle. At eighteen months of age sho was placed under tha treatment ota prominent physician of Bos ton, Mass., but at the cud of ten months sho had declined to such a degree that she was In a dying condition. This was In April, ISM Ve took tho child away not knowing what to do. In this dreadful dilemma we were over persuaded by friends to try "ono bot tle " of Swot's Srecmc, which wo did, and before It had all been taken wo saw a change for tho better In her symptoms. Wo kept It up, and havo dono so to this day, and will keep It up. If tho Lord wills, for many days to come, for It has brought our dying Hazel to life, to vigor, to strength and health again. The ashen huo of her cheeks has changed to a rosy tint. She Is able to walk anywhere, her langnor and melancholy have passed away, and sho Is now a blithe, cheerful, hap py romping child. Should yon wish to In creaso your testimonials ot proof of tha virtue of S. S. a, our names and what wa have said Is but a portion ot what wo owe to you, should you wish to use them. Kindly yours, Bex. P. Swrrr. Gkbtbude K. swnrr. P.O. Bos CC. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases msHed free. Tuk SwiFTSracmc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,Oa HEALTH SE. Le Ricliaa's dolden Balsam No. 1 Cures Chancres, firs and second stages; Sores on tho Legs and Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Nose, etc.. Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of tho disease known as byphihs. Price, S5 OO per Bottle. Lo Iliclmii's Golden Balsam No. 3 Cures Tertiary, McrcurialSyphilltic Rheu matism, Tains in tho Bones, Pains in tho Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of Mercury, leaving tho blood pure and healthy.' Price &5 OO por Bottle. tiO IUcliau's Golden. Spanish Anti dote lor the cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Irritation Grai cl, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price 92 50 per Bottle. Lo Iticlmu'a Golden Spanish In jection, forsovcro cases ot Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet. Stricturw.&c. Prlco $1 SO per Bottle. Lo Richnn'a Golden Ointment for the cltecf.t c hcalingcf Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. PriroSl (JO per Bos. Lo Itichnu's Golden Pills Nerve and Brain treatment; loss ot physical pow er, cxlcsi or ocr-'jork. Prostration, etc. Price S3 CO per Box. Tonic m,il Nervine, Stnt ccrylicrc, C. O. 1)., lecurcly packed prr crcs. C. 1'. IJICItAUDS k CO. , Agent, -" . 41) ba'!::io street. Corner clay, S n Trancwco. Cal. inci ;aiu:i. free. O h taVtn lie !ed In Uie sales of that cU of remedies, and has givea slmosc universal sah,f,i.. tiun. lIUEPHYBRrV?. JfarileT Ghaswon the lawr if tile nubile and now rmi( amoof? trie leading Mcui icwcsoftheoildo'ii. A. 1 SMITH. Bradford. Ta. Soldby DnrfTULM i-ru.eU.0O. Sold by J W Conn. Astoria. Oregon. LIFERENEWER DR. PIERCE'S New Galvanic CHAIN BELT with ilcctno Batpen nory. Most Dowerfol, darable and perfect ,aT ' tjlUilU DIUUU7 IU IUO 'world, Cnres NepTOnn De billtT. Pain in tha Back. 11 ! I W DrspepsiavJ Kldnej Disease. Rhenmatiim, Weakness ttrl? ot Sexual Organs. Call or send stamp for Pamphlet ISo. 2. Addresa Magnetic Elastic Truss Co.. 704 Sacramento st. Ban Fra Cal. or 3Q4N. 6th St.. StLonimMo, f'jiix, SSS5 ST. rouis, MO. M Mamjf RS or Fiwg DESKS z&;m& BANK. COURT HOUSE GovmiranrNTwpRK ocd oitice jimnaa, BestVTork 4i lo-westPricei Knss UturanUed. lorj ip, luusfc Catalep?rria;st ever 7rin ted, sent free. Postage 7 "g5Z AVIioIIy unlike artificial systems. Any book learned In one reading Kecommended by Mark Twain1, lncn akd 1'KOCTOit, the Scientist. lions. W. W. A8TOU. JUKAII 1". BENJAMIN. Dl!, Hl2)'OIt &c. Class of 100 Columbia Law students ; two classes of 200 cacli at Yale ; 400 at University ofrenn. Pliiki.. 350 at Oberlin Collece, ana three Lirse classes at Chatauqua University &c. Trospectus post prke from PItOF. LO ISETTE, 237 Filth Ave., S. Y. Proposals far Street Lights. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge, until January 18th. 1888, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the lishtinf of the streets of the City or Astoria, with pas, electricity, or oil. Contractors will be required to fur nish all material after lamps have been erected, keep the same in repair and re turn the samo in as good condition at the expiration of the contract as when received. Each bid must be accompanied with a. guarantee signed by two responsible tax pajers. to the effect that should the coutract be awarded such bidder, that he will within forty-eight hours after receiving notice of such award, enter into contract with good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the contract. The Common Council reserves thp right to reject any or all bids. AHOi : A. O. J EWETT, Auditor and Police Judge, Astoria, January 7th, 18S8. - 'BISEA W5ySrCBres I o- HfJ rgSfSri TO 5 DATS. 3jxGaaraated Dot uf fi9 caon Stricture. w jUpd lirdoslybjtbs fSfs-iatttsicslCC; TCuS. KncinnaU.BBjpH jtZOnX. ? leECE'sTy. 'TIH-i'V-Mtar Z T?. cZfe&a I ,lj 1'xS!&&$ VrtEslfcH"ffl!'