The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 13, 1888, Image 3

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Vht ajaito aetata.
-JAXfJARY 13. 1ES3
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Terms of Subscription.
Served tv Carrier, per week 13 cts
Sent by Mail, per month. go cts
nnp vnn,. a e.- rt
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astoriak guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The Oregon is dao from San Fran
cisco this morning. The Sfate6ails.
Grace Church sociable at the rest
dence of Mrs. Capt. Reed this eve
ning. A telegram from Seattle to John
Williamson conveys the sad news
that his son is dead.
The wind blew in gusts from every
quarter yesterday. Kain, hail and
enow fell. At Ft Stevens the oper
ator reports a gaie.
Detention of mails makes no differ
ence to The Astobjan. It always
has its columns filled with local mat
ter. Marriage licences have been issued
to Thos. J. Birchard and Katharina
Jensen, and H. J. Winterbotham and
Sarah F. Plimpton
The loud waves lashed the shore
and foamed under the piles yester
day, the high tide and brisk breeze
from the west making the water un
usually high.
If the gentleman -who took by mis
take the silver headed cane marked
"W" will return the same to Geo.
Rowe, at the Astor house, be will be
warmly welcomed and receive the
thanks of a large circle of admiring
Average bonds have been sent to
various shippers on the wrecked Ya
quina, whose freight was saved. In
these bonds the shippers agree to pay
their share of the general average,
upon receipt of their freight, or after
the amount of the average is ascer
tained. Hay is scarce and high. The
stock of flour, potatoes, etc., has been
larger and in other respects the city
is not in very good trim to stand
much of a siege of cold weather.
Since Saturday we've been on an
island, as far as communication is
Notwithstanding the inclement
weather there was a goodly number
at the Y. M. 0. A. boot sociable last
evening. There were 33 books added
to the library, nearly all 01 them
being very desirable works. The ge
ographical sociable caused a grea t
deal of amusement
Ever since the drawing of the $50
bisque figures at the New York Nov
elty store New Year's eve, the ques
tion has been, who held the winning
number, 511? It was answered last
evening by the receipt of a letter
from 0. J. B. Sale, engineer of the
Hunter, at North Cove, written from
South Bend, saying that he had
bought that ticket, and No.s 510 and
512, and enclosing the three.
The necessity of sending small
sums by mail is felt by almost every
person in almost every community.
The postal note, although a great con
venience, does not meet all the re
quirements of the case, as they are
not always available, A. large major
ority of the people of the country are
decidedly in favor of a return to the
fractional currency. It is convenient
and just as safe as the postal note,
without the bother of hunting up a
postofSce that is authorized to issue
the postal note.
There was a cirens in the justice
court yesterday, the ealvation army
gang having procured the arrest of
Chas. Wickstrom and Jos. Brown,
charged with disturbing their "relig
ious worship." "Capt." Taylor, the
individual who nightly makes a con
demned nuisance of himself with that
horn or bugle, was tho complaining
witness. There wa3 a jury trial, and
the verdict was, not guilty. The little
afternoon's amusement will cost the
county about S30, but tho "salvation
army" have had their little notice and
the taxpayers are rich. Thirty dol
lars is cheap enough for the fun.
The rate at which foreien born cit
izens become naturalized is illustrat
ed by the fact that during ten days
in January, the following have before
county clerkTrenchard declared their
intentions of transferring all allegi
ance from foreign prince or potentate
to Uncle Sam. Wm. Bock, A- Johnson,
H.P. Ericson, A. Hanson, M. Forsman,
A. Marchet, J. O. Johnson, Karl Sig
friedson, Jno. K. Peterson, Jno. Bian ,
of Bussia; Aug. Johnson, O. Hanson,
H. Mattson, Oscar Fonar, of Sweden;
Jnb. Flynn, J. W. Darragh, E. 0.
White, Fred. Bingley, of Great Bri
tain; P. Andre, of Austria; N. Kerage,
of Greece; M. F. Belan of Prussia;
Julius Jensen and M. K. Torvik of
Norway; a total of 24 in ten days.
Bear in mind that we are in daily re
ceipt of fresh Butter and Eggs.
Thompson & Ross.
For a good article of canned Sweet
roiaroes, uoston Brown iiread, ana Bos
ton Baked Beans,
Go to Thompson & Rcss.
Remember the celebrated Dew Drop
brand of Corn, Pineapple Pumpkin, etc
6oId only by Thompson & Ross.
We also have a fine variety of evapor
ated and dried fruits, such as Bleached
Apples, Polished Prunes, Evaporated
Aprfcots and Egg Plums, Dried Black
berries, etc. Thompson. & Ross.
Pires and Blizzards Earthquakes and
Charleston, S. C, Jan. 12. There
was an earthnnnlto nt, S nVlnr-k this
morning, a heavy shock at Snmmcr-
iiiiv. iuu uisturoance was aiso no
ticed by some persons here, though
it was SO alicrht ns not tn bfi felt bv the
majority of the people. There was no
damage and no alarm.
Columbus. S. C. .Tnn. 19 A Rlinm
earthquake shock, the first in rnaDy
months, startled the citizens of Co
mmons tuis morning. Ttio buildings
were severely shaken, nnil the rlnnrs
and windows, crockery and glassware
raiueu in a lively manner. Tne peo
ple sleeping were rudely awakened
and many rushed, panic-stricken, into
the streets.
Lowell, Mass., Jan. 12. Two large
four-story houses were destroyed by
fire this rnnrninrr Thn YiniAinrra
were owned by the city and occupied
by the firo department and by the
sixth regiment as an armory. In this
bllildhl? there wore ttrottfv linncnn1
rounds of cartridges, which kept up a
constant lusmaue, ana several kegs
of powder, which exploded with such
forCO SIR tn lie ltpnrit ll nrrnr flift rtt.
The loss is estimated at S75.000.
Colfax CaL. Jan. 12. Train Xr.
4, the overland express, was ditched
at Sanders at 5 o'clock this morning.
The two engineers and two firemen
were hurt, and the two engines and
me Daggage and express cars ditched.
It will take all day to clear the track.
Rouan on tiie militia.
Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 12. The
Fourteenth regiment's armory was
burned this morning. All of the reg
iment's uniforms and equipments
were destroyed, and one hundred
pounds of cartridges exploded.
The Ohio poultry and pigeon, and
kennel and stock associations were
holding their annual exhibition in
the armory at the time. The value of
the exhibit is estimated at S50.000, all
of which was consumed, with the ex
ception of two or three dogs.
E. E. AND M. V. E. S. BRAGG.
Washington, Jan. 12. The presi
dent to-day sent to the senate the
namo of Edward S. Bragg, of Wiscon
sin, to bo envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary o" the Unit
ed States to Mexico.
St. Paul. Jan. 12 A fierce bliz
zard prevails here to-day, and in con
sequence of this the laying of the
corner stone of the ice palaco has
been postponed until Saturday next.
New York. Jan. 12. .Tnhn Sain
ton is lvinr? in a critical onnriitinn nt
his residence in this city. Ho has
boen sullenng from erysipelas for a
Gloucester. Jan. 12. Tho fishinr?
schooners Wm. Powers and Peter D.
Smith, carrying crews of twelve men
each, have been given up for lost.
Atchison. Kansas. Jan. 12. The
Eesidence of senator Ingalls. with all
its contents, was entirely destroyed
by fire this morning.
TnAT settles it.
Washington. Jan. 12. Senator
Biddleberger, of "Virginia, announced
to-day that he will vote to confirm
Lamar's nomination to the supreme
didn't make it work.
New York. Jan. 12. Ho well Pavne.
of the jewelry firm of Payne, Stock &
Co., who failed a few days ago for
one hundred and thirty thousand
dollars, was arrested to-day. Short
ly before tho failure he obtained dia
monds from several firms and when
the house failed they could not be
found. There are two indictments
ngainst him for grand larceny.
M. J. Kinney was in Philadelphia
Joe Pinschower has returned from
a business trip to Pacific and Olie
halis counties.
Jas. Johnson who has suffered for
years with his leg. yesterday bad it
amputated at bt. Mary s hospital for
necrosis of the tibia.
The ladies' guild of Grace chnrch
will give a sociable at tho residence
of Mrs. Capt. Reed, on Friday even
ing, the ldtli. AH are cordially in
Tennant's Nautical Almanac, Pacific
Coast Diaries, and Tide Tables for 1888,
ai ukiffin s: iu:e s.
Prii-ato Rooms,
At Whitcomb & McGillas's restaurant,
for suppers, parties, etc. The best
cooked to order.
The best Oysters in any style, at
Whitcomb & McGillas's.
A fine cup of coffee, at Whitcomb &
The finest and juciest steak at Whit
comb & McGillas's.
Telephone )Lo-i;;iK House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week SI JO. New and
clean. Private entrance.
nieals Coolcctl to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Boots and Shoes.
In Si nney's Bleck: sign of the Big
Boot. 1 have received another invoice
from the east of the famous Seamless
Can Toe Gents Shoes. Also the re-
nouned Waukenphasts, and a large lot
ot other tine anoes too numerous to
mention, at 2 and S2.50 and upward.
Fresh Taffy Every Day
At Johnson Brothers' Bakery.
Remarks ef the Old Party Regarding
Matters and Thins.
It's been some time since Joggles
was around, but he blew in at the
door with one of the gusts of wind
yesterday afternoon, and after nearly
putting the fire out by spitting in it,
ho commenced cutting a chunk of
navy plug and working it in his hands
and putting it in his pipe, and then
he said, says he:
Big tide at noon to-day, wan't there?
Up most to top of wharves; there
ain't no tides now like there used to
be; biggest tide we ever saw was in
1843 (that wa3 the year tho Columbia
river bar froze over); tide como plumb
up three foot deep and still a risin'
where The Astorian office is now;
that year wo lived on boiled wheat
and salt salmon; et it off a hemlock
chip, and it tasted mighty good, you
bet; no flour, no potatoes, no butter,
won't be till Portland boat gets down
why don't O. B. & N. Co. put on
iron boat and slam down, and raise
blockade? Hero is a town, 8,000 peo
ple, caught with iis unmentionables
in a disordered condition, and suffer
ing for the necessaries of life; no
steamer down the river since Satur
day, and hero it is Thursday; company
oughtn't to wait for ice to go away of
itself to send down light little boats
like Bonita; ought to send out good
big iron steamer, break ice, let it float
away, all same back east, where peo
ple go north to freeze up with tho
country. Back there or front there,
ice gets good and solid, but boats
hammer away and make channel.
No telegraph, nuther; there's more of
it; how in hades expect people to run
a newspaper or a mill or anything
else without mail, or telegraph, or
boats; more things going on and off
in this yere neck o' woods than con
gress know3 anything about Peo
ple settin' around here wantin to git
to Portland, and can't go; why not?
just 'cause there's a little ice in
river a little ways up; doggone shame.
But whateryegointodoaboutit?
When's that railroad you fellers
been talkin' so much 'bout goin' to be
here? Seems to me now's tho time
for it. Aleck Megler has some of
the fattest and finest mackerel that
ever come here; sent him specially
from tho east heard him say a half
barrel of it cost S22.50 worth it.
Went lonud last night to that crowd's
headquarters you call tho "sal
vation army." If that's what you call
salvation, 1 don't want any in mine;
why, it's like a variety show. vVhy
don't you chap3 light your streets
nights? Seems to mo night is the
time yon need light to keep from
tumbling into holes and corners left
by people that had oughter fix their
streets and don't. And that re
minds me I see yon published list
of big taxpayers this morning; why
don't yon publish list ot folks
that ought to pay and don't?
What's that? Couldn't find room
in tho paper: well, mebbe not don't
see much stir round yet knitting nets
or getting things in anything like
shape for next season's salmon fish
ing; guess they're waiting to see
what will turn up. Only move so far
is getting ready for Alaska fishing
that don't look well. Seem3 to mo
you've got a soft job, nothin' to do
all day but just set there and write.
Say, didyehear 'bout that fellow out
on theNehalem? No, I s'pose not;
you ought to go 'round more and find
out what's goin' on. Well, this young
chap come out from the east, some
where, York state, I think, in "84 or
'85, and tuk up a sort of claim that
had been filed on and abandoned, this
side of Rock creek, pretty well down
where it puts into the main fork. He
found a sort o' cabin there and put
some traps in and lived there right
along, seeing no one, 'cept they
called on him, till one day last Octo
ber, a woman come inquiring all
along from Portland, and St. Helens,
and Wood's Landing and just regu
larly nose! him right ont of his her
mit cabin, and tuk bim right off with
her. You ought to be able to make
up quite a yarn out of that. Was
thinkin' Sunday, when seen so few
in churches, ef it wouldn't be a good
idea for 'em all to sort of unite and
see ef they couldn't fill one church
plum full, 'stead of bavin' them scat
tered all round over and yon
where'd you get that coal? Pify
there ain't a coal mine opened out in
this county; right on Coal creek,
'bout four miles from where it jines
the Nehalem, there's a vein of good
coal, nine foot thick, pitching west
'ard, an' ef that was rightly pros
pected it might make a big difference:
its a bell of a country to prospect in,
and this time oT year it 7ud be no
earthly use trying to do anything
there. Where's them railroad men
that I see was going to como up here;
fanny time 6' year to coma here now;
better, a blamed sight, wait till
spring, that is, if they mean business;
there's one thing I'd like mighty well
to know, an' that is who they repre
sent; you call them 11 "sindikit,"
whatever that is, but who air they,
and who's the company that's going
to build that road? Why don't you
go after them fellows that's dumpin'
all that slag, and ashes, and sawdust
and things in tho river. First thing
this town knows it won't have any
harbor, it's fillin' up so. Betcher life
it's just minin' the harbor and no
one seems to care a continental
damn. 'Cordin' to my way of think
in' there ain't nothin' more impor
tant than that. Here's a piece I cut
out of a New York paper; thought
mebbe you'd like to get somethin'. I
guess you newspaper men have a
hard rattle of it sometimes to get
somethin' to fill up with. I want it
back after you get through with it.
W-h-e-w! how the wind blows, every
which way at once; it'll steady by
to-night and blow a regular streak.
Well, so long.
And the old man sauntered out.
Nautical Almanacs,
And Pacific Coast Tide Tables, for sale
at the New York Novelty Store.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together -with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oc.Mdent
hctel, Astoria.
With Accumulated Mall From Portland
and the East.
Westpobt, Jan. 12,-6 p. n. Tho
steamer Bonita, which left Astoria
this morning, got to Kalama at one
p. m. She there took on the mail
from Portland and the east, which
had been brought down from Port
land, and started for Astoria, reach
ing this place shortly beforo dark.
where she tied up for the night. She
will leave for Astoria at an early hour
to-morrow morning. It has been
storming heavily all along the river
and eastward.
Does It Pay?
Three-fonrths of our peoplo are
troubled with Dyspepsia and liver
Complaint in some form or other,
which by nature of the disease has a
depressing influence on the mind or
body, preventing them from thinking
or acting clearly in any matter of im
portance. Indigestion, coming up of
food after eating, dysnCDsia. sick
head-ache, acidity of the stomach or
any derangement of the stomach or
liver (upon which the whole action of
our system depends) are speedily and
effectually overcome by the use of
Green's Auqust Flower. The most
stubborn cases have yielded to its in
fluence, as thousands of letters re
ceived will testify. The immense sale
of this medicine is another guarantee
of its merits, (over a million and a
halt bottles sold last year.) So we
ask, will it pay you to suffer from anv
of the above diseases when you can
have immediate relief in the August
Flower. Three doses will prove its
worth. It is sold by all druggists and
general dealers in all parts of the
The Way They Boom.
"Are you getting ready for that ex
cursion of eastern capitalists which
is coming here when the railroad is
completed?" asked a prominent citi
zen of a new Kansas town of the
May 01.
"Oh, yes. We've made arrange
ments with Metropolis City to borrow
its county seat for tho day, and will
move it down.''
"That's good. Anything else?"
"Yes; each merchant is going to put
up fifty packages which look as if
they contained sugar, and the farm
ers will be going out of the stores
with them all day.
"Fifty packages won't last."
"But they'll keep sneaking them
around in the back door again when
tho capitalists aren t looking. We
purpose to sell each bundle twenty
times. Then we're going to have two
brass bands, and the railroad compa
ny will side track a couple 01 freight
trains here all day, and I'm having
the creek dammed.'un two miles above
here, and just before they come we'll
cut the dam and let her howl all day
and call her a river, and I'm going to
salt the town well with abairelof
kerosene and have an expert smelling
around and talking ot natural gas,
and then there'll be two or three men
run over with teams, and a lot more
will be going around and looking
awful deep and sticking stakes around
for new buildings, and everything
will boorn proportionately all day.
Oh, you just let me alone to extract
the reluctant dollar from tho pocket
of the eastern investor!" Chicago
Trio line.
ftou't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in
I'xperimeiitiiig when your lungs are in
danger. Consumption always seems at
lir.t, only a cold. Do not permit any
dealer to impose upon you with some
cheap imitation of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, but be sure j 011 get the genuine,
liecause lie can make more profit he
may tell you ho has something just as
good, or just the same. Don't bo de
ceived. lmt,insist upon getting Dr. King's
New Discovery, which is guaranteed to
give relief in all Throat, Lung and
Chest ntlection.
Trial Bottles free at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
Portland, Nov. 2G, 18S7.
Mr Dear Mr. Wisdem:
You have reason to feel proud of
the success of Eobertine. I have used
it constantly for a whole year and
find it beautiful and beneficial for the
complexion. It possesses all the qual
ities you claim for it, and I have
much pleasure in recommending it.
The "Robertine Powder," your latest
addition to the Artistic toilet, makes
a charming finish and is worthy of its
companion, Robertine,
Yours truly,
Jeannie Winston.
Refera to Messrs. W. E. Dement &
Co., Astoria, Or.
.1 Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Oamlirinus Beer
Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, ." cents.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoria, Oregon.
Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Storage and Insurance at Current Hates.
Banking Department
Drafts on the leading Cities of the World
B. n. Coleman, Accountant,
Owing to the continued rush at this estab
lishment we are compelled to engage extra help,
along with the improved Lamson's Cash Bail
way system, thereby saving our patrons the
trouble of waiting.
Our store is crammed with goods from floor
to ceiling. Novelties arriving daily per Ex
press from the Bast.
P. S. Wholesale buyers and patrons from the Country
will please call in the morning, thereby saving the usual
afternoon rush.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine
1 &
At Extremely Low Trices.
AH Goods Iloaght at Thl Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Watch and Clock Repairing
Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets.
Garnahan & Co.
Comer Chcnamus andJCass streets.
Of Best Quality, and at
And Dealers in
Special Attention Given to Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
Copartnership Notice.
the 1st dav of January. 188R. Wm. A.
Sherman was duly admitted a member of
the Arm of Murray & Co The business will
be conducted as heretofore under the for
mer firm name.
Astoria. January cth, 18SS.
Cannery Sillies!
place where to
There is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work-
mansmp.auu lor less Money.
By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He
has Inst received a large stock of Goods from
the East. Fine Business Suits from $33.
Call and See Him and Satisfy Yourself.
P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor.
Cut Faster
Than any oth
er axe made.
nundreds of
woodmen tes
tify to its supe
riority. It goes
Deep and Serer
& CO.,
Acents Astoria
Vrlee, Sl.50.
Wholesale and Retail
Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do
mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val
Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Eey
West and Domestic Cigars.
Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.
Family Trade Solicited. All orders from
the City and Country promptly rilled.
Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon.
Furniture and Upholstering,
Mattresses Made and Repaired.
Paper Hanging, Carpets sewed
and Laid.
Furniture Sold on Commission.
Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets
The Astor House Saloon.
Everything Everybody Else Says,
and More Too.
The best is none too good for friends and
patrons. Will Try to Please.
The Astor Ilonse Saloon.
FREETOF.AJI. riMColored&criTloKofAn.
cicot York,EBRtuid, where the m G. Lodre of
'Muom m held A D. S'.'S. Alu lrg Ulutrated
CUmlogna ot lluonlo boob nod goodiwtih bot
tom vncsx. Anntiw.,). P.. ..n ltV.l
' . WBmn of ipnrionabooU. REDDING & CO,
fflUFlE; i
' J.C.Trullinger
Co to Nora Rappleyea's,
Tabiescarfs, Embroideries, Underwear
Dress Goods. Buttons, Rnchlng,
German Knitting Yarn, Spanish Yarn
Worsteds. Aprons, Ilandkercniefs, Knitting
Silk, Embroidery Silk, Collars and Cuffs,
Pins and Needles, Etc., Etc.
Ladies invited to call.
Stamping done tn order.
One door south of Astokian office, Cass St.
Fashionable Dressmaking.
A First-class Dressmaker, lately from the
East, is associated with
Miss M. L. Richardson,
On Cass Street. 3 doors south of TiieAsto-
kiax oulce, where they are pre
pared to do
Dressmaking In All Its Branches.
T o At no tin tlinm i rtotl nnd Ka AAnolnitAft
A perfect l"it Guaranteed.
Neat, Quick And Cheap at The
The Rfiontesano.
JOHN W.WELCH. - - - Master.
Will mako weekly trips between
Astoria and Westport,
Touching at Svensen's Landing.
Leaving Westport at c A. m., Saturdays.
Returning, leave Wilson & Fisher's wharf at
2 r. m. same day.
Will also leave Wilson & Fisher's wharf at
12 JO r. 31.. Fridays, for Westport and all
way landings
lor Freight or Passage apply on board or
to D . U. WELCH, Agent.
Transacts a General Banking Bnsiness.
Drafts drawn available in any part of the
U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China
Odd Fellows BtrLTiDJirG, Astoria, Oregon.