OJ jiiUjj ggfotfiro. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATDKDaY. JANUARY 7, 15S8 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOalAN BCILDIXG, - - CASS STBEET. Terms of Subscription. Served bv Carrier, per week Sent by Mail, per month.... 15cts - tocts -$7.00 one year.. Free of postage to subscribers. The Astorian guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. To-nighl Koyce & Lansing Co. They're well worth seeing. The cntter Corwin arrived in from Shoalwater bay yesterday. The nest term for the circuit court for this county begins on the 20th of February, Lecture to-morrow evening at the Congregational church: "Grit, Grip and 'Grace." The Select Knights, A. O. U. W., propose having a social party next Tnureday evening, and the Knights ofLsbora masked ball next Friday night. Weather reports from the state show some chilly weather all over. Snake river isfull of running ice and a little shore ice is reported in the middle Uolumbia. There was good skating yesterday, corner Court and Olney streets, and a good many Astorians enjoyed the novel sport. Good ice is also reported at Ft. Stevens and Ilwaco. Mr. Henderson, the telegraph oper ator, says that such weather as this the line works better than any other time, the frost appearing to afford the wires perfect insulation. The year opens lively with petitions. Every other man has a petition he wants signed. It is the easiest thing in this world (next to going into debt) to get a man to sign a petition. The cream of the Daily appears in The Weekly Astorian, published this morning, in wrappers ready for mailing. Send a copy away and help boom the town ten cents worth. Those at work at the Gas com pany's tank got the' holder lifted up yesterday to let some of the accumu lated gas, etc., escape, to admit of re pairers going in to see what to do next. The steamer Electric will make two trips Saturday and Sunday to Clat sop, leaving at 9 a. it., and returning at 5 p. si. Anyone wishing a good day's skating on Clatsop can have it by going on the Electric. For the last few days The Astobi an's morning dispatches have been telegraphed from San Francisco to Chicago; from there to Portland, and down here. The W. TJ. T. Co. has the advantage of having a choice of routes and if there's any news going we get it Of all earth's teeming millions there are few living who have seen the time before when it required three figures of the same kind to write the number of the year and few living now will ever see the time again. -It will be one hundred and eleven years before it occurs again. On yesterday evening's boat ar rived forty tons of iron for the Asto ria street railway company. This is the first installment The company proposes to begin at Johansen's when they get ready and when they coun cil get matters decided, and they will then bnild westward. There was a pleasing' performance at Ross' opera house last evening, and one that was thoroughly Enjoyed by the large audience present. The company are good throughout and give an entertainment that is well worth the price of admission. They appear again in a change of pro gramme this evening. The aggregate cut of the mills on Gray's harbor is 3,000,000 feet per month, and the canneries shipped 30, 000 cases salmon the past year. It takes forty logging camps to supply the present demand for logs. Threo large schooners have been built on the har bor, and a number of small steamers, and more will be built next season. Such weather as this gives us a chance to sympathize with eastern folk. But we have by far the best of it, for presently will come from the west the warm breath of the Pacific and all out door3 will soften and become genial, and all this chill and discomfort will have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Dr. Kob't Morris, the venerable poet laureate of Free Masonry, deliv ered a public lectura on the aims and merits of the order at the hall of Temple Lodge, No. 7, last evening. The lecture was interesting and in structive, was delivered in a most pleasing style and was enjoyed by the audience. There are few living men better exponents of the tenets of the Masonic fraternity than that venera ble gentleman. He leaves this morn ing for Victoria, and will shortly re turn to his home in Kentucky. Found. A silk umbrella. Owner can have it by applying to SI. Kronquist on the beach at the Astoria Iron Works. Oysters In Every Style At the Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. iTTt' LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Condensed Dispatches Prom Both Con tinents. Pabis, Jan. 6. Henry Hertz, the famous pianist, is dead. A GHASTLY AFFAIR. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 5. Nathan B. Sutton, fatalist, who shot and killed Alexander Martin, a neighboring rancher, near Livermore, in Septem ber, 1886, was hanged to-day. He re fused to the last to see or talk with a minister. .Tnot. hofnro lna OTPAllflnTi Sutton took from his pocket his writ ten statement and read tlie same. At and ropes were adjusted and at 12:1G mo traps ieii. wnen tne ooay readied the end of the rope, it was seen that the noose had slipped and the un- fortnnntn man's lipad rrna nnnrlr nov. erea irom nis body. VIEWS OF CHAIBSIAK MILLS. Washington, Jan 6. Chairman Mills, of tho ways and means com mittee, says that he will call his com mittee together without delay and proceed at once to tue consideration and promulgation of a tariff reform tun navmg in view a reduction as well He says: "The condition of the country and the treasury is a ques tionof taxation and revenue. The president asks it; the secretary of the treasury urges it and I shall do all I can to carry out their wishes." PROBABLY MUBDEBED. London, Jan. G. The body of Archie McNiell who went to France to report the Smith-Kilrain prize fight, for tho London Sportsman, and who had been missing since has been found on the beach at Bolocne. There were distinct marks on Mc Niell s throat showing that he had been strangled. He was known to have in his nossessionwhen last seen. Bank of England notes and a watch, all of which was missing when the body was found. GBAIN STATISTICS. San Francisco, Jan. 6. Tho annn al statement of the San Francisco prodnce exchange shows that the number of barrels of flour remaining in the state, January 1, 1833, to be 60,000, as against 90,000, on January 1st 1887. The number of centals of wheat on hand Jannary 1, 18S3, 9,700,- 000, as against 7,800,01)0, on January 1, 1887. The number of centals of of barley, January, 18S3, 4,GO0,O00, as against 2,500,000, January 1, 18S7. IT PLEASES RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, Jan. 6. Tho Journal de St. Petersburg expresses high satisfaction at the distinction bestowed by emperor William on General Von Schweinitz, the Ger man ambassador of Bussia, in decor ating him with the order ot the Black Eagle. EXCHANGE OF COURTESIES. Berlin, Jan. 6. Tho emperor gave andience yesterday to Prince William who afterwards paid a visit to tho empress. In tho evening Prince William and (Jount Lioe and Count Waldersee took tea with the emperor. A, O. U. W. Notice. All members of Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W., are hereby notified that there will be no meeting to-night on account of there being no light in the hall. Installation of officers will take place next Saturday evening. Members will govern themselves ac cordingly. By order N. Jones. M. W. Notice. Water consumers must remember when two hundred spickets are open tnat it wastes more water than tne pipes carry, and if you get short of water it is your fault And donH you forget it! Jas. W. Welch. The endorsement ot German Syrup is unparalelled. Wo will pub lish 1000 testimonials received during the last six months. Bead them. May save your life. Burlingham, N, Y., May 31,'8G. G. G. Green, Dear sir: I am fre quently troubled with severe colds, and the only remedy that will relieve me of them is your Jioschee's German Syrup. I have used it for more than 12 years. It is a constant household companion with me. Our merchant here procured it first at my solicita tion, and says he has sold a great many bottles. It is a very popular remedy in this section. Every per son who has used it speaks in the highest terms of its merits. I do not know of a single case it has not cured. I first used it in Vermont, where I lived before cominc here. I advise everyone to use it, as it is cer tainly the best cough medicine I have ever known. I have tried nearly all of them at different times. Yours respectfully, MOSES GRAY, Proprietor Grist Mill. . . Information has reached Washing ton that the Coquille river has de flected its current at the month so as to change its channel from the gov ernment jetty and endanger shipping, and congressman Herman has noti fied tho engineer department, and has urged the necessity for inoreased es timates for additional improvement General Duane at once communicated with the local engineers for a detailed report. Two companies to pack Alaska salmon were incorporated in San Francisco last Thursday; the North ern Packing company, to catch and nack salmon at Ken at. Cook's inlet. Alaska; capital stock, 8100,000, $25,000 of which has been subscribed; and theNushagok Canning company, to pack at Nushagok, Bristol bay, Alas ka; capital stocK, siuu.uuu. Boots and Shoes. In Kinney's Bleck: sign of tho Big Boot 1 have received another invoice from the east of the famous Seamless Cap Toe Gents Shoes. Also the re nouned Waukenphasts, and a largo lot of other Fine Shoes too numerous to mention, at 2 and SiGO and upward. P.J.GOODM4.N. cm- couxcil- proceedings. Councilman Fulton Resigns From the Second Ward. The city council met in adjourned session last evening, Mayor Page in the chair; present Counoilmen Car ruthers, Welch, Cleveland, Sherman and Bergman. In attendance Auditor and Police Judge Jewett, Chief of Police Barry and btreet superintend ent Clinton. The following claims wero referred: W. "-V. Belcher, 50 cents; Astoria Gaslight Co., S10.85, 8126.45; Electric Light Co., S1C8; R. L. Jeffrey, S18; Griffin & Beed S3; T.S. Jewett, 4.07; John McCue, S2. It was resolved that the future meetings of the council would be at 730 p. si., on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. The resignation of A. L. Fulton, as councilman from the second ward, was, on motion, accepted. The matter of the tax roll was re ferred to the committee on ways and means to report at next meeting. Chief of Police Barry, in a written communication respectfully called the attention of the city council to the city jail and asked that the needed re pairs be made as soon as possible. Referred to committee on health and police with power to net. After some debate on the constitu tionality of the measure. Councilman Sherman was elected president of the council, to act in the absence of the mayor. Councilman Sherman de clined. Councilman Bergman moved that t he declination be accepted. The motion prevailed. Councilman Cleveland was elected president of the council. The report ot Street Superintendent Clinton showing tho uumber of tools and material received from the for mer street superintendent was re ceived and filed. Councilman Welch moved that the matter of electing a councilman to hll the vacanoy occasioned by the resignation of Councilman Fnlton in the second ward bo laid over till next regular meeting. The motion was s econded. Mayor Page thought that it was unnecessary. Tho council agreed with him. Conncilmen Welch moved that tho pest honso be placed in condition for any emergency, and that the street superintendent bo notified to put tho road to tho peat houso in repair. Councilman Bergman thought that it was unnecessary. Councilman Welch rose to a point of order. Mayor Page sustained the point, taken. Councilman Cleveland asked permission to offer a suggestion that the matter should by right be re ferred to the committee on health and police. Mayor Page suggested that that portion of his message referring to the pest houso be referred to the committee on health and police with power to act. Councilman Cleveland made that as a motion. Tho motion i prevailed. Councilman Welch spoke of a con tract 'for boarding tho city prisoners, city printing,etc, and thought the au ditor and clerk ought to buy his sta tionery at wholesale. Councilman Cleveland brought tip tho suggestion that the matter of the emoluments and duties of the harbor master be referred to the committee on wharves and water frontage. A motion to that effect prevailed. Councilman Welch moved that the auditor and police judge advertise for bids for boarding the city prisoners and doing the city printing. It was also decided that bids for lighting tl-o city streets for the ensuing yonr be also asked for at the same time. Councilman Carruthers asked how does the rent of tho hook and ladder company bo paid. Auditor Jewett said there was a monthly allowance of S30. The mayor asked how was the money expended. It was stated that they paid S15 a month rent, and the remainder went for incidentals. Mayor Page and Councilman Car ruthers thought it would ba a good idea for Alert H. & L. No. One to move their headquarters to the pres ent council chamber and occupy it, and have the future deliberations of tho city council held in the court room ot the police judge. A motion to appoint a special committo on that question prevailed. Conncilmen Car ruthers, Sherman and Cleveland were appointed as sack committee. The unfortunate condition of the roadway and Concomly street was in troduced into the deliberations of '88. The mayor said that regarding Con comly street and its extension, tho county court was shortly to take up the matter of a road to be dedicated by Col. Taylor at the west ern end, but that, if such were done, the city hnd no street to connect therewith. The mayor thought that a very important matter and one that demanded early and earnest atten tion. The matter was, on motion, referred to the committee on streets and pub lic ways. Councilman Welch moved that the street committee be instructed to take steps for the immediate removal of lumber piles, wood piles, etc., from tho business streets of the city. Tho auditor read tho ordinance applying to the matter. The council then had further conversation about Concomly street and the roadway, after which council adjourned. A Fatal Accident. The revenue cutter Corwin went to Shoalwater bay last Wednesday, and when well out, one of the quartermas ters, a Norwegian, whose name could not be learned last evening, was heav ing the lead. While doing so his belt, which appears to have been inse curely fastened, gave way and ho fell into the sea. The vessel was at once stopped and backed and two boats im mediately lowered.under Lieuts.Ham let and Dunwoody. The men pulled with all possible expedition, but be fore the boats could reach the poor fellow he sank and was drowned. He was a sober and capable sea man and is deeply regretted by his associates aboard. Nautical Almanacs, And Pacific Coast Tide Tables, for sale at tho New York Novelty Store. SCRATCHED 28 YEARS A Scaly, Itchingr Skin Disease with Endless Suffering Cured bj Cuticnra Remedies. If I had known of tho. Cutictjiia Remedies twenty-oight years ago it would have saved me $200.00 (two hundred dollars) u uSfaS menso amount of suffering. My diseiso (Pso riasis) commenced or. my head in a spot not larger than a cent. It spread rapidly ill over my body and cot under my nails. lh0 scales would drop off of mo all of tho tine, and my suffering was .endless, ;and without relief. Ono thousand dollars would not tempt mo to havo this discaso over again. I am a poor innD, but feel rich to be relieved of what somo of the doctors said was leprosy, some ring-worm Psoriasis, etc. Itook and Sarsapa- nllas over ono year and a half, but no euro. Iwentto two or three doctors and no euro. I cannot praise tho Cctjcuka Kemedifs too much Ihey have made ray skin as clear and them was three boxes of Cdticcea. and three " vuiu-tM. uuuhjot ana two cakes of Cuticuba Soap. If you had been hero and said you would have cured me for $210 00 you would have had tho money. I looked liko tho picture in your book of Psoriasis (picture E"r"" V'r ":",':"" -"a uatues-t. u.iua.i tica. ua any person oTcr was. Through force of habit 1 rub my hands over my arms and legs to scratch onco in a imio.Munuuu tjuiuuu. x am an wen. J. scratched twenty-eight years, and it cot to be bind nfcanAnil nntntn 4r. I -... w.,u.u, iuius. a manK you a thousand times. Anything morothatjou ituu. iu Buun imtu me, or any onewno reads this may write to me and I will answer it. DENNIS nninmin Watsibuby, Vt., Jan 20th, 1SS7 Psoriasis, Eczema.Tettcr.RiDiiworm. Lich en. Pruritus, beau Head. Jlilk Crust, Dand ruff, Barber's, liakers', Grocers" and Washer woman's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning, Scaly. Pimply Humore of tho Skin and frcalp and Blood, with Loss of Hair, are positively cured by Cuticdra, tho great Skin Curo, and Cuticuka Soap, an cxquisito Skin Beautifier externally, and Cuticuba Resol vent, tho now Blood Purifier internally, when physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuiu, 5oc.; Soap, 2jc.: Kksolvkst, SI. .Prepared by tho Pott b Dnuo and Chemical Co., Boston, M ass M pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials, PIMPLEd, black-heads, chapped and oily rllil skin prevented by Cuticuka AIedi- c itkd Soap. ,af1n TTmrtl.., iiiiffnBmWHywriM1i.iniin- Catarrhal Dangers. To bo freed from tho dangers of suffocation while lying down ; to breathe freely, sleep soundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed, head clear, brain ai-tivo and free from pain oracho : to know that no poisonous, putrid matter delilos tho breath and rots away tho delicato machinery of smell, tasto and hear ing ; to feel that tho system does not, through its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that is suro to undeimiae and destroy, is indeed a blessing beyond all other human enjoyments. To purchase immunity from snch a fato should bo tho object of all afflicted. Rut thoso who have tried many remedies and physi cians despair of relief or curo, SANl'Oitl'-RAliCAi. CuitK racct3 every phaso of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the mot loathsomo and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in ro liovinc. permanent in curing, pnfn. rrrmnmi- cal and never-failing. Sanford'.s Radical Conn consists of ono bottloof tho lUlHCM. Cl'KK.ono boiofOA- TAIUIIIAL foWMTT, and ono iMMtOVKIl l.NHALKit, all wrapped in ono package, with troali'o and directions, and sold by all drug gists for $1.00. I'OTTKit Dnuo & Chemical Co., Eostost. No Rheumatiz About Me. Tho Cutlcnro Anti-1'aln I'Uinter reliovcs Rheumatic, Sciatic. Sudden. Sharp and J cr ams, Btrain3 and HcaK . lhe first and only nain- killing plaster. Now. original. instantaneous, infallible, safe, A marvellous Antidote to Pain, Inflammation and Weak ness. Utterly un iko and vastly tunorior to all other plasters. At all druggists. 23 cents ; five for Sl.OO; or, postago free, of Peitei: UKUG AM) UlIL.-IIC'Ali UO., JSOilOIl. 1UUSS. To Be Introduced. Kenresentative Hermann will short ly introduce in the house a number of bills, ns follews: Appropriating Sl,o30,00U for con tinuing improvements at the mouth ot the Columbia river; S750.090 for work on tho canal and lochs at the Cascades; 8230,000 for improvements at Yaqninabay; $100,000 for improve ments at Coos bay; S10.000 for the improvement of tho TJmpqna river; $50,000, for beginning construction of a boat railway around obstructions to navigation at The Dalle3 and Celilo falls in the Columbia river. To authorize The Dalles city to construct a bridge across the Colum bia river. To authorize the Columbia Bridge company to build a bridge across the Columbia between Oregon and Wash ington territory. .Establishing a light Rouse at tno mouth of the Coquille. Appropriating 840,000 for payment of Oregon Indian war claims. To establish a Jife-saving station at Yaquina bay. Asking $20,000 for improving tho wagon road between Rogue river val ley and Fort Klamath. To establish a light house at the the mouth of the TJmpqua. Forfeiting tho land grant of the Northern Pacific railroad between Wallula and Portland. Appropriating $100,000 for a public building at Salem. To establish a land district to bo known a3 the Harney land district. Appropriating $500,000 for a public building at Portland. Bills providing for settlement of In dian war claims, and many private bills and memorials. 5s Cor.MiuiiJtiojj Incurable? Head the follewing: Mr. C. II. .Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends ami phy sicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's iw Disciivprv fnr Consumption, r.lll now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Sliddlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: -Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I wmilrt imvn illml of T.nnff Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best oi iicaitn." Try u. sampm unities irte at W. K. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Any case of Croup can be easily treat- ra anu i;ureu oy utinu j-" vmmo CoiiL'h Svrim." Full directions with each package, which can only be pur chased at Deinenl's drug store. The Kev. Geo. U. Thayer, of Bour bon, lnd., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSnn.oii's Coxsumptios Cork." Sold by W. E. Dement. amirinui Beer And Frco Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, S cents. 1 ML. 3r9 Avousr I f &-lncses. ECONOMY!! The Owing to the continued rush at this estab lishment we are compelled to engage extra help, along with the improved Lamson's Cash Hall way system, thereby saving our patrons the trouble of waiting. Our store is crammed with goods from floor to ceiling. Novelties arriving daily per Ex press from the East. P. S. Wholesale buyers and patrons from the Country will please call in the morning, thereby saving the usual afternoon rush. -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAY HAXSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Flue E i & At Extremely Low Friccs. Alt Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. T-.itcIi :ittl CIncli Xtcjmii'iiig A SPECIALTY. Corner Ca.ss and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMroRTEItS AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN EEHERAL merchandise, Comer Chcnamus andiCass streets. ASTCltIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Sest Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. Ross' Opera House. Friday and Saturday Eve, Jan. 6-7 TWO NIGHTS ONLY. 9 Successful Years. 9 And Constantly Increasing Public Favor ot tho ROYCE & LANSING Musical Comedy Co. and SWISS BELL RINGERS. inmrnirlt JfiDlry Jllrtli, Music, Burlesque and Comedy. Also the Eminent young Violinist, OLAF RflOERS Late of the Conservatory of Music, Christi ana, Norway, now making lib first tour ot America. Over one million of people have witnessed the above entertainment. Press and Public from the Lakes to tho Gulf, and Atlantic to the Pacific enthusiast ic In their praise. Secure Seats early at the New York Nov elty store. Tickets go on sale Wednesday morniug, Jan. 4th. Doors open at 7 :15 ; commence at S. COMBINED WITH place where to -IS AT THE- PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Rflade Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, ana for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. lie has lust received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call nd See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tily to its supe riority. Itgoea Deep and KeTer Sticks. CABNAIIAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, S1.50. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. n. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blntz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. AH orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. SHOP, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. The Astor House Saloon. CEO. M. ROWE, Everything Everybody Else Says, and More Too. The best Is none too good for friends and patrons. Will Try to Please. Tho Astor Honnc Saloon. FBEETOF-UI. TbtCoIimdEiicmbrofJLs. clcntyork,EBtlnd, whers tha m G. Lodn of 'MuoBSWMhldA.rJLS38. A!iolrgUltutntl Ctuloros of MuoDle books sod good, with bot tom ericas. AnnbmiitAt- Pa v.fv IITuhI. 'FSr&nrsn of .naHaflftbaokL HFnTlrN fti j. rr 4Mcsl;ftVSimuaauiIitiann1i;iEr4ff7iJ(fitVerl. I MDiUnaatU33tf J.C.TruIlinger A buy Co to Nora Rappleyea's, FOR Tablescarfs, Embroideries, Underwear Dress Goods, Buttons, Ruchlng, German Knitting Yarn, Spanish Yarn Worsteds, Aprons, Handkerchiefs, Knitting Silk, Embroidery Silk. Collars and Cuffs. Pins and Needle3, Etc, Etc. Ladles invited to call. Stamping done to order. One door south of Astoiuan office, Cass St. Fashionable Dressmaking. MRS. JOHNSON. A First-class Dressmaker, lately from the East, is associated with Miss M. L. Richardson, On Cass Street. 3 doors south of TheAsto eiax office, where they are pre pared to do Dressmaking In All Its Branches. Ladies, give them a call and bo convinced, A perfect Fit Guaranteed. JOB PRBNTBNG. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFEICE. The ftlontesano. JOHN W. WELCH, - - - Master. Will make weekly trips between Astoria and Westport, Touching at Svcnsen's Landing. Leaving Westport at G A. M., Saturdays. Returning, leave Wilson & Fisher's whaif at 2 P. jr. same day. Will also leavfl Wilson & Fisher's wharf at 12:30 p.m., Fridays, for Westport and all way landings For Freight or Passage apply on board or to D. II. WELCH, Agent. B B ''UedWg BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon.