(3 J h t?!tc gSattj gtsiorau ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY DECEMBER 23, 16S7 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers ami Proprietors, ASTOniAXKUILDIXO, - - CASS STKEET. Terms ofSubscriptlon. Served by Carrier, per week . 15 els Sunt by Mail, per month m cts " " one year........ ?7.00 Free of postage to subscribers. The Astoriax guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The Columbia sails for San Fran cisco this A. M. New Year's cards printed in style at The Astobian office. Scandinavian Benevolent Society Christmas festival this afternoon and evening. The State of California arrived in yesterday. The passengers report a stormy trip. The wind veered round to the east yesterday and the weather grew cor respondingly cooler. Messrs. "Woodard, Potter and Sher wood, with the committee of recep tion, are expected to arrive to-day. Portland is said to be full of tramps and bams who claim to be looking for work, but who hope they won't find it. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, L O. 0. P., will have a social time at their spa cious lodge-room next Monday eve ning. The Ilwaco railroad scheme goes right on and the project bids fair to have practical inception the coming season. The Qen. Canby leaves to-day at 8 o'clock, a. ar., making but one trip, and remaining at Pt. Canby un til after the auction. The grand Christmas festival of the Scandinavian Benevolent society will be held at Boss opera house this af ternoon and evening. Tennant's nautical almanac for 1888 at Griffin & Beed's. Call for a fine ornamental calandar for '88, gratis, at Griffin & Beed's, also. But little twine has so far been given out for knitting, pending possi ble negotiations which may bo set tled about the Cth prox. Beginning to-morrow the days com mence to lengthen. The sun rises this morning at 7:41, its latest, and will sot this afternoon at 4:24. The line between Knappa and Clif ton was down yesterday, but it is con fidently expected that telegraphic communication can bo resumed to day. The Astoriak acknowledges the receipt of a number of very fine calen dars, artistic in design. Each one is a thing of beauty and a joy for 366 days. Ladies intending to receive on New Years' day will please band in their names and the names of those who will receive with them that intending callers may be notified of the fact. Frank Cunningham, a hack driver, arrived in Portland from San Fran cisco, on the 21st inst., with $550, and went on a regular toot, ending in his dying in the city prison last Tuesday evening. Two of as fine wheat carrying ships as any recently in the river, the Clan Buchanan and The Halineman, are now finishing cargo at the 0. B. & N. dock. Each is capable of carrying 3,150 long tons. There will be a meeting of the members of the Y. M C. A. this evening, to take final action on the call of a general secretary. Sub scribers and friends of the association are invited to be present. Captain Charles Wilson has re ceived the appointment to the vacant position of inspector of hulls in San Francisco, to succeed J. H. Freeman, recently dismissed by order of the secretary of the treasury. The receipt from Serg't Griffin is acknowledged of the report of the chief signal officer for the year 1887. He makes special mention in two places of the Columbia river cable, its importance and the necessity of.hav ing it put in working condition. A 823,000 fire at Albany last Tues day morning'onFir8t street destroyed several buildings. Chief Hoffman was knocked down by the explosion of a can of powder. Dr. Ellis had his eye put out by an exploding car tridge. The origin of the fire iB un known. Capfc. Lutjens, of the Kate and Anna, has bought the wrecked steam er Yaquina City, as she lies near Yaquina bay, for $9,100. The sale was made last Monday. This is be lieved to be a good buy, aB each of the two boilers cost $12,000, and are in good condition, while the shaft, which was comparatively new, cost over $9,000 City assessor Dickinson is busy these days on the county tax roll, footing up the amount of each indi vidual tax to lie placed in the column against each taxpayer's name. The job is a tedious one, figuring up the tax of A, who is assessed on $1,374 at 21.5 mills on the dollar, andB, who is assessed on $789, at 2L5 mills, and so on, and after one has been "figuring sums" of that kind for about three days without stopping, it gets kind of monotonous. Before justice Cleveland yesterday appeared Julius Bartel, on complaint of Thos. Jacobs. The original Jacobs owns or leases a Jcow that lieth in Scowbay.aud last Tuesday night some one boarded the scow and scattered powder in a sheet aud fired off a rifle, and vexed with unseemly mirth the drowsy ear of night, and Jacobs thought that it was Bartels that had cut these queer capers. His honor thought different and released Bar tels. Regarding the drowning of a man from a capsized boat near Fisherton on Sunday' and the saving of his two companions, our Clifton correspon dent writes that Baymond and Flam- boy were saved by Nick overage and Peter Marks, who saw the boat cap size from Fisherton. The men were put ashore at Fisherton and the boat towed to a place of safety. The men say the boat was in charge of Tom Taylor, who is absent; hence the boat is advertised by Kerage. Last Tuesday Gov. Pennoyer sent a letter to the commissioner of the general land office at Washington, stating that Col. Elliott, special agent, has forwarded reports to that office of all his examina tions of swamp lands in Oregon, and Shackleford has informed him that all of his reports will bo com pleted and forwarded by the 1st of February next, and asking the com missioner to act at once upon such reports, and cause patents to issue as to the state of all swamp lands so re ported, on or before the 1st of March next He also informed the commis sioner that the state relinquished all claims to lands embraced in list No. 38, rejected by the land office March 21st, 1883, for want of proof, but which lands are yet withdrawn from settlement in local land offices, ex cept as to such lands concering which supplemental proofs have been fur nished, and asking that with these ex ceptions the lands embraced in said list be opened for settlement. Rebuilding the Wide West. The O. B. & N. Co. are now getting out the timber for rebuilding the Wide West for many years the crack boat of the company's fleet. She will be converted into a sidewheeler upon a model prepared by Capt J. V. Troup and J. F. Steffen. The latter will superintend the construction of the new craft. She will be 230 feet long (15 feet longer than the West) and 34 feet beam (5 feet narrower) and will have 26-foot wheels with 9-foot buckets. The old engines, 28-inch cylinder and 8- foot stroke, which are as good as new, will bo used and the boiler put in thorough repair. The cabin will remain about the same, but a dining saloon will bo put in on the lower deck an arrangement sim ilar to the Alaskan's and a galley will b9 built aft, so that food can be brought to the table hot Capt Troup hazards the opinion that the new boat will be the fastest steam craft in the Pacific coast waters, and he confident ly expects to make the run from Port land to Astoria in four hours and ten minutes. A well known river man remarked: "She's got the slickest model you ever laid eyes on!" The new boat will bo finished about the middle of April, and will go into the sea-side trade. She will have the speed and the comfort of either the Alaskan or Olympian, and the run ning expenses will be less than one third. -Oreyonian, 28. Three Favorites Have the following to say of Wis dom's Bobertine, the great beautifier and preserver of the complexien: Pobtland, Or., Jane 4, 1887. ToMr.W. M. Wisdom-Dear Sir:-I have tried yourltobertino. It is excellent, and I shall be pleased to recommend it to all my lady friends. Believe me, yours truly, Rhea. Pobtland. Dec, 1885. To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "ltober tine you so kindly sent me is excellent. It is tho finest preparation I have ever used, and is a decided acquisition to every lady's toilet. Yours truly, Jeannik Winston. Pobtland, Or., April G, 1887. Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your "Robertine"," and it gives mo much pleaBuro to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being ono ot too best articles of the kind I nave over used. Be lieve me, yours sincerely, Z. Teebelli. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. druggists, Astoria, Oregon U. S. Auction Sale Notice. Intending bidders at the auction sale of government property at Fort Canby, will take notice that the steamer Qen. Canby will leave Gray's dock at 8 o'clock this morning, and not 7 o'clock as is usual on Thursdays. The Canby will make but one trip that day and will wait at the Fort to convey those who attend the sale back to the city the same evening. By order of Lieut Eastman, com' manding post. E. C. Holden, Auctioneer. Girl Wanted In a small family at Oystervillc, W. T., to do general housework. Good posi tion and easy work. No children. Will pay good wages to good girl. Apply at tins omce as once. If cw "Year's Cards. A full assortment can be found at Gkiffix & Heed's. Tills Is a Fact. In P. J. Goodman's S3 seamless calf shoe purchasers will find the best value for their money on the coast Oysters In Every Style At the Central Restaurant, next to Foard fc Stokes'. . A Sunny Room With the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at iioiden House. Remember That Now Is the time to subscribe for periodicals, and that the New York Novelty Store receives subscriptions for all foreign and domestic newspapers and maga zines at publisher's prices. Reduction in Millinery Prices At Mrs. W.J. Barry's. A PRACTICAL DISCUSSION Of n Very Important Local Question. Astoria, Ob., Dec. 28, '87. Editor Asteriak: Your leading editorial under "Pri vate and Confidential' in. your issue of the 23rd inst, contained much good and timely advice to Astorians, and which, if followed, would lead to greater prosperity for the city in the near future. While old-timo Astori ans are holding on to their property with a death-like grip, as it fearing that someone else will make some thing out of it in a trade, other towns on the coast are giving away property in the way of inducements tocapital seeking investments. Capitalists will not come here and invest their money unless they can see a profit in tho in vestment They willnot furnish both the flour and the water. There is land in abundance about Astoria, but it is capital we need to build up a city. In the same editorial you refer to the fact that Astorians send money away to other places for merchan dise at the expend of Astoria mer chants. Itistruetoey do; but who is to blame for it? So long as Asto ria merchants make no distinction be tween cash customers and customers who buy on six months', or a year's, or longer time, so long will cash cus tomers send away and purchase where such distinction is made. A merchant must make n profit on his merchandise and in his capital invested, and if he gives long credits he must charge enough more for his goods to make up a fair interest on the amount of those credits, and the cash customer is compelled to pay the larger part of this. Then where goods are sold on credit, there are more or less bad or uncollectable ac counts. The cash customer must be charged enough to cover his propor tion of those losses. Then, too, tho merchant who does a large credit business, unless he has abundant wealth, must necessarily buy on cred it instead of for cash, and thus be compelled to pay the highest prices for their goods, and also being com pelled to patronize certain houses to whom they are indebted, instead of be ing at liberty to go into the market and purchase their stock wherever they can buy the cheapest for cash. These are some of the principal reasons why cash customers send away from Astoria for merchandise, and so long as the reasons exist so long will tho practice continue. If Astoria's merchants want to retain the trade of Astoria's cash customers, they must sell goods as cheap as the buyer can purchase them at neigh boring towns and cities and ship them to Astoria. Cash. Itcucws Ilerl'outli. Mrs. Phoebe Chcslcy, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the tewn: "I am 7.'? years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years: could not dress myself without help. Now 1 am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dis ease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at W. E. De ment &Co.'s Drug Store. Notice. The second series of stock ot the Astoria Building and Loan associa tion will close January 1st, 18SS. All parties wishing to subscribe for said stock will please notify the secretary before that date. W. L. Bonn, Sec'y. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can bo bought at the lowest prices, at. I. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctcl, Astoria. Gaiubrliius Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Every mother is interested in know ing that a special preparation for chil dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup"5 is now for sale only at Demcnt's drug store. Tliis is no Unfile. Tut a lYcw Year's (Sift. All purchasers of 2.50 worth of Xmas gifts at the New York Xovcly store will be entitled to a chance for the beautiful bisque figures valued atSr0. which they will present FltEE to their patrons upon New Year's eve. No extra charge will be made upon goods, and as every article is marked in plain figures each one can see for themselves. Fine Swelling House -to Bent. Good terms to suitable tenant Inquire at this office. House to Bent. Cottage with G rooms and kitchen on lot 8, block 15, McClure's Astoria Ap ply to John I lahn. This Is Important. As we must give up possession of the toy room after New Year's, we. will sell Wagons, Velocipedes, Doll Carriages, Wheelbarrows and Toys at cost, at the New York Novelty Store. Pacific Coast TideTablcs For 1SS3, at Gkiffix & Reed's. Acknowledged by AH That we have the fineststock of Holiday Goods and Novelties in the city. Gkiffix & Reku. Shiloh's Vital izer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Any case of Croup can be easily treat ed and cured by using "The Child's Cough Syrup." Full directions with each package, which can only be pur chased at Demcnt's drug store. For the very best pictures go to II. S. Shuster. AH Joints At The .New York Novelty Store are marked in plain figures and sold for exactlyjivliat they are marked at Strictly One Price. Sweet Apple Cider At the Astoria Soda "Works. TIIEIR THIRD ANNIVERSARY. The "Western Amatcnr Band and Orclies- tra Entertain Their FrieniK The Western Amateur Baud and Orchestra celebrated tho third anni versary of its organization in royal style at Liberty hall yesterday eve ning. Invitations had been sent to about 1200 gentlemen and by nine o'clock the hall was filled with invited gues's. After somo fino music, supper was annonuced aud the assembled com pany sat down to the splendidly set tables. The supper was an admirable ono aud was splendidly served, being com plete in all the details, from soup, oysters and roast turkey, wine, etc., to coffee, nuts, fruit and cigars, iuclud in an elaborate dessert. During the supper the orchestra played some delightful music, and at its close B. S. Worsley, in a few ap propriate remarks, presented to the efficient leader, A. W. TJtzinger. on be half of the band and orchestra, a mag- ficent clarionet. -Mr. utzmger briefly expressed his thanks amid the hearty applause of aU present, and after some more music and minor remarks the company dispersed. The members of the band and or chestra are to be congratulated, one and all, on the success of their anni versary banquet, the completeness of the entertainment, and their pro ficiency in music; Though only three years old, tho organization has at tained a thoroughness that is as creditable to themselves as it is grat ifying to their friends. That the New Year may bring them additional prosperity and success is the wish of a host of well wishers. CURED BY FAITH. Elmira, N. Y., December 18. A re markable case of faith cure is the talk of the people of all denominations in this city. The parties interested be ing well known devout Second Ad- ventists, enjoying the reputation of strict integrity, leaves no doubt in many minds that the following state ment is true: Mrs. W. IT. Loughhead, of 103 West Hudson street, this city, became vio lently ill some time ago, and notwith standing the efforts of an eminnent physician to relieve her, the lady's condition continued critical. Not withstanding the low condition of the patient, she clung tenaciously to her bible, and at spells, when not suffer ing the usual intense pain caused by her illness, she read the scriptures. Sunday morning, although very weak and all hope of recovery having been practically given up, Mrs. Loughhead, by a great effort, opened the bible and her eyes fell on the following in the general epistle of James v. lo, 14, and 15: Is there any among you afflicted? Let hiiu pray. Is any merry? Lot him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of tho church; and let them pray ovor him, annointinghim with oil in tho nuno of tho Lerd: And tho prayer of faith shall save the sick, and tho Lord shall raise him up: and if he has committed sins, they shall ba forgiven him. After reading Mrs. Loughhead says shrt believed she could be cured bv prayer, and requested her husband to send for Dr. Loughhead, at Alba, Pa., who is an elder in the Second Ad- ventists' society at that place. Mon day evening tho elder, the family aud r. few neighbors had a season of pray er in the sick-room, lasting an hour, at the eud of which the elder au noiuted tho lady with sweet oil, and taking her by the hands, said: "Sister, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. I command yon to rise." Immediately Mrs. Loughhead arose. Her illness immediately left her, and she walked through the house. She gained strength rapidly, and now is as well as ever. The story i3 in dorsed by several reputable neighbors of tho Loughhead family. Meals Cooked to Order, Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. GRAND And Ball By The Scandinavian Benevolent Society, At Ross Opera House, December 29th, 1887. Children's Christmas Festival from 4 to 8 o'clock in the Afternoon. Grand Hall alter S o'clock. The "Western Amateur Band has been se cured, and no up.iiis nroxnense will be snared to make the entertainment a complete suc cess. Aclmiss;Ri, Children - - - oOctt (Each Child will lteceive a Gift.) Spectator (from 4 to S) - - - iioc.tt Tirki'tM for the Ua'.l - - - Sl.OO COMMITTED OF AKKAXGnMEXTS : Mautix Olse:.. At'o Danielsox. Ekicic .Iounsov. J. it Olse Kit AN K EKLUND. H. BKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. FIXE Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Suitable for Holiday Pres ents at Lowest Prices. Watch and Clock ltepairing a Specialty. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS Gins us Fetal hlflONOMYff The Useful as well as Elegant HOLIDAY PRESENTS Leading Drj Owing to the continued rush at this estab lishment we are compelled to engage extra help, along with the improved Lamson's Gash Rail way system, thereby saving our patrons the trouble of waiting. Our store is crammed with goods from floor to ceiling. Novelties arriving daily per Ex press from the East. H. an P. S. Wholesale buyers and patrons from the Country will please call in the morning, thereby saving the usual afternoon rush. HERMAN WISE. See "him before you buy your GlaQTHIlVG m GO i BUY YOUR H M, W M At HERMAN WISE'S. Tho Largest Assortment, and tho Lowest Prices. 13 1 5 Herman Wise, Occident Hotel building, is the place to go for CLOTHING, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders Trunks, Valises, etc., etc E STJRE That you go to the right store, if you are on the lookout for BARGAINS! c HERMAN WISE, THE RELIABLE Cloler Bi Halter. Occident Hotel Uuilding. -d w 2 CO t co to- 3 COMBINED WITH place where to -IS AT THE- Goods and Clothing House OF THE CITY. COOPER The Railroad Is Coming ! SO IS NEW YEAR'S ! But We Can't Wait for Either, But must buy our Family Supplies right along just the same, and the RUSH Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con vinced. We carry in stock a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares. Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons, The best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria. Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms, whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats, oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran. BUT WE MUST STOP I For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price. CHRISTMAS GOODS Now being selected in the East. Wait until you sec them before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. "What's that you say ?" . "Haven't you been bragging any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just call at D. I. Beck & Sons'. I FASHION buy