The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 16, 1887, Image 3

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Wht i$ gsimm
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Astoria Buildi.yo, - - cassStkkkt.
Terms ofScbscrlption.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
Sent by Mail, per month oo cts
" ' " one year... ?7.0U
Free of postage to subscribers.
Tiik Astorian" guanmteUs to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
and coal are appreciating in
A pension has been grauted to Dr.
The A.
B. Fitld is at Seattle for
An election poster looks very lone
some' after the election is over."
Congratulations were in order yes
terday and victors and vanquished
"He had fifteen dollars in his in
side pocket," but it wasn't there the
next morning.
The C. Southard Hulbert and the
City of Athens were reported to have
crossed out yesterday.
There will be a meeting of the
Woman's Keliet Corps next Tuesday
afternoon for election of officers.
The British bark Invhgrccn cleared
for Queenstown yesterday, carrying
57,682 bus. wheat, valued at S3S.100.
The new tug J. M. Colmun, built
on the Sound, will shortly begin bus
iness for the mill company at Shoal
water bay.
If there is any smart young man
accustomed to selling goods, out o f
employment in the city, he can hear
of a job at E. C. Holden's auction
About 20,000,000 feet of logs got away
from the Cowlitz river loggers during
the recent high water. About two
thirds were recovered at considerable
, If you want an account of a fine
pleasure excursion, get Wm. Allen's
experience on a recent pleasure trip
through Chehalis county and around
.Gray's harbor.
After the recent storm over 2,000,-
' 000 feet of logs were afloat in Gray's
Harbor. The Vidette says while the
most of the logs will be recovered,
the 'loss will be heavy.
"The wreck of the Yaquina City
was sold at public auction last Tues
day to Capt. Dick Lemon. She lies
high and dry at low tide, and a team
can go right up to her.
Keporls from the various dykes
along Young's river, Lewis & Clark's
and the "Walluski, are to the effect
that the damage, though serious, is
not so great as was at first feared.
"How to lie when asleep," is the ti
tle of an article in a "Walla Walla pa
per. It's bad enough to lie when
awake without trying to give points
on mendacity in hours of slumber.
The down river mail is now about
equally divided, about halt of it com
ing on the .morning boat, on the
mornings that that boat arrives, and
the other half coming along as be
fore. There will be a dance at Gray's hall
at Skipanon on Thursday evening,
the 29th inst. There will be a free
boat to and from the dance. A good
time will be had, as usual, and all are
Don't forget about the Scandinavi
an Christmas festival on the 29th inst
It will be something unusual in this
city and well worth seeing, and the
ball in the evening will be also a
pleasurable occasion.
Capt. Uriel Sebree. inspector of the
Thirteenth lighthouse district gives
notice that the red lens lantern light
on beacon No. 2, Cathlamet bay, has
been discontinued, but will bore-established
as soon as practicable.
Preparations are being made for
Christmas trees at the various city
churches. A Christmas without a
Christmas tree is no Christmas at all
for the little folks, and Christmas is
peculiarly the festival of the children.
Old man Stolten, aged 82, in the
penitentiary on a life sentence for kill
ing a man in this county some years
ago, fell the other day and injured
himself so badly that it is thought
Ms sentence will have a speedy ter
mination. Bev. M. G. Mann, from the Quin
ault reservation, says the Indians
have all got over having the measles,
and the reservation is free from the
disease. The Indians are dying off,
though, their number yearly dimin
ishing. They can't stand contact
with the whites.
The California excursionists to the
last spike driving at Ashland leave
San Francisco and Sacramento to
day. The ceremony will take place
at Ashland at two o'clock to-morrow
afternoon, and will be witnessed by
several prominent men from both
Kelson Bennett has thrown up his
railroad contracts with the Oregon
Pacific railroad, as that corporation
owes him so much now that he did'nt
care to do any more till he was paid for
what he had done. Giving up these
contracts throws 800 men out of employment.
Senator Mitchell has introduced n
resolution in the senate, asking the
secretary of war for information as to
tliesize. character and present con
dition of the military reservation on
-.vhich Fort Canby was built, and also
for further information regarding the
removal of troops from and abandon
ment of the fort.
Capt. Dick Lemon came from Ya
quiua yesterday morning, where he
has been buying steamship proDorty;
the vessel he bought cost 8200,000 a
few years ago, and if riveted together
and afloat would bo of more value
than in her present plight. He talks
of bringing her around here and
starting a sawmill.
Xo one in Astoria feels satisfied in
the morning without seeing The As
toiuan to find out what is going on.
The carriers leave- it regularly
enough, but it sometimes blows away,
or is nipped occasionally, and all ef
forts to prevent it seem futile. If
you don't get your Astorian in the
morning send round to the office and
get one at any time.
The Albany Herald says that Lu
ther Elkins, one of the oldest pioneers
of Oregon and an old settler, is dj'ing
at the home of his son at Lebanon.
Mr. Elkins was president of the sen
ate in 18G2, and, though a Democrat,
cast the deciding vote which elected
Col. E. D. Baker and James W. Nes
mith United States senators, defeat
ing Delazou Smith and Gen. Joseph
Lane. A sequence of political events
made it necessary for the legislature
to elect two United Slates senators at
that term.
For many years there has been
no parallel to the total disasters as
indicated by Lloyd's register for the
week ending Nov. 2nd. The total
number of casualties and losses for
the week is 117, of which GJ sailing
vessels anil lu steamers are British.
The total for the year to date is 1,G37.
as compared with 1,507 last year, the
black list for the year exceeding 188G
by 130. The disaster to vessels in
October, especially those lost in the
recent gale, was 57 destroyed, ton
nage lost, 10,209, number of lives lost.
SS. This explains how it is that the
companies doing an ocean marine
business have had such an unfavor
able business the past year.
In the Washington territory legis
lature, last Wednesday, Stevenson
offered a bill to protect food fishes.
It makes it unlawful to take salmon,
steelheads. or bluebacks, in the wn
ters of tho Columbia or its tributa
ries, from March 15 to May 1 or
during the month of August None
must be taken between G o'clock Sat
urday evening and G o'clock Suuday
evening. Fish must not be taken
with small nets, traps, seines or
wheels, during May, June and July.
All salraou weighing less than eight
pounds and bluebacks weighiug less
than two pounds shall be returned
alive to the water. All dams across
streams which fish frequent shall be
provided with fish-ladders. Articles
deleterious to fish must not bo put in
streams. One-quarter of the fines
collected goes to the district attor
ney, the rest to tho fish commission
fund. Bounties for seal and sea lion
scalps are offered.
Larry Sullivan and George Stevens
had a matinee yesterday afternoon,
and when officer Linville appeared he
arrested them. Geo. Stevens depos
ited S10 to appear and answer to che
charge of fighting; Sullivan put up $20
bail on two charges, lighting and
using abusive language on the streets.
While takiug Sullivan along the street
Linville tried to make him shut his
foul mouth, as ladies and children
were passing, and only after slapping
him on the jaw did he get him to stop.
They will both appear before Judge
Jewett lo-daj'. As a continuation of
the day's doings, just before the li.R.
Thomjison started on her up trip last
evening, Sullivan went aboard and
soon made his presence unbearable
by his foul language, and the captain
put him ashore. Ho soon came
aboard again, however, and began
again to recite some of his choicest
selections. This time the able-bodied
mate knocked him ashore with a
handspike and it was found necessary
to cairy the resultant wreck to a ho
tel. Just Kocciictl.
A large assortment of Candies and
Christmas Tree Toys at the Oregon
Bakery. Main street. Jloine made Taf
fy aim drops of all kinds Freh Every
Day. and guaranteed to be made oL first
quality sugar, and unadulterated.
Fine Groceries. Fine Groceries.
Give Thompson & lloss a call and ex
amine the many novelties they have in
stock for holiday trade, and Yor those
who appreciate a fine articre.
Boston Market Tomato Ketchup in
glass pitcher. Celery Sauce. Con
densed Mince Meat. Plum Puddings,
and other good things too numerous to
mention at Thompson & Uoss'.
That Beautiful French Doll at
Griflin & Heed's.
Will be awarded Thursday evening,
Dec. 22. Under the supervision of a
committee of four ladies, the 100 num
bers were put in a box and shaken up,
and a child blindfolded, drew one num
ber ac random from the box, putic in an
envelope and sealed it up; the sealed
number is the lucky one and no one
knows what it is; all the other numbers
were immediately burned without ex
amination. On the evening of the
drawing, the envelope will be opened
ana tne noiuer ot tne number corre
sponding to that in the envelope will be
awarded the Doll, at Griflin & Heed's.
Remember TliatlYoir
Is Ihe time to subscribe for periodicals,
and that the New York Novelty Store
receives subscriptions lor all foreign
and domestic newspapers and maga
zines at publisher's prices.
Girl Wanted.
A competent girl wanted to do house
work in a small family; no other need
apply. Apply at this office.
A fine assortment of Lace goods at
Mrs. G. B. McEwan's.
Pacific Coast TideTahlcs
For 1SS8, at Gciffix & Reed's.
Special Dispatches to "The Astorian."
PouxiiAKD, Dec 15. Tho jury in
the Lee Yick case have brought in a
verdict of murder in tho first degree
against two of tho defendants. Tho
third defendant has demanded a sep
arate trial and the case will come off
in a few days.
St. Louis, Dec 15. The Toledo,
Wabash & Western railway has ar
ranged for a fast train between St.
Louis and Council Bluffs in connec
tion with the Union Pacific overland
flyer. The new schedule takes effect
December. 18, and reduces the time
between St. Louis and Council Bluffs
six hours.
New York, Dec 15. An Augusta.
Maine, special says that the superior
court of Kennebec county has de
clared the law that makes the pay
ment of a United States special tax as
a liquor seuer prima jacie evidence
that the party paying such tax is a
saloon keeper and therefore a public
nuisance, to be unconstitutional.
Halloweli., Maine, Dec 15. Gov
ernor Bodwell died this morning.
The death was caused by congestion
of tho lungs, caused by exposure and
uicn ouTcuorriNGs.
North Adams, Mass., Dec. 15.
Geographical surveyors working in
this section this season found rich
outcroppings of copper in the vicin
ity of Stanford, Vermont, which they
proceeded to develop.
Baltimore, Dec 15. The JJanu-
fnrturert? Record this week will say
that a few weeks ago Oreo. aL Pull
man, August Belmont. Jr.. Bobt. T.
Lincoln, and other capitalists visited
the south. In their letters the gen
tlemen all agree that the south will
soon rival if not surpass tho north
and west in the quantity and value
of its products and the enterprise and
resources of the people.
Washington, Dec 15. Tho house
committee on election organized and
held its first meeting to-day, almost
without dissension. The committee
resolved to take up the Thcebe-Gar-lislo
contested election cases, and that
notices be issued to the contestants
or their attorneys to appear at their
next meeting on Tuesday.
St. Louis, Dec. 15. Advices just
received from Jamauive, in the south
ern part of the state of Tamaulip.
Mexico, state that a riot occurred
during an election Sunday and the
ballot boxes were destroyed. Eight
men were killed and forty wounded.
The result is that the old mayor wili
hold over another term.
republican club convention.
New York, Dec. 15. The first Na
tional Bepublican club convention
met this morning. About 1,200 dele
gates from nearly all the states and 1
territories in the union being pres
ent After reading the call, James R.
Foster, president of the Bepublican
club ot New York, welcomed the del
egates. At 120 p. M., after a long
contest involving the call roll, the
convention choso Hon. Daniel J.
llyan, of Ohio, temporary chairman
by a vote of 159 to 104. over Gen. Na
than Goff, of West Virginia.
E. D. McKee is in the city.
J. O. Spencer, of Clifton, is in the
Jas. A. Davidson, of Bay Viow, is
in tho city.
C. L. Parker has returned from
southern California.
Jas. Macomber, who now hails from
Beaver slough, is in the city.
L. A. Allen's familiar face is once
more seen behind the counter of the
G. W. Green: are yon in town? If
so Mrs. C. A. Green, at Merced. Cal.,
would like to hear from yon.
Father Schwatka, long time resi
dent of this vicinity, but of more re
cent years a resident of Salem, is
reported dying in that city.
It. P. Manseur. at the Cosmopolis
mill, last week lost two fingers from
his right hand, from coming in con
tact with tho saw while in motion.
Maj. C. P. Eakiu, 1st Art, who was
stationed at Fort Canby, will soon be
retired. He was severely wounded at
both Williamsburg and Gettysburg,
and has seen much honorable service.
A Woman" IHscorery.
"Another wonderful discovery has
been made and that too by a lady in
this county. Disease fastened iLs clutch
es upon her and for seven years she
withstood its severest tests, but her vi
tal organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three month-
she coughed incessantly and could not
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion and was so much relieved on tak
ing first dose that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lutz. Thus write V. C. Derrick & Co
of Shelby villcN. O, Get a free trial
bottle at W.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug
IMaries for 1888.
A full stock containing the Pacific
Coast informatien: all styles and prices
at Griffin & Heed's
The Ifew Yorlc Novelty Store
Will make special prices to all Sunday
School, Church or Charitable entertain
ments. Acknowledged by All
That we have the fineststock of Holiday
Goods and Novelties in the city.
Griffin & Heed.
Oysters In .Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Renoir Tour Subscriptions
For next year. Subscriptions received
for auy Periodical or Magazine pub
lished. Griffes- & Reed.
The chamber of commerce held a
special meeting last evening, J. Q. A.
Bo wlby presiding, E.C. Holden sec
retary. Communications were read
from senator J-N. Dolph and Gen.
Greely. chief signal officer.
Mr. B. A. Seaborg, of Ilwaco, was
admitted to membership.
A committee consisting of CbdL
Grav. W. W. Parker and John A.
Devlin, was appointed to draft a me
morial to congress on the subject of
coast defenses.
Messrs. Holden, LaForco and A. V.
Allen were appointed a committee to
procure data concerning the difficulty
of procuring stone for tho jetty in
course of construction at the mouth
of the Columbia river and to draft a
memorial petitioning tho board of
U. S. engineers to recommend
that the apppropriation made for
this work shall be. used in
the construction of a railway to stone
quarries known to be accessible and
available for the construction of the
Tho committee to whom was re
ferred sundry complaints against the
omcial action ot tne inspector of bulls
for the district of Willamette, Ore
con, handed in a report and resolu
tions, which were adopted, and the
secretary was mstrucieu to rorward
copies of the same to the secretary of
the treasury and to tho TJ. S. inspector-general
of steamboats.
Tho chief signal officer's communi
cation was taken up, and secretary
E. C. Holden was instructed to confer
with Sergeant Griffin, signal observer
at Astoria, requesting mm to adver
tise for proposals for raising and put
ting in working order the submarine
telegraphic cable from Fort Stevens
to Cape Hancock, in accordance
with the instructions of the chief sig
nal officer.
The meeting was then adjourned.
There was a large and enthusiastic
gathering atLuigi Serra's restaurant,
the occasion being a banquet given
by the well known and hospitable
proprietor to the Bepublican candi
dates at the late election of city of
ficers, and their friends.
On this occasion the generous host
fairly outdid himself and the tables
were loaded with a tastefully ar
ranged and bounteous repast which
included everything in the form of
food and drink which the most fas
tidious could desire, and to which the
highest compliment that could be
paid was the satisfaction with which
tho viands were discussed by tho
many friends present. Toast3 were
given and apt, eloquent and witty
speeches made by Messrs. C. W. Ful
ton, J. W. Barry. T. S. Jewett, J. W.
Welch, J. H. D. Gray.N. Clinton, L.
berra. Nic Davich, John McCann,
Aug. Dauielson. C. P. Upshur, John
Fox, A. T. Brakke, Sam'l Elmore,
W. . Baker and many other and
representative men.
Remarks complimentary and gratn-
latory to the successful candidates,
and expressions ot sympathy for the
defeated ones, were general. It
seemed to be the universal opinion
that all the candidates elected would
prove themselves good and efficient
officers. Tho best of good feeling
prevailed and after some fine vocal
music, a few closing remarks, and
rousing cheers for their host, tho
pleased assemblage dispersed.
TIip Verdict Unanimous.
W. 1). Suit, Druggist Rippus. Ind.T
tpNtities: 1 can lecomniPiid Electric
I Jitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottli sold has given relief in every case.
One man took ix bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 year' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist Rellville,
Ohio, allirms: -The best selling medi
cim I have ever handled in mv 20 years
experience, is Electric Bitters Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Ritters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a
halfdollarabottleat W.E. Dement &
Co.'.s Drug Store.
nicals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Our Christmas Cards
And Novelties are beyond comparison
to former jcars. Call and see them.
Griffin & Reed.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup"
i- now for sale only at Dement's drug
All Goods At The
New York Novelty Store arc marked in
plain figures and sold for exactlywhat
they are marked at Strictly One Price.
Stvcet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
A Surprise to All.
Our immense stock of Plush and
Leather "nod-, I Jnuw Novelties, etc.
Griffin & Reed.
amlriuus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, o cents.
Any case of Croup can be easily treat
ed and cured by using "The Child's
Cough Syrup.' 'Full directions with
each package, which can only he pur
chased at Dements drug store.
Call amlltlakc Your
Selections while our stock is complete;
we. will keep them until called for.
Griffin & Reed.
Hare You Seen
The display of Xmas cards, Plush
goods fcc, at tne New York Novelty
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite OeMdent
hotel, Astoria.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? bhilolrs Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Ladies', Misses -
!&&$$& : : i li I i Wv&Srt
"$Snjt':n ! VftSV
1 v.-.- i TinJlliiiI irii
:tr;t ih"u"'-Ht!Av,,.
tHiil?f HffnwJ"PP'-"":nuwIMi
Br;rJT5S:ifeiH!H:::::::: :;
PrfeliF:M -2s!?
li'-rJHliSttt&rrti-3?5!!"" 'tu
NfcflS?:H:::::;i: 501
The Leading House of Astoria.
rrt do all close buyers
. U buy their clothes?
At the Reliable
Herman Wise.
can you get the
most for your money?
Herman Wise,
The Reliable
keeps the best
assorted Htock?
Herman Wise,
A fine' stock to select from. The
bestTnttention paid to customers
and the very BOTTOM PRICES
The Reliable
Clour ml Hitter,
Occident Hotel Building.
Opposite Star Market.
and Children's.
Garments to Select From,
la,t m m w
Fashionable Styles ! !
Both in Cut and Material.
Manufactured by
Every Garment Guaranteed in
Fit and Workmanship.
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy oui' Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden an.d other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc, in unequalled stock and at unequalled
prices. Coal oil ahd patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's, that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
D. L. Beck & Sons'.
- .