C3J ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY DECEMBEK 13, 15S7 ISSUED EVERY MORNING (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Tublisljers and Proprietors, Astohi ax Building, - - CassStkeet. Terms of Subscrlpliou. Served bv Carrier, per week 11 cts Sent by Mail, per month wi cts " " ono j ear... ?7.W) Free of postage to subscribers. The Astoisiax guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. History repeats itself. Several elections in 8S. Xo more elections in '87. Sun rises, 7:34: sun sets, 4:17. Biglay for the "I-told-you-sos." Wliat a great tcaclier Experience is! Some things can be done as well as others. The State arrived yesterday. in at 830 a. 3r. There were some few illegal votes cast yesterda. The Democrats get the mayor, as sessor, harbor master, and one coun cilman. No finer election day ever daivned in Astoria. The weather wa3 simply perfect. In December, 18S5, 77G votes were cast for mayor; yesterday 070 wore cast, nearly 200 more. In December, 18S3, there were 4S0 votes polled in the first ward; yester day, G12, a remarkable increase. According to current report one of yesterday's defeated candidates was married in Portland last evening. The Astoriax is authentically in formed that the railroad people are expected hero in about two weeks. Three runaways, two dog fights, and a knockdown yesterday, and still some folks complained that there was no fun. The last rail on the railroad con necting the Columbia river with Cal ifornia was laid last Tuesday, the 13th inst. The Republicans get the chief of police, auditor and police judge, treasurer, street superintendent, sur veyor and one councilman. Active work on the Ft Stevens jetty has ceased. If the barges are depended on to furnish stone for that work it will be 2,011, A. D., before the work is completed. San Francisco salmon quotatiens: Columbia river, S1.70L75; Alaska, S1.50L55; other outside fish, S1.40 L45 per dozen, delivered. Barrel salmon is quoted at $10.7u(511.00: half barrels, 6.00. In the TJ. S. district court Capt Chatterton, of the steamer Tressa May, at Yaquina, has been con demned to pay a fine of S1,000, for carrying on his vessel more passen gers than the law allows. On the State of California yester day E. C. Holden received a consign ment of nine cases of Christmas goods which he is instructed to sell at discretion. The first auction sale will be next Saturday evening. After the arrival of the steamer Canby to-day say at 1 o'clock r. m. E. C. Holden will sell at auction by order of Lieut. Eastman, command ing post, a sundry lot of government property. Sale at his auction rooms. The train arrived from San Fran cisco yesterday, and is being con structed at C. H. Cooper's to carry cash to and from the rasbier's desk along the counters. It will be com pleted and in operation next Monday. Let the complimentary truth be widely knewn: that there is no day of the year quieter and more orderly in Astoria than election day, and proba bly no city in the Union where a quieter and more orderly election is held. The British bark liirmah, 812, 31 days from Honolulu, and the British ship City of Glasgow, 1,1GS, 135 days from Hull, arrived in yesterday. The Olive S. Southard, Brynhilda sail Australia sailed. The remainder of the outward fleet will cross out to-day. It is so long ago that the British seip Director was libelled that a good many had nearly forgotten it In the U. S. district court au order has been made that the clerk of the court pay Balfour, Guthrie & Co., the libellants, $24,032.76 out of the proceeds of the sale of her wheat cargo. The happiest face we saw yesterday was that of a six-year-old boy with a great big, nice, purple, rubber squeak balloon. He didn't care whether flour was ten cents an ounce or ten cents a ton, and was tickltd greatly over the success, as a squeak, of the rubber business that he was jamming in his pudgy little hands. .This "runaway horse'' business is getting altogether too common. Scarcely a day passes without a horse running a muck through the streets, spilling everything out of the wagon he carries, frightening women and children, and narrowly escaping in flicting serious injury to life and property. Cars is needed, for if un checked, there will some day be seri ous damage. Sec. 2 of ordinance No. 195 has something to say about this matter. LATEST HEWS BY TELEGEAPH. Special Dispatches to "The Astorian." Sax Fhaxcisoo, Dec. 14. Martin Credict, arrested some time ago on a charge of smuggling opium, was re leased yesterday on $15,000 cash bail. A SACRAMENTO FIRE. Sacramento, Dec. 11. The Union brewery property was burned early thh meruinc: loss, over $15,000; in sured for SG,000. A CRITICATi CONT'ITION. Vienna, Dec. 14. Dispatches re ceived here report the condition of the German crown prince's throat to have suddenly become worse and that a special medical consultation has been called at San Itemo. TIIEIE IiAST CHANCE. Dl'ulix, Dec 1JL At a convention of landlords here to-day, French, the agent of Lord Lansdowne, advocated that the estates make advances to the landlords to enable them to pay the mortgages, and accepting the accru ing rentals as security. Everard fa vored the proposal, and said this was the laudlords' last chance. XECES.SARV MEASURES. WAsnixoTox, Dec. 14. Senator Mitchell introduced a bill in the sen ate yesterday authorizing the secre tary of the treasury to establish life saving stations at the following places: One near or at the mouth of the Umpqna river, Oregon; one between McKeuzie head and Peterson's point, near Loomis place, at Gray's harbor, W. T. A DESERVED SEXTirXCE. SaxFeaxcisco, Dec 14. Wong Ah Hung, the Chinaman who was con victed in the United States district court yesterday for importing women for immoral purposes, was sentenced by Judge Hoffman to-day to ten years imprisonment in San Qneutin, and a fine of two thousand dollars. RELIEVED TO RE LOST. Sax Francisco, Dec. 14. Xothiug has been heard from the steamer Romero Rub to, lost in the Gulf of California. Great excilemeut pre vails at Guaymas. It is generally be lieved that the steamer has gone down with all on board. The steamer Corriyan, belonging to the French raining company at Santa llosalie, Lower California, has gone in search. TO TEXSIOX MRS. EOGAX. Washington. Dec 11. A bill to grant Mrs. John A. Logan a pensiou of two thousand dollars per annum, was introduced by senator Cullom in the senate yesterday. A similar bill will shortly bo introduced in the house. It is very probable that the effort will succeed this time. TOR SMUGGLING OPIUM. Portland, Dec. 14. Mrs. Miner pleaded guilty to day in the U. S. court to the charge of smuggling opium, and the court fined her one hundred and fifty dollars, and sen tenced her to the county jail for ono day. The fine was immediately paid aud the woman will be discharged to morrow. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. J. E. Higgins was on the street yesterday, and may be considered as being convjilesccnt. -Jisi Roc'ivccI. A huge assortment of Candies and Christmas Tree Toys at tlie Oregon Bakery, Main street. Home made Taf fy and drops of all kinds' 1'rcsh Eery Day. and guaranteed to be made ot fut quality sugar, and unadulterated. Fine iroccriu. Fine Groceries. Give Thompson & Boss a call and ex amine the many novelties they have in btock for holiday trade, and for those who appreciate a fine article. Boston Market Tomato Ketchup in glass pitchers. Celery Sauce. Con densed Mince Meat. Plum Puddings, and other good things loo numerous to mention at Thompson & Boss'. That Beautiful French Doll at (rilliu & ItccL.s, Will be awarded Thursday evening, Dec. 11. Under the supervision of a committee of four ladies, the 100 num bers were put in a box and shaken up, aud a child blindfolded, drew one num ber at random from the box, put it in an envelope and sealed it up; the sealed number is the JuckV one and no one knows what it is: all the other numbers were immediately burned without ex amination. On the evening of the drawing, the envelope will be opened and the holder of the number corre sponding to that in the envelope will be awarded the Doll, at Griffln fc Heed's. Remember That iVovr Is the time to subscribe for periodicals, and that the Xew York Xovelty Store receives subscriptions for all foreign and domestic newspapers and maga zines at publisher's prices. irl Wanted. A competent girl wanted to do house work m a small family: no other need apply. Apply at 1 his office. Renew Your Subscriptions For next year. Subscriptions received for any Periodical or Magazine pub- IlslieU. UKIKKI.V tc KKED Hare You Seen The display of Xrnas canK Plush goods &c, at the .New York Xovelty diorer A fine assortment of Lace goods at Mrs. G. B. McEwnirs. IHarics for 1888. A fu'l stock containing the Pacific Coast informatien: all styles and prices at . Guiffix & Heed's The New Yoric ovcllj- Store Will make special prices to all Sunday School, Church or Charitable entertain ments. Acknowledged by All That we have the fineststock of Holiday Goods and Xoyelties in the city. Griffin- & Reed. Oysters In Erer' Style At the Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Home Illade Candy, Guaranteed pure: at the Oregon Bakery H0N0BS AEE EASY. Ee3ult of Yesterday's Election. C. II. Page Elected Mayer: TT. J. Barry Chief of Pelice: T.&Jeirett Auditor and Police Judge: J. G. Hastier City Treuarer: '. Clinton Street Snpt.: J.P. DIcklnxon City Assesser: Geo, Xoland Atteraey: G. F. Parker Snrreyer: II. A. Snow Harbor Mas ter: I. Bergman Councilman First Ward: J. IV. Welch ConncIIman 8econd Ward. There was a closo but good-natured contest yesterday at the city election, and nearly a thousand votes were polled. As usual, the interest cen tered on the chief of police, though the interest manifested in the street superintendent was shown in the fact that for that office the largest number of votes (979) were cast. There were G12 votes polled in the First ward, and 3G7 in the Second ward, a total of 979 votes, the largest number ever polled at a city election in Astoria. Following is the full result: THE FIRST WAUD VOTE. POB MAYOR. Page :5G5 Elmore 233 majority FOR COUNCILMAN. Bergman Trullinger .. 133 26Z majority. KOU CHIEl" OF POLICE. Barry Smidt.... 297 majority FOE AUDITOn AND POLICE JUDGE. Jewett ISoylo 3GT 243 majority IX)K STEEKT SUPT. 122 Clinton , 313 200 83 PGnstafson majority foe crrv ASSESSOU. Dickinson.. Shively 337 2CG majority ron crrx tubasuhee. Hustler McGovern majority FOB CITY ATTOEN'EY. Geo. Xoland . TOE SUHVEYOtt. Parker Bavmond , 260 83 299 317 235 majority 32 yon habbob master. Snow 399 McCabe 20i majority 193 THE SECOND WARD VOTE, ron MATOE. Page ! 219 Elmore 144 majority 73 FOE COUNCILMAN. "Welch 207 Stokes 141 majority GG FOB CHIEF OF POLICE. Barry 193 Smidt ICG majority 32 FOB AUDITOB AND POLICE JUDGE. Jewett 209 Boyle 154 majority " FOE 8TBEET SUPT. Clinton U Gustnfson 181 majority " FOB CITY ASSESSOU. Shively 204 Dickinson 1&9 majority 43 FOB CITY TEEISUBEB. Hustler 183 McGovern 179 majority 4 FOB CITY AXTOBNKY. Xoland 174 FOE SUBVEYOB. Parker 193 llnymond 1G7 majority 31 iOE HABUOB MASTKB. Snow 244 McCabe 11G majority 123 THE TOTAL CITY VOTE. MAYOB. Page f87 Elmore 377 Majority 210 CHIEF OF POLICE. Barry f02 Smidt 4G3 Majority AUDITOB AND POLICE JUDGE. Jowett, Boyle 39 f74 397 Majority 177 STBEET SUPT. Clinton f29 Gustafson 441 Majority 83 CITY ASSESSOB. Dickinson 49G Shively 470 Majority 2G CITY TBEASUBEB. Hustler f,23 McGovern 439 Majority! 84 CITY ATTOBXEY. Xoland 473 Majority 473 CITY SUBVEYOB. Parker 515 Raymond 432 Majority 03 HABBOB MASTEB. Snow C43 McCabe 320 Majority , 323 D0XT WAST TIIEIB VESSELS. Bnt Will Let Them Lie, and Damages Pile np at Oanalasks. Chicago, Dec. 13. The Times' Wash ington special says: As practically no information can bo got from tho depart ments, I asked a genjtlcmau who is in the way of getting the news from Alaska whether lie had any knowledge of the release of the British sealers captured in Jane, 18SG, and ordered released on tho 1st of lost January, and again October 12th. In reply he said: "Tho owners of theso vessels have been ablo to get thom at any time they wanted them since tho order for release reached Sitka last Feb ruary. Tney nave innue no move to tako them because they learned that tho order for discontinuance of tho proceedings and the release of tho vessels was in Ihe nature of a pardon, and if they accepted the vessels under the circumstances, they implied an acknowledgment of illegality of their own conduct, and waived their claims to reimbursement for their loss bv the United States. What thev want is damages. They are afraid that if they accept tho President's order to release their ships they will destroy tho grounds ior meir ciuima .lyuiuai. mis jovern menL" "But are their ships not rotting?" I asked. "They must bo worth something, or they must have been worth something ten months ago. I notice that a Cana dian oificer that has been out thero says the machinery is rusting and their seams are opening, and their value is now al most gone." My informant replied: "That is only a part of tho case for damages to be asked of our government. The Cana dian official only went to bitka and the captured vessels aro at Onnaloska, fifteen hundred miles away. They ride in a littlo land-locked cove, where they are perfectly safo and they can lie there twenty years without serious injury. Judge'Dawson never revoked tho order for their release. Tho order has been imperative, becauso the owners never claimed their property. Perhaps they would like us to send tho vessels home to them, but that wo are not likely to do. They can have them if they will take them. I know that tho threo depart ments of tho government Treasury, State and Justice have been acting m perfect accord. Bayard did not want the fishery negotiations complicated with the Bearing sea affair, and the captains whose vessels were seized in 1880 pleaded ignorance, and Mr. Bajard was quite ready to recommend that they be dealt with generonsl3. He wrote to the Sitka officials to know why they had not obeyed his order, and they did not reply that the had obeyed, but the owners of the sealers would not ask for their property. "What they re plied, according to tho Attorney-General's statement was that they thought the order was not genuine. They sus pected it of being a forgery. This makes it certain that, whatever the owners of the captured vessels have done, or failed to do, the thing that was ordered by the Attorney-General lost winter at the in stance of the President was not done ac cording to the understanding of the Attorney-General, as well as of his subordi nates at Sitka. While this explanation of the status of tho captured sealers seems plausible, the fact is, that Attorney-General Garland did not uso it n couple of months ago when it would have been most conven ient for him, and the state department has not used it, though it would have saved that department much sharp criti cism. On tho 12th of October tho Attorney-General telegraphed to the officer at Sitka to obey the order of January last and release the vessels. In explaining this order to the public through tho As sociated Press, Garland did not suggest that tho sealers had not been taken away because their owners had not asked for them, but he said he did not know until shortly before October 12th that the order of January had never been obeyed. Captains who took their sealing ves sels into Beb ring sea in 1SS7 cannot pleau ignorance. Ihey knew they were violating our laws, and their vessels were seized and they will not be released. Tho English authorities recognize the tact that tun seal nsuenea would not last two years if everybody could kill seals. and that our protection of tho seal fish cries is precisely analogous to tho British protection of the pearl fisheries of Ceylon. And the English have no notion of push ing tho claims of their own poachers. Besides, there is as much money in the seal business, as now conducted, for Eng lishmen as there is for Americans, and they do not want the business killed. AH the skins are dyed and marketed in London, and thero is n good deal of money m mat." The Verdict Unanimous. W.D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus, lud., testifies: 1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took bix bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best .selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony. .o that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kiduevs or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at XV. E. Dement & Co.s Drug Store. Meals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & StokeV. Our Christinas Cards And Xovelties are beyond comparison loiormer vears. uail anu see mem. GlilFriN-ifcREED, Every mother is interested in know ing that a pceial preparation for chil dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup" i- now for ale only at Dement's drug store. laci!ic Coast TideTables For iSSs, at Gkiffis: & Reed's. AIlftotxtM At The Xew York Xovelty Store are marked in plain figures and sold for cxactlv;what they arc marked at Strictly One Price. For the very best pictures go to II. S. Sinister. Sweet Apple Cider At the Astoria Soda Works. A Surprise to All. Our immense stock of Plush and Leather Goods, Brass Xovelties, etc. Gkiffix & Reed. Gainbrimis- Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Anj' case of Croup can be easily treat ed and cured by using "The Child's Cough Syrup." Full directions with each package, which can only be pur chased at Dement's drug store. Call and Make Your Selections while our stock is complete; we will keep them until called for. Gbiffin;&Reed. CLOAK Ladies', Misses liirSrluSi! n Sin IIVXIVIEINrSE C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria. ? kS Lun do al l close buyors buy their clothes? At tbe Reliable Herman Wise. 9JUnvn can you get the most for your money? Herman Wise, Tho Eoliablo CtOTnTEB AND HATTKB. Who keeps the best assorted stock? Herman Wise, Occident Boilding. I A fine" stock to select from. Tho ) best attention pnid to customers and the very BOTTOM PRICES ) HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Cloier ai Hatter, Occident Hotel Building. Opposite Star Market. DEPA UPWARDS OF 400 Garments to Select From. THE is, m w m m w AND MOST Fashionable Styles ! ! Both in Cut and Material. Manufactured by SPRINGER BROS., BOSTON, MASS. Every Garment Guaranteed in Fit and Workmanship. STOCK AXD The Railroad Is Coming ! SO IS CHRISTMAS ! But We Can't Wait for Either, But must buy our Family Supplies right along just the same, and the RUSH Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con vinced. We carry in stock a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares. Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria. Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms, whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats, oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran. BUT WE MUST STOP I For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Veast Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price. CHRISTMAS GOODS Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. "What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just call at D. I. Beck & Sons'. RTAJinuT i jfe I'll and uhi dren s. BKBBl $