w Site gattj jforimt. ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY -DECEMBER 15. 1887 THE FIRST THOUSAND DOLLARS. The following article, which ap pears in a commercial collego paper, recommends itself for the very sound sense it expresses, and wo reproduce it for young men for the intrinsic value it possess"", as a straightforward appeal to those who are starting out in life. There are so many good points that we advise our young read ers to give "the first thousand dollars" a careful perusal: The first thousand dollars that a young man, after going out into the world to act for himself, earns and saves, will generally settle the ques tion of business life with him. There maybe exceptions to this statement, jet, for a rule, we think it will hold true. The first condition is that the young man actually earns the thousand dol lars in question. He does not inherit this sum, It does not come to him by a streak of good luck, as the result of a fortunate venture in the purchase and sale of a hundred shares of stock. It is the fruit of personal industry. He gives his time and his labor for it While ho is thus earning and saving it, ho must earn two or three, or per haps four times as much to pay his current expenses. He is consequently held sternly to the task of industry for a considerable period. The direct consequence to him is steady, con tinuous and solid discipline in the habit of industry in patient, persist ent, forecasting and self-denying ef fort, breaking up allthe tendencies to indolence and frivolity, and making him an earnest and watchful econ omist of time. He not only learns how to work, but he also acquires the love for the work; and, moreover, ho learns the value of the sum which he has thus saved ont of his earnings. He has toiled for it; he has observed its slow increase from time to time: and in his estimate it represents so many months or years of practical labor. His ideas of life are shaped by his own experience. These natural effects of earning the first thousand dollars we hold to be very large benefits. They are just the qualities of mind and body which are most likely to secure business success in after years. They constitute the best practical education which a man can have as a worker in this working world. They are gained in season for life's purpose at the opening period, just when they are wanted, when foolish notions are most likely to mis lead an inexperienced brain, and when, too, there is a full opportunity for expansion and development in af ter years. Men have but one life to live; and hence they start from opening man hood but once. And the manner in which they start, the purpose -which they have in view, and the habits they form, will ordinarily determine the entire sequel of their career on earth. To succeed, men must have the ele ments of success in themselves. One great reason why there are so many useless, inefficient and poverty-stricken men on earth or, rather, boys, seeming to be men consists in the simple fact that they did not start right A popular reason why the children of the rich so frequently amount to nothing may bo found in the luxury and the indolence which marked the commencement of their lives. It is the law of God that wo should be workers ou earth; and no one so well consults the best develop ment of his being as when he conforms his practice to this law. The workers in some suitable sphere are the only really strong men in this world. Ths latest sensation in the religions world is from a cliurcb. congress in England. In this congress one of the English canons, Isaac Taylor, read a paper on "Islam in Africa." Among other things he said: "Over a large part of the world Islamism as a mis sionary religion is more successful than Christianity. Christianity in some sections is actually receding be fore its rival." The faith of Islam al ready extends from the Atlantic to tho Pacific It controls 50,000,000 out of 150,000,000 in India, and more than half of all Africans. It is not the dash and spread of early Moham medanism that he finds hard to ex plain, but its continued hold. "An African tribe once converted to Islam never embraces Christianity. Though quite unfitted for the higher races, it is eminently adapted to be a civilizing and elevating religion for barbarous tribes." Not content with these start ling words, canon Taylor goes on to say: "Islam has done more for civil ization than has Christianity." "Is lam is the most powerful total absti nence association in the world, where as the extension of European trade means the extension of drunkenness and vice and the degradation of the people." "Islam introduces a knowl- edge of reading and writing, decent clothing, personal cleanliness, veracity and self-respect Its restraining ef fects are marvelous." "We ought to begin by recognizing tho fact that Islam is not an anti-Christian faith, but a half-Christian faith." "Islam preaches a practical brotherhood tho social equality of all Moslems. A Christian convert is not regarded as a social equal, but the Moslem Brother hood is a reality." Such an address by a learned canon of the church a man of tho highest standing and a traveler in the lands of which ho speaks, has stirred up an immense amount of comment and some ill-feeling. THE WESTERN GIRL. A Caricature of the Newspaper Stories of Her Exploits. A pleasing story of a beautiful and accomplished young lady at St Yin- cent, Minn., is told by a special dis patch, and it comes to us like a cool j foundation in a prohibition state. It seems that the lady's name is Miss Lillian Blake, daughter of H. C. Blake, and that, in words of the dis patch, "after helping her father stack 193 loads of wheat yesterday," she went over in Geroux's swamp alono in the afternoon to snatch a half-hour of rest and recreation. She took her father's shotgun with her and, as the special has it, "killed six largo and desperate bears." The bears didn't want to fight, but, durn 'em they had to. The first one tried to crawl into a hollow log and dodge the issue, but airy, fairy Lil lian grabbed him by the hind leg, and just about the same as pulled the limb off tho critter. Then he chang ed his mind, backed out and bowed his head to the shock. It was a red day for bear, especially in Geroux's swamp. On that awful day, throughout the length and breadth of Colonel Ger oux's cool and popular swamp, noth ing could be hear but the deep ag onizing groans of dying bears. And they do say, sort of privately, ai,d some as if they did not expect us to believe it, that on her way home, while dragging the whole Geroux swamp bear family, this timid and modest little Minnesota girl ran down two gray wolves and chased a party of six tramps along the railroad for three miles. Still some Minnesota editors will sit around and write about the decadence of our girls and young women. But if these editors will just stop long enough to put their ears to the ground they will discover that the rest of the country isn't saying a word about the decadence of the Minnesota liar. A AVomaii' Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her and for seven jears she withstood its severest tests, but her vi tal organs were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was so much relieved on tak ing first dose that &he slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Iler name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Ilerrick & Co., of Shelbyville. N. C., Get a free trial bottle at W.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Go to Thompson fc Itoss, For Atmore's celebrated Mince Meat in glass jars, and the New England Con densed Meat in 1-lb. pkgs., 3 pies each. For Plum Pudding, comb and strained Honey, and pure Maple Syrup0. For the elegant Dew Drop Corn, Dew Drop Pumpkin, and Dew Drop Pine Apple, which have jio equal. For Boston lirown Bread, Roast Tur key, and Chicken, and For fine Jams, Jellies, Apple Butter, etc., etc. That Hacking Cougn can be so quickly cured by Shilon's Cure. We guaranteo it Sold by W.E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitahzer is wnat you need for Constipation, Lo&s of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Will you suffer with Dyspepsia Liver Complaint ? Shiloh s Vi talizi and italizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Ufinent cc uo. NEW TO-DAY. Santa Glaus Ex Steamship State of California. I Received a Consignment of Nine Large Cases of Christmas Goods From Five-Cent Dolls and Toys up, which 1 am Instructed to Close Out at Private Sale or Auction, At My Discretion. The Goods will be ready for inspec tion and the first Auction Sale take place Next Saturday Afternoon and Evening. E. C. HOXBEX, Auctioneer. Talk of Oppesition Tags. The matter of extortionate charges for tug boat services at the mouth of the Columbia is becoming a serious one. At present it costs 14s 6d per ton more to send wheat from Port land to Liverpool than from San Francisco. It is rumored that mana ger Potter, of the Union Pacific is about to take the tug-boat business in hand, and that it he does not some one else will. There ought to be two good tugs at the mouth of tho Colum bia which would contract to tow ships to Portland back to sea at reasonable rates. It is not necessary that the work be done cheaply, but reasonably. Oregonian, 14. HUNT'S REMEDY rpaacES best Kidney Liver Medicine XETEIt KKOWX TO FAIL. HUNT'S KE3IEDY lias kvvc1 from lin gering discaso and death hundreds who haro been given up by physicians to die. HUNT'S BEMEDTcnrca all Diseases of tho Kidneys, Blsddor, Urinary Or-. pans, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes and Incontinence and Itetcntlon of Urlno. HUNT'S KE3IEDY encourages tlecp, creates an appetite, braces up the Fjstcni, and renewed health is the result nUNT'S ItEMEDY cure pain In tho Side, Back or J-oins, GeneralDcbillty, Female Diseases, Disturbed Sleep, Loss of Appetite andBrlght's Disease HUNT'S ItEMEDY quickly induces tho Liver to healthy action, rcmoxin? the causes that produce Bilious Headnclie, Dyspep sia, Sour Stomach, Costlvencss Piles, etc. By tho use of nUNT'S BE3IKDY tho Stomach and Boweli will speedily regain their strength, and the blood will bo perfectly purified. HUNT'S BE3IEDY is purely vegetable, and meets a want nc cr beforo furnished to tho public, and tho utmost reliance may be placed in it HUNT'S BE3EEDY Is prepared ex pressly for tho abovo diseases, and has uevor been known to fall. Ono trial will cominco you. 2Tor saloby all Druggists. Send for Pamphlet to HUNTS REMEDY CO., Providence, It. X Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEKERY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Union Packlnc company will be held at the company's ifflco. Astoria. Ore gou, on Tuesday. Dec 22nd, 1S37, at 9 o'clock a. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors and the transaction olsucli other business as may come before the meeting. PETKK BUOV. For Sale. ONE L AUG E. STRONG HORSE. SOUND In wind and limb : Price. .TO dollar.. Apply to A. E. ALLhN, bklpanou. LITTLE GIRLS! A Beautiful French Doll In Full Dress Will be disposed of by chance at Grifllu & Reed's City Book Store, on Thursday e e mk Dec. 22nd, at 8 o'clock sharp. 100 chances at 00 cents a chance. Tickets for sale at Griffin & Reed's. The Doll Is one of the finest kind, jointed, and will stand alone ; can be put in any po sition. Natural as lite. Call and See It At Griran Reed's. GRAND And Ball By The Scandinavian Benevolent Society, At Ross' Opera nouse, December 29th, 1887. Children's Christmas Festival from 4 to S o'clock In the Afternoon. Grand lull after 8 o'clock. The "Western Amateur Band has been se cured, and no pains orexpense u HI bo spared to make the entertainment a complete suc cess. Admission, Children - - - 30ctH (Each Child will Receive a Gift.) Spectators (from 4 to S) - - - 23ct Tickets for the Kail - - - Sl.OO committer of arrangements : Martin- Olsen. Aug Danielson. Erick Johnson. J. M. Olsen. Frank Eklund. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. FINE Jewelry, Watches and Clocks Suitable for Holiday Pres ents at Lowest Prices. Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty. Telephone lo!;;iiig House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts, per week S1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. This Is a Fact. In P. J. Goodman's S3 seamless calf shoe purchasers will find the best value for their money on the coast jrhk CDimmas FesuYa WHOLESALE AND Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mil! Feed. Crockery Glass Plated "Ware. Q The Largest and ficest nssurtiueut of Frssk Fruits and "E"egtafcles. lleceivcd fresh every Steamer. OUR IMMENSE STOCK Is flow Open for Inspection. ie Largest ana Finest Assortment of EVER SHOWN FIRE BRICK blilr rlW DKALKK IN Hay, Oats, ana1 Ste, Line, Briot Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajlns, TcaraioR and Express linsines. SsaE-sw&d ben p- Parker- Syss-'-gfer- '-- Z For TOWING, FKEIG1 wwl rEU aui.lv to the Captain, or to FBESH GROCERIES A! PROVISIONS Promptly Delivered -AT LOWEST PRICES IN ANY PART OF THE CITY. Fruits and Vegetables In .Season. Ku'rjthim Warranted a-; Represented. Corner Chenamus and .Denton Streets. The New Model Bange CAN PE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E. R, HAWES, Agent. Call and Kv.miine It ; You Will he Plensrri. E. II. Haw es Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Oooking Stove, AND OTIIF.Il FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. aaasss u mu'wiw " mi n i iiimii inn m imi . rtrtGPftNET B Gogh, 0 LINEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY, ESTABLISHED 1812. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS IN THE TOITED STATES. Salmon Parse Seines. SalmonJM Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. ISTFish Xettinjjs of all kinds supplied at the shortest possible notice, and at the lowest rates. All made from our . Shephard Cold Medal Twines- Guaranteed to bo the strongest nnd most desirable twino now mado especially for the PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE is manufactured onlv by ourselves, directly from the raw material, and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston, Philadelphia and London. American XTet and Twin Company, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. RETAIL DEALER IN IN ASTORIA. & REED. FIRE CLAY STKAIUEB vtnrp affilM CLARA PARKER rri : Master. HEIGHT or CHAK- II. 1. PARKER. CAPITAL, SCO.000 Hosiery and WE HAVE JEST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTURERS A LARGE LOT OF Gents', Ladies' and Children's -Hosiery and Underwear. Also a fall German Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Victoria Zephyrs. Knitting Sole agent in Astoria for tho Celebrated Drial Co's French Shoes, and Laird, Schober & Mitchell's Fine Shoes. THE EMPIRE STORE W. T. PARKER, Manager. -a., G-. SI3E53Zja.H.TDH:, MmmMzmm tm rr5138Li ? to-L.WTL COLT'S New Lightning, 40 and 45-80. COLT'S New Baby Shotgun, 28-Inch. COLT'S 44, 41 and 38, Single and Double Action Revolver. Lord Conlln, and Diamond 22 cat. Pistols. Our Immense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR LOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpels, Oil Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before tho recent advance in freight, the benefits thereof we propose to share with, our customers. Call and See Us. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA HE AND HAM INSURANCE CO. FRANK DEKU3I President W. II. SMITH. Vice-President JOHN A. CHILD Secretary No. 1G0 Second St., Portland, Or. I. W. Case, Agent, Astoria, Or. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Kciiresentlnu the Largest and Most liella ble Hre Insurance Companies. All Business promptlyjand accurately tran acted. Flayels Wharf. Astoria Oregon. CAPITAL STOCK - - 8500,000 THE NORTHWEST Fire c3 Marine INSURANCE CO. F. E. Beach President J. McCraken . ........Vice President J. Loewenberg.......... .. . Treasurer It. r. Earhart -...Sec'y and Manager DIRECTORS, J.Loewenberg J. K. Gill, H. L. Pittock, F.K.Arnold, F.M.Warren, J. McCraken, F. E. Beach, DJXOlIpbant, F. Eggert No. 33 Washington street, Portland, Or. R. L. BOYLE, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. Omce at L X. L. Packing Co, 11 it ywvv ASSETS, S55.8Q1.283. Royal, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germania of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation. MARINE .INSURANCE" "COVERED BY OUR OPEJT POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. Grand 03F HOLIDAY GOODS F'CDJEI. Christmas AT The New York Novelty Store Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria. Special Attention Given to All Orders By Mail, Underwear ! line of Embroidery Silks. Silks, in all Colors and Shades. 1 Has Arrived. CHAS. HEILBORN. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool. Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Bepresent in a capital of 567,000, 000. B. VAN DU8E5I. Ageiit. Seaside Bakery. Bcstniilk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KLNDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candies. E, II. JACKSON. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEYELA'D, Prop,r. Gooi Bread, Cate ait Pastry None hut the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. Astoria Iron Works. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists aiil Boiler Makers: Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY. Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. .. ..President. ... .Secretary .......Treasurer. .Superintendent. J. G. HUSTLXB, ... L W. Case........... johx Fox. .. Display Presents, t, u