The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 13, 1887, Image 3

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WU la gtetafan.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
bent by Mail, per month 60 cts
' " " one year. 7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astoiuax guarantees to its ahcr
tlsers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Regular council meeting to-night.
No dispatches this morning; line's
down again.
All tickets voted to-morrow must be
registered with the county clerk.
The British bark Margaret Ifeald,
605, from Honolulu, arrived in yes
terday nf ternoon.
Bets are being made on to-morrow's
result. There will be as much
won as there is lost.
Anyone who has lost a canary may
find it at R. Welcome's, where a stray
canary flew in one morning last
The streets wereyesterd Ay thronged
wuu purchasers or Holiday goods.
Merchants in all lines report a fine
Geo. M. Rowe will open the saloon
at the Astor House to-morrow night,
and will make that his future head
quarters. No. 2's Silsby yesterday was get
ting in a big day's work pumping out
the site of the Gas company's new
AH election tickets must be printed
on paper furnished by secretary of
state McBride through McKercher &
Job printing, neat, quick and cheap
at The Astobian job office. Bill
heads and ledger statements a special
ty this month.
Charles Besserer, former editor
Watchman, has bought the Walla
Walla Journal for $5,000 and will run
it independent.
Thos. Byrie, at C. H. Qooper'e, says
that any one who wins or loses a hat
on the election can pet a nobby, Bos
ton style silk hat, there.
The stockholders of the Scandina
vian Paoking Co. hold their annual
meeting at the company's office at
nine o'clock this morning.
D. F. Howard, of the eteamer Lena,
reports that that steamer is broken
in Blind slough, near Knappa, and
will be dela3'ed sometime in conse
quence. The wrecked barkentine Grace
Roberts was valued at S14.000 and in
sured for $8,000; SG.000 in the Fire
man's Fund, and $2,000 in the Sonth
The British ships Alex. Lawrence
and City of Athens cleared yester
day; the former has 20,570 bbls". flour,
worth $69,025, and the latter 65,491
bus. wheat, worth $42,224.
Jeannie Winston's real name is
Jennie Bruce. She come3 out stun
ning in male attire on the stage, her
stage effect and presence being as a
man superior to that of her own sex.
The steamship Yaquina City,
ashore at Yaquina bay, broke in two
last Sunday, and is, of course, a total
loss. It's a hard matter to make a
seaport out of an inlet. The lost ves
sel was worth $200,000.
Sts. John Chapter No. 14, R. A. M.,
meets to-night. Business: election of
officers; every member of the chapter
is "required to be present. Sojourn
ing companions are cordially invited
to attend. By order of H. P.
At the city election two years ago
the Second ward polled 303 and the
First ward 480 votes; in '83 the First
ward polled 554 votes and the Second
ward 214; in '81 there were 335 votes
polled in the First ward, and 175 in
the Second ward.
Counterfeit silver dollars made of
cast-iron and heavily plated with sil
ver, are in circulation. They are
such a perfect substitute that even
aoid will not affect them and they can
only be detected by the ring. The
dates they bear are mostly 1884.
John Millican, a hardworking Ore
yonian reporter, is dangerously ill at
St. Vincent's hospital. Even report
ers get sick sometimes, and not sel
dom is it that readers laugh over the
joke or qnip of the morning, that was
penned with pain at midnight.
The Olympia board of trade have
had a survey made of the route for a
railroad from the head of Budd's in
let to Chehalis river at a point where
navigation is practical at all seasons
of the year. The road, if built, will
probably be extended to Hwaco.
The state land board has made an
order abolishing local land agencies
and school land agents have been
notified that Napoleon Davis, clerk
of the board, will effect a settlement
He was down here last Saturday.
Hereafter all school money will be
loaned direct by the state treasnrer.
In his annual report the secretary
of the treasury says the lighthouse
board is still unable to complete the
construction of the much-needed
lighthouse on northwest seal rock at
Crescent City, owing to an insuffi
cient appropriation, and asks that
money be promptly appropriated for
tne vrork.
Before Justice Cleveland yesterdav
was tried Mrs. Catherine Turk
charged with assault and battery on
an unfortunate little girl which, by
some inscrutable mistako of Divine
Providence, ha J got into her power.
The caso was argued pro and con.,
and the justice reserved his decision
till this morning.
"Two large horses" at the dock
for Astoria No. One Engine company.
So ran the rumor yesterday morning.
Investigation showed that for "two
large horses," read ''two lengths
hose." Well, that's a pretty good
item anyway. The suction on the
Amorkeag had about given out, and
tue new suction comes m just in
One of Sherman & Ward's express
wagons came flying up Squemoqua
street yesterday afternoon and from
the way the horse was coming, we
thought, first look, that that $100
chromo door of ours was going to be
smashed again. But when he got to
the sidewalk he considerately headed
south, and if he didn't stop, is run
ning yer.
Say, Mr. Men: isn't there going to
be any beating of howgags, or sound
ing of tom-toms, speeches, music, etc.,
over tuis election? xue last JittJo
prohibition contest and the salvation
army band racket make all and sun
dry yearn for speeches, etc Wo have
ajjood band and no end of oraters:
give 'em a cliauce. Hire a hall, hire
two nans, anu iiavo a toot before dec
Ihe tickets to be voted to-morrow
are headed b gentlemen who nre
prominently identified with tho busi
ness interests of the city, aud who are
capable of filling the position of mav
orwith impartial dignity. The cir
cumstance that one hnppens to be a
Republican aud the other a Democrat
is cause for congratulation to the
citizens who have so excellent a
Of the Liverpool salmon market
the London Grocer' Gazette of No
vember 19th, bays: "All choice par
cels of Columbia river have already
been cleared, and the small supply of
ordinary brands is held firm for2Ss
6d; there is no choice Fraser river
left here, and for the small parcel ly
ing in London 29s is demanded. We
declare most unhesitatingly that
stocks have never been so light for
many years as at present"
The Fishing Gazette, of Dec. 9,
03, win contain tuo addresses, pa
pers and reports made before the
meeting of tho national fishery asso
ciation, held in New York city, Nov.
16, 18S7, and much other matter of
interest to Americans in general and
the American fishermen in particular.
The edition will comprise 10.000
copies. Orders for subscriptions or
advertising sent to 52 Broadway. N.
Y. city, or 23 Main street, Greenport,
N. Y., will receive prompt attention.
On that terrible north coast on the
8th three poor fellows were drowned.
They were sailors from the American
barkentine 8. G. Wilder. They were
trying to reach their vessel from Port
Townsend, when their boat capsized,
with fatal result On tho morning of
the 9th the steamer Premier collided
with an unknown saiiing vessel in the
straits of Dungeness. Tho evening
previous the bark Tidal Wace, from
San Francisco, went ashore near Port
Hudson, floatiug off at high tide un
injured. On another page will be found two
tickets prepared with great care aud
considerable expense, to be voted for
to-morrow. No individual voter
should so far forget himself as to
try to cram them both into the box,
and any one that don't like those
tickets can go and start a little one
of his own, and vote it To kick is
one of the proudest prerogatives of
an American citizen and the man
that ain't ace high a week before
election can make you believe he has
an ace full after the nominations are
made, judging from the noise ho
Our good-looking friend Harry G.
Smith, of D. L. Beck & Sons, "was
amused for awhile and then made a
little tired yesterday by receiving so
many compliments, doubtless well
meant, but unwarranted by tho facts,
as he is not running for chief of po
lice, or anything else. The congratu
lations, etc., were no doubt intended
for Harry A. Smith, the former secre
tary of the Columbia river fishermen's
protective union, who last Friday
evening was nominated by a very
large vote for the responsible posi
tion of chief of police of this city.
The similarity of the first and last
name in both instances, no doubt,
occasioned the mistake in identity .
Shot a Deer.
Deep River, W. T., Dec. 10, '87.
Editor Astebiax:
Mrs. Wm. Hendren, of Deep River,
W. T.. shot a nice, fat deer with a
rifle. For further proof, call at Jack's
chop house, next door to Spexarth's,
and get a nice venison steak. Bring
along your rifle sports.
Not 1879: April 23. 18S0.
L S. Kalloch, the notorious Baptist
preacner, ex-mayor or. ban rancisco,
died in Sehome, W. T., a few days
ago. His son murdered Charles De
Young, of the San Francisco Chron
icle, in 1879. News, 12.
Kcmcmlicr TliatlVoiv
Is the tinio to subscribe for periodicals.
uiiu umt iiiu uv auik iMJveiiy oiore
receives subscriptions for all foreign
and domestic newspapers and maga
zines at publisher's prices.
Girl Wanted.
A competent girl wanted to do house
work in a small family; no other need
apply. Apply at this office.
Renew Tour Subscriptions
For next vear. Subscrintions received
for any Periodical or Magazine pub-
jisnea. ubiffix d: heed.
A. Stormy Voyage Up the Coast.
One of the most interesting and ex
citing voyages that ever occurred to
the participants was made public this
morning, on the arrival of the littlo
steamer A. B. Field, hailing from As
toria. A Post-Intelligencer represen
tative went aboard the Field while
she was docked at Quincy wharf to
day, aud learned tho particulars from
the master. Captain G. A. Bell, who
has been on this coast for a short
period only, having been in command
of steam crafts on tho Atlantic coast
for fourteen years.
"One week ago to-day, on Satur
day." commenced Captain Bell, we
lef t Nestucca, a small port situated
about sixty miles south of Astoria,
where a large salmon cannery is lo
cated, doing a flourishing business.
The A. H. Jfield, of about twenty-nve
tons burden, is used as an auxiliary
steamer in transporting general mer
chandise to the cannery, returning
carrying the cannery's production.
Directly after leaving Nestucca,
loaded with 550 cans of salmon and
eighteen barrels of salmon, a strong
blow from the southeast came up
and in a very short time we
wero being rapidly driven before
the gale, with seas rolling moun
tains high, breaking over our
little craft, and completely envelop
ing her in one solid mass of foam.
seething and boiling from stem to
stern. The hatches wero nailed
down, the doors closed, and every
preparation made for a terrible or
deal. To lighten the" steamer one
hundred and fifty cases and fourteen
barrels of salmon wero thrown over
board. On Monday the gale veered
to the southwest and moderated very
slightly; then onr fuel gave out The
cabin furniture, hatches and every
movable article, and also the parti
tions between the galley aud the en
gine room, wero put in the furnace.
This was finally exhausted. Tho
storm carried away tho foresail, and
then I unbent the mainsail and used
that as a foresail, which in a measure
answered the same purpose.
"At day light on Wednesday, with
heavy seas from the westward, we
were nearly on Fl at tery rocks. Tack
ing and using some of tho flooring
for fuel, we finally steered clear of
the danger, aud a westerly wind
bronght us iuto Neah bay, where Mr.
Charles Adie rendered all the assist
ance in Lis power in getting fuel, and
we came up to Port Angeles yester
day. Taking a pilot aboard, without
further mishap, we came to this port
Po'il-Jnielligenter, 11.
Dr. Estes has returned greatly im
proved in health.
Fiank Mullen is going to engage in I
the stevedoring business m Tacoma.
Miss Julia Folsom, of Pendleton, is j
in ino city, tuo guest ol Air. and airs.
J. O. Bozorth.
Mr. J. E. Higgins had another con
gestive chill last Sunday night,- and
is still confined to his room.
C. H. Cooper and wife left Boston,
homeward bound, on the 10th- They
will probably arrive here about next
A. F. Johns has left Los An
geles and is at present in San Diege:
Mrs. J. W. Conn and daughter have
been in very poor health since their
arrival in the former city.
A "VFoiiiau IMseovery
"Anotlicr wonderful discovert h;i
been made and that too by a hnij in
this county. Disease fastened its clu di
es upon her and for .seven years ic
withstood its severest tests, but her vi
tal organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent For three months
she coughed incessantly and could not
sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion aud was so much relieved on tak
ing first dose that she slept all night
and with one bottle has been miracu
lously cured. Iler name is Mrs. Luther
Lute." Thus write V. C. Ilerriek & Co..
of ShelbyvillcN. C., Get a free trial
bottle at W.E. Dement & Co. Drug;
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Robertine, tho great" beautifier
and preserver of tho complexien:
Poktlaxd, Or.. June -1, 1887.
ToMr.AV. M. Wisdom Dear Sir:!
have tried your liobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. .Believe me,,
yours truly, Himi..
Pobtxand. Dec., 1885.
To Mr. W. M. "Wisdem: Tho "Bober
tins you so kindly sent me is excellent
It is tho finest preparation I have ever
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jkaskte Winston.
1'oirrxAXD, Or., April G, 1SS7.
Dear Mr. "Wisdem: I have tried your
"Jiobortine," and it gives mo muctt
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being ono of tho best
articles of the kind I havo over used. Be
lievo rae, yours sincerely,
Z. Tjxkbelxz.
ForsalobyW. E. Dement & Cck
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
That Hacking Coucn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. "VV
guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's "Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, JLos of Appetite. Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspeysia.
Priee 10 and 75 cents per bottle- "Sold
by W. E. Dement.
For lame Hack, Side or Client usu
Shiloh's Ponms Plaster, Prten 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement
Hare You Seen
The displaj- of Xmas cards, Plusli
goods &c, at tlie New York Novelty
Call ami Make Your
Selections while our stock is complete;
we will keep them until called for.
Griffin' & Keep.
Tlic 3iew York Novelty Store
Will make special prices to all Sunday
School, Church or Charitable entertain
ments. Diaries Tor 1888.
A full stock containing the Pacific
Coast informatien: all styles and prices
at Griffin & Reed's
Aud Wby They "Were Xot Subjected to
a Redaction.
Along about tho 18th day of last
month there was a story telegraphed
to the daily papers from ban Francis
co, to tho effect that a sweeping re
duction in steamer fares was to bo
made on tho 1st of December. Cabin
faro was to bo cut down from $20 to
$12 and steerage faro to $7 per head.
For some causo or other no such re
duction was made and nobody could
tell why. Last night in tho Gilman
house a Mercury reporter got a little
light on the subject from a drummer:
"Talk about cutting down fares !
Whv, there came near being the big
gest kind of a war of rates over it.
The O. R. & N. folks intended cutting
down the fares to just half the pres
ent figures and an announcement of
tho fact wa3 telegraphed hither, al
though no tickets wero sold at those
rate3. It is said that manager Towne
contrived to bring about an interview
with ex-governor Perkins, in which
this is the substance of the conversa cenversa conversa
teon: " 'Do I understand that you intend
cutting passenger rates to Portland
down to $12 for cabin and $7 for
" 'Yes, that is at least tho present
intention,' replied Mr. Perkins.
" 'AH right, then,' said Mr. Towne,
'you go ahead and yon'll see where
you will land in this battle. You cut
down your passenger rates and we
will cut our freight rates. We can
afford to lose a million dollars o. so,
which your concern cannot We
never go to war unless wo expect to
kill somebody. We have never tried
to get in on freights because there is
nothing in it for us wo are content
to let you have all tho freight either
way. But yon cut passenger rates
and wo will carry the war into Africa.
We will haul" wheat from Salem to
San Francisco for a dollar a ton and
you won't get a pound of freight
south of Oregon City.' "
And that is given as the reason
why no reduction of passenger fares
was made on tho O. R. fc N. steamers,
to take effect on Thursday last
Sunday Mercury.
The Verdict Unanimous.
W.D. Stilt, Druggist. Uippus. ind..
testifies: "1 can recommend Electric
Bitters as the ery best remedy. Every
bottle sold lias given relief in every case.
One man took .i.v bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years standing.1"
Abraham Hare, druggist J.ellville,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine I liave ever handled in my '20 years
exMrience. is Electric Bitters."' Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony. o that the verdict b unanimous
that Electric Bitters do en re diseases of
the Liver. Kidnevs or Blood. Only a
hnlfdnllar a bottle al W.K. Dnnent &
Co.- Brug Jtorc.
A Surprise to All.
Our immense stock of Plush and
Leather Goods, Brass Novelties, etc.
Gnirn.v fc Kei:i.
5umlrinus ISccr
And Free Lunch at the Telephone ."sa
loon. .1 cenli?. .
it 1 'Thompson & SCoss,
For Almore's celebrated Mince Meat in
glass jars, and the Xew England Con
deiiM'd Meat in l-lb. pkgs.. 'pies each.
For Plum Pudding, comb and strained
Honey, and pure Maple Syrup.
For the elegant Dew Drop Corn, Dew
Drop Pumpkin, and Dew Dron Pine
Apple, which have no equal.
jror liosion urown lsroad, JCoast Tur
key, and Chicken, and
For fine .lam, .lellioi?, Apple Butter,
This Is a Fact.
Jn P. J. Goodman's $.' seamless calf
sboe purchasers will find the best value
for their money on the coast.
Any case of Croup can be easilv treat
ed .and cured by using "The 'Child's
Cou'h Syrup' Full directions with
each package, which can onlv be pur
chased at Demcnt's drug store.
Housr to Rent.
Above the Hospital : for particulars ap
ply at this office.
Itlcals Cooked to order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Our Christinas Cards
And Novelties are bej-ond comparison
to former years. Call and see them.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought s;t the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store. opiKwite 'Occident
betel. Astoria.
Acknowledged 1 y AH
Thar we havethefineststoek of Holiday
j Goods and Novelties in the city.
uniFPix x i:i:ed.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that u special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Svrup"
is now for sale only at Demcnt's drug
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy. Priee po cents. Nasal Injector free
Fnrs:i!c by W.E. Dement
For isi, at
Coast TideTablc
GmrFiN & Keep's.
New York Novelty Store are marked in
plain figures and told for cxactlvjwhat
they arc marked at Strictly One Price.
A fine assortment of Lace goods at
Mrs. G. B. McEwan's.
Home Dludc Caudj-,
Guaranteed pure: at the.Oregon Rakery
A fc'uinij- Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
vjipiy ai iiomen nouse.
Go to Norah Rappleyea's,
Of Fancy Work Materials. Latest styles in
Ilandkcrchlefs ; also a full line of
Ladles Invited to call and examine ijoods.
Stamping Dono to Order.
CassStraet, One door South of Printiug Office.
Ladies'. Misses -
Mil ! M
iirfe- wftfex
pipr'iTrttctKKtu'HIn::::::: :tfjx
KJSIBiiiSliHlll fM
The Leading House of Astoria.
n do all closo buy5rs
ouy tueir aomesr
At tbo Reliable
Herman Wise.
can you pet tho
moat for your money?
Herman Wise,
Tho Eelinblo
Cletiitei: AND Hatteh.
keeps tho best
assorted stock?
Herman Wise,
Occident liailding.
Anne stock to select from. The
best attention paid to customers
and tbo very BOTTOil PRICES
The Reliable
Cloler ad Mer,
Occident Hotel liuilding.
Opposite Star Market.
Garments to Select From.
Fashionable Styles ! !
Both in Cut and Material.
Manufactured by
Every Garmeiituarautecd in
Uit and Workmanship.
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy our Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalledstockandat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only To cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. .
"What's that you say ?" "Havent you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
D. I. Beck & Sons?.
and Children's,
"- :s5r--3P.
iit. .urt&ufe! Jfe3tf