The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 09, 1887, Image 3

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Tat $& gotfjm.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
ASTOKiAj.' Bctcdixg, - - CassStrket.
TcrmK ofSabseriptlon.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
Stf nt by Mall, per month oo cts
" " one year. $7.00
Free of postaj; to subscribers.
Tuk Astouiax guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any new pa
per published on the Columbia river.
Griffin & Reed are at tlie front with
a fine display of holiday goods.
The Willamette, Idaho, and On
yon expect to cross out to-day.
Steelhead salmon are still being
caught in plenty on Lewis river.
At Miss Nora Kappleyea's fancy
.Bazar, ladies will nnd a good assort
ment of novelties.
More grain has thus far been
shipped this season from the Columbia
river than from San Francisco.
The Democratic nominating con
vention will meet at Ross' opera house
at half-past seven this evening.
James Small, aged 17, a sailor on
board the Chittayong, died yesterday
morning of typhoid-pneumonia.
During the recent storm the bridge
across Ohanna creek, near S. K.
Stanley's place, was carried away.
The telegraph line is still out of
order, but Mr. Henderson thinks that
this afternoon it will be in working
shape again.
The weather still continues to bo of
a character that would tend to dis
courage an agent for windmills for ir
rigating purposes.
The British ship Thessalus, 1,782,
six days from San Francisco, and the
barkentine Katie Flickinger, arrived
in yesterday. The Qeo. W. Elder
crossed out.
Travelers and others speak in high
praise of CapL Coulson, of the night
boat for display of skill and nerve in
handling his boat at all hours during
the recent stormy weather.
In the police court yesterday three
Mongolians, captured by officer Ruck
er and charged with smoking opium,
forfeited $10 bail each, and two oth
ers in the same fix forfeited S5 each.
The San Francisco police commis
sioners have re-elected Patrick Crow
ley chief of police for a two-3'ear
term. Thisjs the fifth consecutive
term that chief Crowley has served in
that ci ty.
Parties from Knappa report con
siderable damage done by the late
storm in that vicinity. A boom bo
longing to Mr. A. Knapp, containing
400 M. feet, broke, but, fortunately,
moat of the logs can bo recovered.
Owing to heavy rains along the line
of the California & Oregon the pro
posed celebration and driving of the
last spike have been indefinitely post
poned. It has been left to the offi
cials of the Southern Pacifio to fix the
The Grace Roberts, that was
wreoked on Shoalwator bay a few
days since, was built at Benicia eight
years ago, and her carrying capacity
waB 300 tons. Her owner valued her
at $20,000, apparently a very high
A postoffice employe says that the
gummed surface of a postage stamp
should never be placed on the tongue.
Moisten the other side of the stamp
and the corner of the envelope, or the
latter only, and the stamp will stick
for all it is worth.
Christmas presents will soon be a
matter of discussion and of purchase.
The custom f bestowing presents at
Christmastime is a gracious and com
mendable one, and will continue as
long as human friendship and kindly
feeling animate the hearts of men and
On the outside page D. L. Beck &
Sons make a few remarks appropriate
to the occasion. They have a big
stock of fine goods at low figures and
invite attention thereto. They follow
the advice of A. T. Stewart, the great
New York merchant, "Have a good
thing to sell and advertise it well, nnd
success is yours."
These short, dark afternoons will
get no shorter. Beginning next
Wednesday they will lengthen, and
by the end of the month the sun will
be setting nine minutes later than at
present; but it will be rising twelve
minutes later, so that as to the length
of daylight it will be about a stand
off for a month yet.
Politics and probable candidacies
form the present chief topio of con
versation on the streets. One thing
should remembered by candidate
makers in both ccrventions; a good
"many people are doing their own
thinking, and will vote for the can
didate they think best regardless of
what is said on the surface.
The election of officers last Wednes
day night in Clatsop Lodge, No. 113,
IT. O. of H., resulted in the selection
of the following efficers: A. A. Cleve
land, president, re-elected; Eugene D.
Brooke vice-president; H. A. Smith,
secretary, re-elected; W. C. A. Pohl,
treasurer: Ella C. Brock, chaplain, re
elected; Daniel Cronk, conductor, re
elected; M. Olsen, inner guardian; W.
J. Barry, outside guardian.
The Oregonian hears that the!
freshet in the Cowlitz river caused by
the late storm has swept out every
boom, and turned S250,U00 worth of
logs loose into the Columbia. Half a
dozen steamboats are at work trying
to secure the logs before they get out
to sea. The loss is likely to bo seri
ous. Weidler & Ordtvay's dam on
Abernethy creek is reported broken
and a lot of logs escaped down the
Tuesday night's blow carried away
the flsg staff, rain gauge, and wind
gauge from the top of the Pvthian
building. Sergt. Griffin ha3 replaced
the gauges as he needs them in his
bu3ine3s, but the banners no longer
wavo upon the ramparts of Pythian
Castle. So soon as the flag staff is
repaired we will again be treated to
the sight of groups of excited Mon
golians chattering and pointing to
the caricature of the flag of Chiua
which occasionally waves in notifi
cation of stress of weather.
Some Rains to the North of V.
An impression prevails that it has
been raining hard in Oregon for the
past four days. This is a mistake.
We imagine the rainfall has been
heavy. Now if a man really wants to
see tlie eilects of a beavv rain, he
should take a trip to Tacoma. The
train over the switchback which
should have reached Portland at mid
night Tuesday, arrived here at 3:30
yesterday afternoon. It came through
snow from four to five feet deep on
the summit of the Cascades. The
fall was not heavy but tho nnow had
drifted badly. Then tho sleeping
car broke down. Tho train left
Tacoma at half past two yesterday
morning and encountered a laud
slide about a mile this side which
took several hours to clear. Then
the false work of the bridge over the
Nesqually near Yelm was carried out
and occasioned more delay. The
river was out of its banks and flow
ing at the rate of about eight miles
an hour. It rose six feet Tuesday
night. All the streams between tho
Sound and tho Columbia river were
roaring torrents. Cattle driven to
higher ground by tho floods wero
seen standing in groups, evidently
suffering from tho elements. Orego
nian, 8.
They Parted Friend.
Yesterday afternoon Captain Pen-
held presented Hillory Butler with a
bill of $50.50 for gas burned in his
room during his absence in Califor
nia. Hot words ensued, and after
quite a fracas, the two old settlers
made "up friends and agreed to com
promise. "If you will name a fignte
that is fair and equitable," said But
ler, "I will pay it without a murmur."
"How does a dollar and a halt strike
you?" asked tho captain. "Call it
two dollars," said Butler, "and let me
burn it the balance of the mouth."
"That's a whack," replied the gas col
lector. Tho bill was paid and tho
men parted fast' friends. Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 4.
Considerable Damage Done.
KtfArpA, Dec. 8, '87.
Tuesday night a boom of 450,000
feet of logs, in the mouth of Bear
creek, belonging to A. Knapp, got
away. Eighty logs were lost by
Smith & Marsh on Gnat creek, and it
is reported ihat the Northwest Tim
ber Co.'a uam on the creek has bro
ken again. Weidler s boom near Oak
Point broke and: the night boat was
hindered by the floating logs. The
heavy boom at tho mouth of the EIo
comen is also reported broken.
InvcfttiKatius: tlip -Telephone" Disaster.
Yesterday afternoon steamboat in
spectors Ferguson and McDermott
investigated the cause of the burning
of tho Teleplionc to determine where
the blame laid, if any. It is under
stood that they exonerated the man
agement of the boat from all blame.
News, 8.
Our Christmas Cards
And Novelties arc beyond comparison
to former years. Call and sec them.
Griffin & Kkf.h.
Acknowledged by All
That we have the finest stock of Holiday
Goods and Novelties in the city.
GuirriN"& Rkki).
Call and Make Tour
Selections while our stock is complete;
wc will keep them until called for.
Griffin &Jii:r. i .
A Surprise to All.
Our immense stock of Plush aud
Leather Goods, Brass Novelties, etc.
Griffin & Reed.
Go to Thompson &,
For Atmorc's celebrated Mince ileat in
glass jars, and the New England Con
densed Meat in 1-lb. pkgs., Spies each.
For Plum Pudding, comb and strained
Honey, and pure JIaple Syrup.
For the elegant Dew Drop Corn, Dew
Drop Pumpkin, and Dew Drop Pine
Apple, which have no equal.
For Boston Urown .Bread, Roast Tur
key, and Chicken, and
For fine Jams, Jellies, Apple flutter,
etc., etc.
Home 3Iat1c Cautly,
Guaranteed pure: at the Oregon Bakery
Any case of Croup can be easilv treat
ed and cured by using "Tlie Child's
Couuli Syrup." Full directions -with
eacli package, which can only be pur
chased at Demcnts drug store.
House to IScnt.
.iVDovo me nespitai: lor particulars ap
ply at. this orace.
3Icals Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
This Is a Fact.
In P. J. Goodman's $3 seamless calf
shoe purchasers will find the best value
lor their money on the coast.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup oi delicious conee at if acre s.
Tho best
oysters in any style at
Daring tho past season an effort was
made to enforce the laws of the territory,
which provide for n close season for
salmon in tho Columbia river. Learning
that the laws wero being generally neg
lected, I zaado two visits to the river
counties and personally co-operated with
the sheriffs there to enforce a cessation
of illegal fishing. This was finally ac
complished, more, perhaps, by common
consent than from fear of the laws, which
were considered to be difficult of enforce
ment owing to alleged technnical defects.
The salmon fisheries of the Columbia
and other Washington territorv rivers
will yield from two to threo million dol
lars per annum, according to the season,
for an indefinite time, if prudently and
economically managed. As at present
managed, however, tho industry will bo
destroyed within tho next five years. I
suggest that the matter is of such im
portance that it would justify the ap
pointment of a special committee to con
sider it. A committee of tho Oregon
legislature was appointed at the last ses
sion of that body and given power to in
cur traveling expenses and instructed to
report upon the whole fisherv Question.
As the two commonwealths are jointly
interested in tho protection of tho Co
lumbia river fisheries, I ventured to re
quest of the chairman of that committee
the benefit of its researches. He was
kind enough to intimate that this would
be done, aud I fully expect that at somo
time during your session I will be able to
submit a copy of the report. I took par
ticular pains when I was on the river,
Shoalwator bay and Gray's Harbor to re
quest fishermen of all classes and capital
ists connected with the fishing industry
to make known their views to vour hon
orable body in order that, being fully
advised, you might be able to fram6 n
law that would be just to them all. I
trust thnt they will evail themselves of
the invitation. I bugeest that tho effi
ciency of the laws in regard to fisheries
would bo increased if they provided for
actions in rem, or against tho "gear"
used in violating tho law. Amongst tho
great variety of opinions in regard to
tho matter I came to the conclusion that
alternate periods of open and close sea
sous of say seven or ten days would
auord tho fish a chance to ascend to tho
spawning grounds. Such a law could bo
made to apply to all streams aliko and
would protect n portion of each run of
lish. Tho penalty for violating tho law
should have a low minimum, as it is
difficult to obtain convictions where the
discretion of tho court is limited in the
direction of lenity. Tho maximum, how
over, should bo high, so that offenders
could be adequately punished whero tho
offense is repeated. uov. Scmnlc's Mes
sage to the Washington Territory Leg
In a letter to Senator Dolph, which we
print to-day, State Senator Barin answers
completely tho criticisms made recently
by Gov. Pennoyer upon the Clackamas
salmon hatchery and its location. Upan
comparison of testimony tho governor is
overwhelmed. Tho judgment of Prof.
Livingston Stone, well known as nu ox
pert, supported by that of many practical
fishermen, located the hatchery on the
Clackamas river. Tho weight of evidence
is still in favor of that location. None
other has been proposed that, according
to the best judgment to bo had, is com
parable with it. To defeat tho appeal in
behalf of this establishment is to defeat
the whole scheme of government aid, and
this is tho only possiblo effect of tho
governors letter, which to say the least
was untimely and indiscreet.
Mr. Barin. tho author of the
printed to-day, is tho chairman of tho
joint committee appointed by the legis
lature to investigate tho fishery interests
and report with recommendations at tho
next session, one year from now. Tho
letter to Senator Dolph affords in ad
vance some hints as to what the forth
coming report will be, with reference, es
pecially to tho methods of taking salmon.
Mr. Barin savs: ''After a thorough ex
amination of the fishwheels and tran?
last July by the committee, and the statu
fish commission, also Maj. Jones, U. S.
engineer, who was along by invitation, it
was the opinion of tho entire party tlii.i
with proper restrictions and regulations
trap and wheel fishing could be m;.do
even less hurtful to tho salmon intend
of tho stato than tho gill-net fishing,
which covers the Columbia from Astoria
to tho ocean with a net-work that makes
it almost n miracle for a salmon fit for
propagating purposes to escape." This
is quite sufficient to indicate that tho
committee will not urge a law to pro
hibit fishing by means of wheels aud
trap- Oregonian S.
Three Favorites
Have the following to say jot Wis
dom's Robertine, tho great bcautifier
and preserver of tho complexien:
Portland, Or., Juno 4, 18S7.
ToMr."V. M. Wisdom-Dear Sir: I
have tried your Bobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lad friends, i'elieve me,
yonrs truly, IIuea.
Pobtlaxd. Dec. 1885.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Bobor
tino you so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is tho finest preparation I have ovGr
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jeaxnte "Wecston.
I-obtland, Or., April G, 1887.
Dear Mr. "Wisdem: I have tried your
"Bobertino," and it gives me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tho complexion, being one of the best
articles of tho kind I have ever used. Be
hove me, yours sincerely,
Z. Thebelu.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
Not Seriously Damaged.
Yaqcea Cnrr, Dec. 7. The gale
broke this afternoon and the sea has
gone down so rapidly that it is proba
ble tho Yaquina City can bo hauled
off to-morrow. Tho ship is resting
easily and has made no water at all.
Tho damage to her upper works by
the heavy sea has been very small,
and unless further gales prevail, she
will be in berth to load and sail for
San Francisco on schedule time.
Mr. N. II. Frolichstein, of Mobile, A
writes: T take great pleasure in recn
mending Dr. King's New Discovery :
mending Dr. King s New Discovery for
uonsumpuon, naving used it lor a se
vere attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh.
It gave me instant relief and entirely
cured me and 1 have not been afflicted
since. I also beg to state that I had
tried other remedies with no good re
sult Have also used Electric Bitters
and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of
which 1 can recommend.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on
a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free
at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug store.
Telephone X.o4ging House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
GO and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
J. G. Megler and wife aro registered
at the Occident.
A. E. King and Eev. G. C. Hall
came up from Hwnco yesterday after
noon. Jas. Thompson left last evening on
a four months' "visit to Vincennes,
Henr Sherman went to Portland
last evening to get somo cutters, etc.,
for his livery stauie.
Chas. Davis, late at Tillnmook rock
light, goes to Point Robinson; J. B.
Hunt, of Tatoosh, take3 his place.
D. A. Pease, of Skipanon, was in
the city yesterday. Hearing of Mr.
and Mrs" Bergman's silver wedding
the day before, he remarked that in
'93 he and his wife, if alive, would cel
ebrate their golden wedding, an event
which they both bid fair to see.
A Deserved Compliment.
Concerning women and apples
there comes to the Pittsburg Post.
along the north 1'acinc coast, an item
of information. This has no refer
ence to Eve. Ono of tho peculiarities
of Oregon is the "dry rain." It is
known as the "dry" rain because,
however it may drizzle, it does not
seem to saturate the air and depress
the spirits by impeding tho natural
evaporation and healthy action of the
skin. Doubtless this peculiarity of
climate is largely responsible for the
remarkably beautiful complexions of
Oregon nnd "Washington women,
though something may be duo to the
fact that as children they live almost
entirely upon fruit It is said that
neither in" the east nor in any part of
Europe can the apples comparo with
those of Oregon. They havo a rich
ness nnd delicacy of flavor which
must persuade auy one that if ap
ples were only less abundant they
would be considered superior in taste
and fragrance to those tropical and
semi-tropical fruits which aro moro
highly valued because of their scarci
ty in onr latitude. In most parts of
tho east an apple is an apple, and
few people know or care about tho
names of different kinds; but an Ore
gonian would no more eat certain
kinds of apples than ho would a raw
I5ii.ine.s.s N J5o.slne.
"It was the last request of the de
ceased," said a Kansas City minister
in the course of the funeral sermon of
ono of that city's most active real
estate boomers, "that immediately af
ter the services at tho grave, an auc
tion sale of lots, in his Prospect Park
addition, be held, and for that pur
pose Colonel Inflater, the well-kuown
real estate auctioneer, will be present
to conduct the sales. A strange re
quest, you will say, my friends, and a
queer place for such a sale in a cem
etery. My own idea,'' said the minis
ter, as he propped up the back cover
of the Biblo with the hymn book,
"was to have the procession go
around by Prospect Park with a brass
band and hold the auction right on
tho lots before going to the cemetery
at all; then buyers could see just
what they were getting. But, then,
no two men ever conducted a real
estate boom exactly alike, and the
dying wish of the brother shall bo
complied with. Sing tho 27Hth hvran i
--the 275th: 4Away, vain earthly!
Wonderful Cures,
W. I), llnyt & Co.. Wholesale and
iioLiil DruggiMs of Koine. Ga.. sav:
avo have been M-liiiig Dr. King's Ne'w
Discovery. Electric Hitters and Buek
len's Arnica Salve lor four years. Have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give sueli universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them alwavs.
Sold by W. E. Dement & Co.
lor Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed gi:amntecon every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. it never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
Why will you cougii when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and $1. Sold by W. E. De
ment. All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-c-m
be bought at the lowest prices, at.l. W.
Gum's drui: store, opposite Oe'iuent
hotel, Astoria.
.Private Ztooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
For the very best pictures go to II.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Are j on made miserable by Indiges
tion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of
Appetiie, Yellow Skin ? Slnoh's Yital
izcr is a positive cure. For sale bv W.
E. Dement & Co.
Street Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda "Works.
(nmhriuus Beer
And Free Lnnrh at tlie Telephone Sa
loon. . cents.
The Rev. Geo. J I. Thayer, of Uour
bon, lnd., says: "Roth mjelf and wife
owe our lives toSnii.oifs Consumption
Cuuk." Sold by W. E. Dement,
A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at llolden House.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive euro for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W.E. Dement
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called --The Child's Cough Syrup"
is now for sale onlj- at Dement's drug
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town at Fabre's.
For the best photographs and tintypes
) to Crow's Gallery. . ,
Ladies', Misses -7 p
slid uiiiiflren Si
5tjgjgjjj;;::: jfrfMip'
fH3S& HS:rHHI:Et:::::::i: S&f
The Leading House of Astoria.
do all close buyers
buy their clothes?
At tho Beliable
Herman Wise.
can you Ret the
most for your money?
Herman Wise,
The Iteliable
Cletitiei: axd Hattee.
keeps the best
assorted stock?
Herman Wise,
Occident liailding.
A fine stock to select from. The )
best attention paid te customers J
and the very BOTTOM PRICES )
The Reliable
Occident Hotel liuildinir.
Opposite Star Market.
... ''
Garments to Select From.
I- AT?
le Styles
Both in Cut and Material.
Manufactured by
Every Garment Guaranteed in
Fit and Workmanship.
The Railroad
But We Can't Wait for Either,
Bill must buy our Family Snpplies Tight
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, -tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall fill up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
all ;at
D. I. Beck & Sons9.
s Comings
sAt. -"