w $Jtc gaitg itftorarc. ASTORIA. OEEGON: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7. 1SS7 THE NEW SCANDINAVIA. Theke are to-day iu tlie United States about one and three-quarter millions Scandinavians. Of this 1,750,000 about half wero born in the three kindred Scandinavian countries of Swoden, Xorway and Denmark; the other halt are their children, born in this country. There are some noticeable features connected with Scandinavian immi gration to America. The official immigration records of this country' begin in 1820. During the GO years from 1820 to 1SS0 there came from Scandinavia but 450,000 out of a total European immigration of 10,000,000. But since 1880, about 500,000 Scandinavians have come across the sea. The past seven years have seen a larger immigration of Scandinavians to the United States than the precediug sixty years. Sweden has about 4,500,000 inhabit ants; Norway about 1.900,000, and Denmark about 2,000,000; so that the proportion of Scandinavian immi grants is at present greater than that of any other European country. Of the present Scandinavian popu lation hero there about 875,000 Swedes, 025,000 Norwegians, and 250,000 Danes. "With only one-fortieth of the popu lation of Europe, the countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark have, in the past seven years, sent one eighth of the entire number of Euro pean immigrants to the United States. That is, 2jj per cent of Europe's pop ulation has in that time sent 12 per cent, of the total European immigra tion. The Scandinavians have concen trated in the northwest, and there aro areas in that section of the American Union that have a denser Scandina vian population than parts of the Scandinavian peninsula itself. Of the cities, Minneapolis and Chicago are notable illustrations of the truth of this assertion. There aro more thau 00,000 Scandinavians in the city of Minneapolis; more than 50,000 in Chicage: more than 1)0,000 in St Paul. One-third of the population of Min nesota and Dakota, one-sixth that of Illinois and Wisconsin, and a large percentage of the population of Kan sas, Nebraska, Michigan, Oregon and Washington, come from the king doms of the Baltic. They como for the same reason that impels so many millions to look west ward across the Atlantic to better their condition, and they are general ly buccessful. The Scandinavians are a lieaity, manly race on whom the yoke of home monarchy has borne lightly, and who make good citizens of the American republic. They almost unanimously believe in American ideas, become American citizens, lake prominent part in politics and government, work hard and intelligently and accumulate property. By reason of this they form a valuable addition to our na tion and have in this new western world a bright future. Sometime, in the next century may be, will begin to be developed the typical American, the man, who, made up of the bast of the traits of all who have come here from the old coun tries, will be in every souse American. In him will unite that which deserves to survive of the Norseman, the Sax on, the Celt, the Tenton and the Latin, and when that typical Ameri can doe.? appear he will have in his make-up considerable of the industry, thrift and common sense that .so strongly mark the Scandinavian im migrants of our day. The fodoral government of Switzer land has gono into the liquor business on the principle that has already been tested in the Scandinavian kingdoms. The distillers are required to sell only to the government, which will guaran tee the quality of the liquor it sells in regulated shops. The plan includes only rectified spirits or concentrated alcohol. Diffused alcohol, such as is contained in wine and in cider, is not considered in this legislation. As Switzerland has the credit, by statis tics, of being the drankenest country in Europe, the new plan is an effort to regulate prices, number and quality of the drains sold to habitual consum ers. It looks like a very remote stage of repressive control, but is considered to be a beginning in that direction. The East Oregonian makes just and sensible comment on the recent decision of Judges Sawyer and Deady in the case wherein Judge Denny sued J. C. Dodson, the res gesta of which was tlie question whether the government grant to the Northern Pacific railway conferred a present title. Our eastern state contemporary pertinently asks: "What was the ne cessity of providing for patents, if the grant itself conferred a present title?" The government experiments this year in making sugar from sorghum are said to have been very successful. On fair boil the yield of cane was twelve tons. The average yield of su gar per acre was about fifteen hundred pounds, and of syrup 180 gallons. It is claimed that at this rate, even at the present low price of sugar, the busi ness of making sugar from sorghum would be very profitable. Scientists claim that a tide-mill lo cated at the Bay of Fundy would gen crate 700,000-horse-power twelve hours in a day. This distributed electric ally and sold to everv state in the Union would save the coal supply. A New Life-Savins: Station. Pout Towxsend, Dec.2. There ar rived this morning on the Olympian Lieut Chas. A. McClellan, insDector of life-saving stations, Major Blake uey, superintendent of the 12th dis trict life-saving servico, and Mr. Von Beyer, civil engineer. They were re ceived by Capt. Russell Glover, of the revenue cutter Oliver Wolcott, who took them on board that vessel and proceeded down the straits to Neah bay. Lieut. McClellan i3 under in structions from the chief of the life saving service, Summer L Kimball, to report upon the practicability of re moving the station now at the Indian village to "Wa-adah island, which is nearly opposite. Where the station is now situated it would bo an impossibility to launch a life-saving boat in case of di; aster to a vessel, owing to a ledge of rocks which make off from the station sea ward. The placing of the build ing in a position whero the boat could not be used has been matter of conjecture to all who are acquainted with maritime mat ters, and who have the interests of the seafaring class at heart .Lvcry mariner who enters and departs from the straits knows that at Neah bay is located a life saving station, and be lieves that in time of disaster the life boat would be manned and im mediately sent to the relief of those in imminent danger. "What would be their astonishment if they knew that although the sta tion is kept in first class order by keeper Koepman, and the boat is in its place, it could not be launched ex cepting in the smoothest of weath er, on account of the ledge of rocks The island already referred to be longs to the war department, and af ter Lieut McLellan's report has been acted upon by the secretary of tho treasury, a site will bo asked for from the war department and a new sta tion built. Tacoma Ledger Special NEW TO-DAY. Astoria Art Studio. Mrs. Allie M. Davidson, Has rp-opened her Classes for lessons In Oil, water uoior, uraynn, rasiei, etc Fainting on l'lush. Velvet and Satin. Terras, 50 cents per lesson. Hours. 9 to 12, and 1 to 4 Q. Room 1, oier old City Book Store. Fop Supt. of Streets. I take this method of announcing nijself :is :i canaiaate tor me outce. ot superintend ent or streets ot this eltj, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic nominating conven tion. J. T. I.KASY. W. L. Robb &Co. SAX,:ION BROKERS, And Fire Insurance Agents. REPRESENTING The following well-known Home Fire Insur :mc companies : HomeMutual of California ; California, of Cila. ; Columbia Fire and Ma rine of Oregon ; Phuniix of London. A General Commission and Insurance bus iness transacted, Offlce at L W. Case's Hank. Resolutions C. R. F. P. U. At a nipctlngof the Columbia 1th cr Fish- pnnetrs rrotectivc union Held at Ubertv Hall on December ah. Jf7. it was unani mously resohed that the established prices of labor, as adopted last season by this Un ion, be upheld this coming season, to wit: for Knitting, ', cent per incsh ; for Hangin" and Sclvcging a net, S15 ; for a Day's Work of a hours. $2.50: and that no machine or Chinese made nets will be tolerated or used by any member of this Union. It was also further resolved that anvnets maderby non-Union men will be nor 'fished by members of this Union. By order or the C. 11. F J Union. ALEX. SIT TON. Secretary. GRAND And Ball By The Scandinavian Benevolent Society, At Ross' Opera House, December 29th, 887. Children's Christmas Festival from to s o'clock In tho Afternoon. Grand Rail after 8 o'clock. The Western Amateur Baud has been se cured, etc., etc., etc. Admlgsion, Children - - . oOrfs (Each Child will Receive a Gift.) Spectators ifrom 4 to 8) - a. - .7 etg Tickets for the Ball - - - SI.OO COMMITTEE OF ATIRAXCEMKNTS : Martin Olskx. Ava Daxielsok. Euick Joiinsok. J. 3L Olsek. Fkaxk Eklukd. flUFIESl WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds ol woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. Itgoei DefD and Merer Stick. CABNAHAN & CO Acanti Aitori. Price, 11.60. SKEi tKzrnamaf J.C.Trullinger GMstmas FestiYa H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. WATCHES, CLOCKS AM) JEWF.LK AT Lowest Prices Watch aud Clock Repairing a SjwcuJty. SHOP On the Roadway, next to Aug, Daniels m' AGENCY- MColeiaite. Or SAX FRANCISCO. Flavci's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. CaniiiTjr Supplies ai Lowest 1'nres. Stonw and Insurance at Current i:.itf. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agt-nt. It. II. Coleman. Accountant. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS. Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dall. O;poilto Cltj Hook Mtoit:. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATING CONVENTION. At "a meeting of Democrats held In the county court room, Nov. 19th, for the con sideration ot the coming city elt-ctiou, the County Democratic Central Committee were authorized to make the following call lor a City Democratic Nominating Com enllou : All Democrats and all others not Identi fied with any other political organization, and intending to ote the Democratic tick et, who are entitled to vote at the coming city election, art requested to assemble in MASS CONVENTION In the Opera House, on the e enlug of December atn, at 7 i o'clock. You will then proceed to nominate can didates for the various cit offices, and transact Mich other business as may proper ly may be brought before that convention. ALFRED KINNEY. Chairman of Com. R. L. 1IOYLE. See, Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging, Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. tinoi. corner Main and Jefferson Strivi" MARTIN OLSEN. BOOTS & SHOES P.J.GOODMAN. Genuine English Porpoise Shoe for GfnU. Ladles' Flexible. Shoes in FRENCH. KANGAROO & DONGOLA KID. Boys' and Youths' Shots of all kinds, Missfc. Children'?, and Infants' Heels and Spring Heels We Deal in Boots and Shoes Only SCOTCH Salmon Twines During the month of December we will be In receipt of a full stock or Salmon Twine of the above reliable brand, of the following sizes; No. 40, 10. 12. is. aud U pit. No. 30, 5, 7, o, and to ply. And prepared to fill all orders. ALLEN & LEWIS, Agents. Portland, No. 23, '87. Fashionable Dressmaking. MRS. JOHNSON. A First-class Dressmaker, latelv from the East, is associated witli Miss M. L. Richardson, On Cass Street. 3 doors .south of Thk Abto hia office, ibere they arc pre pared to do Dressmaking In All Its Branches. LildlPS. fivp tllPlil n )11 nttil ltiiiiniiipil A perfect Fit Guaranteed. BAZAR. Co to Norah Rappleyea's, For Everything In the line of Fancy Work. A full asnr: ment or Ladies' Underwear. Bridal Sets, La- Fancy Fringes, Novelty Braids, etc. etc WU3JUCU, yjiii: uuut jvouuiui .rnnuuKUi fice. MEMORY IVfcelly HBllke artificial systems. Any book learned lu one reading:. aud Proctor, the Scientist, HonV W. V. Astor, Jouaii P. Bbnjamxx. Dr, SIixor, KJ PlflCO nf IfVt OnlaimHlM T ohirlanta . Hun "w v. AW AIUIIMUa 1V SIUUC11U , HI V classes of 20o each at Yalo ; 400 at University uixeuu. rAiia,;aoai uuerim uouee, aim &c. Prospectus post frke from TKOF. LO ISETTE. 237 Fifth Ave., N. T. Cannery For Sale. The Pacific Union Cannery, At Upper town is offered for sale with Five Lots on which the property is situated and adjacent : two ot the lots having a water froataceofloOfeeton the ship channel of the Columbia river. The cannery and be longings is lu good order throughout. For farther particulars inquire at this offlce. W SB WHOLESALE AND J1IITA7L DEALEK IK ine Groceries, Provisions and M Feed. Crockery, Glass f; Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of resli Fruits and getables. lleceivcd fresh everv Steamer. .3? New Goods, New Location Wp arc now in our .Now Quarters ami !nsy niti'iiing a line of IKMIOVY (j(M2S tnatwill fairly iaz7le your eyes. Keir IVoi cities in PInsli. 15r:jss ami Ycntlirr ;hm1.. m-riu.i Direct fror.i Kuteni Manufacturer-:. An Immense Slock of Toys on the Way, These floods ueie pureliaseil for CASH, ami v .ill -.ell tiiem at Satisfactory I'rices. We. Do Xot rl.uni to fiive floods away, hut we tlo claim 5o give full Value for Your Money. OUR LINE OF HOLIDAY Look Out for Our Plain, Simple, Ordinary Opening. Do not forget that c have JJeinnvpil from mir Old Quarters and now occupy the Fine Large .Store in KWSEVS ISZtlCK EXVILmftK. Carriffm H Heed, FIRE BRICK DK.VI.KU IN Hay, Oats, anil Straw, Lime, Brick. Cemt, Said anil Plaster WooJ Dellrereil In Onlrr. Drajln'r, Tfauilnaml Kxprcsi Uuslnes. rvj-r 2Sr iJrr'rvv- n t---s - - Z 1EH apply ten he Captain, or to FRESH GROCERIES AI PROVISIONS Promptly Delivered AT LOWEST PRICES IN ANY PART OF THE CITY. Fruits and Vegetables In Reason. Ker tiling W:u ranted as Kept evented. Corner Ulienannts and Jieuton Streets. The IMew Model Eange CAN UK 1IAI) IN B iCBfeH rifeAifSadki mm cMTll Aeut. Call and Examine It; You Wid be Headed. E. it. Hawcs Is also Agent for tlie Buck Patent Oooking Stove, AND OTIIEU FIIWT CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings. Etc.. a Specially. A Full Stock on Hand. UNEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED 1842. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Purse Seines. SatanToM Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. 3TFish Xettings of all kinds supplied the lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Gold Guaranteed to bo tho strongest and most PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE is manufactured only by ourselves, directly from the raw material, and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cheaner fmulps. ? Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston, Philadelphia and London. American Het and Twine Company, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. rTaT? - l BOOKS IS COMPLETE. FIRE CLAY STKAHIKIt !LiaA nnm 'J Lben P. Parf:er,Master. : For roWlXfi. l.KEIt!IlT urCIIAK- XI. B. PAItKKK. ASTOl'.U, ONLY OF CAPITAL Srcaoon at the shortest possible notice, and at Medal Twines. desirable tvnno now made especially for the Hosiery and U WE HAVE JUST KECEIVED DHJECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTURERS A LARGE LOT OF Gents', Mm' arid Children's Hosiery aid JMerra?. Also a full line of German Yarns, Saxony Yarns, . Victoria Zephyrs. Embroidery Silks, Knitting Silks, in all Colors and Shades. Sole agent in Astoria for the Celebrated Drial it Co's French Shoes, aud Laird, Scbober .te Mitchell's Fine Shoes. THE EMPIRE STORE W. T. PARKER, Manager. a., C3r. :s3:E!zg:i&.:5.,3?:o:, COLT'S New Lightning, 40 and 45-80. COLT'S Now Baby Shotgun, 28-inch. COLT'S 44, 41 and 38, Single and Double Action Revolver. Lord Conlin, and Diamond 22 cal. Pistols. Our Immense New Stock Consisting of 4 CAR LOADS of fine Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Qi! Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, the benefits thereof wo propose to share with our customers. Call and See Us. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA A E INSURANCE CO. FJtAKK. DEKUM .Preshleiit V. If. SMITH. ..Vice-President JOHN' A. CHILD Secretary 2Co. 1C0 Second St, Tortland, Or. !. W. Caso, Agont, Astoria, Or. Elmore, Sgnborn & Go. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. KenreseutlDK the Largest and Most tolla ble Hre Insurance Companies. All Business proraptl yjand accurately tran acted. Flavels Wharf. Astoria Oregon. CAPITAL STOCK - - S500,000 THE NORTHWEST JExtg eft? 3&0?Jba.o INSURANCE CO. P. E. Beach President J. McCraken Vice President J. Loewenberg. Treasurer It. P. Earhart.... Sec'y and Jlanaqer DISECTOUS, .T.Loew enber J. K. Gill. H. L. nttock, K.K.Arnold, F.M.Warren. J. McCraken, F. K. Beach, DJXOliphant, F. Eggert Xo. 33 Washington street, Portland, Or. R. L. BOYLE, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. Omce at I. X. L. Packing Co, Deposited in Orepn, $300,000 ASSETS, 855.801.233. Koval, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Com binatton Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germania of Xeiv York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, MAKISE IXSURASCE COVERED BY OUR OPEX POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. MBffl Look Out! For the Grand Opening -A-t v noerwear i CHAS. HE5LBORN. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial or California Agricultural, of. Watertown, tfaw York, London & Lancashire ot Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $67,000,000. B. VAX UI7HEX. Agent. Seaside Bakery. Resl 3Iilk Bread aud CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candles. AUD Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer la Candles. J?. II. JACKSON. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Bool Bread, Caie ai Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. la ConcomlySt., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Wachinists ait Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOIX.ER WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCIALTr, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. .... President. .... ...Secretary ....Treasurer. ..Superintendent. J. G. HUSTLEK, ... I. W. CASE 1 JOHN FOX. j "P22.0 . it . Astor Iron Worts New York Novelty Store., -' .y