The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 03, 1887, Image 3

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tSltc fjaltjj gtstmm
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 els
Sent by Mail, per month... . 0 cts
" " " one j ear. 7.00
Free of postago to subscribers.
"' TliEASTaRfA guarantees to "its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
. perpublished on the Columb'a river.
The county jail haB four occupants.
' Uepublican primaries from ton
four to-day.
No mail yet ou the night boat.
Why is this thus?
The last spike on the California &
Oregon railroad will be driven next
Democratic convention next Fri
day; Republican convention next Sat
'Mday; election 14th inst
At 8 o'clock last evening a beauti
ful lunar rainbow ppanned the west
ern sky, a rare phenomenon.
Portland has decided to spend $5,
000 in celebrating the completion of
the California Oregon railroad.
It is now thought that the ques
tion 'of title as to the hall in Union
town will result in a sheriff's sale.
B. M. Wooden's little boy, whose
leg was broken about a month ago,
was yesterday able to be on the street.
The Manzanita is on the Sound
and will stay there till the 20th inst.
There are about 20. stake lights to
put up.
The German ship Ferdinand
Fischer, 1,726, 9 days from San Di
ego, and the W. W. Case arrived in
At ten o'olock this morning B. S.
Worsley will sell at auction at Main
street t wharf, some fishing gear in
" good condition.
- - . -
A logger from Mcintosh's camp
came over last evening, with his left
arm badly lacerated by falling ou a
saw, for surgical aid.
At his auction rooms today F.
O. Holdeu will sell at 11 a. m., an as
sortment of second-hand furniture
and household effects.
- Concomly street in front of Holt &
"'Xj6?A mill is being raised to the grade.
That block eastward presents a very
singular appearance at present.
For guns, sporting goods, reliable
fire arms and ammunition, Spexarlh's
continues to be headquarters. He
has some fine new goods and invites
Further reports from Fort Stevens
are to the effect that there are about
. fifty men driving piles there, and op-
' erations are being pushed so long as
the weather permits.
Instructed by Carnahan & Co., B.
S. Worsley will dispose of a miscella
neons assortment of furniture, stoves,
bedding, etc., on the O. R. & N. Co.'s
wharf, at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
There is some salmon yet at the Si
uslaw, Nestucoa, Tillamook and
Gray's harbor, but the bulk of this
year's outside pack has been brought
to this city and shipped from here in
every direction.
.The adjustment of the loss of the
steamer relephone u finished, says
the Oregonian. The owners will re
ceive the full amount of the insur
ance 830,000 less about 52,000 salv
age on machinery.
Yesterday wa? showery and warm:
just such a day as would be called
"nice' in the early part of May in the
northern Mississippi valley. Flowers
. are in bloom in luxuriant fragrance,
and the hill slopes are green as emer-
. aia... .
Capt. Flavei returned yesterday
from .Tanzy Point He proposes to
nave the mineral water in his well an
alyzed. Should it equal Appollinaris,
White Rock or Bethesda, it will be
but another article of value in Clat
sop. c!r -
"The British ship Lady Lawrence,
and, the British bark Australia,
Reared for QueenBtown yesterday,
the first of the December fleet. The
former carries 76,908 bus. wheat,
worth 853,616; and the latter 63.192
bus., worth 845,500.
The committee on remodeling and
rearranging the lower floor of Rescue
No. 2's engine room for the placing
of the horses, etc., opened three bids,
one from Surprenant & Ferguson,
of $500; one from W. B. Headington,
for $400, and one from Holt &Mc
Curtrie for 8374.
Under date of the 1st inst, aMisha
waka correspondent writes that the
weather is cold, and some have begun
to feed their stock. The panthers are
unusually bold and are' taking sheep
whenever they get a chance. The
county road to Olney is iu good re
pair. The bachelors of Mishatfaka
meet occasionally and have a stag
"Who has not heard of the oharge
of the f mo us six hundred, at Balak
lava! "When shall their glory fade;
oh, the wild charge they made, noble
air hundred," sings Tennyson. Eev.
A. LeBoy, in charge of the Baptist
ohuroh of this city, is one of that
famous light brigade, who, "stormed
at with shot and shell,1 rode through
to the Russian lines that famous day
at Balaklava.
The Oregon- is d-ie from San Fran
cisco to-day, with the following pas
sengere: D. C. Williams, O. T.
Thomes, Mre. Ward and nurse, H.
Bauer, A. S. Johnson, T. Arnold, J.
It. Tafft, E. Geritcher, L. H. Phypps
and wife, H. B. Kees and wife, C. M.
Curtis and wife, G. Y. Krietner, Dr.
Ward A. Simon, Mrs. W. A Patson,
M. Kellogg, N. J. Kast, Mrs. E. V.
Lark, J. A. Pack, F. S. Forest, J.
Rosenberg, Mrs. Eaton, Mr. Edge
comb, W. A. Wilson.
Serg't Griffin's mouthly meteoro
logical summary for November shows
that the mean barometer during the
month- was 30.02: highest, 30.43. on
the 17th: lowest, 29.54, on the 11th:
the mean temperature was 455": the
highest, GO, on the 9th: the lowest.
30.01, on the 26th: the prevailing di
rection of the wind wa3 NE.: the to
tal movement of wind, 5,006 miles:
highest velocity, 30 miles. The total
rainfall for the month was 8.11 inches:
(in November, '86, the rainfall was
2.63 inches: '85, 12.45: '84, 4.84.) There
was no fogjs,y day in Nevember: there
were 6 clear days, 9 fair ones, and 15
Geo. W. Hume returns to Califor
nia to day.
John Myers, of Clackamas, has been
appoiuted by the president. United
States marshal for the district of Or Or
eeon: A. J. Wherry and bride, who uere
married near Amity, Yamhill Co.,
last Thursday, arrived yesterday af
ternoon. To-day's Primaries.
At today's Republican primaries,
the polling place for voters of the
First ward will be at No. 2's engino
heuse: the judges will bo J. O. Bo
zorth, Wm. Chance, Jas. W. Hare:
clerks. Geo. Goodell, H. C. Thomp
son. The polling place for voter.- of the
Second ward will be at H. Voege's,
next door to Aug. Dauiekau'rf: the
judges will be D. H. Welch, Chris.
Evenson and Jo5. Higgius: clerks,
Leo Loving3 and Wm. Hnmbel.
In Brief, and to The Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and
wonderful things iu existence. It is
easily put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, bloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and nany
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a na
tion of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that tbey
can enjoy their meals and be hapny.
Remember: No happiness without
health. Bnt Green's August Flower
bnngR health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
What Was tho Matter With Her 3Ionth?
Mrs. Laugtry has fired her leading
actor. Bob Hilliard, for kissing her
shoes. Ex.
C. R. F. P. U.
Regular meeting of the Columbia
River Fishermen's Protective union
will bo held on Tuesday, December
6th, at their reading room, at 7:30 P.
ai. Members in good standing are
requested to attend.
A. Seafiem),
A. Sutton, Sec'y.
Wautrrt to tcut
A good upright Piano. Address, stat
ing terms, etc., 'Piano,' astokiax of
fice. Waiitoil
A girl for cenera! housework in a sinal I
family at Fort S'evens. Apply to P G.
Ea-twick. Fort Stevens, or to J. N. Gnf
fin, Astoria.
Thi Is a Ftu-t.
In P.J. Goodman's S3 seamless calf
shoe purch-isfr.. will find the best value
for their money or. tht coat.
JOo You Wmit
A line Rnzor, guaranteed to he in every
way satisfactory? Or first-class Perlum
cry or toih-t article-? Or a luxurious
shave, ox artistic hair-cut? If oudo
call on L. Dupark. at the Parker House,
and jou will be well pleased.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan ifi'vt.
Catarrh cured, health and swept
breath .it-cured by bhiloh's Catarrh Ilem
edv. Price" r0 cents. Nasal Injector freo
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Croup, Whooping Cough and bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement.
best oysters iu any jtyic at
House to Ki-ut.
Desirable private residence: rented
low to responsible party, inquire
this office.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup"
U now for sale only at Dement's drug
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
Any case of Croup can be casilv treat
ed and cured by using "The 'Child's
Couch Syrup." Full directions with
each package, which can only be pur
chased at Dement's drug store.
A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, librarv.
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Ten cents lor a cup of fabre's nice
Eesiguation of the Trench President.
Dublin's Lord Mayor Sent to Prison.
Louisville, Ey.f Dec- 2. Tho
town of Eminence, Kentucky, was
partially destro. ed by fire early this
morning. Tho flames were raging
and at 450 a. n. one-third of the bus
iness portion of tho town was in
ruins. The wind is blowing bard and
there is no chance of stopping
tho conflagration unless the wind
Pakis, Dec. 2, uoon. Everything is
quiet throughout the -city thus far
The police "declare -they arrested M.
Paul De Boulede and Lonis "Michel
yesterdayta save them from violence
at tho hands of tLe crowd, ibe pa
pers are generally of the opinion that
after the events of yesterday presi
ident Grevy cannot postpone bis res
ignation. They approve the attitude
of tho chambers as calm and digni
fied. F012CED TO ItESIGX.
Paws, Dec. 2, 1:30 r. sr. President
Grevy's resignation has been sent to
the president of tho senate and cham
ber of deputies. It will be read at
the opening of the sitting of the
Dublin, Dec. 2. The trial of lord
mayor Sullivan for printiugin his pa
pers reports of a suppressed branch
of tho national league, took place to
day, and resulted in his conviction.
Sullivan was sentenced to two
months' imprisonment, but without
Dublin, Dec. 2. Lord mayor Sul
livan took his seat on the judge's
bench in tho court of assizes to-day,
and kept it until his commission was
read. He then made a formal protest
against the omission of his name aud
withdrew from court. Sexton and
the high sheriff accompanied him in
his withdrawal.
Dublin, Dec. 2. Timothy Harring
ton, member of parliament for tho
harbor division of Dublin. wa3 ar
rested to-day in this city. He is a
brother of Edward Harrington, the
member of parliament who was ar
rested at Trnlee, county Kerry, yes
Springfield, Mas-.. Dec. 2. Kork
ham & Olmstead's block was gutted
by fire this merning: loss, 8100,000.
will re a long message.
New York, Dec. 2. A Washington
special to the Tribune saya: the pres
ident, at a meeting of the cabinet yes
terday, submitted a rough draft of
his forthcoming annual message to
congress, and it will again be sub
mitted on Fridny to the cabinet in
the form in which it is to be sent to
congress. Meanwhile speculation is
rifo as to what will bo one of the
longest official documents ever writ
ten by Mr. Cleveland. Those who
know say it will contain 22,000 words.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
J. O. Hanthorn and wife to O. W.
Knowle?, blk. 107, Adair's Astoria,
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Robertiue, the great beautifier
and preserver of the complexien:
Pobtiasd, Or., Juno 4. 1PST.
ToJIr.W. M. Wisdom Dear Sir: I
have tried yourBobertiuu. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all ray lady friends. Believo me,
yours trn'ly, Khea.
Poqtlaxd. Dec, 188.".
To Mr. W. M. Wisdom. The 'ltober
tiue yon so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is tbo finest preparation I have ever
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Youra truly,
Jeaxnie Winston.
Pobtiand, Or., April 6, 1887.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I buve tried your
"JRobertine." and it cives mo much
pleasure to sny that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of tho best
articles of tho hind I have ever usod. Be
lieve rae, yours sincerely,
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
druggists, Astorin, Oregon
Will v.u stiflcr with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? bhiloh'a Vitalizer K
u'laranteed to cure j on. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Shiloh's Coiiiiti aua Consumption
Cine is -old by u- on guarantee. It
csnv 'titi'.tMUpTlou. Sold by W.E. De
ment l-"'i- i.mie Hack, Side tr t l:cM u
Msi?'K !'ris Plaster, Pr:c- !" ecu's.
For -ule bv W. E. Dement.
(Sinlriiiii Hvrr
And Free Lunch at Use Telephone Sa
loon, 3 cents.
That Hacking Cougn can ie mi
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Snld lv W. K. Dement.
Shiloh's Vitulizeriit yuu need
fr Constipation. Lo of Appetite. Diz-Ii:e-s
and all symplouis-of Dyspe:Ma.
Piicei(i:uid7." cent? pr bottle, sold
by W. E. Dement.
Prirate llooini.
At Frank Fabrc's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to order.
Telephone I.of;;in House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts per week $1SX. New and
clean. Private entrance.
All tlio patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet artichs, etc. can
e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hetel, Astoria.
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town at Fabre's.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Oar oldct chiW, now nx years of ase.
when an infant fix months old wa attack d
rith a virulent, malicnant s in diica?o. All
ordinarv reraodirs f.ulin?. wocallcd war fam
ily phvjiciHn. who atiemptod to cure it: but
it ypre d with Almost incrcdib c ranidhy, un
til tho loirer portion if tno lit lo fellotr'a pr
Fon. froia tho middle of hi back down to hi
kno i. was ono r ' lid rah. ugly, painful,
blotch d, and nnlicious. no had no ret at peaco by day. Hnally, wo wcro
auri-ed to try tho Cimccp. v Kkukdiks. i ho
off ct wa- fimply marvollous. In hreo or
four week? i compleio euro km wrought,
leaving the little fellow's cr.on as white and
healthy a though he had never been at
tac ed In rav opinion your valuable reme
dies ?arcd his life, and to-day he is a rot g.
heal hy chi d, pcrft-ctly well r. repetition of
the disease having ever occurred
Att'y at Law and Ex-Pros. Att'y. A?hland.O.
KLfKnK.scE. J. tJ. U cht, Drugsist, Ashland.V
Arc born into the world every day with Fome
eczemutou afiec ion, such as milk crut. seal!
head, curf. or dandruff sure Jto develop into
an azonizing cczcuia, the itchinr. burning
and dtsQgur tion of which mako life a pro
longed torture unions properly treated.
A warm bath with CctiruEA i-o p, an er
qut'ito .-kin Iieatiaer. and a single applica
tion orCu iclr. tho Great ?kin Curo, with a
IittloCunru; tho New Blood
i urifior. is often sufli ient to arrest tho prog-re-?
of the diea-o, and point to a speedy and
permanent curo
Hence, no mother who love3her children,
who takes prido n their beauty, purity, and
health, ana in bestowing upon tbem a child a
createst inheritance-a skin without a blem
ish and a body nourished by pure blood.
should fail to mako trial cf the Ccticuba
Sold t-verj where. Price:
rents; oai. :5 cents ;Usoi.vkm'. $100.
Prepared by tho ro-rrni Drug axd Chkm notion, .Mass
Send for "How to Uirc Skin DiscaoV'6l
pages. 5'i illustration, and 100 testimonial
D ADV'O ?kin and Scalp preserved and
beautiacd by Ccticcka iltm-
CATEt ao i:.
Constitutional Catarrh.
Xo Mnglo dieao has entailed mora uficr
incor hastened the breaking up of tho con
stitution than Catarrh. 'I ho senso of .smell,
of taste, ofsicht. of hearing, tho human voico
the mind one or more, and sometime all,
icld to its destructive influence Tho poison
it distributes throughout bo system attacks
every vital force, and breaks up tho mit ro
bust of contituliors. Ignored, becauso but
little understood, by mo't physic-an. tmpo-tf-:tly
as-ailed by ouack? and charlatans,
thoso suffering from it have ittlc hope to bo
re iovedof itthissidf of thonravo It i time,
then that tho zonular treatment of this tcrri-
bio cicaee by romo ie wit .in tho rear h of
all passed into hands at once co-npetont and
t uetw rthy. Tho new and hilhorto unri d
method adopted t Dr. Sanford in tho prepa
ration ot his It pica L Coke has won tho
hearty approval of thouar ds. It is instan
taneo ts in affording lelicfinall head colds,
sneezing, snuffling nd ob tructcd brcnthing,
and rapidly remove tho mo-t oppressivo
symptoms clearing tho head, swocteninc tho
breath, rc.-t"irng tho sones of smell. tato
a d hearing, and ncutmli ing tho co-stitu-tionnl
tendency of tho discaso towaids tho
lungs liver and kidneys.
Snoki's KAniCAi. Cvrk consists of ono
bottle cf tho Kahicm. Ci-r.r.. ono box of
Oatairai.&oi.v,nt. and Improved Imial
nt:irico. I.lO.
Strains altfl Weaknesses, !
Ilelievcdinono minute by thatmar-
voliuus Antidote to I'ain, Inflamma
tion and tlcakt.css.tho u leur
-iiti-(;iin r'lni-it-r. Thofi'St
(and only pain-killing strengthening
ulatcr. Ki ecinlly tianteP to in-
Rtai.tly rcli-ve and speedily cur.- Kidney and
Uterino Fains and U'enknoNS. Hnrranted
vatlvnpoiior to all other plast-rs At all
ilrusstos 25 ce-ts: fiio for $1.0u;or postigo
free, of Pomrtt Decg avd Crkuical Co.,
L'oton, Mas..
X Had Hct to Lose.
X rather sinjjnlar bet was made in
this city on Friday niRht, previous to
tho election of Saturday. No money
was wagered, but it was agreed that
the winner should bo privileged at
any timo within four weeks to call up
the loser at any time, night or day,
and in any place, and proclaim in a
loud tone, "I own this man. He dare
not deny it I possess a secret abont
his life that puts him completely in
my power. He date not refuse to do
anything I tell him. To prove my
assertion I will order him to treat
every one within the sound of my voice
to champagne." Imagine tho sit
uation should this bo sprung upon
the unfortnuato loser in a crowded
cafe, or at a busiuess meeting, or at a
banquet. It was mutually agreed
that no odds how offensive tho tone
or matter might be, the loser dare not
resent it. Tho manner in which the
gentleman got on tho wrong side of
the fence in avoiding the other on the
street and in crowded places is amus
ing, to say the least Ho will live in
dread until the four weeks expire.
Seattle Press, Nov. 23.
A woman's scorn is not to be
trifled with, especially when you
step t.n it.
OjMcr iu i:rrj- Sljlc
At the Central iCetaiirant, next to
Foard & 3toke'.
t3"Jil 'oIi-tJ to Ortlcr,
Prhatc rooms for ladies and families:
at (Vutral Restaurant, next to Foard &
Then W no occasion for tho moat f.isttdl
ous of our ritizi as to vnrt to Portland or
Saa Fnuu'isco tor
Custom Rftade Clothes
Astlipycin set Uctter Fits. Better Work
manship, ami for
Xsoss Money
By l.eavliR their Orders with M K ANY. He
has Inst received a Liiyc stock of Goods from
the East Flue Business Suits from $33.
Call and See Hlra and Satisfy Tonn-elf.
Co to Norah Rappleysa's,
For Ever thing
In the line of Fancv "Work. A full Assort
ment of La-lies' Underw-ar. Bridal SeL. La
dle's Aprons TdMe fecarfs. Embroidery Silk,
Fancy FrinRes, Novelty Braids, etc., etc
Cass Street, One door South of Prlntlug Of-
I kJ&
Ladies'. Misses
Htn?tfmiimHHrrif n:: : st I
The Leading House of Astoria.
8q do all oloso buyers
j O huy teir clothes?
At the Beliablo
Herman Wise.
can yon get tbo
most for your money?
Herman Wise,
The Reliable
lieeps tho beat
assorted stock?
Herman Wise,
Occident Building.
A fine stock to soloct from. The
best attention psid to customers r
nnd tho very BOTTOM PRICES )
The Reliable
Occident Hotel Building.
Opposite StarMark$t.
w Baiter
and Children s.
Garments to Select From,
1. M. T W&
Both in Gut and Material.
Is Styles I i
Manufactured by
WrW Tvarxr n-n.vnn
Fit and Workmanship.
The Railroad Is Coming
But We Can't
Bnt must buy our
along just the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons',, for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you iee them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. ;
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
D. L. Beck 5c Sons'.
cm t. (riia m.nfp.p.H in
Wait for Either,
Family Supplies right
same, and the
. --