The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 02, 1887, Image 3

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Khr JlaUjj sforian.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Astoria.- Building, - - CasStueet.
Terms of Sabscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
Sent by Mail, per month . w cts
" " one year.... . $7.0
Free of postage to subcnbcr.
The astokian guarantees to its advei
tlsers the largest circulation ol any newspa
per published on the Columbia rircr.
M. Studzinski is in receipt of at
tractive holiday goods, jewelry, gold
and silverware, etc.
The Scandinavian Benevolent asso
ciation's children's Christmas festival
will be on the 29th inst.
Active work at Fort Stevous has
ceased, and some of the men cm
ployed on the jetty work havo re
turned to the city.
Until further notice, the meetings
of the Y.W.C.T.U. will he held in tho
Y. M. 0. A. hall on Fridays, from four
to fivo o'clock, P. 31.
At his auction rooms to-morrow E.
C. Holden will sell at 11 a. m., an as
sortment of second-hand furniture
and household effects.
Business men report trade good.
'Tve sold more goods so far in '87
than I did iu '86," was a remark heard
more than once by the writer yester
day. Dr. Alfred Kinney, chairman of the
Democratic county central commit
tee, issues a call for a mass meeting
at Ross' opera house next Friday eve
ning to nominate candidates for the
municipal offices at the coming city
It was reported yesterday on good
authority that Messrs. Horton & Co.,
representing the Truckee Lumber
Co., who bought an eligible saw mill
site at upper Astoria sometime ago,
propose building a large mill there in
the spring.
At the New York Novelty store is a
choice array of holiday goods of every
conceivable description. There is an
immense stook to choose from and all
tastes can be satisfied by an inspec
tion of the new and really fino goods
A new brass band is talked of.
Nothing like progress, and all that,
but yet, wouldn't it be better to pat
ronize well the excellent band we
have now and make them feel that they
are appreciated, than to start up a ri
val concern?
Plans are drawn for the remodeling
ot 2's engine house for the accommo
dation of tho horses, tho Silsby, the
hook and ladder truck and necessary
accoutrements. Tho fund for the
purchase of the horses and harness is
now over $700, and will go higher.
There was a break in the water
pipe from the Welch hill reservoir
yesterday, about 40 feet of pipe on
WestSth street south from the hy
drant tumbling down and necessitat
ing a temporary shutting off of the
supply while repairs wore being
The barometer yesterday afternoon
was about as low as it ever gets here,
registering 29. The storm flag was
flying all day and tilings looked
squally seaward. A misty scarf of
sparkling rainbows played up and
down the stream in the afternoon,
and the green waves foamed and
lapped the bows of the vessels.
The Union says that the applica
tions for the entry of indemnity lauds
are still being received at the land
office in Walla Walla at the rate of
15 or 20 a day. Altogether, applica
t ons havo been received to the num
ber of abo it 425, and in each case the
Northern Pacific company havo beeu
notified, and the application is held
for hearing.
Pursuant to adjournment, tho
county court convened yesterday
morning, but was unable to set the
long expected tax levy by reason of
the remissness of the Yamhill county
assessor, who appears unable to dis
tinguish between time and eternity,
and has not yet furnished the required
copy of that county's assessment roll
to the state officials. The commis
sioners will make another and a final
attempt on the 10th inst.
At a regular meeting of Northwest
ern Legion, No. 2, Select Knights A.
O. U W., held last evening, the fol
lowing officers were elected: Com
mander, G. W. Rucker; vice command
er, H. A. bmith; heut. commander, a.
Wise; recorder, R.L. Boyle; recording
treasurer. S. T. McKean; treasurer,
W. W. Wherry; marshal, Thos. Pye;
senior workman, M. Hawthorn; junior
workman, J. T. Leasy; standard bear
er, F. R. Stokes; guard, Cbas. Burn
sted; trustee, 3 years, W. A. Sherman.
At the auction sale of unimproved
Sroperty in Adair's Astoria by E. C.
olden yesterday afternoon, block 8
was bought by R. R. Marion for $600:
east half block 22, by Mrs. Schlussel,
$585: west half block 56, byR. L.
Boyle, 8160: east half same block, by
E. L. Mitchell, 8150: block 83, by R.
R. Marion and Hugh McCormack,
S500: 4 lots in block 96, by C. God-
dard, S200: north half block 98. by
John Enberg, S300: south half same
block, by Gust Holmes, $250: total,
"She was on that -awful bar" is the
mendacious title of an item copied
into the Tacoma Ledger, regarding
the libelling of the Ecclefechan by
J. N. Knowlea. The ship was not
within fourteen miles of the bar at
the timo tbo eernco was rendered,
and the Ledger knows this very well.
It is simply another effort on the
part of the Ledger to direct atten
tion away from 1VI terriblo north
coast, where- Ptriou- marine disasters
are so common that the occurence of
less than three a week is so nnnual
as to at ouce attract notice.
Among the present inmates of the
county bastile is a gentlemau named
Rhody, who last Wednesday night
appeared on the stage at the Salva
tion army barracks as an alleged,
lover of tho Lord, and yesterday
morning was given protection, as ex
hibiting symptoms of insanity. lip
is chuck full of enthusiasm and is
certaiu that hi3 Redeemer liveth.
The poor fellow seems to have it bad.
and is a pitiable example of perveited
piety. At present it looks as though
he was qualifying for tho asylum. If
ho hasn t gone crazy, he hasn't got
far to go.
Klantcs Seen Forty Jlile-.
"There must have beeu a heavv
blow outside, to-duy, the first one
Tve missed this season," said one of
the pilots last evening. "Tho Sun
day evening the Telephone was
burned,' he continued, 'vc were
about 25 miles oh" tho !r. We had
sighted a vessel, but on getting up to
uer found that she was a .British
man-of war, bound to Victoria. We
were just leaving her when one of the
boys said, "There's n fire. Wo looked
and could see tho flames and smoke
of what we afterwards found was the
burning Telephone. The wholo ski
was lit np, and we thought for
awhile it was a big fire in Astoria'
Demand For Coal.
There is a scarcity of coal iu this
market at present, owing to the non
arrival of ships laden with that arti
cle. There is any number of coal mines
in this state which need developing.
A geologist who has just returned
from examining coal deposits In Co.
lumbia county reports very favorably
concerning them. Tho Toutle Coal
company are opening their mine,
and if it proves as good as
they expect will have a tendency to
prevent coal famine here in tho fu
ture. The Bucoda mine is pntting
out 170 tons per day, most of which
is used on the Northern Pacific rail
road. At present they could sell 100
tons more per day it they ooald get it
out. Oregoniari, J.
The Witness Was Kxciwil.
A Tacoma lawyer, while testifying
in the district court yesterday as to
the reputation otone'of the parties to
the case being heard, said:
"He always keeps his word."
"What do you mean by that?" in
quired tho attorney.
"Well, ho always comas to me for
advice, and every time ho does so he
says he will not be able to pay me
anything, and he always keeps his
The witness was excused. Swttle
Post- In lelligenccr.
c. P.. F. P. u.
Regular meeting of tho Columbia
River Fishermen's Protective union
will bo held on Tuesday, December
6th, at their reading room, at 7:30 r.
M. Members in good standing are
requested to attend.
A. SnAriEiiD,
A. Sutton, Sec'y.
Just of ago is Jones' sweetheart:
When he asked the little wit
If sho loved him, she said partly.
"Just IS ty little bit."
Wautctl to fiCcnt
A good upright Piano. Address, bat
ing terms, etc., "Piano," Astokiax of
fice. Wanted
A girl for ceneral housework in a sinal I
fumilyat Fort Stevens. Apply to P G.
Ka-twieK, Fort .Stevens, or to.J'TS". Grif
fin, Astoria.
Go to Thompson &
For best roast Java Coffee in air-tight
cans, perfectly fresh. Sold in quanti
ties to suit.
For Apple Butter, Apple Jelly, and
Fresh Cider.
Fr No. 1 Mackerel, Holland Tcrring,
Tongues and Sounds, and White Fish.
For No. 1 Fresh, Pickled, and Solid
Butter in tubs.
For Smoked Tongues. Dried Elk, and
Sugar Cured Dried Beef, chipped with
slicking machine, to outer, and
For Elegant Eating and Cooking
Tlii ! :i Fact.
Iu P..). Goodman V S3 seamless calf
shoe pr.rch .s-ia will find the best value
for their money on the cnat.
Io Yots Want
A fim Razor, guaranteed to bo in every
way satisfactory? Or first-class Pertuni
cry or toilet articles V Or a lnxurious
shave, or artistic hair-cut? It you do
call on L. Dupark, at the Parker House,
and j ou will be well pleased.
Try Fahre'j celebrated pan roa-t.
That Hacking Cougn ean Ik- o
quickly cured by bhiloh's Cure. We
guaranlee it. Sold by W.K. Dement.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Uroi:
chitis immediately relieved by bhiioh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called 'The Child's Cough Syrup"
i-. now for sale only at Dement's drug
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
Any case of Croup can be easily treat
ed and cured by using The Child's
Couuh Svrun." Full directions with
each packaue, which can onlyhepur-
A Nunuy Iloom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Ten cents lor a cup of Fnbre's nice
Plashed Over the Mountains and Un
der the Sea.
Park, Doc 1. There is great ex
citement hero over tho proposed elec
tion of Ferry to succeed Grevy as pres
ident. Ferry is hated by the people,
and it is now believed that GroTV will
withdraw his resignation.
Chicago, Dec. 1. The chief movers
in tho attempt to organize another
order of Kuights of Labor, havo is
sued a circular requesting local as
semblies to co-operate in reorganiz
ing tho order on an honest and sub
stantial basis. The plan of action is
that each assembly shall refuso to
pay further tribute to the general as
sembly unless an itemized accouut
of receipts and expenditures of the
general assembly bo piesentcd to the
local assembly.
DgbiiIX. Dec 1. Sheehy, member
of parliament, has been arrested and
is uow in prison. He will be brought
before the court at French Park
county for examination, on the fif
teenth instant.
Nnw Yoke, Dec. 1. District at
torney Davis is preparing a formal
complaint against Henry S. Ives and
George 1L Stayuer. which will bo
presented early next week to the po
lice justice, and warrants for their ar
rest asked for. Tho complaint will be
sworn to by lawyer Charles W. Cass,
who has been aetive in trying to get
Ives and Stayner indicted on the
ground that they unlawfully convert
ed to their own use about five hundred
thousand dollars worth of securities
of the mineral company which they
controlled. Ives said yesterday that
he would be ready whenever wanted
and had no fear of tho results,
nouon on tiie nsorxsii.
Cincinnati, Dec L Tho Strow
bridge Lithographing company which
burned out last night, is insured for
S150.000. and the loss is estimated at
from a quarter to half a million dol
lars. A large amount of the winter
work for theatrical companies was iu
the building, and many of these will
be without material to properly bill
their plays.
The business of the company was
probably the largest of its kind in
the world. One hundred and tweuty
fivo men were employed.
New York, Dec 1. Jacob Sharp
was released on $40,000 bail at noon
to-dny, Isaac Hendryx and George
Shepard becoming his sureties.
Sharp himseir was present in court.
St. Louis, Dec. 1. The large
Windsor hotel is on fire and. with a
fierce snow storm raging, tho firo
promises to envelope the entire build
ing. A general alarm has been
Three Favorite.
Havo the followiug to sav of Wis
dom's Bobertiue, the great beautifierj
and preserver ot the complexien:
PonTLANn, Or., Juno 4. 1SS7. I
To Mr. W. LI. Wisdom Dear Sir: I
have tried yourUobertinc. It is excellent,
and 1 shall he pkwwl to i ecommeiul it
to all my ladv friends. 1 Micro mo. '
yonrs truly. i'ltnA.
Postlaxd. Dec, 1SST.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdom. The "Itobor
tine yoa so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is "tho finest preparation I havu eur
used, and is a decided acquisition '!
every lady's toilet. Yonrs truly.
Jkannie Winston. ,
Portland, Or., April C, 1SS7. i
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried yonr S
in.-, a; i ?. i. f
.uoDerune, aim it ritcs mo inucu
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being ono of tho best
articles of tho kind 1 havo ever used. Be
lieve me, yours sincerely,
Z. Teebixu.
For sale by W. E. Dement A- Co.
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
Will vou sufler with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? bhiloh's V italizer i
guaranteed to cure you. .Sold bj W. E.
Dement & Co.
Slululfs Cough ana Consumption
Cure i "-old by us on guarantee. It
curi't "oii-uiuptlo:!. s;ld by W.E. De
ment. Catarrh cured, health and -weet
brfhtii secured by bhiloh's Catarrh lltm
C'l . Prlre ."( oenLs. N:ual Injector f i ee
For sale by W. E. Dement.
For lame Back, Side or cnes;
Sliilolfs Porous Planter. Pncv 2T. cents.
For sale by W. K. Dement.
G:txn1rimiN Hoer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone .Sa
loon. r cents.
The lnt
ojsters in any Myle at
Slonse. to ECioit.
DoMi-nble private residence: rented
low to responsible party. Inquire at
this oflke.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is wnatjou need
for Constipation, Lo.-a of Appetite, Pi7
zoie.s and all symptoms of Dyspep-ia.
Price jo and 7" rout per horUe. r-o!il
by ' V. K. Dement.
IVivatc Itooms.
At Frank Fabre's for supper?, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
Telephone lAftziug E louse.
Best Beds in town. Kooms per night
50 and 'Si cts., per week $1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
All the patent, medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
The finest and nicest steak to be
in town atFabre's.
Bor the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Sleepless eights made miserable
bv that terrible cough. Sluloh's Cure is
tlie remedy for you. Sold by V. E. De
ment & Co.
If Yon Want Your Flue Cleaned.
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office
Geo. W. Hume arrived in the city
D. A. Mcintosh left last evening for
Spokane Falls.
Sheriff Ross has returned from a
brief visit to Vancouver.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell have issued
cards of invitation to tho marriage of
Miss Sarah Blancho Bell and Mr.
Robert Davis, next Wodr. iday eve
ning at S30, at Grace churr.
G. B. Watson returned from Ash
land yesterday. He reports lively
times in southern Oregon, a good
many people coming in, property
changing hands, and a general stir.
Chas. Stone, a former well known
Astorian. has returned to the city af
ter three years' absence, and will at
once take charge of active business.
His family is at present in Portland.
Give Tlicm a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
ot little tubes and cavities leading
from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and
head and lung obstructions, all are
bad. All ought to be got rid of. There
is just one sure way to get rid of
them. That is to take Boschee's
German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle.
Even if everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this for
Whore Oar Lands Have Gone.
The United States at ono time
owned seven hundred million acres
of public lands. Nominal settlers
have had one-third of it. Ono hun
dred and sixty-one million acres have
gone to the states. Sixty-seven mill
ion acre3 have gone for bounties, wa
terways and highways. About one
hundred miliiens are left unclaimed.
The railroad kings havo gobbled the
rest through corrupt legislation.
While American soldiers were dying
in corps to preserve eleven states to
the Union, American monopolists
were stealing from tho soldiers' or
phans enough territory for twelvo
new states.
UleaSs Coolici! to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at JJestaurant, next to Foard &
Columbia Market.
Xiriliea.t comer Water and WestOih St.
C. H Powell, Prop'r
I .-e my p.itro; Good Meat, in Good ijtjle
and at !tc-t50iiablc Trice.
Give ue r. call ami I v. ill try and make it
Mill muoci!l again. Family trade solicited.
- -
TTiniriniQ Pirrov 2nH fpnhonnn Qtnro
T HRilllU UlUlii U11U iUlMbbU UIUIO
J. W. BGTTOBI, Proprietor,
V..HTSinf!,Tt Doors Hast of OIney.
Finr Clears Tcliacros nud SnioVcrs Article,
tld :: I.iv.vr .Market liates.
fashionsbla Dressmaking.
A i'lrht-ckTss Dressmaker. Iatc from the
II-iM, is asoociated with
Miss M. L. Richardson,
On Cas street. 3 d irs south or Tu -: ASTO-
uiax u:llcc. where they are jue-
pared to do
Dressmaking In All Its Branches.
Ladles, plvc them a call and be convinced.
A perfe t Fit (Juarautccd.
Latest Stylos : : Lowest Prices
(Eaton &Carnahau's Former establishment)
AIUESAIIK ixvn i.HTOAl.l.:
j And Examine Goods. A Perfect System of
Of Best Quality, and at
Co to &orah Rappleyea's,
I r Everything .
In the hue or Fancy Work. A fnU aswrt
ment of Lu-'IeV Underwear V.rldal Seis, Ln
dieS Aprons TaMe ..carN, Embroidery Silk,
Fancy l'l-Iupe. Novell v Braid-, etc. etc
Cast Street. Oai; door South o.Priutiug Of
fice. Astoria Iron Works.
Coucomly St., Foot nf Jackson, Astoria, i
MacMnists ail Boiler Mate
Land and Marine Engines
Steamboat York and Cannery Work
Castings of all Descriptions Made
to Order at Short Notice.
... Treasurer.
L W. Case.
JOHK FOX,.. ..
I I" I .
Laaes . msses
The Leading House of Astoria.
i (j buy their clothes?
At tbo Reliable
Herman Wise.
IAUnin can you gat tho
most for your money?
Herman Wise,
Tho Reliable
keeps tho best
assorted Gtoct?
Herman Wise,
Occident Bailding.
( A fine stock to select from. The
4 best attention mid to customers
( and the very BOTTOM PRICES )
The Reliable
Occident Hotel Building.
Opposite Star Market.
and Children's.
Garments lo Select From.
Fashionable Styles ! !
Both in Cut and Material.
Manufactured by
ffidgs Every Garment Guaranteed in
Fit and Workmanship.
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy our Family SuppUes right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we sa we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil .
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall fill up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only To cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
Ml at
D. I. Beck & Sons'.