03 VOL. XXIX, NO. 1 25. ' A iPill II A ! ' ' CASH "" L-'SGOOD8 ONE PRICE. wMm n JLmAm JJbbA wauAi isfe BJP z&m fw Mixed 'luittSq aiLis 1 " j m-, Wool. h. 2:l0irfr" Wool OKMES WMMMM mWm frm f j "sf I)ouIjc PS' Seate1 Ijp MEEE Y CHRIS THEAS Woo, fKif ro Is fast approac reunions and parents as t should re husban mem Have had selected espe Francisco for the last six we supply, until we can confide menced to arrive and now t BUSINESS CARDS. TOHM H. SMITH. x ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Room -t and 5. over City Book Store. GB . XOLASD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. offlce In Klnney'8 Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C, W. FOXTOX. G. C T0L1 Olf FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. C. R.TK02I80X. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. SpecfaVattentlon given to practice In the U. ri. Land Office, and tho examination of land titles. A full set ot Abstract Books for Clatsop Coumy In office. Money to loan. Office Kooms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. J. A. ItOWLBY, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law OSlce on Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon P '. WIXTO ATTORNEY AT LAVf. Kooros No. ll and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. Q . WATSOSf, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. K. smd Offlno r pcclalty, l Abtobia, - - Oeegox. 1 . i X C. HI.VRLEY, 1. I. S. DENTIST. la associated with DE. XiA FOKCft.. Kooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, .... OREGON. rRS. A. li. ASD J. A. FCLTOK. FhysicEass and Surgeons. Office on Cass street, three doors south ofl Odd Fellow's DuUdlnjr. Telephone No. 41. fAT TCTTIiE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOK Offick Rooms G Pythias Building. IlESiDEJrca-On Cedar Street, back of tft. Mary's HosDltGl. A3B; SHAW. - -r DENTIST. Roonw in Alan's 3Udiiig. up stairs, eor nwXJa sad. 8qaeaoa.ua .streets. Astoria hing; that great fond remembr he parents are member their w ds; when lover r bers friend, and "sh us cially for them in the Easi, a eks watching all the late Eti ntly assert that no such disp hat thev are all here we sha rr B. BAItKK, 31. IK No. 21, Cass K. Office hours from a to 1 1 a. m.. 2 to r. r. i. gyt.O. H.KNTKM. HIY.SICIAX A.XJ) &UKGEOX. irriCB : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, hegosi. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may bo found thero at any hour. J'JIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office. Astoria. OreRon. Q.ELO P. PARKKK, SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Ez-CIty Surveyor of Astoria KKsmemc : ear Clatsop aim. Robt, Collier, Dejiutj. P C. HOLEJEY. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds xor uasmngion xermory. AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND IXSUKA.VCE AGKXT. Office at Uolden's Auction Rooms. Chena- - nus Street. Aswina. Oregon. A. H.IIITIS. DENTIST. Rooms l andi: Tythlan Building over C. IL Cooper's More. stimulate tS.o torpiil lr, fctreiifjthcc the df gesti e organs rj:ila tc 1 ho bow l's, aud are uuciiualcd as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICiE. In malarial illfctrJetstlioIr virtues ar widely recognizt d, as they iub-.cs PEGUUAR PROPERTIES Infrcclnsr tlio system from tliatpolson. DoseMnall. Klcgantly sugr coated. J'ricc, "5 cents, per box. Sold Sirerywlicre. OlHce, 44 Murray St., X. Y. SCOTCH Salmon Twines During tu month of December we will be inrrceiptofa full stock of Salmon Twine of the above reliable brand, of the following sizes; No. 40, 10, 12, 13. and 14 ply. No. 30,5, 7, 0, and 10 ply. And prepared to fill all orders at $1 lcs3 ten. ALLEN & LEWIS, Agents Portland, Nov. 23, 'ST. To Prep EL ASTORIA, ORE2GOJY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER I, 1887, est holida 01 ances; when ch. sure to do the ives as the wi ememfoers swee when "the poor ould not be forg ere for this yfa i large assortment of Christmlas goocl, and dur Harry ropcan arrivals, and selectin g the latest patterns, and choi lay in our line has ever been made in Astoria, asnve shall 11 have a GRAND OPENI NG DAY of which due not One Way to Eemove Tan and Preckles. Then I did not intent: any to see rati,1' .lid n Detroit, oi.ii; lady as she ran into another im one of the side stieets. "X either did ," was the reply. "I've been honiu a '.vcek, and have kept out of sight. I'm such a fright ! 1 came home fairlv skinned from the summci heat, cooped up in those little boxes of rooms. The sunshine on the sand was perfectly dreadful. I'm burned to a blister, besides having an inch coat of tan. When did vou get back ?" "Oh. about a fortnight; but don't tell or all the world will be calling. I'm not at home this eck, you know. This give me time to 'beautify' for the fall campaign, as the girls say; or, in other words, I have been soaking. IIow? Well, using an old prescription which has been handed down in our fam imly for generations. You know the women of oui family are famed for their complexion. The recipe is sure to make the skin soft and white. I don't mind giv ing it to you. 3t is six pounds of barley and two of bran boiled to gether until the mixture is of the consistency of cream. Then spread it well over the body as if it were soap, wrap up in blankets and keep warm warm enough, yo-pow, to create a moisture. After six hours' repose, wash off in a warm Jbath. Repeat this application for a week. One feels deliciously, so soft and supple, you know." "I declare, your complexion is just lovely. How long have 3-011 been trying it?" "Oh, about ten 4 lays. This is my first time out, and" 1 must nob stand in the sun; so good-b. Come and see me. Oh, I forgot to say that if one happens to have freckles, they must be rubbed with clear lemon juice before the bran bath is applied. If the skin icls iuu iimp orace it, up witn a Lttle gin in the water; some use cologne, but gin is better. Good by. Come and see me." Arouso the faculties, stimulate the circulation, purify the bloodr with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Croup, "Yhooping Cough aud Jron- enltl itriTTipntnfTv rrHorwl H CViillio 1 r" ;rrvr,;V'',,v:w" " i- , v-me. QQia oy y .,. jement. the year; the ildren should re ir children; wh ves are sure t theart e,nd Me that are always otten ! SBS StorieB of Ijlascn and Dison's line. Our rommisMoncis art: on a still hunt for the old Mai-on and Dixon line between Adams and Fulton county, dividing Franklin !rom tiic .Maryland side. Th;v say th.it it is the worst job they have un dertaken for many year-. They started in Fulton county, crossed seven mountains and lauded at the foot of Clay Lick mountain. Dur ing the trip they only found one stone missing and that was in Pole Ciit valley. That stone was taken by tome miscreant from Baltimore who happened there on a hunting expedition. "Whan they wanted with tho stone is unknown and will iemain a mystery. Tt is a singular fact that every fifth stone has upon its face the crown of England. "When we of to-day, taking history as our guide, fiud that this line was run in 1730, and look over the years intervening, it is a wonder that all the stones have not been mutilated or de stroyed. Chambersburg Repos- J itory. According to an exchange, nearh- all the sawmills on Puget sound have shut down for the winter. They will start up again in the early spring. TTHAT BItAXDEETII'S PIXXS UO. In BitAXDnETn's Pills the true life medicine has been found, composed as they are of numerous vegetables so combined that each multiplies the virtues of the rest. They never can do any harm. Their action is lways the same, no matter how long or in what dose3 they are taken. They purge away the waste particles of the system. They recruit the animal vigor and arrest the progress of de cay. They purify the blood. They Klimjilnfo tho livnr. Tlmv invior- I ate digestion. They open the pores. ihey make tuo bowels do the work of the kidneys, thus giving those organs an ofttimes needed rest. One or two at night for a week will dem- onstrate their power and is generally sufficient to cure ordinary diseases. j Hops have dropped to 9 cents a pound, says the Kittitas Local- tzer. j nero is notmng to indicate a change for the better very soon. For speedy relief and cure in cases of bronchitis, take Ayer's : Cherry Pectoral. It controls the t cough and induces sleep. time of happy! member their enhusbands o do their nd re- with G. Smith has been in San cest goods to add to the show. The goods have corn ice is oriven. HOTELS AND IiESTAUIJASTS 1V.1S. ALI.K.. PropV. First CIqss in Every Respect Frc C:iels to tlio Hous4. ciiki. i:vkxox. F. COOK THEi EVEtfSON & COOK On tho European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLslSSIlESTAUfiAXT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Sleata, lite.. Cooked to Order. WATER St., Opp. JFonrd i Srokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON linn in connection with the Premises. The Bost ot VINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billl.ird Tables and Private Card Room. THE Casino Eestaurant One block from the O. R. & X. Dock, til. M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Cents. Oysters In any Style, 23 cents. IncoiinectiouulMi this Popular Iteslnu nint Ls run a fl st-class Saloon, wll .stocked with cheices: Wines, Liquors and iJlpars. I. W. CASE, HOMER Bill, ODD FELLOWS BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn .Available In any part of the World. Money To Loan OX BEAL ESTATE SEOUItl TY. FUXT02TBR03. Shetland "3 oiOaaiy j.Draweffl. IS: 2C0tch " k Tfi77PVR PSITTlXn fflF.T.S iK" 3 Tlin AnUw... hrl tJ tmwtmmw r R GRA2D PRIX PARIS, 1378, a-d GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEDR. Thoy received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL Tor FLAX THREADS at tho London Fisheries Exhibition, 1333. And havo been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goodi of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can JLlways "be Depended on. ExDerlencefl FiiSi Use no Ote HEHRY DOYLE & Co., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twine, Eope and luettinff Constantly on Hand, SEINES, POUNDS and TilAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. Strike tR Ghi BUVTYOCR- Groceries 1 Provisions -OF Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to self at the very lowest margin ot profit while giving you tioods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. PRICE iaVE CENTS. J. H. D. GKAI Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and "Wharli- on rciuoti. 1 able terms. Foot ot Benton stro i . Astoria. VICXUU. Established 1370 a. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, t Capt, Rogers old stand, corner of Chas P ana uoarc bireea. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeiuc Wagons made and rep&h-ed. Good wnrfe guaranteed.