-" T""f-wiSFy: CO VOL. XXIX, NO. Is. ASTORIA, OREGON, "WflDyJBSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1887. PRICE JLIVJE CENTS. A n, KH BH A m A m cash.- I.L.OSGOOD. one price. B HI I HI ill Mk m ' ASTORIA, OREGON. i U I LIU I O !EJ F I Scarlet '5 p W 1 I Wl t MW 0 Bg rF k Z& Extra i- D. L. j -LUi&Iiflb Mlimu HIM, J ",w " "" V3k. CebZITn. j OBRnTUAl QOOD8 '. Wo01 jmn Wo'' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, '87. - jS8k-, r jp Donblo fc&te Seated fe ItHrf&Tlll V CSlT'lrtTE TBTAS Woo' -5 Drormwl ond "W Shetland Is fast approac reunions and parents as t should re lmsban mem " Have had selected espe Francisco for the last six we supply, until we can confide menced to arrive and now t BUSINESS CARDS. TOHX H. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofiee-, Boom 4 and 5, over City Book Store. GB lie. .VOLAXD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. riffles in Kinney's Block, opposite City Hull, Astoria, Oregon. C. XT. FCLTOX. a. C. FULTON FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Room 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. C. K. THOMSON, Attorney at Law and Notary Public SpecUl attention given to practice In the U. 8. Land Office, and tho examination of land titles. A full set of Abstract Books for Clatsop. Coumy In office. Money to loan. Office Rooms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. J. q. A. BOWLUY, Atterney and CeHnsellor at Law Office oa Chenamns Street, Astoria, Oregon F.D wxxToat ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Bslld ing. B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All baslne&s before the 17. S. Land Office a peclalty. A8TOBIA, - - OBEOOK. T C.HIXK.LKT.D. JD. . DENTIST. 13 associated -with XS. IiA FOBCis.. Kooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. T)KS. A.L.AXDJ.A, FVlTOX. FJiysiciaiiB and SargeonM. OSce on Ckss street, three doors Bouth of 'Odd reiiow'8 ouuaing. Telephone No. 41. TAY TCTTIiE, M. 1. PHYSICIAN A2H) SUBGEON T3mtJom6 8 Pythian Building. XctiMcxos On Cedar Street, back of LMsry'rHOfroltal. -MAW. iA DENTIST. B-Wa M S IkTrM I 3 "W'fKf M" fe Heavy T1 ft XZ Jr- i I '1 lYT GL White 3NDER BI 8H!RT,E JLi I Ml && TmS VaAai ! Mixed A ZJZl m?T : hing; that great fond remembr he parents are member their w ds; when lover r bers friend, and us" sh cially for them in the East, a eks watching all the late Eu ntly assert that no such disp hat they are all here we sha D tt. O.B.ESTJT.S. PHYSICIAN AND bUKGEON. Oi-vicn : Cera Building, upstairs. Astoria, regon. rK. AJ,KKK KIXXKY. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may bo found them at anv hour. rVK. KKVN'JsL tAE. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, Opposite Telegraph Offlco, Astoria. Oregon. Q.KLO F. lAKIti:il. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Eac-City Surveyor of Astoria Kesident e : Near Clatsop Mill. Robt, Collier, Deputy. " E. C. SXOLUEV. Notary Public, Oommissioner of Deeds For Washington Ten itory. AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LVSCRAXCK ACKT. Office at KoldcnS Auction Rooms. Chcna- mus Street. Astoria. Oregon. A. H.TIITII. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pjthlan Building over C. H. Cooper's Store. E. aHOLDEST, AUCTIONEER 22 COMMISSION ACENT. ESTABLISHED 1874. Dealer in Now and Second-hand Furniture and Brddlti?. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, StocK or Household iJoods in the couutry. V1 anpralse and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments solicited. Qnlck Sales and Prompt Cash Return Guaranteed. Astoria Agent for Dally and Weekly Ore gonlan. -THE- DIAMOIfD PALACE! GUSTAV IIAKSEX, Prop'r. A Largo and Well Selected Stock of Finn DiaiisiJeieliy At Extremely Low rrlces. All Oeodi Boagkt at This EtUbliihtncnt Warranted Genuine. Watch aad Clock Kepairiug A SPECIALTY. Cor&cr Saw and Squemoqus Streets. To Prep D L B R AJK.I est iioliday of ances; when eli sure to do the ives as the wi exnenibers swee when' "the poor, ould not be forg are for this G large assortment of Christm ropean arrivals, and selectin lay in our line has ever been 11 have a GRAND OPENI Ye Parmer And Ye Edyltr. At n desk in his office tin !. tor sat, and wrote up un excellent screed, tcllinp; fanners the wav ti do this and that, from plowing to sewinp: the seed. In words that 'were burning he told of neglect that laj- on some farms l:ke a pall, and asked how the farmers in sense could expect, to harvest a crop, in the fall. He told how to fatten the. hogs and the cows, to make splendid hogs of the shoats, and how' to lake care of the har rows and plows, and raise the best millet and oats. It was late in the week when the editor'.-, door, let in the old farmer named Brown, who hung up his hat on the unpainted floor, and said: I just come up to town, to tell you how grateful I am that you tell, how farmers should harrow and sow; if you didn't show us and lecturo us, well, we'd bust up in business 'ou know. And now while I'm talking, I'll tell you, I guess, you don't print the paper you might: you ought to be care ful to clean up -your press, and see that it's running all right. A press that is dirty don't print as it should its bearings should alwa3s be" oiled, and if you would only Buy paper that's good, there wouldn't be so many spoiled. ?our t po has been ruined 03' use and neglect, and really is useless to pr nt; and if you would act as 1 choose to direct, we'd all help you 011 without stint. Your ads are set up in deplorable taste, and some of them cannot be read; your wrappers are botchy and covered with paste you run in old matter that's dead. You ought to endeavor to write in a vein, that's cheerful not dry and morose; to read what you write always gives me a pain, though I try to enjoy it, Lord knows!" The editor rose in bis pride to his feet, and said, with the greatest of stress: "I'd like to inquire who is running this sheet? I know ray own business, I guess." The husbandman smiled in an un pleasant way, and held up a paper on high, and said as he shook from its creases tho hay: c On this for a time rest your eye." 'Twas but the poor screed that the editor wrot, tt show all good farmers ECK the year; the ildren should re ir children; wh ves are sure t theart and Me that are always otten as goods, and our Harry g the latest patterns, and choi made in Astoria, as we shall NG DAY of which due not the way. to pile on the flesh on tho rov and shoat, to harrow and I. irwt the iny. "And now," said the granger, ,kl am glad, 1 avow, for thw warnings and notes of alarm; but 1 would inquire while I'm here with you now who in thunder is running mv farm?'' There is a movement projected to terminate the lease of the Seal Islands to the Alaska Commercial company and throw the industry open to the public, under restric tions designed to prevent its de struction. "Such a rourse would be in accordance with American ideas, and while less profitable to the government, would be more advantageous to private industry and enterprise, beside tending to bring down the price of a. useful article of commerce. Careful supervision will be necessary, how ever, to preserve tho rookeries from wanton destruction by greedy sealors. A Chronic Tendency Overcome. Many persons arc nwrcomc with a chron ic lciiiivncy to cunilpatiuii. Thev are of bilious temperament. The complaint to which tljey are subject, though iilyremc di Uile by judicious treatment. i 111 m my cs aggravated bv a res .r. to . r istic nur K'tlve anil cln.l.ioijties as the liuinau tomath and bow's are lined with a deli-cm- me inane, and u t with vulcanlte.tliev dnnot stand prolo god ilr.-m h ng with such mciicuie-. i houtMJiiousinlurv Nothi g resiorv. ai.d couinenwis an hibitutl ien d n yloconMin.itioiiso enV ct tallv as Hos teltfi s Momadi liltteis, lt-,Uatie effect iMUrnliean ipngrcsMve. Itnplilirrconvuh-i-s nt.r weakens thf intstines. and ilR i;ffec s arc nnacr. mp.in ed by griping pali'S It arous-s the liver w hen thp organ 13 s i.g glsli.jvomo es dlgeMlon. and encouragesap petite and sleep. For fe er and ague, lid-ni-y nubias, nun 011s complaints :ind incip ient rhenniatis n, It is Iuc mnarable. Take a n-iilass before meals and see how soon you will relish ih m. A wood pulp manufacturer of Mechanicsville, N. Y., claims to have invented seamless wood fiber piping and tubing which is imper vious to acids and moisture, and practically indestructible. It is of great strength, and ho thinks it will supersede iroa pipe. For speedy relief and cure in cases of bronchitis, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the cough and induces sleep. With its 1,100 saloons all open Leadville has put its public scnoois unuer lock and kev. Arouse the faculties, stimulate the circulation, purify tho blood, with Ayer's Samparilla. of happy member their enhnsbands o do their nd re- with G. Smith has been in San cest goods to add to the show. The goods have corn ice is given. HOTELS AND KESTAURANTS KER HOUSE. WIU. AO.TOf. Proper. First Class in Every Respect. Tree Coaeli tu llic IIousc. rums. KVKXS.OX? r. cook THEI EVENSON & COOK On the European Plan. I,AnGE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Roams for Famine?, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Ojsters, Fish, Meats, lite. Cooked to Order. U'ATi:itSr., Opp. Foard &. Stoke. A FIRST CLASS SALOON Hun in connection uith llic Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR9. Good Billiard Tables and Txlvate Card Rooms. THE Casino Bestaurant One hlock from tha O. K. & 2f. Dock, 171. m. SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Rlsal For 25 Cents. Osstcrs In any Style. 25 cents, In conned Ion wi'h this Topular Restau rant h run. a 11 st-cl.iss saloon, w 11 stocked v-ith choicest Wines, Liquors and clears. I. W. CASE, HOIEER BA1EE, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDItf G. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Avall&uto In any part of the World. Money To Loan ON SEAL ESTATE SEOUBr TY. EULTOXBBI3, Oentral note I Shetland "j& crdiaary .DrOTOra- JT s t h j k -LUZERNE KNITTING SILLS,- k Sda HT a .4$ Wool. "w tdR ' Wo1 SPECIAL AUCTION S Extensive and Valuable Heal Sstato Sale! Thursday, DecTk-2 P. I At Ho'den's Auction Rooms. Instructed ly Mr W 15. Adair, attorney In fact for John Adiir, Sr, and Af.irv Ann A dair. hU w ife. 1 will off t-r at public auction the felhmim: described lots in Ipper as 'oria : hilit lots in block 8 ; lots ". 4, ", and 6 in block '& ; ail in bl. ck bi ; .ill m block Sj ; all in block SH ; lots 1. 2, 3 uid4 in Mock 9 ; ; .ll v bli ck 9t5 A favorable opportunity for profitable lnvt stmeot on so large a scale has nevtr before presented Itst-if in this city Many of th se eligible lots are contiguous to improved property. lach lot is 73x150 feet. l; bul dinu lots 75 feet square In t-ach block. lroperty In Ailair's Ashti.i is steadilv ao pn'ciaiiujj in va ue : S2J iO has recently been offered for a pit-ce of water frontage offered for sae a year a?o lor SIOO. New stores and residences are consiantly peinj: up in Upper Astorl.u and the street railroad, soon to bein operatien: will stimulate business. The advent or the iron horse on a steel track standard j;u:i:c rai way was never nearer to Astoria than nt the present true, and w hen that comes there is no telling what this property nuv be worth. NOtf IS THE iIMETO I.NVhST. A warranty deed free from all Incumbrance to every lot. For any further particulars apply to E.C.1IOLDEN, Auctioneer. -AGENCY Ii.T.Co1im. OF SAN FRANCISCO. Havel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoriat Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Kates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOKPT F. HcGOVERtf, Agent. II. H. Coleman. Accountant. Co to Norah Rappleyea's, For Everj thing In the lme or Fancy Work. A full assort ment of La-lies Underw ar. Rrldal Sets, La dlfS Aprons TaMe bcarfs. Embroidery bilk, Fancy FriiiKes. Novell v Braids tc. Ptc Pass S treet, One door South o. Frsntiiig Of fice, J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO,. FRUITS. NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Kcceived Dally. Opposite City Hook Mtorc. -BDl'YOCR- GroceriesI Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables .them to sellat the vrylowest marxln of profit while giving you iroods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered Ail Over the City. TheHlghost Prlco Paid for Junk. Strike It Rich I Supplies -THE if loft i?Blty STORE, , Headquarters for School Books. A Complete Line of the Official Text Books. Prices Guaranteed Satisfactory, The New York Novelty Store. 7ELI. Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oh. er axe made. Hundreds ot woodmen tes- my io us supe riority. Itgpei Deep and KoTor SUcks. CARNAHAN & CO., . Agvnta Astorli Price. tl.5. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the mos( fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they am pet Eetter Fits, Better Work manship, and for Less Money Br Leaving their Orders with M E ANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call and Sec Ilim and Satisfy Yonroelf. P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO , I. W. CASE, - mroKTERS AND WHOLESALE AN!' RETAIL DEALERS Dt GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chenamns andlCass streets. ASTCKIA OREGON J. H. D. GKAY VThoIesalo and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and Wharfa mi reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria. Oregon. Established iQ70 G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, U Capt. Rogers old stand, corner (X Ca and Court Streets. Snip and Cannery work, Horsesboe-taK. Wagons made and repaired. Good, vodi gunwtsftd. t duties AXE rATDfTCDAUUOJnt J.C.TruIlinger &r7nj23li&Ae