CO aHaafeifiefetoittaHii hc gattjj stwhm. ASTORIA. OREGOX: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2t. 18S7 Tnr contract for building the Red Kiver Valley railroad lias been ratified bv the Manitoba government. It is said the late anarchist agita tion has given quito a boom to the 'American part''' in New York. Rhode lsiiAXD will vote in April on an amendment to the constitution do ing away with the property qualifica tion for general voting. KaKsas possesses the first woman mayor, Missouri the first United States woman marshal, and Nebraska the first woman candidate for judge of the supreme court Ik his annual report Commodore J. G. "Walker, chief of the bureau of nav igation, advocates the formation of a naval reserve of the men who have seen service, merchant sailors and yachtsmen. Hox. Mb. Sheldon, of Brooklyn, who claims to have spoken to Blaine on the subject of the recent elections, says that he feels the defeat in New York, and is doubtful of a Republican victory in 18S8. The number of foreign skilled and unskilled laborers who come to this country in the spring and return in the fall is yearly increasing. They make enough money in the season to live without work at home during the rest of the year. Horace Lee is the youngest office holder in the United States. He has a place in the pension office and earns $720 a year for himself and his moth er, although he will not bo twelve years old till next spring. He was ap pointed by president Cleveland's ex press order. Russian officials along the whole Austro-Russian border have been or dered to learn the German language by March, 1838. This is considered rather significant, and as a parallel to the efforts of one country to learn the frontier defense of another. The National Fishery association in session at New York demands protec tion against the importation of foreign fish and equal rights for American fishermen in foreign ports accorded to foreign vessels in our harbors. They disavow any desire or right to fish in foreign waters. - a Among the many proofs of the "strained relations" of Germany find Russia is the fact that restaurants on the frontier, patronized largely by Russian soldiers, often display pla cards saying: "Here no Prussians are served with meat or drink," and many of ihe shops in the large Russian cities announce that no German goods are sold there. This May Be So. New Yobk, Nov. 18. Ira Jenree, the veteran gambler known as "Old Jauney," died of old age and general debility on Monday. In his gam bling career he made and lost six or seven fortunes. At one time his wealth was estimated at 500,000. Ho was over 70, and died almost des titute. He leaves a wife, well known among the gamblers throughout the country. He used to tell this story of his experiences in Morrissey's gambling house many years ago, and ilorrissey vouohed for its truth: "I had risked and lost my last dol lar and the dealer was waiting to go on with the game. I was lost for a bit, and was about to shell out for home, when something like an inspir ation came to me. While fumbling in my pocket I found a lozenge. I pulled it out in a thoughtless kind of way, and when my eye lit on it I saw it looked like a check. "Without saying a word I laid the lozenge on a card and coppered it. The dealer thought it was all right and the game went on. Luck was my way. I won and the dealer shoved a dollar check tome across the table. I wagered the check and won again, and when I left that table I had S3.000. Next day it grew to S8.000 and before the end of the week it was $40,000, every dollar won on the wager of that loz enge." .IIAICICED. AtthcAstor house, in Astoria, No vember 22, 1887, by Rev. Dr. E. V. Gar ner, A. W. Gates and Margaret M. Kelleher. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention CIvento Filling Of Orders. A PULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. lurchascs delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. ST. ASTORIA, OREGON. Cannery Mi! FLA.GS OF NORWAY AND SWEDEN. Norway end Sweden aro little countries in the northern part of Europe. Com bined they present an area of only 292,100 square miles. A single state in this country is nearly as large. But these countries support a population of several millions, large numbers of whora obtain their living from fisheries and maritime pursuits. Each country is independent of the other in everything but the King. For years the flags of Norway and Sweden have been prominent in the ocean carry ing trade of the Atlantic ocean. Until within a few years, however, their flag3 were rarely seen in the Pacific Steam competition between the Atlantic states and Europe has driven some of the sail vessels formerly employed in that trndo to other fields. A few years ago a Swed ish flag was a novelty in these waters and not oTer half-a-dozen Norwegian vessels visited this coast in the course of a twelve-month. This year dozens of these vessels have arrived and others are now on the way. It is possible that the record of arrivals on this coast for the year 1887 will show 50 or GO Norwegian and Swedish vessels. Most of these are loaded in Europe for Australia and other points in the Pacific, and they generally make two or three trips in the Pacific before re turning home. Henry Lund of this city has been Consul-general for this district for the past four years. The district embraces Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington Territory and Alaska. Mr. Lund has interested himself in making California known to the people of Norway and Sweden, and is encouraged to know that his efforts have not been without good results. Hun dreds of letters are annually written at the consulate, many of them being sim ply in response to demands for informa tion concerning California and the Pa cific coast generally. The maritime in terests of Norway and Sweden on this coast have become so important that a vice consul has been appointed for Port Townsend to look after residents and sailors of these countries in Washington Territory and in that section of the dis trict. The large number of vessels bear ing these flags now en route and ex pected at ban reuro and ban Diego will probably create a demand for vice con suls at these ports. We have no doubt if parties interested in the matter make proper application to Mr. Lund, ho will recommend his government to appoint such officers at these two flourishing ports of Southern California. Swedes and Norwegians are among the best elements in our foreign population. They are in dustrious, economical and have the fear of God before their eyes. They make good citizens, and are peaceful and pros perous. It is estimated that there are 6ome 50,000 of thesa peoplo in Mr. Lund's district. S. F. Bulletin. SPECIAUUCTfON ! Iixtensive and Valuable Real Estate Sale! TMaj, Dei 1st. 2 P. I. At Ho'.dcn's Auction Itooms. Instructed by Mr V 15. Adair, attorney hi fact for John Adair. Sr, and Marv Ann Adair, his w ife. I will offer at public auction the following described lots In Upper As toria : EUht lots in block 8 ; Io!3 3. 4, 5 and 6 in block 22 ; all In 51 ; all m block J ; all in block SS : lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 in Mock 93 : all in block 93. A favorable opportunity for pmuidoie investment on so large a scaic nas never before presented its-fr in this city Many of th se fligible lots are contiguous to Improved property. Each lot Is 75UD0 feet, and each biocK auo feet s-quare, equivalent to l bui ding lots 73 feet squ.ire in rath block. Property In Adair's Astri.i is steaclllv au preeicisiuB In va ue : $2-50 has recentlv been offered for a pit-ce of waier fmutage offered for sa'e a year a lor SI,509. ew .stores and residences are constantly going up in Upper AstoilA. and thestivet railroad, soon to he In operation will stimulate business. The advent Of the iron horst on a steel trarfc standard guae rai way was never nearer to AMoiiainunatuie picsrntMne, ami wlien that comes there Is no telling what this property may be worth. NOV IS THE iIME TO INVEST. A warranty deed free from a'l Incumbrance to every lot. For any further particulars apply to E. C. HOLDKX, Auctioneer. Night Boat to Portland. (COMMENCING MONDAY, "ftkSLt v tovcmoerisi, nieu iu & "K. inmi'iiti' will nl jo their fat and elegant steamer. R. R. -ixzcuix-ou., on me new nigut run be tween Astoria and Portland. Ie.u in:; Port land everv ATnntlav l'oflni1qv -mil m... day at 11 CO v. m.," arriving at Astoria at 7 a. j.i. me jical imuuuiK. .ueiuriiiug. tti'i leave Astoria every Sunday, Tuesday aud Thursday nt 8 P. m.. arritlng at Portland at 5 a. ii. next morning. Good sleepli g ac commodations will be furnished on the boat at the i easonable rates or 5 ) cents for single berths and 51.00 for staterooms. A. I MAXWELL, u. P. fi. T. Agt. Strike It Rich BUi'YOUP.- Groceries Provisions -OF Foard & Stokes Their largely increasing trade enables them to selfat the very low est margin or profit while giving youuoods that are of first class quallt-. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. LOEB & CO. lies, Liprs anil Gears. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TPinp Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. jui oraers urea Agents for First Ci All orders fll'ed promptly and Accnratniv lass Foreign and Domestic urauus Main street Opposite Parker TTni. ASTORIA, - - - . OREGON. Fashionable Dressmaking. MRS. JOHNSON. A First-class Dressmaker, lately from thp East, is associated with Miss M. L. Richardson, On Cass Street. 3 doors south of The Asto kia office, where they are pre pared to do Dressmaking In All Its Branches. Ladiei. irlvo them a Mil nn h nmin.A A perfect Fit Guaranteed. Qfefe THE GREAT igSpeis FOR LIVER ISEASE QVUDTflMQi BittererbadtaUeinmcuth: OimrlUmgi tongue coated white or coered with a brevm fur; pain in the bock, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism ; sour stomach; loss of appetite; sometimes nausea and vaterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bouels alternately cast:e and lax; headache; lo; of memory, with a painful sensation cf having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; low spirit ; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and 'eyes ; a dry cough ; fe er ; restlessness ; the urine vcar-ty and high-colored, acd. If allowed to staad, deossiu a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is geieraUy used la the South to aroute tat Torpid Lircr to a. healthy acnoc Zt acts vrith. extraordinary efficacy on th IVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. n EffECTlUl SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Boirel Complaint, Etc, Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE Fcr Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IK ANY CONDITIOK OF THE SYSTEM! J.H.ZEILIN CO., scut fponuktors, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICE. 81.00. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUTTS.NUTS. Caudles. Smoketa Articles. Etc. Now Goods Kccclved Dally. Opposite- City Hook Stoie. The Montesano. JOHN" W. WELCH, - - - Master. Will make bl-wcekly trips between Astoria and Westport, Touching at Svenscn's Landing. Loa inc Westport at C A. i . Wednesdays and Satin dav.. Keturnltig. leavo Y:Iou & Fisher's wharf at i r. m. For Freight or i'aisajte apply on board or to D.H. WELCH. Apcut. Thanksgiving Bay. GET YOUK TURKEY AT W. W. WHERRY & 00,'S, THE STAR MRKET, Opposite The Occident. MILLIW EEY ! Latest Stylos : : Lowest Prices DItESSHAKISG IK ALL ITS BRANCHES. MRS. W. J. BARRY, (Eaton & Carnahan's Former EstabllsLineM) rAiiw ak it in vrrFnTeTALT: And Examine Goods. A Perfect Sj-stem of DitESS FITTING. BAZAR. Co to Norah Rappleyea's, Fir Erer thing In the of Fancy Work. A full assort ment of Ladies' Uudenwar. Bridal Sets, Li die's Aurons, Table Scarfs, Embroidery Silk, Fancy Fringes. Novelty Braids, etc., etc Cas i Street, One door South e: lV-utiug Of fice. AGENCY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria, Oregon. Cannery Supplies at LoTTest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. B. II. CoIem&B, Accountant. J. H. D. GEA Y Wholesale and retail dealer lu. GROCERIES FLOUR, AKD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. Established IS70 I. W. CASE, PIONEER WW, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available In any part 61 the World. v Wanted, A Second-Hand Safe. AN? PERSON HAVING A LARGE SEC-ond-liand fire proof safo for sale, please communicate with the unacrslgned W. L. KOBB. Secretary Astoria Building and Loan Asaoclfttln. WET Coeian&Co A V A 1 E W os'er" m Underwear ! WirOLKSVLL AND ine Groceries, Provisions and M l Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated "Ware. o Thp Largest and finest aaanrtincxl of Fresla Fsruits and Tegetables. . Keceivcd fresh every S'eamer. LOOK! -A.'S? I VI s New Goods, New Location We are now in our Xcw Quarters and hu-y opomnxa lino f JliMUiV GOODS that will fsirlv dazzle your ryes. Tio.w IVoi cities in Pluslt, Brass ami T.vallscr (ioads. revived Direct from Eastern -Manufacturers. An immense Stock of Toys on l Way. These Goods wore purchased for CS!5. and we will ell then: tit Satisfactory lriccN. We Do Not claim to Give Goods away, but p do eislm to ;ive full Value for Your Money. OUR LINE OF HOLIDAY BOOKS IS COMPLETE. Look Out for Our Plain, Simple, Ordinary Opening. Do not fomet that we have Kemovcd from rnr Old Quarters and now occupy the Fine Larfjc Store in KtSAKY'S IS3SICK IHllLUIiVK. O-iimsi sis Heed. DEALT.!: IS Haj, Oats, and Straw, Line, Brick, Cement, Said aid Plaster Wood Dflivcrfd to Order. Drajlac, Traislns and Kxprcss Baslnea. SSs kicSl VI JIM D i D IT I?D jKK wilr to ri. r.ij::iin. ort Frank I. Fli BBOCERIES iffl P80M0I Promptly Delivered AT LOWEST PRICES IN ANY PART OF THE CiTY. Fruits and Vegetables In Season. Everything Warranted as Represented. Corner Chenarausand Benton Streets. The New Model Range CAN IJE HAD IN ASTOKIA, ONLY OF EL R. HA WES. AKeuu Call and Examine It; You Will be Pleased. E. 11. JIawes Is also Agent foi the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTIIEK FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Sieam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. p5! - F-llIlllllfli UNEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED 1842. CAPITAL, S,m000 The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of FISH NETTINGS HT THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Parse Seines. Salionjoid Nets. Salmon Gill Nets. ysu j. oii .u-uiiipi uj. u u hiuus aupiJiieu the lowest rates. All made from our Shephard Cold Guaranteed to be tho strongest and most PACiFJC COAST FISHERIES. This TWINE Is manufactnred only by ourselves, directly from the raw material, and COStS U0 more lU SETTINGS than thP rhPfmor PMrt ' Send for samples; also for our Illustrated catalogue. Highest awnrds at Boston. Philadelphia and London. Amorioaa ITot and Twine Comtdain. 1SKTAIL DEALKU IN i H fl ill i ii y i i TESTES STlLUZfilt Eben P. Psrker,Maater. PorTOWIXG, FRKIGHT 01 CliAK IS ft. PARKER. Fi h iit ine iiioriesi, oosoioie notice, atia at Medal Twines. desirable trino now made especially for the BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. j WE HAVE JLSr DECEIVED DIRECT FKOJI EASTERN MANI'?ACTnilPnH A LARGE LOT OF Pteels', Ladles' and Gliilflreo's Hosier! ana Mmm. Also tx full lino of German Yarns, Saxony Yarns. Victoria Zephyrs. Embroidery Silks. Knitting Silks, in a!i Colors and Shades. Solo agent in ABtoria for the Celebrated Dr;ai Ccrs French Sfco?. and'Laird Schober i llitcbell's Fine Shoes. THE EMFSRE STORE W. T. PARKER, Manager. mmLssK Headquarters THE BEST IX The Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, S2S.OO! A Fine Side Snap aiarline Made Twist, Double-barrel Shot Gun, Box Shells and Tools, $17.50. Sp.Ttinc Goods, Ammunition and the Famnns Swedish JC&acer Our Immense New Stock, Consisting of 4 CAIt LOADS of fino Artistic and Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oi! Cloih, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTJERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased direct from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, tho baiietUs thereof wo propose to share with onr customers. Call and See Us. INSURANCE. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000 COLUMBIA m m mam INSURANCE CO. j FKAMv DEliUil rresldent W. H. S MITII Vice-I'resldent JOHN A. CUILD Secretary Ko. 10 Second St., Tortland, Or. I. W. Case, Agont, Astoria, Or. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Representing the Largest and Most Relia ble I ire Insurance Companies. All Business promptrjftmd accurately tran acted. FlavehWunr'. - Astoria Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London Globe. N'ortu British and Mercautlle of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, Now York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $C7,ooaOOo. , B. VAN UUHEN. Agent. A. V. ALLEN, Ilai In Stock, and will open within a Few Days, one of tho Finest Stocks of 3?L:Kro3r GLASS and CROCKERY WARE, Ever Bronslit to the City. Examine His Stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. CAPITAL STOCK - - $500,000 THE NORTHWEST :F"l3? c3 IMaaylTio INSURANCE CO'. F. E. Beach President J. McCraken . Vice President J. Loenenberg.............. .... Treasurer R. P. Earhart Sec'y and Manager DIKECTOnB, J.Loewenberg J. K. Gill, IT. L Pittock, F.K.Arnold, F.M. warren. J.M Craken, F. E. Beach. D.D.Oliphant, F. Eggert No. 33 "Washington street, Portland, Or. R. L. BOYLE, Agent. Astoria. Oregon. Omce at I. X. L. Packing Co, Depsitei in Orepi, $300,000 ASSETS, $5 5. BOH., 2 8 8. Royal, Norwich-Union andLancashiro Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Germanla of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation. MABI5S .IKSUBASCE C0TE3ED BY OUn OPEX POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. ifflfflTH for AmmunitioiL THE WORLD. CHAS. HEILBORN YirainiaCiffar anfl Toljacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Flao Cigars. Tobaccos aad Smokers Article, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES. NOTIONS.&C Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on. Commission. suop. corner Main and Jefferson Streera MARTIN 0LSEN. Fire! Fire! is one of the greatest blessings when you I have it under control. If you build you ; fire in one of those Magee Ranges or oue of inose Acorns or Arcanas at Jonn A. .Mont gomery's, you will find It a pleasure to pre pare a meal, or if you get one of those Heat ers you will find them to be clean andeco nomIeal,and an ornament to your parlor. If you Intend setting a range or a heater dou't fail to look at his .tock. You should call in see hU beautifnl Ornamental Coal Vases. lair Concomly St.. Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Matirinists M Boiler Makers. Land and Marine Engines BOUHBR WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPZCIALTT, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. , President. J. G. Hustlek, . . Secretary I. W. CAflE,..............w.............TTeasurer. Jonu Fox..... .. Suuerlnteadent. K. Y. LONG. Fresh Fruit, Fine Cigars CONFECTIONERIES. Fresh Milk received dally. A full line of CHOICE GOODS. He x&rth' Gu Stre, ASTOr oi worn UtuOigMVthijiit' ta - . isSit BdiUjfcfeiBMagS