en VOL. XXIX, NO. VZ2. ' 14 A Pll I II H c a ! CASH- Sa L, OSGOOD, one price. " m ' lilHiiinfca, W Mixed LKEPJiB" HL Is fast approac reunions and parents as t should re husban mem Have had selected espe Francisco for the last six we supply, until we can confide menced to arrive and now t BUSINESS CARDS. TOII.V II. S3I1TII, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Room and 5. over City Book Store. iko. soiiJlud. XX t ATTORNEY AT LAW. jrrite lu Kinney's Block, opposite City fall, Astoria, Oregon. C, W. FCLTOX. O. & FCLTOK FU&TOX BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koms5and C. Odd Fellows Buildlu?. 0. It. TKOUSOSu Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Spec! U attention Riven to practice In the U. S. Land OflW, and the examination of laud titles. A full sei of Abstract Books for Clatsop Coumy lu office. Money to loan. Office Uooms 4 and 3, over .City Book Stove. J . A. COWLBY, Attorney uml Counsellor at Imw OOce on Chonamus Street, Astoria, Oregon F.D- WXXTOM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. ri 1$. lVATSO Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. 8. Land Office a peclalty. Astoria, - - Okegox. T C.XUXttliCV, I. JD. N. DENTIST. Is associated with DO. I.A FOKCt.. Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA, .... OREGON. rRS. A. It. AXD J. A, FUIjTOX. Pliyslciaus and Surgeon. Office on Cass street, three doors south of -Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. rAY TUTTIK, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 6 Pythian Building. Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's HosnRal. A. K. SHAW. DENTIST. In Allen's Building, up stairs, eer tni Squwaoqua streett, Ajtorla. Rooms nerCftSf tiregoo. fwr-srT3i t& r r5"e3"XTSi Fivrji$s wooi, hing; that great fond remembr he parents are member their w ds; when lover r bers friend, and us" sh To Pn m daily for them in the East, a eks watching all the late Eu ntly assert that no such disp hat thev are all here we sha rK.O.n.F.4TKS. I'll YSICIAX AND SU15GKON. oitice : Gem Building, up Main, Astoria, Oiepon. ry:. ai,f5! kz.v.t.v, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend natlcntat his office, and may bo found there at any hour. TK. FIC.tXK PACK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OpposltflTelograph Olflce. Astoria. Oregon. 2J.EJ.O F. PAOttfiR. SURVEY OB OF CLATSOP COUNTY A'D Es-Clty Surveyor of Astoria Kesldenre : Near Clatsop Mill. Robt, Collier, Deputy. E. C. KOLUEX. Notary Public, Oommissioner of Deeds For Washington Tenltorv. AUCTIONEER, KEAL ESTATE AND IXSUKASC H A C ST. Omce at lIciideu'H Auction Booms. Chenn- mus Street. Astona. Oregon. A. S3IXTZ1. DENTIST. Rooms l and 2 Pythian Building over C H. Cooper's Store. i E. C. HOLDEN, AUCTIONEER COMMISSION ACENT.- ESTABLISHED 1874, Dealer In NowandSecond-liaud Furniture and Bedding. Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, Stock or Household Goods in the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments solicited. Quick Sales and Prompt Cash Returns Guaranteed. Astoria Agent for Dally and "Weekly Ore gonlan. -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT IIASSEX, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiaiiuS i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. ,111 Goods Bought at TbU EsUbllshateat Warranted Genuine. Wateli and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner 0 aad Squeaoqua Streets. M m EL ASTORIA, OREGON, WJBDNESDAY. NOVEMBER fc23, 1887. est holiday of ances; when ch sure to do the ives as the wi emembers swee when "the poor onld not be forg are for tni large assortment of Christm ropean arrivals, and selectin lay in our line has ever been 11 have a GRAND OPEN I POLITICAL. The Boston Journal (Rep.) calis? it 4ttlie nresident's victory in X.w York."' At a recent prohibitionist meet ing in Atlanta Flcnry "V. Grady declared himself a. prohibitionist. The prohibition party has coased to be itu anli-rum part;,' and is simply an anti-Republican party. Chicuago Journal. The free trade Democrat of the south have decided to hold a grand convention at Atlanta before the meeting of congress. J. Randolph Tucker's connec tion with the case of the Chicago anarchists is said to have hurt hitn a 00tl deal jn Virginia. The election lI a Republican legislature in New Jersey .points to the state as good lighting ground in 1SS3. Boston Traveler-. The man who otes against the interests of the community is not fit to exercise the rights of citizen ship. JPatcrson Labor Standard. Dakota hopes to set into the Union in sections. She will find the dominant party in congress taking high moral ground against sectionalism. Ex-governor Watts and H. C. Tompkins, both of Montgomery, are candidates for the seat of sen ator Morgan, of Alabama, in the United States senate. If you will notice it, it is the candidate who has no show of an election who is most liberal in his promises for reform and retrench ment. Boston Transcript. The Republicans of Savannah, Ga., have organized a campaign club and invited Fred Douglass and ex-senator .Bruce, of Mississip pi, to deliver addresses before it. Washington politicians are ask ing themselves if chairman Jones really meant it in calling the na tional Republican committee to meet at "Arlington House." The latter pi ice is in a cemetery. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. SoldbyW.E. Dement. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Slnoh's Vital Izer is a positive cure. For Sale by W. EDement & Co. the year; the iidrexi should re ir children; wh ves are sure t theart and Me that are always otten as goods, and our Harry g the latest patterns, and choi made in 'Astoria, as we shall NG DAY of which due not la a Kansas Drug Store. Stranger "I want to got r.Q renth' worm of calomel." Proprietor ''Fiftv cents' worth of what?" 'Cdnmel." "What is ealomei?" "Don't you know? What sort of a place are vou keeping, anv how?" " 'This is :i drug store and if you want anything don't sling around any fancy names. Is it a pint or half-pint you're after?" Lincoln Journal. Au Able Protector. If there ! a more able protector against the incursions of disease than Hostettcr's stomach Bitter, we have yet to learn of It. Atjaln.t the i eriodic afacks of fever and ague it affords a sme defcucc, it renews waning vltal.ty, and counteracts the lufirm 'tiei of age ; It prevents dv.pepsla from be coming chroi Ic, and eventually annihilates it. It rouses the liver and kidneys when dor mant and insurer a regular habit of bo ly. To tin nervous It is of inestimable benefit, imp .rtln::stca!!ii"ts and vigor into an cn r elded phblque.Tiie term delicate health" U usual) t ano her name for debility. While the Bitters Is incurable, the wcik need never dcjair of ph steal reinforcement Persons whose avorations aro sedentary and laborious rlnvohe exposure to unfa- oniiiie climatic luflmncest w ill also find the Bitters an able protector. The fashion of wearing lace high up to the throat is already much in vogue and will be still more so during: the winter. A pretty style of simple evening bodice is to have a chemisette of black or cream lace. drawn into a high lace band round the throat, to close in front under a semi-low silk, velvet, or" ma terial bodice, with three quarter length sleeves. Have you taken a cold? You can cure it promptly with Ayer's Cher ry Pectoral. The safest remedy for throat and lung troubles. There is wailing among the but ton makers. The gorgeous but tons that have illuminated ladies' dresses by the dozens and dozens are going out of fashion. The (correct thing now is to conceal the fastenings. Boxes and boxes of (buttons lie -unsold on the shelves of the dealers. But such are the compensations of trade the hook-and-eye sellers are delighted. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Its record of forty years is ono of triumph over blood diseases. time of happy memoer their enhusbands o do their nd re with G.- Smith has been in San cest goods to add to the show. The goods have corn ice is given. ohooi Supplies TOE lew Tort IMty STOEE, Headquarters for School Books. A Complete Lino of the Official Text Books. Prices Guaranteed Satisfactory. . The New York Novelty Store. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. R, n. JACKSON. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r; Good Breafl, Caie ani Pastry h'ono but the Best Materials L'scd. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. BOOTS AND SaOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -ATTIIE- SIDN ljf THEJOLDEH SHOE. J-Cy&tD TTAHX. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, "IMPORTERS AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHAMSE, Corner Chenaraus andJCasa streoU. ASTORIA OIUB50X r rv Jsr i?k 2cuT)lo hXli' Seated JDrGwor uvy :KiDHEY.-fKVF. Shetland i "Will ouhrear tiff ordinary jst. Drawers. -LUZERNE KSITTEQ MILLS,- Ka!Tfti Wool, tVVflto.. "rrfi!5LCr-5 rTr-J5ciWfVj4Vi7jflk3tfaJ- ' J "irtmrs 2 M xJJiD 1. GRAND PEIX PARIS, 187S, A'D GRAND CROSS OP THE LEGION D'HONNEDR. Thoy received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at tbo Xacmdos. Fisheries Sshibition ISSS And havo been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various Than the goods of any other IfJ THE WORLD. Quality Can iLlways "be XDspe&ded oa, EaiMCBi FiiSi Use. i Ohr. HEHEY BOYLE & Co., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twine, Rope and Ketting Constantly on Hand, SEINES, POUNDS and TEAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. Coliiia Transportation Company. A Steamer to take the place of the burned "Telephone" will shortly go on the route, as usual. Due notice will be given, PRICE tlVE CENTS. Heavy g Shetland srr-r-i s ; ". I ?l and Btj two pair o 10IEGT0BP JF Scotch rfo Wool. . Wool. HOUSE FOUNDED. 1784-.-- l J fe& ' ' SC3B8 ?VTtJ1C ifli$rJL vMai i