The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 19, 1887, Image 3

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(Monday excepted.
PuWiFlicrs and Proprietors,
Astoria Building, - - Cass Stkket.
Terms of Subicrlptiou.
Scr cd by Carrier, per w cck . . 15 cts
Sent by Mall, per month . M) cts
" " one scar. $7.O0
Free of postage to subscribers.
The astokiax guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
The Netherby and Riverside sailed
There are G23 men in Pacific coun
ty liable to military duty.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Harriet
Jackins will be at 130 this afternoon.
The Mistletoe Social clnb had a
pleasant danco at Pythian hall last
The Corwin leaves for San Fran
cisco to-day, and will return here af
ter the 1st prox.
The Pacific Journal expects to dis
card its patent the first of Deiember
and print an all home paper.
The County of Anglcsea clearei
yesterday for Qneenstown with 18,
139 bbls. flour, worth SG3,000.
German divine service, by Itev.
John Gantenbein, to-morrow at 2
o'clock, at the Baptist church.
D. L. Beck k Sons will have their
opening day of choice Christmas
goods, next Tuesday, the 22nd inst.
In Congregational church to
morrow morning, memorial in
memory of late Mrs. Jackins; even
ing "Friendship."
In the police court yesterday Wab.
Chung, oharged with the henious
crime of smoking a peaceful pipe of
opium, wilhdrew his plea of not
guilty, owned up, and was assessed
Coroner Surprenant returned from
Skamokawa yesterday whither he had
been summoned by telegraph to hold
an inquest on the body of Win.
Pray, who had been found dead in
his scow near there. He found that
deceased had died of heart disease;
bo brought the body down, and will
givo it interment to-day.
Beginning to-day the Montcsano
will resume running between
hero and Westport, making trips
twice a woek, leaving here at 2 p. m.,
Wednesdays and Saturdays, and
Westport, G a. 31., same days, touch
ing at Svensen's landing. On other
days of the week the boat will do a
general towing business.
The 'Ii. R. Thompson" to Bcsin Rnn
ninjfNext 3Ionday.
The R. R. Thompson will mako her
first trip to this city as as a night
boat next Monday. Her regular
schedule is as follews: Leave Port
land Monday, Wednesday and Satur
day at 11:30 p. m., arriving here
at 7 a. m.; leave here Tuesday,
Thursday and Sunday at 8 p. M., ar
riving in Portland at 5 a. m. Fare
one way is S2, and for the round trip
$3. Return tickets are also good on
the day boats of the O. It & N.
Berths will be 50 cents and state
rooms SI. The Thompson will carry
a through mail pouch containing the
mail which arrives from the east at
2 p. m., and from California at 10 a. m.;
also the Portland mail deposited in
street boxes before "8 p. m. A similar
pouch will also be carried from As
toria. It will result in giving ns mail
from the east, in connection with
the new N. P. card which goes into
effect to-morrow, 36 hours earlier
than at present. It will be a novelty
to have mail delivered at the post
office here shortly after 7 in the morn
ing and after Monday next those of us
who go to the post office about nine
in the morning may expect to find
soma maiL On off days the same old
rule of darkness and daylight will
probably prevail.
The convenience of going on board
and asleep after a hard day's work
Bnd waking in Portland instead of at
Astoria will be also appreciated. The
new line is an advance and is the
next thing in connection with the
fast Telephone to having a railroad.
Death of Dr. Chifcwood.
On his return from Tacoma on the
14tb inst, C. B. Watson was called by
telegraph from Portland to Ashland
where his father-in law, Dr. J. ILChit
wood, was thought to be dying. Yes
terday morning he telegraphed his
brother in this city that the doctor
expired on the previous morning. Dr.
Chitwood was an early pioneer of
this state, having first settled on the
banks of the Willamette where Port
land is now looated; he was well
known throughout the state as a suc
cessful physician and a zealous, pat
riotic citizen; a man whose death al
though at a ripe age, will be mourned
by many throughout the entire
For tho very best pictures go to II. S.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
And The ABtorian's Headers (Jet
the Hews.
Berlin, Nov. 18. Alexander III.,
czar of Russia, arrived at Berlin this
morning. The preparations to prop
erly receive him were in keeping with
his rank.
PmsBrRa, Nov. 18. The twelve
Bessemer rail manufacturers of the
country announce that they have de
cided to order a general suspension
of work in their industry. Just when
is not stated, but the first day of
December is the expected time. The
twelve manufacturers are conferring
together hero and givo a3 a reason for
the suspension the unsatisfactory
condition of the rail market. Many
contracts are expiring and new ones
are being held back in the hope of
low prices: others are willing to
place contracts, but the terms are en
tirely unsatisfactor3'. The manu
facturers say that the prices cannot
be reduced owing to high wages and
the rates demanded for ore. The
suspension will throw an immense
number of men out of employment,
not only in the mills, but in the coke
regions of this section. It is esti
mated that fully one third of the
coke output will be thrown on the
market, and this will not only re
duce the price, but may result in
shutting down a largo proportion of
the ovens aud will consequently re
duce the number of workmen.
paiin'ell's health,
Loxdok, November 18. Parnell has
written a letter to the news ngencj
stating that he does not intend to
speak during his parliamentary re
cess as his doctors have advised him
to avoid exposure which would prob
ably bring on chills. He hi3 been
warned against undue exertion; ho
writes that his health is slowly
butsteadily improving. He is now
staying at Hastings where he will re
main during the winter uuless the
weather becomes so severe as to
compel him to go to Egypt
a Bia fibe.
Cincinnati, Nov. 18. The immense
car shops of the Cincinnat Southern
railway at Ludlow, Ky., opposite this
city were burned completely at eight
o'clock this morning with nil their
contents. The loss is estimated at
over two hundred thousand dollars.
They were uninsured.
New York, Nov. 18. Joseph N. J.
Breeling, a well known Irish patriot
died this morning of disease of the
New Yoiik, Nov. 18. Johanu Most
has been released in 3500 bail
Portland, Nov. 10. Hon. George
McBride, secretary of state has been
lying ill at the St Charles hotel dur
ing the past two or three weeks. He
is constantly surrounded by devoted
friends who assist him in bearing his
affliction with patience.
The court martial to investigate
the charge against Capt Toby of
the fourteenth infantry convened
again this morniug and to-morrow
the business will be concluded. The
members of the court when in ses
sion present a very elegant and im
posing scene attired in their splendid
and well-fitting uniforms.
A Sunny Itoom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House
Tea, Tea, Tea.
Fine Oolongs, Choice Gunpowder and
Imperials, Fresh No. 1 English Break
fast, Common Fancy Garden, and Ex
tra Choice Japan, Extra New Crop
Young Hyson Teas, etc., etc. The finest
of blends prepared at
Thompson & Ross.'
Oj-bicrs lit Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Gambrinuh Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
-7-Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron-
cuius inmicuiaieiy relieved uy on 1 ions
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement
The best oysters in any stylo at
t abre's.
3Ieals Cooked lo Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with tho choicest
Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bouuht at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's druc store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
In town at Fabre's.
If You Want Your Flue Cleaned.
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
Private Room.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
Telephone "Lodging House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cure? consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment Every mother is Interested In know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Svrup"
U now for sale only at Dement's'drug
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure yon. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Any case of Croup can be easily treat
ed and cured by using "Tlie Child's
Couch Syrup." Full directions with
each package, which can only bo pur
chased at Dement's drug store.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Prnne Cnltnrc In Western Oregon.
Astoria, Nov. 18, '87.
Editor Asterian:
Much attention has, by tho uoar
completion of tho O. & C. R. R., been
attracted to fruit growing in western
Oregon and particularly to the culti
vation of prunes.
It is said that one man at Van
couver this year realized S2.G00 from
six acres. That four acres in south
ern Oregon bronght last year Sl,200
and this year 2,000. That 87,000
was offered for the fruit on 20 acres
near Salem. It is claimed that Ore
gon is one of the best localities in the
world and almost the only one in the
United States for raising prunes.
The great success of California in
fruit raising is drawing to this coast
people from the east, and they are
now pressing north into southern
Oregon and the Willamette valley
lands having already reached 8500 per
acre, a prico not new to California,
but a wonder to Oregonians. Such
an interest is awakened that tho
nurseries are not able to supply the
demand for trees.
Some have expressed the fear that
the piune business might bo over
done, the market overstocked and
prices reduced so as not to pay.
According to the statistical bureau
there were imported into tho United
States during the year ending June
30, '87, over ninety-two million pounds
of dried prunes of a value of threo
million dollars. Tho year before
there was imported but sixty-four
million ponnds.
The demand is both largo and
growing so large that westeru Ore
gon and Washington canuot over
stock the market. As for price the
home fruit so far excels tho com
mon imported article that there is
not danger for competion.
The residents of lower Columbia
have been so given to fishing and
lumbering that they havo done very
little with fruit. But from the best
information that can bo gathered
the prune would produce abundant
ly here. The experience of Adams
and Miller nt Westport, Knapp at
Knappa, Nurnburg on Young's river,
Jeffries and Boelling on Lewis and
Clarke, Matier at Skipanou and
Stanly at Seaside is favorable. All
of theso persons with exception of
one or two having trees in bearing.
To grow for market, however,
large quantities must be grown. The
orchards should bo counted by the
The Italian is reckoned the best
but there are other good kinds. Tho
last meeting of fruit growers at
Portland recommended high, dry,
well manured, cultivated and drained
land for such orchards. Also that
the prune be grafted into peach
An attempt to grow the pruuo in
quantities should be made in Clat
sop and Pacifio counties, but who
ever makes that attempt should do so
with a full determination to cultivate
the orchard with as much care as he
would his potato or cabbage garden.
Major Blakeney and Professor Von
Beyer leave overland for Yaquina:
Lieut. McClellan will remain a few
The Last Of It.
Washington, Nov. 18. Willi re
gard to tho order issued by the v :ir
department for abandonment of Fort
Canby, it may bo said that tho pro
posed transfer was favored by the
inspector that visited tho post, and
tho same was approved in turn by
Gen. Gibbon, Gen. Howard and Gen.
Sheridan. Thereupon tho secretary
of war considered it as a wise thing
to do, and has so ordered. Senators
Mitchell and Dolph havo exerted
themselves to prevent the transfer of
troops, but their efforts have been in
vain. The reason given for tho
change is that with new railway lines
traversing tho Pacific coast, troops
can bo transported from San Fran
cisco to the cnterior of Oregon or
Washington territory as speed ily as
though they wero stationed at Fort
Canby, for in the latter caso they
would be compelled to rely to a great
extent upon water lines of travel,
which aro much slower than railways.
In Brief, and to The Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foo
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and
wonderful things in oxistenoe. It is
easily put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, lato
hours, irregular habits, and nany
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a na
tion of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower hae
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to tho
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
Eastern Oregon Election Echoes.
Wo further Bay that M. D. Abbott,
of the Reveille, is a bribe taker, a
traitor, a slanderer of character, dis
honest, corrupt, untrustworthy, con
temptible and not worthy of belief.
Baker City Democrat.
Doc Bowen, of tho Baker City
Democrat, made the remark to-day
mai 11 ne naa naa szuu yesterday lie
could have bought votes enough to
have elected R, S. Anderson. Doc.
Bowen is a liar. Baker City Receille.
I m t
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
Having boon a $ uffercr Tor two years and a
half from a diecase caused by a bruiso on tho
Ics. and having boon cured by tho Cuticuea
IlKiiums when all other methods and remedies-
failed. I deem it my duty to recommend
them. I iited Hot Springs to no avail, and
tried sovcral doctors without success, and at
ln nnr nriucinal drutrcit. Mr. .lohn P. Un
lay, to whom I shall ever fVel grateful).
spoko to mo auout v.ctih,ka, una i consented
to pivc them a trim wnn mo result mat i am
nprfwJlc cured. Tho o is now no soro about
me. I think 1 can show tho largest surface
whTo my sufferings sprang from of any ono
in tho State. Tho Cuticukv IWsiedies aro
tho rC5t oloou ana skih cures manuiacturou.
1 refer to druggist .John 1. Fiu'ay and Dr.
J). C. .Montgomery, both of this i ace. and to
Dr. Smith, of Laku Lee, Mis.
Mr. Ucach used rho Ccticciu Kkiudhs, at
our rcnuist. mti reuis as aooro stated,
A. I), t IN LAY k CO., Druggists.
Ever sinco I can remember, my mother has
stiff, red from milk leg. Notbii g would do
her any good, tho had tho best medical tal
enU but they a'l did her no good, fcho suf
fered wi.h hor leg for thirty yoars and never
knew a well day. Sho would havo to sit up
half tho night, holding up hor leg and moan
ing, bho had no peace. She usd all tho
best known remedies in the country without
iffcet. I nked her to try your Cuticura
ItiaiLDirs. lot her a'bottlo of Cuncuru llr
solvkst, and sho took it. and has takon in all
about sis or seven bottles, and now sho is a
well woman to-day. Ilei leg is entirely
In aled. and hor ho Ith wa. never better Sho
can go out every day, something sho has not
duno in ten year, so you seo 1 cannot holp
stating to joj about your wonderful Cuticu-rvIUm-diks.
You havo saved my mother's
lif. I cannot find w. rds to ex pi ess my grati
tudo. 1 havo ail vcrtiscd your Cuticuea Keji
fdiks far and near
iDWARD LLEDEK, 1!50j Broadway, X Y.
Cdticcri, tho great skin euro, and Ootico
RASor, prepared from it, externally, and
Ccticcbi lUsoLVKM", tho now blood purifier,
internally, aro a positivo euro for every form
of akin and blood diseases from pimples to
Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 50
cents ; 1:eolv.nt, 51.00 ; Soap, 25 cents. Pre
pared by tho Pottkk Dkuo and Cukuical
Co.. l?oton. .
cti'Scnd for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
G4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
P'jUjIMMjhS, black-heads, chajped and
1 III oily skin prevented by Ccticcba Med
icati:d:mii BBVMBaUCViHaBaDXt
Sneezing Catarrh.
The distressing sneezo, sneeze, sneczo, tho
acrid, watery discharge from tha eye and
nose, tho painful inflammation extending to
tho throat, tho swelling of tho mucous lining,
causing choking senations. couch, ringing
noises in tho head and splitting headaches.
how familiar thco symptoms aro to thous
ands who suiter periodically from head colds
or influenza, and who live in ignoranco of the
fact that a single application of Sanford's
Radical CuinOH Cataerii will afford in
stanlancnui relief.
But this treatment in cases of sitnplo Ca
tarrh cives but a faint idea of what this rom
edy will do in tho chronic forms, wherotho
breathing is obstructed by choking, putrid
mucous accumulations, the hearing affected,
smell and tate gone, throat Mlcerated and
hacking cough gradually fastening itso f upon
the debilitated system. Then it is that tho
marvellous curative power of Sasfobd's
Radical Cum: manifests itself in instantane
ous and cratcful relief. Cure begins from the
first application, it 13 rapid, radical, perma
nent, economical, safe.
Samord's Rdical Ccek consists of ono
bottle of tho Radical Curv, ono box Ca
tarrhal Solvent nnd an 1miuovld I.nhalke
price, SI.
PoTri.R Drug .t Cukuical Co., Bo3tox.
Instantly relieved by tho Cnt lon
ru , m -! i Plaster, a new.
raot agreeable, instantaneous and
infallible pain-killing plaster, cs
pecia ly ada ted to rcliovo Female
l'nins and weaknesses. Warrant-
va-tly superior toall other platcrs. and
: uiot perfect Antidoto to Pain. Inflamma-
tion and Weakness yet compounded. At all
druggit-5. 21 cents : fivo for SI : or postaze
frcoofPorTEKMUCG&CiiKMiCAi. Co., Bos
ton, Mas.
New York tally
Hcidquartcrs for School Rooks. A Complete
Line of the
Official Text Books.
Prices Guaranteed Satisfactory.
Thi New York Novelty Store.
Latest Styles : : Lowest Prices
(Eaton & Carnah:in's Former Establishment)
: a n i k a n k isr vitro" tocavu-
And Examine Goods. A Perfect System of
TfiiB, Liprs and Ciprs.
A Lar,:e Stock of
Supplied at Lowest Market Rates.
All orders fll'ed promptly and Accurately.
Azcr.ts tor liret Clavs Foreign and Domestic
Main street Opposite Parker House,
Does a General Banking Business
Dr?.frts,Prawn Available In any part of
the World.
Money To Loan
24 Pieces Colored Silk Plushes
20 in. wide, Regular Price $2.25,
will now be sold for
l5S p3 yard.
All the Lefe Colon
8 Pieces of Fine Bleached Table Damask, Regular
Price $1.00 per yard, will now be sold for
75 cents per yard.
The above Goods were personally selected
by Mr. Cooper who is at present in New York,
are extraordinary good values such as have
Never Tbeen, Offered. Bef ore,
Jm XI.
The Leading
On getting Goods of him for
Less Money than them 'ere
high priced fellers like to
sell, and
Because He Makes
His Customers Glad
And the Storekeepers Mad,
We Call Him
The Reliable
Clotter aM Hatter,
Occident Hotel JJuilding.
Opposite Star Market.
O -!
French. Gray,
Dry Goods and Clothing House
of Astoria.
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Oan't Wait for Either,
Bnt nrast bny our Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
'What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of itt and if you want the proof, just
call at
D I. Beck & Sons'.
in These Plushes,