3 ghiUjj stoviatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY XOVEMBKK 10, 1SS7 ISSUED EVERY MORNING (Mnadiij evented.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, 1'ublf.licrs ami Proprietors, ASTOKIAN Blll.IU.Vr., - - ('AS-STItKKT. Terms of Subscription. Served liv Carrier, per weok .. . 1.1 cts .Sent bv Mail, per month to cts " " " on' ear. S7.M Free or postage to subscribers. Tim Astouian guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia riwr. Frosty. Busy times. Co. "H." regular drill lo-uight. What's the matter with the electric lights? The streets are gettiug no clcauer very fast. W. W. Wherry A: Co. will take your order for a Thanksgiving turkey. The county comniissioueis ad journed yesterday to the 2Gth int. Week of prayer for young men at Y. M. C. A. .Some old one are past praying for. The John Smith arrived iu yester day afternoon; the Katie Flcrkinyrr crossed out. The Miles and Dolphin arrived in yesterday evening with 3,920 cases salmon from Gray's harbor. J. "W. Cook has purchased about 40 acres of high land biok of the railroad shops at Albina, for $31,000. Capt. Grounds' new vessel will be a stbam schooner, fitted with high pres sure compound condensing twin en gines. Judge Boise being indisposed, it is expected that Judge Taylor will take his place at the adjourned term of the Linn county court. The Norwegian bark Vikar went ashore on the rocks opposite Esqui mault last Sunday morning, and was pulled off leaking badly. The Telephone, Astoria's favorite boat, arrived down a little after two o'clock yesterday afternoon, All the river boats are making better time since the 10th. So far the weather this fall has been unusually warm, the chilling frosts of last year have not been re peated, and the hillsides and gardens are bright with summer tints. Final election returns come in slowly. Ic is thought that the resnlt of the vote on the proposed prohibi tion amendment will show n majority against of between 7,000 and 8,000. The barkeutine Wcbfoot went ashore, in the gale, at Whitcomb's flat at Gray's harbor last Friday, and tore her keel a distance of thirty feet. She will be taken to San Francisco for repairs. The Daily Transcript reappeared last evening in good shape, and with a healthy local look about its outside. Shake. The enterprising proprietors give as a reason for its issuance that they want to. Griffin & Keed, of the City book store are on deck with a few remarks appropriate io the occasion. They issue invitation to buyers to see their fine stock in their new quarters. See their new adv't. Seattle folks asked to have the Bear detailed for service on the Sound and Straits of Fuca in addi tion to the Wolcott. The request has been refused by the chief of the reve nue marine bureau. A Macleay correspondent of the Uregonian has discovered that the late constitutional amendment elec tion was "illegal," and that the whole business must be done over again. Ob, Lord! Oh, Lord!! F. H. Poiudexter sum3 up the me teorological aspect of Alaska in one sentence that leaves further remarks unnecessary. He says: "It rains as much in Alaska in the summer as it does in Astoria in the winter.'' The hunting schooner O. S. Foio ler, Captain Morrison commauder, is on the way to Behring sea. She has been commissioned to .secure a pair of Polar bears for Paris and Philadel phia, and to secure, if possible, a live walrus. Two thousand dollars has been offered for one. The Foio ler has been fitted up with cages and tanks for her menagerie. Says aya3hington dispatch of the 14: Senator Mitchell of Oregon arrived this evening. He reports a very general protest against the abandonment of Fort Canby, as rec ommended some time ago by Gen. Howard. He and senator Dolph will again confer with secretary Endicott in regard to the matter, and try if possible to provent the recommenda tion from being carried into effect. No use. Articles of incorporation of the Astoria street railway company were filed in the county clerk's office yes terday. The incorporators are J. W. Conn,F. 7. Newell, F. B. Stokes, Martin Foard and W. A. Sherman. The duration of the corporation is perpetual: the business enterprise and occupation is the building, main taining, owning and operating street railways in the city of Astoria and suburb. The principal office of the corporation is in Astoria. The capi tal stock is 30,000 in shares of 100 each. "The Exchange for Pacific Coast Products' has been organized in San Francisco, "W. H. Bodgers, president, Geo. W. Meade, vice-president, and O. Alexander, treasurer; executive committee, F. S. Johnson, A. D. Cut ler and C. B. Jennings; on legisla tion, I. H. Morse, Charles Alexander and Eugene Beck; canned goods, B. F. Stone, W. F. Beck and H. L. E. Meyer; dried fruit and raisins, Geo. W. Meade. II. G. Freeman and W. L. Dodge; miscellaneous products, F. S. Van Sicklen. J. J. Moore and Samuel Wormser. Messrs. Crow and Nurnberg, our county commissioners, met again, puisuant to adjournment yesterday to set the tax levy for the ensuing year, but received a telegram from Salem, saying "county rolls not all in yet,' so that they had to adjourn without doiug anything. This looks like fooling on the part of the state ofhcials, to compel county officials to dance attendance on delays this way. The tax levy should have been made September 1st: two and a half months ago. First thing we know it will be delinquent. The W. C. T. U. district conven tion is in present session at Bescue hall. The session began last even ing, Mr?. Biggs, state president of the association in the chair and will continue to-day and to-morrow. There was a pleasnt reception to the several delegates last evening, com prising music, and address of wel come by Mrs. C. A. Gearhart, re sponded to by Mrs. A. B. Biggs, in troduction, refreshments, etc. The exercises will be resumed at 9:30 this morning, with a noon intermission till 130 P. jr., and an evening meet ing at 730: the public generally are invited. PERSONAL MENTION. M. Herrick is registered at the Oc cident Fish commissioners Thompson and Beed have gone to Ellensburg to ex amino B. D. Hume's salmon hatchery near that place. I "jBev. W. L. MacEwau, will on the first Sunday in December, assume the chaplainship in the Bishop Scott academy at Portland. W. L. Bobb has been elected sec rotary of the Astoria Building & Loan association. His office is on Cass street, opposite TheAstoiuax building. Mr. Shipley and wife of Oswego came down yesterday, their first visit to Astoria in 27 years. They go to Clatsop, where Mr. S. formerly re sided, this morning. Balph Morgan, "who has been in charge of the yard at Skaniokawa, came down yesterday, and' goes to Sunshine this morning, where Le will superintend the building of a new wharf. W. C. T. I. DISTRICT CONVENTION. The lstj district W. C. T. U. conven tion held its first meeting in Astoria vcbten'ay evening at the Rescue club hall. It will hold three sessions rdaly, ending Thursday evening, November 17. Jlrs. A. R. Riggs, state president Or. W. C. T. U., Mrs. R. Robb,. state Rec. Sec, Mrs. Kate Mendenhall. Pres. Eabt Poitland W. C. T. lT., Sirs. Hoxter, Pres. of this district, and other di.stin guished ladies delegates lrom the live counties embraced in it, will beprcent. The programme for to-day is as fol fel fol eows: Morning scsssion, 9 :30 Organization, appointing of committees, icnorts of officers, Alternoou session, 1:00 Paper by Mrs. W. W. Parker. "How can a woman remain the equal of her husband after marriage.' to be read by Mrs. Julia Snyder. Discussion thereupon bv the convention. At 8 o'clock this evening the Astoria Y- XV. O. T. U. will give a literary and musical entertainment, presided over by Mrs. Rebecca Robb, Dist. Supt. of th Young Women's work. The public is cordially invitcdf to at tend all these exercise, which it ill be free. Attention Co. ""." All members of Co. "H.", O. N. G., are ordered to appear at the armory this evening at 8 o'clock, for drill. Hereafter the regular weekly drill will be held on Wednesday evening of each week. By order A. E. Shaw, Commanding. Hall of riatsow Lod-cNo. 113, lT O. of II. Astoria, Nov. 10th, 18S7. All members are requested to ap pear at their hall on Wednesday, November 16th, 18S7, at 7:30 r. ar. to transact business of importance. A. A. ClkveiiAKd, President. Attest: H. A. Smith, Seretary. Wanted. A girl for general housework in a small family at Fort Stevens. Apply to P. G. Eastwick, Fprt Stevens, or to .1. N. Griffin. Astoria. Plain Sewing auHro!.niaUiiip At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross opera house. Sewing for families by the day at their homes if desired. Every mother is interested in know ing that a special preparation for chil- oi en, caned "liie umitrs uougn byrun" i-. now for sale only at Dcnient's drug store. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Ccow's Gallery. Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice coffee Telephone "Ledging: House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night ."JO and 25 cts., per week 6130. New and clean. Private entrance. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. ITYou Want Tour Fine Cleaned. Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. C0MISSI0NER SPAMS EESIGNS. Creighton Pleeing To The Isthmus. Philadelphia, Nov. 15. Senator Joseph B. Hawley of Connecticut was married at noon to-day in St. Clements Protestant Episcopal chnrcb, to Miss Edith Horner, of England who has been for several years one of the head nurses at the Blackley hospital in this city. There was a large and distinguished as semblage present to witness the cere mony which was performed by the rector of St. Clements, Bev. Dr. Mu toria. Miss May Wharton, maid of honor and Lieut. Kuapp of the United States navy, best man. Among those present were General Sherman, senator Piatt of Connecti cut, Geo. "W. Childs. Gen. McCrook. and Mn rat Halstead. A REORGANIZATION. PhiiiAdeiiThia, Nov. 15. The in quirer says that the reorganization of the Jersey Central railway is prac tically accomplished- and thcholders of bonds and guarauteed obligations to the amount of S31,GG3,000 have accepted the reorganization scheme. The road will be taken out of the hands of the receiver, January 1st. to provide maintenance. Chicago, Nov. 15.- -It is announced that the amnesty society and defence committee will join forces and assume the responsibility of pro viding for tho families of tho dead auarchists. A permanent fund will be started for thai purpose. "flUlliTY. as charged." Prescott, A. T., Nov. 15. Tho jury in tho case of Martin Doran, charged with tho murder of Bey and Baca at Flngstaff, Sept. IS, to-day returned a verdict of "guilty as charged.' Under the laws of this territory the penalty is left with the judge. TO RESCUE EMIN PASHA. London, Nov. 15. Private tele grams have been received stating that ou October 7th, Henry M. Stan ley was 100 miles from Emin Pasha, and that he was taking halt his force on forced marches. THE YEIiIjOW FEVER. Washington, Nov. 15. Surgeon general Hamilton has received a tele gram from Tampa, Fla., saying that there were three uew cases of yellow fever at Tampa yesterday, and no deaths. There are thirteen cases in tho hospital. GONE TO PANAMA. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Chief Crowley has received a dispatch from Mazatlan. Mexico, aunonncing that tho fugitive jury briber Creighton had sailed under the name of Bichard ) Cannon for Panama. sparks n..s resigned. Washington, Nov. J5. Commis sioner Sparks has written to tho pres ident defending his course and re signing his office. suspicious cartridges. London, Nov. 15. Charles Cha otsch who was arrested jesterday at Greenock on landing from the steam er State (f Indiana from New York, for having dynamite cartridges in his possession, stated that he was a miner by occupation and belonged in BogersOeld. Ho was remanded to jail. The cartridges were of the or dinary kind used by miners. t'ive Them a Chanri! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very wi u- j derful machinery it is. Not only li: j larger air-passages, but the thousan . r of little tubes and cavities leading from them. "When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they do they can not do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo nia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is "ust one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything elso has failed yon, you may depend upon this for certain. The Enclfclt Salmon JIarkct. The Loudon Grocer of October 22d says of the market in that city: Salmon still finds a very firm mar ket and transactions continue to be reported at extreme rates, the pur chases for the week haying been at from 2S3 Gd per case for outside rivers, np to 33s for Columbia river fish in tall tins, according to brauds; and it is also said that contracts havo been entered into for arrival at tho-last-nnmed price for salmon in "flat" tins, which is exceedingly dear, whether wo regard the exceptional position of the article, or the prices at which it can be retailed to the consumer. Of the Liverpool market the Grocer's' Gazette of the same date says: There is no special feature in salm on at present, but there is a good, steady,regular demand.andsome large parcels have been placed at full market-prices; a much larger trade could .have been done at a slight reduction, but holders decline to make any con cessions, and their holdings are very limited. For lame Back, Side or Unesc use Suiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnco 25 cent?. For sale by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co All tlic patent mememes advertised in thisnaner. toaelher with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite ucuient hetel, Astoria. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par tics, etc. The best cooked to order. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis Immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. SKIN SCALP BLOOD JIa ing bcon a sufferer for two years and a lialf from a discao caused by a bruiso on tho lop, and havimc been cured by tbo Cuticcba IUmuhks when all other methods and reme dicj failed. I deem it my duty to recommend them. I viitod Hot Springs to no avail, and tried -cveral doctors without success, and at Iat our principal dnsjrzist, Mr. John P. Fin lay, ito whom I shall over frel Bratcful), IliO. 1 tUMK I cansuim me jaic.-t suriacc where mv sufferings sprang from of any ono in the State. 'Iho Clticcra Kejiewks aro the hen blood and skin curesmanufacturcd. r rArr ii. ,inm"U! John P. l-inlav and Dr. . C. Montgomery, both of this place, and to Dr. Finitb. ef'Lakt Lee. Miss. ALEXANDER REACH, Greenville, Miss. 31 r. IJcReh H-Ssl tho Ccticuui K rations, at our reque'St. with results as abovo stated. A. I: rlAIin.1. V.V., JSI wjyii-5 SA.V.ED FVrY MOTHER'S LIFE. Ever sinco I can remember, my mother has suffered from milk leg. Nothing would do lier anv good, bho had tho best medical tal ent. but they a'.I did her no sood. Sho suf fered wi.h her leg for thirty years add never knew a well day. She would havo to sit up half the night, holding up her leg and moan ing. She liad no peace. She used all tho best known remedies in tho country without effect. I asked her to try your Ccticura I'hmi nits. (!ot her a bottlo of Ccticcka 1e soLvrvr, and she took it, and has taken in all about siv or seven bottle, and now she is a well woman to-day. 21 er leg is entirely healed, and her health was never better. She can go out every day, something sho ha3 not done in ten year?, so you sco I cannot help, stating to vim about your wonderful Cuticu nvKhju.Dihs. You have sa-ctl my mother's lif. I cannot find word to express my grati tude. 1 have advertised your Ccticcka lira, irrncs far Vinil near. EDWARD LI EDEK. 1 Broad way, . . CfTJci-i:, the great skin cure, and Cuticu i:Soai. prepared from it, externally, and Ccticcka IWaolvent, the new blood purifier, internally, aro a poitivo cure for every form of skin ami Wood diseases from pimplcsto scrofula. Sold everywhere. Trice: Cut.cuha. 50 ccnls : KnsoLVrrrr, Sl.W ; Soap, 2j cents. Pre-i-arcdbythc PotTEitDnt'o axd Chemical Co.. Do-ton. , . . cfi-Sond for "llow.to Cure Skin Diseases." M paguj., .7) illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DlRllMPLIS, black-heads, chajped arid II III oily skin prevented by CuTictmi Med irATrncovr. Sneezing Catarrh. Ihedhtrofsingshcezc. .sneeze, sneozc, tho acrid, watery discharges from tho eyes and nose, the painful inflammation extending to the throat, tlyi swelling of tho mucous lining, causing choking sedations, cough, ringing noises in the head and splitting headaches, how familiar these symptoms aro to thous ands who suffer periodically from head cold? or influenza r.ml who live inignoranco of the tact that a singlo application ot uanfoed's ltAMrAi. Cent ioa Catarrh will afford fn- filanlanaiws relief. Dut thi treatment in cases of simplo Ca tarrh cives but n f.unt idea of what thi rem edy will do in tho chronic forms, whero tho breathing is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous accumulations, tho hearing affected. niell and tato gone, throat ulcerated and hacking cough gradually fastening itscif upon the debilitated system. Then it is that the marvellous curative power of Sanpord's KAinrAi. Ccrk manifests itscif in instantane ous and grateful relief. Curo begins from tho first npplicat:on. It is rapid, radical, perma nent, economical, safo. Samorp's Uaihcal Ccnn consists of ono bottlo of the Radical Cckf, ono box Ca tarrhal Soi.VK.tT and an Improver Ism ler price, ?1. Potter Drco ,fc Chemical Co., ISostox. PAI8S and WEAKNESSES. OF FEMALES. Instantly relieved by the Cu t icu r Antf-Z'jtin 'Piutor.anew, iuotagrccabl3. instantaneous and infallible pain-killing plaster, cs nccia ly adapted to relievo Pcmalo Pain ami 'weaknesses. Warrant ed a?tly-upcrior to nil other plasters, and fie mo-t perfect Antidote to Pain. Inflamma tion and caknes3 yet compounded. At all druggi-ts 2" cents : five Tor 51 ; or' postage frca of PonTK IMtris &CiiiMicvhCo.,las Joa, Mas. C It. TliuL-ison Married. This evening at 8 o'clock, Elder G. W. Longan, of Sedalia. united in mar riage Miss Itfary Procler to fr. O. B. Thompson, of Astoria Ore. The wedding was a surprise to the host of friends of the bride here. No an nouncement whatever was ma3e of the wedding until yesterday, when Miss Procter, who for three years has with satisfaction filled a position in the public schools, sent in her resig nation to the school board. It then soon becania known that Indepen dence was to -lose one of its most highly esteemed young ladies, and the information was received with no lit tle regret by friends who held Miss Procter in such high esteem. The wedding was not burdened by form amy, no attompt being made at dis play. The wedding march was plav ed by Mrs. Ed. "White, of Kansas City, who is a particular friend of the bride. There were no attendants, save the ushers, Messrs. W. S. "Wells, Calvin Adkhut, C. P.. Thomas, and W. V. Peacock. The ceremony was brier, amVwaa listened to with bated breath by a church filled with friends. Tho altar was tastefully and beauti fully decorated with flowers. The bride was attired in a neat Gobelin blue broadcloth, with hat and gloves en suite. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson took the S:o9 Missouri Pacific for Sedalia, whero they-will visit relatives of the groom, thence pay a visit to Kentucky. Thev will return here about the 24th and. after a brief stay, will pro ceed to their future home at Astoria, Or,, whither Mr. Thomson went and established himself m the practice of law after having been a member of the faculty of Woodland college of this city. The bride is the eldest daughter ot Elder Alex. Proc ter, pastor of the Christian chur.ch, of this city, and has a ho3t of friends throughout the state, who unite with those here in wishing tho couple hap piness throughout life. Indepen dence. Mo., S. Gnmbrinus Beer Anil Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, r cents. Any case of Croup can be easilv treat ed and cured by using "The 'Child's Couch Syrup." Full directions -with each package, which can only be pur chased at Dcnient's drug store. Tho best oysters in anv' stvle at Fabrc:. ?lcal Cooked to Order, Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. For tho very best pictures go to II. S. Shuster.,- -...- Two SO in. wide, Begular Price $3.25, All the Lale Color Maize, Electrique, Goblins, White, D 8 Pieces of Fine Bleached Table Dainask, Regular Price $1.00 per yard, will now be sold for -. 75 cents per yard. - The above Goods were personally selected by Mr. Cooper "who is at present in New York, are extraordinary good values such as have The Leading YOU CAN tWi Jft S5 On gettiug Goods of him for Less Money than them 'ere high priced fellers like to sell, and Because He Makes His Customers Glad And the Storekeepers 3Iad. We Call Him HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Occident ITotcl Building. Opposite Star Market. Homer a Hair, A w JUST OPENED e s Oastor, French Gray, s Will be round in These Plushes, Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria. uriBin mi Kauroau The SO IS CHRISTMAS ! But We Can't But must buy our along just the RUSH Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you -can buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con vinced. We carry in stock a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares. Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria. Cigars, tobaccos, etc.,' in unequalled stock andat unequalled prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms, whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats, oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran. BUT WE MUST STOP1 For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we shall fill up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo lasses in gallon cans at only 75 jcents, and our new Yeast Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price. CHRISTMAS GOODS Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. "What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just call at D. la. Beck & rgams, Gloriania, Sapphire, Creams, Etc. Ext 7 ! is uomiiiff Wait for Either, Faniiry Supplies right same, and the t " .