The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 13, 1887, Image 3

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(Momkiv excepted, i
Publisher awl Proprietors,
ASTOUIAN BL'IMIING, - - C.vsj Stkeet.
Terras of Subscription.
Served liv Carrier, per week .. . 15 cts
Sent by Mail, per month - Co cts
" " one year. ?7.O0
Free of postage to subscribers.
Thk Atokian guarantee to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
To-morrow night.
"A Planter's Wife."
At Ross' opera Louse.
Reserved seats at the Now York
Novelty store.
Sacred song service at the Method
ist church to-day at 7 p. m.
The sale of reserved seats for the
Maud Granger performance continues
at the New York Novelty store.
Thirty per cent of the votes cast
in this county last Tuesday were for
prohibitien: seventy per cent, .against
Thirty whales were seen swimming
between Tacoma and Seattle last
Thursday; so the Post-Intdliuem-er
A fine new piano was received from
Portland yesterday, and will be heard
for the first time at the opera house
to-morrow evening.
The four masted British ship Van
dura cleared yesterday for Hull,
England, carrying 106,321 bushels
wheat, worth 69,114.
Latest reports from the state place
the anti-prohibition majority at 9,000.
The "rooral deestreects" were just as
badly ferninst it as the cities.
The Western Amateur band orches
tra, consisting of eight pieces has
been engaged as an orchestra for to
morrow evening's performance at
Ross' opera house.
The Edwin Thorne Co. closed a three
nights' engagement last night, and
will open to-morrow in Portland.
The company is a good one and de
serves unlimited Euccess.
Maud Granger, who will appear at
Ross' opera house to-morrow evening
iu her great play, "The Planter's
Wife," comes with strong indorse
ment by the press and public.
The Oregon board pilot commissi
oners had a meeting yesterday and
granted a renewal of bar branches to
pilots Thos. Doig, G. W. Wood, J. E.
Campbell and H. A. Matthews.
The Northwest says; There is a
young lady in Portland who likes
sweet cider so well that she declares
she can't do without it, and when she
can't get it any other way she eats a lot
of apples and then gets her lover to
squeeze her. She says that is nearly
as good as cider.
C. J. Trenchard, county clerk, A.
A. Cleveland, justice of the peace,
and L. E. Selig, representing T. S.
Jewett, auditor and police judge, met
yesterday in the county clerk's office
and canvassed the vote. The official
returns are given in another colnmn.
The total number of votes cast was
Theo. Wygant, .assistant treasurer
of the O. R. & N. Co., goes out on the
10th of next month. This leaves but
one now in the company's employ
who was with the old O. S. N. Co., E.
A. Noyes, "who for over seven years
has been in charge of the company's
business in this city, For thirteen
years he has had important positions
with the O. S. N. and O. R. ic N. com
panies, and has handled millions of
dollars in coin and property during
thattime, making for himself an en
viable and honorable record.
Shipping men, and masters in par
ticular, are making bitter complaints
regarding the management at Ta
toosh Island lighthouse, situated at
the entrance of Juan de Fuca 6traits.
They affirm that the fog whistle is
sounded at intervals an hour apart.
Instances are noted where, when the
weather cleared, vessels were in dan
gerous proximity to the shoals near
the station. That is an important
station, and certainly should have
employes who would use sufficient
vigilance to avert disasters that
might occur through official negli
gence. Telephone Lodging House.
Uest Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 2T cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Meals Cookctl to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
A Sunny Room
Willi the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Tea, Tea, Tea.
Fine Oolongs, Choice Gunpowder and
Imperials, Fresh No. 1 English Break
fast, Common Fancy Garden, and Ex
tra Choice Japan, Extra New Crop
Young Hyson Teas, etc, etc. The finest
of blends prepared at
Thompson & Ross.'
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Private .Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Condensed Specials ProinVarious Points.
Special to Tiik Asioiti.or.
Chicago, Nov. 12. Fielden and
Schwab were taken fro :n the county
jail to-day, to the penitentiary at
Joliet, where they are under sentence
oi imprisonment for life.
Chicago, Nov. 12. It looks very
much as if the city authorities would
refuse to allow the friends of the
executed anarchists to carry out
their programme respecting their
funerals which are set for to-morrow.
It has been learned from the most
reliable sources that Mayor Roche,
chief of police Eberson, Inspector
Boufield and commissioner of public
works, Swift, have had a long con-ference-'respecting
what they would
or would not allow. The chief and
mayor are both against letting
crowds line the streets through which
the cortege proposes passing, and it
may be decided that the burial of
them -will have to be made separately.
San Francisco, Nov. 12. Capt
Lees of the detective force, this
morning presented an affidavit in
Judge Lawler's court, charging John
A. Dimmig with the murder of Henry
Benhayon, and Dimmigs applica
tion for a writ of habeas corpus was
CniCAGo, Nov. 12. About five
thousand people viewed the remains
of the anarchists Parsons and
Fischer at the undertaker's
shop this morning. The remains
were removed to the residence of the
deceased about 10 o'clock. There
was no excitement over the transfer.
The bodies of Spies and Engel were
removed last evening.
London, Nov. 12. Gladstone writes
that lord Hartington's recent speech
is conclusive evidence that he will be
decidedly one of the most extreme in
opposition to the liberal parly while
the Irish question exists. "We must
settle that question quick if we desire
to win him back."
Lynchburg, Ysi., Nov. 12. A riot
has broken out at Pocahontas be
tween native and Hungarian miners.
The military from this city have gone
to the scene of the disorder.
Minneapolis, Nov. 12. A dynamite
bomb was picked up to-night by a
night watchman on Fourth street
It was made of gas pipe and was
about one foot long. At one end was
a fuse which had evidently been
London, Nov. 12. An English
steamer at NicolaeiT, Russia, collided
with and sunk the Russian man of-
war Elborow. Seven persons aboard
the latter vessel were drowned.
Horses For No. Two's Engine.
Members of Rescue Engine Co.,
No. 2, are talking of getting a team
of horses to pull the engine to fires.
They figure that a good span of
horses can be had for S350, a couple
of stalls rigged up, the necessary har
ness and other appliances procured,
and once bought the only expense
will be the feed. Then in case of
need the engine will "get there Eli,"
instead of the boys breaking their
backs pulling over the slippery
plauks. The idea will be worked up,
and it is not unlikely that by '88 the
boys of Rescue No. 2 will have horse
power to take their Silsby to the fire
on the double quick.
By Whom Government Bonds Arc Held.
Register Rosecrans has made a re
port concerning the ownership of
registered United States bonds, which
he places as follews:
lieiu by national Ranks S!12.41.,450
Other domestic holders 070,07C,OE!
Foreigners 1 1,031.800
Total SKO.433,312
It is believed that all the coupon
bonds, amounting to about $200,000,
000, are held in this country. These
are fortunate facts. S. F. liulleUn.
Incoming Pas-enters.
The Oregon is dne from San Francisco
this morning with the following passen
gers: G A Schrack W N McConklin
G Esmond Dr G H Barney
Mrs 11 Hirschberg J Bernstein & wf
P H Johnson G A Nelson
Major Darling T M Heed
Mrs L D Kellogg J T Flynu
Emily Eccles
Hall of Clatsop Lotlj;eNo. 113..U. O. of 11.
Astoria, Nov. 10th, 18S7.
All members are requested to ap
Dear at their hall on Wednesday,
November lGth, 1SS7, at 730 p. m. to
transact business of importance.
A. A. Cleveland,
Attest: H. A. .Surra,
A girl for general housework in a
small family at Fort Stevens. Apply lo
P. G. Eastwick, Fort Stevens, or to J. N.
Griffin. Astoria.
Plain Sewing ami Dressnmliijig
At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross' opera
hotHC. Sewing for families by the day
at ineir uoines n uesircu.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup5
i-? now for sale only at Denicnt's drug
Gambrimis Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephpne Sa
loon, 5 cents.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallerj.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
The Fnll Vote of the County as Canvassed.
The returning board met at the
court house at two o'clock yesterday
afternoon and canvassed the" returns
of the judges and clerks of the sever
al election precincts regarding the
number of votes polled at the election
on constitutional amendments held
on Tuesday, the 8th inst
The following is the result:
r-BECINCT no. 1.
1. No i:J7 Yes oG
2. No S7 Yes 14
3. No G3 Yes 2G
1. No 23G Yes 115
'J. No L" Yes 54
3. No 103 Yes 93
1. No 299 Yes 87
2. No 21G Yes (57
3. No 140 Yes 130
1 No 49 Yes 42
2. No U0 Yes 9
3. No 41 Yes 3fi
No 44 Yes .'. 54
No 5 Yes 74
No .. 39 Yes 41
.. 81 Yes 21
.. 90 Yes 5
.. 3 Yes 9S
1. No 48 Yes S
2. No 39 Yo3 10
3. No 10 Yes 35
1. No 20 Yes G
2. No 5 Yes 17
3. No 0 Yes! 23
1. No
2. No
3. No
13 Yes 7
19 Yes 2
2 Yes 19
54 Yes 4
53 Yes 0
40 Yes 12
1. No 25 Yes 21
2. No 32 Yes 13
3. No 8 Yes 39
1. No 4 Yes 5
2. No 5 Yes 0
3. No 3 Yes 2
1. No 2G Yes 4
2. No 24 Yes 2
3. No 18 Yes 5
No 23 Yes
No 32 Yes
No 2 Yes
1. No 20 Yes 10
2. No 23 Yes 1
3. No 23 Yes C
1. No 10 Yes.
2. No 12 Yes.
3. No 0 Yes.
1. No 12 Yes 7
2. No 17 Yes 1
3. No 1 Yes IS
Against Prohibition 1.101
For " 4G3
Majority against G33
Against Salary Am'd't 959
For " " 205
Majority against 754
Against Chang'g Time 512
For ' ' C25
Majorit for 113
Not Catching, lint Prevalent.
"Now," children' said principal V.'.d
bridge of school S to a room full of
little pupils, "I want yon to tell me
if there is any sickness in your
homes," The priucipal was carrying
out the instructions of the health
board in taking precautious lo stay
the spread of diphtheria, scarlet
fever and typhoid. A few of the
pupils answered and the principal at
once dismissed those who said thero
were contagious disease iu their
homes. "Arc there any more who
have got sickness in their homesi'"
asked Mr. Walbridge- A little dot of
a girl held up her hand.
"Who is sick?" asked Mr. Wal
bridge. "My mother,"' replied the little girl.
"What is the matter?"
"She's got a baby."'
"That is not exactly catching," re
plied the dignified principal, "al
though," he added, reflectively, look
ing around upon his numerons flock,
"it is very prevalent."
Will Appeal to the Commission.
P. A. Worthington, of "Weston, recently
ordered 1,300 feet of lumber from Port
land and a bill for $44.G0 freight charges
was tendered him. Thinking a mistake
had been made, ho wrote to Freight
Agent B. Campbell, who replied that the
charges were jnst and reasonable. Mr.
"Worthiugton will appeal to the state rail
road commissioners, who are holding a
meeting in Salem. Sentry.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
If You Want Your Flue Cleaned.
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office
An j case of Croup can be easily treat
ed and cured by using "The Child's
Conch Syrup." Full directions with
each package, which can only be pur
chased at Dement's drug store.
The best oysters in any style at
Shiloh's Vitaltzens what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per boltJe. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Catarrh cured, health ami sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's'Catarrh Itcxn
edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free
For sale by W. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can'
e bought at the lo.wcst prices, at J. W."
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
Thp t'ivpt service between here and
Portland is unsurpassed in cheap
ness and utility anywhere in the
world. This sounds exaggrated: but
it is the plain truth. The Telephone,
Astoria's favorito boat, the fastest
stern wheeler in the world, can come
flying down from Portland in four
nnrl.n.lmlf honrs. No stem-wheeler
anywhere can beat her. Her Sunday
rnnq nrr n trreab uuuvciijuiiuu arm
j"ia nltrnvs brincrs her Dasseneers in
riling nf pxptv other boat. The O.
R. & N. company's daily boats both
ways aro now to be supplemented by
a most welcom addition to the service
in f li wnv nf a umht mail and nass.
enger boat between the two cities.
Uur mail facilities are to be grand
ly expedited. Hegining to-day the
mail from Hie east will arrivo at Port
land at 1:15 r.M., intead of 10:15 the
next morning twenty-one hours
ahead of the old schedule. Were
there a mail boat leaving Portland at
six or eight o'clock this evening the
eastern through mail to Astoria that
arrives there at 1:15 this afternoon
would be here for Astorians at bix
o'clock to-morrow morning, instead
of laying over all night iu the Port
land" postoffice and taking all the
next day to come down as has been
the case.
Chas. Brown left yesterday, over
laud, for Nestucca.
Miss Itogere and Miss Eaton are
visiting friends in this city.
Mrs. J. M. Fix has returned from
California and is now with her
parents at Upper Astoria.
IJivc Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing" machine. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
of little tubes and cavities leading
from them.
When these are clogged aud choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do they can
not do weil.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and
head and lung obstructions, all are
bad. .All ought to be got rid of. There
is just one sure way to get rid of
them. Tbat is to take Boschee's
German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell you at 75 cents a bottle.
Even it everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this for
Name, O doctor! name your fee,
Ask I'll pay whate'er it be.
Skill like yours. 1 know, comes high.
Only do not let me die;
Let me out of this and I
The cash will ante instantly.
Cut, O doctor, cut that fee,
Cut, or not a dime from me;
I am not a millionaire,
But I'll do whatever's square:
Only make a bill that's fair,
And I'll fix it presently.
Book, O doctor, book your fee,
Charge I'll pay it futurely;
"When the crops all by aro Laid,
When all other bills aro paid
(Or of death I am afraid
1 will pay it grudging!-.
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Hoberliue, the great" beautifier
aud preserver of the complexien:
Poi:tiani, Or., June 4, 1837.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdom Dear Sir: I
have tried yourltobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. JJelievo me,
yours truly. Bhea.
Portland. Dec. 188."5.
To Mr. W. M. Wisdem: The "Bober
linc you so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I havo ever
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jeaxnie Winston.
Portland. Or.. Anril G. 1SS7.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried 3-our
"Bobertiue,' and it gives mc much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being one of tho best
articles of tho kind I have ever used. Be
lieve me, yours sincerely,
Z. Tiusbklxj.
For sale by W. E. Dement ic Co.
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
Will you "suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint V Shiloh's V italizer is
uuaranteed to cure vou. Sold by W. E.
Dement & Co.
Co to Norah Rappieyea's,
lr Kvcr thins
In the I ne of Fancy Work. A full aSSOrt
mPUt llf l.nilinc' I'liilnnrlnF llrlil.1 Vfilr I .1
die's Aprons, table Scarfs, Embroidery Slik,
X-.UIV,) nuiscs, tMjvuiiy uraius, oic, etc.
CassStrect, One door South o. Frintius Of
fice, G. A. STINSON & CO.,
U Capt, Rogers old stand, comer of Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoelne.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
JOarnahan & Co.
Comer Chenamus andJCass streets.
20 in. wide, Kegular Price $2.25,
A1I the Late Colors Will
8 Pieces of Fine Bleached Table Damask, Regular
Price $1.00 per yard, will now be sold for
75 cents per yard.
The above Goods were personally selected
by Mr. Cooper who is at present in New York,
are extraordinary good values such as have
Never been Offered, Bef ore.
The Leading
On getting Goods of him for
Less Money than them 'ere
high priced fellers like to
sell, and
Because He Makes
His Customers Glad
And the Storekeepers Mad,
We Call Him
The Reliable
Clottr and Halter,
Occident Ilotel Uuihlinff.
Opposite Star Market.
will now be
$1,50 pes?
be Found in
French Gray,
Garnets, .
Dry Goods and Clothing House
of Astoria.
The Railroad s C
But We Can't
But must buy our
along just the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; no,t a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
call at
. D la. Beck & Sons'.
These Plushes,
Gloriania, .
o in i n g:
Wait for Either,
Family Supplies right,
same, and the ;..w
the best, and only half price.
-fcf.flfi fcr-