(13 VOL. XXIX, NO. III. Is fast approac reunions and parents as the parents are should re husban mem Have had selected espe Francisco for the last six we supply, until we can confide menced to arrive and as soo We are sure of being- a Customers will le allowed to out of their money. All goods guaranteed to be The price, of each article will e sure and wait for our ope IiLTSlNESS CARDS. roi(.' . K 31 ITS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olilcc, Room 1 and o, ncr City 15n5c Siit. ATTORNEY AT LAW. -tV.ee i!i Kinney's J.lock. -jjk)sUc City Hall, Astoua, Oregon. c w. hji.ton. o. c. Fin.TON rujre: brothers. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ! looms 5 and c. Odd Fellows ltusldlag. t J:. TIIG3ISOX, Attorney at Law and ITotary Public. Special attention Riven to practice in tlio t'. s. Lund Ofllce, and the examination of I.m'l titles. A full set ot Altst met Honks for l lntsop County in olllce. Money to loan. Office Uooms l and 3, oer Cilv ttmik Store. f fc. A. BOWLBY, Attoriiej" and Counsellor t Law Ofllce on Chenaimts Stieet, Astoria, Oregon JP I. WIXTOM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle lluiM- mg. T PJ B. WATS OX, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business before the U. S. Iind Office a pecialty. ASTOKIA, - - Oi:K0. X C. IHXKI.EV, I. I), s. DENTIST. Is associated with DIt. L.A FOKCh. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTOKIA, --.. OREGON, TXRS. A. 1.. AX J. A, I-'ULTOX. lhj iciaus ami Surgeons. Ofilce on Cass street, three doors south of Odd Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. AY TTJTTL.T., :?!. I). PHYSICIAN A2SD SUltGEOJN, Officr Rooms C Pythian Building Residence On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Ilosnltal. A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. hing; that great fond remeinbr member their waves as the wi ds ; when lover r bers friend, and us" sh To Prep cially for them in the East, a eks watching all the late Eu ntly assert that no such disp n as they are all here wc sha ble to suit all tasts and pur select goods aud have them put just what they are represented. be distinct! nutrked and a child niiia: before von buy t-Isswliere or "K.O. . KSTILS. rilY-SlCIAN AND SUKtiEOX. i)Fl'I"K : tSf-iu llnilillliir. mi staiiN. Aslorhi. Owgon. r:c. AiiFi:t;i kixxky. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will Old V ttltfllil lir.llfnt . :i! Iik !!!. :m! may he found there at any hour. 111 YSIOIAX AND SURfiKON. OpiMitiTcUraili Onlcc. Astoria. Oregon. t ViX.O l lAIIii:St SURVEYOR GFOLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astonn. Residence : Near Clatsop 31 ill. Robt. Collier, Deputy. E. . iFoi.nr.v. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds For WaMiingtou Tenitory. AITTIONJIEK. REAL ESTATK AM) IX.SITKAXCE AtthXT. OAliv at llolden's Aurlnm Rooms. "iicna- ntus Street. Astoria. Oregon. H. A. S3IITII, Skfcv f-tCl V DENTIST. w Rooms 1 audi! I'jthiun Ihulding ocr C. II. Cooper's Store. E. C. HOLDER, AUCTIONEER SS COMMISSION - -AGENT. ESTABLISHED 1874, Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture aud Redding. "Will conduct Auction Sales of Land, StocK or Household tJoods in the country. Will appraise and purchase Second-hand Furniture. Consignments solicited. Quick Sales and Prompt Cash Returns Guaranteed. Astoria Agent for Daily and WeeKIvOie gonian. s& -brTIIE BIAHQHS PAX4CE! a Largj and Well Se'e -tt- ?toek of Fl. DiamoMs i Jewelry, At Extremely Low Prices. ,. All Goods nght at This EstabllsliBitat Warranted Genuine. Wafcli and Clock ICcpniriiig A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. m& m ASTORIA. OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, J887 Hi iiEI1! 'est holiday of ances; when chiildren should re sure to do the emembers swee when "the poor ould not be forg are for this Gle large assortment of Christm ropean arrivals, and selectin lav in our line has ever been 11 have a GRAND OPENI ses. aside for future delivery without can buy as safely as an adult, vou will regiel vou did not first &&i A Man's "Wants. Some thoughtless ppop!' ma imajjine t!iet innkin out for o- ' self involve s no one clscV iut . -. But iiutnan !ei:igs wcio iiud ! society, and with wauls which i quire many providers. A ma:i:n iheDiient, wher.tlioy do not icquirc as much clotiitnr as in colder climates, gave up all worldly concerns and retired to a wood, where he built a hut aud lived in it. IJis only clothing was a piece of cloth which ho wore ro .md his waist. But, as luck would have it, rats were plentiful in the wood, so he had to keep a cat. The cat required milk to keep it, so a cow had to be kept. The cow required tend ing, so a cowboy was cm ployed. The boy required a house to live in, so a house was built for him. To look alter the house a Tnaid had to be engaged. To provide company for the maid a few more houses had to be built and people invited to live in them. In this manner a little township sprang up. The man said: The farther we seek to go from the world and its cares the more they multiply!" This man must have soon sick ened of his passion for solitude; for if he had really wanted to be alone he could have succeeded bet ter than he did. But the parable is a rough lesson in political econ omy, showing that solitude is against the law of nature. "When Your Nerves Bother Yon. Invigorate them. When jour night's re pnse is unsound or unrefrehing, your ajpe tite Jaded or capricious whcj siiglit noises cause you to start, and ar.no ances of sight moment abnormally worrj ou. Know thre things, viz : 1st. That your nenesare we k! 2d, that you need a tonic ; ?A, that its name is Ilostetter's Stomach Hitters, the prompt est, safest, most popular article of iU class. The nerves are susceptible of invigoration only by promoting an incree of vigor in the processes of digestion and invigoration, Narcotics and sedatives have their utility, but in the main, and if their use be contin ued, they are unsafe. A wiueglassful of the bitters before retiring, and a repetition of the same during the dav before or after meals, is far more likely to confer health yielding sleep than repeated doses of an opi ate. DyspeDsia, debility, inactivity of the kidneys and blalder, fever and ague, and other malarial complaints, are always dom tn&t? d and subdued by it. iCor lame Hack. Side or Onesr. use Sftaoh's Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents. Forxale by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Couch can be so quickly cured by Shilolfs Cure. Wo guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. OS j the year; the ir children; wh ves are sure t theart and Me that are always otten as goodb, and our Harry g the latest patterns, and choi made in Astoria, as we shall NG DAY of which due not prcjHsyment, thus securing their c see iht iroods of Stosking Up With Pish. United States commissioner ..Hti ha received a communica (iiMi from Thomas .Mow.itt, fisher ies inpi'olnr of British Columbia which btates that a large shipment of lob-tir from Chaicur hay, Nova Scnin, is expected to arrive in Brs'ib Columbia next week. The lo'nsteis v.i 1 be deposited in Bur rard inlet and in Esquitnalt har bor. The same car will bring 9, 000.000 young salmon to be placed in the Fraser river. There will also he a lot of blue bass for the rivers, and a large amount of salmon eggs for the hatcheries. Next season inspector Mowatt ex. pects to have a steam schooner place 1 at h:s command to inves tigate a reported hank of cod and halibut on the west cust of Queen Cliarh tte island. Port Toxcnsend Articles of incorporation of the Gray's LTarbcr Mill company have ben filed in the San Francisco count v clerk's office. The direc tors are E. M. llcrrick, C. S. Holmes, Charles Ilamson, "W. J. Adams, A. 1). Moore, C. F. A. Talbot and W. II. Talbot. There ib-.iinw 1JO,000 of the $150,000 of capu.il Mibscribed. Foi constipation, Indigestion, Headache, Liver Complaint, and f r all purgative purposes, take Ayer'h Pills the best for familv Some silver salmon are still run ning on Cocs bay, and the Coos 13ay Packing company continues to put up frsh. Rheumatism aud catarrh, caused by impoverished blood, cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. There was an old roman of Skye, Her husbands respective did die; She remarked (and 'twas true), the Lord's taken a fpw. ( And so long as Ho takes them will L Sleepless Iphts made miserable by that terrible cough. Sluluh's Cure is the remedy for j-on. Sold by W.E. De I ment & Co. Shiloh's Cougn ana Cousuuiption lUre IS SOld bV US nn minrantan It cures consumption. Sold byW.E.De- 1UC11U .Tpro"0' Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. time of happy member their enhusbands o do their nd re with G. Smith has been in San cest goods to add to the show. The eoods have corn ice will be Cfiven. hoice. and not being obliged to lay ftm' Pi fter eaimc. pcnii f a liiltou- il"uil! 1j-i Ho Krcat hem-lit by t.k- . ;c "lie liflin-vi? plli-. If J uu have been ORiNKlHO TOO MUCH, tliey will i .'ouiptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE ami !MTVouncR which follow, restore fit jtjjpetit.." -mil Tctnove jjloomy feol ii!" . i:ieK.sntIypaiu'co:ited. Price, "j c.iits per bo. SOLI EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. HOTELS AND KESTAURAXTS ARKER HOUSE. W3I. AI.LIiJV. lioir. First Class in Every Bespt. I'rrc Coafli to tle House. Clli:i5. KVKN'.'OX. F. COOK THE litres Hotel EVENSOtf & COOK On the European Plan. LslRGE CLEAX ROOMS, A FIRST-CLslSS IiESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Ftsli, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATEKSt., Opp. Jb'oard 5L Stolccs A FIRST CLASS SALOON Ihm in connection with the Tremises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. (lootl Billiard Tables and Private Card ltooms. THE Casino Restaurant One block from the O. R. & N. Dock, M.M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good MeaLEor 25 Cents. Oysters ia,SiJ5'5tyle723 cents. In counectioifeivUh this Topular Restau rant is run a flisffclass Saloon, well stocked with choicest Vines, Liquors and Cigars. 0 CASH. , QS ASTORIA, SOUE wVkUiiii, 5 af&s Scarlet A?fe a"d T'WMM!. Heavy White lUNBiB F "1 1 SHIRT.F IliilhfC2)T cWWj-ia4 ciral thit fcl -sCjrf.alKolata ma prolftUoa Afek. Qo-aj. ivnxeci -LUZERNE EUTTKG MILLS,- Wool. h Wo1, Scarlet HK -& Heavy " Double J,. I Seated W Wool, .Z Z?rxzv3r?iltji and Shetland 3KSDHEY f 1PBOTEGTOBE Ztk TVCl cahraar hi ferf topairof J. : Shetland m.ta Scotch -A-LrZEESB KNITTING illLLS,- Wool. fa$ Z"4 Wol GRAND PRIX PARIS, 1878, AND GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1833. And have been nwarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS -Than the goods of any other IN THE WORLD. Quality Can Always be Depended on. Experieiicefl FMerm Use i Other. HEMEY DOYLE & Co., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twine, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand, SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. Colniia Transportation Coitiy. Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. 5-An additional trip -will be made on Sunday of Each Weefc, leaving Portland at O O'clock Sunday aiorning. Passengers by this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. u. B. SCOTT, President PRICE JblVE CENTS. GOOD. NE PRICE. OREGON. - ACENT.. Extra STEAMER MfZema.,