The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 11, 1887, Image 3

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xHte glaUj gisforan
....XOVKMBEJi 11, 1SS7
(Monday vw jtfod.)
PnblisJicis aiHl rnjrler,
Astokian ISrii.niN'o, - - C -,- Stkkrt.
Ttr:n of . Subscription.
Soi-vcil lv Carrier, k.t eric l.'i d
Sent ly Mall, per month -. Oo ct.
" " one j ear. 57.J
Free of postage to sub&crilK.'H.
Tui: Atoi:ian guarantees to it 4er
tisers the large-1 circulation of sMy nrnr-jm-per
published on the Columb'H river.
At Ross' opera house.
4,The Three Guardsmen."
Ile3erved seats at I he New YoiJc
Novelty store.
Sunshine and shadow on land and
Bead The Astoria if yon want to
know the news.
Seattle is to have a big Democratic
daily morning newspaper.
Two less in the number of Oregon
daily newspapers this week.
There is some talk of reducing
steamer fare to San Francisco.
Xiinu, Klamath, Polk, and possibly
Yamhill gave majorities for prohibi
tion. Ed. Hirsch, of Salem, has bought
the St. Lawrence hotel at Baker Citv
for S9,000.
Marple "will be hanged at Lafayette
to-day, Gov. Peuuoyer having refused
to interfere.
The Olympia land office will be
closed next Monday and opened in
Seattle on the 1st pros.
Tho sale of reserved seals for the
Maud Granger performance begins
at the New Tork Novelty store at ten
to-morrow morning.
The Edwin Thome company gave
n very good performance at tho opera
house last night. The company is a
good one and deserves a good house.
Tho fine four masted ships Van
duara and Ecdefcclian are loaded
and in the stream. Tho Oban Jiay is
also loaded and the Alert is about
On salary amendment, with l'i votes
to hear from, the county voto is, for,
336; against, S21; on the election
amendment, for, G02; against 192.
Deputy U. S. Marshal E. D. Curtis
came down yesterday afternoon to
serve libel papers on the master of
the Ecclefechan, that vessel being
charged with violation of contract.
So far as heard from 1,550 votes in
the county on prohibition amend
ment give for, 4G1; against, 1,0S9; ma
jority against, G23. Fishhawk is still
to hear from. That precinct gave 13
votes in June 8G.
Capt. Archie Harloe, an old resi
dent of San Francisco, died there
last "Wednesday from paralysis. He
came to this coast in 1S51 and for
years served as master ot different
steamers ownod by Goodall, Perkins
& Co.
Land commissioner Sparks has re
jected the selections of the Oregon
& California railway company for
about G2.00D acres of land in Oregon
within the quadrant formed by the
restoration to the public domain of
the forfeited portion of the Oregon
Central railroad grant.
Word was received from Mishawa
ka and Vesper yesterday. Iu Mish
awaka 30 votes were cast, 10 for and
20 against prohibition; on the salary
amendment, 1 for and 29 against. In
Vesper 12 votes were pelled: for pro
hibition, 2; against, 10, for saiary
amendment, 0; against, 12; for elec
tion amendment, 12; against, 0. This
makes the connty majority, exclusive
of Fishhawk, 628 against prohibition.
The U. S. fish commissioner's
steamer Albatross will sail from
Washington to-day or to-morrow, for
a cruse of three years in the waters
of the Pacific ocean. She for several
years has been employed in investi
gation of deep sea fisheries on the
Atlantic coast, and will now be util
ized in similar work in tho Pacific.
It is expected the voyage will be of
great practical value. The cruise
around Cape Horn to California will
occupy six months. The vessel will
make frequent stops, to enable the
scientists of the expedition to gather
zoological, botanical and geological
At an adjourned meeting of the
chamber of commerce last evening the
committeQe to whom had been n
ferred the communication of Gen. A.
W. Greeley relative to tho repair of
the Cape Hancock cable, reported,
recommending that a communication
be sent to him in answer, represent
ing the urgent necessity of the matter
and asking that the money appro
priated by corfgress for that purpose
bo made available for the hire of
steamer and crew in an effort to lo
cate the break and repair the same
with cable now here. The report
was accepted, the secretary so in
structed, and the chamber adjourned.
TaUc Notice.
The person who was seen to take my
silk umbrella from the corner behind
the stove at Liberty llall last evening,
will please return it to the same place
to-day, and obi ige Dr. J ay Tuttle.
Plain Sewing and Drcssmnkiug
At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross opera
house. Sewing for families by the day
at their homes if desired.
Pielden's and Schwab's Sentence Com
muted. The .Majority Against Prohibition Still
rxEW York, Nov. 10. There was
great excitement iu the city on the
receipt of the news of Lmgg s death.
New York. Nov. 10. The federated
German trades of this city have ar
ranged for a parade and demonstra
tion to-night as a protest against
what they call "contemplated judicial
murders in Chicago next Friday."
Every drum will be muffled and every
instrument of music draped in black.
Active preparations are being made
by the police to resist any tronble.
rorr. to be iiaxgrd.
CniCACo, Nov. 10. 4 r. m. Sheriff
Matson has just received a message
from governor Oglesby that Field
en's and Schwab's sentences have
been commuted to life imprisonment.
The other four are to hang to-morrow
Sii.ixgfieli. Ills., Nov. 10. -Intense
excitement prevails here over
the crisis in the .ill absorbing an
archist case.
ItoJiE, Nov. 10. An earthquake has
occurred in northern Italy. There
were no fatal results.
Paris, Nov. 10. It is reported that
prime minister Kouvier has threat
ened to resign unless Mr. Wilson
leaves the palace of Elysees. the resi
dence of the president, immediately.
Portland, Nov. 10. One hundred
aud sixteen towns and precincts
throughout the state have reported
the full vote on the prohibition
amendment: for, 11,072; against, 1S,
803; nineteen other towns and pre
empts have reported majorities only,
which increases the majoritv against
prohibition to 8.80S.
On the proposed salaries aud
change election amendments but 51
towns and precincts have reported a
full vete: Salaries: for, 3.5S5; against,
15,516. Six other towns aud precincts
have reported majorities against
salaries amendment of 1,3GS, increas
ing tho total maioritv so far as heard
from to 13,299.
On the change of election amend
ment 51 towns and precincts give for,
9,771; against, 9,S13. The six towns
which report majorities gave 830
against, increasing the reported ma
jority against the change to 872.
Capt. Beebe brought in tho returns
from Vesper yesterday.
Mrs. Uergmau and Miss Crosby re
turned from Portland yesterday.
Assistant surgeon Mnnu. late of
Fort Canby, has been ordered to
Fort Klamath.
J. H. Mansell starts overland this"
morning on a six month's visit to
San Francisco.
C. Leineaweber, F. D. Wiuton, C.
W. Fulton. E. D. Cnriis. were among
the arrivals on the Telephone yester
day. Grandma Fox leaves this morning
to visit her daughter in Lewiston,
Idaho. She expects to be absent
about three months.
Officer Linville was yesterday in
receipt of a finely polished police
man's club, the gift of little Etta
Strauss, finely ornamented with a
ribbon. It looks like a plain, ordi
nary club, but is hollow, and holds a
slender bottlo of choice perfumery,
the presumption being that tho bot
tle, could, under certain necessary
circumstances not probable in Ore
gon, be made hold other and stronger
At Liberty Hall.
The center of attraction last even
ing was the ladies' fair, where the la
dies fair congregated in great num
ber, together with a number of gen
tlemen, to see and admire tho manner
in which the ladies of Grace Episco
pal church had decorated and
adorned Liberty Hall. The hall was
crowded, the side tables were filled
with substantial edibles, the Western
Amateur baud played well, and the
ladies in charge of tho Arcadia booth,
the oriental booth, the common sense
booth, the railroad boom booth, wc
mean, the Mikado booth, the bouquet,
the ice palace, tho magazine, etc.. fullv
deserved the praise bestowed on the
manner of arrangement and the taste
ful display of the articles offered for
sale. A well filled newspaper, the
liazar Advertiser, was circulated.
Go to-night, get a copy; you will meet
every one there yon know and will be
made feel at home and welcome.
Supper from 3:30 during the evening.
Mr. Edwin Thorno.
Lnst night the Alcazar Theater opened
its doors to an enthusiastic audience
drawn by the favorite actor Edwin
Thorne in his celebrated impersonation
of D'Artagman in Thc Three Guards
men.' As the adventurer Mr. Thome
presented a near conception of the
character, investing it with a humorous,
and at the same time heroic quality that
won the audience from his first entrance.
S. F. Examiner.
Hall of Clatsoii LodscNo. 113,1. O. of II.
Astobia, Nov. 10 th, 18S7.
All members are requested to ap
pear at their hall on Wednesday,
November 16th, 18S7, at 730 p. m. to
transactljusiness of importance.
A. A. Cleveland,
Attast: IL A. Smith,
Try Fabro's celebrated pan roast
If I'ou Want Your Flue CIcnued
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office.
A Sunny Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
One of The 3rnrderer.s Snicides.
Special to Tin: Astoria
Chicago, Nov. 10, 10 a. m.- Thi3
morning, Lingg, one of the con
demned anarchists attempted suicide
iu his cell. By some means he became
possessed of a fulminating cap. He
placed one end of the cap in his
mouth and touched a lighted candle
to the other end. A fearful explosion
instantly followed which most horri
bly mangled Lingg. His jaw was
blown away, the entire face fearfully
mangled and his Ekull fractured so
that the brains are oozing out. Lingg
was not killed outright. He is still
alive but at latest accounts it was
considered impossible for him to
survive. How he got the cap is un
known. It is, however supposed that
one of tho death watch is the traitor
and furnished Lingg with the deadly
missile. He left a letter bidding "his
friends farewell and concluding with
the sentence "Long live anarchy."
The public excitement here is intense.
Chicago, Nov. 10: 3:30 r. u.
Louis Lingg died at 3 o'clock from
the effects of his fearful injuries.
The most intense excitement prevails
in Chicago.
'What kind of boys go to heaven ?'
asked the Sunday school superin
tendent. "Daad boys," yelled the
youngest member of the infant class.
Jordan I'tmcs.
A teacher having asked her class to
write an essay on "Tho Results of
Laziness," a certain bright youth
handed in as his composition a blank
sheet of white paper. -Exchange.
"Yes, Bobby.' said the caller, who
was waiting fofBobby's mamma, "that
is a very curious pin, and I prize it
highly. It was worn by my grand
mother.' ''That's funnv," commented
Bobby. 'Why funny Bobby?" "I
heard ma say that she didn't think
j'ou ever had a grandmother."
Bertie had just gotten into a room
of his own and was greatly delighted.
He chauced soon after to hear a
sermon on Solomon, which had for
one of its concluding sentences.
"And Solomon slept with his fathers."
"Well," announced he, on coming
home, "I should think that if Solo
mon was so rich, ho might have had
a bed to himself.'
A mother had been teaching her in
fant daghter a little prayer, the re
frain of which was "Forget mo not,
O Lord,"' and because ot the little
girl's forgetfnlness her atteution had
been called to the ilower of that
name, in tho hope that its association
with the prayer would improve her
memory. After it was supposed that
the child had her lesson fully learned
the mother one evening, in the pres
ence ot company, anxious to exhibit
her daughter's precocity, asked her
to recite her little prayer, and she
surprised the company by sheuting:
'Bachelor's buttons, O Lord." The
two flowers grew side by side iu the
family garden. Boston Post.
Our little three-year-old is very
fond of oranges. One day when he
had eaten a large one he came to
mamma and wanted more. "How
many are there in the dish?" asked
mamma. Ho counted thorn. "Just
three' he said. "Verj- well," was the
reply, "there is one for papa and one
for mamma and one for yon. Yon
can have one." He ate it and want -d
another. "How many are left';' sal
mamma. "Just two," he replied,
"one for papa and one for me-" "But
where is mine?' asked tho astonished
mother?' "Oh, he replied quickly,
"I've eaten it" Babgliood.
A little member of a Boston house
hold has been greatly wrought up by
the advent of a litter ot kittens, and
particularly exorcised over the
drowning ot the most of them. The
question as to which should be per
mitted to live and which consigned
to a watery grave had been long dis
cussed, and the discussion had left
an indelible impression on the little
fellow's mind. Some days after, the
family ot which he is a member was
augmented by the birth of triplets,
and the litte boy on being first pre
sented to the new comers, startled
everybody by the query: "Papa, how
many isoo goiif to dwown? Morton
(ne Down And let Barzain-.
Astoria merchants have already be
gnu to advertise their Christmas
wares. They.aro thus getting ahead
of their big brothers in Portland.
jr?, lo.
Three Favorites
Have tho following to say of Wis
dom's Bobertine, the great beautifier
and preserver ot tho complexien:
Portland, Or., June 4, 1837.
To Mr. W. il. Wisdom Dear Sir: I
have tried yourBobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to rccommeud it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,
yours truly. Rhea.
Postlakd. Dec., 188.".
To Mr. W. M. Wisdom. Tho "Bober
tino you so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I havo ever
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jeannie WrssTo;;.
Pobtlaj-d, Or., April C, 1887.
Dear Mr. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Bobertine," and it gives mo much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tho complexion, being ono of tho best
nrticlcs of tho kind I havo over used. Be
lieve me, yours sincerely,
Z. Teebelli.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
Every mother is interested in. know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup'
is now for sale only at Dement's drug
meals Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Telephone io'Iginff Honsc.
Best Beds iu town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
In it3 issue of October 20, the Chicago
Herald prints the portrait of Kev. H. S.
Taylor, who acted as pastor of tho Bap
tist church in Portland, Oregon, about
ten j-enrs ago, with a poem which has
given him wido celebrity. Mr. Taylor,
who is now only 33 years old, served as a'nr in tl VCXT trhflll lltlfc lf TSnra
old and his poem, "The Man with the
Musket," is in honor of those who, like
himself, served as private in the ranks.
Mr. Taylor now lives at Englewood, a
suburb of Chicago, where he is pastor of
tho Normal Park Baptist Church. Hero
is tho peem:
Thoy are building as Babel was built, to
tho sky,
With clash and confusion of speech ;
They are piling up monuments massive
and high
To lift a few names out of reach.
And tbo passionate green-laureled god of
the great,
In a whimsical riddle of stone,
Has chosen a few from the Field and the
To sit on the steps of his throne.
Bat I I will pass from this rage of renown,
This ant-hill, commotion and strife,
Pas3 by where the marbles and bronzes
look down
With their fast frozen gestures of life.
On, out to the nameless who lie 'neath
the gloom
Of the ritying cypress and pine;
Your man is the man of the sword and
tho plume,
Bat the man with tho musket is mine.
I know him! By all that is noble I knew
This commonplace uero j. name:
I've camped with him, marched with him,
fought with him, too,
In tho swirl of the fierce battlo-flame!
JQaughed with him, cried with him, taken
a part
Of his canteen and blanket, and known
That tho throb of this chivalrous prairie
boy's heart
Was an answering stroko of my own!
I knew him, I tell you! And also, I knew
When ho fell on tho battle-swept ridge,
That the poor battered body that lay thero
in blue
Was only a plank in the bridge
Over which some should pass to famo
That shall shine while the high stars
shall shine!
Your hero is known by an echoing name,
Bat tho man of tho musket is mine.
I knew him! All through him the good
and tho bad
Ban together and equally free;
But I jndge as I trust Christ has judged
the poor lad
For death made him noble to me!
In tho cyclono of war, in tho battle's
Lifo shook out its lingering sands,
And he died with tho names that ho loved
on his lips.
His musket still grasped in his hands!
Up close to the flag my soldier went down,
In the salient front of tho line:
You may take for your heroes tho men of
Bat tho man of tho masket is mine!
Thero is peaco iu thoMnj-ladened grace
ot tho uonm
That come when tho day's work is done;
And peace with tho nameless who, under
the flowers,
Lie asleep in tho slant of the sun.
Beat tho taps! Pat out lights! and silence
all sound;
There is rifle-pit strength in the grave!
They sleep well who sleep, bo they crowned
or uncrowned,
And Death will be kind to the brave.
Old comrades of mine, by tho fast waning
That move to mortality's goal,
By my heart full of lovo and my oyes full
of tears,
I hold you all fast in my soul!
And I march with the May and its blos
somy charms
1 tenderly lay on this sod,
And pray they may rest there, old com
'railes in arms,
Like a kis? of forgiveness from God!
Sau Francisro Owner's Charges.
There is n very strong feeling that
bar and river towage here is too high.
Opposition on the bar is talked of
and may soon be. a matter ot fact.
One of the last arrivals was asked
SS00 by a tug and sailed in because
of the high demand. Oregon tan, 10.
(Hvc Them a Chance!
That is to say, yonr lungs. Also nil
your breathing machinery. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
of little tubes and cavities leading
from them.
When these aro clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your longs cannot half do their
work. And what they do they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and
head and lung obstructions, all are
bad. All ought to be got rid of. There
is just one sure way to get rid of
them. Tbat is to " take Boschee's
German Syrup, which anv druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle.
Even if everything else has failed
you, yon may depend upon this for
Kivd all The Chamlier 3Iatds.
W. D. Miller, a commercial traveler
stopping at the Gilman house, was
arrested yesterday by constable
Sprang on a charge ot assault with
intent to commit an outrage on Marie
biebert, a domestic in tho hotel.
When arraigned before Justice
Tuttle, Miller remarked that he al
ways made it a hadit to kiss all the
chambermaids in all the different
hotels he stopped at during his
travels. Oregonian, 10.
Oysters In JErory Style
At the Central .Restaurant, next to
loard.t Stokes'.
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
Gniiibrinu.H Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and
Canker Jlouih. Sold bv W. E. Dement
"Jlackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W.E. Dement.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
First Quality Full Weight!
German Knitting Wools !
Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yarns
In Plain, Fancy Mixed and High Colors
A Comple
Germantown Yarns,
Germantown Zephyrs,
Spanish Wool,
Midnight Germantown,
Saxony, 2 and S Fold,
. Bedford Yarn,
Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool,
Victoria Zephyrs in 2, 4 and 8 Fold.
Crewels, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Tie Most Complete
C H.
On gcttiug Goods of him for
Less Money than them ?ere
high priced fellers like to
sell, .and
Because He Makes
His Customers Glad
And the Storekeepers Mnd,
We Call Him
The Reliable
Occident Hotel liulldlng.
Opposite Star Market.
Holer awl latter,
Lie of fools M
The Raiii
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy our Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalledstockandat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you sec them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
call at
D. Li, Beck & Sons'.
BromH to Astoria!