The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 05, 1887, Image 3

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$fc guilt? istorfatt,
SATUUI)AY -..NOVKMllEii 3, 16S7
(M(i;iil;i eNretoi.
l'ubliMiers anl rnrH'lor-,
Astohiax - - Cas-Stj:i:kt.
Terms ofSubscrijitioii.
Sen eil by Carrier, jicr wock. .. 13 els
Sent by Mail, per month 60 cK
one year. 7.W)
Tree of postage to Mibscnbere.
TK astokiax Kimrantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia rher.
The Century for November at Grif
Gn and Reed's.
Since January 1st 74 marriage li
censes have been issued from the
county clerkXon5ce.
The British baric Fiji cleared for
Hull yesterday, with 79,397 bus.
wheat, worth 53,700.
For good job work at low prices go
to The Astobiax job office, corner
Thitd and Cass streets.
George Johnson and others will
make prohibition speeches at a mass
meeting in Liberty Hall to-night.
There was a pleasant dance at
Liberty Hall last evening, those pres
ent enjoying themselves to the ut
The Seattle Express compauy have
got into Hoquiam, via Olympia and
talk of extending their line through
to Astoria.
A Mishawaka correspondent writes
that a number of sheep have recently
been killed in that neighborhood by
a gray wolf and a panther.
Under orders from superintendent
Blakeney, Capt. Al. Harris has en
gaged a now crew at the Cape Han
cock life station with Alex. McLean
as first assistant.
There is a bag of books weighing
one hundred pounds at the post office
belonging to this office that any one
can have if they will tell us what they
are and take them away.
A Port Townsend dispatch of the
3rd says that the English ship
Ducliess 0 Aryyle, Heard master,
from San Francisco October 3th,
for Burrard's Inlet, is ashore on San
Juan island, opposite Neah Bay.
There is little lumber going east
from the Columbia at present; the
local trade and the steady California
demand taking all available supply.
The Sound mills are sending lumber
east at the rate of 5,000,000 feet a
month. ,
In Pacific and "Wahkiakum coun
ties land can now be filed upon with
in the indemnity limits, a "full des
cription of which was recently pub
lished in The Astokiax. There are
over 50,000 acres of such land in the
two counties.
According to the practice of the
land department no person who is a
relative, either by blood or marriage,
of or in the employ of the claimant,
or in any way connected with him in
business or trade, can be taken a wit
ness in making final proof.
The dam in the Clackamas river
for the fish hatchery was completed a
few days since. Some parties have
claimed, says the News, that the sal
mon in the hatchery are not genuine
chinooks. State fish commissioner
Thompson denied these statements
H. N. "Warren, the Pacific county
mail contractor, who has been re
peatedly charged with neglect and
refusal of duties has an eight months'
contract to carry the mail from Ovs
terville to the "Willapa for $2,8i7.
The contract part of it is all right, if
the mail will only be carried.
In 18S0, Clatsop county's vote was
970; in 1882, 1,205; in 18S4, for presi
dent, 1,544; in 18SG for congressman,
1,820, the largest vote ever polled in
the county. The state vote at that
election was 54,954, of which the vote
for Miller, the prohibition condidate
for congress was just five per'cent.,
2,753. There will be probably 1,700
votes cast in this county next Tues
day, and 55,000 iu the state.
Among other Alaskau curies F. H.
Poindexter brought down with him
on his recent return, a Chilcat blan
ket. It is very large and heavy,
made of the wool of the mountain
goat, impervious to water, is dj-ed of
various colors and ornamented with
whales heads and other totems, form
inn a nniaue and valuable mempnfn
of .a singular people. The blanket
represents four months' uninterrupt
ed work of an Indian, and is valued
at $100.
From Chicago, says the News, it is
reported that secret negotattions
have been going on for the past ten
days between the transcontinental
roads and the Canadian Pacific to
bring about a cessation of the rival
ry for Pacific coastjbusinesswhich has
forced rates down to so low a point
These have progressed far enough to
demonstrate that the foreign road is
willing, providing it is allowed, on
oocount of its circuitous route, to
oharge 10 per cent, less on through
freight than the American roads.
There is a strong probability that,
if better terms cannot be made, this
will be accepted. This would re
sult in a general advance in freight
rates to and from the Pacific coast
points .
The members of the Y. W. C. T. U.,
are urged to attend the meeting at the
Y. II. C. A. Hall this afternoon, at two
o'clock, for the transaction of special
Louisville. Ky., Xov. 4. Chas. B.
Brownfield, a gambler, murdered his
wife and baby aiid brotber-in law, "W.
F. Bruner, last night, and then
hanged himself. Brownfield left a
letter explaining the particulars of
his dreadful crime. He stated that
he wits tired of life from gambling,
that he would not leave his wife and
child helpless and destitute on the
world and that he murdered Bruner
because he was unfit to live.
Sr. Lons, Nov. 4. The remains of
the uuexploded dynamite bomb was
found last night in the ruins of the
Fourteenth street explosion, but the
detectives believe it was placed there
yesterday by some sensationalists
who have been writing to the news
papers, claiming they were the agents
of the horrible crime.
Chicago, Nov. 4. Early this morn
ing in a lonely part of the west side,
police officer Jveegan was found lying
dead upon his back, with a wound in
his forehead which had evidently
been done with a blunt instrument.
The officer was murdered while on
his beat and when found still clasped
his revolver in his hand, but it had not
been discharged; there is no clue as
yet to the perpetrator of the deed.
a destructive fire.
Nashville, Teuu., itov. 4. A fire
early this morning on College street
caused a loss of S50.000 to Weekly &
Warren s furniture stock, cl,000 to
Atwell & Mead's furniture atock, and
$50,000 to Webb, Seavenson & Co.'s
hardware stock. Loss on buildings,
SG5,000. The insurance amounts to
three-fourths of the loss. During
the progress of the fire the walls fell
and a number of people were injured;
some, probably, fatally.
tuckagee hanged.
Lexixgtox, Ky., Nov. 4. Tuckagee
was hanged in Lexington jail at noon
to-day for the murder of his brother-in-law,
James Faulkner, September
22, 1SSC. This is the first execution
of a white man in Kentucky since
the war.
Loxdox, Nov. 4. The police this
morning dispersed a meeting of un
employed workiugmen which had
gathered in Trafalgar square and
were listening to nu address by a
man named Webb. "Webb was " ar
rested: the mob made no resistance.
Sax Fraxcico, Nov. 4. The jury
in the case of Frank T. Northey in
dicted for jury briber-, rendered
a verdict of conviction last
night, defendant will be sentenced
next Monday.
New York, Nov. 4. A vVashing
ton special to the Sun says president
Cleveland's cabinet will be recast the
latter part of this month. Lamar
will go on the supreme bench and
postmaster general Yilas will be
made secretary of the interior. The
dispatch states that Don M. Dickin
son, of Michigan will be the next
postmaster general unless he declines
appointment which has already been
tendered him.
New York, Nov. 4. Bepresenta
tives of all the present glass factories
of theTJnited States were in conference
yesterday. It was decided to shut
down every glass factory in the east
at the close of the present month.
A Few Facts for Tax-Payei.
The following speaks for itself and
is published to show the situation of
some of the cities in Kansas. and
Iowa, the famous prohibition states:
Taxes in Des Moines, Iowa, are
SG.20 on the $100, or four and a half
times as -heavy as in anti-prohibition
Kansas City. Des Moines has 1,700
vacant buildings, G4 of which are
brick stores.
Taxes in Atchison, Kansas, are S5,65
on the S100. On the 28th of June
the city's -expenses had exceeded her
revenue by many thousand dollars
and the city council voted to dismiss
the fire and police departments and
turn off the gas, water and electric
Taxes in Topeka, Kansas, are $4.28
on the $100 and the city is without
funds to meet the current expenses.
Taxes in Atlanta, Ga., under prohi
bition, havo increased 40 per cent,
and the city has had to sell S90.000 of
gas stock which it owned to meet it3
expenses under license the revenue
was ample for all purposes.
The Gen. Canby goes to the fort
at six o'clock this morning and will
bring up the officers and two com
paniesexcept a detachment of
twenty men who will remain to take
passage on the Oregon for San Fran
cisco, after which the Qen. Canby
will make her regular trip.
A wlendid opportunity will be al
Ioweifnll who desire to purchase Christ
mas presents at the Jiazaar to be held
by the Ladies of Grace Episcopal
church, at Liberty hall on Thursday
aad Friday Nov. lOlh and lllh. Doors
open at 5:30 p. m., on the 10th, at which
hour supper will bo served for all who
desire, at the low nrice of 2j cpnts.
The Western Amateur band will add
to the enjoyment of each evening by
furnishing some excellent music. Come
one, come all.
Oysters In Every Slyle
At Hie Central Restaurant next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
tics, etc The best cooked to order.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Telephone J,o-lKiuK House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week Si JO. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Apples, Apples, Apples,
Sweet and Sour, Ealing and Cooking,
cheap at Thompson & Ross'.
Ilwaco, Nov. 4, '87.
Fall fishing in Baker's bay was a
A party of hunters returned from
Ocean Park with four deer yesterday.
A chimney on'fire at the residence
of Mrs. A. B. Hicklin, on Wednesday
night, gave our hook and ladder
company an opportunity to show
their alacrity in handling their work
ing tools-in commendable style.
Capt J. W. Troup is in the city.
Capt. W. S. Estes, of Riverton,
Iowa, father of Dr. O.B. Estes, health
officer of this city, is on his way here
to visit his son. He is at present visit
ing his brother, H. W. Estes; of Bak
er City.
N O Steamy, C P Eakin, E K Eus
sell, J Coffey. Mrs. Gilbreth, Miss
King, M A Rothchild, U Sebree,
Philo Callender, S Svensen, Thomas
Dryman, E W West, are at the Occi
dent. J H McFarlaue, H Miller, C H
Whittle, S S Creighton H Richards
S Lovell. J A Blair, T. Blair: W E
Parrot. E N Combs, W S Smith, H.
M McEwan, F E Hale, J Mcintosh,
J Syer, Chas. Hull, E M Greely, F M
Simpson, Geo. Warren, I Linder,
Mrs. EE Wilson, A B Johnson, E
Moors, F Dunlap, S Campbell, T
Barr, G E Durrah, Jno Davis, F E
Hjiynes, J Lewis, are at the Astor
H Dockett, H M C Bruhn, M Von
Eotz, A Siferte, FE Hall, E Limp
jngcott, D Kindred, W G Davis, Mrs.
Collins, Mrs. Anderson, C C McGow
an, M B Sullivan, J Baker, J Yane,
Mrs. W B George and daughter, J T
Bullock, CL Silverman. HW Ban
ard, J C Christiansen, E A Mvers, H
Griffith, C D Hoffman, L Sullivan, S
Alberts, T Eowe, J McFee, J McLeod
Miss Sadie Spencer, O Galbreath, are
at the Parker House.
Released on Rail.
The petition of Gns Bengeus and
others (the fishermen indicted at
Montesano last month for complicity
in the trap-cutting outrages on Gray's
Harbor) praying for release on writ
of habeas corpus, was denied by
Judge Ally 11 at Tacoma, and the
prisoners remanded to the custody of
the sheriff of Chehalis county, and
permission granted him to have them
confined in the Thurston county jail
until they should be released on bail,
or by other due process of law. The
judge reduced their bail from $900
each to $400 for each man. Alex.
Sutton secretary of the Columbia
Eiver Fishermen's Protective union,
assured Sheriff Bush that the re
quisite security would be furnished
at Montesano, and last Wednesday
the men were brought to that place
and bail furnished, with C. N. Byles
and T. J. Shamley a3 sureties, they
being made safe against loss by a de
posit of $3600 cash in the bank of C.
N. Byles fc Co. at Montesano. Thurs
day the men were released from cus
tody, and they are now on. the harbor
fishing as of yore. Aberdeen Ifr-raJd.
In Rrief, and to The Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
1 he human digestive apparatus is
one of the mo3t complicated and
wouderful things in existence. It is S
easily put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and nany
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a na
tion of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for Constipation, Lo.-s of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by W. E. Dement
If You Want Your Flue CIcauetl
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Gambrimis Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Tiic finest and nicest steak to be had
in town atFabre's.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup'
is now for sale only at Dement's drug
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
A Sutiiiy Koom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Seeds, Seeds, Seeds.
All kinds of Grass Seeds and a fine
variety of choice Vegetable Seeds in
bulk, sold in quantities to suit, at
Thompson & Ross'.
Any case of Croup can be easily treat
ed and cured by using "Tlie Child's
Couch Syrup." Full directions with
each" package, which can only be pur
chased nt Dement's drug store.
The best oysters in
any style nt
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rent
ed v. Price 50 cents. Masai Injector free
For sale by AV. E. .Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, andfoilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-Mdent
hctel, Astoria.
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
Ravins been a sufferer for tro years and a
half from a discasq caused by a bruise on the
leg, and having boon cureu Dy ine uuticura
Heukdiks when all other methods and reme
dies failed. I deem it my duty to recommend
them. I visited Hot Spring3 to no avail, and
tried several doctors without success, and at
last our principal drupcist, Mr. John P. Fin
lay, (to whom I shall ever feel grateful),
spoko to mo about Ccticcra, and Lconscnted
to giro them a trial with the result that I am
perfectly cured. Thoro is non- no soro about
me. I think 1 can show the largest surfaco
where my sufferings sprang from of any one
in the State. Tho Ccticcba It edies are
the best blood and skin cures map factured.
I refer to druRgist John P. Finlny and Dr.
D. C. Montgomery, both of this place, and to
Dr. Smith, of Lake Lee, Miss.
ALEXANDER BEACH, Greenville, Miss.
Mr. Beach used the Ccticcra Uoieoiks, at
our request, with results as abovo stated,
A. B. FLXLAY & CO., Druggists.
Erer since I can remember, my mother has
suffered from milk leg. Nothing would do
her any good. She had the best medical tal
ent, but they all did her no good. She suf
fered with her leg for thirty years and never
knntr trMI tnv. She WOUld haVO to Sit UD
half the night, holding up her leg and moan
ing. She had no peace, ano usea an tno
best known remedies in tho country without
effect. I asked her to try your ccticcra
ItKUKDiES. Got her a bottlo of Ccticcra Re
solvent, and she took it, and has taken in all
about six or seven bottles, and now she is a
wen woman io-aay. xior ic cuurmy
healed, and her health was never better. She
can go out every day, something she has not
dono in ten year, eo you see 1 cannot help
stating to you about your wonderful Ccticc
ra Kemcdies, You have saved my mother's
lif. I cannot find words to express my grati
tude. I have advertised your Ccticcra Rem
edies far and near.
EDWARD LUEDER, 1305 Broadway, N, 1.
Ccticcra, tho great skin cure, and Ccticc
ra Soap, prepared from it, extornally, and
Ccticcrv. Resolvent, tho new blood purifier,
internally, aro a positives euro for every form
of skin and blood diseases from pimples to
Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticuha. 50
cents ; Resolvent, S1.00 ; Soap, 25 cents. Pro
pared by tho Pottku Dr.up asd Chemical
Co.. Boston. . .
K3Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
W pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials,
niMIMPLES, black-heads, chapped and
i lili oily skin prevented by Ccticcra Med
icated So vr.
Sneezing Catarrh.
The distressing sneeie, sneezo, sneeze, the
acrid, watery discharges from tho eyos and
nose, tho painful inflammation extending to
the throat, tho swelling of the mucous lining,
causing choking sensations, cough, ringing
noises in the head and splitting headaches,
how familiar theso symptoms aro to thous
ands who suffer periodically from head colds
or influenza, and who live in ignorance of the
fact that a single application of Saxfoed's
Radical Ccrr for Catarrh will afford in
stantaneous relief.
But this treatment in cases of simplo Ca
tarrh gives but a faint idea of what this rem
edy will do in tho chronic forms, where the
breathing is obstructed by choking, putrid
mucous accumulations, tho hearing affected,
smell and tasto gone, throat ulcerated and
hacking cough gradually fastening itself upon
tho debilitated system. Then it is that the
marvellous curativo power of SAnford's
Radical Cure manifests itself in instantane
ous and grateful relief. Cure begins from the
first application. It is rapid, radical, perma
nent, economical, safe.
Samord's Radical Ccre consists of ono
bottlo of tho Radical Ccre. ono box Ca
tarrhal Solvent and an Improved Isii l"er
prico, Si.
Potter Drco & Chemical Co., Boston.
Instantly relieved by tho Cu t Icu
ra Anti-Fain IMaMter.ancw,
most agreeable, instantaneous and
infallible pain-killing plaster, es
pecially adapted to relievo Female
Pains and weaknesses. Warrant
ed vastly superior to all other plastors. and
tho most perfect Antidoto to Pain. Inflamma
tion and Weakness yet compounded. At all
druggists, 23 cents ; five for SI ; or postage
frco of PorrKU unco & Chemical Co., Bos
ton. .Mass.
A Large and Well Selected Stock of Flue
DiaMis 1 Jewelry
At Extremely Low Prices.
All Roods Bought at This Establishment
Warranted Genuine.
Wutch and Clock Itcpnirlu?
Corner Cass and Squemo;na Streets.
Wholesale and retail dealer Id.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
fieiif-ml Slnmcrfi and WlmrfonA nn vnnonn-
able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria.
Established 1870
Incoming Passengers.
The State is dne from San Francisco
this morning with the following passen
gers: W A. FMicr
C Ilagerdoni
Miss L Sheppanl
Mrs McUrnunhan
G W Addison
J L Ovis
H M Walt
L P Martin
Miss Palmer
Miss FHill
C II Goodwin
W J Hunneman
F B Shardlow
Itcv A Lydell
W A Purcell
N Curtis
A McAdams
S D Williams
S E Ilalfield
Miss Brown
S Bronson
Mrs II MR .Jones
That Hacking Couen ran ho sn
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by thatterrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Cou
Plniu Sewing and Drcfcsiuakiu;;
At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross' opera
house. Sewing for families by the day
at their homes if desired.
Meals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W.E. De
ment Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
First Quality ! Full Weight!
German Knitting Wools !
Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yarns
In Plain, Fancy Mixed and High Colors !
A Comple
Germantown Yarns,
Germantown Zephyrs,
Spanish Wool,
Midnight Germantown,
Saxony, 2 and 3 Fold,
Bedford Yarn,
Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool,
Victoria Zephyrs in 2, 4 and 8 Fold.
Crewels, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Tie Most Complete
C. H.
On getting Goods of him for
Less Money than them 'ere
high priced fellers like to
sell, and
Because He Makes
His Customers Glad
And the Storekeepers Mad,
We Call Him
The Reliable
Occident Hotel liuilding.
Opposite Star Market.
Line of Wools Ever BraiM to Astoria!
The Railro
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But. must buy our Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and .be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porcelain,-
Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes' baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole Try our genuine N.-O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans. at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
call at
D Li. Beck & Sons',
'"" "-"1 imi. im.jmj
Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
dll ly uU11i1I1L s
. ?.-, . '
-& a- --