The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 26, 1887, Image 3

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?ft? JlaUt gstomn
The A. Ji. Field and Dolphin ar
rived in yesterday. The Oat. Miles
A good definition of reckless is a
man who attends a political meeting
and leaves his umbrella in the hall
way. The work of placing the new wheel
in the revenue cutter Rush was com
pleted last Wednesdaj'. It is likely
that the Rush will winter here.
No. 2's engine pumped 83,332 gal
lons water out of the gas company's
tank yesterday. No. One3 gave the
pipe line another test, throwing a
good stream.
The 100-yard foot race at Seattle
last Monday, for a purse of S1,000,
was won by Lewis, of Corvallis, beat
ing Ryan, of Seattle, three feet.
Time, 10 2-5 seconds.
The last day of this year will be
the fiftieth anniversary of the ordina
tion of the priesthood of Pope Leo
XIII. It will be kept by members of
that church as a jubilee day of
thanksgiving and joy.
The Seattle Post-InleUiyeucer has
positive information to the effect that
an organized effort will be made dur
ing the coming session of the legisla
ture to effect the removal of the ter
ritorial capital from Olympia.
Messrs. Stevens and Harrington
will be among the speakers at the
anti-prohibition meeting at Ross' Op
era house next Monday evening. On
the same evening there will be a tem
perance meeting at Liberty hall.
A friend of the East Oreyonian is
in receipt of a letter from a well
known eastern man, which states that
Elijab. Smith and Ms crowd lost a
million and a half in their attempt to
control the Northern Pacific election
last month, in New York city.
A new tug was launched last week
at Seattle, for towing at Gray's har
bor. She is owned by Preston & Mc
Kinnon. Length, 80 feet; breadth,
18 feet; depth, 7 feet She is of very
light draft, but is fitted with iron
tanks which, when filled with water,
will give her an additional draft of
about two feet. She will be called the
James JI. Coleman.
The question is asked: "Who is
going to provide tickets on election
day? Neither the Eepublican nor
the Democratic committees will do
it." That is so, and yet, somehow, it
is very probable that any one who
wants to vote for or against prohibi
tion on the 8th of next month will
have no difficulty in finding a ticket
for or against the idea.
D. G. Eoss, over on Gray's river,
has a shepherd dog and a hound that
go out occasionally and have great
fun running deer into camp. Last
Saturday they started as usual, the
hound showing up at night, but the
dog was missing. For three days the
poor brute was gone, and a search for
him found him caught by his bushy
tail in a vine and unable to move.
The Loudon Oncers' Gazette of
October 1st, says: "Trade in salmon
is restricted. Orders for absolute re
quirements are all that pass, while
holders confident in the position,
maintain great firmness. For for
ward delivery 28s for outside packs,
and 30a for Columbia river fish are
quoted, and for flat 33s to 35s; but
these prices meet no response from
buyers. We hear that a spot parcel
of Columbia river changed hands this
week at 30s."
Clatsop Connty's Military List.
County clerk Trenchard has a pleas
ant little duty to make out a list of
the names of all the men in the coun
ty subject to military duty. Yester
day morning he had got pretty well
through the "A's." Of forty-two
whose name begins with "A," there
were twenty-fiveAndersons. If a detail
should be made, and the commanding
officer aBk for "private Anderson," he
would have little difficulty in'getting
answer. The making of such a list is
something of a job, as the names must
be arranged in alphabetical order,
and the postofiice address of each one
must be given. The list embraces
those between the ages of 18 and 45,
and when completed will be sent to
adjutantgeneral Shofner. Clatsop
county's list, when completed, will
foot up about one thousand names.
A Great Trntli Tersely Stated.
No paper, either metropolitan or
local, is fit for the name of "newspa
per," which is not practically inde
pendent, entirely unhampered, and
devoted to truth-telling, whichever
party or whatever men may be there
by commended or censured. East
i i
The ladies of Grace Episcopal
church are preparing for a bazar to
be held on the 10th and 11th of No
vember, 1887, at Liberty hall. A
more extended notice will bo given in
due time.
Apples, Apples, Apples,
Sweet and Sour, Eating and Cooking,
cheap at Thompson & Ross'.
Only Two Days More.
Fine books at auction and private
sale 5,000 volumes of standard scien
tific, rare, and miscellaneous Works.
Family Bibles, plush nd monogram
Albums. Draper, Buckle, Leckey.
Darwin, Spencer. Huxley, Hugo, Jo
sephus. Gibbon are a few of the authors.
Sale at 7 p.m.: Odd Fellows Building,
rear of Bank, to-day and to-morrow.
Books in all styles of fine bindings.
Poets and standard authors at remark
ably low prices. Griffin & Reed.
Specials to Headers of "The Astorian."
Washington, Oct. 25. At the reg
ular meeting of the cabinet to-day all
the members were present excepting
secretaries Whitney and Lamar, who
are out of the city. The annual re
ports and the president's mes3age to
congress were the principal subjects
under consideration.
London, Oct 25. The French
steamer Jfindoostan, which arrived
at Marseilles yesterday from New
York, took fire last night and was en
tirely burned. She had 3.000 tons of
merchandise aboard, all of which was
det' roved.
New Yoke, Oct 25. Jay Gould's
steam yacht Atlanta passed out to
day on her way to Gibraltar. Gould
will sail on the French line steamer
leaving on Saturday.
ApaijAChicola, Fla., Oct. 25. A
man named Parish a few days ago
killed three negroes, in Calhoun
count'. Four negroes were using
Parish's boat to gather up logs which
had broken loose from a raft, when
Parish came along. It is said the
negroes told Parish they had no in
tention of stealiug the boat, but Par
ish would receive no explanations.
He raised his Winchester and shot
one down in the boat, and killed an
other on the raft, and another who
was attempting to run away. The
fourth dived overboard and escaped.
CoiiLingwood, Ont,Oct,25. Steam
er City of Owen Hound was wrecked
half a mile east of Clappertou island
light-house during the heavy gale of
Monday morning. The crew left the
steamer in life boats and had narrow
escape from being drowned. The
steamer was owned by Smith Keich-
loy, of Toronto, and was valued at
Washington, Oct. 25. Tlio stafo
department buildings are draped in
black this forenoon as a mark of re
spect to the memory of E. B. Wash
The interstate commission gave a
hearing today to counsel represent
ing those express companies which
do not admit that they fall within or
are amenable to the interstate com
merce laws.
New York, Oct 25. Cholera has
broken out on the steamer liritannica
which has for some time been de
tained nt lower quarantine. The rec
ord thus far is one death and one
new case. The AlcsiaJ passengers
who have been in Swinburne hospital
are entirely recovered and to morrow
will be removed to Hoffman island to
join the Alexias9 detained passengers.
The liritannica is carefully guarded.
Staunton, Va., Oct. 25. It has been
snowing hard here all the morning.
(Jive Them a. Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinerj. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
of little tubes and cavities leading
from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. " And what they do they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and
head and lung obstructions, all are
bad. All ought to be got rid of. There
is just one sure way to get rid of
them. That is to take Boschee's
German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle.
Even if everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this for
Have Counted the Cost.
The people of Astoria have sub
scribed $150,000 as a subsidy .to a
railroad. This show3 that the people
of that city down by the sea, know
what it takes to get a new enterprise
to come and drink of the briny wa
ters with her. When a placo takes
deliberate action, counts the costs,
measures up the profits likely to
accrue from having a railroad come
within her limits, and raises that
amount, it will be very apt to make
itself felt as a place full of ener
getic, business men who have un
bounded faith in the future of their
city. Scout.
Iridic Ztlcclinuic's Fair.
At City Book Store, on Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday, Oct.24th,i!3th, and
2Gtli. Grand exhibit of Domestic Sew
ing Machine wor.k. ladies are special
ly invited. Admission free. Don't miss
this rare treat. Griffin & Reed.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. -Thebest cooked to order.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called ''The Child's Cough Syrup''
i now for sale only at Dement's drug
A Sunny Kooitt
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Ilolden Iloiise.
First-Class Waiter Waulrd
At Frank Fabre's restaurant.
Patronize your homo book
Hooks sold at miction urices.
Griffin &Rekd.
CSirl Wanted.
To do housework in a small iainilv
children : apply at this office.
Plain Sewing1 and Drcssiualiiup-
At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross opera
house. Sewing for families by the day
at their homes if desired.
Ifi'ouWant Your Flue Cleaned
Leave orders for T. Clifton at this office.
'The Last Man on the Force" Discharged.
The city council met in regular ses
sion last night, Mayor Trullinger in
the chair.
The following communication was
To the Honorable Mayor and Com
mon Council :
Presuming it was the intention of
your honorable body to pay off all
the city bonds, issue of year 1879, as
agent of Mrs. 13. Hamburger, San
Francisco, Cal., I presented to First
National Bank, Astoria, for payment,
citv bonds, viz:
No". 9, Issued July 1st, '79 ... x. ... S 50
" OQ ii ( log
" 19, " '" " " 100
And said bank refused to pay such
bonds, claiming that the call as ad
vertised did not include such num
bers and amounts. The owners of
these bonds are not eager for the pay
ment of them so long as the interest
continues, but if there is any ques
tion regarding the legality of their
issue, they would like to be so in
formed. Respectfully yours,
W. E. Dement,
Auditor Jewett made explanation
regarding the same, and, on motion,
the matter was referred to committee
on ways and means. It appears that
there is $500 indebtedness in addition
to that listed, of which the $250 men
tioned above is a portion.
The report of the chief engineer of
the Astoria fire department for year
ending Sept. 30, '87, was read, and, on
motion, received and placed on file,
and recommendations adopted.
A communication was read from
Brown, Bosworth and Bozorth agree
ing to the following modifications in
the proposed street railway franchise:
the fare to be 5 cents, the annual li
cense for each car $35, the road to be
begun in ten days after the passage
of the franchise, and to be completed
in 18S9.
A majority report of the commit
tee to whom was referred the pe
tition ot Messrs. Newell and Conn,
signed by Councilman Sherman,
recommending that au ordinance be
drafted granting them a franchise for
a street railway, providing that the
petitioners give suitable bonds for the
completion of the road within the
time mentioned, and that the time
specified bo altered to thirty years in
stead of fifty, was voted on viva voce
and declared by the mayor to be
City treasurer Hustler made quar
terly report of the city finances: re
ferred to appropoiato cemmittee: sup
plementary report shows that since
making report for quarter ending
Sept. 30, '87, taxes were collected as
General fund S7,2SS
Bend interest fund 1,286
An ordinance prohibiting the ob
struction of streets and providing
punishmeut, was read third time and
An ordinance providing for the
time and manner of improving Con
comly street was read first time and
after some debate was referred to
street committee.
On motion, the auditor, in the ab
sence of the city attorney, was in
structed to alter the ordinance grant
ing a street railway franchise to
Messrs. Conn & Newell in accordance
with the minority report, councilman
Bergman supporting the motion on
the ground that the proposition w:i, j
in his judgment, as modified, better
for the best interests of the city than
previous ones.
Councilman Gratke thought that
no haste was necessary. Auditor
Jewett said that it was n very impor
tant matter, one that required delib
eration, and he would prefer that the
ordinance be gone over and scrutin
ized by the council before final action
was taken.
II was then decided that the matter
be laid over till the next council meet
ing for the ordinance to be remodeled,
and on motion of councilman Cleve
land it waa ordered that when the
council adjourn it be to next Satur
day evening, the 29th inst Council
man Cleveland then moved that the
matter of the ordinance be referred
to committee on health and pelice:
The following claims were ordered
paid: Astoria Gaslight Co., $124.25,
S7.70; G. A. Stinson, $12; Carruthers,
McTavish & Co., SI; Griffin & Beed,
SL85; Electric Light Co., $168; H. T.
Hudson, $43.25; sundry persons, prk
on pipe line, S53J5; Murray & Co.,
$29.81: Gutta Percha & Rubber Man
facturmg Co., $13.10; Clatsop Mill Co.
$5.60; M. C. Crosby, S10.50; Wrest
Shore Mills, $29.20; R. R. Marion,
Councilman Carruthers wanted to
know if the committee on health and
police were ready to report regarding
the reduction of the police forca.
Councilman Cleveland said the rec
ommendation of two of the commit
tee was that one man be discharged,
the last one on the force to be the
one discharged.
Councilmanthen Cleveland moved
that the last officer employed on the
city police force be honorably dis
charged. By a vote of four to one,
Councilman Carruthers voting no,
the motion was carried, and the coun
cil adjourned.
Is Consumption Incurable?
Read the follewing: Mr. C. 11. Morris,
Newark, Arlc says: "Was down with
Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy
sicians pronounced me an Incurable
Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle, and able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is the
finest medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio,
says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's
New Discoverv for Consumptien I
would have died of Lung Troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
"of health.' Try it. Sample bottles free
at E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store.
Call aud set our prices for books in
sets, byall the standard authors and po
ets; we will guaranteee you the lowest
price, Gkiffjn &Rebd.
A Scaly, Itching Skin Disease with
Endless Suffering Cured by
Cuticura Remedies.
If I had known of thoConcuRA Remedies
twenty-eight years aco it would havo saved
mo $200.00 (two hundred dollars! and an im
mense amount of suffering. .My disease,! Pso
riasis) commenced on my head in a spot not
larger than a cent. It spread rapidly all over
my body and cot under my nails. Tho scales
would drop off of mo all tho time, and my suf
ferinc was endless, and without relief. One
thousand dollars would not tempt mo to have
this diseaso over again. I am a poor man,
butfeelrichto be relieved of what somo of
tho doctors said was leprosy, somo rins-worai,
psoriasis, etc, I tooK........nnd.........Sarsapa-
rilla over ono year and a-half, but no cure. I
went to two or three doctors and no cure. I
canrot praiso tho CirricCKA Kemediks. too
much. They have inado my skin as clear and
free from scales as a baby's. All I used of
them was three boxes of Ccticuha. and
three bottle3 of Cctictjka Kesolvext, and
two cakes of CcticURA bOAr If you had
been here and said you would nave cerca mo
for $200.00 you would havo had tho money
I looked like the picture in your book of Pso
riasis (picturo number two. 'How to Cure
Skin Diseases"), but now I am as clear as any
person over was. Through force of habit 1
rub my hands over my nrms and legs to
scratch once in a while, but to no purpose. I
am all well. I scratched twenty-eight years,
and it got to bo a kind of second nature to
mo. 1 thank you a thousand times., Any-
.t: .!... ... want tn binir wntft vnn.
IU1US ujuic luoiju" "'" .w.. -;-
or any ono who reads this may write to mo
and I will answer it. 1)0Wsnfa
Wntcrbiiry.t. Jan. 20th. 1SS7.
Psoriasis. Eczema. Telter.Ringworm.Lich
cn. Pruritus, Scall Head, Milk Crust. Dand
ruff. Barbers' Bakers' Grocers', and Washer
woman's Itch, and every species of Itching.
t..: ci.. .ml Vimnr Humors nt tho
Skin and Scalp and Blood, with Loss of Uair.
aro positively curcu Dy ourito"., iu k"-
Skin Curo, and Cuticura Soap, ancxquis-
:- cm.:-;ir rf Arn-illr. nntl fittTTMJRA
Kksolvent, tho now Blood Purifier internally
when physicians ana au oincr remeuiua wu.
Sold everywhere. Trice: Clticuka. .7)
cents ; Soai 23 cents ;UKSOi.vrsT. Sl.00.
Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chem
ical Co,, Boston, Mass. . . ,
Send for "How to Curo Skin Diseases," CI
pages, 50 illustrations, ana iw testimonials
niUPLKS. black-beads, chappea anaouy
rim skin nrcventcd by Cuticura Medi
cated Soap.
Catarrhal Dangers.
To bo freed from the dangers of suffocation
while lying down; to brcatho. freely, sleep
soundly and undisturbed ; to riso refreshed,
head clear, brain activo and free from pain
or acho ; to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter defiles tho breath and rots away tho
delicato machinery of smell, tasto and hear
ing; to feel that tho system docs not, through
its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that
i suro to undermine and destroy, is indeed a
blessing boyond all other human enjoyments.
To purchase immunity from such a fato should
bo tho object of all afflicted. But thoso who
have tried many remedies and physicians de
spair of relief or cure.
Samoud's Radical Cube meets ovcry
phaso of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to
tho most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safo, economic
al and ncvcr-failins.
Sanford's Radical Ccrk consists of ono
bottlo of tho RADirAi. Conn, ono box of
Catarrhal Solvent, and one Improved Ix
half.u. all wrapped in ono packace. with
treatiso and direction?, and sold by all drug
gists for S1.00.
Potter Drug & CiikmicalCo.. Boston".
No Rheumatiz About Me.
a v s Tho Cuticura Anti-min
ar Plaster relieves Rheumatic,
n jt Sciatic, Sudden, Sharp and Ncr-
j0 oas Pains. Strains and Weak
g Cjnesscs. The first and only pain-
killing plaster. New, original,
instantaneous, infallible, safe. A marvelous
Antidoto to Pain, inflammation and Weak
ness. Utterly unliko and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druzgists, 2o cents;
five for Sl.W) ; or, postages free, of Pottek
Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass.
Henry Villard will visit Astoria
next spring.
Mrs. Dr. Trenchard, F. D. Winton
and wife, A. W. Berry, were among
the arrivals on the 7 elenhone vestor-
Prof. A. L. Francis, the accom
plished piano tuner, will arrive this
afternoon fromPortlaud, and will re
main for a few days.
Captain Trainor has arrived to re
lieve Captain Bergermann, of the
bark Julia Ford, which is no on her
way from San Pedro to this port.
W F Rhodes, T Tyrrell, M Smith.
L Sechteni, J L Stout, O 3M Harvey,
RTBochford.JP Austiu,.M Bow
man, J M Stevens, are at the Occi
dent. G P Brower, E C White, E B Stone,
J Davis, Mr. Ford, Mrs. Ford, G H
Mooers, W R McFarlane, L Ander
son, A Mitchell, T J Allen and wife,
Miss Rose, H A Cameron, Mrs. H A
Cameron, G W Johnson, L N Mitch
ell, M Ryan, D G Ross, H Johnson,
Mr. Sold, R O Stone, T Johnson, J
Simpson, N Wisner, H Oliverson, H
Jackson and wife, G E Tallman are
at the Astor house.
E. Coults, W. MFredenburg.M
R. Bennett, J. Carlson, H. C. Nelson,
J. M. Monroe, J. Langhlin, G. "W.
Johnson, B. Wiggins. J. Roberts.
F.Hudson, J. Clumbnrg, C. Monk,
j. Jtreiper, aiiss xwacu, ru.iss uuisweli,
Mrs. Chiswell, G Bowan, C H Davis,
to M ualvm, J Mclntire, G Laugford,
J Beemis and wife, L Micheat, D
Harding, J F Warren, P J McGowan,
G W Hill, and V M James are at the
Parker house-
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee ou every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W;. E. Dement
The Rev. Geo. U. Thayer, or Bour
bon, lnd says: 'Both myself and wife
owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumption
Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Why will you courii when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and Si. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Telephone loosing House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.30. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Shiloh's Catarrh Itemedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptncria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. DfinenL
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
SniLon's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Broncliitis. Sold by W . E. Dement & Co
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
The best oysters in any style at
First Qualify! Full Weight!
German Knitting Wools !
Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yarns
In Plain; Fancy Mixed and High Colors !
Germantown Tarns,
Germantown Zephyrs,
Spanish Wool,
Midnight Germantown,'
Saxony, 2 and 3 Fold,
Bedford Yarn,
Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool,
Victoria Zephyrs in 2, 4 and 8 Fold.
Orewels, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Tie lost Collets Line of fools Era Unit to Astoria!
Oil getting Goods of him tor
Less Money than them Vre
high priced tellers like to
sell, and
Because He Makes
His Customers Glad
And the Storekeepers Mad.
We Call Him
The Reliable
Clothier anil Hatter,
Occident Hotel Building.
Opposite Star Market.
The Railroad is Coming !
But We Can't Walt for Either,
But must buy our
, along just the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come-and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper.- Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
"What's that you say?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, .and if you want the proof, just
call at
D. Li. Beck & Sons'.
Family Supplies right
same, and the
.- V-f3r i.. rt
.-. '1,- Jfcii 1 1 1