C33 frV Jiaitti gaforhm. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. -OCTOBEK LJ, 1S87 Emerson's night. minstrels to-morrow Usual services to-day inthe Bap tist church at 11 a. jr. and 7 r. m. The Ifanzanita is replacing bnoys in the river between here and Port land. The latest subscriptions to the sub sidy fund reported yesterday were Foard & Stokes, $250: M. Foard $100. At the -Congregational church .to day, services at il a. m. ana p. m. Evening theme, "Conscience." Preaching by the pastor. Billy Emerson's minstrela will be here to-morrow evening, and give an enjoyable performance. Reserved seats tor sale at the Nfrw York Nov elty Store. The schooner J. Q. North is in from San Francisco. On the first day out, one of the crew, name un known, afflicted with delirium tre mens, sprang overboard and was drowned. The man who died suddenly at Olympia last Wednesday morning was named John Thompsen: he was a Russian Finn, eingle,aged 34: he fished for the Cutting Packing company last summer. Mysteriously disappeared from her home on upper Dry Creek, Oct 10, 1887, Rosabelle North, aged 14 years, dark hair, hazel eyes and rather slen der for one of her age. Information concerning her whereabouts will be thankfully received by L. B. North, at Dixie, Walla Walla county, W. T. Salmon reports from the north are to the effect that the pack on the Stickeen has been the largest ever put up. The salt-curing establish ment on Smith's inlet has been dis continued, owing to trouble with the Indians. On the Skeena a fair amount of salmon has been caught, and two or three new canneries are in conrse of erection. The new postage stamps are slight ly different from those heretofore in use. The 2-cent stamp is green; the 3-cent is vermilion; the 4-Sent car mine instead of green. The 5-cent has been changed from chocolate brown to blue, and has the head of Grant upon it instead of that of Gar field; the 30-cent stamp is brown, and the 90-cent is purple instead of car mine. The tunnel in which final opera tions on the California & Oregon railroad are being conducted is in the Siskiyou range, just inside the Ore gon boundary. It is one of many un derground cavities of the same na ture in wjiich the railroad buries it self as it runs north. Jn fact, as a resident of Shasta recently remarked, "There is nearly as much of the rail road in the bowels of the earth up our way as there is on top of the ground." PERSONAL MENTION. Rev. M. L. Rugg returned yester day. C. Peterson has been appointed postmaster atOlney. Mrs. E. S. Merrill is visiting friends in Albany for a few dajs. A P Wilson, R Miller, E D Kal berg, M-Bixley, O S Ward, N H "Web ber, and J W Crow are at the Occi dent F Hoe, J Wilson, J Wal ters, J Frank lin, H E Monroe, J Gay, S Svensen and family. F Kill, J M Londerback and wife, WPMcIntire, C H Strait, GElsworth, F Coleman, G Pearson are at the Parker house. G C Hickel, P Cotton. W C Farrer, C Phelps, Mrs. C Phelps, A C Ander son, J Anderson, J Grenzer, "W Arm strong, H Hansen, R M Elwood, J Cahill, F Carr, G Kane, MS Bottom, J Heckard, H Ingalls, J Jones, E Henry, G Mitchel, F Wendt, A Dur rah, M Campbell, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Roberts, J M Munroe, J Salme, C Sorensen, D P Welton, C F Carter are at the Astor house. Give Them a Chance! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinerj'. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. "When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot hairdo their work. And "what they do they can not do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo nia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may depend upon thh for certain. 'Twill soon be here, The season drear Of rain and some sore throats; We'll then expect To resurrect Last winter's overcoats. East Opportuuilj-. This Sunday will be the last oppor tunity to get a phrenological examina Hon by Prof. McDonald. He leaves by steamer on Monday morning. Those wishing to see him will find him all day at the ante-room of Liberty Hall. He has been doing a lively business during his stay in our city. Plain Sewing and. Dressmaking: At Mrs. Scott's, opposite Ross' opera house. Sewing for families by the day at their homes if desired. If You Want Your Flue Cleaned Leave orders for T. Clifton at Jhis office, A P0ETLAND PEOTEST. Against Abandonment of Port Oanby. The Com in:; National Conventions. PoitmvxD, Oct. 22. The Portland board of trade took action to-day, in conjunction with the Astoria cham ber of commerce and sent dispatches to Senator Dolph and the secretary of war protesting against the removal of the troops from Fort Canby. SAFE HOME. WASnixpxox, ucr. 'si. rue presi dential party arrived here at G:10 this morning. CIIIMIXAL AFTERMATH. Cincinnati, Oct. 22. The expected sensation in the Fidelity National Bank indictments began to develop this morning. Twenty-eight true bills have been found. The divulged names indicted are vice president Harper, live indictments; cashier-Am-mi Baldwin, four indictments; cash ier B. E. Hopkins, four indictments. The indictments are for violation of the statute at large concerning national banks and for fraud. J. "W. Wilshire, the broker who led in the disastrous wheat deal, using the Fi deilty Bank funds, has four indict ments against him. W. H. Chatfield and Henry Payne, the directors, who signed the May reports of tho Fideli ty JLJank to the comptroller of the treasury, have been indicted for sign ing false returns and were arraigned tins moruing. THE NEXT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. San Feancisco, Oct. 22. A number of prominent Democrats met last night to -consider the proposition of endeavoring to induce the national Democratic committee (o hold the next nation.nl convention in this city. The committee appointed to confer with the railroad officials in regard to rates estimated that $23,000 would cover tho expenses of the convention, andthe members of the committee having the matter in chargo directed that steps be taken towards raising that amount if the convention shall be held here. WITH TATATj RESULT. Redding, Oct 22. G. S. Hender son, of Adin, the passenger on the outside box on the stage who was shot in the abdomen by a highwayman last night. .d ied this morning. He was on his way from the Knights Templars con clave at San Francisco. After the shooting the driver drove the stage to Loomis corners, where the wound ed man was made comfortable until His death this morning. There is no jlue to the robbery yet. WILL ARREST THEM ALL. Cincinnati, Oct. 22. Miss Josie Holmes, private secretary to E. L. Harper in the Fidelity National bank, was arrested last night by the United States officers on a north-bound rail way train at Hamilton. She was brought here at midnight ami put in jail. There is belief that tho TJ. S. officers will make numerous Fidelity bank arrests. the next republican convention. Pittsburg. Oct. 22. Chairman Jones to-day issued a call for the na tional Republican committee to meet at the Arlington hotel in Washington on December 8th to fix the date and place for the next national Republi can convention. LYNCH LAW. Delphi, Ind., Oct 22. About mid night last night a mob of 180 men at tacked the jail here, took out Amer Green, who was confined therein wait ing for trial for the abduction and murder of Lulu- Mabbitt, and hung him. Ho was taken about seven miles from town, where the'deed was com mitte3. JOS. WILL NOT WITHDRAW. London, Oct 22. Jos. Chamberlain in response to inquiry to-day said: "There is no foundation for the ridic ulous statement that I propose to withdraw from the fisheries commis sion." A TERRIBLE DLSASTER. Detroit, Oct. 22. The Canadian propeller Ontario is reported blown to pieces by the explosion of her boiler in the North channel near the Bruce mines and 35 people have been killed thereby. OBITUARY. London, Oct 22. Tho death is an nounced of Waldemar Adolph, the celebrated Danish poet nnd novelist, at the age of 72 years. TAltlc Mechanic's Fair. At City Book Store, on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, 0ct.24th,2Tth, and 2Gth. Grand exhibit of Domestic Sew ing Machine work. Ladies are special ly invited. Admission free. Don't miss this rare treat. Griffin & Heed. Private Rooms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc. The best cooked to order. Every mother is interested in know inr that a snecial irenaration for chit dien, called "The Child's Cough Syrup" is now for sale only at ppinent's drug store. Any case of Croup can be easily treat ed and cured by using "The Child's Conch Syrup." Full directions with each package, which can only be pur chased at Dement's drug store. A Sunny Room With the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at Holden llouse. Fiivst-Class Waiter Wautrtl At Frank Fabre's restaurant Patronize your home book store. Books sold at auction prices. Griffin & Reed. irl Wanted, To do housework in a small lamily : no children: apply at this office. Boolcs at Auction. And private sale 3,000 volumes otstan- rinrn cnmntinn rorn onl nticnnl lonnnnc works. Famify Bibles, plush and mon ogram Aiumns. jjraper, uucKie, Lecic ey. Darwin, Spencer. Huxley, Hugo, Jo sephus. Gibbon are a few of the authors. SColn fit 7 t if fAA I?aUtci TCtitlriltirr rear of Bank,"for a few days only. THE "WORLD'S "NEWS. Clipped and Condensed Sources. From Various An appeal for renewal in the case of the Chicago anarchists is before the United State3supreme court Got. Church, of Dakota, in his an nual report, says that territory has 568,477 population, and thinks that it ought to be admitted as a state. The probability of the supremo court declaring the prohibitory liquor laws unconstitutional, is being dis cussed in New York and elsewhere. Near Bedding last Friday, while on the stage box with the driver, Geo. Henderson, of Modoc county, Cal., was shot and fatally wounded by high waymen. The Coos Bay Mail is informed that an inside bar has formed at the mouth of the Coquille, which proves a great detriment to shipping at that port Five thousand soldiers, comprising the first brigade of the Massowah ex pedition, leave Kome for their desti nation November 2. Another brigade of 6,000 men will follow November 1L A number of Chinamen met in New York city on the 20th, and denounced their consul because he would not fa vor a mass meeting of Chinamen to protest against Denis Kearney and his utterances. It is rumored in "Washington that secretary Lamar will resign his offico as secretary of tho interior in No vember, and that after the 15th Mul drow will be virtual, if not acting sec retary of the interior. A bloody fight between vigilantes and outlaws on the north fork of tha Arkansas river, in the Indian terri tory, last Thursday, resulted in the repulse of the former after a loss of sixteen of their number. The work of grading on the South ern Oregon company's logging rail road at Sumner, goes right along, abont fifty men being employed. New buildings are going up, and Sumner is getting to be a lively town. The run of salmon on tho lower bay has been rather light for the past few days, but Coos river is still holding out. Opinions in regard to another rnu of silveraides are some what divided, a few of tho fishermen claiming that the fall run is over, while others expect a good run yet. An efibrt is being made to get up an excitement about the mineral de posits in the Kootenai lake region along the boundary line of northern Idaho and British Columbia, says the Murray Stat. Parties on the North ern Pacific railroad lately from that section are quite enthusiastic over recent discoveries. The sloop Ariel, used as a pilot boat off Cape Flattery,-is missing. She has not been heard from for sev eral days. Captain Henry Mc Almond left Port Townend to pilot up a ves sel over a week ago. Frank Francis was in charge of the sloop after Mc Almond left It is feared the crew have perished. Piles that were coated with differ ent anti-teredo coverings and driven along the harbor front of San Fran cisco as an experiment in 1882 and 1885, were drawn last Friday. All the coatings showed signs of having proved a failure. Most of the piles were honey-combed by teredoB. Horatio L. Barling, George W. Loehr, James Madison. T.F.Nesmith and James Eva, of San Francisco, have incorporated the Alaska Im provement company, with a capitil stock of $250,000, divided into 250 $1,000 shares. The company propose to engage in the business of trading, fishing, mining and milling in Alaska. E. M. Cooper, general superintend ent of "Wells, Fargo & Co., has sent a letter to messenger J. E. Smith at Houston, Texas, complimenting him for prompt and effective action in defense of the company's property at the time of the attempted train, rob bery near El Paso on the evening of the 14th inst," and enclosing the company s check for S2.000. The London board of trade lias concluded its inquiry into the loss of the Inman line steamer City of Mon treal, burned at sea August 10, while on a voyage from New York for Liv erpool. The board decides that nei ther tho owners nor tho officers of the ship -are blameable for the dis aster, but that the cotton in the steamer's cargo, in which the fire was first discovered was not properly packed. A large cargo of cqnned salmon was shipped to San Francisco from Yaqnina by the steamer Eastern Ore yon Tuesday. Most of it was brought from Siuslaw by the steam schooner Mischief. Capt "Winant, of the last named vessel, says that the Siuslaw bar is becoming badly shoaled from the heavy swells of the past few weeks, which, strange to relate, have had no perceptible effect upon tho Yaqmnabar. A -joint contract was entered into at New York last Friday between the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Oregon Kailway & Navigation com pany, by which the latter company is leased and jointly operated by the two former companies, who guarantee 6 per cent per annum on Oregon Railway & Navigation stock. All questions between it and the Oregon & Transcontinental will be settled amicably, and suits and counter suits withdrawn. Dr. Steele returned from a visit-to Umpqua and Siuslaw rivers Satur day. From him the Coos Bay Mail learns that the run of salmon has fallen off considerably of late, the boats when he left averaging only about twenty fish each per night The three canneries on that river had put up about 13,000 cases altogether. Al. Reed's cannery on the Umpqua, being the only" one running on that river this season, is getting about all the fish ife can handle, and Trill put up a large catch. The Northern Pacific Railroad com pany will receive the highest award and a gold medcl at the American ex hibition in London for its display of products of Oregon, "Washington territory, Idaho, Montana and Dako ta. The exhibit has attracted univer sal attention there the past summer, and much has been done to direct at tention thereby to this country. Tho companv sent over forty tons of pam phlets descriptive of the whole coun try, which were distributed all over the British islands. M. Hogan, secretary of the Empire Seed company swindle, who was ar rAaf a1 in Alhnnv for fraud in obtain- in rr n SRnn nnfft of A. P. Maxwell, for forty bushels of wheat at $15 n bushel, was discharged last Friday in justice Humphrey's court The note and nnfrnpf irArA lipallv drawn, and the court held that verbal misrepresenta tion and lying do not constitute fraud within the irieanine of the criminal law.. More than a dozen farmers of Linn county -are known to have been taken in for several" hundred dollars each. Much indignation is expressed by farmers who have been swindled. - THE CLACKAMAS HATCHERY. Proposed Action Of The Government. Washington", Oct. 2L The sundry civil appropriation bill passed at the last session of congress containing a proposition for the establishment of a salmon hatchery in Oregon, and for this purpose $10,000 was placed at the disposal of the fish commissioner. Attached to the appropriation is a proviso that it shall not be expended until the state of Oregon first takes the necessary steps to protect and prevent extinction of salmon that re sort to its rivers, it being claimed that in this particular Oregon has been remiss, and it was insisted that before coming to congress for relief the state should exert its power to prevent wanton destruction of the fish product of the Columbia and oth er rivers in that state. Oregon has, in the meantime, moved in tho matter, and the require ments of the proviso have beencom plied with. This being the case, sen ator Dolph has placed himself in.com munication with the fish commission er, urging that the appropriation -be now expended. This the commission er has promised to do. At the outset this officer, however, finds himself faced by an obstacle that may delay this action. The point selected by the fish commissioner for tho hatchery is the month of the Clackamas river, at which point the state is about to establish a hatcher. This location is deemed the most eli gible, as it affords many advantages not found elsewhere, and the govern ment is naturally very anxious to se cure this site. Senator Dolph has promised to exert himself to secure such concessions from the state as will relieve the fish commissioner from his present embarrassment, nnd assurances are given that the hatch ery will be established with as little delay as possible, it being presumed that the Oregon authorities will move promptly in the premises. In CoiiMiinntiQuiiictirahlc? Head the followjngOrr. C. JI, Morris. Newark, Ark, says-: tVas down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced me an Incurable consumptive. Uegan taking Dr. Km;-s New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the uutL iut'iuciiH ever lunuc. ' Jesse Mjddlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: ''Had it not been foi Dr. King-? New Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of Lung Troubles. Was eiven up by doctors. Am now in best r health." Try it. Sample bottles free tt W. K. Dement & Co.'.s Drug .Store. For Dyspepsia andLiver :r.t.la bit. you have a. printed guarantee mi ecry bottle of Sliiloh's Vitalizer. It newr fails to cure. Sold by W. 1L Dement The I"ev. Geo. H.Thayer. of JJour bon, lud., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Silicon's Consumitio?? Curk." Sold by W. E. Dement. Why will you cougn wnen .Shtloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts CO cts and SI. Sold by W. K. De ment. Telephone I.o-ixlnx House. Best Beds in town. Itooms per night 50 and 2T cts., per week $1.50. Now and clean. Private entrance. Shiloh's Catarrli Kemedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. 15. Dement. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. bit iron's Cuke will immediately relieve Crbup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, bold by W.E? Dement & Co What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's. A Nasal Injector iree with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy '"rice r.O cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Sn-cct Apple Cider At the Astoria Soda Works. Are you made miserable hv liuliP;- tion. Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Ypl low Skin? Slnoh's Vital ize is a positive cure, ror sale by W. E. Dement & Co. . Books in all stvles of firm iiiiuitnirc. Poets and standard authors at remark- ao:y iow prices, uhiffix & Reed. Artistic Embroidery. Instructions given in .all the latest styles of artistic embroidery and art need'e work. Also French indelible stamping done to order. Mrs, J. SnoExi.AXK, Chenamus street, opposite Liberty nail. J "llackraetack," a lasting ami frn graiit perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents, isnlri by W. K. Dement. Xiost. An unopened letter adresed t Chris. Mecder, Astoria, On, betwe n Arndt & Ferchens machine shop, or Kinney's cannery and the nostoffice. Tin. fimfor will be suitably rewarded hy leavin" it ui ims oince. The best oysters in Fabre's. any &tyle at Call and Ret our prices for books in sets, bj-all the standard authors and po ets; we will giiaranteee you the lowest price, Gkiefin- & Reed. .For the very hest pictures ro to II. s. Sbu9ter. , MANUFACTURERS! First Quality! Full Weight! German Knitting Wools ! UPWARDS OF TWO THOUSAND Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yarns In Plain, Fancy Mixed and High Colors ! OF THE FOLLOWING WOOLS WILL BE FOUND IN STOCK: Germantown Yarns, Germantown Zephyrs, Spanish Wool, Midnight Germantown, Saxony, 2 and 3 Fold, BedfordfYarn, Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool, Victoria Zephyrs in S, 4 and 8 Fold. Crewels, Etc., Etc., Etc. Tie lost Connie H. COOPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, ASTORIA, OR. YOUR N T aiu Going Oat of Olothiug, IDivhiR Decided to Deal In FINE an Exclusively, , I shall from this Date on. Dispose of All My If You Want An Overcoat or a Suit, n Pair of Pnnts, or a Boy's Snit. DO Call in and take advantage of this offer. Yon can Pick from a Com plete Stock nnd are Snre to Save Money, which is the Eoad to "Wealth. HERMAN WISE, The Reliable 4 Holier ai Hatter, Occident Hotel iiuilding. : Opposite Star Market. EIGHBBR; Furnishings Clothing at 'a Sacrifice DIRECTS- FROM THE Line of Wools Ever The Railroad is Coming ! SO IS CHRISTMAS ! But We Can't Wait for Either, But must buy our Family Supplies right . along just the RUSH Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best value for your money. To" those accustomed to deal with us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others we say we don't, brag, but come and try us and be con vinced. We carry in stock a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares. Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons. The best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria. Cigars, tobaccos, etc., m unequalled stock andat unequalled prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms, whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats, oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran. BUT WE MUST STOP! For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. CL Mo lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price. CHRISTMAS GOODS Now beine selected in the East. Wait until you tee them before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it. "What's that you say?" "Haven't you been bragging any ?' No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just call at D. Li. Beck & Sons', Assortment Brought to Astoria! same, and the i - Xj-i -Jlrfj. jt&m&. j . r-&2 3l. 2hfcX colter, stria Lj&i