CI J ttc gmft! gtsiMm ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY OCTOBEK 19. 1SS7 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA. I ES6EL.S III THE RIVER. OotkermonthKr p 1279, Oonrtney Kord. Am be bUnmore. Br bk Irvine. Br bkGH Fiji.Br fin 1357 Oity of York. Br. sp 1195 Co. of Anglesey. Br bk Ecclefechac, Br sp Oban Bat.' Br bk adv Lawrence. Br sp -AJerOforbkSOl Wm. U. StarbnckAmep Arethnsa, Br bk 1199 Netherby. Br sp 1400. Coloma, Am bk Cumbrian. Br Dkl053. Olive S Southard. Am Vondnara, Br sp 2012 Moresby Sept 2b Riverside, Br sp Charlotte Croom, Brsp U. Spnthard Hnlbert VESSELS OH TBE WAT. o From Foreieu Ports, for tbe ColHBbla STrer Assel. Br bk 795 Newcastle A Aug J5 ADereorn. Br bkl2K9 Maryport Sept 21 jfithelbert, Br bk 763 N ewctstle A Birmab, Br bk 812 Greenock Jnne 2 City of Glascow. Br sp 1163 Hull Deanfleld. Br bk 1072 Wilmington Derby Park. Br sp 1300 Maryport Ouleep Singh, Br sp 1193 Newcastle A Dinapore. Br bk-1017 Maryport ' Dunloe, Br bk 674 Greenock Kvelyn. Br bk 1179 Liverpool Glenbcrvie. Br bk 800 London- Sept 19 Hornby , Castle. Br sp 1436 London Aug 10 Helena. Br sp 1SS3 Antwerp Inchgreen. Br bk 1091 Sydney Aug 11 Kinfarnes. Br bk 9K Newcastle If S W Lady Cairns, Br sp 12G5 London Linlithgowshire, Br splS57 Antwerp Martha Fisher. Br bk Sll Maryport Mobile Bay. Br bk 1117 Antwerp Ophelia, Br bk 11S4 Liverpool Sept C Otmara.BrsplS3t Maryport Peeblesshire, Br bk St-6 Brisbane Kosecrana, Br bk 1195 Liverpool Thos S Stowo, Br bk 636 Newcastle A From American Forts. Australia, Nor bk 1233 San Pedro Alex Lawrence, Br bk 1205 San Pedro Cambrian Queen, Br 6p 1800 San Pedro Moresby. Br sp 1217 San Diego July 26 Nancy Pendelton, Am sp New York May 23. Sea King, Am sp 1436 New York Thornliebank, Br sp 1407 San Pedro TIDE TABIiE JFOB ASTOBIA. OCXOBEB. HIOII WATKR. LOW WATEB. First, Second. First. Second? SmHmS sc g m a 5 h a P ana ! , V I. A. 771. I JU A. 771. .-a A. 771. ,v A. 771. , fc & 1 - - --12 28p80 C 21a 05 645p Tl 2 0 32c 7 3 13 57 80 6 49 09 7 18 09 3 101 7 3 1 21 "807 17 11 7 49 07 4 137 71145 79 7 43 14 820 06 5209 692 10 798 14 17 8 64 04 C 2 45 6 6 2 38 78 8 48 19 9 31 04 7 327 C3 3 11 70 922 22 10 1C 05 8 4 15a 5 9 3 53p 7 5 10 OSa 2 6 11 09p 0 C 95 13 574 48 72 1104 29-- -- 10 C32 5C G 01 C 9 009 07 12 12 31 11 754 0 0 727 G8 1 18 07 1 33 3 0 12 902 6C 8 43 71 227 07 2 48 25 13 95S 72 955 7C 3 31- 05 3 55 IS 14 10 42 7 8 10 53 8 0 4 26 0 4 4 47 0 9 15 U 23 8 3 11 44 83 5 15 03 C 38 02 1C----12 03 88G59 03 C 27-00 17 0 31 8 4 12 42 9 0 6 42 0 4 7 1G -0 9 18 121 82 122 91 728 0 8 8 03 -1 1 19 2 09 7 8 2 03 9 0 8 10 12 8 51 -10 20 2&S73 2 45 87 854 17 9-42 -0 8 21 349 C 8 3 31 82 942 .2110 84 -0 4 22 4 48 G5V4 23 7 6 10 30 2G11S2 01 23 S CT 6 3 5 28 6 9 11 41 28-- -- 24 7 09 C 3 6 47 0 D 0 34 0G12 57 30 The Hours between miduignt ana noon are designated by o (a. m.), those between noon and miduignt by p (p. m.). 0ft. OOmta denotes midnight, oA. 00m. jvdeuotes noon. Tne neight is reckoned from tbe level of average lower low waters to which tbe sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts'. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. OCTOBEIt, 11 To Hull per Andora, Wheat, 59,007 bus. from Portland.... 36,760 " ' Astoria .... Totals. -95,827 11 To Oucenstfiwn rtp.r TCfffi. .S39.O0O 24.903 $C3,900 Wbeat, 29.290 bus. from Portland S25.432 " 12,410, " ' Astoria 8,195 Totals...51,"0G .$33,027 Willamette University. DEPARTMENTS. I College of liberal arts. II College of medicine. Dr. IS. P. rraser.-dean. Ill College of law. Judge "Wm. Harnsev. dean. IV Woman's college. Mrs. C. C.Jiawlcy, dean. V Conservatory of music Z, M. Parvln, director. VI university academy. VII Art department. Miss Mario Craig. Instructor. 360 Students. 400 Graduates. Thirty Teachers. Day board for young men 81,60 per week. Ladles' board in Woman's college ball, 82.50 with unfurnished room. First term be gins September 5. Catalogues and Informa tion ient free. Address THOS. TAN SCOT, President, Salem, Or. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSOltS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus andjCass streets. ASTCKIA OREGON Boat Building: MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build make my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building, Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river -whero my services may be required. a WM. HOWE. Notice. ON ACCOUNT OF THE BAD CONDI tlon or the "streets in the Second Ward, below Washington street, the sum of $5 "will be paid during the day, and HH during the night for the service of any team for hauling the engines or the department to and from any alarm of Are from that portion of the city, B.S.WORSLEY. Chief Engineer; A. F. D. Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FISH ermen'sPk'g.Co., will be held in their offlce at Upper Astoria, on the 29th of Oct.. 1887. to elect directors for the ensuing year, and transact such other buisiness as may properly come before the meeting. ' . By order president. ROB, JOHNSON, Secretary. ASTORIAN BIRECTOItY. stvte orncKits. United States feenalors -j j j litchell llcpresentativcln CongrcssJhnKer Hermann Governor. Sylvester lVnnoyer Governor's Secretary...... .A.luniey Secretary of State G. W. McBnde Assistant Secretary B. F. Giltner State Treasurer. G. tt . VV ebb Sup't labile Instruction K. B. McElroy State Printer ..F. C. Baker Clerk School Land Board Napoleon Davis Sup't Insane Asylum Dr. Harry Lam Sup't Penitentiary -..Kobt. Clow AV. 1. Lord Judges Supreme Court W.W. Thayer (ILS.Straban Judges Circuit Court-First District L. B. Webster. Second-It. S. Bean. Tlurd-B. P. Boise. Fourth Department 1. E. D. fehat tuck ; department 2, U B. Steams. 1'ifth K J.Taylor. Sixth L. Lom and G. XV. Walker. Seventh J. H. Bird. Ballroad Commissioners-J. H. Slater, of LaGrande: Geo. Wageoner, of Corvallls; and J. R. N. Bell, of Koseburg, chief clerk. COUKTT OFFICERS. County Judge .A.11- rage County Commissioners j feCrow" Clerk .......... .C. J. Trenchant Sheriff. ...W. G. ltoss Treasurer . I. Bergman Assessor . ... C. 11. Sorensen School Superintendent J. F. Page GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE ! Northern Pacific Railroaft! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Ohicago&AllPointsEast via ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific K. E, Is the ONLY Line Running Passenger Trains, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cam, Palace Dining Cars (meals 75c). Luxuriant Day Coaches, Emigrant Slecpersfree of charge). FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that jonr tickets read via the Northern Pacific It. II. and avoid change of cars. Leave Portland at 7 A. M. and 3:15 P.M. dally; anive at Minneapolis or St. Taul at noon fourth day. FACIFIC DIVISION-Train leaves Front and G street daily at 7 A.M. and 11 A.M.; arrive at New Tacoma 1 :15 and 0 :15 P. M. connecting with Company's for all points on Puget Sound. CHAS.S.FEE, Gen'l Western Pais. Agent. St. Paul. A.D.CHARLTON, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 2. Washington St.. Portland. Depot, comer First and U streets. YLERDESKCQ ST. IiQUIS, MO. MANlir rsof Fine UESKE BANK COUNTERS, BANK. COURT HOUSE. OOVERNMENTWORK "-tand OFFICE FITTINGS. BestWorfc&Lowe8tPricei Guaranteed. lCOp.Hlust'c Catalogne,Finest ever printed, sect free Postage 7 .BUFFAIO,N..Y. Organized vith a Fall Staff of Hghteen Experienced and Sidllful Thysicla-23 and Snrgoona for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases. OURnELD OF SUCCESS Chronio Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases, Liver ana Kidney Dis eases, Bladder Diseases. Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nervous Affections, cored hero or at home, with or without Boeing tho patient Como and sco va, or eend ten cents In stamps for our " Invalids' Guide Book,' ' m bicb gives all particulars. Nervous Debility, Impo- DtUGiTE and all Morbid Conditions IliSEASES. caused by Youthful Follies and Pernicious Solitary Practices arc pnecdilv and permanently cured by our Specialists. Boot post-paid, 10 cts. In stamps. - " Uupture, or Breach, radically DllOTIlDC I cured without tho lnife, without tiuriunts dependence upon trusses, and with very little pain. Book sent lor ten cents in 6tamps. i PLLE TUMORS and STRICTURES treated with tho greatest eucccss. Book sent for 10 cents In stamps. Address, "World's Dispkksart Mem cal AssocuTiox, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Imtmmamammtmm The treatment of man; rilPPIPPft nr thousands of cases of tbosa UlvUutv Ur diseases peculiar to Wnii xoivTJziTcr HUBI1W. afr tho Invalid's Hotel and mmmmmimi Surgical Instituto has af forded large experience in adapting remedies for their cure, and BR; PIERCE'S Favorite "Prescription is thb result of this vast experience. it is a powerful Restorative Tonic and menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or falling of tho uterus, weak back, anteverslon, retroversion, Bearing down, sensations, chronic con gestion, Inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and ten derness in ovaries, internal heat, and lemalo weakness. ' It promptly relieves and cures'Nausea, and Weakness or the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and sleep lessness, in either sex. Sold by Ihniggists everywhere Scnc ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary Meal Actios, 663 XaJn St BUFFALO, K. Yc sick-headache; Bilious Headache, Diz ziness, Constipation, Indigestion, and Bil ious Attacks promptly cured by Dr. FIERCE g Pleasant PURGATIVE PELLETS. 25ccuisavfc by Druguitf s. -Notice. M R.E. G. ZEAGLER IS WANTED AT Mrs. giara weimau s, Astoria, Oregon. VEj59nVVRM(2223i ittiPBBHniBff i Miii ' Kp fjRtt ODfAl P0WDEI Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A man'el of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical man uie orainarj Kinus, ana can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal baking powdkkco. loo yall-st., N, v. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A TRICK. The Horn Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergmau & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Tart of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables : Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Run In a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON, SAMPLE ROOMS, Corner ol Water and West Ninth Streets. CMce Lipors ait Ciprs ! Every Attention to the Comfort of l'atrons. Agent for the Thingvnlla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PROPRIETOR Old Corner Saloon, PIiI I. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, -x- 401 Chenamus Street, Astoria, Ogn. THE SUNNYSIDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES. Proprietor. AH the Modern Improvement's. Old Olympic opposite Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHAR0 LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. C. E. BAIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In All Kinds or Seasoned Lumber. MOULDINGS, WINDO.VS AND DOORS, OAK. ASH AND HICKORY, Black Walnut, Alder and Maple, PORT ORFORD CEDAR, And All Kinds of Boat Material a Specialty. ALT. KIXDS OF Jolt Work and Turning Done nt SHORT NOTICE. Manufacturing Steam Mills. Corner Genevieve & Astor Sts. THE ASTORIA BAKERY, JAMES COX. PHOPRIETOR. Bread, Cake, Confections. Good Flour nail Materials lined. 311 AIM IS TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. Bread Delivered All Over the City. Tour Patronage Is Solicited. Boats Repaired. ANY ONE WANTING FISHING BOATS or other Boats Repaired can get good work done at R. M. Leathers' boat shop, over Arndt & Ferchen's : foot of Lafavette street, Seasonable Advice. Purchasers of goods, says the Scout, will be benefited in'the long run by patronizing exclu sively the merchants who adver tise. The reason for this is obvi ous. The wke-awake merchant who has, or thinks he has, bargains to offer will invariably make it known by judicious advertising, and, having an ambition to get all the trade possibfe, will offer every inducement to secure it. It is a great deal more pleasant and prof itable to deal with that kind of a man than it is with one of the op posite kind, who, Having nothing to offer, has nothing to say, and who sits inside his establishment waiting for customers to intrude themselves and insist on buying something-. When General Butler was a young man he was examined for a department clerkship. To the question, "What states and terri tories would you cross going from New York to the Pacific coast?" he answered, "None; I would go round by Cape Horn." Ex-governor Thorington was examined once for promotion in the army. To the question, "How many British sol diers eame to this country in the Revolutionar' war?" he answered, "A sight more than ever got back." He got his promotion. CWvOY V; NfeMs, is v --ww Uie COm. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you e vor try Acker's English Rem edy? It is tho best preparation known for all Lunjj Troubles, sold on a. posi tive guaranteo at 10c. 50c. J. W. Conn. An exchanges uses the follow ing pointed and sensible remarks: "Young man, when you jeer at a lady passing along tho street or haunt or startle her with your glances, does it ever occur to you that some other scoundrel might insult your sister, your wife, or, in coming years, your daughter, in the same infamous manner? How would vou like that? Would. 'ou regard it manly or an evidence of blood i If so, you ought to be kicked from one end of the conti nent to the other and horse whipped back again." 2. omvV Blood Elixir is tho tWA0 3 only Blood (Remedy guaranteed. It is a positive euro for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies tho whole system, and banishes all Rheumatio and Neu ralgic pains. We guarantee it. J. W. Conn. Two bruised and battered pa tients lay side by side in a hospit al ward. "I'm a base ball umpire," said one, "who are you?" "I was one of the judges at a baby show," said the other; and then the order ly came and gave each of them a hypodermic injection of morphine. "WrOVvLOC f,at ar0 fretful, SJV'V,,' peevish, cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. At his home on the Siuslaw riv er, in Lane county, Oct. 2d, 1887, died, Mr. Zara T. Sweet, in the 72nd year of his age. He was a pioneer of pioneers, coming to Oregon in 1845, He enjoys the distinction of being the first man to raise the stars and stripes in W. T., in 1847, and the same is true of this man in Lane county in 1S51. He was born in 1815. " CYYVW Of the good things of VVYA.Y.V thjs Hfe arosorTOwfnl. ly let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positivo guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by J. TV. Conn. Notice, School Tax Due, District No. 18. THE HON. BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECT pre having returned the assessment roll for the year A. D 1887, for the above named district, with warrant attached, command ing me to collect the school tax. I therefore, give notice that unless the said tax U paid within sixty days from the issue of said war rant to wit : on the 10th day of Sept.. they will be returned delinquent on the 9th day of Nov., A. D 1887. and a certified list will bo handed to the sheriff for collection. Either myself or my deputy are at all times to be found at my offlce. one door south of Wall street, on West 6th, east side. Dated this 10th day of Oct.. A. D 1887. In the city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, and state of Oregon. C.W.SHIVELY, District Clerk. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAMABE, HON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin. and oopper. MAKKETS. Washington Market. Main Mrcct, .1st or in, Oregon. BEUGMAX & CO.P-ROPRIETOKS KESPECTF(JLLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market will always-besupplled with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! ytiich will he sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . S3y"SpecIal attention given to .supplying .ships. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetatoles, FRUITSrSUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTKI.. CHEN' AM US Street. Antoriu. Oc. JOHN FUSSELL. You Needn't Send to Portland. Saddles From 87 to $21 None But The Best Slock Used, Prices to Suit The Times, Main street east side, between Jefferson and Sqaemoqua Sts. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAL GItAINER and PATNTER. SIQNPALNTING. AND GIiASS SHOW CARDS. PLAIN AXD DECOKATIVE Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St.. next to Stinons Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon, Caution. HAVING LEASED STEAMER ENTER prhc to S. C. Ilildreth, James Macora ber, T. W. Andrews and James Cox, they assume all liabilities of stoamer Enterprise from this date. Neither steamer Enterprise nor myself, owner, will bo responsible for any debts contracted. C. W. SHIVELY. September 23(L 1837- F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO J". C2. HOSS County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. Next to astohian oftlce. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN ASIORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMIT ft i4 n KJ V JL. ire iHUjEBBI'j&QUiro, w? nd vmsmmfJ&Bf&S Qj gfsegg miKkar Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, Aspeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, -, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Groceries, lElto. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for tho most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to l'ortland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Less Money By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Salts from $35. Call and See Him and Satisfy Tonneir. P. J. MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. m?sm& vxmsammm TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & N. CO. TO PORTLAND, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. K. & N. Co., car rying the II. S. malls, leave tho Company's Dock Kvery Uny, Sundavs exceptea, at 6 A.M. This is the only daily line, and the only line running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Compan's Dock every Ave days Regular Dneol Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage aud Lighterage. STORAGE OF ?1X. KI.DS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City OI- nce. F.E.SHUTE, Ticket Aeent. E. A. JCOYES, Agent. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., BT WAV OF THK OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. AND CONNECTIONS. The Mt Shasta Route. Quicker in Time than any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. M. Daily THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. Only 13 Miles Staging BETWEEN ASnLMD ASD SISKIYOU'S. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, BETWEEN Portland and Ashland, Siskiyou's and San Franciseo. Emigrant Sleeping Gars Between Portland and Ashland, Siskiyou's ana son irancisco, Free of Charge. FAME from Portland to Sacramento San Francisco, Limited, First class 822 Unlimited . 830 Limited Emigrant 815 Ticket Oftlce: CornorFandFrontSta. Portland, Or R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS. Manager. G. F. & Pass. A gt. Str. Favorite W. E. Wakrbx, Master, Will make Regular Trips Dally on the egon side, stopping a' all Way Landings LeaTln? Woods IandgET.erj3fornIngat G 131 Returning Leave Astoria at S P. M. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ingTuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on hoard. To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES W. P, Wiiitcomb, Master, W1H leave for Gray's Harhor on or about The oth, loth aud 25th oTeach month For Freight or Passage apply to J. H. D. GRAY, Agent I. S.N. Co. Mo Steam MipliQB Co FROM'ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft.Canby and llwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER iiffi: "GEN. CANBY," Thos. Pabkeb. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco. at 8 A. M- Wlth Oysterville Malls and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W . T on Mondays. "Wednesdays and Fridays On Thursdava the Qcn. Caribii will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 p. ar.) 3 hours after arrival irom nrst tnp. Fare to llwaco, - - $1.00 Passenger? will save 25 cents by purchas ing uciceis neiore going on Doara. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 sfFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at tne omce 01 tno company, urays is nan, ioot ot .uenton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. -THE- STEAMER IALLUSKI, JOHN G. BLAKE, Master, Is ready for business, and will do Towinc; or BUSINESS OF ANY KIND On the River, at reasonable rates. Head quarters nt Gray's Wharf. J. II. I. GRAY, Agent. H. EKSTR0M. WATCHMAKER. WATCHE8, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT Lowest Prices Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty. SHOP On tho Roadway, next to Aug, Danlelson's GUSTAV BOENTGEtf. g-tt:n'aX'f:s: New Guns made, Muzzleloaders made In to Breechloaders. All kinds of Repairs done flrst-clasa and cheap. Shop at Uppar Asto ria, near Northern Pacific Brewery. P.O.Ad0rW3,EQX'W. TRIED nt TBS CRUCIBLE. About twenty years ago I discovered a Uttls sore on my cheelr, and the doctors pronounced It cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, bat without receiving any permanent benefit. Among the number were one or two specialists. The medicine they applied was llt9 firs to tha sore, causing Intenso pals. I sawn statement In the papers telling what S. S. S. hod dons for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before I had used the second bottle tha neighbors could notice, that my cancer was healing up. My general health had bea had for two or threo years Ihada"haddageough and epic blood continually. I had a severe pain In my breast. After tailng six bottles oC S.S.S. my cough left me and I grew stouter than I had been for several years. My cancer has healed overall but a little spot about. th9 size of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappear lng. I would advise- every one with caacer to give S. S. S. a fair trial. MRS. NANCY J. McCONAUQHEY, Asho Grove, Tippecanoe Co., Ind. Feb. IS, 1SS6. SwlftM Specific 13 entirely vegetable, and seems to euro cancers by forcing out tha Imps rules from the blood. Treatise-on Blood and Stln Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DRAWER 3, ATLANTA, GA. iRUPTUBE CtlKF-D tT tha OCT.TH3A- TED DR.PIEBOE'S.Pj.txs- MACHET1C ELASTIC TRUS Tho Orirtkat. ana flsiYOKniixi ELECTRIC TRUSS. A Perfect retainer. osr to near. Initnnt 1 y ralieTM T'everr case. Has cared thousands. Established 1872 5 Send tor Free Illastrt'd Pamphlet No l.-Addrea Ik: MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRnSS CO.'. 04N.SIXTHHTJIHET. RT. TTTTILSch. g 704 8 ACTCMTO ST. .SAN FRAITOIBCO.OAT. O liis tsken the lead la the sales of that diss-of remedies, and has ivta almost universal sambo tiun. MUPHY BROS.. Vuii. 1 ex G has won the favor uf the public end now rjnkt amen?- the leading Meiii- dnei of the ciktora. A. L. SMITH. Bradford. P. Sold by Drnjrrfsts. race 9i.uu, Sold by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregon, BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. Every family should have these Prescriptions, ao their doctor will bo ever at' hand. Byaavtns: them trill save great-Expense. Anxiety- and Buf fering; Thousands are now in nsr. Tne follow ing is a list of the most common and'promlaeat diseases, viz: Dyspepsia, .Bronchitis. Consump tion, Flux Diarrhcoa, Nenralsia. Syphilis, ChilU, Ulcers, Heart, Kidney, Bladder, Female, and all Skin and Nervous Diseases, Each prescription One Dollar. Three or mora at a great redaction. Full directions with each prescription. All let ters of inquiry answered promutly. Address A. Frances Wright, M. D Nineveh, Indiana. Concomiy Street Improvement No tice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, propose to-order the improvement of that portion of Concomry street, in the city ot Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, from Ita in tersection vrith Main street to Its west ern terminus, by filling and grad ing that uortion lying between the west sido of Main street and Wash ington street, to its established grade to a width of thirty-four feet throughthe middle thereof, and planking the same with new anoVsound nr plank to a width of thirty-four feet through the canter thereof; and by raising-thatportlon be tween the west side of Washington street and the western terminus of the said Concomiy street to its established grade and planking the same to awldth of twenty feet through the center there of ; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: on or before Tuesday, October 25,1887, the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. liy order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jewett. Astoria, Oregon, September 29th,1887. Wall Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria propose to order the -improvement of that portion of Wall street; in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shivelyj from the east side of West Sixth street to the western end of said Wall street, by grading and filling said street to ita es tablished grade to its full width, and by planking the same to a width of sixteen feet through the center thereof, and by building sidewalks on both sides of said street ; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final publication of-this notice, to-wit: on or before Tuesday, October 25th, 1887, the Common Council will order said im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest : T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Po lice Judge. Astoria, Oregon, September 29th, 1887 For Sale. THE WHOLE OB HALF INTEREST OF the business of Magnus C. Crosby, con sisting of Hardware, stoves, Metals and Plumbers Stock. Thi3 business was estab lished May 1, 1877, and Is among the very best In the city of Astoria. Nothing btttlll health prompts the disposal. Full partlcu lara on application. WILL Cut Faster ANB EASIER Than any oth er axe-made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. It goes Deep aad Never Sticks. CAENAHAN & CO., AgnU Astoria, Price, tl.te. SXEi mmiiHllil 'U.C.Trullinger !rSfg?pgiaj ti-" BjSTX. i '? p TO 5 DATS. JHRVQuranteed net ioV K casxaStrtetar. a tSM Urdonlrbytfca ClseinnaU.HHpi rmjpiEx V. iT5 1