The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 19, 1887, Image 3

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The pipe line will b& tested at 1:45
this af teruoon.
The Gen. Ccuiby has resumed her
place on the Canby-Ilwaoo route.
The Gen. Miles arrived in at 7:30
last evening with freight and passen
gers. Frank Getchel, well known in As
toria, died at Coquille City last Thurs
day morning.
In the police court yesterday Larry
Sullivan was fined $10 for being
drunk and disorderly.
The Portland boats are busy carry
ing salmon to the canneries from va
rious down river points.
Miss Nora Kappleye a has a neatly
fitted tip fancy and novelty store and
invites the public patronage, on Cass
street, one door south of this office.
The repairs on the steamer Uma
tilla at San Francisco are nearly
completed. Hew iron masts are be
ing stepped and all mo'dern appli
ances are being put in.
Through railroad connection be
tween San Francisco and the Colum
bia river will be made in the next
thirty days. C. P. Huntington will
be in Portland November 15.
A party of four capitalists from
Michigan are here with a view to
build a saw mill on the Nehalem.
They have gone to Westport to go in
toward the proposed location of the
mill in that way.
J. W. Welch, superintendent of the
Columbia Water company, goe3 to
California on the next steamer. Dur
ing his absence, D. H.jWelch will at
tend to the business of the company.
G. 0. Moen will do any capping, fit
ting, etc., required in the pipes.
School district No. Eighteen's di
rectors are working the district out
of debt Another note was "refund
ed" yesterday. The district now
owes but $2,200, has a fine school,
and the school board expect bv
March 1st, 1839, to be out of debt.
The schooner JLetitia, which sailed
from San Francisco for here last
Thursday, sprung aleak on the 15th,
while 200 miles off shore, and. was
compelled to put back. When com
ing to anchor she collided with the
barkentine Portland, slightly damag
ing that vessel as well as herself.
The executive committee of the
state fair has finished a canvass of
the receipts and expeditures of the
late fair and find the gross amounts
to be as follews: Receipts, includ
ing $5,000 from the state, $22,349.50;
paid out on account of premiums and
expenses, $17,529.46; balance in the
treasury, $4,819.04.
There is long continued complaint
against inspector Ferguson regard
ing what is believed to be arbitrary
official action on bis part The latest
under observation is his refusal to al
low the application of Jno. Peterson
as master of the Dolpliin. He has
been mate of the Miles for two years,
was captain of the AlpJia for nearly a
year, and has been at sea in various
capacities for sixteen years. His ap
plication was endorsed by pilots Reed
and Latham and Capt Wes. Whit
comb. It is claimed that this arbi
trary action, all the more annoying
and unsatisfactory because of his re
fusal to give reason therefor, on vari
ous occasions has resulted in loss and
injury to this city's commercial inter
ests. Of course he has a right to
grant or withhold licenses as he sees
proper, but it is only reasonable that
grounds for such action should be
The Strike on the " Oregon.
San Feakcisco, October 17. This
morning the trouble between the crew
of the steamer Oregon and the officers
was settled by placing a new crew of
union men on the vessel. The old
crew, who were members of the
Steamship Sailors' union, refused to
work after 9 o'clock on Sunday morn
ing, according to one of the rules of
their union, and walked out. A con
ference was held to-day between the
secretary of the union and the agents
of the vessel, andthe result was that
a new crew of union men were placed
on the steamer. Hereafter the men
will not be required to work after 9
a. m. on Sunday.
Prot. McDonald's lectures must be
nrsD-ciass as they continue to pack Lib
erty Hall every night Tills evening lie
lectures free again. lie is also having
a big run of business in giving private
'phrenological examinations at the ante
room of the Hall.
First-Class Waiter IVnntrtl
At Frank Fabre's restaurant.
Plain gold ring; Initials inside, A. S.
O. to C. T. .Reward if left at The As
tobiax office.
Books at Auction.
And private sale 5,000 volumes of stan
dard scientific, rare, and miscellaneous
works. Family Bibles, plush and mon
ogram Albums. Draper, Buckle, Leek
ey. Darwin, Spencer. Huxley, Hugo, Jo
seph us. Gibbon are a few of the authors.
Sale at 7 p.m.: Odd Fellows Building,
rear of Bank, for a few days onlv.
Books in all styles of fine bindings.
Poets and standard authors at remark
ably low prices. Griffin & u eed.
What is better than a glass of liquor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Artistic Embroidery.
Instructions given in all the latest
styles of artistic embroidery and art
needle work. Also French indelible
stamping -done to order.
Mrs, J. Shoenlank,
Chenamus street, opposite Liberty
Gloucester, Oct 18. The schoon
er Herman Bauson, from Grand
Banks, to-day reports that ou Sep
tember 30-ehe fell in with the French
fishing sloop St. Jlcrre, water-logged.
Ten men, drowned, were found in her
cabin. The weather being very rough,
the bodies were not recovered.
Minneapolis, Oct. 18. The gen
eral assembly K. of L., in executive
session 11113 morning, passed a reso
lution that the assembly would stand
adjourned at the close of to-morrow
morning's session and all speeches
would be limited to three minutes.
The rules were then suspended, and
the committee on strikes and boycotts
made another report, which was re
ferred to the general executive board.
Miss Barry then presented Powderly,
for his wife, on behalf of the general
assembly, with a portrait of himself.
New York, Oct. 18. The sporting
papers have received the following
London, Oct 17. Charley Mitchell
has posted a forfeit and issued a
challenge to fight John L. Sullivan,
according to London prize rules, for
five hundred pounds a side; -should
Sullivan not accept Mitchell's chal
lenge, anybody else can have the
match, but not for les3 than five hun
dred pounds a side.
Philadelphia, Oct. 18. A lock out
involving six thousand liauds will be
inaugurated this morniug by the
members of the Boot and Shoe Man
ufacturers' association of thi3 city.
It is estimated that five thousand
men will be" laid off by next Thurs
day. t
The first comptroller of the treasu
ry, in a report of the work of this bu
reau for the fiscal year which euded
June 30 last, recommends among
other things that U. S. district at
torneys and marshals and clerks be
paid salaries, and that the fees sys
tem be abolished and that a maxi
mum be fixed as to the amount of
compensation by the United States
commissioner, and that the time in
which a .claim against the govern
ment may be presented raav be lim
New YoRKrOct 18. The French
steamship Britannia, which arrived
on the 13th inst. from Marseilles and
Naples and has been held by the
health officers at the upper quaran
tine for investigation, was this morn
ing sent down to the lower quaran
tine, four cases of cholera having
been found aboard. The Britannia
is a sister ship to the Alesia which
brought cholera here some weeks
Atlanta, Oct 18. The presiden
tial party arrived to-day find was re
ceived with great enthnsiam by an
immense crowa.
Emotion's Minstrel Portland.
The magic of Billy Emerson's name
at the head of a minstrel troupe the
first we have had in a long time was
sufficient to fill New Market theatre
lust evening. The opening .vas started
in rattling style and sustained
throughout. The singing cf Billy
Emerson sounded like old times. En
core followed encore until the noted
minstrel was tired. The reception ac
corded him was enthusiastic and cer
tainly cordial, showing the large
number of admirers he has in this
cily. Mr. Carter, Mr. Moore and Mr.
Kellog sang admirably, each in a
style peculiarly his own, and which
was highly appreciated. Pete Mack
was very funny indeed and fairly con
vulsed the house.
The show was in many notable re
spects ,the best we have had of its
kind in a long time, and should be
witnessed by everyone who enjoys a
first class and genuine minstrel per
formance. . The house will doubtless
be crowded every night during the
week, just as it deserves to be. News.
Didn't Know It Was Loaded.
The ferociously mugwump Chicago
News, that hates Blaine as the devil
hates holy water, and has dogged his
stops with a Chicago reporter on his
European trip, published a presiden
tial edition to welcome president
Cleveland the other day. The felici
tations on this stroke of enterprise
were turned to gall and bitterness
on discovering "Hurra for Blaine"
in the following verses which it had
innocently published:
Here'in the laad of promise,
Under the glorious sky
Beaching avride o'er shore and tide.
Ituler and bride, do thou abide,
And, heart of the west, beat high!
Forgetting the dismal rancor
Of years that should be dead,
Rally we all from cot and hall,
messing our nation's bead.
Long life to you, O ruler,
And to your gentle wife
In prosperous ways God guide your days,
Nor count them past till you at Inst
Enjoy the endless life! " -
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ies, etc. The best cooked to order.
Elderly Woman Wanted
To cook in a small family. Apply at
this office.
Every mother is interested in know
ing that a special preparation for chil
dren, called 'The Child's Cough Syrup"
U now for sale only at Dement's drag
Any case of Croup can be easilv treat
ed and cured by using "The "Child's
CourIi Syrup." Full directions with
each package, which can only be pur-chased-at
Dement's drug store.
Sweet Apple Cider
At the Astoria Soda Works.
The best oysters in any style at
The job printers' strike at Portland
is a failure.
Columbia river salmon is $2 and
$2.10 a dozen in New York.
Philadelphia dedicated a statue to
Gen. Meade, the hero of Gettysburg,
A majority of the milk producers
in the vicinity of New York city have
struck for 3 cents a quart for their
milk. They wero getting 2) cents.
An indiscreet friend of secretary
Whitney praised that official in pub
lic as an extremely charitable man.
Besult: A mail bag of begging let
ters daily.
The steamer Cosmopolis has ar
rived at Cosmepolis: she expects to
leave there to-day on her return trip
to San Francisco, carrying lumber
and passengers.
The cases of the nine fishermen in
dicted on charge of destroying traps
at the month of the Chehalis river,
came up on habeas corpus at Olym
pia last Friday.
Boston Corbett, the slayer of
Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Presi
dent Lincoln, has been taken to the
Kansas insane asylnm as a hopeless
lunatic, and a guardian has been ap
pointed to take charge of his prop
erty. The preliminary survey of the ex
tension of the Puget Sound & Gray's
Harbor railroad to improved harbor
facilities was made some time ago,
and it brings the line about fifty
yards from the month of Little
Mr. Powderly has put himself right
on the immigration question. He is
against importing foreign paupers,
and wants only those to come to
America who come of their own will
to make homes. That is a platform
all can indorse.
R. A. Marple, convicted of the mur
der of D. J. Corker at Lafayette, has
been resentenced by Judge Boise to
be hanged on Friday, November 11th.
His first sentence was pronounced
illegal by the supreme court on ac
count of the date of execution being
placed more than sixty days after the
date of sentence.
Oneida Cavelho, an Indian woman,
died at Oakland last Monday. She
was said to be the last of the tribe of
the Humboldt Indians, who were al
most entirely exterminated in the
massacre by Modocs and whites in
I860, in Humboldt county. It is said
ouly five were left alive, and of those
Oneida was the last to die.
Between Toledo and Winlock is
Cowlitz prairie, two by five miles
long. In tho center of this prairie
Simon Plomondon took up the first
donation claim under the laws of Or
egon territory when Washington was
included. Simon Plomondon came
to Washougal, on the Columbia river,
in 1803, or 8i years ago. fie was af
terward in the employ of the Hudson
Bay Fur company, and at the time of
his death he was 99 years, 9 months
and G days old.
Real Estate Transfers.
Clatsop Mill Co. to F. A and A. C.
Fisher, lot 8,"block 6G, McClnre's As
toria; 320.
J. S. Hayseth and wife to the S. E.
L. congregation, part lot 3, block 38,
McClure's Astoria; $50.
Thos. Russell and wife to Grace
Episcopal church, S 50x100 feet, lots
1 and 2, block 16, Shively's Astoria; !
A H. Stone to D. K. Sutherland,
lots 3 and 4, block 5, Hnstler &
Aiken'd addition; $200.
D. IC Sutherland to A H. Stone,
70 aores, sec. 9, T 8 N, R 7 W; S200.
C. H. Shively and wife to A. H.
Satti, S 100 feet lot 10, block 14,
Shively's Astoria; $1,000.
Gure'Arvold to A. Handier, lot 8,
block 120, McClure's Astoria; $125.
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won
derful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air-passages, but the thousands
of little tubes and cavities leading
from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo
nia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and -nose and
head and lung obstructions, all are
bad. All ought to be got rid of. There
is just one sure way to get rid of
them. That is to take Boschee's
German SS'rup, which any druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle.
Even if everything else has failed
yon, you may depend npou this for
Very Neatly Said.
It was cool at St Louis while tho
president was there, and one night
the mayor, turning to the reception
committee, suggested with a wink
that they file into tho dining room
and take something warm. Mrs.
Cleveland, suddenly turning to the
mayor, said: "Yes, I think a cup of
warm coffee would bo just the thing."
The mayor retired crushed.
A Gilt for All.
In order to give all a chance to test it,
and thus be convinced of its wonderful
curative powers. Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, will be, for a limited lime, given
away. This offer is not only liberal,
but shows unbounded faith in the mer
its of this great renredy. All who suf
fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption,
Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of
Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially
requested to call at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free,
Large uotties si,
IflcalB Cooked, to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant next to Foard &
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
A Sunny XE00111
With tlie'comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
A Scaly, Itching Skin Disease with
Endless Suffering Cured by
Cuticura Remedies.
if Tiimi known of tho CunctJRA Remedies
twenty-eight years ago it would havo Eared
mo Si00.0O (two hunarcd dollars) and an im
menso amount of suffering, ily disoase,(Pso
riais) commenced on my bead in a spot not
larger than a cent. It spread rapidly all over
my body and cot under my nans. scales
would drop off of mo all tho time, and my suf
fering was endless, and without relief. Ono
thousand dollars would not tempt mo to havo
this discaso over again. I am a poor man,
but feel rich to bo relieved of what somo of
tho doctors said was leprosy, somo ring-worm,
psoriasis, etc. I took.. -..nnd.....fcarsapa-rilla
over ono year and a-nalf, but no cure. I
went to two or threo doctors and no cure. 1
canrot praiso tho COTlcURA Remedies, too
much. Thev have made my skin as clear and
free from scales as a baby's. All I used of
them was three boxes of Ccticuka, and
threo bottle3 of CuticCRA Kesoi.vext, and
two cakes of Cuticuba. Soap, If you had
been here and said you would have cared me
for S200.00 you would have had the money
I looked like tho picture in your book of Pio
riasis fpicturo number two. Jiowto Cure
Skin Discases")i but novrl am as clear as any
person ever was. Through force of habit I
rub my hands over my arms and legs to
scratch once in a while, but to no purpose. I
am all well. I scratched twonty-eight years,
and it got to be a kind of second nature to
me. I thank you n thousand times.. Any
thing moro that you want to know write me,
or any one who reads this may write to mo
and rVill answer it. D0Wsim
Waterbury, Vt. Jan. 20th, 1SS7.
Psoriasis, Eczema. TcUcr. Ringworm. Lich
en. Pruritus, Scall Head, 3hlk Crust, Dand
ruff, Barbers' Bakers' Grocers', and asher-
r-nmnntl Ttoll KTIll PTPTY SDCOICS 01 ItChlm?.
Burning. Scaly and Pimply Humors of the
Skin and Scalp and Blood, with Loss of Hair.
n..nnc;i;rnif otiriul hv CcTiriTRA. the CTcat
Skin Cure, and CuncUBA Soap, an exquis
ite Skin Ucautitieroxtornaiiy.anuiyuiiuuKA
Kesolvkst, the new BloodPurifier internally
when physicians and all other remedies fail.
Sold even-where. Trice : Clticuba, CO
cents: Soap. 25 cents ;Rksoi.vknt. 51.00.
.rrepareu uy tno i'ottkk uuvh au unr-ji-icalCo,,
Boston, Mas3.
Con,if."llnir(n Hum Skin Diseases." 61
pages, 50 illustrations, ana iw lesnmonum.
nilJPLES. black-heads, chapped and oily
rim skinnrcvented by Clticura Medi
cated Soap.
Catarrhal Dangers.
To bo freed from tho dangers of suffocation
while lying down; to breatho Irecly, sleop
soundly and undisturbed ; to riso refreshed.
head clear, brain active and free from pain
or ache ; to know that no poisonous, putrid
matter defilo3 tho breath and rots away tho
ilelicato machinery of smell, tasto and hear
ing; to feel that tho system does not, thronh
its veins and arteries, suck up tho poison that
U suro to undermine and destroy, is indeed a
blessing beyond all other human enjoyments.
To purchase immunity from such a fate should
be tho object of all afflicted. But thoso who
havo tried many remedies and physicians de
spair of relief or euro.
SAXioitn's kadicai. uuee niccis every
nhoso of Catarrh, from a sininlo head cold to
tho most loathsome and destructive stages.
It is local and constitutional. Instant in re
lieving, permanent in curing, safe, economic
al and never-failing.
SAxroitn's Radical ul'kk consists otono
botde of the Radical C ur.f:. ono box of
Catarrhal Solvent, and ono Impkoved I.n
hAlkr, all wrapped in ono package, with
treatise and directions and fold by all drug
gists for S1.00.
No Rheumatiz About Me,
Tho Cuticura Auti-1'aiu
Master relieves Rheumatic.
n Mm sciatic, cuuuen, snarp ana rt cr-
JpH jvvou3 Pains. Strains and Wenk
Er'nesses. Tho first and only pain-
f S killing plaster. iCew. original.
bciatic. Sudden, Sharp and 2 cr
instantanecus. infallible, safe. A marvelous
Antidoto to Pain, inflammation and weak
ness; Utterly unliko and vastly superior to
all other plasters. At all druggists, '23 cents;
five for Sl.Ou ; or, postago free, of I'ottkk
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass.
D. C. Ireland returned from Grav's
harbor last evening.
Mr. and Sirs. C. H. Cooper, Capt.
P. E. Fercben, A. W. Utzinger re
turned from Portland yesterday.
M. "Wasliburn, J. Moody and wife.
A. Stewart, H. P. Elbon, H. M. Spen
cer, D. R. Mcintosh, Geo. Birchard,
N. Greeg, J. R. Felch, H. S. Graham,
David Upton and son, J. bnlv, Chas.
Iverson, J. Chester, J. Joliansen, J.
Heckard, J. M. Munroe, I. Median
and O. P. Joliansen are at the Astor
house. .
R A. Foster, H. C. Capweli. Theo.
Goodman, F. M. Seller, T.B. Held, W.
W. Harris, L. A. Loomis and wife, D.
A. Sinclair, G. Catteuach and wife, C.
A. Mctiuire and wife, d. Getula. W.
R Taggart, G. S. Hinsdale, James
.brown, W.Taylor, a. J. ltowe, J. M.
"Weatherwax, Mrs. C. B. "Weatherwax,
H. S. Gile, are at the Occident.
M. Wasliburn, J.H. DeForce, W.
A. Howe, T.BeckIey, "Vm. Tyce.F.
Hudley, J. Walters, E. Kitterinir. T.
Sichardson, S. Heinsheimer, C. N.
ttess, ana ramily, Lreo. Jjangrord, 0.
Gregg, G. W. Smith, E. C. Crow, W.
A. S pence, T. LaLond, W. A. LaLond,
G. W. Shirley, A. Larsen. A. T. John-
sou, G. W. Johnson, H. J. Nails, B.
F. Blasdale, J. Ericson, G. J. Mild-
oaugti, a. Ijake, iu. liarte, M. Tiny the,
J.D. Lonks, G. Shaler, P. Swick, S. E.
Watson, V. M. James, are at the Par
ker house.
To Help Your Town.
Talk about it; write about it; beau
tify your Streets; be friendly to every
body; uleot good men to all offices;
keep your sidewalks in good repair;
sell all you can abroad and buy all
you can at home; if you are rich, in
vest iu something, employ somebody;
be conrteous to strangers who come
among you, so that they shall go away
with good impressions; always cheer
on the men who go in for improve
ments, your portion of the cost will
be nothing but what is just; don't
"kick" at any proposed improvement
because it is not at your own door, or
for fear that your taxes will be raised
fifty cents.
All tno patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at. I. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite evident
hctel, Astoria.
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Gamurinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents;
"Patronize your home book store.
Books sold at auction prices.'
First Quality! Full Weight!
German Knitting Wools !
Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yams
In Plain, Fancy Mixed and High" Colors !
A Complete Assortment
Germantown Yarns,
Germantown Zephyrs,
Spanish Wool,
Midnight Germantown,
Saxony, 2 and 3 Fold,
Bedford Yarn,
Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool,
Tie lost Cowlete Line of Wools Ew Brought to Astoria!
I am Going Out of Clothing, Having
Decided to Deal In
ml Hats
I shall from this Date ou, Dispose of
All My
at a
If You Want
An Overcoat or a Suit, a Pair of
Pants, or a Boy's Snit.
Call in and take advantage of this
offer. Yon can Pick from a Com
plete Stock and are Sure to Save
Money, wliicli 13 the Eoad to Wealth.
The Reliable
Occident flotel Uuilding.
Opposite Star Market.
victoria Zephyrs in 2, 4 and 8 Fold.
Crewels, Etc., Etc., Etc.
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy our Family Supplies right
along just the same, and the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. We carry in stock a full line of
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal) Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other wares.
Silver-plated and .other knives, forks and spoons. The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shdwn in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil
and turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth bmshes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, shorts and bran.
For .if we mention all the articles we have in stock. we
shall nil up the" whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and" only half price.
Now being selected in the -East. Waituhtilyou see them
before buying elsewhere, or you may regret it.
- "What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any?" - No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
call at .
S. L. Beck & Sons'.