&r s X m HHesSBagBaiMHMaflfiMl, mmaasaaaaaa Hadfifitt&)MMBM 3fo Satlg IMotfw. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY -OCTOBER 14, 1887 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA. I ESiL,S IX THIS RI VER. GockermonthBr sp 1279, Courtney Ford. Am be tit&mnore. Br bk Irnne. Br bk SB Fiji.Br gp 1ST7 City of York. Br. sp 1195 Co. of AngleBea. Br bk Ecclefechan. Br sp Oban Bay. Br bk Lady Lawrence. Br sp Wm. 1L Starbnck.Am8p Arethusa, Br tK lira Notberby. Br sp 100. Coloma, Am bk Cumbrian. Br bklOG3. Ulive S Southard. Am Vandnara.Brsp.2012 Moresby bept 2b Riverside. Br sp Charlotte Croom, Br sp VESSELS ON TB.E WAY. o Ftob Foreleu Ports, for tbe ColHrabla Hirer Aesel. Br bk 795 Newcastle A Aug IS ADercorn, Br bkl2G9 Maryport Sept 21 -ffithelbert, Br bk 768 Newcastle A Birmah, Br bk 812 Greenock June 2 City of Glasgow. Br sp 1163 Hull Deanfield. Br bk 1072 Wilmington Derby Park. Br sp 1309 Maryport Dnleep Singh, Br sp 1193 Newcastle A Glenberrie. Br bk S00 London Sept 19 Hornby Castle. Br sp 11S6 London Aug 10 Helena. Br sp 1SSS Antwerp Inchgreen. Br bk 1091 Sydney Aug 11 Lady Cairns, Br sp 12CS London Linlithgowshire. Br sp 1357 Antwerp Martha Fisher. Br bk 311 Maryport Mobile Bay. Br bk 1117 Antwerp Ophelia, Br bk 11S4 Liverpool Sept C Peeblesshire. Br bk 8fC Brisbane Thos S Stowe, Br bk 6S6 Newcastle A From. American Forts. Australia, Nor bk 1223 San Pedro Alex Lawrence, Br bk 1205 San Pedro C. Southard Hulbert. 1036 N Y April 11 Camtrian Queen, Br sp 1300 San Pedro Mdresby. JJrsp 1211 San Diego July2G Nancy Pendelton, Am sp New York May 28. Sea King, Am sp 1136 New York Thornliebank, Br sp 1107 San Pedro TIDK TAKliK IfOR A8TOBIA. OCTOBKB. HIGH WATKK. 1 LOW WATCH. First. Second. First. Second. c o t; .2 o S 2 2 n fccStcS ifSif a P 5 h a h ana h. m. J h. m. JS h. m. jS h. m. $ fc, fc, -i, 1 II 09 07 OG 04 04 05 0G 31 30 25 18 09 02 -0 5 Ihe Hours between miduignt and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon aud midnight by jj (p. m.). Oh. oOm.o denotes midnight, oh. O0m. v denotes noon. Tne height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to v hicli the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. OCTOBER, 11 To Hull per Andora, Wheat. 59,007 bus. from Portland S39.000 " 30,700 " " Astoria 24.900 Totals.95,827 SG3.900 11 To Queemtoicn per Kith. Wheat, 39,290 bus. from Portland $23,432 " 12,410, " Astoria 8,195 Totals.51,7oG .S33.G27 Fire! Fire! Is one of the greatest blessings when you have It under control. If you build your fire in one of those Magee .Ranges or oueo those Acorns or Argandsat John A. Mont - gomery 's, you will find it a pleasure to pre pare a meal, or if you get one of those Heat ers you will find them to be clean and eco nomical and an ornament to your parlor. If you Intend getting a range or a heater don't fall to look at his stock. You should call in see his beautifnl Ornamental Coal Vases. fcteMARLIN REPEATING feK& RIFLE Gnar-SKKgjss, BEST IN THE snteed perfect USggL WORLD! lyaoc urate andabsc- TfrSafcv lately safe. Made in. all XjrSMk slcei for lart or small gune. """vBl BALLARD1 Calltry, Hunting and Turjret Ki- H Bra. tMcnd Tor Illuntrntcd Catalogue. Vl Atarlln Fir Aran Co., New Hut en, CL. tI Report of the Condition OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, October 5th, 18S7. KKSOUBCES. Loans and discounts......... $82,977 30 Overdrafts . 3,238 34 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 33,092 89 Due from approved reserve asents. 9,013 Due from other National Banks . 5,424 85 Due from State Banks and bankers, 14,911 02 Furniture, and fixtures l.ooo Current expenses and taxes paid 955 20 Premiums paid.. . ... 3,025 Bills of other Banks . 05 Nickels ... 15 15 Specie .. . 20,800 Legal tender notes . GO Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 5G2 50 Total ?1B7,C70 31 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. 50,000 Undivided profits ' 7j3H 91 National Bank notes out standing ...........- 11,250 Individual deposits sub ject to check $92,015 94 Demand certificates of deposit 20 938 00 $119,003 91 Due to State Banks and bankers- 71 4C Total .. .$1S7,G70 Si State of Oregon, lc County of Clatsop. - I. S.S.Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and bolief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before rae this 8th day of October, 1887. J.O.BOZORTH. Notary Public Correct Attests JOHN A, DEVLTN. ") GEORGE FLAVEL. J-Directors. G.C. FLAVEL. J : t.-House and Lot For Sale. I' N UNION TOWN: HOUSE 30x22 FEET, two stories : To be sold at a bargain. Apply to JOHNINUNDI. Unlontown. - - - - 12 2Sp 8 0 C 21a 0 5 C 45p 0 32a 7 3 13 57 8 0 C 49 0 9 7 18 1 01 73 1 21 80 7 17 1 1 7 49 137 71145 79 7 43 14 820 2 09 C9 2 10 79 814 178 M 2 45 0 C 2 38 7 8 8 48 1 9 9 31 327 C3 3 11 76 922 22 10 1C 4 15a 5 9 3 53p 7 5 10 OSa 2 G 11 09j 5 13 57 4 48 7 2 1101 29 - -C 32 5 C C 01 G 9 0 09 07 12 12 7H CO 727 08 118 07 133 902GG8 48 71227 07 2 48 955 72 955 7C3 31 05 353 10 42 7 8 10 53 8 0 4 20 0 4 4 47 1123 8 3 1141 83 5 15 03 5 33 - - - - 1203 8 8 559 03 C 27 r &0fcifc5?X 3JOEETIXGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in each mnntli -it. 7U nVlock. V. M.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W.M. Beaver Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. REGULAR MEETING EV- .' ery Thursday evening at-Ffcfe 7:30 o'clock, at the Lodge gEg roomlnOddFellowsIIall, Asto- ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. By order N. It. Ocean Encamp menr. No. 13, 1. O. O. F. OEGDLAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN Xt campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p M., on the secondl and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will bo held in their Hall In Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C. BROWN, Kec, dishing Belief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 'By.order Mrs. Jas. A. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. Trrnnr T unrrrvnc iw TtlTC SX Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 :30 n'nlrtnl n flint. Pictln IT1II i!.ill rmt'f. Knights cordially invited to attend. W.A.S11EKMN. K. of It. aud S. Astor Lodge No. G, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED uesday evening at 8 r. si. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing cordially Invited to attend. By order C. C. IL E. NELSON, K. of R. and S. Select KnightB of A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETING OF NORTH westem Legion No. 2, will be held at their headquarters in Pythian Castle cm Thursday evening of cacli week at fe o'clock. Members of the Logion in good standing and visiting comrades aro invited to attend. Drill every first and third Thursday v fil ings of each month. By order of commander. It. L, BOYLE, Bee Scandinavian Benevolent Society. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIH ty at their rooms m Pythian lmiMiug at eight o'clock v. M.. on the .second and fourth Tuesdays of each iiionih, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary. Company H, O. N. G REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WUDNES day evening. Regular meeting flrt Wednesday of each month Jtl s r. m A. K.SU.VW, Commandt-r. Clatsop Lodge No. 113, U. O of H. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in lodge-room over Camahau & Co.'s store. So journing brothers invited to attend. Astoria, Oregon, Finnish Brotherhood Lodge, No. L HOLDTIIEIRREGULARMEETINGSON the first aud third Tuesdavs or each month, at 7 o'clock v. ar., at Pvtlnan Hall. By order CHARLES LARSON, President. J. K. MAKILA, Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7tf o'clock. flTersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS.S..TEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. GREAT OVERLABID ROUTE ! Norton Pacific Bailroaii TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Chicago&AllPointsEast VIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE .Northern Pacific K B, Is the ONLY Line Running Passenger Trains, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Palace Dining Cars (meals 75c). Luxuriant Day Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that your tickets read Tia the Xorthern Pacific It. R. and avoid change of cars. leave Portland at 7 A. M. and r.:i.- P. M. daily; arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul at noon fourth dav. PACIFIC DIVISION-Train leaves Front and G street dally at 7 A. M. and 1 1 A. M. ; arrive at New Tacoma 1:1.1 and 0:13 P. M. connecting with Company's for all points on 1 uget Sound. CIIAS. S. FEE, Gcn'l Western Pass. a rv r.TT i t,t.t... Agent. St. Paul. A.D.CIIARLTON, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 2, Washington St.. Portland. Depot, comer First and G streets, JYLERDESKCO ST. I.OUIS, MO. BANKCOUMTTHS: BA2JK, C0UETH0TTS3. GOVERIfiE2JTWORS ana OFFICE FITTINGS. BestWork fcLowcstPricei , , v.. "uaranwea. loop.lllnst'e Catftlogocruest ever printcd.atntfree. FostagaTV Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAEE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. 1 1P f mm POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of punty, strengtn anu wnoiesomeness. Jlore economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short welcht. alum or nuoa- nhate powders. Sold only fn can. Kovai. UAKINC. roWDKKUO. IOG U all-St., A, V. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP, Proprfetor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A PRICE. Tie Horth Pacific Brewery Beer Is Ptire and Unadulterated. It Rives Konernl Satisfaction and Is Furn LMied in Quantities to Suit. Iavc orders With A, W. rtzmuer next to Ucnrm.'in & Co.'s, or Fred Co!ve, next to Foard & Stokes. D.tily Delivery in Any Part of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables : Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A Flrt Class Place or Social Itesort, Itun in a I'irst Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Coiner of Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors ai Ciprs ! Every Attention to the Comfort or Patrons. Agent for Hip TliInfTvalln Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE (JEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PUOPKIKTOF Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Koiver, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors g Cigars, -X- 401 Chcnarans Street, Astoria, Opn. THE SUNNYSIDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modem Improvements. Old Olympic opposite Parker Hou3e. GEBMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WJI. BOCK, Proprietor. C. E. BAIN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in All Kinds of Seasoned Lumber. MOULDINGS, WINDOAri AND DOOItS, OAK. ASII AND HICKORY, Black Walnut, Aider and Maple, PORT ORFORD CEDAR, And All Kinds of Boat Material a Specialty. ALT. KINDS OF .lob IVorlc ami Turning Done a I SHOP.T NOTICE. Manufacturing Steam Mills. Corner Genevieve & Astor Sts. Till ASTORIA BAKERY, JAMES COX. rilOPItlETOR. Bread, Cake, Confections. Good Flonraml Materials ITscd. MY ALU IS TO SUIT CUST031ERS. -Bread Delivered All Over the City. Tour Paironnsc Is Solicited. Boats Repaired. ANY ONE WANTING FISniNG BOATS or other Boats Repaired can get Reed work done at It. M. Leathers' boat shop, overAmdt&Ferchen's; loot or Lafayette street. AKlK Commissioner Sparks Sustained. Washington, Oct. 12. The ap peal of William H. Eay from the decision of the commissioner of the general land office, involving land in section 22, township 17, range o west, Olympia land dis trict, Washington territory, has been dismissed. Commissioner Sparks had refused Ray's applica tion to transmute to a homestead entr his pre-emption declaratory statement for the land, for the rea son that he had previously made a homestead entry in section 10, township 17 north, range G west, but which he voluntarily relin quished. Ray claimed that he was obliged to abandon his homestead entr' because of the lack of school facilities, and alsofor the reason that parties who promised to take up in the vicinity failed to do so. He fur ther alleged that it would be im possible for him to pay the pur chase money for his claim unless he encumbered the same. The acting secretar' says that there is no law or ruling of the depart ment now in force that prohibits a pre-emptor who has complied with the requirements of the pre-emption law in good faith from mort gaging his claim to procure money to pay and prove up on his land; but nevertheless, since Ray has al ready made one homestead entry of land subject to entry, Mr. Mul drow is of the opinion that he could not be allowed to make an other, and the former decision of the commissioner of the general land office is therefore affirmed. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Rem edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c. GOc. J. TV. Conn. Ohio has abandoned all other in dustries for the nailing of cam paign lies. The sound of the ham mer is heard in the Jand, morning, noon and night. vp The Children. They aro vVf - especially liable to "sud den Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watching, "sold by J. W. Conn. It is believed that cholera was carried to Italy in a cargo of In dian wheat. AVe always expected no good would come out of that wheat. " vV oXt-ovc Blood Elixir is the "UAAv. s only Blood 'Remedy guaranteed. It is a positive euro for Ulcers, Eruptions, or Syphilitic Pois oning. It purifies the wliolo system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Xeu ralgic pains. "We guarantee it. J. W. Conn. A man who is hung is usually cool. It is the fellow who is sruil- Iotined who loses his head. "scAvLPc, Tfort aro fretful, vrjvv peevish, cross, or troubled with "Windy Colic, Teething Tains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or ATorphine, henco is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by J. W. Conn. : In this country 45,000 insane persons are supported by public taxation, amounting to $8,000,000 annually. & rvvvvv VJX ino gooa uungs oi j this life aro sorrowful ly let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by J. "SY. Conn. The arrival of ships with loads of cholera smitten immigrants should be viewed with alarm by the American part. Httciilcns Arnica Salve. The Cr.sT Salve in the world for Cuts, Hruises, Sores, Ulcers, Saltllhenm, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale byW. E Dement. Notice, School Tax Due, District No. 18. milE IIOX. BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECT A ore having returned the assessment roll for the year A. D., 1887, for the above named district, with warrant attached, command ing me to collect the school tax. I therefore, give notice that unless the said tax is paid within sixty days from the Issue of said war rant, to wit : on the loth day of Sept. they wilt be returned delinquent on thoOthday of Nor.. A. D 18S7. and a certified list will be handed to tbe sheriff for collection. Either myself or my deputy are at all times to be found at mv ofilce. one door south of Wall street, on West cth, east side. Dated this 10th day of Oct.. A. D.f 18S7, iu the city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, and state of Oregon. C.W.SHIVELY, District Clerk. R. Y. LONG. Fresh Fruit, Fine Cigars, CONFECTIONERIES. Fresh Milk received daily. A full line of CHOICE GOODS. Opposite Spexarth's Gnu Store. MARKETS. Washington Market. 3Intn street, Astoria, Orcsou. BERGMAN & CO. ritOPKXKTOKS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon ot the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AHD CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, w hole .ileand retail. J5ySpecIal attention given to supplying ahlns. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, SUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CIIEXA3JL'fii Street. AMtoriu. Og JOHN FUSSELL. You Needn't Send to Portland. Saddles From $7 to 821 None But The Uest Stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times, Alain street east side, between Jefferson and Sqaenioqua St3. B. F. ALLEN PRACTICAI. GRATNER and PAINTER. SIGNPAINTING. AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. IMAIX AS DECOKATITE Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St.. next to Stinson's Black smith shop. Astoria, Oregon. Caution. a AVI NT. LEASED STEAMER EXTER prfre to S. C. Hildreth, James Macom ber, T. W. Andrews anil James Cox, they assume all liabilities of stoamer Enterprise from this date. Neither steamer Enterprise nor myself, owner, wilt bo responsible for any debts contracted. C. W. sniVELY. September 23d, 18ST. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. O- Et OSS. County Coroner. ii First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material. 2ext to astokiax ofilce. S. ARN DT & FERCHfiK ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop 'k .szrszi-z'tt . SHO P4S wsaamsz ND Z2?B&sm:4! Boiler Shop , CX 'wF-MAJfevfW S t: All kinds ot ENGINE, CANNERY, - AKD STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to. Aspecialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. YOUR CATARRH Gnm Too Cured. THE CarMc Smoke Ball IS INFALLIBLE I Ask "Your Druggist For Itl ASTHMA Rclicretl in Fire Mlautes. HAY FEVER, Cure Guaranteed iftal.cn in , time. DEAFNESS Cared ia Three to Six Months DIptheria,Croup, Neu ralgia, Headache, Soro Throat Speedily Cured. Iuraloablo Remedy Patented April, iSd. SENT BY MAIL. Price of Treatment. Sloo (Smoke Ball, fixe; UctxlU tcr.fbr Internal Ute, 5ux). CABB0LIC SX0KE BAIL CO. 652 Market St, Ban Francisco, OaL JC3Bewnro of Hurtful Imltationa.-S Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETCNGOFTHEFISH crmen's Fk'g. Co., will De held In thelr oOlce at Upper Astoria, on the 29th of Oct., 18S7. to elect directors for the ensuing year, and transact such other buislness as may properly come before the meeting. By order president. KOB. JOHNSON. Secretary, Taxes Due, School Dist. No. 9, Upper Astoria. TAXES FOR THE ABOVE DISTRICT are now due and payable to the under signed. Wm. B. ADAIR. Clerk. Upper Astoria, Oct. 5, 18S7. School Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE taxes for school district No. l are now due and payable at my office on Main street wharf and that the same will bo deemed de linquent unless paid within sixty days from this date. J. G. HOSTLER, District Clerk-. Astoria, Aug. 23, 1S7. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R, & N. CO. TO QfcTX.jaJSX, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co., car rying the U. S. malls, leave the Company's Dock Kvery Iny, Sundays excepted, at G a. ar. This is the only dally line, and the onlv line running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. Ihe only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Compauy's Dock every Ave days Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage aud Lighterage. STORAGE OF AI.C KI.XDS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. F. E. SHUTE. E. A. NOYES, Ticket Aeent. Agent. TO SAN IEANCISCO, CAL, nr WAV OF THE OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. AND CONNECTIONS. The Mt. Shasta Eoute. Quicker in Time than any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. Wl. Daily THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. Only 13 Miles Staging BETWEEN ASHLAND AND SISKIYOU'S. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, BETWEEN Portland anil Aslilautl, Siskiyou's and San Frantisco. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Between Portland and Ashland, Siskiyou's and San Francisco, Free of Charge. FAJIE from Portland to Sacramento San Francisco, Limited, First class S22 Unlimited.. $30 Limited Emigrant SI5 Ticket Office: CornerFandProntStg.Portland, Or R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. O. F. & Pass. A gt. Str. Favorite W. E. Wakuex, Master, Will make Regular Trips Dally on the Or egon side, stopping a' all Way Landings. Leavin?Wood8 Land'gErery Jlornlnjjat C P3I Hcturnlng Leave Astoria at 2 P. M. Sharp. Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land ing Tuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on board. To Gray's Harbor ! The Steamer GEN. MILES W. P. Whitcomi?, Master, Will leave for Gray's Harbor on or about The 5th, loth and 2oth of each month For Freight or Passage apply to J. II. . GRAY, Agent I. S. N. Co. Ilwaco Steal Itigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER idOk "GEN. CANBY," Tnos. Parksb. Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens, Pt. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M Wlth Oysterville Malls and Express daily, and Through Malls to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays tho Gen. Canby will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip about 3 p. m.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - 52.00 tSTTor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofilce of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D.GRAY, Agent. -THE- STEAMER WALLIfSKI, JOHN G. BLAKE, Master, Is ready for business, and will do Towlns or BUSINESS OF ANY KIND On the River, at reasonable rates. Head quarters at Gray's Whnrf. J. H. I). GRAY, Agent. H. EKSTROM. WATCHMAKER. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT Lowest Prices Watch an Clock Repairing a Specialty. SHOP On the Roadway, next to Aug, Danlelson's GUSTAV BOENTGEN. a-uisa-sMiTH: New Guns made, Muzzleloaders made In- first-class and cheap. Shop at Upper Asto ria, near .woruiern xracmc ore ery. P.O.Addres3,Box40. TRIED CRUCIBLE. About twenty years ago I discovered a littla 6ore on vaj cheek, and the doctors pronounced it cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, but without receiving any permanent benefit. Among the number were one or two specialist j. The medicine they applied was lite fire to the sore, causing Intenso pain. I saw a statement In tho papers telling what S. S. S. hod done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before I bad used the second bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing up. Hy general health had been bad for two or three years I had a hacking cough and spit blood continually. Z had a severe pain In my breast. After taking six bottles of 3.S.S. my cough left me and I grew stouter than I had been for several years. Sty cancer has healed overall but a little spot about the size of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappear ins- I would advise every one with cancer to glvoS.S.S. a fair trial. 3Ius. NAXCY J. McCONAUOHEY, Ashe Qrovo, Tippecanoe Co., lad. Fob. IC, 1835. Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable, and seem3 to cure cancers by forcing out tho impu rities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DILAAYER. 3, ATLANTA, GA. UPTUBE OuiekiTuml Pormannntl Cured try tho Ceiesra- ted DK. PIERCE'S PTENT MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS! The Original and OnltGexhinx ELECTRIC TRUSS. A Perfect rotalnor. finsTtQTTp.Tr. InAntlTrnliRTO r overr case. Has cored thousands. Established 137J g Send for tree lllttstr't'd PamphletNol.Addres ; ., MACWETIC ELASTIC TRCSS CO.. 304 N. SIXTH BTKHET. 8X. LOU18.M0. g 7Q4 SACMTraO BT. .BAIT yRAITCISCO.OAI. . O bis tifcen the teid lo the sales of thit class o? remedies, acd has giea almost universal siUiiic Hon. MURPHY BROS.. Pim.Tec Unas won the favor of the public and now ran!. Cares la 1 TO & DAV9. Guaranteed not col caue Stricture, lira only by th lSTssCielalCa. mong- wo laaing aieai- cines ofthe oildom. Cincinnati,! Ohio. A. I SMITH. Bradford. Pj, Soldby Drujrztsu. Pace 41.00. SatdbvJ. W. Conn. Astoria, Oregon, BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR. Kvery family should hare these iPrescriptioas. so their doctor will be evorat hand. By naving them will savo great Expense. Anxiety and Suf fering. Thousands are now in use. Tne follow ing is a list of the most common and prominent diseases, viz: Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Consump tion, Klux Diarrhoea. Nea ralstia. Syphilis, Chills, Ulcers, Heart, Kidney, Bladder, Female, and all Skin and Nervous Diseases. Each prescription Ono Dollar. Three or more at a ereat'rednotion. Fall directions with each prescription. All let ten of inquiry answered promptly. Address A. Frances Wright, M. D .Nineveh, Indiana. Concomly Street Improvement No tice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that portion of Concomly street, in the city or Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, from its in tersection with Main street to its west ern terminus, by filling andgrad ing that portion lying between the west side of Alain street and Wash ington street, to its established grade to a width of thirty-four feet through the middle thereof, and planking the same with new and sound nr plank to a width of thirty-four feet through the center thereof; and by raising that portion be tween the west side of Washington street and the western terminus of the said Concomly street to its established grade and planking the same to a width of twenty feet through the center there of; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: on or before Tuesday, October 23, 1887, the Common Council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S.Jewett. Astoria, Oregon, September 29th, 1887. Wall Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Astoria propose to order the improvement of that portion of Wall street in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M". Sluvely, from the east side of West Sixth street to the western end of said "Wall street, by grading and filling said street to its es tablished grade to its full width, and by planking the same to a width of sixteen feet through the center thereof, and by building sidewalks on both sides of said street ; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of the final Eublication of this notice, to-wit: on or efore Tuesday, October 25th, 1887, the Common Council will order said im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jewett, Auditor andPo lico Judge. Astoria, Oregon, September 29th, 1887 For Sale. THE WHOLE OR HALF INTEREST OF trio liiiclnoca nf TlTaorma H f!rn$lW COn- sisting of Hardware. Stoves, Metals and riumoers' siock, xnis Dusiness waa eawu lished May 1, 1877, and 13 among the very best in the city of Astoria. Nothing but 111- hftalth Tirnmntq thft disnosal. Full particu lars on application. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes- ujj io iu supe riority. It goes ueep aaa never Sticks. CAENAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria, Flics, $1.80, C.V I -f -c "?M '2&z?m&cm&5y i M SPV- -& MY ifJ.C.Truilinger It L: