The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 25, 1887, Image 3

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?!tc la gforatt.
.-SHPTEMBElt 25, 1687
Alert H. fc L.t No. One, need a new
The Yaquina Mail, and the Corvallis
Gazette have suspended.
The three canneries on the Siuslaw
have paoked 2,600 cases to date.
The deep sea fishing sloop Venture
arrived in yesterday with a large load
O. R.-fc N. managers are talking of
sending the Olympian and Alaskan
to the Sound.
With commendable enterprise The
Dalles Times-Mountaineer is issuing
a daily edition.
C. AV. Watts, of Albany, has the
contract for printing 500,000 tickets
for the November election.
The Manzanita sailed yesterday
noon with lighthouse supplies for
Shoalwater bay and the Sound.
Mrs. W. J. Barry's fine stock of
millinery has arrived and will be
open for inspection to-morrow.
Ex-Gov.'St. John, of Kansas, the
celebrated prohibition leader, is ex
pected in this state next month.
H. Bundy & Son's steam saw mill
near Harrisburg burned to the
ground last Friday morning; loss,
812,000; insured for S6.000.
The grand jury inspected St
Mary's hospital and the county build
ings yesterday, and adjourned their
deliberations till to-morrow.
In the Baptist church the subject
of the morning sermon will be, "Lay
ing up treasures in heaven;" in the
evening, "Religion a business."
The young ladies W. C. T. TJ. social
at Rescue Hall last Friday evening
was a very pleasant gathering. The
receipts okthe evening were $23.
In Portland the Oregon dairy com
missioner has arrested A. Ferrara,
Wm, Dunbar and Wadhams & El
liott, charged with selling adulter
ated butter.
The first fall foreign clearance was
made at the custom house yesterday
afternoon the British bark River
Indus, for Dublin, with 17,275 bbls.
flour, worth $62,190.
The three-weeks-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. O. P. Marah died fast Friday
night. The funeral will be from the
parents' residence at half-past one
o'clock this afternoon.
A Vancouver speculator who con
tracted with the government to deliv
er there 300 tons of hay at $14.25 a
ton is getting it from eastern Oregon
at a cost of $18.50 a ton. And yet he
is not happy.
Venison, pumpkins, shad, squash,
shrimps, clams, oysters, grouse,
ducks and other good things to eat,
not forgetting the crawfish, are drop
ping in as canteloups, watermelons
and berries drop out.
The largest comet that has ap
peared in many years is said to be
visible in the northern sky. Its out
line is somewhat dim, but it is per
fectly plain to the naked eye, if there
are no clouds in the way.
At the Methodist church to-day, at
11a. si., subjeot. "Government;" at
730 p. h., subject, "The question
stated." This is the first of a series
of Sunday evening talks on the ques
tion of "Future Punishment."
Col. Jno. Hunter is meeting with
extraordinary though deserved suc
cess "m "disposing of his book. He
intends leaving for the east about the
15th of next month, on a lecturing
tour and is a whole immigration soci
ety in himself. Those who have not
yet read his graphic account of old
time days should not fail 'to see a
copy of his work.
The wedding cards of Mr. and Mrs
William Butler Adair have been re
ceived at -this office. The marriage
took place on Tuesday, the 20th inst,
at St Andrew's church Victoria,
B. 0., Rev. Mr. Frazer officiating.
The bride is Mary Louise, oldest
daughter of Henri Jo rand, Esq., of
Rolle, Switzerland. Mr. Adair is the
youngest son of Gen. Jno. Adair, of
this city. The Astobian extends its
heartiest congratulations.
A.'Kuapp, of.Knappa, is in the
J. P. Betts is registered at the Oc
cident Rudolph "Prael came down yester
day afternoon on a visit
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryrie have gone
on a visit to Shoalwater bay.
Notice, O. N. G.
Till further orders all members are
ordered to appear at the armory on
Monday evenings at 8:30 p. ar., and
on Thursday evening at Boss Opera
house' at &30. By order,
A. E. Shaw,
The great Sacrifice Sale still goes on
at the Crystal Palace. Goods at your
own prices at all times.
Auction Sale.
On account of tho departure of of Mr.
Adlerfor Portland in answer to a tele
gram of importance, thore will be noj
auction sale at tne urystai raiaco on
Monday. On Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Mr. Woisley will continue the
slaughter. Solid gold and silver
watches and a thousand other useful ar
ticles must be given away or sold.
ForTtne very best pictures go to H. S.
Specials to Eeaders of "The Astorian."
PortIiAxd, Or., Sept. 2L Solemn
and impressive ceremonies were held
to-day over the remains of the lale J.
O. S. Richardson, by the Knights of
Pythias. The body started east to
day on the train bound for Washing
ton. It is understood that the name of
the unfortunate man who fell from
the train yesterday near The Dalles
while en route to this city and was in
stantly killed, was David Ceop. The
deceased was aged 25 years, and was
a laborer.
Senator Leland Stanford and party
were tendered a reception to-night in
this city under the auspices of the
Portland" board of trade. Donald
Macleay was president aQd Hon.
Geo. H. Williams delivered the ad
dress of welcome. The reception
was largely attended.
Chicago, Sept. 24. Mrs. Parsons,
the wife ot the condemned anarchist,
Parsons, was arraigned before justice
Lyon this morning for refusing to
comply with the police officers' warn
ing to desist from violating the city
ordinance against distributing incen
diary circulars on the streets. The
policeman testified that even on the
way to the station she continued the
obnoxious work. In the court Mrs.
Parsons assumed the air of a martyr.
She claimed that the ordinance was
a deftd letter. "I hope," she said,
pleading to the justice, 'that you will
remember where my husband is, and
deal with me as you would like your
own wife to be dealt with under sim
ilar circumstances."
New York, Sept. 21 J. T. Kuile.
the general agent of the Italian
steamship line, said this morning
that he had given orders la9t night
for'three days' provisions to be sent
to Hoffman and Swinburn Islands,
where the passengers of the Alexia,
which brought cholera to this conn
try, are being kept He was
of the opinion that the passengers
would have to be quarantined for
eight or ten days, and that after
that time there need be no fear of fur
ther infection. He said the passen
gers' baggage would have to be very I
tiiorougliJy fumigated as consider
able danger would have to be feared
from that source.
Prescott, A. T., Sept 24. Qmler
sheriff Waddell has received word
from the Tonto Basin that a fight oc
curred there on the 18th, in which
Thomas Graham, Joseph Ellingwood
and a man named Middleton were
killed, on Graham's side; and George
Newton and James Tewksberry, on
the Tewksberry side. The Graham
party was ambushed near Tewksber
ry's house and found Tewksberry on
guard. When the Graham party was
discovered both parties commenced
firing. John Tewksbury, who was
ambushed and killed was found ten
days later. Sheriff Mulvenon, three
days after the fight, reported that
Lewis Parker, of the Graham party,
was missing. "
Denver. Colo., 24. The Sovereign
Grand Lodge, L O. O. F., concluded
their work this morning and at 12
o'clock adjourned sine die. Grand
sire White and Lieut Gen. Under
Wood, with a party of friends, will
this evening start for a pleasure trip
through California, a number of oth
ers will go on an excursion through
Colorado, while others will return di
rect to their homes.
Tub Astobian's published list of the
subscribers to the railroad subsidy fund,
aggreaating S102.950. was a pleasant sur
prise to many yesterday morning.
An addition to the amount, those who
have the lists report partially as to yes
terday's subscriptions as follews:
Sam'l Elmore
John llobson
A A Cleveland
PA Stokes
J N Griffin
Sherman & W.inl
Wm Larsen
W A Sherman
L G Ilaaven
S B Crow
H A Smith
O Hellboru
Peter Jordan
C S Wright
A C Fisher.
W G lloss
Mrs T O'Brien
Drs Fulton
H Spelhneler
Mrs A AV Berry
A L Fulton
C (J Fulton
J E Higdns
Warren Eat.
B s "Worsiey
Here we have $4,G70 more, making the
total as far as procurable to- date, $107,
620. Keep it going. There are many to.
hear from yet
A Delicate Insinuation.
The fees used to be 315 for sending
an insane person to the asylum. Now
the fees amount to but $5 and the
number sent from this county grows
beautifully less. Portland News, 24.
How to Weigh Yonnolf.
"The perfectly healthly and active
mau,'f says John E. Burton, the Wis
consin iron capitalist, "should weigh
2M pounds to every inch of his
height This rule will test a man 99
times in every 100."
Artistic Embroidery.
Instructions given in all the latest
styles of artistic embroidery and art
needle work. Also French indelible
stamping done to order.
Chenamus street, opposite Liberty
The finest and nicest .steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
Oysters In JErory Style
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
For a Fine Disu of Ice Cream
Go to tho Central Kestaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Mcals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
We have been told on the sly that the
Low Price Store are selling their $1.25
Lady's cloth at 73 eents.
The best
oysters in any style at
circuit court proceedings.
Tatlor, F. J., J. Sept 24.
State vs. Wm. Burk: time to plead
extended until Monday.
State vs. A. Nerris: arraigned
charged with larceny: J. H. Smith
appointed to defend: till Monday to
Walluski R. R: Co. vs. B. Van
Dusen & Co.: time for answering ex
tended until Tuesday, 27th.
N. A. Eberman excused as juror for
the term.
D. P. Thompson, et a., vs. county
courty on appeal: motion to strike
from the decket: taken under advise
ment D. P. Thompson, et ah, vs. county
court on writ of review: motion to
strike from the decket: taken under
State vs. Richard Dealey: plea of
not guilty: Wednesday, 28th, set for
State vs. A. Zohard, arraigned upon
indictment, charged with crime of as
sault with dangerous weapon; until
Monday to plead.
' Grand jury came into court and
presented three true bills.
State vs. Chas. Woeds: true bill;
not appearing, bail forfeited.
Ada Matthews v. Wm. Matthews:
decree for plaintiff of divorce.
Court adjourned till 26th at 10 a. sl
- m '
Ilwaco, Sept. 24, 1837.
In regard to the Gray's harbor trap
cutting business, it is learned that
sixteen indictments for arrest have
been issued and eleven men locked
up. One man was shot in the mouth,
the ball passing out at the back of
the neck; he will probably recover
and be arrested as soon as he is able
to be about. The other four will
soon be arrested. Chehalis county is
determined to prosecute to the full
extent of the law. Nearly all the
trappers whose nets were cut belong
here, are married and good, upright
Americau citizens aud taxpayers.
It is reported that the O. R. & N.
Co. have purchased the Farmers
wharf here and will extend it to
deeper water.
That twenty-six cottages will be
built on the weather beach by July
1st, 1888.
Building lots to the total value of
$5,000 were sold there this season;
the purchasers were mostly Orego
The Ilwaco hotel has closed for the
Mose Freeland of the Central hotel
continues to fatten the traveling pub
lic and -will fight it out in his line all
The knight of the ledger of the A.
P. Co., is looking for a mother-in-law.
Nobody appeared to take much in
terest in the election announced for
the 8-mill tax for the benefit of our
school district, therefore no votes were
Card of Thanks.
Io the kind ladies and others who
tended to my motherless boy and did
all possible under the circumstances
I desire to extend my heartfolt
thanks and oan assure them that their
kindness will never be forgotten.
Chas. H. Rohr.
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Robertine, the great beautifier
and preserver of the complexien:
Pobtland, Or., June 4, 1837.
ToMr.W. M. Wisdom-Dear Sir: I
have tried your Bobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,
yours truly, Rhsa.
Pobtulnd. Dec,, 1885.
To Mr. W. M. "Wisdem: The "Bober
tine vou so kindly sent mo is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I have ever
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jeannib Winston.
Pobtland, Or., April G, 1837.
Dear Mr. "Wisdem: I have tried your
"Kobortine." and it cives mo much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
the complexion, being ono of tho best
artioles of the kind I have over used. Be
lieve roe, yours sincerely,
Z. Teebklli.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
druggists, Astoria, Oregon
So Age for Mleanber.
The man who sits down and waits
to be appreciated will find himself
among uncalled-for baggage after the
limited express train has gone by.
Whitehall Times.
Greatly JKxcltotl.
Not a few of the citizens of Astoria
have recently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts, that several
of tliMr friends who had been pro
nounced by their physicians as incur
able and beyond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump
tionhave been completely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, the only remedy that does
positively cure au tnroac aim lung uis
eases, Couglis, Colds, Asthma and Bron
chitis. Trial bottles free at W. E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, largo bottles Si
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Try Fabre's oelebrated pan roast.
He Consulted Ills Pocket.
You smoke good cigars, Billy; where
do you get them? At D. L. Beck fe
Sons', of course. Why of course? Be
cause my pocket advises me to. Do
they sell cheap? Tes; the cheapest
place in town. What kind of an assort
ment have the'? All kinds, from the
cheapest to the best both of domestic
and imported, and much the largest
stock in town. Do they keep Tansill's
Punch? Tes; they are the sole agents
for Astoria for his Punch, Junior's and
Plantations in short, you can depend
upon it, Charlie, that when yon want
any kind of cgars the place to go after
them Is at D. L. Beck & Soxs'.
Importance of Making Collections
The chiefest part of success in bus
iness lies in the collection of bills,
and while there are men who are
born collectors, as men are born ora
tors, writers, etc., yet a very few rules,
religiously observed, will, in my judg
ment, place the matter of collections
on a proper basis for any business.
First, have your bills out on time.
No matter what may interfere, if it is
your practice to collect monthly, have
your bills out and ready to distrib
ute the firsthand not the second or
third, but the first, and not only on
that date, but early In the morning.
Make your calls, do not be impor
tunate nor "hanging on," but walk
in, hand out your bill as a matter of
course, and as if as a matter of course
it would be promptly paid. Make no
apology, the bill is due, the goods de
livered or the work done, and
the amount due is justly and fairly
yours. If any of the items are dis
nnted and there is any reasonable
(doubt, make your memorandum and
bow yourselt out. -Lour iirac uusi
ness is to see that tho bill is right,
and having satisfied yourself of that,
return and make your explanations.
When a man says, "I will look it
up," ask when you shall call again,
and if he sets a day mark that down,
and be certain to be there on that
day. If Thursday, don't go Friday,
but Thursday. Be polite, and never
get angry. By being on time with
your bill, by calling on the day set,
by being mildly but firmly persistent,
tho question of collections becomes
one that can be readily handled, and
that is the main feature of a success
ful business. Stroller.
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of litUe tubes and cavities lead
ing from the"n.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do then
work. And what they do, they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, cronp, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and long obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, you
may depend upon this for certain.
A Policy of Assravntion.
The English treatment of the Irish
question suggests the conduct of a
man who has a slight ache in a tooth
and tries to cure it with a toothpick.
In n Bhort time he is looking for a
dentist Mail and Express.
All Tlieroli
fee cream, fine quality .supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any pari
of the city: $2.50 a gallon.
"Wonderful Cures,
D. Iloyt &Co., Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of Home. Ga., say:
we have beun selling- Dr. King's Xe'w
Discovery, Electric Bitters aild Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve for two years.. Have
never handled remedies that sell asV.'ell,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
."M-veral cases of pronounced Consump
tion have been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them alwavs.
Said by W. E. Dement & Co.
Kenton Salting Powtlerx.
One peund: full weight Price, .w
cents, and 2Ti cents' worth of anything
in the store given with each can. Guar
anteed to give satisfaction or money re
funded. D. L. Beck & Sons,
Sole Agents.
Private Knoms.
At Frank Fabre's for uppers, par
ties? etc The best cooked to order.
a .
A Sunny Itoom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
All the patonf medicines advertised
in this paper, together with tho choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, "etc can
jerfumery, and toilet articles, "etc can
bo bou-'ht at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store.
oppoaito Occident
hotel. Astoria.
School Supplies
iw Toft Novelty
Ilesdqnarters for School Books. A Complete
Line of the
Official Text Books.
Prices Guaranteed Satisfactory.
The New York Novelty Store.
Look. Here Boys.
Iljouwaqta neat flttinji Suit of Clothes,
ar, issm hoss,
Merchant Tailor
Having just recolved a complete assort
ment of
Foreign and Domestic Suitings.
Something Entirely New.
I am prepared to makeup Suits cheaper
than the cheapest.
Give me a call and be convinced that I
mean what I say.
Corner Sguemoqua and Hamilton KtrtFeSTi""
east of 0. H. Cooper's. V reew.i
First Quality! Full Weight!
German Knitting Wools !
Pounds of the Very Best Quality German Knitting Yarns
In Plain, Fancy Mixed and High Colors!
Germantown Yarns,
Germantown Zephyrs,
Spanish Wool,
Midnight Germantown,
Saxony, 2 and 3 Fold,
Bedford Tarn,
Fairy Floss, Shetland Wool,
Victoria Zephyrs in S, 4 and 8 Fold.
Crewels, Etc., Etc., Etc.
TJie 1st Complete Line of Wools Eyer BroiM io Astoria!
oys' Overcoats
La Assortment
Furnishing Goods
The Reliable
Occident Hotel liaildinjj.l
The Railroad Is Coming !
But We Can't Wait for Either,
But must buy our
along just the
Is still to D. L. Beck & Sons', for that is where you can
buy the best goods, get honest weights and the best
value for your money. To those accustomed to deal with
us it is not necessary to say these things. To all others
we say we don't brag, but come and try us and be con
vinced. . We carry in stock a full line of n
Groceries and Provisions, a large stock of China, Porce
lain, Crystal, Crockery, Agate, Wooden and other w,ares.
Silver-plated and other knives, forks and spoons, The
best stock of all kinds of Lamps ever shown in Astoria.
Cigars, tobaccos, etc., in unequalled stock andat unequalled
prices. Coal oil and patent oil cans, paints, linseed oil -and
turpentine. All kinds of Cannery supplies, nails, cor
dage, etc. Lunch, market and clothes baskets, brooms,
whisps and hearth brushes, dust-pans and brushes; wheats,
oats, rolled barley, -shorts and bran.
For if we mention all the articles we have in stock we
shall nil up the whole paper. Try our genuine N. O. Mo
lasses in gallon cans at only 75 cents, and our new Yeast
Powder, guaranteed equal to the best, and only half price.
Now being selected in the East. Wait until you see them
before buying elsewhere, or you mayjregret it.
"What's that you say ?" "Haven't you been bragging
any ?" No; not a bit of it, and if you want the proof, just
call at
D. Li. Beck & Sons'.
Family Supplies
same, and the