The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 20, 1887, Image 3

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    -crwj-vjj f
In the polico court yesterday, Jas.
Perry vras charged So for being
The proposed sapper of the Ladies
Relief Corps is postponed till farther
Foundations arc now in progress
for brick frontage in this city aggre
gating 443 feet
Mrs. F. H. Worsley will shortly
begin the construction of a six
roomed residence on the lot on Court
street, west of the bridge.
The concrete bottom at the As
toria Gaslight Co.'s new building is
finished and the massive brick walls
of the structure will shortly arise.
The pile driver at the corner of
Uass and Uhenamus was busy yester
day on the foundation for the first
brick structure on the latter street.
Sam'l Elmore left Tillamook over
land last Saturday night, arriving
here the following evening. The fish
are not running very plenty; those
that are caught are of good size.
A special invitation is extended to
everyone to attend the social to be
given at the hall of the Rescue Club
on Friday evening, by the Young
Women's Christian Temper auco Un
ion. Young men, all tho girls are go
ing to be there.
Gill'fa jiile driver was brought in on
the weather side of Chenamus street
yesterday, and tho calculation is to
begin driving piles to-morrow for
the foundation -for the brick building
73x90 feet to be erected on Squemo
qua street by Messrs. Fulton, Kinney
and Dement.
"Bosh Hashana, or Hebrew New
Year, began at sundown last Sunday
and ends at sunset this afternoon.
According to the Hebrew chronology
that is the first day of Tishri in the
year 5648. On tho 10th of Tishri
cornea Yom Kippur, or day of atone
ment, and from tho 15th to tho 23rd,
The elegant and costly furniture in
Carl Adler's residence is offered for
sale at public auction on the 29th
inst. at 10 o'clock a. m. On that date,
Ben Worsley will auction it off to the
highest bidder, without reserve. The
house is believed to bo as elegantly
furnished as any in the city, and in
tending purchasers should remember
the date.
Tho Gen. Miles was discharging
1,956 oasea salmon at the O. R. & N.
dook yesterday: she goes to Gray's
harbor to-morrow. The Rosie Olsen
and A. B. Field are loading for Til
lamook. The Julia Foard nn&Fx
celsior are in the stream, lumber
laden. The River Indus is at the
dock and will finish, with flour. The
Columbia arrived in yesterday.
The Ancon came in from Alaska
yesterday morning, with a large
freight and passenger list She dis
charged some of her salmon cargo at
Port Townsend for San Francisco,
and 899 cases Chilcat, at this place.
On board was the body of Mr. Camp
bell, formerly of Astoria, who was
killed last July at Tongas Narrows.
She sails on herj return next Satur
day. One o'clock yesterday was the
limit of the time set for the receipt of
bids for the printing of the charter,
ordinances, rules and regulations of
the fire department, etc. At that
time there was but one bid handed to
the auditor and police judge. The
committee on rules andtegulations,
to whom the award of the matter
was delegated, had not been heard
from relative thereto at last accounts.
Regarding the Gray's harbor
trouble among trap men and fisher
men it is learned that at the term of
court adjournedj eighteen indict
ments for malicious mischief and
wanton destruction of property were
found, the eighteen indicted were
held in the sum of. $500 each to ap-
Sear for trial nt "the May term of
udge Allyn's court The three mon
that were wounded are recovering.
The well known firm of Henry
Doyle & Co., 517,519 Market street,
San Francisco, are in the market as
usual with their gold medal threads
and twines, and guarantee entire sat
isfaction. They have a large and
deservedly popular trade on the Co
lumbia and elsewhere and justly re
fer to their constantly increasing
sales as proof of the value of their
fishing seine and net threads.
Among a large number of return
ing Astorians and others on the Tele
phone laBt Sunday evening were C.
A. McGuire and wife, F. D.Winton and
wife, G. O. Fulton and wife, E. W. Tal
lant and wife, J. P. Austin and wife.
Miss Bertha Wagenblast, Miss Clara
Anderson, Miss Bullock, Philo Cal
ender, T. A. McBride, Raleigh Stott,
F. A. Meore, F. It. Parker, Frank
BalteB, P. W. Weeks, J. H Mansell,
O. A. Gibbs, Phil. Cook. Peter Grant,
Chris Evenson, Harry Johansen.
Frank Stevens, Geo. Day nnd Lin
coln Parker have returned from their
prospecting tour. They went fibout
forty miles to the southeast of the
oity and on the banks of Crooked
oreek found severalbre cropping con
taining gold and silver, but no sur
face indications of a vein or a fissure
formation. Several fine tracts of
land were observed and the timber
supply is reported aa something "im
mense." Some promising iron ore
was found at George creek, this side
of the Nehalem, some specimens of
which, may be seen at this office.
The schooner William Renton is
at San Francisco from Karluk. The
paok in Alaska this year is said to be
uDprecedentedly large. The- Renton
brought the only copy of the Karluk
Yearly News, printed on foolscap
paper. It is dated August 27th, and
at the head is a rooster rampant and
the inscription, "God never forsakes
Earluk," the words of an Indian
chief. The matter reads: "Karluk
ahead, as usual, with an overwhelm
ing majority of at least 40,000 cases
above any one cannery on this coast.
Canned to date, 63,750 cases. The
last canning will be about September
17th-70,(K)0 cases or die."
The Kowell newspaper directory
for 1887, shows that there are now
15,420 periodicals published in tho
United States and Canada, and the,
total number of copies of each edi
tion is 30.105,220. We have now
about sixty million people, and a
copy of some newspaper or periodical
is circulated for every two people.
Nearly 18,000,000 copies are sent out
once in seven days by the weekly
press one copy for about every three
people. The monthlies emit an ag
gregate of over 0,090,000 copies or
one to even- ten people. The dailies
are credited with a circulation of 4,-
1 00,000 one copy for nearly every
other family.
Capt. L. A. Bailey w at the Occi
dent. W. W. Chapman, of Portland, is in
the city.
Warren Trnitt arrived yesterday
L. Serra is reported dangerously ili
tit his residence.
J. N. Grifiin returned from Port
land last Sunday.
Al. Gates has returned from a
brief vacation to Humbug creek.
A. W. Berry will leave Ton gab Nar
rows, Alaska, for Astoria October
Capt Geo. Flavel returned yester
day on the Columbia from San
Mrs. Esther Talor returned yes
terday from Califoruia much im
proved in health.
Will Sherman and his i-Ur. Mis3
Bosetta, returned overlaml. j oaicrduj. ,
from S lcramento.
Miss Clara Anderson came down
from Portland last Sunday, and it nt
Mrs. Fred Sherman's.
F. W. Newell is back from Tilla Tilla Tilla
meok: he left his companero, T. J.
Stokes, heading for the South Fork.
John Rogers, who has been in Cali
fornia for his health since last Febru
ary, returned jeslerday, feeling coh
siderably better.
F. S. Bates, of Hwaco, has been ap
pointed secretary of the Washington
territory board of pilot commission
ers. He will make a good one.
Mr. Beckworth, representing J.he
Pacific Express company, was in the
city yesterday in reference to extend
ing the service to Pacific and Cheha
lis county points.
District attorney McBride is just
fresh from the ascent of Monnt St.
Helens, which he made last week.
He says the view from the summit is
indescribably grand.
Mr.E. A. Taylor .was among the
returning passengers on yesterday's
steamer. Mrs. Taylor remains for
some time longer in Oakland. Her
health is considerably better.
A Shocking Arciilent
On the Telephone near St. Helens,
last Sunday morning, we heard of a
terrible accident that happened near
there the evening before. Aaron
Broyles, an old trapper and hunter,
and a noted Rooky Mountain path
finder in early days, had many years
ago come to St. Helens and taken up
a claim close by and was there pass
ing his declining years. His little
grandson, Aaron Kelly, a lad of 13,
lived with him, and tho two were
children together. On the fatal even
ing the old man showed the boy how
to load a Henry rifle and told him to
shoot at a mark in the yard. The
boy, eager and excited, wheeled to
ward the mark and the muzzle of the
rifle came into range with the old
man's body, just as, in some unac
countable way, tho weapon was dis
charged, tearing a hole through the
poor old man's body. He fell to tho
groun&and expired in a few moraentp.
The boy is frantic with grief, and the
sad affair has cast a gloom over the
entire community.
Some New Boolts.
T enty-fivc cent editiens: "Lena
Rivers," "A Heartless Woman,' "Tem
pest and Sunshine," by Holmes; "True
as Steel," "Alone," and "Hidden Path,"
by Marion JIarland; "Guy Earlcourt's
Wife" and "A Wonderful Woman, by
Flemmmg. Griffin & Ured.
Oar intention was to have closed out
our stock Saturday, but owing to cir
cumstances beyond our control we are
obliged to icmain here about fie days
lenger: so all who desire good goods at
low prices will have another chance.
Chystai. Pm.ack.
C. Aih.kk, Manager.
A Fine A No. 1 Tiano for 1 ent at the
City Book Store. Gkitfix & Kkf.d.
Weare jjtill here and will remain for
fie days more, -and notwithstanding
our largo sales, westill have some goods
left that are ottered at prices within the
reach of all. Crystal Pai. kck,
C. Adler, Manager.
He Consulted Ilis. Pocket.
You smoke good cigars, Billy ; w here
do you get them? At D. h. Beck &
Sons', of course. Why of course? Be
cause my pocket advises me "to. Do
they sell cheap? Yes; the cheapest
place in town. What kind of an assort
ment have they? All kinds, from the
cheapest to the best, both of domestic
and imported, and much. the largest
stock in town. Do they keep Tanslll's
Punch ? Yes; they are the sole agents
for Astoria for his Punch, Junior's and
Plantations in short, you can depend
upon it, Charlie, that when you want
any kind of c'gars the place to go after
them is at D. L. Beck & Sons'.
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
There was an nnnsually large at
tendance at the chamber of commerce
meeting last evening. The railroad
committee reported progress, the
subscriptions toward the proposed
8150,000 railroad subsidy so far ag
gregating as follews:
J.unes Taj lor,
(nit hop t ter
minal facili
ties) $15,000
(With termi
nal facilities,
JC 'IrullinRer 5,000
M Elliott 500
Amdt & Ferchen 400
Geo Davidson 400
C H Cooper 2M
WraLoeb 250
L A Loomis 250
W D Smith 2-0
Wm Bock 250
w w l'arker
5,000 John Halm 230
4.0001 A Crobby 250
2.500 D C Ireland 250
Jno A Devlin 4.000
.IQAISOWlbr 2.500
C H rage 2,500
H B Parker 2,000
D Morgan Jr 2.000
Cbaslieilbom 250
Theo Bracker 250
PJ Goodman 250
Est C Boelliuc
2,O00jThonjpson & Rns 250
Jno West 2,000
u J. raruer 2,000
Dan Graham 1.000
C W Fulton 1,000
A Montgomery 1,000
F W Newell 1.O00
J H D Gray 1,000
J O Bozortli 1.000
F J Taylor 1.000
M C Crosby 1,000
J ft Mansell
II UilU.A.UUlllJJ3 a. trv
N Clinton
Wm Edgar
A V Allen
Geo McLean
A Gilbert
H Berenaes
J u Hantnoru 1,000
C.TTrenchard 1,000
Howell Lewis
T. G. Boelling
k carrutners 1,000
Goo UIU 1,000
WE Dement
.1 G Hustler 1.000
F. bherman
C P Upshur
n Christiansen
1 uergraan 1,000
SS Gordon 600
Hd O'Connor 500
A .1 Megler MO
.1 FILMorau & Co 500
JW Gearhart GOO
C E Bain
it N Carnalian
Mrs Sherman
G Hansen
J "Williamson
H. ttise
The above foots up over $70,000.
In addition is to be counted a list in
tho hands of J. W. Welob, (who is
now absent from the city). This is
understood to have on it about $8,000
more, which would make the sum
now subscribed upwards of $78,000.
The names of A. V. Allen, M. J.
Kinney and O. P. Upshur, were pro
posed for membership, and they were
duly elected.
W. W. Parker moved that each
member who was on the roll prior to
the 1st inst., bo assessed $3 to defray
outstanding indebtedness; carried.
J. H. D. Gray, J. O. Bozorth atd
S. H. Gordon, committee ou needed
express facilities in Pacific and Che
halis counties, reported recommend
ing that pending investigation of tho
matter by Mr. Beckworth, further
action be postponed till ho be heard
frem: report accepted.
A communication was read from
Gen. A. W. Greeley, chief signal offi
cer, regretting his inability to take
further steps regarding the repair of
the cable, reciting what had been
done and promising all possible co
operation. J. H. D. Gray brought up matter of
arbitrary notion of J. L. Ferguson,
inspector of hulls; instanced several
cases where he had refused license to
vessels and refused to say what the
vessels' owners would have to do to
get a license: Capt Gray read n series
of resolutions relative theretowhich,
on motion, were referred to a commit
tee of three with instructions to re
port thereon at the next meeting.
On motion the president and ex
ecutive committee were authorized
and empowered to at any time invite
any one they deemed desirable to
visit the city and extend to them the
courtesies of the chamber of com
merce: adjourned.
A Pleasant Ride.
Will Sherman, who left Sacramen
to last Friday night at ten o'clock and
got homo yesterday afternoon, says
he hnd a very pleasant overland trip.
The weather at Sacramento was warm
for an Astorian though the Sacra
mento folks said it was real cool be
side some that they had been having
in August Coming up through the
valley and stopping at Cole's, the
train load that he was with 55 pas
sengers -was transferred to five six
horso coaches and driven up, up, up
to near the summit and then zigzag
down a dizzy grade to lower levels
and into Ashland, there to resume
seats in the train after a mountain
stage ride of twenty miles. Will had
a seat alongside tho driver, an old
timer who drove between Portland
and Sacrnmento steen years ago
and the old fellow told him many
droll legends of the bygone.
Ghe Them a Chanre!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
tho larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tnbes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do tbeii
work. And what they do, thoy can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lung obstruction, all aro bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one Bure way to get rid of them.
that is to take Boschees German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you. at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, yon
may depend npon this for certain.
Real Estate Transfers.
D. K Warren and wife. P. C. War
ren and wife to Eureka Packing Co.,
acre, Skipanon creek; $250.
W. D. Hare and wife, J. "Q. A.
Bowlby and wife to J. W. Bottom, lot
8, blk 1C, McClure's Astoria; $500.
Thos. Pye to Tobias Rockonson,
lot 27, "Union town; $150.
Don't Experiment.
You cannot afford to waste time in
experimenting when jour lungs are in
danger. Consumption alwaj-s seems nt
first, only a cold. Do not permit any
dealer to impose upon you with some
cheap imitation of Dr. lung's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
uoius, out oe sure you get the genuine.
Because he can make more profit he
may tell you he has something just as
good, or just the same. Don't be de
ceived,but,insistupon getting Dr.King's
New Discovery, which is guaranteed to
gie relief in all Throat, Lung and
Chest affection.
Trial Bottles free ntW.E, Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
Chronic Diarrhoea
Of six months' standing cured by one-
naii a oottie 01 Jtoores ueveaieu Kem
The circuit court for county of
Clatsop convened yesterday at 10 a.
m., for September term, Hon. F. J.
Taylor on tho bench, sheriff Boss
and county clerk Trenchard in at
tendance. Order made excusing J.
D. Higgins as juror. T. G. Boelling
and J. D. Higgins sworn as bailiffs
for the term.
D. Morgan, John Davis, J. D. Hig
gins, A. Aylmore excused for term:
W, Ii. McCabe and A.W. Gates, ex
cused for one day.
Following were drawn as
B. B. Franklin, foreman; Peter
Olsen, Thos. Cahill, E. D. Brock
Geo. C. Flavel. Edward C. Belknap,
John Beuneke: sworn end cnarged.
Eva Wallman vs. Joe Brown : con
tinued for service.
Eva Wallman vs. Geo. Smith: same.
J. H. Redington Y3. J. E. Thomas,
et al.: continued per stipulation.
C. R. Page vs. Astoria Coast &
Transportation Co.: continued for
the term.
N. S. Swansen vs. A. Van Dusen &
Co.: Thursday morning for trial.
D. L. Beck & Sons, vs. Black &
Rncevich: default: judgment
E. Schlus3el vs. Berry & Bergman:
judgment: order.
Helen M. Parsons vs. L. H. Par Par
eons: extended: order for publication.
I. W. Case vs. G. W. Nntter: judg
ment and order.
E. H. Jackson vs. N. Davich: dis
missed. Ordered that John H Smith and
Reem Kanaga be allowed to appear
in certain cases.
See Git et al., vs. Lung Jen, ot al.,
demurrer overruled by censent: judg
ment against Lung Jen.
C. L. Parker vs. Cape Fox Packing
Co. : default aud judgmen t
Habersham vs.E. t. O'Neil: settled
and dismissed.
Grace Colvin vs. A. F. Celvin: dis
missed. Jury excused till nine o'clock this
Court adjourned until 2 o'clock.
Jas. Taylor vs. J.ltf. Shively: change
of venne allowed.
J. G. Elliott vs. Stewart et al.: muu
date entered of supremo court
Wm. Allen vs. Isaacs & Davis:
Weduesday for trial.
T. A. Johnson vs. A. Johnsen: de
fault and referred to GeOj, Noland to
report on law aud facts.
Wallnski Railway Co. vs. B. Van
Dusen & Co.: motion to strike out
part3 of complaint motion sustained:
till to-day to amend.
Meier & Frank vs. Chas. Miller:
Wednesday for trial.
F. H. Page vs. Mrs. Fiunie: motion
to dismiss, argued and under advise
ment. Wm. Loeb vs. W. J. Barry: argued
and submitted.
Andrew P. Berg made application
to be admitted as a citizen, August
Danielsou and M. Olsen, witnesses:
order made admitting.
Herman Reippa made similar ap ap
plicateon: John Halin and Thos. Will
iams witnesses: order made admit
ting. Adjourned till 9 this morning.
Active preparations are being made
by several of the Washington terri
tory aud Oregon salmon canneries
for a resumption ot operations this
fall. Bay View, Cathlamet, Brook
field, Occidental, George & Barker
and others have started and several
others will be in operation this week.
There is a present large run in the
river, the quality of which is pro
nounced second only to tho unri
valed Columbia river spring salmon.
The salmon now in the river are of
a species hard to determine. After
the first fall rains come the "silver
sides," to catch which fishermen use
a 7( net. The fact that some of
them are getting ready their summer
nets, with an 8) mesh, indicate that
the smaller silveroide run is not con
sidered to have yet begun.
The amount of tho fall Dick on the
Columbia this season will, probably,
be determined by the number of emp
ty cans on hand. Where there is
such a supply as, for instance, in the
North Shore cannery, the pack will
be proportionately larger than where
there are fewer cans on hand.
The fall pack is a direct benefit to
Astoria and vicinity and is almost
totally devoid of the objectionable
features that surround indiscriminate
packing of spring and summer fish.
The species of salmon from this on
aro presumably of less commercial
va)ne than the earlier runs and are
said to bo of a speoies that do not
go to the headwaters to spawn as do
the spring salmon, The money paid
for the raw material of the fall pack
goes almost entirely to resident Bsh
ennen and is kept here and put in
circulation among Astoria merchants
to a greater degree than that paid
out earner in tue season.
Sheriff Albert of Wahkiakum coun
ty, 13 in receipt of letters from Gov
ernor Semple nnd district attorney
Robinson, in which it is stated that
no attempt will bo made to rigidly
construe the Washington territory
law regarding the remainder of the
close season, which expires on the
30th inst.
A Sound tegtsl Opinion.
E. Bainbridge Munday Esn County
Atty., Clay Co., Tex. says: "Have used
Electric Bitters with most happy results.
My brother also was Very low with Ma
larial Fever and Jaundice, but was
cured by timely use of this medicine.
Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cae,
Ky adds a like testimony, saying: He
positively believes he would have died,
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
This great jemedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaled. Price "K)c. and
$1. at W. E. Dement & Co.'s
A Card.
Being about to leave Astoria lo incite
in Oakland, Cala., I cannot go without
thanking my many friends and patrons
for their friendship and patronage while
1 have been among you, and hope that
if you should come niv wav vou wnn'r.
forget to call on Ton Matrs.
New Goods Arriving Daily!
We aro now receiving our First Shipments of Fall Goods in our various Departments and are prepared
to show our First Selections of Early Fall Dress Coods, with the Latest Trimmings to match.
in our Cloak Department we havo received a very nico selection
the Very Latest Styles aud Perfect Fitting, Remarkably Cheap.
C. H.
Kilt Suits
Boys' Overcoats
Larp Assortment
Furnishing Goods
The Reliable
J . Occident Hotel .Building.
The Leading House of
We ar
Wo aro
Doing Business for Fun!
We are
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing-, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articlesof
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again. . s-
D. L, Bock Sons.
of Ladies' Walking Jack'
the City.
- are not
making money