The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, September 17, 1887, Image 3

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x- $mtt Ustothm.
-SElTKMBEi: 17. :?S7
The pilot schooner G. C. While
came in yesterday.
The Tonquin left out for Tilla
mook yesterday morning.
The Gen. Canb? was beached yes
terday and her net guard removed.
The British ship Fyi, 41 days from
San Pedro, arrived in yesterday.
The beautiful, bright weather yes
terday was appreciated by everyone.
The G. A. R. in Portland have de
cided to "dedicate their new hall on
Friday, the 30th inst.
The, steamer City of Salem has
been' sold by O.J. McDongal to P.obt.
Thompson for S15.0C1
The Saranae moved from the Clat
sop mill to Kinney's dock yesterday
to oomplete her cargo.
In Portland there is talk of consol
idating the Portland real estate ex
change and the Portland stock ex
change, e Those who wish to invest iu a well
established and paying business in
this city should note M. C. Crosby's
advertisement, which appears this
A special meeting of the Y. W. C.
T. U. will be held in the Y. M. C. A.
hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. All
members are earnestly requested to
The new bridge across the Willap3
is completed and last Tuesday even
ing the delighted residents in that
section had a merry dance on the
structure. -
The Canadian Pacific scooped in a
large .cargo of coffee last Thnrsday
from the Union Pacific at a cut of
five cents. The Canadian Pacific
made a rate of 95 cents and got 5,000
The Weekly Astoriak, chock full
of news, and with a supplement, is
out this morning. Send it to your
friends and it will give them more
newa than you would write in a dozen
This morning at 10 o'clock B. S.
Worsley will dispose of the house
hold furniture of J. C. Bos3 at his
residence over the undertaking
rooms, bed, lounges, mattresses,
fables, chairs, fruit jars and general
. assortment of furniture.
It 3 reported from South Bend
that there are plenty of fishermen but
the fish are very scarce. The boats
average all the way from seven to
fifteen .salmon a night. It is thought
that when the fall rains come that
salmon will run more plentifully.
Some people talk about there be
ing a boom in Astoria. There is no
boom here; it's only just the natural
upward tendency in prices of real
estate which has been developing for
years past, and which is the result of
its manifest advantages of situation
as a commercial port.
Miss Lizzie McNeil, teacher in the
Albany public Bchools, has resigned,
ancl will start Monday for Liberia,
Africa, as teacher and missionary.
She Trill be joined at New York city
by forty-nine other ladies, who go
under the direction of the M. E.
church as missionaries to western
The schooner Win. Reiiton, Capt.
Henderson, arrived in San Francisco
last Wednesday evening, seventeen
days from Kodiak, Alaska. She
brought a cargo of salmon, consisting
of 1,700 cases and 1,000 barrels, to
the Karluk Packing company, a
branch of the Alaska Commercial
Lemon McKay died at the hospital
yesterday morning. Deceased was
formerly a member of the life saving
crew t Ft Canby, and later one of
'the'crew at Shoal water bay. While
on j.tluty' there he received injuries
that caused an abscess in his side
which broke internally, causing his
death. He was 'a native of Nova
Sootia, and well known along this
coast. The funeral will take place
to-day, and he will be buried in Clat-
sop cemetery.
Dean Blanchard is down from Rai
nier. Miss Davison is slowly recovering
from her severe illness.
W W. Chapman, a pioneer railroad
man of Oregon, is registered at the
Oapt AL Stream, who was over
.from North Cove with the tug Hun
ter, returned yesterday.
W. H. Gray was able to leave his
room with the assistance of crutches
yesterday for the first time since he
suffered "painful injury by falling
while painting the ceiling of his
house. The old gentleman is pos
sessed of remarkable vitality for one
of his advanced age, and his speedy
recovery is a pleasant surprise to his
Girl wanted to do house work in small
family. Apply at this office.
We have been told on the sly that the
Low Price Store are selling their Sl.25
Lady's cloth at 75 cents.
Leading druggists sell Moore's Re
vealed Remedy.
Herman Wise makes a tempting offer.
Evers'one can pick any hat lie likes and
pay 10 per cent, less than the price of
the hat calls for.
You will all need Xmas goods. Why
. not buy them now at half price at the
Crystal Palace.
Tanllla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Specials to Eeaders of "The Astorian."
Sax Fkaxcisco, Sept. 1G. The
state funeral of the late governor,
Washington Bartlett, to-day was
probably the most impressive and ro.
markabie one in the hiatorv of the
-state. At an early hour a gieat num
ber 01 people assembled m the vicini
ty of Pioneer Hall, and when the
doors opened hundreds availed them
selves of the last opportunity to look
upon the face of the departed govern
or. The day practically was regarded
as a holiday, and no public business
of importance was transacted. The
banks were closed, as were also the
federal and state courts. The chief
mourners and intimate friends, army
and navy officers and especially in
vited guests assembled in- Pioneer
Hall at 10 o'clock and proceeded to
Trinity church, where the body was
removed and service commenced at
11 o'clock. The ceremonies consisted of
the regular Episcopalian bervices for
burial of the dead, and conducted by
xtev. Dr. Jieers m a very impressive
London Sept. 10. A dreadful col
lision occurred" to-day. The Mid
land railway train filled with excur
sionists who were going to Doncaster
to witness the races, at that place
collided with another train aad was
wrecked. Two excursionists were
killed and many injured.
London. Sept. 10. It is reported
that the governor of western Aus
tralia has suspended the chief justice
of the colony, non. Alexander Camp
bell Onslow. The-canse of his sus
pension is not stated.
New Orleans, Sept 10. Karly
this morning an explosion own red in
the grocery store of Dominick JMes
sino, at tlie corner of Eighteenth and
Dauphin streets, and a moment later
the entire building was on lire and
all escape from -the upper stories,
where Messino resided, was en I off.
The fireTnust have been burning for
some time before the explosion,
which caught by ignition of powder
which Messino kept for sale. When
the firomen reached the scene the
voices of the family could be heard
mingling with the roaring and crack
ling of the flames crying for help.
Every effort of the firemen to rescue
the unfortunate persons failed and
the entire famiby, consisting of Mes
sino, his wife and four little children,
were burned to death.
At Tillamook Head.
Under date of Septeini'pr 14th,
Geo. B. McEwau, of Seaside, writes
that he has just returned from a visit
to Tillamook head. "While rambling
along the beach, gazing at the tower
ing cliffs and watching the foaming
brenkers as they spent themselves
among the immense boulders, our en
joyment of this grand scene was disa
greeably marred by coming upon
the body of a Chinaman, where it
had been cast amoug the rocks on
the beach by the high tides, probably
eight or ten days ago. The sea birds
and wild animals had stripped the
flesh from the limbs and part of the
bod'. The "face was but little disfig
ured and some of the black hair yet
remained upon the head. There
were no clothes on the body except a
collar and a small piece of the bosom
of what appeared to have been a
gray flannel shirt. Whether the
clothes had been stripped from the
body by the sea or by some other
means I could not say. Not being
prepared to remove the remains we
left them undisturbed'
Mr. Towiie Gives a Little Adyire.
Mr. A. N. Towne, general manager
of the varions Pacific Coast systems
of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co.,
in conversation with a Ne?cs reporter
last Thursday expressed himself very
freely about Portland and her future.
'This is my first visit to Oregon,''
said he, "and I am well pleased with
it. Portland impresses me as being a
very substantial, prosperous town,
with a great future before it. But
I am informed that the people lack
that spirit of enterprise and progress
and that unity of action which is
characteristic of the westorn cities of
this country. When a worthy project
is presented, the press nud people
should work in harmony for its ac
complishment. If the newspapers
must quarrel, let it be with some of
your outside neighbors. They ought
to work together for the interests of
lie Consulted His
Yon smoke good cigars, Billy ; where
do you get them? At 1). .L. Beck &
Sons', of course. Why of'.' He
cause my pocket advis'e me to. Do
they sell cheap.' Yes; the cheapest
place in town. Whatkind of an assort
ment have they? All kinds, from the
cheapest to the best, both of domestic
and imported, and much the largest
stock in town. Do they keep Tansill's
Punch ? Yes ; they are the sole agents
for Astoria for his Punch, Junior's and
Plantations in short, you can depend
upon it, Charlie, that when you want
any kind of c'gars the place to go after
them is at D. L. Beck & Sons'.
. A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
clc. Apply at llolden House.
3Ioores Revealed Remedy
A .Specific for Liver Complaint.
Hot Cakes.
The season for themj3athandand
we have just received a large consign
ment of New Orleans Molasses, which
we will sell by the case or can at very
low figures. D. L. Beck & Sons.
What is better tlran a glass of liquor ?
A eup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Illoore's Revealed Remedy
A positive cure for Asthma.
The Last of the Scries of Meetings Con
dncted liy 3'essrs. "Ward and Hashes.
The series of revival meetings
conducted by Messrs. Ward and
Hughes, under the auspices of the
Rescue club, commenced a week ago
last Saturday, and have been attend
ed with an interest and success far
exceeding the most sanguine expecta
tions. Messrs. Ward and Hughes as
moral suasionists seem to be quite ir
resistible, and many who went to
hear them for amusement found
themselves moved to serious consid
eration by an influence as potent as it
was unexpected. The extra
ordinary interest aroused is
shown by the. fact that on no
evening of the series were there
ie33 than twenty - five sign
ers of the pledge, and altogether
about three hundred and sixty have
taken the pledge since the meetings
commenced. The Rescue club now
claims over eleven hundred members,
and is receiving additions to its mem
bership every day. It was decided to
give a farewell meeting and banquet
at Ross' opera house. From the time
the doors were opened until after
eleven o'clock yesterday evening the
floor of the largo hall and the galler
ies were crowded. The tables set in
the hall were spread with a bounteous
and attractive lunch comprising
everything required to suit all tem
perance tastes. As fast as one set of
banqueters rose from the tables
others took their place,- and the fair
waitresses fonud it no light labor to
supply the wants of their numerous
guests. The generous patronage ac
corded them was as high and unmis
takable a compliment as -the ladies
who furnished the banquet could de
sire. After the banquet there was sing
ing and exhortation, Mr. Ward clos
ing with an earnest appeat, to which
several responded by coming for
ward and signing"-the pledge. After
singing "The Sweet Bye nud Bye"
the assemblage dispersed.
The receipts of the evening's enter
tainment netted about S250, which
will be applied to paying the ex
penses inenrred by the series of meet
ings. The entire programme was carried
out to the satisfaction of the projeot
ors.and last evening's farewell meeting
proved a fitting finale to a course of
meetings which have been remark
able in their apparent practical re
sults. Messrs. Hughes aud Ward go to
East Portland today to continue
their labors.
A Revelation by Yillard.
St. Paul, Sept. 15. Pioneer Press
New York special: All interests were
represented and entire harmony pre
vailed at the Northern Pacific an
nual election to-day. There was but
one ticket and that prearranged.
The stock voted by the Yillard party
was n revelation. Many proxies
given Mr. Wright were subsequently
revoked in favor of Mr. Yillard, and
some of the latter's supporters now
claim that when the vote taken to
day is announced to-morrow it will
show that he held the controlling in
terest It is certain that Yillard will
have much more to sa about the
management than was anticipated.
There is much anxiety apparent on
both sides. It is semi-ofiicially stated
that Oakes will succeed Harris, but
Yillard this evening denies that he
has an agreement with German enp
italists preventing him from taking
the presidency. It now looks as
though the Wright party, while con
fident of controlling the road, realize
that they have a stronger man to
fight than Elijah Smith.
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery. Yery
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do then
work. And what they do, they cau
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lung obstructions, all aro bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottlo. Even if
everything else has failed you, you
may depend upon this for certain.
m mm
Ship Libelled for Damages.
The British bark NWt was libeled
yesterday by Thompson & De Hart
for damages in the sum of $3,700.
Libellants had a lot of bar iron and
anvils on board the Nith, and they
claim that a lot of salt and soda was
piled over their goods, and that there
was a leak around tho mainmast, and
the salt water trickled down through
the salt and soda to the great damage
of their iron nnd anvjls. Tho first
officer of the Nit?i, who was in charge
when deputy U. S. marshal Frush
went on board to take posession, re
fused to receive service of the papers
or to touch them, and Frush was
obliged to leave them on the deck.,
Oregonian, 1G.
Kcufon Ralilu Powder.
One peund: full weight. Price, r0
cents, and 2.1 cents' worth of anything
in the store given with each can. Guar
anteed to give satisfaction or money re
funded. D. I j. Beck & Soxs,
Sole Agents.
Telephone Lodging House.
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 nnd 25 cts., per week Sl.M. New and
chum. Private entrance.
Kidney Diseases
Are successfully treated by Moore's Re
vealed Remedy.
For a Fine Disk of Ice Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard fc Stokes'.
ScrohilonF, Inherited and Conta
gious Humors Cured
by Culicura.
milltOUGIl tho modiuni of ono of your
A books received through Mr. Frank T.
Wra, Druggist, Apollo, l'a., I becamo ac
quainted with your Cutictjiu Keuedirs
and take this opportunity to testify to you
i1.M1A:.ttBATi'iniirTnfiTipntlv pnrni mn nf
-r .ik ; OBn nr ninnii TMiiintTiv .n
connection with erysipelas, that I ,havo over
seen, ana tnis auer naving occn pronounceu
incurable by somo of tho best physicans in
ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it
: V... .... :n nrrlnr flint nthfirs siifTVrinir frnnt
similar maladies may bo encouraged to give
your Cuticura Remedies a trial
P.S. VIUTL1XGKR. Leechburg, Ta.
Reference: Frank T. W'ray,
Druggist, Apollo, Pa.
James E. Richardson, Custom House. New
Orleans, on oath says: "Jn 1S70 Scrofulous
Ulcers broke out on my body until I was a
mass of corruption. Everything known to
tho medical faculty was tried in rain. I be
camo a mere wreck. At times could not
lift my hands to my head, could not turn in
bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon
life a3 a curse. No relief or cure in ten years.
InlSSOl heard of the Ccticuea Remedies,
used them, and wa3 perfectly cured."
Sworn to before U. S. Com, J. D, Crawford,
We have been soiling your Cuticura Rem
edies for years, and have tho first complaint
yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the
wnrt rnupq nf Scrofula 1 ever saw was cured
by tho use of five bottles of Cuticura Resol
vent. CuTiruEA, and Cuticura SJoap. Tho
Druggists, Frankfort, Kan.
And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Blair,
and Eruptions of tho bkin. ara positively
cared by Ccticcra and Cuticura Soap ex
ternally, and CcTircR a Resolvent internally,
when all other medicines faiL Send for Pam
We havo obtained satisfactory results from
the usooftho Cuticura Remedies in our own
family, and recommend them beyond any
other remedies for disoases of tho skin and
blood. The demana for them grows as their
merits become known.
MACMILLAN & CO. Druggists, Latrobe, Pa.
nraanlil erorvirhore. Price: CCTICITRA. tho
Great Skin dire. 50 ct5 Cuticuba t'oAp, an
Exquisite JJeautiner.i cts.: uuthtra insol
vent, the Now Blood Purifier. SI 00. Potter
Drco and Chemical Co., Boston.
m irjPLES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes,
rim and Baby Humorr;. use Cuticitra Soap
Choking Catarrh.
Have you awakened from a disturbed uleep
with all tho horri bio sensations of an assas
sin clutching your throat and pressing the
lifo-breath from your tightened chest? Havo
you noticed the languor and debility that
succeed the effort to clear your throat and
head of this catarrhal matter? What a
depressing influenco it exerts upon the mind,
clouding tho memory and filling tho head
trifh nninc nnH sfrnn'rn nnio Ilnir fllf.
Gcult it is to rid the nasal passages, throat
and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can
testify who arc afflicted with catarrh. ; How
difficult to protect tho system against its
further progress towards tho lung?, liver and
kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a
terrible disease, and cries out for relief and
The remarkable curative power?, when .all
other remedies utterly fail, of Sanford's
Radical Cure, aro attested by thousands
who gratcfully-recommend it to fellow-sufferers.
No statement is m ado recardintr it that
cannot bo substantiated by tho most respect-
ablo and reliable references.
Each packet contains ono bottlo of tho
Radical Cube, ono box of Catarrhal Sol
vent, and an Improved Inhaler, with treat-
iso and directions, and is sold by all druggists
for SI IK).
Poitkr Dkuo & Chemical Co., Boston.
Aching backs, hips, and sides,
kidney und uterino pains, weak
ness and inflammation, rheumat
ic, neuraleic. sciatic, sudden .sham
and nervous pains and strains
relieved In one minute bv
that new. elegant and infallible antidoto to
pain and inflammation, tho Cnticnra An-tl-Inln
1-laster. 'Si cents, 5 for SI : at all
druggists or Potter Drug and Chkmical Co.,
Yillard Favors a Joint Lease.
Tho entire vote cast nfc tho mpfifinfr
on Thnrsday wan 725,000 shares.
xno viuaru party secured, so many
revocations of proxies already given
that it becamo uecessarv to ndionrn
the meeting until the next day to
enable tho inspectors to count the
voles nnd make up reports. What
the policy of the new board will be
if the Yillard idea ia carried out is
indicated iu a letter of his just made
public. He declares that the best
plan to secure harmony between
menoriuernanci union Pacific lies
in a joint lease of the Oregon Rail
way & Naviation bv the two. Tfc is
said that this will be one of the first
acts of the uew board. It is thought
the present officers will all be re-elected,
but the retention nf tlm nroai.
dency by Robert Harris will be only
ior a nine wnue, as it lias been prom
ised vice president Oake3.
An Eud to Bone Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of ITarrisburg, 111.,
says: "Having received so much bene
fit from Electric Bitters, 1 feel it my
duty to lot suffering humanity know it.
Have had a running sore on ray leg for
eight years; my doctors told me I would
havo to havo the bone scraped or leg
amputated. I used, instead, threw bot
tles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is
now sound and well.
Electric Bitters are sold atfifty cents
a bottlo, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at
25c. per box by W. E. Dement & Co.
Grin nnd Bear It Boys.
We know" Hint nnr lntv nnas nn.
hurting you, but we will soon be gone,
only another week now. We are giving
uui pan ni3 lue ueiient ot me removal
sale, and like'.spnqlhto nanuia iimi'
taking advantage of the prices, know-
nrr Hinf- nil rrnrwln Sn mm i: ...:i, i.
" " "" iiuu win i;oai
50 ier rpnr- more nrhnn . ,w
So bear m mind that this is our last
wee, ana mac you may never have an
other such an opportunity, "and don't
juu iuixci. "- "- mi urysiai jaiace.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Moore's Revealed Bcmetlv.
Seasickness can be surely averted and
a sea voyage robbed of its terrors by
taking this Remedy two days before
IVIcals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
New Goods Arriving Daily!
Wo are uow receiving our First Shipments of Fall Goods in our various Departments and are prepared
to show our First Selections of Early Fall Dress Goods, with the Latest Trimmings to matoli.
In our Cloak Department we have received a very nice seleotion
the Very Latest Styles aud Perfect Fittiug, Remarkably Cheap.
C. H.
Kilt Suits
Boys' Overcoats
Large Assortment
F mi shing Goods
The Reliable
Occident Hotel Building.
The Leading House of
Wa are
Doing Business for Fun!
Wa aro making money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the riyer.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if choated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
I 'fin ft.
ot Ladies' Walking Jack
the City.
' ""r-.-
ara not
3i.Vst '-oV-SS-S . A4i,xrt,