Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1887)
t0 ftc gattjj gufltoriai. ASTORIA. OEEGON: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 188T THE ADMINISTRATION'S PUBLIC LAND POLICY. ' The policy to bo pursued by the administration in relation to the pub- lio lands was clearly indicated by the president in a letter sent by him more than three months ago to the secretary of the interior touching the case of Guilford Miller and the Northern Pa cific Kailway company. In that let ter the president criticized the action of the interior department in the re cent past in reference tothe public lands, on the ground that it had re sulted in the withdrawal of large tractsof public land from the opera tion of the land laws of the United States, and in placing them beyond the reach of settlers. He then out lined a policy rather more critical re garding the claims of corporations for such withdrawals -than had been the case for sometime past, suggesting, among other things, that where cor porations are entitled to select lands from indemnity reservations they should be required to select, when possible, from tracts in which settlers have no legal or equitable interests and upon which they have made no improvements. In short, he announced the policy of. construing grants of land of this nature in favor of the pub lic land laws and of the settler rather than in favor of the grantees, the rail road companies. This policy is followed out in the decision of secretary Lamar in the case of the Atlantic & Pacific Railway company. The case involved the right of the company to be indemnified for deficiencies whore it did not get the full amount of the sections granted within the primary limits and failed to make up its losses in the secondary limits, and it arose under the secreta ry's rule of May 23, 1887, ordering the road to show cause why the withdraw al of the lands within its indemnity limits should not be revoked and the lands thrown open to settlement. The third section of the act, incor porating the company and granting it certain lands, grants to the company ten odd-numbered sections of land on each side of the line of its road pass ing through the states, and twenty sec tions where the road passes through tho territories. It further provides that indemnity for the lands lost in the granted limits, by reason of the causes stated in said act, may be se lected from the odd-numbered sec tions within the further limits of ten miles, and that the odd-numbered sec tions thus granted shall not be liable to sale or entry or pre-emption before or after being surveyed, except by the company as provided in the act At the same time the provisions of the homestead and pre-emption laws were extended to all other lands, on the line of the road when surveyed, ex cepting those granted to the company. This grant, the secretary holds, was a grant of the stated quantity of land if it could be found free within the granted limits. If not, then it gave the privilege of looking for the deficiency in restricted limits, but if the company did not get the full amount of the sections within the primary limits, and failed to make up its losses within the primary limits, there was no violation of con tract but only tho Jhappenilfcg of a contingency, plainly contemplated by the granting act, subject to which the company made its contract with the government The secretary holds that it was the intention of congress that all other lands except odd-numbered sections granted to the com pany should be open to pre-emption and settlement under the homestead laws. He is of opinion that the withdrawal for indemnity purposes, if permissible under the law, was solely by virtue of executive author ity, and may bo revoked by the same authority. He thinks that the time has arrived when public policy and justice demand that the withdrawal be revoked in the interest of per sons seeking homes on the public domain, and he has therefore ordered that the lands under withdrawals for indemnity purposes under the grant to the company be restored to the public domain and opened to set tlement of the general land laws, ex cept such lands as may be covered by approved selections. In another case, that of the Northern Pacific railroad company, the secretary held -that in demnity for deficiencies could not be claimedanywhere within the limit of the ten mile indemnity bel but that the deficiencies must be satisfied within the state" or territory where they occur or not at all. These decisions will restore a large amount of land to the public domain. It is understood that between 25,000, 000 and 30,000,000 acres are involved in the decision in the case of "the Afc lantic & Pacific company alone. As has been said, the action of the BecTetary in these cases is based upon a dispotiontoviett critically tho claims of railway companies under land grants, and while the present admin istration lasts we may expect to see such grants where at all doubtful in terms construed in favor of the pub lic, the grantors, instead of in favor of the grantees. It is time that a more critical policy should rule in the land office and in the interior de partment For some time past tho administration of those offices in re lation to tho public lands has been far too lax. The effect of the sys tem is strikingly shown in the report of the -surveyor-general of New Mex ico, which is made public almost sim ultaneously with the decisions re ferred to above. According to that officer the government has been shock ingly defrauded by land grants, and over 1,600,000 acres have been unlaw fully reserved from entry under the publio land laws through the recog nition of invalid titles and fraudulent land surveys. New Yobk in the last thirty-two elections has voted with this result New York carried by the Democrats in 1857, 1862, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1870 (special), 1874, 1875,1876,1877, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885 and 18S6 in all sixteen. New York carried by the Republicans in 1856, 1858, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864, " 1865, 1866, 1871, 1872, 1878, 1879, 1880 and 1881 in all fourteen. New York car ried partly by one party and .part ly by the other a mixed result in 1859 and 1873 in all, two. Each has elected governors seven times, as fol fel fol eows: Republicans, King, 1856; Mor gan, 1858; Morgan, 1860; Penton, 1864;Penton, 1866; Dix, 1872; Cor nell, 1879. Democrats Seymour, 1862; Hoffman, 1868; Hoffman, 1870; Tilden, 1874; Robinson, 1876; Clove- land, 1882; Hill, 1885. Capt. BockwelPfl Report. San Fbangisco, Sept. 1. Cant. Rockwell, of tho United States coast and geodetic Burvey, has made a special report to superintendent Thorn upon Capes Lookout and Meares, on the Oregon coast, as to ineir relative importance ior a ngnt house site. Congress at its last ses sion made an appropriation for a lighthouse at Cape Meares, or some other selected point At Cape Lookout he reports a very good harbor of refuge in heavy north west weather. This cape is a rather remarkable promontory of basaltic rock jutting boldly from tho general direction of the coast line for one and a half miles to west southwest The height of this promontory is 450 feet at the leeward face, which is only four or five hundred yards broad. It 1b cov ered with spruce and hemlock, and is transversely cut by deep and very rougn depressions. The water close under the point of this cape is ap parently very deep, a3 there was no sign of breakers in a large north west swell. When very violent winds were blowing from tho northwest there was smooth water to the lee ward of the cape. The southern face of the cape is very steep and rocky, and is nearly a straight line. small steamers running from Astoria to Nestucca river make use of this anchorage as a place of refuge under stress of weather. 'The captain states that as Cane Lookout projects outside the line of Uape Meares, and is nearly half way between the first-class seaooast light houses on Tillamook rock and Ya quina heads, it has an important ad vantage for large coast steamers. Three Favorites Have the following to say of "Wis dom's Robertine. the crest bfmntifipr and preserver of tho complexien: Pobtlakd, Or., Jane 4, 1887. ToMr.W. M. Wisdom Tlnnr Sir-T have tried vonrRobftrtin. Tt ia m-rollon and I shall be pleased to recommend it io nu my lauy irienas. JJelieve me, yours truly," Rhea. Pobtxakd. Dec, 1885. To Mr. W. M. Wtn4nm--Tha "Ttnhnr. tine you so kindly sent me is excellent. It is the finqfc TrrArwirflKoTi T tmvA nrer used, and is a decided acquisition to every lady's toilet. Yours truly. JBXNNIE WINSTON. Pobtland, Or., April C, 1887. Dear Mr. "Wisdom; T JinvA iriH xrnnr "Bobertine," and it gives me much pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best artioles of the kind I nave ever uBed. Be lieve me, yours sincerely, , . .&. Tbbbelu. For Bale bvW. E. DninAnt & Hn druggists, Astoria, Oregon Ml Tills Will Interest You, Contpmnlfttirnr nnrhocrn-a nt ii.,n hold Furniture will do well to wait for a ww uays, wnen the advertisement will appear .giving the date at which time tha entire Fnrnlhim a.i At;n the Adler residence will be sold at pub lic auctien: l elegant Emerson Piano, cuiiuH cfu. -rjiriur set $WO Jsasy Chairs aud Marble Center Table; 2 Ele gant Prize Pictures from the art gallery of the Mechanics' Fair of San Francisco representing Shakespeare at the court Schiller reading Don Carlos before tho court of the Grand Duke De Weimar, costing 8200; elegant Black Walnut Bedroom suits; elegant Camels and the PTltirA PflflOf. 'Rpnronm T)infnnrr-nni and Kitchen Furniture. For any infor mation, or parties wisning to inspect the furniture before sale will call upon Mr. B. S. Worsley, the auctioneer. j Meals Cooked to Order, Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Notice. To make room for our fall stock, we will for tho next ten davs sell our babv carriages at actual cost. UBIFFIX CC KEED. Try Fabre'a celebrated pan roast PANEL OP JURORS For Circuit Court Term. September 18$7. Marion, R. R., Astoria, truckman. Powers, Richard, Astoria, laborer. McKay, M.. Mishawaka, farmer. Belknapp, Edward, Knfippa, laborer. Beneke, John, Fishhawk, farmer. Gates, A. W., Astorio, clerk. Kallio, L, Youngs Biver, farmer. Aylmore, A., Lewis and Clarke, farmer. Dunham, C. E., Youngs River, farmer. McTavish, D. A., Astoria, truckman. Minard, A.E., Upper Astoria, fisherman. Flavel, Geo. (L, Astoria, banker. Adams, J. C, John Days, farmer. Olsen, Peter, Knappa, farmor. Cahill, Thomas, Vesper, farmer. Morgan, D. Jr., Astoria, merchant. Eberman, N. A., Sea Side, farmer. Kroger, Sampson, Upper Astoria,! aborer McCabe, "V. L., Astoria, stevedore. Bradbury, C, Sea Side, farmer. Higgins, J. D., Astoria, mechanic Leahy, James, Youngs River, farmer. Davis; John, Knappa, farmer. Carl, G. W. Vesper, farmer. Fox, Peter H., Youngs River, farmer. Brown, James, Knappa, farmer. Franklin, B. B., Astoria, undertaker. Ross, W. B., Astoria, contractor. Loughery, Thos. S., Vesper, farmer. Brock, E. D., Astoria, steamboatman. Lewis, John, John Days, farmer. . C. J. Tbenchabd, Clerk. W. G. Ross, Sheriff. September 2, 1837. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store as their giv ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valu able article from the fact that it alwavs cures and never disappoints. CoughX Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size SI. Every bottle warranted. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Columbia lUver Fisherman's Pro tectee Union will behPld at Liberty Hall on Tuesday, September 6th at 7 r. si., sharp. A. BUTTON. Jec'j'. Ten Laborers Wanted AT TONGUE POINT. APPLY TO A. Van Dusen & Co. C. E. BAIN, Wfaoleiale and Retail Dealer Id All Kind of Seasoned Lumber. MOULDINGS, WINDOWS AND DOOItS. OAK. ASH AND HICKORY, Black Walnut, Alder and Maple, PORT ORFORD CEDAR, And All Kinds of Boat Material a Specialty. ALL KIXD3 OF Job Work nad Tarnln: Dose at SHORT NOTICE. Manufacturing Steam Mills. Corner Genev Ieve & Astor SLs. MILLINERY ! Latest Stylos : : Lowest Prices DBES9KAKI5Q IX ILL ITS BB1XCUES. MRS. W. J. BARRY, (Eaton &Carnahan's Former Establishment) LADIKSAKB iNVITK16CALli And Examine Goods. A Perfect System of DRK8S FITTIXG. ing Hovelty! THE TWO GREATEST Theatrical Companies ON EARTH! United for this Season Only! Madison Square Co. 1. R. TTILBER'S Lyceum Theatre Co. E8TWI11 appear at ROSS' OPERA HOUSE Three Nights, Commencing MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, PRESENTING Monday TYOHAX AGAI.YST TTOMAX Tuesday QALLEr SLAVE Wednesday. STREETS OF SEW 10RK or THE YIBGIXIAX. At the close of each play the LYCEUXTHEATKE COMPANY Will give a complete Specialty Performance which will conclude with the GREAT EISSELL THE CHAMPION ZOUAVE Drilllst In the World, executing the most aimcuic movements imaginable vuth Bayonet and lttfle. ADMISSION, BOTH SHOWS: Reserved Seats, SI II I Family Circle. 75 cts neservea :eau on saie at .New York Novelty Store. Saturday, at 10 a. m. School Supplies THE law York Novelty STORE, Headquarters for School Books. A Complete .mho oi ine Official Text Books. Prices Guaranteed Satisfactory. The New York Novelty Store. Notice. rpHE MEETING OF THE O. F. L. & B House to Let. FIVE ROOMS NEARLY NEW. WOOD Shed and Chicken Heuse: $5 per month. Apply to E. C. HOLDEN'3 Office. Startl WE ARE NOT DOING IT FOR LOVE Aud we are sorry If others don't like it ; h.n e no time to stand on ceremony tmt et erj body has come (o the conclusion that we mean BUSINESS ! Our Removal Sale Is the talk of the tow n. and you wilt be sorry If j on don't lay In some bargains: alter ueaie gone it will be too late. Goods will be Slaughtered -ONLY A FEW WEEKS MORE AT TJEUbiS CRYSTAL Pat.a mn. A. V. ALLEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. : The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh CITY BOOK STORE. Blank Books OF ALL Descriptions. We carry the finest line of Material in MUSICAL MERCIUNDLSE Agents for the CENT URY ORGAN AND DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE Strike It Rich! -BUY YOUR- Groceries! Provisions -OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very Tow est margin of profit while giving jou goods that are of flnt class quality. Goods Delivered All Oven the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. AGENCY- ftT.Goleii&Co. OF SAX FRANCISCO. Ravel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoriui Oregon. Caimery Supplies ul Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World. JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. O. II. Coleman. Accountant. LOEB & .CO. fines, Lipors ani Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately, Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Farker House, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN bulldlne boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build make my euarantect for cood work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building. Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river where my services may be required. TO. HOWE. Invitations for Bids for 'Bonds of $1,000 FOR SCHOOL DIST.NO.9, OPPERAS torla. Or. Bids will be received until Saturday, Sept. loth, for one thousand dol lars In bonds of school district No. 9, to run for three years, bearing Interest at the rate of G percent, payable semi-annually: bids to be addressed to J. O. Hanthorn, Chair man Board of Directors, Astoria, Or. By order Board Directors. W.B.ADAIR, Clerk. Boats Repaired. ANY ONE WANTING FISHING BOATS Or nthpr Ttnto ninolMj rn ,. -,i .. ..l. .J- ""T !"" tu. vm KUi. KIAJU OYer Arnrtt A-VAThona . fr.r.f nt To f-orJ nuikuunaai k. m. leathers' boat shop. street, " w "' . every Steamer. tiSZSffisFMa SchoolBook, TDICTiO.VAQygs&Pl&Eh'TSi AM) IPgggrgf School Supplies. Writing Papers and Writing the City. AND INSTRUMENTS. Celebrated CHZFFZ2T &. KEED. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling or orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sowed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission, snop. corner Main and Jefferson reeta MARTIN OLSEN. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATfeNT ROLLER HILLS, Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Notice. ALLTHECANNERS WHO ARE YILL Ing to pay to the Fish Commission one cent per case on their pack, are requested to pay the amount to I. W. Case, at his Bank. A number who are not on tho sub scription list have agreed to pay the amount. Wo nope that all the canners of salmon on both sides or the Columbia will come to the front. . E. P. THOMPSON. Fish Commissioner. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PKICES, -AT THE- Cannery Supplies ! SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. JOHN BASK. ECONOMY And Solid Satisfaction Are Guaranteed IF YOU TRADE AT THE EMPIRE STORE LATEST STYLES Snitings and Trimming- Velvets. A Fine Line of In fants' Dresses, Cloaks and Worsted Shirts, Ladieg' Calico Wrappers, Cotton, Wool and Muslin Underwear, -A. OOM:3FXaDE2a?3E2 " STOCK Of Quilts and Blankets, Gents' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Truaks and Yalises at the Lowest Cash Pries at the Empire Store. " W. T, PARKER Mi.A.:BaA.C3HE3:E., BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. Ladies Flexible Sole Shoes Jn French, Kangaroo and Dongola Kid ,. P.J.GOODMAN. Hk B. PARKER, DKALR IN Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Bricfc, Cement, Sail ant Plater Wood Dcllrercd to Order. Dr&jlig, Teaming aad Kxpreu Basbtesg. TEIl apply, to the Captain, or to Frank L. Parker. ira It R II C C R ISA Promptly Delivered. AT LOWEST . PRICES IN ANY PART OF THE CITY, Fruits and Vegetables In Season. Everything Warranted as Represented. Corner Chenamuaaad Benton Streets. City Livery Stable. SHERMAN & WA1JD,......:. .Proprietors. Stylish Turnouts, Comfortable Carriages and Buggies By the day or hour at very reasonable rates. Saddle Horses for Hire. Everything new and first class. Our a;m is to please our patrons. HorsesBoarded by the day, week or mouth. Stable and office two doors wc-rt of The Astobia office. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Availabls In any pait of the World. . G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, U Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoelne. Wagons raad and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build boats that he will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Eeiers to all who have used boats of Us construction. All work guaranteed. F. T. MERRILL BICYCLES, 2EI0Y0LS3, Casiiorlfistallieflls. rallSUcrit 145 8tkStP.O. MHO FOR CATALOGUE. JOB PRINTING. NMt, Quick And Cheap at The AITOBIAN JOB OFFICE Hi BAKE ffTWj7mBJ p STEAMEB CLARA nun ben P, Par far, Mast 9rt For TOWING, FBEIGJETT OS OHA& H. . PAIKBB. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT A CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, . SASH DOORS. BLINDS. RAILS. BALT7BTBRS, NEWEL FOiTi. BRACKETS. Scroll and Turned Balustrade., Boat Materia, etc. Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to BtyleQaaH. ty and Prices. -." Mill aad OfUce cor. Polk and Coacoaly streets. Astoria, Oregon. Astoria Iran Works. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or, QeMeral Macflinists and Boiler Mm. Land and Marin Enfftnss BOILER WORK, - Steamboat JVorA. and Cannery Work a sraciArjrcr, Castings of all Descriptions Jftdt to Order at Short Nilice. ' , JMd. J. G. Hustlxb, ..................... 8creUrju L W. Case;.............. ...........L-TraaMrez. John Fox. ..8uDrtnt4eat. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAT HAHSEJF, Ttpft. A Large and Well Selected Stock if Tta BiutoflflstJeieliy At Extremely Low Prices. All 6oWi Baiffkt at This fetaMttatmS Warranted Qtnulnt. Watch aad Cleric Mjmixlmt A SPECIALTY. - . Corner Cass and Sqnenoqua Street. PBM1 r t . --Cfc iij- .tr.,- .a