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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1887)
CO .4-. -V TMmJW'JI'JI' VOL. XXIX, NO. 54. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, J 887. PRICE JblVE CENTS. a M.ffiKaEs ; urn wwp (gsm&r 49mv BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Boom 4 and 5. over City Book Store. G KO. 2VOL.A.ND. ATTORNEY At LAW. oftce In Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C W. FOT.TOJT. O. C. FULTON FUETOIf BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Uooms 5 and 5. Odd Fellows Building. 0. B. THOMSON. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Special attention given to practice in the rr vi Tonri rtfnA nH thn Tfimlnn.tIon of land" titles. A lull set ot Abstract Books for Clatsop oouuty in omce. Money to loan. , - , Office Booms 4 and 5, over City Book Hteie. r Q. A.BOWJLBX, if Attorney and CauHseller at Law OtHoe on Ohenaraus Street, Astoria, Oregon P. D. WTXTOW ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. It and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. r B. WATSOS, Atty. at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. AU business before the U. S. Land Office a psdaXyv ASTOKIA, - - OttKQOS. "O C.HIXKXEY. D. I. H. DENTIST. Is associated with DE. XiA FORC&. Booms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTOEIA, - - OBEGON. M MM. DX OWENS ADAIR. rvnsw, on A rAptdn(vA mp Pmirr and Olnpr stoeflts. lilts. D. K. "Warren's former resi dence.) Special Atteatioa frlraa to Wornon's DIs sues aid Diseases of Eye asd Ear. 077102 TLOVBM 10 to 12, 2 to 4. T)BS. A.L.A5DJ.A, FULTON. Pbysloians and Surgeons. Office os Cass street, three doors south of djt Fellow's building. Telephone No. 41. TAY TUTTIiE, Jf. I. PffYSICIAKAND SURGEON OrricB Booms 6 Pythian Building. Bssxokkoe On Cedar Street, back of Bt. Mary's Hospital. D R.O.B.E8TES. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OrricB : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Qcecoa. D K. ALFRED KINNEY, Office a.t Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. yvK. FKAXK PAGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Gnpeslt Telegraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. G F. PARKER, SURVEYOR 0FCLAT80P COUNTY AND Br-dty Surveyor of Aston. QBce : N. E. eomer Cass and As tor streets, ftoeqrKo-.8 Up Stairs. Kobt. Collier, Deputy. E. SHAW. DENTIST. r Eadms in Alleu's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoila Orefoo.- H. A. SMITH, Br DENTIST. Reocu 1 and 2 Pythian Building over O. a. uoojwrs score. T OS. XAIK9. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. ' A cood fit cuaranteed. Charges Moderate AMfrt far the Celebrated Household Sewing Maoaine. troop opposite u. n. uoopers. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. -COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Insurance AGENTS. Kepfttentlag the Largest and Most Relia ble Fire Insurasce Companies. AD los&iess prompt! yjand accurately tran acted. FlaveteWkarf. - Astoria Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital - - Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile ot London and Edinburgh. artferd of Connecticut. Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Sac.. Fire Zftwranoe Companies, Represent- ' fif& capital of M7,0oa8OO. B7VSJI DITSEN. Agent. THE GREAT REGUUTOR PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious? TJie Regulator never fails to cure. I most cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Billons Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. Kansas Cm, Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? Isuffered intensely withFull Stomach,Hcad ache, etc. A neighbor, ieho had taken Simmons Liver Regulator, told was a sure cure far my trouble. The Jlrst dose I took relieved me very much, and in one week's time I teas as strong and hearty as I ever was. It is tlte best medicine Z ever took for Dyspepsia. Richmond, Va. H. C. CRENSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Warner, Chief-Justice oi Ca.: " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and always xclth decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? J have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu. lator since J8Q5, and regard it as the greatest medicine of Vie times for diseases pecu liar to malarial regions. So good a medi cine deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been subject to severe spells of Congestion of the Liver, and have been in the habit of talcing from is to 20 grains of calomel, which generally laid me up for three or four days. Lately I have been taUng Simmons Liver Regulator.which cave me re lief, tcitfiout any interruption to business. "Middleport, Ohio. J. HUGG. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. F3EIC2, JS10. INVALUABLE for LADIES and CHILDREN. You'll find It srood to retrulate The organs of both smalt and great : It checks Sic R Headache, and the woo That sad Dyspeptic ever know. in tauuaht's seltzeu people una A remedy and treat combined. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN &EMAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus andCass streets. ASTORIA OREGON JOHN FTJSSELL. You Needn't Send to Portland. Saddles From $7 to S21 Seme But The Best Stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times, Main street east side, between Jefferson and Squemoqua Sis. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for Xiess Money - By Leaving their Orders with ME ANY. He has lust received a large stock of Goods from the East. Fine Business Suits from $35. Call and See IUm and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. MEANT, MERCHANT TAILOR. J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS. NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Beok Store. S. ARN DT & EERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMIT SHOP AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, Ain STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. , Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, . FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Boat Fouud NEAR POINT ADAMS LIGHT HOUSE, afislilng boat,20 feet long, 5-feet beam. Letters J. G. & Co. on rudder. Owner can have her on application to John A. Cain, Ft, Stevens, Or. CLOSING THE WAS. The Last Charge Was on a Brandy Barrel and the Last Shot "Was 07ar It. The man who claims to have ordered the last shot fired on the Confederate side during the late unpleasantness is A. B. Faircloth, of Camilla, Ga., a gentleman as modest as he is brave. The in cident was told us by Capt. D. H. Sanders, an old comrade-in-arms of Mr. Faircloth, and forms an unique feature in the unwritten, history of the great struggle. Mr. Faircloth belonged to Company "C," Second Georgia Cavalry. This regiment was for some time associated with Terry's famous Texas Rangers, whose exploits are among the most highly prized traditions of the war. Ihe inti macy that grew up between these two commands was very close and tender, and remained unbrok en to the end. A Ranger would succor a Second Georgia Cavalry man in distress as quick as he would his own brother. They fought together, bivouacked to gether, and together went on many a wild, adventurous raid. Lee had surrendered. John ston had surrendered. Only Kir by Smith remained at the head of an armed resistance. The Con federacy was in its death throes. Wheeler determined not to sur render his men, but to force his way across the country to Join Smith west of the Mississippi. To this end he procured the removal of his command from Johnson's army, and started upon que of the most hazardous retreats in the an nals of the war. While every where Confederate troops were grounding their arms, taking the oath of allegiance to the United States government, and returning to their homes, this little band un der their gallant leader refused to lower the stars and bars. Wheeler's bold movement was kept a profound secret, known only to his own men and General Johnston. All thought the war was over. The Federals came freely into the lines of their late foes, and there was a general in termingling of the "blue and gray." It fell to the lot of Com pany "C" to guard Wheeler's rear. A barrel of brandy was discovered just inside the reserve picket line, and these old veter- ans, with true soldierly instinct, soon tapped it, and were fast get ting into a hilariouscondition. The lieutenant in command of the picket guards was in a short time unable to distinguish a confeder ate from a "Yank," and was re lieved by Mr. Faircloth, the or derly sergeant. The aroma of that brandy was wafted to the olfactories of the Union soldiers, and soon a troop of cavalry was seen coming at a headlong charge upon that barrel. Sergeant Fair cloth obeyed the orders of his chief, and the dashing squadron was received from their picket line. They were dumbfounded, and without returning the fire showed a white flag. The ser geant advanced to parley with the bearer of the flag of truce. "What the deuce did you fire for? Don'.t you know the war is over?" This was jerked out by the spokesnan on the other side. "I obeyed orders," camly re plied the sergeant. "No troops can pass my line." "But, man, Johnston has sur rendered, and the war is over. Come, let us pass; we want to taste that brandy over there." "I must carry out my orders," stoutly maintained sergeant Fair cloth, "and if your men advance they will be fired upon. But," he said, "I am expecting orders calling in my men every minute, and if you will wait perhaps you may get a drop of the brandy." Strange to say the troop waited and the order came. Then there was a grand rush for the barrel when "Johnny Red" and "Yank" got on a drunk together. This was the last shot fired in the 'late war, and the incident, now "published for the first time, will be" read -with interest by those who participated in the novel scene, as well as the gen eral public. To complete the story it only remains to tell that, acting under the advice of John ston, Wheeler gave over his dar ing attempt, and, turning over his men to the brigade, regimental and company commanders to act as they saw fit, gathered about him a few bold spirits, and started to join the head of the confeder acy in his effort to escape his pur suers. Greensboro Herald. To Build the Bailroad. San Francisco, Aug. 31. The Central Pacific railroad company has filed a document in the re corder's office which mortgages all the visible property of that com pany, which has been done, it is thought, for the purpose ot rais ing money to complete the Ure gon road. The property deeded in trust ffoes to secure the pay ment of interest and principal of 1G,000 &1,000 bonds, redeemable fifty 'years from October 1, lbbu, and drawing G per cent, interest per annum, payable semi-annuai lv. The mam fact disclosed is that 810,000,000 of the bonds were authorized to be issued in January, 1S85, to pay the floating debts, "the bonds to run for thirty years, and five million were issued. Another 10,000,000 were authorized to be placed on the market, half of which were issued to redeem outstanding bonds of a previous issue. Then comes the present agreement, to issue 16,000 bonds of 81,000 each, to mature in fifty years hence. Frank S. Dou ty and W. E. Brown are trustees for all the property. Provision is made that the trustees ma' re serve lands for depot grounds and from incomes of lands received and profitable privileges redeem and cancel outstanding bonds. Don't Laugh at Nervous People. Their sufferings are very real, although you, with your v'gorous physique and strong nerves, can scarcely believe it. Rather sug gest the use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters which, In removing every trace of djspep sla, and regulating the liver and bowels, strikes at and extirpates J he most prolific cause of chronic nenrwis trouble. That nerve-shatfering disease, fever and auo, Is among the formidable aliments, to Hie re moval of which this genial remedy Is spe cially adapted. Nervous prostration, re sulting from prolonged mental or physi'al effort, is also a state of the sj stem where the intervention of this tonic Is very desirable, more particularly as its use Is to quiet and relax ihe tension of overwrought nerves. The Bitters are invaluable in rheumatism, ueuralgla and kidney troubles. Employ no substitute for it. New York, Aug. 31. jThe bloops JPuritan, JPriscila and At lantic chave withdrawn from par ticipation in the trial races. The contest for selection in the compe tition with the Thistle has nar rowed down to the Volunteer and Mayflower. When baby was tick, we gave her CastorL-i, When Eho was a Child sho cried for Cutoiia, When sho became Jliw, ihe clung to Castorlo, When she had Children, she favuthem Castoria The Ellensburg Gazette says: Active preparations are being made for the fall fishing in this river. With an average run, to gether with the Klamath river fish, the cannery will probably do a big business. Sore or Inflamed Eyes Speedily Cnred By the use of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, It allays the inflammation and irritation and is peculiarly efficacious by reason of its power in clcansinc and destroying all poisonous matter. Chaf ing, bruises, humors, eruptions boils and sores, and those more serious and tenacious maladies, Scald Head. Salt Itlieum and Erysipelas, nre speedily cured by the Fluid. Two barns at Hastings, Mich., containing twenty Norman stal lions, were destroyed by lightning Saturday night, August 20th. AH the animals perished, the loss ex ceeding $30,000. plaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc Did you evor try Acker's English Rem edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guaranteo at 10c.. 50c J. W. Gonn. The city of Chicago derived a revenue of more than 2,000,000 from her saloons last year, all of wmen went to support the schools and other public institutions. 1 CVWW Of the good things of VUWU this life are sorrowful ly let alono on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspopsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positivo guarantee at 23 and 50 cents, by J. W. Conn. A Big Sale. New York, Aug. 31. An of ficial announcement was made by the president of the United States Express company that the plant, franchise and business of the Bal timore & Ohio express had been sold to the United States compa ny for a period of thirty years. The agreement,was consummated last week and the transfer will take place to-morrow. Negotia tions for the sale have been pend ing for about a month, having been begun with president Gar rett before his departure for Europe. It is stated on Wall street to-day that the price paid was $2,500,000, of which 1,000, 000 was paid in cash and $1,500, 000 in United States express stock. The president of the United States express denies the correctness of the figures, but de clines to state the terms on which the property was purchased, say ing that the matter is private. No change will be made in the man agement or name of the company. The Anarchists Must Hans:. Chicago, Aug. 31. Informa tion was received in this city to day through a reliable source that the supreme court, when it meets next Monday? will affirm the sen tence of the seven anarchists con demned to death. Justice Magru der is reported as saying that there will be no dissenting opin ions. Chief of police Ebershold and sheriff Watson have already received intimation of what is coming, and they have been mak ing active preparations to meet any emergency that may arise. An official who has watched the sheriff closely said last night that Watson had not been to the jail for a week or more, which is a most unusual thing. It is no se cret that he has looked ahead to the decision of the supreme court with a kind ot terror. Mo wonder he feels as lie does, for upon him will fall the duty of hansrinrr the seven condemned men. New York, Aug. 31. The statement is made by Henry Yil lard that an agreement has been entered into between the Oregon & Transcontinental company and a foreign syndicate headed by the Deutsche bank of Berlin, in pur suance of which almost the entire floating debt of the Oregon & Transcontinental company will be paid off immediately, and Sb,000, 000 is already provided for this purpose. Le J?avs. of Paris, claims that an agreement nas ueen reacnea on the New Hebrides question, and is only, waiting the signatures of the proper officials. Our flag, it says will bo hauled down and our troops evacuate the ports of Sandwich and Port Hobannah in obedience to the yelling of the Australian colonies. The British government has made an arrangement with the Peninsular and Oriental Steam ship company by which the com pany hojds three new steamers and seven others ready for use as armed cruisers. For this service the government will pay the steamship cornpany 3,500 an nual lj Some of the eastern steamship companies are already booking; passengers who do not intend crossing the Atlantic until next season, and the travel to Europe next season promises to be im mense. Bitcklcn's Arnica. Salrc The Best Salve in the AvorMfbr Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapued Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale byW. E Dement. Miss Warren's Select School OF EnilislaQiMofaLanpaps Astor Street, near Baptist Church. Tills School will opan for the coming year, Monday, Scit, 5. 1887, It is desirable that those Intending to be come members should be present on the op ening day, so that classes may be formed promptly. Tuition payable ten days after presenta tion of bllL For terms apply to EMMA C. WARREN, Principal. SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT MONDAY! I. L. OSGOOD Has Just Received New Goods IN BOYS' (12 TO 17) SCHOOL SUITS, BOYS' DRESS SUITS, Boys' (9 to 12) LONG PANTS SCHOOL SUITS, Boys' (4 to 12) KNEE PANTS SCHOOL i-ULTjS, Boys' KNEE PANTS DRESS SDITS. Boys' (3 to G) IMPORTED (Ger man) JERSEY KNIT SUITS (Jacket and Pants), CHILDREN'S (2 to 5) JER SEY Knit KILT SUITS, Boys' SINGLE PANTS (lOtolT), Boys' SINGLE KNEE PANTS (4 to 12 years), Boys' Utf LAUNDRIEI) WHITE SHIRTS (sizes MEN'S CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. I. I. OSGOOD, KINNEY'S BRICK BUILDING, ASTORIA, OREGON. Opposite Rescue Engine House. Our Immense New Stock, o Consisting of 4 CAB L,OAlfcS of fine Artistic aud Plain Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Madras-Silk LACE AND PORTIERE CURTAINS, Dado Shades, &c, Has Arrived. These goods were purchased dlreet from Eastern Manufacturers and shipped before the recent advance in freight, tha benefits thereof we propose to share with our customers. Call and See Us. CITY BOOK STORE I I II I I I M I If you are in need ment, Century Organ IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ORGAN FOR THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. You are invited to "examine them. GRIFFIN & REED. The New Model Range CAN BE E5b R CAN BE HAD IN A2m. Call and Examine It ; You "Will bo Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STO VE8. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. J. H. D. GKAI Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, flats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT General Storage and "Wharfage ourcasoH able terms. Toot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. CoMi Transjortation Company. . FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEJLMEB TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort f passengers will leave Wilsom & Flsker's Dock CTery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leares Portland, srery Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria tt 1 P.-M. -An additional trip will bo made on ftaday ! Saali Weak, leaving Portland at 9.0etfck Smaaay seraiHg. for Hound, ports. UK to 14) PURE LINEN FRONTS, CUFFS, etc., at 50 cents, Boys' FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS, with Collars, etc, at 73 cents, Boys' 2f AVYBLUEFLAS" NEL OVERSHIRTS, Boys' FINE WOOL CLOTH OVERSHIRTS,. wilh nicely PLAITED FRONTS for school wear, Boys' UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, HOSIERY, Boys' HATS and CAPS from SO cents upward. Also JUST RECEIVED NEW GOO'DS IN CHA8. HEJLBORN. I 1 I I M I I i of a Fine Instru buy the ASTORIA, ONLY OF rieased. E. R. Havres Is also Agent for the VireiniaCIsap and TotacGO Store J. W. B0TT0H, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Flae Clzart , Tobaccos tad Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS. CANDIES, NOTIONS.&o. rassengera ny ou .rouw 9flwecB M-Jjms ouux a. xksiwu. - tj. V - ei-auL. -c- .JW-HlW-f'r'