The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 27, 1887, Image 3

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fltc gattu gtfiotfatt.
AUGUST 27. 18S7
The Manzanita was at Seattle last
Tickets for the Y. M. 0. A- picnic
at their rooms and at Griffin &
The Venture pot some fine fish
last Thursday, which, as usual, meets
with readv sale.
The total number of paeo3 of the
newly published laws of Oregon, as
recorded, is l,9i7.
The Astobian acknowledges the
receipt of a complimentary ticket to
the Salem state fair.
The Phoenix Fire Insurance com
pany, of New York, have decided to
withdraw from business in this state.
The demand for canned salmon in
the United States increased from 40,
000 cases in 1877 to 500,000 cases in
Tags, bilF heads, letterheads, state
ments, posters, etc., at Tiie Astobiak
job office, on good stock, at less than
Jrortland prices.
The Journal reports salmon as
running fairly well on Shoalwater
bay, the boats getting from four to
thirty-one, each. The price is fifty
Five hundred copies of the article
on timber in this vicinity in Thurs
day's Oregonian, liave been repub
lished in The Astobiak office and can
be had upon application.
Lewis Kambier, employed at Boss'
logging camp, near Westport, was
brought to town last Thursday with
a badly bruised ankle, the result of
being struck by a block while at
While walking down First street in
Portland last Wednesday, 3. M.
Shively, of thi3 city, slipped on the
stone pavement and fell heavily. He
was taken to the St Charles hotel,
where it was found that he had sus
tained no serious injury from the fall.
Any teacher's certificate issued in
this state under the old law cannot
be extended. It will, therefore, be
necessary for any teacher desiring to
teach in this oounty and whose cer
tificate will expire before the next
quarterly examination, to pass the
examination to be held next Wednes
day. From Tillamook comes a report
that a citizen's meeting was held
last Monday, at which resolutions
were passed "that if the Tillamook
boys could not fish the Astorians
should not" There appears to be a
little difference of opinion there, but
it is not likely that there will be seri
tJttstrouble Joggles, who hasn't showed up for
a long time, was in last Thursday;
he sad he'd been up to the O. E. &
N. dock "looking at a big screw
driver." When asked to explain he
said it was the "biggest screw driver''
he'd ever seen. When pressed still
farther it transpired that he'd been
.down looking at the engine of the
State of California.
The government Hydrographio
officer reports for the benefit of mari
ners that a day beacon has been
erected on Enterprise Beef, near
Aotive Pass, on the east coast of Van
couver Island, B. O. The reef uncov
ers about one and one-half feet at low
water spring tides, and the beacon is
near its western extremity. It is of
wood, on an iron pile foundation. It
- is in 48 50 59' ' north, 123 21' 20' '
The stockholders of the Odd Fel
lows building and land association
met last Thursday evening and elect
ed G. Beed, J. Q. A. Bowlby, T. W.
Case, J. H. D. Gray, Jno. Hahn, G.
W. Lounsberry and A. J. Megler as a
board of directors for the ensuing
year. The reports of the various
officers were referred to a committee
which will report at a special meeting
of the association to be held on the
14th of September.
Walt Schumacher and Oarl Dusen
bery have been out fishing during
the week, says the Walla Walla
Statesman. Walt lost his sinker and
substituted a little brass key on
. Thursday last, but a fish got away
with the key and a piece of the line.
Yesterday the key was found in a can
of salmon which had been shipped
up to Walla Walla from Astoria.
The trout had swallowed the key, the
salmon had swallowed the trout, the
fisherman had captured the salmon
hundreds of miles away in the Co
lumbia river, a branch of the Walla
Walla, and the key turnB up safe and
sound in Walla Walla after a journey
of thousands of miles in the space of
less than a week.
Real Estate Transfers.
J.O. Bozorth and wife to J. A. and
A. L. Fulton, lot 1 blk 30, McClnre's
Astoria; 3600.
State board commissioners to
Jonas Person, 40 acres sec 36, T 9, B
7 W; $50.
State board commissioners to John
Hansen, 40 acres sec 16, T8N,B8
W; 880.
E. V. Johnson to EnosBowland,
lots 3 and 4 sec 10, T 7 N, B 9 W,
29.80 acres; $200.
Frank Foster and wife to John H.
Smith, i lot 3 blk 70, McClurers As
toria; $100.
M. H. J. Bartels to Mrs. Grant, lots
2 and 7 sec 4, T 7 ltf,B9 W, 40.37
fteres: $300.
M. J. Kinney, and the Astoria Pack
ing company to W. E. Dement and C.
W. Fulton, parcel real estate blk 58,
McClure's Astoria; $4,000.
' J. W. Koch to Geo. WatBon, 84.88
sores seo 26, T 8 N, B 9 W; $800.
Geo. Watson to J. C. Obamberlin,
game property; $900.
Gladstone Sure of Ultimate Success.
Chicago, Aug. 26. A morning
paper says that it is assumed in many
quarters that a beef famine ia not far
away. Estimates as'to the loss in
the northwest last winter are that iu
Montana there were 400,000 head, and
in Idaho about 100,000; in Wyoming
about 3C0.0C3 and in Colorado about
500,000, or about 850,000 head in all.
During the summer on account of
the excessive drought it is estimated
that the losses in the beef producing
states will swell the total to 1,500,000
head of beeves.
London', Aug. 26. In an interview
with Gladstone in reply to a question
as to whether he expected to defeat
the government to-night he said:
"No; we don't expect to do that, but
tne fact Mat a year ago the govern
ment's majority was 110 while now
the most sanguine conservatives an
ticipate a majority of only CO on pro
claiming the league shows what a
tremendous change ha3 come over
the face of the country. The change
is coming more rapidly than many
people imagine, and in fact quite fast
enough." Gladstone seemed to be in
high spirits, and declared he was in
excellent health.
London, Aug. 26. The govern
ment has issued a whip, which spe
cially and earnestly requests attend
ance of all its supporters at the
session of the house of commons to
night to vote upou Gladstone's mo
tion regarding the proclamation of
the national league.
BbownsvilIiE, Tex., Aug. 2(5. Lo
renzo Vila, the celebrated bandit re
cently captured up the river, was
brought back yesterday and placed
in the jail at Matamoras. This man
and Bill Cruse, a half-breed Mexican,
and negro ruffian, from Austin,
Texas, were the men who murdered
sheriff Martin and collector Henry,
of Stave county, several years ago,
for whom a reward of $15,000 was
offered. They are said to have been
under the protection of state author
ities at Tamaulipas ever since. They
are incarcerated on a gunboat down
the coast.
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 26. At last the
ax has fallen and the iniquitous con
vict lease system of Georgia will
have to go. By executive order
signed under great excitement
governor Gordon has called on the
lessees of the penitentiary, companies
Nos. 2 and 3, to show cause why their
leases should not be annulled and
there is no doubt as to the governor's
intention to declare the lease an
nulled owing to the violation of its
provisions by the lessees.
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, your lungs. Also
your breathing machinery." Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter wbich ought not to be
there, your lungs cannot half do their
work. And what they do, they can
not do well.
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption'or any of
the family of throat and nose and head
and lung obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed you, you
may.depend upon this for certain.
Rises From the Anxious Seat.
St. John says that next year the
prohibition vote will be a million.
Henry George says the labor vote
will be a million. The American
party says it will have a million
votes. If a few more parties put on
these million airs wo wish to know
where the Democratic and Bepnbli
can vote is coming from. Alia.
Heart Disease!!!
Bead the hospital reports, read the
mortuary reports, read the medicine
publications, read the daily news
papers, and learn how wide-spread is
heart disease, how difficult of detec
tion it is to most people, how many
and how sudden are deaths it causes.
Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on
Heart Disease, and learn what it is,
what causes it what diseases it gives
rise to, what its symptoms are, and
and how it may be attacked. If you
find that you have heart disease,
ask your druggist for a bottle of Db.
Flint's Heabt Remedy. The treatise
may be had on application to
J. J. MACK & CO.,
Nos. 9 and 11 Front street, S. F.
Lebert & Starks' Piano Method, used
by the best music teachers, only $1.50
per copy, at tho Crystal Palace; regular
price, 3.00.
A middle-aged woman to do plain
coeking: wages, S25 per month. A
good home for a contented person. For
information, apply to
Foabd & Stokes. -
Gainbrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
A Sunny Room
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
For a Fiuc Dish of Ico Cream
Go to the Central liestaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Oysters Iu Erery Style
At the Central Besfcmrant, "next
Foard & Stokes'.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order. .
Telephone loHglng House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and-25 cts., per week Sl-W). New and
clean. Private entrance.
$22,000 of the City Debt Refunded nt an
Annnal Interest of 6 Per Cent.
At au adjourned meeting of the
city council last evening the liquor
license of Max Earhart was, on
motion, ordered transferred to Peter
Martin, by ordinance. Councilman
Fulton expressing his doubts as to
the legality of cuch transfers as us
ually made, he moved that an ordi
nance be drafted making such trans
fer, and suggested that such a course
be adopted in disposing of future
similar petitions. The motion was so
amended and carried.
The report of the committee on
ways and means, to whom was re
ferred the proposition of the First
National bank to refund the city
debt to the amount of 22,000, recom
mending that the proposition be ac
cepted, was, on motion, adopted.
The following communication from
chief ongineer Worsley was read and
referred to committee on fire and
Office of the Chief Engineer
Astoria Fibe Depabitent,
Astoria, Aug., 26, 1887.
To the Hon. Mayor and Common
I would most respectfully report to
your honorable body that I have re
ceieved from the Astoria Iron Works,
on the 24th day of August, 1887, by
direction of the committee on fire
and water, the Amoskeag engine of
Astorin Engine Co. No. 1, ready for
fire service, as turned over by me by
direction of the committee on fire and
water, on the 24th day of May, 1887,
for the purpose of having a new boil
er placed thereon, and have placed
the same in active fire service.
And would respectfully ask your
honorable body to change sec 6 of
ordinance 939 from 200 feet to 50 feet
in the distance specified for the stor
age of coal oil. Respectfully yours,
B. S. WoBSLEr,
Chief Engineer.
An ordinance "to secure the pro
tection of property and provide for
the cleanliness of the city," was read
first and second times and referred
to committee on health and police.
An ordinance providing for the is
suanceof bonds for the purpose of
refunding bonds issued under ordi
nances No. 331, 335. and 443, and pro
viding the time and manner of pay
ing the same, was, after some debate,
passed under suspension of the rules.
An ordinanco providing for recall
ing tho bonds issned by authority of
ordinances Nos. 331, 335, and 443, was
passed under suspension of the rules.
Ordinances making appropriations
of $450 to pay city assessor Dick
inson, 310 to pay Surprenant & Fer
guson, and $120 to pay W. B. Head
ington, were passed under suspension
of the rules.
An ordinance authorizing tho
transfer of liquor license of Max
Earhart to Peter Martin, was passed
under suspension of the rules.
.Regarding the pipe line, council
man Cleveland said that now that
the pipe was bought, the next thing
was to put it into use, and moved that
the committee on fire and water be
authorized to put the pipe into place
in such manner as the interests of
the city best required: motion car
By invitation of the council chief
engineer Worsley stated that the
newly organized Ilwaco fire company
wanted to buy the trnck of Alert H.
& Ii. No. One, and recommended that
under suitable terms the sale be
made. Councilman Gratke thought
there was no hurry about the matter.
Councimau Bergman thought it
would be a good idea to get a b:d
from the Ilwaco fire department
Councilman Cleveland moved that ho
be empowered so to de: carried.
Councilman Cleveland called at
tention to tho matter of reduction of
the police force and moved that tho
question of reducing tho forco bo re
ferred to committee on health and
pelice: carried. Adjourned.
The Verdict Unanimous.
"W.D. Suit, DniR2ist Bipmis, Ind.,
testifies: '! can recommend Electric
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of ltheuinatism of 10 years' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine I have over handled in my 20 vears'
experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou
sands of others have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a
half dollar a bottle at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
A Word to tho Wise,
The clock in front of the Crystal
Palace will be missed, but you will
miss a good deal more if you don't se
cure some of the great bargains we are
now offering at the Crystal Palace. We
will commence to pack up shortly, but
we have a large lot of goods which we
can not pack and as we intend going
into different lines we can save you 50
per cent, on Books, Stationety, Baby
Carriages, Musical Instruments, Pic
ture Frames, Glassware, Silverware,
Clocks and a thousand other articles
which you will have use for. Remem
ber you can now secure bargains; when
we are gone it will be too late and you'll
never get goods at such low figures in
Astoria again after we have removed
The Crystal Palace
Ah TlicrcII
Ico cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of tho city: $2.50 a gallon.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
What! Do Ton Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Hot Cakes.
The season for them is at hand; and
we have just received a large consign
ment of New Orleans Molasses, which
we will sell by tho case or can at very
low figures. D. L. Beck & Sons.
Yanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
And all Skin and Scalp Dis.
oases Speedily Cured by
Our liltlo son will bo four year3 of ago on
the 25th insi. In May, ISSj, ho was attacked
xrith n rinr tininfal breaking out of tho skin.
Wo called in a physician who treated him
for about four weeks. Tho child received
littlo or no Ecod from tho treatment, as tho
breaking out. supposed by tho physican to be
hires in an aggravated form, becamo larger
in blotches, and moro and moro distressing.
Woworefroauontiy obliged to get up in tho
night and rub him with soda in water, strong
liniments, etc finally, wo called other
physicians, until no loss than six had at
tempted to euro him. all aliko failing, and
tho child steadly getting worso and worso,
until about tho 20th of last July, when we
began to givo him Cuticuka Kesolvknt in
ternally, and tho Cuticcra, and Ccticura
Soap externally, and by the last of August
ho was so nearly well that wo gavo him only
one doso of the Kesolvest about every
second day for about ten days longer, and ho
lias never been troubled sinco with tho hor
rible malady, In all we used less than ono
half a bottle of Cuticuka Kesolvk-xt, a little
less than ono box of CimcuUA, and only ono
cako of Cuticuka SoAr.
II. E. KYAN, Cayuga, Livingston Co., 111.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this
fourth day of January, 1SS7. C. N. COE, J. I
Last spring I was very sick, boing covered
withsomo kind of scrofula. Tho doctors could
not help me. I was advised to try tho Cirri
cuka Kesolvknt. I did so. and in a day I
grew better and better, until I ata as well as
over. I thank yoa for it very much, and
would like to have it told to the public.
EDW.IIOFMAXX.Sorth Attlcboro, Mass.
Air. Frank McClusky says that your Cuti
cuka Remedies cured his boy of a skin dis
ease after several doctors had failed to
help ths boy. Ho spent over one hundred
dollars with doctors. Cuticura IUmedies
cured him. J- E. TIFFANY.
Pleasant Mount, Pa.
Cuticura, tho groatskin cure, and Cuti
cuka SOAi prepared from it, externally,
and Cuticura Kisoi.vr.NT tho now blood
purifier, internally, nro a positive euro for
every form of skin and blood disease from
pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticuka. Z0
cents ; Cuticuka Soap, 23 cents ;C'uticui:a
Kesolvknt. $1.00. Prepared by Poitkk
Dkcg and ChkmicalCo,, Boston.
Send for "IIov to Cure Skin Disrates."
n I M PLES. Blacklieaus,SkIn JilemMies. and
r I III Bab v humors, use Cuticuka Soap.
A Word About Catarrh.
'It is the mucous membrane, that wonder
ful seini-tluid envelope surrounding llie deli
cate tissues of the air and fot d p:i.isages,
that Catarrh makes its stronghold. Once es
tablished. It eat Into the very vitals, and
renders life but n long-drawn breath of mis
ery and disease, dulling the sense of hear
ing, trammelling the power tf speech, dc
strovlngthe faculty of smell, tainting the
ureain, ami Killing ti:e rcuneu pleasures ol
taste. Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold iu the head, it assaults the mem
branous lining and envelopes the bones, eat
ing through the delicate coats and causing
luilammation, sloughing and death. Noth
ing sltort of total eradication will secure
health to the patient, and all allcviatives are
simply procrastinated sufferings. leading to
afatal termination, Saxpokd's Kauical
Cuke, by Inhalation and by Internal ad
minlstration, has never failed : even when
the disease has made frightful inroads on
delicate constitution. hearing, smell and
taste have been recoveied, and the disease
thoroughly driven out,"
Saxpohu's judical. Cuke counts of
one bottle ofthu KadicaIi Cukk, one b -x
CATAKKiiAi.SoLVKNT.and one iMPKOvr.n
Ixiialkk. neatly wrapped in one package,
with full directions ; price, $1.00.
itKMKn:i!i ix o.vmiixirrK.
Aching backs, hips, and sides, kid
ney and uterine pains, weakness
and infhmatlon. rheumatic, neural
gic, sciatic, sudden sharp aud ner
vous pains, coughs, colds and strains
relies cd in one minute by that new. orig
inal, elegant and infallible antidote to pain
and inflammation, the Cutlcura Ant 1-I'aln
Piaster. 25 cts. ; 5 for SI ; at all druggists
or Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston.
Miss Stella Mayer, of Vancouver, ia
iu llie city.
Miss Emma Friendly is visiting ac
quaintances iu the city.
Capt. C. A. Woodruff, or Van
couver, is at "Ft. Stevens.
Miss Anuie Curtis left for her home
iu Tncoma yesterday morning.
Mrs. Shea, who lias been visitiujj
friends in the city, hns returned home.
Wm. Hume, of Eagle Cliff. ha3
gone to look for bears in the Siski
yons. Miss Freda Lowengardt and Miss
Daisy Barnum aro visiting Astoria
John Fussell was stepping around
higb yesterday af teruoou. . or cause
see another column.
Bev. O. B. Whitmore leaves on
Monday to attend the M. E. coufer
ence at Portland uext Wednesday.
Miss Louise Boot, who has had a
pleasant sixrweeks' visit iu this city,
returns to her home in Seattle to-day.
Capt H. F. Beecher, who is the ob
ject of considerable present attention
from tho San Francisco Chronicle,
left on the JIHes yesterday for Olym
pia. Col. S. W. Blasdell, not wholly un
known in Astoria, has struck it rich
in eastern Oregon, and has a gold
mine near Baker City from which he
is daily extracting nuggets that run
from S30 to 840 each.
Gen, J. C. Dnane, chief U. S. en
gineers. Col. Geo. Mendall, and
Capt. Chas. F. Powell came down
from Portland yesterday afternoon,
und went to Fort Stevens to inspect
the government work at that point.
Miss Lois Burlingame, who has
just returned from a visit to her step
brother, Hon. J. Q. A. Bowlby, of
this city, was on Wednesday last
married nt her mother's residence in
Forest Grove to M. J. McMahon, a
lawyer from Baker City, where they
will reside.
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement lias been caused in
the vicinity of Paris. Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corlej',
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head; everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King'sNewDiscovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills; by the time lie
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained In flesh thirtj'-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at W. E.-Dement
&Co. -
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Meals Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
I Stokes'.
PbH Sh v W
10 i
There an1 many veaHon.s ivhy you
MltMiltl do your trail ins: -with mc:
I now carry an Immense Stock of Goods,
and because I do, without any doubt,
give more in return for your money
than any other house in Astoria.
At least cail on nlc and see whether I
do all 1 claim; and you should for
your own benefit trade with a live
merchant who is anxious to please
you, so as to secure your custom.
(Opposite Star Market)
ifi-fiT np
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the. Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest,
select from
All New, Stylish, and perfect fitting garments.
Leading House of the City..
We wo
Doing Business for Fun!
We are mafcinr money
all the; times.
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
Boys' Clothing,
re aot
ra not