The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 26, 1887, Image 3

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The A. B. Field goes to Tillamook
this morning.
TheTonquin will be launched at
six o'clock this afternoon.
The Miscldef goes to the Siuslaw
at nine o'clock this morning.
The barkentine Geo. C. Perkins is
discharging hay, salt and sewer pipe
at the Main street wharf.
There are letters at the Astor
House for J. L. Schusher, W. H. F.
Smith, Edward Tiers and Jos. Smith.
The thousandth ordinance in the
history of the city was passed at the
last meeting of the city council.
Free lecture to-night at the Y.M.
O. A. hall, in which Eev. O. B. Whit
more describes a trip of eight miles
underground in mammoth cave.
Among the many articles of bijou
terie and vertu that adorn CapL
Hustler's office, a large golden band
ed -Japanese lily occupies a prominent
The Alaskan goes off the Uwaco
route next Wednesday, and, with the
Olympian, will ply between Victoria
and Tacoma; so says a Tacoma dfr
A. W. Berry writes from Tongas
Narrows, Alaska, with a sore arm,
that there are Jots of fish and that he
and his men are as busy -as they can
be day and night
The eighth annual picnic of the Y.
M. C. A., will be at Young's River
Falls on Tuesday, the 30 th inst The
Gov. Newell will leave Main street
wharf at 8 a. ar. See adv't.
The total valuation of taxable
property in the city as appears on the
assessment roll at the city treasurer's
office, is S1,445,9Q3. This is the net
amount taxed after the "indebted
ness" has been allowed.
The large clock in front of Carl
Adler's Crystal Palace, was yesterday
dismantled and removed. In the
wordB of the song, "you never miss
the lager till the keg runs dry." The
clock will be missed by many to whom
it was a great convenience.
Chas. Johnson, of Lewis and
Clarke's, while engaged in chopping
a tree last Wednesday, met wih a
painful accident While standing on
a platform the axe glanced and struck
him in his right upper arm, inflicting
a deep but not necessarily dangerous
' The last social of this conference
year will be given to-night by the
ladies of the .Methodist church, at
the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Peaches and
cream, ice cream, coffee, etc., will be
.served, while the literary part will
consist of music and a trip through
Mammoth cave.
In the resoue of Wm. Allen's little
boy from drowning last Wednesday,
Chas. McGowan bore a conspicuous
part, bravely plunging in and saving
the boy with no little personal dan
ger to himself, but, hspily, with no
more serious results than a thorough
Auditor Jewett and city attorney
Noland have about finislied the work
of codifying and arranging the ordi
nances of the city for publication in
book form. The last publication and
compilation of the ordinances, char
ter, etc., was made in 1882. The vol-1
ume published that year is now an
cient history.
Centipedes are so common in
bunohes of' bananas that they have
ceased to excite remark. At Couch
Clinton's, however, a few days ago,
three centipede's eggs were found,
resembling eggs in outside construc
tion, and looking about as much like
the top of a well chalked billiard cue
as anything else.
Mons. Burke, whose temporary res
idence in the county jail has grown
distasteful' to him, cut his arm last
Wednesday night in the hopes of be
mg transferred to the hospital. The
out was deep enough to make a mess
on the cell floor, but not deep enough
to occasion his removal, and he is still
a guest of the county.
Every year more or less is done in
the matter of grading the streets and
cutting down the unseemly knolls
scattered over the hills to the south.
One .large hummock south of the
Court street school is rapidly being
remov.ed as well as similar ones in
different parts of the city. The most
of the .earth thuB removed is being
used by Capt Flavel in leveling up
the lot in the rear of his fine resi
dence. This work is now and for
some time has been costing him $100
a day.
' K. Ito, a native of Saporo, Japan,
and an intelligent gentleman, is in
the oity. He is commissioned by the
Japanese government to look into the
United States fishing industries, and
for the last year has been on this
coast He views with interest the
great salmon industry of the Colum
bia river, and regrets his late arrival
here, which precludes any possibility
of seeing the canneries in operation.
He spent yesterday afternoon in go
ing through several of the canneries
and noting the machinery, and appli
anoes. The Expressionist heard a story re
cently of a small negro boy who goes
to Sunday school in the little brick
ohurch in Fort Erie. He got up to
repeat the verse, "It is L Be not
afraid." He conveyed the idea cor
rectly, but in a rather shocking man
ner by saying, "It's me. Don't be
scarf This calls to mind the six-year-old
girl in the Harbor mission
school, who was rather mixed in her
scripture, and in trying to say, "And
lo, a greater than Solomon is here,"
she got it, "And lo, a greater than
Sullivan is here." This was, by the
way, a week after the John L. Sulli
van Combination had appeared.
Recently, pays the News, governor
Pennoyer sent a requisition to the
war department, asking for arms for
the Oregon National Guard. To the
communication an answer has been
received, which is signed by commissary-general
It. Macfeely, acting
secretary of war. This letter has
been forwarded by the governor to
adjutant-general Shofner. It states
that the requisition should state the
necessity for arms, plainly and suc
cinctly set forth. Then the same will
receive due consideration. The gen
eral tone of the letter is favorable,
and adjutant-general Shofner has
every hope of obtaining the much
needed supply of arms, although the
state already has her quota.
Heart Disease:!!
Head the hospital reports, read the
mortuary reports, read the medicine
publications, read the daily news
papers, and learn how wide-spread is
heart disease, how difficult of detec
tion it is to most people, how many
and how sudden are deaths it causes.
Then read Dr. Flint's Treatise on
Heart Disease, and learn what it is,
what causes it, what diseases it gives
rise to, what its symptoms are, and
and how it may be attacked. If you
find that you have heart disease,
ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr.
Feint's Heart Remedy. The treat he
may be had on application to
J. J. MACK & CO.,
Nos. 9 and 11 Front street, S. F.
Editor Asterian:
The question is being discussed by
the papers of the state as to who is
the oldest pioneer and it appears to
be settled that the honor belougs to
Jean Baptiste Gargnier, who is now
living at Siuslaw. I had an oppor
tunity of seeing the old gentleman
very recently and eugaged in a long
talk with him. Mr. R. A. Benpell, of
Newport, accompanied me-aud made
it a special business of interviewing
him, and I had expected before this
would have given all the facts to the
public through the public press, and
I suppose he will yet do so. There
fore not wishing to forestall Mr. Ben
sell, I will merely eav that the old
Kfcentleman'fl mind seems lo be very
clear and he is very positivo abput
events, but seems to fail in remem
bering dates, which, however, is not
unusual with people at his ad
vanced age. Some correspondents
have fixed the year of his arrival
on this coast at 1S2-L Others say
1819. Now the old gentleman says
positively that there was .no set
tlement at Astoria, or no white
men here when he arrived.
No one but Indians and
ho came here and traded with them.
This would fix his arrival at a much
earlier period, certainly as early as
1810. And this would make him an
older man than he thinks be is, as he
claims to bo in his eighty-seventh
year. 1 am inclined to thing that he is
past ninety years of age. and that he
came here very young. I can hardly
think that he can be. mistaken abont an
event so important as the settlement
of Astoria, If there were white men
living here when he came ho would
be most likelyto remember it. And
on this point I asked him repeatedly
and he positively asserted that there
wa3 no "Fort George" or no settle
ment here when he came.
I will say in conclusion that I
think the pld man is poor, and it
might be a nioe thing for the histor
ical society to make some effort in
his behalf. There is no doubt that
many people would contribute to
wards the oldest pioneer, if the effort
were made by some influential per
son or society. - J. J. Winant-.
C. R. P. P. U.
There will be a meeting of the Co
lumbia River Fishermen's Protective
Union at Liberty Hall, on Friday,
the 26th inst, at seven p. m. All
members in good
quested to attend.
A. Sutton,
standing are re-
A. Seafield,
Lebert & Starks' Piano Method, used
by the best music teachers, only $1.50
per cops', at the Crystal Palace; regular
price, 3.00.
A middle-aged woman to do plain
cooking; wages, S25 per month. A
good home for a contented person. For
information, apply to
Foard & Stokes.
Gauibrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
A Sunny Boom
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House. -
For a Fine Dish, of Ico Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant next to
Foard & Stokes'.
Oysters In JErory fcJtyle
At the Central Restaurant, next
Foard & Stokes'. .
Private Booms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc The best cooked to order.
Telephone r.o4gins House.
Best Beds iu town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Hot Cakes.
The season for them is at hand; and
we have just received a large consign
ment of New Orleans Molasses, which
we will sell by the case or can at very
low figures. D. It. Beck & Sons.
All the patent medicines advertised
iu tills paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet arliclos, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Improved Condition of Gov. Bartlett.
Denver, Aug. 25. Gov. Adams has
received the following telegram from
Glenwood Springs, Colerado: 4:10
a. m. To Gov. Adams, Denver, Ma
jor Leslie ha3 Uolorow corralled, with
200 bucks. They want to see the big
white man and want to talk to the
cowboy. The whites want a 'little
fight; the soldiers must go "back or
they will have a little fight Kendall
has only fifty-two men: this is posi
tive. -All other information on this
point is false. (Signed) F. M. Rear
don, Brig. Gen'l.
Gov. Adams also received a second
dispatch urging him to go to Glen
wood Springe.
fatal railroad accident.
Denver, Aug. 25. The eastbound
Union Pacific express was ditched in
the creek ten miles east of this city,
this morning. Engineer Masterson
was killed. No passengers were hurt
London, Aug. 25. All the Parnell
ites will return to London to-day to
be in readiness for the debate this
evening. Notice wa3 given by Glad
stone in the house of commons of a
resolution that an humble address be
presented representing that the vice
roy of Ireland has proclaimed the na
tional league a dangerous associa
tion, that no information had been
furnished parliament to justify it,
by virtue of which her majesty's sub
jects are to be rendered liable to be
punished a3 criminals, without jury
inquiring into the naturo of their
acts, and that this house in the ab
sence of such information, prays that
said proclamation shall not continue
in force as to the association named
and described therein.
San Fraxcisoo, Aug. 25. Wheat,
seller 1887, dropped to S1.30 this
morning, a decline of 5 cents from
yesterday. Trading light, with little
outward excitement Barley, seller
18S7, was 97 cents.
San Francisco, Aug. 25. Latest
reports from Oakland this afternoon
state that Governor Bartlett is much
better. The paralysis is leaving him.
His mind is clear, his speech improv
ing, and his physician, Dr. Buckel,
has hopes of his ultimate recovery.
HARRi3BURa,Pa., Aug. 25. Simeon
B. Chase was to-day nominated by
the prohibition convention by ac
clamation for supreme judge and
Capt D. O. Irish for stato treasurer.
Whitehall, N. Y., Aug. 25. Judge
Potter has granted n stay of proceed
ings in the Sharpo case.
The Latest and Greatest DiscoTerjr.
FIGS, A crvstalized fruit cathartic.
A discovery of the greatest interest
to the Medical Profession. A boon
to every household. A most delicious
laxative or purgative prepared from
fruits and vegetables. So perfectly
harmless that they may be adminis
tered with entire safety to an infant.
So efficacious to adults that a single
dose will prove their value, and so
elegant a preparation that it needs
only to be presented to the public
to become a necessity in every
household throughout the land.
For liver complaints, habitual con
stipation, indigestion, dyspepsia and
piles, they aro a specific To trav
elers by sea and land they will be
found invaluable; they are positive
ly unfailing in their action, and this
is the only medicine ever offered to
the public that is acceptable to the
taste, and so pleasant that children
will eat the figs as eagerly as candy.
For sale by every DraggiBt through
out the world. Price, 25 cents a box.
J. J. Mack & Co., drop's, 9 and 11
Front street, San Francisco, Cal.
For the very bast pictures go to II. S.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
To make room for our fall stock, we
will for the next ten days sell our babj
carriages at actual coat.
Griffin & Reed.
Have you seen the quantity ol big
packages of Dry Goods and Clothing
leaving the Low Price Store'.' Prices
are the cause of it
Piivate Rooms.
The best oysters in any style at
Do You Want YourFlue Cleaned
If you do T. Clifton will do the job
neat and cheap. Leave orders at Asto
rian office.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
Some Fine Photographs.
Bert Towne, the artist of Portland,
here a few weeks since with the Fish
Commission, under appointment from
Major Jones, at which time several
views were taken of scenes on "the Co
lumbia, lie has sent a full set of these
to the Occident, and duplicates may be
obtained of Mr. Megler. They are real-
Jy nne pictures of the .bower Columbia.
Meals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant next to Foard &
Fine Goods.
Thos. Mairs, the Merchant Tailor, has
just received the first installment of his
fall stock. Call and seesome fine goods.
Upper Astoria Stage L.ine.
Orders left at Edgar's cigar store or
Foard & Stokes' for the Upper Astoria
stage lino will receive prompt attention.
. DamantBros.
. Alt There!!
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, nnj' part
of the city: $2JjO a gallon.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Major T. Jv Blakeny goes to the
cape this morning.
Mr. J. T. Munday returned to the
city yesterday afternoon.
Geo. Gore, who was seized with
paralvsis last Monday, and taken to
the hospital, is no better.
Lieut Piatt, of the U. S. coast snr-
vev. is in the city. He is engaged in
making a chart of the harbor and
city front; the last time this was
done was in 1S6S. Upon the coaiple
tion of the work, which will be done
in the most thorough manner, a new
chart will be issued from the govern
ment office.
In Brief. Ami to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good naturo.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of tho most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, lato
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American people a
nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has
done a wonderful work iu reforming
this sad business - and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Remember: No happiness without
health. But Green's August 1'lower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-five cents.
A Yoniiz Lady's Hide on a, Tom Cod.
A young man had been out in tho
forenoon and had caught an enor
mous torn cod, weighing probably 30
pounds, which ho had placed in a
large - hogshead and so kept alive.
When the party went into the water
the young man harnessed up the cod
with stout twino and placed him in
tho water. He had a great deal of
sport, and finally, after a great deal
of persuasion, allowed tho young lady
to try his sea horse. A life preserver
was procured and fastened on her,
and she grasped tho reins holding
tho largo cod. All was soon put iu
readiness, nud the fish, without the
least persuasion, started on a gait
that would have made a locomotive
turn green with envy. "When she
had gone out far enough and thought
it time enough to return she endeav
ored to regulate the steed's course,
but alas to no avail. After some
speculation she rapidly camo to
the conclusion that it would
bo much belter to drop the
reins and lose the cod than to get
lost herself. In attempting to drop
the Hue it caught in one of the lower
buttons of her dress, and, in endeav
oring to unfasten it, it became eu
tagled abont her legs. Meanwhile
the cod was rushing wildly out to sea.
This state of affairs continued for
nearly fifteen minutes, until some ono
recognized her dauger and Btarted in
her wake with a sailboat The ex
hausted cod soon became tired of his
race and concluded to stop for breath,
and the terribly frightened lady was
rescued, and fainted in the boat Re
storatives were applied and she was
soon able lo tell the story of her ad
venture. -'1 J'ffllS.
A Word to tho "Wise,
To-day Carl Adler will lake down the
clock in front of the Crystal Palace. No
doubt it will be missed, but you will
miss a good deal more if you don't se
cure some of the great bargains we are
now oJIering at the Crystal Palace. We
will commence to pack up shortly, but
we have a large lot of goods which we
can not pack and as we intend going
into different lines we can save you 50
per cent on Books, Stationerj, Baby
Carriages, Musical Instruments, Pic
ture Frames, Glassware, Silverware,
Clocks and u thousand other articles
which you will have use for. Remem
ber you can now secure bargains; when
wc are gone it will betoolatcand you'll
never get goods at such low figures in
Astoria again after we have removed
The Crystal Palace.
How to Keep Comfortable.
Well, having got the women and chil
dren in tho country, what is tho best
thing for the men to do?
To the man who is ablo to send his wife
and children to tho country, tho con
veniences of bathing are ordinarily ac
cessible. Let him take a bottle of good
size and pat into it an ounce of camphor,
a cap of sea salt. There are two ways of
getting sea salt. You can go to the
druggist and pay 4 for a hundred
pounds, or you can go to tho butcher's
and bay the same thing at forty cents a
bushel, tho only difference between the
purchases being that tho druggist sends
it home in a nice, pretty box, while tho
butcher very likely would send it down in
a bag. However, fill tho bottlo with hot
water, let it stand until it cools; buy a
fair-sized sponge. When you get up in
the morning pat in a pint glass of water
half a capful of this concoction, well
shaken, and sponge yourself thoroughly,
and you will be amazed to see what a
dirty creature you are. I know a man
about my size who went tho other day to
a Turkish bath was rubbed and scrubbed
and turned out with apparent neatness,
if not dispatch. On retiring an hoar
later ho sponged himself with my eau
sedatlf, and when ho got through the
water was blacker than his boot. The
ammonia cleanses the skin, the camphor
strengthens the nerves, and tho ssa salt
freshens you up generally. As hearty a
breakfast as can be enjoyably enten
should bo taken, and iced water very
sparingly indulged in. Then go to work.
Boston Globe.
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris," Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Sir. J. E. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head: everybody
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Lire Pills; by the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in ilesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this threat Discovery
for Consumption free at V. E. Dement
& Co.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
IHiHIlfllflHiflHBiilSiSs - -SSiiiBv'j
HiiiiiiiilHH ,.5a iVH''
i TT
There nrc many reasons ivliy you
alisultl tlo your trading vifh me:
I now carry an Immense Stock of Goods,
and because I do, without any doubt,
give more in return for your money
than -any other house in Astoria..
At least call on me and see whether I
do all 1 claim; and you should for
your own benefit trade with a live
merchant who is anxious, to please
you, so as to secure your custom. .
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
-Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets;"whe're
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,'
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
Leading House of the City.
We are
We are
We are
Doing Business for Fun!
Wa are making money
-But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
Boys' Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.