The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 25, 1887, Image 3

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THUIWDA.Y -..AUGUST 25. 1587
The Miles goes to
Grav's Harbor
The Gray's harbor trade assumes
unusual proportions this fall.
Riley and Harrison have started
broom factory at Tongue Point.
Who is the present owner of
Astoria street railway franchise?
Select Knights of A. O. U. w. meet
to-night: A full attendance is re
quested. Capt J. G. Hustler, school clerk
district No. 1 gives notice regarding
school taxes.,
H. --Wise -directs attention to his
stock of goods and the inducements
he offers purchasers.
Peter Johnson, the five-year-old son
of John Johnson, fell last Tuesday
afternoon, breaking his right arm.
The two-year-old boy of Alex. Gil
bert fell out of his buggy yesterday
morning and dislocated his right
The Columbia sailed yesterday.
She took 803 cs salmon and 1,5G0
bundles shooks. The State is due
this morning.
The lumber business on the river
and the sound is only limited this
season by the inability to get suffi
cient vessels to deliver it.
"Follow the crowd" is a good
motto, especially when the jcrowd is
going to 0. H. Cooper's to select
clothing from his large assortment.
If you have any trade dolla'rs ox
change them for standard dollars be
fore next Thursday. After that -they
are only worth their weight as silver
Mrs. Bitterling, a resident of Chad
well, died in child birth at that place
at ago o'olook last Monday afternoon.
She leaves a husband and six small
Co."H.' officered by Capt. A. E.
Shaw, and Lieuts. Shute and Tarbell,
had a drill last evening m which they
displayed their usual proficiency and
evidence of careful drill.
The excursion of the Methodist and
Baptist Sunday schools on the Elec
tric yesterday resulted in a pleasant
trip and an enjoyable day to old and
young, the company arriving back at
seven o'clock last evening.
Three car loads of watermelons
came from southern Oregon yester
poon. Astoria is a great
igmot i
watermelons, as tuey can
here without the slightest
injurious results.
The four-year-old son of Wm.
Allen, proprietor of the Parker
House, fell from broken planking into
the water below, and only by the
most prompt and strenuous exertions
was the little fellow saved, yesterday
Now is a good time to get in and
secure a little slice of real estate be
before the jump in prices. There are
times in a man's life when ho can't
make any money, but one of the times
ianot just before the chance comes
for judicious investment.
H.E.Coonley, of SanDiego, arrived
here last Friday and on Sunday ho
and Miss'Ger trade A. Bullard, of Pa--cifio
county, were united in the bonds
of matrimony. The young couple
left on the Columbia yesterday for
their southern California home.
The president and secretary of the
chamber of commerce yesterday sent
to Brig.-Gen. Greely, chief of the U.
S. signal service, a communication
setting forth in fitting terms the
necessity for prompt communication
with the Cape Hancock station, Mind
directing his attention to the present
useless condition of the Columbia
river cable.
At a meeting of the chamber of
commerce last Monday evening a let
ter was read from a resident of San
Francisco saying that if a cash bonus
of 3150,000 was raised and the fact
communicated to New York city resi
dents that it would insure the build
ing of a railroad to Astoria to con
nect with one of the railroads running
into Portland, in one year's time.
A good advertisement in a newspa
pecrthat has some considerable circu
lation pays no fare on railroads or
steamboats; costs nothing for hotel
bills;' gives away no boxes of cigars
to customers, or merino uresses to
customers' wives; drinks no whisky
under the head of traveling expenses;
but it goes at once and all the time
about its business, free of expense.
To-day's Oregonian contains an ar
ticle on the timber lands in this vi
cinity, treating on an important item
in our wealth. The want of accurate
information on this matter has im
pelled some of our public spirited cit
izens to get together statistics now in
progress, to place where it will do the
most good regarding the extent and
value of the timber of Clatsop county.
Burke and Erb, confined in the
oouutyiail, were found last Monday
toiave an iron bolt in their posses
sion and to have pried up two bolts
in arf attempt at freedom. The "Ore
gon boots" that they, carry would
have kept them from going very fast
or very far if they had got out, but
they keep right on damaging the
dbunty property to their limited ex
tent It is said that nearly all the women
of the Salvation Army have a heart
worked in India ink upon the right
ghonlder. In- case any one of them
a taken sick or dies away from
home, or in a foreign country, the
sign of the heart will entitle her to
care or a suitable burial at the ex
pense of the organization, no matter
whether she is or is not in good
Second lieutenant James A.Swift,
of the signal corps, recently assigned
to the charge of all United States
military telegraph lines transacting
commercial business of the Pacific
coast, with his station at Ashland, Or.,
will go on duty on the 5th pros. It
is thought that soon after that date
he will visit Astoria with a view to
looking into the matter of the broken
cable between here and Ft. Cauby
and see if the break is irretrievable.
The Clatsop Mill Co.'s new vessel
will be launched from her ways in front
of the Astoria Iron works at six o'clock
this evening. She was built by Joe
Leathers and has been praised by all
who have seen her. She is 68 feet
long, 16) ft. beam and will draw
about 5 feet Her machinery is all in
her and she will receive finishing
touches after she gets in the water.
The mill company will use her for
towing logs, etc. She will be called
the Tonquin.
The opium law sets forth that a
physician prescribing opinm to a pa
tient shall keep a record book of
each prescription, when and to whom
and how much and what for. As it
is contrary to all accepted tenets of
medical ethics for a physician to di
vulge professional secrets, it is not
improbable that a test case will be
made as to the ability of a statute to
compel a medical attendant to tell on
demand who he prescribed opium to
and for what complaint.
The committee on fire .and water,
chief engineer Worsley and engineers
Scott and Hare of No. 1 and No. 2,
examined the new boiler of the Araos
keag yesterday, SupL John Fox, of
the Astoria Iron Works, having noti
fied them that she was ready for in
spection. A pressure of d20 lbs.
steam was given and the test was
pronounced satisfactory. She was
accepted by the inspectors, and
housed, and Astoria No. One's en
gine, after an absence from the build
ing of three months, is again in
Going to Samlsli.
The steamer May Queen will leave
Yesler's wharf this morning at 9
o'clock with the crew, fixtures and
machinery for the canuery to be es
tablished on the -Samish by Messrs.
Hanford & Co., of this city. The can
nery will not be on the river, but on
an island near the month of the river.
A small plant will be put in just as an
experiment, and if it proves success
ful, a larger and better plant will bo
put in next season. Mr. Lord, who
has been engaged in canning on the
Columbia since 1875, is the managing
partner in the enterprise and will
have charge of it. Chinamen will be
employed inside the cannery. Seat
tle Post-intelligenccr, 21.
A AFortl to llie TFisc,
To-day Carl Adler will take down the
clock in front of trie Crystal Palace. No
doubt it will bo missed, but you will
miss a good deal more if you don't se
cure somo of the great bargains we are
now offering at the Crystal Palace. Ve
will commence to pack up shortly, but
we have a large lot of goods which wo
can not pack aud as we intend going
into different lines we can save you 50
per cent, on Books, btationciy. Baby
Carriages, Musical Instruments, Pic
ture Frames, Glassware, isilverwaic,
Clocks and a thousand other articles
which you will have use for. Remem
ber you can now secure bargains; when
we are gone it win octoo laieanu you ii
never get goods at such low figures in
Astoria again after we have removed
The Crystal Palace.
Lebart & Starks' Piano Method, used
by the best music teachers, only $1.50
per copy, at tle Crjstal P.ilace; regular
price, $3.00.
A middle-aged woman to do plain
cooking; wages, $23 per month. A
good home for a contented person. For
information, apply to
Foard & Stokizs.
Gambriiiij.s Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Upper Astoria Stage L.I110.
Orders left at Edgar's cigar store or
Foard & Stokes' for the Upper Astoria
stage line willi eceive prompt attention.
For the very best pictures go to II. S.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Galley.
To make room for our fall stock, we
will for the next ten days sell our baby
carriages at actual cost.
Griffin & Reed.
Havo you seen the quantity ot big
packages of Dry Goods and Clothing
leaving the Low Price Store4.' Prices
are the cause of ft.
Private Rooms.
The best
oysters in any stylo at
Dol'ou AVaut YourFIue Cleaned
' If you do T. Clifton will do the job
neat and cheap. Leave orders at Asto
RiANollice. The finest and nicest steak to be had
Soirie Fine Pliotograplis.
Bert Towne, the artist of Portland,
here a few weeks since with the Fish
Commission, under appointment from
Maior Jones, at which time several
views were taken of scenes on the Co
lumbia. He has sent a full set of these
to the Occident, and duplicates may be
obtained of Mr. Megler. They are real
ly fine pictures of the Lower Columbia.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup'of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Meals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Washington, Aug. 24. President
Cleveland replies to the charge of the
New York World that he was not
supporting the Pacific railway com
mission, by producing a dispatch sent
by him to chairman Pattison author
izing the latter to emply counsel in
the proceedings against Leland Stan
London, Aug. 2-L The Telegraph
commends the American peace memo
rial and says: "There should ha no
question burning enough to justify
war between two great English
speaking nations who are of common
blood and have a common language
and literature. If the memorial
proves successful it might lead to Eu
ropean international arbitration."
London, Aug. 24. The City of
MontreaVs missing ooat has been
picked up, and seven passengers and
six of the crew were safe and well.
The rescue was made by the German
vessel Mathilde, which arrived at
Falmouth to-day.
San Francisco, Aug. 2-L Governor
Bartlett rested easy during the night,
several times he had fallen asleep;
his mind is perfectly clear; at differ
ent times he has conversed easy al
though his voice is thick, as it has
been all day. and he had difficuly in
using it. Dr. Perry and Mrs.
Dr. Buckel are still with
him. Early last evening he engaged
in giving directions as to affairs of
state and private matters, being fully
aware of the imminence of death.
Columbus Bartlett, a brother of the
governor, remained up all night. He
said the kidney complaint with
which ho had been affected so long
has been expected to result fatally,
but his brother bore up cheerfully,
although he knew death was ap
proaching. "He may die in twenty
minutes or he may live a week," con
cluded Mr. Bartlett
A reduction in rates.
San Francisco, Aug. 24. The
Southern Pacific company, in defer
ence to a suggestion of the state rail
road commissioner, has decided to
reduce the four cent per mile late to
three cents and the five cent rate to
four, and the six cent rate to five, on
all lines controlled by the Central or
Southern Pacific, This will reduce
the rate from San Francisco to Los
Angeles from $21.70 to $15; the rates
to Fresno will be reduced from S7.G0
to $3.90. It is expected that the re
duction will take place on Septem
ber 1st.
a drop in wheat.
San Francisco, Aug. 24. The
whent market dropped this morning
to SL35, a decline of 9 cents from the
close yesterday.
Albany. Or., Aug. 24. Mrs. Bodg
ers, nged 72 years, the wife of John
Bodgers, a well-to-do citizen of this
city, was run over to-day by a hotel
bus and instantly killed. The coro
ner's jury rendered a verdict of acci
dental death.
Washington, D. C, August 24.
The total amount of bonds on which
application for tho payment of ad
vance interest has been made is a
little over $01,000,000. This is a
much smaller offering than was ex
pected, and secretary Fairchild thinks
it is a sign of financial ease through
out tho country. The secretar' of
fered to advance six mouth's intercut
on the entire bonded debt, including
the bonds, of the Pacihc railroads,
with a rebate at tho rate of 2 per
cent, per annum. The applications
received are from the holders of reg
istered bonds. There are out
standing in 4 and 4 per cents,
nearly S9SS.000.000, of which
only $158,000,000 are coupon. The
amount of advance interest included
in the secretary's offer is over S22,
000.000. yet the sum applied for is
less than S3.000.000.
The secretary's offer stands until
January 1 next, but it is considered
doubtful whether individual holders
will ask for tho advance interest with
a rebate. Three mouths' interest on
the 4s will bo due September 1.
On October 1 the quarterly interest
will bo payable on the 4s. Activity
in business may induce applications
for an advance on the December and
January interest, as money could
thus be obtained from the treasury at
a very small discount.
Three Favorites
Have tho following to say of "Wis
dom's Bobertine, the great beaut ificr
and preserver of the complexien:
Pobtland, Or., Juno 4, 1837.
To 3Ir. W. M. Wisdom Dear Sir: I
have tried yonrRobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,
yours truly, Rhea.
Postlaxd. Dec, 188j.
To Mr. W. M. "Wisdem: Tho "Rober
tino you so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is the finest preparation I have ev6r
used, and is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jhanxie "Winston.
Pobtland, Or., April C, 1887.
Dear Mr. "Wisdom : I have tried your
"Robertine," and it gives me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tne complexion, Deiug uuu ui iuu ueai.
articles of the kind I have ever used. Be
lieve roe, yours sincerely,
Z. Tkkbeixt.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.,
druggists, Astoria, Oregon.
C. R. F. P. U.
There will be a meeting of the Co
lumbia River Fishermen's Protective
Union at Liberty Hall, on Friday,
the 26th insL, at seven p. m. All
members in good standing nro re
quested to attend.
A. Seafieij),
A. SutIok, Pres't
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Cerliimery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at. I. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
H. F. Beecher, of Pott Townsend,
is at tho Occident.
Brig.-Gen. J. C. Dunne, chief U. S.
engineers, is in Portland, and is ex
pected here.
Dr. Jay Tnttlo has so far improved
as to be nblo to sit up, but ho is still
unable to leave his room.
J. F. Byan was yesterday tho de
lighted recipient from his many ad
mirers of a fine silk hat that makes
up in beauty what it lacks in size.
Mr. M. J. Coonolly. representing
the carriage factory of Tom Connolly
of Dubuque, Iowa, the largest and
finest west of Chicago, was in the city
yesterday and sailed for San Francis
co on the Columbia.
Give Them
That is to say, your lungs,
your nreaiuiug mimumc
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be
there, your luugs cannot half do theii
work. And what they do, they cau
not do well.
Call it cold, congh, croup, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat and uose aud head
and lung obstructions, all are bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 73 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed yon, yon
may depend upon this for certniu.
Exploited "When lurked liy the Mule.
A remarkable case of dynamite ex
plosion is reported by Henry Simp
son, a resident of the Point Simp
son has been using dynamite for the
purpose of blowing several old stumps
out of the ground, and carelessly left
the dangerous compound lying by the
side of a stump on which he intended
to begin operations. Tho dynamite
was mixed with sawdnst and gave au
exceedingly pleasaut odor, which at
tracted the attention of two of Simp
son's hogs, which soon had converted
themselves iuto gigantic cartridges.
The stuff, when eaten, creates a pecu
liar sensation, which annoyed the
hog to such au extent that it en
tered Simpson's stables and began
rnbbiug its side against a post at tho
month of a mule's stall. The mule
remaiued passive for but a few mo
ments, when it gavo the hog a terrific
kick in the side. A tremendous ex
plosion followed, aud after the clear
ing away of the smoke aud dust, tho
hog was to be found only iu detach
ments, while an enormous aperture
marked tho spot where it had stood.
The mule had received a tremendous
shock, but was still intact. The other
hog is now running at largo, greatly
to the terror of the entire neighbor
hood. Ifrart Disease!!:
Bead the hospital reports, read tho
mortuary reports, read the medicine
publications, read the daily news
papers, and learn how wide-spread is
heart disease, how difficult of detec
tion it is to most people, how many
and how sudden are deaths it causes.
Thon read Dr. Flint's Treatise on
Heart Disease, and learn wiiat it is,
what causes it, what diseases it gives
ri-.e to, what its symptoms are, and
ami how it may be attacked. If yon
find that you have heart disease,
ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr.
Flint's Heart Bemedy. The Lrialtec
may be had on application to
J. J. MACK & CO.,
Nop. 9 and 11 Front street, S. F.
Dyins; at the Ebb of the Tide.
Within tho last five years, in a dis
trict embracing sixty square miles or
so by tho sea, I have noted the hour
and the minuto of no less than ninety-three
demises in my own immedi
ate practice, and every soul ot them
has all gone out with the tMe, save
four who died suddenh by fatal acci
dent Physician, in Medical l'n sv.
Excitement iu Toias,
Great excitement has been caused in
the vicinity of Paris. Tew. bv the re
markable recovery of Sir. .1. ft. Corlcj,
who was so helpless he could not turn
iu bed, or raise his head; everybody
said he was dying of Consumption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King'sNew Discovery
wa sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Lire Pills; bv the time he
had taken two boxes of Pills aud two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained in llesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great "Discovery
for Consumption free at W. E. Dement
& Co.
OysJr.N In Every Stjle
At the Central Restaurant, next to
Foaul& Stokes'.
A Sunny ICoom
Willi the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
AH There 1 1
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
of the city: S'2.50 a gallon.
For a Flue Disli of Ice Cream
Go to the Central Restaurant, next
Foard & Stokes'.
Fine (Sooctb.
Thos. Mairs, tho Merchant Tailor, has
just received the first installment of his
fall stock. Call and seesoma fine goods.
Wliatl Io You Think
Jell of the U. . gives you a meal for
nothing aud a glass of something to
drink? Xot much; but he elves" the
best meal and more of it than anv other
restaurant m town. 2j cents.
Ilot Cakes.
The season forthem is at hand; and
we have just received a large, consign
ment of Jfcw Orjeaiw Molasses, which
we will sell by the case or can at very
low figures. D. 1,. Reck & Sons.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Try Fabre's celebrated pau roast.
liH' am-'-'
Trmriiii 1 m "-"- - ' j-- --- -r-
Then atv. many rouions ivliy
n1iou!! do your trading ivlth me
I now carry an Immense Stock of Goods,
and because I do, without any doubt,
give more iu return for your money
than any other house in Astoria.
At least call on me and see whether!
do all 1 claim ; and you should for
your own benefit trade with a live
merchant who is anxious to please
ou, so a? to fcurc your custom.
(Opposite Star Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the. Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
select from
of TWO
All New, Stylish, and
he Leading House of
Doing Business for Fun!
Wa are
all the: time.
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair "honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck Sons.
.Boys Glothing,
perfect fitting garments.
the City. .
are not
ara not
are sot
making money