The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 20, 1887, Image 3

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    -smsjr -
?lic Sattg Jlstoriim.
A 10 U.ST 20. 1SS7
All for fan.
At the opera house to-night.
Reserved scats nt the New
Novel tv Store.
The Manzanlta is expected back
next Thursday.
The State sailed at noon yosterday.
The Columbia is due this morning.
It is thought that pile driving at
the end of the jetty will be resumed
next week.
No city or community in the north
west to-day has brighter prospects
than Astoria.
A Salem cat with one bine eye and
one yellow eye is held by its owner to
be worth $75.
Services in Congregational church
to-morrow morning and evening.
Preaching by the pastor.
The Shoalwater bay yacht club
will hold a regatta September 1st.
The prizes will amount to 150.
Reserved seats at the New York
Novelty Store for the Jolly Nash
company's performance to-night.
The Baptist and Methodist Sunday
school picnic will be some day next
week at Fort Stereus and vicinity.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will give nu entertainment next Fri
day oveniug at the Y. M. 0. A. hall.
Ilwaco is going to apply to the leg
islature this fall for a city charter
and will then have a municipal organ
ization. Several hundred Chinamen have
cleared out to various canneries on
fall contracts, and Chinatown is unus
ually quiet.
At eleven o'clock this morning B.
S. Worsley will sell an assortment of
merchandise and furniture at the res
idence of A. Miugula.
The Journal says there is more
water in the channel in Baker's bay
than there "was last year, all reports
to the contrary notwithstanding.
The A. 11. Field went to Tillamook
yesterday. Several small sail craft,
among them two fishing boats crossed
out and stood off to the south'nrd.
On the 1st of September Mr. H. S.
Rowo will be succeeded as superin
tendent of the O. R. &N. Co. in Port
land, by W. H. Holcomb, of La Crosse,
Wretched mail facilities exist be
tween hero and the northern part of
Pacific Co. It takes eight days for a
letter to come from Willapa to this
Subject for discussion at the
Methodist church to-morrow at 7:30
p. m.: The Personality and Danger of
the Devil; Is the Devil a Fallen
Subject of morning sermon in tho
Baptist church will be "Tho praying
convert; evening lecture on temper
ance, subject, 'Foundations de
stroyed." It is thought pretty certain that
Frank McDermott will get the posi
tion of inspector of boilers, recently
made vacant by tho resignation of
Jas. Lotan.
The ladies of the Astoria W. C. T.
U. aro preparing to give an ico-cream
social on Tuesday evening, August
23d. Future notice will be civen as
to the hour and place.
It is easier to develop a boom than
to manufacture one. This continues
to bo repeated because it cannot be
improved, and the force of the re
mark lies in its application.
Jno. T. Flynn, an enterprising real
estate dealer, went to San Francisco
on yesterday's steamer. He proposes
to swing through southern California
and steer some of the boom this way.
Vessels going from tho sound to
San Pedro will in future be searched
for unstamped opium, small lots of
that lethal drug having been on sev
eral occasions found in the forecastle.
The Journal hears from South
Bend that a company has been
formed to build or buy a steamboat
for the bay and that $2,800 has al
ready been subscribed for the pur
pose. Capt Sherman, of the Edith, made
a quick trip to Gray's harbor and
back, returning yesterday afternoon.
Ho reports the British ship Andora,
1,G70, 27 days from San Pedro, out
side with pilot ou board,
The Villalta, for London, has her
load of salmon, as follews: W. D.
Smith, 4,6G4 cases; Cutting, 3,000;
Astoria Packing Co., 2,930; Badollet
ic Co., 2.0UU; Wm. Hume, 3,353; J. O.
Hanthorn & Co., 1,000; total, 17,467
The Yaquina Post says: From the
formidable preparations to catch
salmon here this season, we are confi
dent the output will astonish the na
tives this fall, or else the salmon won't
put in an appearance. If they ever
come in they are goners.
The government vessel Mc Arthur
has completed the survey of tho en
trance to Shoalwater bay, and will
now work off-shore about fifteen
miles, until Gray's Harbor is reached,
which will then be snrveyed. About
the middle of October she will return
to San Francisco.
The fourth annual convention of
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tions of Oregon, "Washington terr-
tory and British Columbia will be
held in The Dalles, Sept 22ud to
23th. E. C. Frost, chairman of the
executive committee. Portland, will
give all particulars.
Capt. Charles F. yowell says work
at the Cascade locks is progressing
fairly, and as the river recedes the
force of men is increased. The em
ployes are now engaged in excavating,
cutting stone for the masonry, layiug
paving on the slope of the canal
above the lock and quarrying stone
for the concrete.
Mrs. Lilly, mother of V. TV. Lilly,
of Ch3terville, fell from the rear
Pullman car of the Northern Pacific
train twelve miles west of The Dalles
on the tb. inst. She struck on her
head and was badly stunned. She was
brought to St. Mary's hospital in
this ciiv, audslowlv sank awav, dviug
at 10:30 last night.
Fifty dollars a side was put up last
night for a race to-morrow nfternoon
by the sloops llauibhr and Uncle
Ed, over the same course sailed by
the li3hing boat race last Fourth of
July. Wallace Stuart, of the Ram
bler, bets Dau Rodway, of the Untie
Ed, that the former will beat the
latter three minutes over the course.
- ; found the leak, replaced the copper,
While engaged in painting the in- I and had gone on his northern voyage,
side of his new building, yesterday i The rumor of the loss of the Hear is
afternoon, our venerable townsman, ' therefore contradicted by the cap
Wm. II. Gray, fell from a scaffolding tarn's report.
a distance ot eigne feet, Ixactunug!
the bone in his right thigh and also
his right wrist Dm. Baker and Fnl
ton were summoned and all possible
done to alleviate his suffering. He
was resting easily yesterday owning.
,, -., , , ., . i
The ;th of September, the aumver- i
sary of Geronimo's surrender to Gou. "'
Miles., has been set as the day for ' nAVE etcluded the muoce.
presentation of a sword to him. Too ' London, Aug. 19. In the house of
sword was made by Tiffany & Co., of ( lords this afternoon lord Salisbury
New York, aud cost S1,G90. Over announced that the government had
2.0C3 people contributed from all sec-, proclaimed the Irish national league,
tions of Arizona. The presentation ; wholesale loss of life.
CJJeUVi mG at TlT"' aml- is San Francisco, Aug. 19.-The
ri2i ?nef CC:l",',!l -China steamer City of ew York rc
cver witnessed m Arizona. ,,- ,i..: .
Irouble on board the sloop Ram- i b k d m fl wer0 t aown bv
JZe-lying at Kinuoy's dock yesterday th(J c t breaking away other
aiiT??Jnllltei "l T1 TP1,-y0 boats with which they came into col-
sensible by a blow from behind. iwataVere driven into the Yangtsze
Wallace Stuart, the captain of the i ...i ..:i.i .... :. i. ..Jl
uruu, UH urrcsicu on cuciiuuiue ol
uam, charged with assault and bat-
tery, and promptly gave bail for his
appearance before justice Cleveland
at seven o clock this eveniug,
mi ir, ,..., j -n i r i known how many were drowned.
The 1 arkand will clear for Liver-, -
pool fo-dav. Her ftalmon cargo is as C0T r'KCK AMj mailT-
follews: J. O. Hanthorn & Co.. 2,000; i New Yonu, Aug. 19. Mutual dis
Badollet & Co., 2S0; Jno. A. Devlin, trict messenger Sanger returned this
3.75S; Culli'ig. 2.070; P. J. McGowau, moruiug from Europe on the steamer
4,000; Sam'l Elmore, 5,000; Fisher-. Ucrmanir, having satisfactorily de
man's Packing Co., 3,000; White Star livered the souvenirs entrnsted to
Packing Co., 1,30: Coleman Flag,
1,200; Thistle, 3,193; Pillar Rock, 300:
Scandinavian Packing Co., 1,090; Ab
erdeen, 2,500; J. G. .Megler & Co.,
3,731; total, 33,445 cases.
One of our musical contemporaries
warbles as follews: "A little green
apple hung up in a tree, calling 'John
nie, come Johnnie, come Johnnie,
come Johnnie;' and it was mod?st as
modest could be, calling 'Johnnie,
come Johnnie, come Johnnie' And
Johnnie he came in his nweet childish
way, and ate up that frnit as his own
lawful prey. Tho angels in heaven
are singing to-day, 'here's Johnnie,
here's Johnnie, here's Johnnie.' "
A story of horrible dt-pravity comes
frnm Tmiiiin. Tlnirsfnn emi'uiv. AV. I
T. A man named Lewis left his sick
wife and seven little children at a
farm house lo bring a doctor. He
went to Olympia and there got drunk
and did not return until sent for fonr
days later, when the dead and decom
posing body of his wife was found by
the ueighbors. The children were iu
a famished condition when found,
nothing to eat having been left in the
house. Two of them are not expected
to recover.
On Wednesday's overland train,
says the Telegram, arrived a Mrs.
Jane O'Mears with three children,
from Keokuk, Iowa. She came here
on a straugo mission, that is in search
of a husband who left her three
months ago, bound for Astoria, as he
claimed. Mrs. O'Mears stated that
O'Mears is the fourth husband that
left her never to return, in the past
seven years; and as she thiuks more
of the latter than the other three she
concluded to follow him. Mrs.
O'Mears looks about 45 years of age
and doesn't appear as if she had spir
it enough to tire out so many hus
bands. Over at the Seaside the other day
a lady rubbed phosphorus on her
bunion, 'presumably, to ease the
pain, and then retired to her downy
couch. Along in the night her hus
band, who was a drinking man, by
the way, thought he saw a fiery eye
looking at him. He imagined that
he saw a frightful winged monster
with one blazing eye, staring at him;
and after standing it as long as he
could.Sho decided to kill it. Slowly
he reached under the bed till he
found his bootjack, and after spitting
on his hands, he whaled away. Tho
nest moment his poor wife gave a
yell that nearly lifted him out of bed,
but when he found out th'o true state
of affairs he was immensely relieved,
even though his wife has been obliged
to walk on crutches ever since.
Char cli Fair and Sociable.
The ladies and society of the Norwe
gian Lutheran church will give a Fair
and Sociable at the Unner Astoria
church on Tuesday, the 23d inst.. begin
ning at 7:30 p.m. All are invited to at
tend. Kefreshments will ho .served
Some Fine Pliotojjraplis.
Bert Towne, the artist of Portland,
here a few weeks since with the Fish
Commission, under appointment from
Major Jones, at which time several
views were taken of scenes pn the Co
lumbia, lie has sent a full set of these
to the Occident, and duplicates may be
obtained of Mr. Megler. They are real
ly fine pictures of the Lower Columbia,
"Oity of Montreal " Totally Destroyed.
London, Aug. 19. The Inman line
steamer City of Montreal was de
stroyed by fire at sea and thirteen
persons aboard are missing. The
(Jity of Montreal left New York
August Gth for Liverpool, command
ed by Capt. Land. The news of her
destruction was learned upon the ar
rival at Quceustown this morning of
the British steamer York City, Capt
Benn commanding, which left Balti
more August 4th for London. This
steamer rescued the survivors from
the burning vessel and brought them
to Queenstown. The burning of the
steamer occurred on the 11th inst,
five days after she left New York. A
boat containing six passengers and
seven members of the crew 13 miss
ing. The occupants of this boat are
thirteen persons and are reported to
have perished. The ill-fated steamer
had 420 passengers on board.
PoRTjJAXD.;Me., Aug. 19. A letter
received a few days ago by Rev.
Father Healy, written by his brother,
Capt Healey, of the revenue steamer
Hear, announced that he had beached
his vessel, constructed a coffer-dam,
, Aug. 19. The Bank of
suspended payment this
The bank had a sub
scribed capital of ouc million of dol-
, lars, of which S22d,oSS is paid up.
cry httlo loss is anticipated by the
jiwj ui luiid uiiiiu i ici-cui aiuiui uu
- : i. ....i. .- i. .:..
Man v of them were capsized and all
wewTmore or Jes3 iujnr0(L The loS3
of life was enormous as the occurence
took place iu the night. It is not
him by manager l?'ronnian, oi tuo
Lyceum theater, for his friends in
London. Young Sanger says he had
a delightful trip and was splendidly
treated. He denies tho story of his
arrest for violating tho English post
al laws, and says that story was a
Give Them a Chance!
That is to say, yonr lungs. Also
your breathing machinery: Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thous
ands of little tubes and cavities lead
ing from them.
When these aro clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to w
i there, yonr lungs cannot half do their
rk. Ami what they do, they can
rto lV? ?"
Call it cold, cough, crotin, pneu
monia, catarrh, consumption or any of
the family of throat aud nose and head
and lung obstructions, all aro bad.
All ought to be got rid of. There is
just one sure way to get rid of them,
that is to take Boschee's German
Syrup, which any druggist will sell
you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everythiug else has failed yon, you
may depend upon this for certain.
Around the Point.
Therc is a good road from Trull iu
ger's mill skirting the shore and
around Smith's Point, and on these
pleasant days it is a favorite drive.
With a little straightening of the
crooks and a little opening toward
tho bluff it will make an excellont
road, and oue that affords a much
needed outlet Col. Taylor contem
plates some improvements in this
liuo which will be of material benefit
In tho course of an hour's drive nine
buggies and wngous were counted on
the road, and the Clatsop ferry
seemed to be doing a good business
in the way of transfer, affording
means of getting to and from the city
that are embraced by many.
The Chinese gardens on the south
side of Smith's Point are a good il
lustration of what patient industry
can do. These indefatigable folks
have taken a fertile but unpromising
looking tract, and have dammed res
ervoirs, dug ditches, and so thor
oughly cultivated the soil that they
raise 'most luxuriant crops of all
kinds of garden vegetables. They
have cleared about S2.000 off one lit
tle six acre patch of truck this sea
son, and there are four other gardens
that they are yearly enlarging and re
claiming from the stumps and fern
that cover so large a part of the tract
Unnecessary Jlisery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the niedicinesjusnally pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
aud they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
Do You Want YourFlue Cleaned
If yon do T. Clifton will do the job
neat aud cheap. Leave orders at Asto
riax office.
Mti Nun -irai n numhaf rT tinnfo
1IJU illicit ml iiuuiuat luc luna ui
And all Skin and Scalp Dis.
eases Speedily Cured by
Our Httlo son will bo fonr yoar3 of ago on
tho 123th init. In May, 1SJ1, ho was attacked
Ti-;fi n vrrv uninfal breaking out of tho skin.
AVc called in 'a physician who treated him
for about four weeks. Tho child received
Httlo or no good from tho treatment, as tho
breaking out. supposed by tho physican to bo
hives in an aggravated form, becamo larger
in blotches, and moro and nioro distressing.
Wewero frequently obliged to get up in tho
night and rub him with soda in water, strong
liniments, etc. Finally, wo called other
physicians, until no loss than six had at
tempted to euro him, all alike failing, and
tho child steadly getting worso and worso.
until about tho a)th of last July, when wo
began to give him Cuticura Kksolvknt in
ternally, and tho CuticUha, and Cuticcka
Soap externally, and by tho last of August
he was so nearly well that wo gavo him only
ono doso of tho Resolvkst about every
second day for about ten days longer, and he
lias never oecn troubled since with the hor
rible malady. In all wo used less than ono
half a bottle of Ccticura Uksolvkxt, a little
les3 than ono box of Octicura, and only ono
II. E. RYAN, Cayuga, Livingston Co., HI.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this
fourth day of January, 1SS7. C. N. COE, J. P.
Last spring I was very sick, being covered
with some kind of scrofula. Tho doctors could
notholpmc. I was advised to try tho Ctrri
ccea Kjaoi.vE.vr. 1 did so. and in a day I
grew bottor and better, until am as well as
ever. 1 thank you for it very much, and
would like t have it told to tho public.
K1)W. HOFMANN, North Attloboro, Mass.
Mr. Frank McClusky says that your Cl'ti
ci'ka Knunnins cured his boy of a skin dis
ease after several doctors had failed to
help th boy. llo spent over ono hundred
dollars with doctors. Citicuba Rfm edi ks
cured him. J- E. TIFFANTt .
Pleasant Mount, Pn.
Ccticura, the sroatskin cure, and Cl'ti
cuka Soai prepared from it, externally,
and Cuticuba KkSolvknt tho now blcod
purifier, internally, aro a positive euro for
ovcry form of slcin and blood discaso from
pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price : Ccticuua. CO
cents ; Ccticuka Soap, 25 cents ;CUTicurtA
Ur.soi.vkxt. $1.00. Prepared by Pottkk
Sciidlbr Ilcnv lo Cure Sklu Diseases."
n I RH PLUS, BIackheads,Skln RIeinklies. and
" llll lUibv humors, use CrnctntA Soap.
A Word About Catarrh.
'It is the mucous membrane, that wondpr
ful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the deli
cate tissues of the air and ford passages,
that Catarrh makes its stronghold. Once es
tablished, it eat-s into the very vital, and
renders life but a long-drawn breath of mis
ery and dlease. dulling the wse of hear
ing, trammelling the power of siH-eeh, de
.slro3 ing the faculty of .smell, tainting the
breath, ami killing the rcllntd pleasHres or
tr.sle. Insidiously, by creeping on from a
simple cold in the head, it assaults the mem
branous lining and envelopes the bones, eat
ing through the delicate coats and causing
Inflammation, sloughing and death. Noth
ing Miort of total eradication will secure
health to the patient and all alleviatives are
.simply procrastinated sufferings, leading to
a fatal termination. SAXroitn's Uadicai.
CcitK, by Inhalation and by Internal ad
ministration, has never failed ; even when
tlfr diseac has made frightful inroads on
delicate constitutions, hparing. smell and
taste hac been recouped, and the disease
thoroughly driven out."
oiu bottle of the Kaiiicai, Cuuk, one !.x
Catakkiial Solvent, and one impkovkd
Ixiialkk. neatly wrapped in one package,
with full directions ; price, S1.00.
Pottkk I)m:; & CiikmicalCoI5ostox.
uE!ii:vi:n i. or.3iii!Tr
Aching backs, hips, and sides, kid
nev and utenne pains, weakness
and infl unation. rheumatic, neural
gic, sciatic, sudden sharp and ner
vous nains.coushs. colds and strains
relieved In one minute by that new. orig
inal, elegant and infallible antidote to pain
and inflammation, the C'ullcura Antl-Pnln
Plaster. 25cts. ;5ror$l ; at all dniggLsLs
or Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston.
Geo. H. Durham returns home to
day. Prof. R. IC Warren came down
from Portland yesterday.
Miss Jennie E .Tones is in the city,
the guest of Mrs. .Tns. Fox.
Mr. W. T. Koss aud Miss Tillie
Selme were married in Portland last
Saturday. 9
T. J. Lo Berthon, of tho Hotel Ga
zette, of Portland, went to San Fran
cisco yesterday.
Jno. P. Dickinson, who has been
indisposed for some days, is again
able to attend to his official duties.
Major T. J. Blakeney, superinten
dent of the life saving service ou this
coast will arrive to-dny on the Co
lumbia. Governor Pennoyer will attend tho
centennial anniversary of the adop
tion of the constitution at Phila
delphia on tho 17th of September.
JL H. Dalton, a former Portland
newspaper man, is reported to have
struck it rich in San Dieso. Cal.,
making $150,000 in real estate specu
Deputy grand master Breuham Van
Dusen represented Temple Lodge,
No. 7, and Astoria iu general, at the
laying of tho corner stone of the stato
agricultural college at Corvallis un
der tho nuspices of the Masonio
grand lodge last Wednesday.
Greatly ExQited.
Not a few of the citizens of Astoria
have recently become greatly excited
over the astounding facts, that several
of their friends who had been pro
nounced by their physicians as incur
able and beyond all hope suffering
with that dreaded monster Consump
tion have been completely cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, the only remedy that docs
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases. Couuhs. Colds, Asthma and .Bron
chitis. Trial bottles free at W.E. De
ment & Co.'s Drug btore, large bottles Si
The best
oysters in any style at
Have you seen the quantity ot big
fiackages ot ury uoous aim uioimng
eavlng the Low Price Store? Prices
are the cause of it.
Lemon Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
For a Fine Dislt of Ice Cream
1 Go to the Central Restaurant, next to
Foard & Stokes'.
meals Coolccd to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Flue Goods.
TJios. Mairs, tho Merchant Tailor, has
just received the first installment of his
tall stock. Call arid seesome fine goods.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
coffee. ,
Mml ,tSB k!419
mm WM
- ii
The Leading House of the City.
Underwear !
Of all Colors and Grades,
Cheap, Medium
Fine Grades:
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largest,
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest.
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
We ore
W are
Doing Business for Fun!
VTe aro making money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at alow price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
. .
D. L. Beck & Sons.
Boys Clothing,
perfect fitting garments.