'""-"F ?VVr W c Snittj gurtoriw. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY .T....... AUGUST 20, 1S87 NEED OF PUSH. Ik no age o the -world's history has push iu business of ever' kind been as much needed as it is to-day. It is true all cannot get a front seat, but according to a Boston teacher of metaphysics, if you make up your mind that you will have a front seat in Hfe you will attract to you the powers that will carry you to the front seat If (in your mind) you take the back seat, you can get only the back seat The confident, determined mood of mind, steadily kept up, brings to you other confident people. Confidence 5n the business world means both cash and credit There is not half money enough in the country for doiug its daily business. What is lacking in com and bank notes is made up by men's names written on slips of paper promising to pay cer taiu sums iu a certain time. "What keeps thousands of noses on the grindstone of hard times is that they have no confidence or courage in themselves to take risks or responsi-! bilities. They keep a poorhouse in their minds, and live iu it They as pire to be only a screw in the business machine instead of striking out and making a machine of their own. Their real slavery is their own minds. They never thirk, aspire, plan, or demand in thought to be any thing but screws. They think there is no place for them at the head of the business. Their first and great step toward staying permanently at the tail of a business lies in thinking that they must remain at the tail. Because what is assured or kept steadily in thought, -always frames an outward exact like of itself in what can be seen. If you think clean clothes, you will always have clean clothes. Always aim high. A workingman ought never to look at a millionaire's palace without saying: "I am going to have a palace like that." His say ing this in dead earnest is one thought among many others which pushes him forward and into his own palace. Because it is your thought that pushes you to do things. If you arc in the apple trade and a thought suddenly comes to you that you can sell a hundred barrels of apples at a certain place, you can't stay away from that place. The idea will push you on. Beal business does not lie alone in being industrious. The goody-goody books and maxims have only told half the story about industry. A good deal depends upon what you are in dustrious about If you spend all your time in polishing pans or black ing your boots, your industry won't carry you very high. The industri ous mind in a rested body plans in an hour what brings in more money than a tin-pan polishor may earn in a year. People who work only or mostly with their bodies have as good a right as the capitalist to work with their minds. The world always wants new er things, more curious things, more improved things, more amusing things. No workman in any trade, any arts any profession, should be content with doing what some one has done before him, even though he does it well. He should aim at doiug something belter than any one has done before him. "When he can do tins, he must next push it on the world's notica Push is a talent as much as skill in any art You can commence pushing by imagining yourself as a pusher. Keep yourself before yourself in your mind as a pusher, and such frame of mind will at length make a push. There is a power in a continual imag ination of yourself in any certain character which does make you more and more like such character. Imag ine that the best belongs to you, and you will find the best coming to you. Imagine the worst, you see vourself in the poorhouse, and the poorhouse comes to you. Success, like charity, must commence at home in the mind. If now you are compelled to live in a poor room, and on poor fare, do so omy inrougn protest. Aeep your mind on the better room and better fare. Don't say, 'muI 'spose I must al ways take up with this." Say instead, "I am going to have better things than these." You are then creating for yourself strength, not weakness. You are then ever strengthening this inexplicable mental attraction which will bring these things to you. Wonderful Cures, vY-'PhJ10' P C,0-' Wholesale and Ketail Druggists of Kome. Ga., say: we have been selling Dr. King's New Discover', Electric Bitters and Buck len's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. 'There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov ery, taken In connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. LAST EVENING'S DANCE. The Mistletoe Social club had a pleasant dance at Pythian Hall last evening. Among those present were Mrs. Page, Mrs. W. K. Smith, Mrs. Stokes, Mrs. McGovern, Miss Pen noyer, Miss Mabel White, Miss Lyon berger. Miss Brockenbrough, Miss Lowell, Miss Dee Hamilton, Miss Hettie Hamilton, Miss Clara Bates, Misses Alice, Blanche and Jennie Bell, Miss Nina Eastabrook, Mita Hattie Bitely, Miss Gussie Gray, Miss Annie Pope, Messrs. F. Young, O. Heilborn, H. Brown, W. E. Talleut, W. E. Warren, M. G. Du Buisson, F. R. Stokes, ChaB. Davis, Ed. Ferguson, E. G. Rogers, Mr. Byan. S. S. Gordon, M. 0. Crosby, G. H. Tarbell, B. J. Person, M. McGov ern, L. L. Levings, J. H. Middlebrook, S. Wasserman, M. W. Gill. M t Beal Estate Agents in Los Angeles. The city is honey-combed with real estate offices. The real estate dealers far outnumber the other business men and all seem to be making money. An agent who in the present boom cannot clear from $500 to 82,000 per month from commissions alone, is not considered much of a "rustler." One peculiarity of their business is that they do not have to hunt purchasers. They rather have to guard against the crowds that rush in upon them when they have anvthinc desirable to Belt In spite of relays of clerks to work day and night making out deeds, it is often impossible to keep up, and a suspen sion of the sale is necessary for a day! or two. It has become quite common for men to wait all night in line for a chance to buy lots in tracts miles away. Their patieueff is generally well rewarded. Referring to Columbia river salmon, a Boston paper says: "This brand sold a few days ago for $1.80. Several offers have been made of $1.75 for all in the market. There is no donbt but Columbia river salmon will go to $2, delivered here. On ac count of other deficiency, some deal ers have been trying to induce their customers to take Alaska fish iu place ofthe Columbia river. The con sumption of salmon is very large in New England, and a good portion of the eastern shipments eventually find their way to Boston and vicin ity, one wholesale grocer having pur chased 17 carloads of 350 cases to be placed in this vicinity. Springfield also consumes considerable; 10 cars have been sent there; Providence has had 11 cars, and other cities and towns are supplied in like manner." The warrant issued to Adam Adam apple, deputized as a special consta ble to arrest near Clifton, Geo. Dee, et al., for alleged violation of the neutrality law regarding salmon, has not yet been returned. The deputy constable aforesaid writes to the min ions of the law that there are twenty men in that vicinity "who want to fish," and if the majesty of tho law iB to be upheld to send up from here sufficient force to overawe them. As the simple desire to fish cannot be construed as an offense, it is not probable .that the twenty whose wiBhes have so far resulted in noth ing overt will be molested. Three Favorite Have the following to say of Wis dom's Kobertine, the great beautifier and preserver of the complexien: Pobtl&nd, Or., Jnno 4, 1887. ToMr.W. M. "Wisdom-Dear Sir:-I have tried your Kobertine. It is excellent, and I shall be pleased to recommend it to all my lady friends. Believe me, yonrs truly. Rinu. PobtlajiD. Dec, 188T. To Mr. W. M. "Wisdem: Tho "Kober tine yon so kindly sent me is excellent. It is tho finest preparation I have ever used, and is n decided acquisition to every lady's toilet. Yours truly, JeAKIOK WlKSTOX. Pomxant), Or., April G, 1887. Dear Mr. "Wisdem: I have tried your "Kobertine," and it gives mo much pleasure to say that it is excellent for the complexion, being one of the best articles of the kind I have over used. Be lieve me, yours sincerely, Z. Tbebeixi. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co., druggists, Astoria, Oregon. . Upper Astoria Stage Line. Orders left at Edgar's cigar store or Foard & Stokes' for the Upper Astoria stage line will receive prompt attention. Damaxt Bros. Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast. For the best photograplis and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. Private Booms. At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par ties, etc The bfcst cooked to order. Oysters In Every Style At the Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Wliatl So You Think Jeff of the U. S. gives yon a meal for nothing and a glass of something to drink? Not much; but he gives the best meal and more of it than any other restaurant in town. 25 cents. For the very best pictures go to H. S. Shuster. Gainbrlnus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. What is better than a glass of liquor? A cup of delicious coffee at Fabro's. A Sunny Room With the comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at Holden House. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. JEFF'S United States Restaurant is the best and cheapest in Astoria. GotojcMfeferoysters, Private Rooms. The finest and nicest steak to be had in town at Fabre's. Hot CakcB. The season for them Is at hand; and we have just received a large consign ment of New Orleans Molasses, which we will sell by the case or can at wry low figures. D. L. Beck & Son . Telephone X.oIgiii;; House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 2T cts., per week S1-.0. Sew and clean. Private entrance. Ali There I! Ice cream, fine quality supplied at short notice by Frank Fabiv, any part of the city: $2.30 a gallon. , HORN". At Grays river, W.T.. August 17th, 1837, to the wire of W.C. Kessell, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. Tide Land For Sale AT A BARGAIN. THE ROBT.S.Mc Ewan land claim on Skipanon, adja cent to the Clatsop Ferry Road, containing 200 acres tide land and 103 acres up-land. Apply to WM. B. ADAIR. Agent, At Assessor's Olllce. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD. CONN., Presents to the Traveling; Public the follow ing Valuable Concessions, viz: 3 ,000 ln CSL,! ot Accidental Death $3,000 $1,000 $15.00 In case of loss of both Eyes. two entire Feet, or two entire Hands. In event of loss of nintii- tire band, or one entire foot, and Per week, as formeily, In case of a totally disabling injury. Tickets, 25c per Day. or SI.60 for Tklrty Pari, FOB SALE By GKIFP1X fc KEKI, At CITY BOOK STOttE, Iiocal AcentH. Notice. milE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF JL School DLstrict No. One will mpet at the office of the clerk on Mondav. August 22, 1S87, to equalize the tax roll ol the dis trict ior me current year. J. G. IIUSTI.EK. Clerk School DLstrict No. One. Astoria, Aug. 18. 'S7. Saturday, August 20th. THE LATEST BOOM! Standing Room Nightly ! ! JOLLY .NASH'S .XjXi For Fun Comedy Co. Will appear In the Laughable Absurdity entitled a Introducing the follow Ing Popular Ai t Ms Miss Llda Gardner, Miss Louise Kenyon, Mr. Raymon Moore, Wm. H. Arnold, Prof. E. Klckhoffer. BE MERRY! --BE WISE! MR. JOLLY JOHN NASH, Celebrated Cosmopolitan Humorist! DON'T FORGET THE DATE ! TRICES AS USUAL, Reserved seats on sale at the usual place, the New York Novelty Store. Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. AUCTION SALE. SATURDAY, Aug. 20. 1857. at 11 o'clock A.M. At Enldenee of A.MIb?bI. On Olney street, opposite D. L.Beck & Sons Under Instruction I will sell by auction : SO Three-quarter Bedsteads, 30 three-quarter spring mat treHBCB SO Pillows : Double and Single Beds. 18 Talrs Blankets : Lamps and a General As sortment of Miscellaneous Merchandise. These goods being almost new, the attention of buyers Is respectfully called to the sale. B.S.WORSLEY. Auctioneer. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Old Gold and Silver AT C. CREENBERC'S, 63 "Water St. Astoria. Lost. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT NUMBER 203, of the O. R. & N. Co. has been lost. Delivery of goods on same has been stopped. J. O. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NTJTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite City Book Store. Tie Continental townee Co, OF 1IARTFORD, Writes Accident Policies, Giving all the concessions offered by any other company. It is an OLD LINE COMPANY, And offers Security as good as can be found. Its rate In the FIRST PREFERRED CLASS It 818 per Tear for $5,000 Iasnr&Bce, Being $7.00 less than by any other Staudard Company; and $25.00 WEEKLY INDEMNITY. Other classes ln proportion. Policies written and claims adjusted by J. O. BOZORTH, Agent. Ross Opera House Dress Rehearsal WE ARE NO FOR And we are sorry it" others don't liko it: luive no time to stand on ceremony, n1 everybody lias come to the conclusion that we mem BUSIN Our Eemoval Sales Is the talk of the toAvn iinri you will he sorry it you don't lav in some bargains: after we are gone it will he too late. Goods wil ONLY A FEW The Crystal Palae, i wiimmi n ii mil inn 1 1 - --------" t n 1 tii i it --i lB W lllikklll WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DALEll IN Fine Groceries, Provisions and Mil! Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh Fruits and T7egeta"bles. Received fresh every Steamer. CITY BOOK Blank Books OP ALL Descriptions. ". ,D!CTWMfr's3?L&ZaT&3&:i siSfSEaL fviwrv z. We carry the finest line of Material MUSICAL MERCHMDISE Ail INSTRUMENTS. Agents for the Celebrated CENTURY ORGAN AN D DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CB.ZFFX2T & HEED. Strike It Ricli! -BUY YOl'K- Groceries! Provisions OF- Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to self at the very km est margin or profit while giving yon goods that arc or first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price raid ror Junk. AGENCY WDLT.Coleian&Go. OK SAX FRANCISCO. FlavePs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current Hates. Banking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JOHN F. McGOVERN, Agent. It. II. Coleman, Accountant. W. F. Armbruster Practical WATCHMAKER And X JH "WE Xi3lH WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical INSTRUMENTS Repaired on tho Shortest Notice at Ilea- Chenamus St., next to Spexarth's Gun store. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE 0 LO WEEKS MORE AT KByy STORE. BSTEf: j fichoolBooks hrrs icsiXj.! irr.v 5es&a.t ' -neKW -1-, - -' School Supplies. Writing Papers and Writing in the Cit y. MUK.SLAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in ri ,,,. fl Special Attention Clvento Filling Of Orders. A PULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Rmlding on Water Street P. O. Box 133. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON. Are You Insured? J. O. Bozorth. Writes Insurance Policies in lleliable Fire Insnrance companies that gle Absolute Protection In case of Fire. DeposM in (tap, $300,000 ASSETS, 3 5 5. 8Q1. 2 S 3. Royal, Norwich-Union and Lancashire Com bination Joint Policy. Union of San Francisco. Ger mania of New York. State Investment of California. Anglo-Net ada Assurance Corporation, MARINE .INSURANCE COTF.RED BY OUR OPEN POLICIES. Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Agents. F. K. HEAOH.Pres., J. McCRAKEN. Vice Pro J. K. KLDERKIX, LOUIS LOKWEN'BERG. . Sec j. Treasurer. The Northwest Fire & Marine lusnrunce Company, No. 5 Washington St., Portland, Or. CAPITAL, $300,000. It. Ii. BOYJE. Astoria Apent. Olllce at I. X.L. Packing Co. DIRECTORS: J. McCraken. F.K. Arnold. F. E, Beach, Frank M.Warren. O . H. Preseott. K. Egcert. J.Loeirenberg, J. K. KIdorkio, D. D, Oliphant Money to Loan on Approyed Real Estate Security. bin ullUJJlluK) . r fM- bargains in Ready 25 rYIen'sand Youths' odd suits marked down from $16 and $18 to Si I and S 13, and are ali wool desirable suits. UV carry a full line of lilaek Dre suits which are sold for the lowest cash ,iriees. Our Line of Dry Fancy Goods lb COMPLETE, Cotton. Woolen and Muslin Underwear. Shetland and Embroidered Xew nit Shawls in all colors. Ladies short Wraps, Calico Wiapners, Fancy, Gin ham and Calico Aprons, Silk Einbroidere.l stand covers. A fine lot of Embroideries just opened. We have the largest and finest lot of Silk Thread and Twist, Embroidery and knitting Silk in all shades and colors, to he found hi Astoria. W.T. M.a.:isr.A.o-:s:o... BOOTS and SHOES. Genuine English Porpoise Shoes For Gents. XXw Sa FJLH.EiJEIi, DKALEK IN Hay, Oats, ani Straw, Lime, Wood Delivered to Order. Drarlnsr, Teaming anil Express Business. TRR apply to the Captain, or to THE Str. Alaskan IlercaHer, during the Summer Season The Alaihan will leave Astoria, O.K.& N. Dock, On lVednesila)i ani Fridays at 7 A. 31. Connecting with all Alternoon Train" out or Portland, ON SUNDAY, The Alashan will leave Astoria at 4 P. 31. TROUPE & DILLINGHAM, Charterers. City Livery Stable. SIlEItMAX & WA1CI), Proprietors. Stylish Turnouts, Comfortable Carriages and Buggies By the day or hour at ery reasonable rates. Saddle Horses for Hire. Everything new and first class. Our a?m is to please our patrons. Horses Boarded by the day, week or month. Stable and olllco two doors west of Tjik Astokian olllce. -TJIE- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonds i Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All floods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Wnteli mill Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Established 1870 I. W. CASE, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Does a General Banking Business Drafts Drawn Available in any part of the World. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, .t Capt. Kogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoetne. Wagons made aDd repaired. Good work guaranteed. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET IngoftheO. F. L. and B. Association will be held on Wednesday, August 2-lth, 1S87, at 2 p. 3T., In Odd Fellows Hall, for the purpose of electing directors, and attending to such other business as may come before the meeting. A.J.MEGLER. Secretary. PIONEER 8MB Store. Made Clothing, Kia and P. J. GOODMAN. PARKER. Brici Cement, Sana aid Plaster STEAMEIl CLARA PARKER Ebcn P, Parker,Maatcr. .-l For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR- II. It. PAKKKK. BARGAINS. Business Bargains. the New Kork Novelty Store OFFERS Genuine Bargains In Books, Stationery, Fancy Hoods, and General Notions. Wo aro satistled with a small prollt over original cost, and want you to buv what you need in our line of as. It is for your Interest to do so. A full line of Novelties. Playing Cards, Blank Books, Musical Instruments, Tojs. etc. A Large Stock of Baby Carriages. THE New York Novelty Store. ASTORIA Planing Mill. HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufactures of MOLDINGS, SASH DOORS, BLINDS. RAILS, BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTSr BRACKBTS. Scroll and Turned Balustrades, Boat Material, etc, Orders solicited and Promptly attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Style.'.Quall ty and Prices. Mill and Ofllce cor. Pclk nnd Concomly streets. Astoria, Oregon. ia Iron Concomly St., Foot ot Jackson, Astoria. Or, General Hiiisis anfl Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SrECIAUY, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. , .President. J. G. Hustlek . ...Secretary. I. W. Case ...........Treasurer. John Fox . Superintendent. Boat Building. MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN building boats on the Columbia river and hundreds of fine boats of my build make my guaranteet for good work. Head quarters at the old Astoria Iron Works building, "Will build boats at any point on the Columbia river where my services may be required. "WM. HOWE. Astor Ms . -. MSM