w-- yvvj5r 2-JS -sb -l.a - rwrV r-WM " jx" .- v r-(w- jg. TV- -4- i,- d Bte Anita gMfgySmt. ASTOBIA, OBEGON: FRIDAY AUGUST 19, 1887 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE FORT OF ASTOBIA. READY FUR SEA. Glensvon, Br bk 16S0 Liverpool Aug 18 i KSSMjS 1R ITU? RIVER. 0 Hirer Indus. Br bk 1040 Vfm. U. SUrbuck.AmD Oockenaouth Br sp 1279, Arethu&a, Br bk 1199 Y&rk&nd, Br bk Ketnerby. Br sp 1W0. VUaIU. Br bk 866 uoioma, Am dc Cumbrian. Br bkl053. Meroxo, sp 11S8, Nitfl. BrKKSSO lsiaors, Br bk VESSELS OS TBB WAT. o from. Foreteii Ports, for tbe Colombia Elver Asset. Br bk 795 Newcastle A jEthelbert, Br bk?63 Newcastle A Blrmah, Br bk 812 Greenock Jose 2 Citrof York. Br. sp 1195 Liverpool May 23 City of Glasgow. Br sp 1163 Hull Deanfield. Br bk 1072 Dublin. Dultep Singh, Br spll93 Newcastle A Hornby Castle. Br ep 14S6 London Acf 10 Inchgreen. Br bk 1091 Sydney Linllthcoshire, Br sp 125 Antwerp Ophelia, Br bk 11S4 Liverpool Oban Bar. Br bk 105S Middleboro' Peeblesshire. Br bk SfO Brisbane From Americas Farts. Andora. Br sp 1670 San Pedro July 23 U. Southard Hnlbert. 1036 N Y April 11 Charlotte Croom. Br sp 1661 San Pedro Moreaty. Brsp J217 San Diego July 26 Nancy Pendelton, Am ap New York May 23. Vandaara, Br sp 2912 San Pedro a m i " TIDE TABLE JFOR A8TOBTA. AUGUST. HIGH WATER. I)W WATEB. J?'irst. Secood. First. Secoud. 0 o t; o - a 3S Si"Sa to S mS QggSla Pi a h h ft. tn. u ft. tn. ft. m, m ft. tn. ry ft, &, ft, fti 9 52a 08 1 4 10 48p 1 8 10 33 1117 036 142 2 49 350 4 41 5 31 C15 C56 735 8 13 8 51 930 10 19 11 07 025 1 39 256 4 01 4 51 11 39 II 8 20 16 12 07 1 00 2 21 332 433 529 6 18 707 752 836 9 24 13 08 0 1 -0 5 -0 9 -1 2 -13 -11 -0 7 0 1 05 1 2 19 07 10 18 11 19 12 03 0 7 1 17 2S3 353 456 547p 3 0 32 SI 27 03 0 1 -0 3 540a -0 5 23 The Hours between midmgnt and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight by p (p. M.). oft. OOm.a denotes midnight, on. 00m. v denotes noon. Tne height Is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound tags are given on tne coast aurvev charts, Columbia River Exports. SHIPITEOTS FOItEiaN. AUGUST. 18 To Liverpool per Olenavon. Salmon, 27.838 cs $1C2S9T 10Ur, 2.0C5 DD1S.................... .... 9,451 Wheat. 6.678 bus 5.009 Oil, 49,300 gals 13.000 TotaL ..$190,003 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS PARKER HOUSE. WSI. ALLEN. Prep'r. lint Class in Every Respect. Free Coaclt to the ITonso. Fresh. Oysters I In Any Style at 25cts. per Plate AT CASINO RESTAURANT. "Will also nil orders for families at quantl ties to suit, A Good Meal with Claret for S5eU Open All KIght. 21. 31. HESRA, Proprietress, OIRI8. EVENSON. F. COOK. Evenson & Cook THE On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, Board by the Day, Week or Month. Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATEB St., Opp. Foard A JStekes A FIRST GLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CI0ARS. Qoai. Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Equalization for Clatsop county will meet on Monday, August 29th, for the purpose of equalizing county assess ments for the year 1887. C.R.SORENSEN, County Assessor. Notice. A XL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTI . fled not to credit any person In my name without an order therefor from me. And all persons are hereby notified not to purchase any personal property or house hold furniture belonging to me from any person other than myself. A. F. COLVLN. Astoria, Aug, 18th, 1887. 328a C4 4 09p7C 4 14 5 V 4 47 7 5 5 12 53 532 74 023 SO G25 73 7 57 50 7 28 73 9 16 54 833 75 10 18 5 9 8 32 7 8 11 03 CC 10 23 82 11 52 7 0 11 IS 8 C --1232 75 001 87 110 79 0 51 87 147 82 1 37 85 221 84 2 23 81 3 02 86 3 14 7 5 3 43 83 408 67 427 81 5 12 6 0 5 18 7 9 633 54 6 19 7 C 8 01 54 7 28 75 920 58 842 76 10 22 62 S47 77 11 09 C 8 10 43 7 9 1151a 7 3 1132p 8 0 CENTRAL HOTEL ASTOBIAIf DIRECTORY. state orncEits. United States Senators g; $Xn Representatives Congress-Binger Hermann GoTernor...................Sylvesterl,onnoyer Governor's Secretary W. A- Munley Secretary of State G. W. McBrlde Assistant Secretary .......... B. F. Gilrner State Treasurer................... G. W. Webb Sup't Public Instruction E. B. McKlroy State Printer .F. C. Baker Clerk School Land Board .Napoleon D.ivls Sup't Insane Asylum...... .Dr. Harry Lane Sup't Penitentiary .Root. Clow ( W. T. Lord Judges Supreme Court- W. W. Thayer ( k. s. biranan Judtres Circuit Court First District L. B. Webster. Second IL 8. Bean. Third It. P. Boise. Fourth Department 1 , E. D. Shat tuck : deoartment 2. L. B. Steams. Fit th F. J.Taylor. Sixth L.Isom and G.W.Walker. seventh j . h. bim. Railroad Commissioners J. H. Slater, of LaGrande: Geo. Waggoner, of Corvalils; and J. R. 2f . Bell, of Roseburg, chief clerk. COUNTY OFFICEBS. County Judge .. . C. H. Page County Commissioners j JoSS1 Clerk ............ ....... -..C. J. Trenchard Sheriff. : w. u. jkoss Treasurer ...-...M . L Bergman Assessor...... ..-...-. U. k. sorenseu School Superintendent J. F. Page SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, Ho. 7AF.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS m first and third Tuesdays In each XX month, at 7 o'clock, r. jr., at theVA Hall In Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. uy oraer oi me - y . m. Beaver Lodge No. 35, L, O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING EV erv Thursday evening at-j 7:30 o'Ciock, at me .uoage mnm In Hflri VallniriHOll. Aetrv. ria. Sojourning members of the order in good stanamg, coraiany umieu io aueuu, By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellowfl Building, at seven p m., on the second! and fourth Mondays of each month, SoJ ournlng breth ren cordially invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. EEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. O. W. will be held in their Hall in Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. O. BROWN. Rec. CuBlnng Relief Corps No. 3, Q. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS ON THESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 P.M. By.order Mns. Jas. A. DAVIDSON, Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 :S0 o'clock, in their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially ln lted to attend. W.A.SHERMAN. K. of K. and S. Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. REQULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED nesday evening at 8 r. ai. at Pythlau Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing cordially invited to attend. By order C. C. H.E. NELSON. K. of It. and S. Select Knights of A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETING OF NORTH western Legion No. 2, will be held at their headquarters in Pythian Castle on Thursday evening of each week at 8 o'clock. Members of the Legion In good standing and visiting comrades are Invited to attend. Drill every first and third Thursday even ings of each month. By order of commander. R.L, BOYLE. Rec Scandinavian Benevolent Society. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE. ty at their rooms In Pythian building at eight o'clock p. ar.. on the second auu fourth Tuesdays of each month, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary. Clatsop Loose Ho. 113, XT. O. of H. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In lodge.room over Camahan & Co.'a store. So journing brothers invited to attend. Company H.O.N. G. REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WEDNES day evening. Regular meetings first Wednesday of eachimonth at 8 p. m A. E. SHAW, Commander. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS, SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7 y o'clock. VPersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Goo! Bread, Caie and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Broad delivered In any part of the city. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturer of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. , XL JACKSON. B. F. ALLEN PBACnCAI. GRAINER and PAINTER. BIGNPAINTING, AND GLASS SHOW CARDS. PliAIN AND DECORATIVE Paper Hanging, Frescoing, Etc. Shop on Cass St., next to Stlnson's Black smith shop, Astoria, Oregon, Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AN nual meeting of tbe stockholders of the I, X. L. Packing Co. will be held at their of fice at Upper Astoria, on Wednesday, the 8lst day of August, 1887, at one o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direc tors and transacting such other business as may come before tbe meeting. By order of the President. THOS. WILLIAMS. Secretary. Dated at Astoria, Or., Aug. I2tu, 157. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the Ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos E hate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal akino Powder Co. 106 Wall-st..N, Y. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHNKOPP. - -. - Proprietor. Patronize .Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT A8 REASONABLE A PRICE. The M Pacific Brewery Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished In Quantities to Suit. Leare orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery In Any Part of the City. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. W.Utzinger Propr. Fine Billiard Tables : Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Run In a First Class Manner. AUG. DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Coiner ot Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Liprs ai Cigars! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. Agent for the Thlngvalla Steamship Line Direct. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR Old Corner Saloon, FbJl. F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 40 Cken&BiBi Street, Aitorla, Oga. THE SUNNYSIDE, Best of Liquors and Cigars. Private Reading and Card Rooms. THOS. CRAVES, Proprietor. All the Modern Improvements. Old Olympio oppoalte Parker House. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARO LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Class. WIfl. BOCK, Proprietor. Tone Up The System. TRY THE NERVE FOOD, Manufactured and for Sale by ECaneen cfe Oo Mineral Waters, Soda Water. Dally de livery in all parts of tbe City. Office and Works on Jefferson street, west of Cass. Look Here Boys, It you want a neat fitting Suit of Clothes, goto J", 352. ROSS, Merchant Tailor. Having Just received a complete assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Something Entirely New. I am prepared to make up Suits cheaper inan tne cueapesc Give me a call and be convinced that I mean what I say. J. E ROSS, Corner Sguexaoqua and Hamilton, streets, east of O. H, Cooper's. Oomments on the Oruiser Awards- New York, Aug. 17. Con cerning the awards of the new cruiser, the 3 fail a)id JExjyresi says: It is sound policy to en courage ship building on the Pa cific coast. That coast is only a little less important than the At lantic seaboard, and it must be protected. "War ships must bo stationed there, and there is every reason why those destined for service in the Pacific should be built in the ship yards of Califor nia and Oregon. The president and seeretary have made a wise decision in awarding one contract to the Union Iron works. It is a decision which speaks for itself, and there would have been no de fense for another. The awards assure us of five good ships, and it really looks at last as though we are about to have a first-class navy. New York, Aug. 17. The Sun's editorial says: The decision of president Cleveland to award the contract for building one of the new cruisers to tbe Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, notwithstanding the fact that the bid of William Cramp & Sons was $18,000 lower, is perfectly right and just. There is a consideration which has not been mentioned either by the secretary of the navy or the president. One of the new cruisers should be, and no doubt will be permanently employed in the Pacific. The cost of coal and other expenses needed to carry the vessel from the Atlantic port around Cape Horn, would proba bly exceed $18,000. It is econo my to build in San Francisco. Besides, this award will greatly strengthen the Democratic party in the Pacific States. New York, Aug. 17. The Star editorial says: The order of the president, in awarding the contracts for building the cruisers and gunboats, will give great sat isfaction on the Pacific coast and will displease no one in any sec tion of the country. ZK nrnvV Blood Elixir is the nAs,V X9 only Blood Remedy guaranteod. It is a positive euro for Ulcers, Eruptions, or SypbiliticPois oning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neu ralgic pains. VTq guarantee it. J. W. Conu. The party of government engin eers who have been operating on the river, removing snags, etc., finished their work and departed on the Miles Tuesday, says the Chehalis Viilette. "While their operations have not been as thor ough as might have been desired, in consequence of the small amount of money at their disposal, yet they have succeeded in doing considerable good, and removed several very serious obstructions to navigation. The real value of their work, however, will not be known until high water has swept ihe river clear of the debris which they may have loosened. tvVVW Of the good things of vmvYV3 this life aro sorrowful ly let alone on account of. Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipa tion; sold on a positivo guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by J. Tff. Conn. The interest-bearing debt is now reduced to $1,001,976,850, ex clusive of bonds of the Pacific railroads, which were not reck oned as a public debt in 1865, when the interest-bearing indebt edness was at its maximum, name ly, $2,381,530,295. Then it was $67.61 for every inhabitant, taking the treasury estimate of popula tion; now it is only $16.24. Ca ftUdto, gs"s is corn- plaint of thousands sufferincr from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you over try Acker's English Rom edy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a posi tive guarantee at 10c.. 50c J. W. Conn. Lewis Thompson shot a seagull a few days ago on the Boise river. Being a taxidermist, he has pre served it as a specimen, says a Boise paper. "What could be the cause of this aquatic bird's leaving its native home and wandering some 600 miles inland? Perhaps it was in the habit of visiting this region in its youtful days, when this country was covered by an arm of the sea. ftfvwo Tu0 Children. They are -'iJ' especially liable to sud den Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. "We guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by J. "W. Conn. Boats Repaired. ANY ONE WANTING FISHING BOATS or other Boats Repaired can get good work done at R. M. Leathers boat shop, over Arndt & Ferchsn's ; foot of Lafayette street, HEART REMEDY ft I? SniftlftA to neglcc ecy ot tho many lvV3"1"1."" formaofheartdlscsse, though tcaay do bo from Ignorance Read Dr. Flint's Sre&tiso on Heart Disease, acd if yon havo say evoptcma therein ee5 forth, Uie Da. Fust's IlBiRTRsasar. 2S5HS2SJ Is a medidno which has boca lounrt particularly efficacious in coses Of Scv Elckr s, m it at ccco Btopa tho terribta vomit. Inz, throbbing in tho toadies, and enables th? p&tknt to Eccuro reposa Tafrff if lit Tfme "A"nsia wco'prson trheso counteaaacoTs &nxiou3,&ndv;bc ios Jcct to epeUa of falntncs, laliablo to est u Death from heart disease. Let him fckc Io. FLCfi'a HiiBtRaapT bef aro it 13 too late. HftBBMiTFIGS; Foa ladies and children whesa BS!o cannck be offended with Impunity, HAMBURG! FIG3 form a rcaedv fo? v constipation. Indigestion, plica and '" liver complaint3 which Is as Disattrri to take as it la effective Inusc 25cta. These Remodiea aro for sale by all Druggists. J. J. MACK &. CO., Prop're, &13 F&A3CISC0, CAL. MAKKETS. Washington Market. 31alu Sir? cl, Astoria, Oregon. ItEIMJJIAX A- CO. I KOlMtlllTOKit UESrECTFULI.Y'CALL TllK ATTF.N JX tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market wilt always besupplled with a FULL VARIETY AND Iil'JT QUALITY' FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 Which will be sold at lowest rate.s, whole sale and retail. "Special attention given to supplying jhlns. THE Roadway Market. P. O. HARA, Proprietor. Fresh Meats, Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Etc. A flue Hue or Corned and Cured Meats. Special attention to Family Purchases. Two doors east of Foard & Stokes. Meat Delhcrcd in any putt of the ciiy. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fvesh and Cured Moats, "V go-taloX js , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. Ori'OStTE OCCIDENT JJOTEI., CIS MS' A aiOlS Street. Astoria, Oz. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired, Paper Hanging, Carpets Sowed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson rcets MAHTIN OLSEN. F. T. MERRILL BICYCLES, SP.I0YCL2S, ca&orlKtdllsneuts. Full Stomal 145 5th. St, P.O. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Boat Building. JOE LEATHERS Is on deck and prepared to build boats that he will guarantee as to work and dur ability. Refers to all w ho have used boats of his construction. All work guaranteed . Dissolution of Copartnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing be tween Max Ehrhardt and John P. Classen In the saloon business, in Astoria, Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Max Ehr hardt will continue the business at the same place, pay all bills against the firm and col lect all bills due the same. . JOHN P. CLASSEN. MAX EHRHARDT. Astoria, Or.. Aug. 4, 1837. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds ot woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes ueepauu AOTer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, 81.50. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of a chattel mortgage made and executed by James S. Isaacs and Chas. Da vis to and in favor of R. N. Carnahan, doing business under the firm name of 11. S. Car nahan & Co., in the city of Astoria, for the sum of scco.00 and Interest thereon from the 7th day of April, J6S7, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, together with $40 attorney fees, and costs of sale. I did on the 2d day of August. A. D.1S87. In the county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, levy upon the follow ing described property, as In said mortgage de scribed, to-wlt: Three certain Ash traps, together with all and singular the apparel, tackle, furniture and boats and all chatties pertaining thereto, situated on the Kindred Beach ot the Columbia river, in Clatsop countr. Orezon. and shall proceed to sell the same at public auction to the;hlghest bid der, lor casn at tne time 01 sase, on me nun day of August, A. D. 1887, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon bf said day, at the court house door. In the city of Astoria, to satisfy said sum of $CCO.ooand Interest there on, together with costs of sale and accruing costs. Dated at Astoria, August lltii, 1887. W, G, ROSS, d-lvr Sheriff. SlMffli ,W,flAKvNS$fc2N jn)r!. Vjfr qjg J IATDTTEnAC20JBl J.C.Trullingcr 1 TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. B, & N. CO. And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & N. Co., cai rying the V. S. nulls, Icmc Uio Cnnp.in,s Dock Kvcry ".v, ShiuI,jv excepted, a1 A. at. ThtNiNtheoiil) (IkI line, :xnd tin :i!v lint r.innin-' all Via -.ir round. TO SAN FHANGJSGO. Ihe only line r Steamships to San l":in-ci-vco. Steamers le.utt Companv'a Dock ovory fiveUas Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AT.C KIADS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. F.E.SHUTE. Ticket Aireut. E. A. NOYES. Agent. TO M FRANCISCO, GAL., BY WAY OF TIIE- ORECOH & CALIFORNIA H. R. AND CONNECTIONS. The Mt. Shasta .Eoute. Quicker in Time than any Other Route Between , Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. Ml. Daily THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. Only 20 Miles Staging BETWEEN ASni.AXI AKD COIN'S. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, BETWEEN Porllauil and Aslilnutl, Cole's anil San Francisco. FARE from Portland to Sacramento San Francisco, Limited, First class S22 Unlimited $30 Limited Emigrant ..Sltf Tl elect Ofllcc: Corner Fand Front Sta. Fortlana, Or R. KOElI LER. E. P. ROGERS. Manager. U. F. &Pass. Agt. Str. Favorite W, E. WAmtKX, Master, Will make Regular Trips Dally on the Or egon side, stopping a all Way Landings. Leariug W oods Land's Erery Jlornlngat C P 31 Returning I.enTo Astoria at 2 1. 31. Sharp, Will run twice a week to Svensen's Land Ing Tuesdays and Saturdays. For Freight or Passage apply to Captain on uoaru. To Gray's Harbor! The Steamer GEN. MILES Will leave for Gray's Harbor On the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month. For Freight or Passage apply to J. IT. . GRAY. Agent I. S. N. Co. lliaco Steam Navigation Co FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterviile, Montesano and Oiympia STEAMER iaSSL "GEN. CANBY," W.P.Whitcomb, Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M- With Oystervlllo Malls and Express dally, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, "W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec- uuu inn luuuiu j t-. m.j j uuurs iiiier arrival irom nrst trip. Fare to llwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing ticKeis neiore going on ooaru. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 p-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at me omce oi tne company, urays wnaxi, ioot oi itenion sireor. J. H.D.GRAY, Agent. The New Accommodation. STEAMER WALLTJSKI, JOHN G. BLAKE, - - - Master, Will leave .Gray's Wharf, Astoria, Every Friday Afternoon, For Young's River. Returning leave Kamm's farm Saturday, at 7 a. ar.. when tide will permit, arriving at Astoria about 9 a. m., leaving Astoria at 3 r. 31. for Kamm's farm and Young's River landings. Fare and Freight charges at living rates. For further information applv to the Cap tain on board, or to ,i. H, D. GRAY, Agent, REGULAR TRIPS. The Clatsop Ferry Boat. Summer and Fall Schedule. Week Days Leaves Astoria Landing. Adair's Landing ionium ruiiu,; S A. 31. It A. 31. 4 P, 31, S P. 31. SUNDAYS. 8 A. 3L 10 A. M. 11 A. 31. 5 P. M, K P. 31. T P. 3t. Additional trips will be made when busl nass Justifies, BIED IK T33 CRUCIBLE. About twenty years ago Z discovered a littla sore on my chcet, and tta doctors pronounced It cancer. I have tried a number of physicians, but without receiving any permanent baneflt. Among tbe number were one or two specialist. Tbe medicine they applied was llko Are to tha sore, causing Intense pain. I saw a statement in the papers telling what 3. S. 3. had done for others Blmllarly afflicted. I procured soma as once. Before I had ssed the second bottle the neighbor could nottco that my cancer was heallnsnp. Hy general health had bees bad for two or threo years I had a hactlBg cough and spit blood continually. I had ft savera pain In my breast. After talcing six bottler of S.S.S.mj cough loft mo and I grew stouter than I had been for several years. My caacer has healed over all but a little ipot about the size of a half dime, and It Is rapidly disappear in?. I would advise every one with cancer to give 3. S. S. a, fair trial. lias. KAXCY J. McCOKAUQHST. Ashe Grove, Tippecanoe Co., lad. Feb. 16, 1355. SwlftM Specific Is entirely vecetable, and seems to euro cancers by forcing out the Impa rities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DilAWER 3, ATLANTA, GA. JOHN FUSSELL. You Needn't Send to Portland. Saddles From 87 to 21 None But The Best Stock Used, Prices to Suit The Times. Main street east side, between Jefferson and Squemoqua Sts. O his tilua the Ud la the sales of that chut of remedies, and his prea slraoit universal saasfi; Uoa. MURPHY BROSj, ParU.Ter Ghiswoa the tsror ot th public sad now rials anion gr the lesiliAS M4l CinciofthaoUdcm. A. L. SMITH. Bradford. Pt. SOiaoyurargitts. friefl.( L.VV. Sold by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregon. TJPTURE olcklvand ParmaBaatU O&skd bv tha fttLnsi- TED DB. PIBOS PATIHT MAGNETIC ELASTIC TMM! The Obtoivat. and OSLTGZ3TDTKa ELEOTR1C1 TRUlt. A Perfect retainer. Kasv to wssx. Anstaaus r every case. Has cared thousands. iUtsoui S.Sena for Free Illnstrt'd PamphletNol. 7048A(yM,irro8T..8AKyA-wrgTCjpigy Cushings Court Street Assessment. NOTICE is hereby given that the as sessment made by ordinance No. 985, of the city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Ore gon, entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of. improving Cush ings Court street from West 8th to West 9th street, which oassed the common council of said city on the 26th day of July, 1887,and was approved bv the mayor of said clty on the 1st day of August, 1887, for the Improvement of Cushings Court street in said city, as laid out and re corded by J. 31. Shivery, from its Inter section with West Eighth street, to its intersection with West Ninth street in the manner provided by ordinance No. 980 of said city, entitled "an ordinance declaring the time and manner of im proving Cushings Court street from West 8th to West 9th street" which or dinance passed the common council of said city on the 2lst day of June, 1837, and was approved by the said mayor on the 28th day of June. 1887, on each of the following described lots fronting on said portion of said street, is now due and payable at the office of the city treasurer, in TJ. S. gold or silver coin, and unless paid within five days of the final publication of this notice, to-wit: Monday, August 22d, 1887. the common council will order warrants Is sued for the collection thereof. The as sessment is as follews: R. Carruthers, lot 3, block No. 118, G22 yards excavation; cost of excavation. S130.50 : cost of planking, S50.00 ; cost or sidewalk. S30.00; total cost, $230.50. John W. Welches. F. Wood, D.H. Welch and Mary I. Herren, lot No. l. block 135 ; 208 yards excavation : cost of excavation, S52.00; cost of planking, 550.00: total cost. S102.00. G. W. and S. F. Wood, lot No. 2, block No. 135; 394 yards excavation; cost of excavation, S98.50; cost of planking, $30.00 ; total cost, SW8J0. By order of the common council. Attest: T.S. JEWETT. Auditor and Police- Judge. Astoria, August 3rd, 1887. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer in HAM ABE, LEON, STEEL; Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD-STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. Willamette University. DEPARTMENTS. I-College of liberal arte. n-Colleee of medicine. Dr. E. P. Fraser, dean. Ill College of law, Judge Wm. Kamsey. dean. IV Woman's cqjlege. Mrs. C. C.-Hawley, dean. V Conservatory ot music. Z, M. Parvln, director. VI University academy. VII-Art department. Miss Marie Craig. Instructor. 360 Students. 400 Graduates. Tliirty Teachers, Day board for youneraen $1,60 per week. Ladies board In Woman's college hall, 20 with unfurnished room. First term be gins September 5. Catalogues and lnf orwa tlon sent tree. Address THOS, TA5 SCOT, President, Salem, Or, Jl TO ft DATS. rnKmOoATxaUti not torn fjLW etouStrifltare. JE3 Urdonljbyt&s lIron Cfc8icalCa:. &ncinnatl,lHpi Oalo. !j3fcT? J jyi H7 ii HaWBK&sro a m - c! Q a ' c1 . & BSaHiJ6B&u-. m