The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 19, 1887, Image 3

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x?!tc Satljj giStwtett.
A firemen's tournament will be
held at Spokane Falls October 11th
15th. The Yarkand has finished loading.
She has 33,415 cases salmon 1,075
tons and 915 tons wheat.
The Mistletoe Social Club will
have a dance at Pythian ball this
evening. Parsons furnishes the mu
sic. Beserved seats at the New York
Novelty Store for the Jolly Nash
company's performance to-morrow
Griffin & Reeil are the local agents
for the Traveler's Insurance Co., of
Hartford, a first-class accident insur
ance company.
The ShoalwaterBay Transportation
Co. is about to disincorporate. A
pro rata payment of 33 per cent, was
made on the 1st.
Capt. J. G. Hustler, clerk school
district No. One, gives notice that
the board of equalization will meet
next Monday, the 22nd inst.
Upon examining the tax roll the
county commissioners of Clarke
conuty, W. T., found that G29 names
were omitted from the roll.
The ship Oregon has been pur
chased at San Francisco by William
Mighill and others for $27,500. She
will go on the coast coal trade.
Doesn't it seem a long time since
Binger Hermann was elected to con
gress in June '86? and the congress to
which he was elected won't meet till
next December.
A memorial service was held at St.
Mary's Boman Catholic church yes
terday to the memory of the mother
of Mrs. O. Sovey and Mrs. T. W.
Eaton, of this city.
The contemplated cost of the two
three-story bricks to be erected by
Capt. Flavel on Chenamns street is
$75,000. W. H. Williams, of Port
land, is now drawing the plans.
Gov. Pennoyer has forwarded to
Bancroft & Co. the new code of state
laws compiled by W. Lair Hill, with
his certificate of approval, and the
state will purchase 10,000 copies.
A sebaceous tumor, eight inches in
diameter, the growth of twenty years,
was yesterday removed by Dr. Este3
from the vicinity of the femoral ar
tery of a Chinaman, Sing Lee, great
ly to the celestial's relief.
A Tacoma paper says another lot of
canned salmon has arrived there
from Victoria in bond for Montreal.
Instead of being shipped over the
Canadian Pacific, the shippers prefer
the Northern Pacific route. Nineteen
carloads will be shipped with this or
der. B. B. Merriwether, of Washington,
D. C, special agent of the interior
department, is visiting every county
in the state to secure the record of
marriages and divorces, as a part of
the national statistics. His work
will go back to 1867 and thus cover a
period of twenty years. Ho has a
long job.
Prof. Ii. J. Powell, late president of
the Washington territorial university,
died at Seattle last Wednesday after
noon, of cholera morbus, aged 53.
He was formerly connected with Ore
gon schools, and was for four years
Superintendent of public instruction
in this state. He leaves a wifo and
five children.
The committee on fire and water
have bought fourteen and a half tons
of eight-inch cast iron pipe at S53 a
ton, paying 768.00 therefor. The
purchase was made from Messrs Sut
ton & Beebe. The location of tho
pipe line has not yet been decided up
on. There are 50 lengths of about 12
feet each, averaging 561 lbs to tho
In the Pacific railway examination
at San Francisco last Wednesday,
the accountant of the Southern Pa
cific stated that tho construction of
the California & Oregon railroad from
Delta 101 miles to the state line had
cost the Pacific Improvement com
pany, for construction account up to
June 30. and rolling stock up to April
80, $3,188,609.
At a meeting of the Astoria cham
ber of commerce last evening it was
decided to light the room with gas,
a committee was appointed to look
into the feasibility of active move
ment in the matter of coast transpor
tation, the president and secretary
were instructed to send a communi
cation to chief sigual officer Greely
regarding the need of repair of the
Columbia river cable, and T. S. Jew
ett and F. A. Fisher were elected
Last Sunday morning, saj's the
Portland Telegram, there were six
strangers at the Calvary Presbyterian
church whoso appearance was not
particularly attractive or remarkable,
but they were more celebrated than
mere outside looks indicated. When
the collection was announced it was
stated that the entire amount would
be given to the bible society, and as
the plate was passed to the strangers
in due course each one dropped a
bright new $20 piece on it. The
good brother who passed the plate
never before had such a shock as
when he saw $120 come out of a sin
gle pew. After the service was over
it was learned that this was the Shep-
psrd party.
The inquiry into the recent collis
ion of the steamers Emma Rayward
and Fleetwood on the sound has
been terminated and the blame at
tached to Captains Hatch, Woolery
and Green. In reaching a conclusion
Capt Bryant said: "We find all par
ties to blame. C:ipt Green of the
Hay ward should have stopped his
steamer when ho saw a collision was
imminent, and the Fleetwood, in
stead of trying to cross the Hay-
icarcTs bow, should have passed her
stern on tho starboard side. Capt.
Hatch was master of the Fleetwood,
and should have taken her from tho
wharf, and then turned her over to
pilot Woolery. We have suspended
Capt. Hatch's license for 90 days,
Capt Woolery 's for 60 days and Capt.
Green's for 30 days."
In P.rief, Ami U the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe
to good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is
one of the most complicated and won
derful things in existence. It is easily
put out of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy
food, bad cookery, mental worry, late
hours, irregular habits, and many
other things which ought not to be,
have made the American
people a
nation of dj'speptics.
But Green's August Flower has
dono a wonderful work in reforming
this sad business and making the
American people so healthy that they
can enjoy their meals and be happy.
Bemembar: No happiness without
health. But Green's August Flower
brings health and happiness to tho
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy-live cents.
It Reminded II im of a Little Story.
When a fuuny story is suddenly
recalled to a man's mind by some cir
cumstance, the desire to tell it i3 sud
denly irresistible. This was peculiar
ly so of old Jimmy Crawso!. He
was going down the creek one day on
a raft, when one of the raftsmen was
struck by au oar and knocked into
the raging flood. The incident sug
gested something ludicrous to old
Jimmy, and instead of plunging in
after his comrade, he drew as near to
him as he could safely, and said:
"Your falling in there reminds me of
a little thing that occurred about
twenty years" But the man had
gone down never to rise again. Kv.
Grvntly K.eitI.
Not a few of the citizens of Astoria
have recently become gieatly excited
over the astounding facts, that several
of their ft tends who had been pro
nounced by their physicians n incur
able and "IipjoihI all hope suffering
with that dreaded monger Consump
tion hae been completely cured by
Dr. King's Xew Di&coveiy for Con
sumption, the only icmedy that does
positively cure all throat and lung dis
eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and liron
chitis. Trial bottler free at W. K. De
ment & Co.'s Drug Store, large bolt tes Si
But Don't Shove Them Down Here.
During the past day or so the city
has been overrun by a gang of beg
gars who have come here from Butte
City, Montana. They appear to bo of
a band who have no further object in
life than existing off the charity of
those with whom they come in con
tact. Shove them along, Chief, we
have enough poor of our own to sup
port News.
Three Favorites
Have the following to say of Wis
dom's Bobertine, the great beautifier
and preserver of the complexien:
Portiand, Or., June 4. 18S7.
ToMr.W. M. Wisdom-Dear Sir: I
have tried your llobertine. It is excellent,
and I shall be pleased to recommend it
to all my lady friends. Believe me,
yours truly, Rhea.
PoBTiaND. Dec, 188.1.
To Mr. "V. M. Wisdem: Tho "Rober
tine vou so kindly sent me is excellent.
It is tho finest preparation I have ever
used, nnd is a decided acquisition to
every lady's toilet. Yours truly,
Jeaxxik "Wixston.
Portiaxd, Or., April G, 1837.
Dear Sir. Wisdem: I have tried your
"Robertine." and it civas me much
pleasure to say that it is excellent for
tue complexion, oping one oi ino uust
articles of tho kind I have ever used. Re
lievo me, yours sincerely,
Z. Tbebeixi.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.,
druggists, Astoria, Oregon.
Teeth, Stumps. Snags, Teetli.
Dr. Moad, the lightning painless tooth
extractor, has taken the contract to pa e
the streets of Astoria with ivorj, and is
proceeding with great success, extract
ing every day at least a washtub full
of old worn-out grinders, which, from
all annearances. have spoiled nnny a
nice piece of pie, chewed up lots of bear
meat, venison and occasionally a yellow-legged
chicken. Dr. Moad never
fails to bring the old snags and stumps,
no matter how deeply down they may
be broken.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
AU There I!
Ice cream, fine quality supplied at
short notice by Frank Fabre, any part
ol the city: S2.50 a gallon.
Upper Astoria Singe I.iuc.
Orders left at Edgar's cigar store or
Foard & Stokes' for the Upper Astoria
stage line will receive prompt attention.
The best ,oysters in
any style at
Have vou seen the quantity ol big
packages of Dry Goods and Clothing
leaving the Low Price Store.' Prices
are the cause of it.
Lemon lec Cream at Fabre's to-day.
For a Fine Iib!i of lec Cream
Go to tho Central Restaurant. net to
Foard & Stokes'.
31cals Cooked to Order,
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Fine Goods.
Thos. Mairs, tho Merchant Tailor, has
just received the first installment of his
fall stock. Call and seesome finegoods.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
Letting the T. P. & . Company Down
New Yokk, Aug. 18. Tho elevator
in a building on Mercer street fell
this morning from the third floor to
the basement with a load of eighteen
women and girls. The safety catches
on tho elevator failed to work, and
when the conveyance crashed into the
basement the occupants had nearly
all fainted and piled on each other in
fearful confusion. Mrs. Jane Lynch,
aged 55, was crushed to death. The
elevator boy, O'Neill, had his back
broken and will die. A dozen others
are injured, but not fatally.
City, of Mexico, Aug. 18. The
strike on the Mexican Central road
seriously interferes with tho running
of trains, about fifty engineers having
left their locomotives with their fire
men. The officials of the road are
hiring all the competent men that
can be found. Freight will be kept
back from the United State3 until
the freight engines can be manned.
Syrcuse, Aug. 18. When the
united labor convention reassembled
this morning the committee on cre
dentials made a report. The com
mittee had been in session all night
and had a lively time. In most all
cases they reported in favor of set
ting aside certain delegates. This
shows that tho socialistic element re
ceived but little attention from the
a lurnnoAD accident.
AliiIaxce, Ohio, Aug. 18. The ex
press train which left Chicago yester
day afternoon on the Fort Wayne
road jumped the track thi3 morning
near here. A colored porter named
Warner crushed to death. J. L.
Mahoney of Detroit, W. H. Dennis
ten of Pittsburg, Geo. Lanson of
Washington and W. A. McCoy of
Pittsburg were seriously and perhaps
fatally wounded, the othor passengers
being badly shaken up.
Chicago, Ang. 18. The Ntic
Chatswortb special says: The coro
ner's jury have agreed on a verdict
regarding the big wreck this morn
ing, which holds Timothy Coughlin,
section foreman, to appear before the
grand jury and negatively exonerates
the railroad company. The company
is not censured for running double
headers, for lax system of track in
spection, or for anything else. The
verdict simply says the failnre to pa
trol the track for six hours before the
train came along and the habit of
burning grass close to the track
are fit subjects for criticism.
New York, Aug. 18. Jacob Shape
had a violent chill this morning. At
9 o'clock he wa3 resting quietly and
appeared better. Before 10U, how
ever, the old man had another chill.
Three physicians and all of his family
were summoned to his beside.
Dexver, Aug. 18. -The cattlemen,
who now have their herds going
north on the great cattle trail, have
decided upon a move which will face
about 50,030 head now on the trail
and drive them back into Texas.
The reason for so doing is because
there is absolutely no market for the
cattle. The meeting at which this
decision was arrived, at was held in
the rooms of the Cattle Growers asso
ciation. Of the cattlo now on the
trail 20,000 head have already entered
Wyoming and 50,000 are near the Ar
kansas river.
For fourteen years the cattlemen
have used the trail to northern mar
kets without a season's intermission,
and many millions of dollars' worth
of cattlo have passed over it.
Tho trail begins 20 miles south of
Fort Worth nnd takes a straight lino
to Wyoming, entering Colorado
near West Las Animas. The trail
was established in 1863, and tho cow
boys had to fight their way through
hostile ba-ids of Indians for the first
few years. Last year 300,000 cattle
were driven over the trail; this year
but 70,000 havo started, and two
thirds of these aro being turned back.
Fort Worth men declare the act dis
astrous, and the result of the failure
to get the cattle to market will have
the effect of putting $2,000,000 worth
of beef back into Texas, which is al
ready overstocked, thns driving prices
down to ruinous figures.
The cowboys will have to establish
packing houses to do thoir own kill
ing, and make their own shipments.
The trail has gradually been growiug
narrower, until last year it was but
three miles wide, nnd now this has
been thrown open to settlement.
Unneressary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitnal constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
tho body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take tho medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBURG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors, S. F.
Hot Calces.
The season for them is at hand; and
we have just received a large consign
ment of New Orleam Molasses, which
we will sell by the case or can at very
low figures. D. L. Beck & Soxs.
Telephone XiO'Igins House.
Best Beds in town, ltooms per night
50 and 23 cts., per week S1.30. New and
clean. Private entrance.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
pcruiniery, and toilet articles, etc-can
lie Ivought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Coi.n's dnse store, opposite OcMilr-nt
hctel, Astoria.
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Private Rooms.
F. D. Winton has been reappointed
a notary public
Mrs. H. G. Smith goes on the State
to-morrow on a visit to California.
Miss Stella Mayor, of Vancouver, is
visiting Mrs. Montieth.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wilson are in
tho city, tho gnestsof their daughter,
Mrs. P. E. Ferohen.
Sheriff Boss is busy this week in
his logging camp near Knappa, and
gets out his quota of logs with an
ease bonrof experience.
i -
Wonderful Cures,
Y. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and
Itctail Druggists of Home. Ga., say:
we have been selling Dr. King, New
Discovers', Electric Bitters and Duck
len's Arnica Salve for two years. Ilavc
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or give such universal satisfaction.
There have been some wonderful cures
effected by these medicines in this city.
Several cases of pronounced Consump
tion lia e been entirely cured by use of
a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov
ery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always.
Sold bv W. E. Dement & Co.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Iriiate Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
tly, t'tc. The best cooked to order.
Oysters In Every Style
At the Central Restaurant, next
Foard & Stokes'.
What! Io You Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives yon a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink V Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
For the very best picture go to II. S.
Gaiiibrinus Beer ,
Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
What is better than a glass of liquor?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fable's.
A Sunny itooin
With the comforts of a home, library,
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Wilson& Fisher
Ship Chandlers,
Paints. Oils, and Varnish.
Portland Boiler Mills,
Of Best Quality, and at
Candles. Smokeis' Articles, Etc.
New (Joods Received D..llv.
Opposite Oil- Jtook Stoti.
Tfce Continental Insurance Co.,
Writes Accident Policies,
UUlng all the concessions ottered by any
other company. It is an
And offers Security as good as can be found.
Its rate In the
Is SIS per Year for 35,000 Insnrtnce,
Being ST.Oo less than by any other Standard
Company ; and
Other classes in proportion. Tollcles
written and clain s adjusted by
J. O. ROZOltTH. Agent.
Van Diisen & Co.
Hardware and Ship Chandlery,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine,
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
Agricultural Implements, SciYlng
Machines, Taints, Oils,
G-rooeries, 33"to.
Tlicro is no occasion for the most fastidi
ous of onr citizens to stnd to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work
manship, and for
Xiess HfcXoxioy
By Leaving their Orders ith ME ANY. He
has just received a large stock of Goods from
the East. Fino Business Suits from 535.
Call ana See mm aad Satisfy Yourself.
pppjlppppppppppjppppv JPHPJro
PPPPJBPPPPpBfcaySflMpt k$3
The Leading House of the City.
Underwear !
Of all Colors and Grades,
Cheap, Medium
" AND-
The Reliable
(Opposite Star Market)
Mr. Cooper has just returned from the markets, where
he personally selected one of the Largest
and Finest stocks of
Men's Youths
Ever shown in Astoria.
Our Stock is the Largesi
Our Selection the Latest,
Our Prices the very Lowest,
Upwards of TWO
select from
All New, Stylish, and
We are
We aro
W aro
Doing Business for Fun
Wo are makinc money
But for quality and prices of Goods, and fair honest
dealing, we cannot be excelled in Astoria or on the river.
Then bear this fact in mind, that when you buy articles of
good quality and get honest weight, you get more value
for your money than you would at a low price if cheated
in quality or weight. Seeing is believing and if you buy
of us once you will come again.
D. L. Beck & Sons.
Boys Clothing,
-perfect fitting garments.
s 1
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